Abraham at Great Pyramid of Egypt

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this is rkx calm and we're going to go a little bit deeper into the esoterica and no known records of the Great Pyramid of Giza our focus is on Abraham this is part three of secrets of Giza Abraham is especially venerated by the Hebrews Christians and Muslims the pretty much patriarchy of three major world religions he is indirectly known by other names by the of the Persians as a raster by the Greeks Hermes and many other titles by just as many cultures his actual name Abram mu has been found in some Assyrian writings according to Smith in his Chaldean Genesis and the in the Egyptian sashanka list mentioned is made of a fortress of Abram having spent the majority of his life in kaunteya and Canaan we are not surprised to discover that Abraham's name has been found inscribed within Canaanite ration or stone tablets of the second millennium BC Abraham and his connection to the Great Pyramid and ancient Egypt is well documented in the literature of the ancient world and as the subject of the book Lost scriptures of Giza Enoch ian's mysteries of the world's oldest texts the Giza complex of the Great Pyramid in Egypt and ancient Hebraic records was called a Kazan this was the site in the books of Jasher in the book of enoch that the architect prophet Enoch himself was send into the heavens and was never seen again Abraham lived for centuries after a civilization reset popularly known as the great deluge which occurred in 20 to 39 BC he break traditional writings hold that Abraham went to Egypt and taught the astrologers and Wiseman in pharaoh's court great secrets of God hidden in the stars and celestial motions such a claim has also confirmed in the Masonic document called the wood manuscript which dates from the year 1610 the wood manuscript claims that the sciences and knowledge taught by Abraham had been derived from one of the pillars that had been discovered in the desert and that as one learned in the scribal mysteries of the Sumerians Abraham understood these writings and related them to the earliest Egyptians the pillar was one of the the pyramids covered in my new inscriptions from the pre-flood world seen by the baffled Greek and Roman historians Dai adores since travel 2000 years later the Masonic and Eagle Jones documents cited the same information however Abraham years substituted for Hermes it is clear that Abraham is the subject of the context however because the text claims the antediluvian writings were found upon excavated pillars that were translated by a minister to Osiris king of Egypt during the reign of Menace who was Nimrod according to the Assyrians Alexander Alexander II and historians identified two distinct Hermes figures the first was the builder of the pillars and the second came much later it was the second Hermes that found the pillars and translated them according to Jung bleakest who wrote that the second harm he's lived after the flood and this would no doubt be Abraham who according to the Inigo Jones document taught the ancient Egyptians the zodiac in the secrets of the Stars hieroglyphics and diverse Sciences such as further substantiated in the book of Jasher which states that in the days of Abraham the king of Egypt was Osiris the son of animal this in ancient Egypt was Mina also known as means very few Egyptologists are even aware that the first five Egyptian dynasties are Sumerian they have nothing to do with Egypt at all that's why they cannot be verified by Egyptologists Mina was Anam of Sumer the Jasher account extensively outlines Nimrods life and reign and even his personal experiences with Abram the son of one of his favored Babylonian war generals named Terra the connection between Osiris second ruler of Egypt in Nimrod of Chaldea is nothing short of astonishing but even more incredible is the evidence that this Minister - the Egyptian ruler at that time was in fact Abraham surrealists alexandrina saying contra julian wrote that long ago a powerful Chaldean visited egypt a man of immense wisdom such a historical reference would not have been recorded if this stranger had not left a powerful impact upon the Egyptian people at such a remote time in their cultures infancy many Chaldeans have visited Egypt if such an incredibly wise man of learning did visit pharaoh's court then such an event could not have remained unacknowledged inje in Egypt's own archives setting aside the apparent anachronism so prevalent in interpretations of Egyptian history we learned that an Egyptian record called the West car peppers does tell that during the reign of Khufu a foreigner visited Egypt a venerable man of 110 years aged who is believed to be able to perform miracles but was known greatly for his vast wisdom of particular fascination to the sages of pharaoh's court was the fact that this stranger to Egypt was acquainted with the mysteries of Thoth Thoth is the Egyptian Enoch Abraham was a Chaldean by birth and a seventh of the mysteries of enoch through Noah and Enochs inscriptions upon the tables kept by the Seth attacks of the flood at age 110 Abraham was living among the Philistines at the eastern borders of the land of Egypt so it is not improbable that he could have spent a considerable time translating these pillars these pyramid inscriptions at Giza for the Egyptians the Greek historian Herodotus may have inadvertently recorded this as well concerning the Pyramids at Giza Herodotus wrote that they had been built by one named Philip II on who which is merely a great title meaning native of Philly he was also called Phyllis tiss a shepherd who frequently fed his flocks near giza in civilization or barbarism by Cheikh anta Diop on page 281 we find that he wrote that Phyllis this was was the person who brought the secret of the calendar into Egypt exactly what is said of Thoth what is also said of Hermes and what is also said of Enoch the west carp a press reveals that this 110 year old man knew the Nome the chambers of thought some Egyptologists interpreted this to mean the secret chambers of the primeval sanctuary according to zecharia sitchin in the Wars of gods and men this visitor to Egypt of old claimed to know where the plans with numbers were hidden this no doubt was what Abraham found inside the primeval sanctuary or the Great Pyramid it is quite possible that he did not build these monuments was actually probable but because of his own fame he later became identified with them all of this further identifies Abraham who was a shepherd and an old man who nomads who was living in the area of the Philistine city of Guerard when he was 110 years old it is obvious that after the passage of so many years the historical accounts of different scribes and records would have become slightly confused it is not a stretch of the imagination to assume that the Egyptians would have later credited the stranger with the building of the monuments if he had been remembered as the one who had translated the mysterious writings found upon them also there is every chance that Abraham is the reason why the great pyramid complex is remembered as Giza Abraham was a Chaldean from Haran a city right next to a major city of Gozen in northern Babylonia and he later moved and lived among the Philistines in the city of Gaza which was the chief city of the Philistine pentapolis of the five Lords of the Philistines Gaza is actually pronounced gaze up and could easily be the origin of the present Giza one of the cities of the pentapolis was also called Gath which was the home of the famous giant Goliath all evidence points that the enigmatic writings of the Book of the Dead as well as some of the older biblical records in the ancient writings of many early civilizations merely borrowed their source materials from the inscriptions preserved preserved through the flood that were engraved into the faces of the Great Pyramid though Egyptologist claimed that the writings that constitute the book of the dead were so extensive that they required editing and abbreviation and the shorter works to be adequately used this appears to be the case with most of the world's oldest historical writings this is especially the case we the little-understood in mysterious ed food wall Tech's discovered in Upper Egypt to the far south of Egypt was an archive of ancient glimpses into an even earlier past that appeared to have been unique to ed food even more peculiar is that the ed the writings tell of the plans for the Great Temple that predated the other temples of Egypt that dropped out of hand in near Memphis and that input type built this edifice according to these plans Memphis is the area of the Giza Plateau only a few miles between them what's interesting is that these info records were found on the far side of Egypt to the deep south on the edges of Nubia instead of near Memphis these plans are the divine instructions received by Enoch concerning the architectural dimensions of the Great Pyramid so prevalent in the Book of Enoch it in the Book of Jasher the Ed foo inscriptions tell of a distant history of Egypt concerning the first time called zip Tepe the primordial sages primeval gods the abyssal waters of the none that existed prior to the creation of our world of alien gods before the Egyptian deities an enemy in the visit of a serpent and a great conflict that brought this earlier world to a devastating end linking these writings to the Book of the Dead and the Great Pyramid is the fact that these writings are attributed to Thoth Andrew Collins in gods of Eden Egypt's lost legacy and the genesis of civilization sites these strange writings and goes on to write that all of the inhabitants of this earlier world perished and when the world was brought back out of the darkness of ruin the world contained the ghosts of this earlier civilization the only relic to have survived this judgment was a single Jed pillar located in the field of reeds this would serve to identify the Delta Area and surrounding regions were Giza lies for the field of reeds is adjacent to the sea of reeds commonly referred to in the scripture as the Red Sea crossed by the Israelites when fleeing Egypt when Abraham traveled to Egypt he already knew what was there he knew the altar of God in Egypt and his hidden identity as the pillar of Enoch that represented the holy mountain of God and its function as a terrestrial gateway between heaven and earth and earth in the underworld underworld the entire concept was already known to him and passed to him from from his own ancestors he translated these mysteries for the Egyptians and wrote his own records as well which has been preserved in Genesis and within very obscure passages in the oldest Psalms there's every possibility that he discovered the writings the apocalypse upon the faces of the of the stones of the pyramid the revelation record as recorded by John is truly a masterpiece of ancient symbolism and extinct motifs it was written in Greek but the Greeks nor Hebrews could have understood it 2,000 years ago because the language of symbolism employed is specifically of Sumerian origin the end of the world was written in the signs mode of symbols and language of imagery that could have only been completely comprehended by those who had lived in the beginning prior to the great deluge reset' Abraham's ministry to earth Earth's earliest post-apocalyptic civilizations was no accident for the work of Abraham's translation of these holy mysteries to the world was the result of Anunnaki and prophecy foretold almost a thousand years prior to the flood in the book of the secrets of Enoch we read that after the flood shall arise another generation another generation and he who raises that generation Abraham shall reveal to them the books of thy handwriting Enochs to them to whom he must point out the guardianship of the world to the faithful men and workers of my pleasure who do not acknowledge my name in vain the early Egyptians learned through the wise Abraham the contents of the glyphic writings at Giza and he immediately incorporated these writings into their theology these translations often mean nothing to the Egyptians other than that there were divine importance and words and phrases needed in the afterlife Egyptologists admit that it was often the case that even Egyptian scribes long ago meticulously preserved hieroglyphic text even though they themselves did not quite understand the meaning of the text themselves these are descriptions were placed inside tombs upon temple walls as walk-in books walk walk in coffins on artwork on beads inside crypts on obelisks on on the faces of monuments that were erected everywhere throughout Egypt one can read The Book of the Dead which is a compilation of these texts from all over Egypt from which it has been come to be called the pepper peppers of Avani and see clearly that these writings have little if anything to do with Egypt they are full of obscure imagery like the latter of set probably set light and the pillar of Thoth that hint to an older theology when extant long prior to the traditional Egyptian Pantheon there is a mystery these writings seek to explain that involves the secrets of resurrection and the identity of the monument itself when Abraham first lot lot laid eyes on the excavations at Giza and witnessed the pyramids rising out of the sands of the desert wastes almost 4,000 years ago he knew he was looking at an earthly model of the City of God placed there by his antediluvian set by four bears it is in the New Testament book of Hebrews that we find a curious fragment that has never been adequately explained he specifically reads that Abraham did look for a city whose builder and maker was God and now we know he did this at Egypt at Giza because we have no biblical references to such a historic West by the patriarch we know that he did not look only with earthly eyes Abraham looked upon the monuments of Giza with spiritual sight that prophetically witnessed the coming of God to earth the descent of the chief Cornerstone to sit upon as a throne the monument of man every single block where presenting an immortal soul of humanity with all of this information we are confronted with mythological and symbolic imagery from post technology cultures who are conveying as best they could the amazing knowledge of a gigantic pyramid structure built in an age before a cataclysm and of a single person after that disaster who arrived in Egypt and explained this monument which he which then gave rise to the immense writings of the Book of the Dead later the Pyramid Texts the ed food text the coffin text the Vettes the Puranas and many other ancient writings they called the Great Pyramid and altar a pillar holding up the sky the ladder of set the stairway to heaven the gate of the deep the axis mundi the divine mountain at the middle of the earth our men's soul even the tree of life this man told them that the monument was not complete because the chief Cornerstone had not yet descended upon it as the learned men scattered from Egypt taking his teachings with them they returned to their own homelands and for the next five centuries empires nations city-states and even remote island communities built their own pyramids around the world and maintained them in the hope that this God would choose their altar to make his descent the law scriptures of Giza served to show how all of the oldest writings including Brahmanic are abbreviated versions of vast corpuses of ancient texts all taken from the surface stones of the Great Pyramid which explains the uncanny similarities in context in content and syntax of historical cosmologies and apocalypses from cultures thought to have never experienced contact this is rkx calm this is part 4 of the secrets of Giza part 5 is going to be going into extreme depth or going back even farther in history to the records of the pre-flood world we're going to divorce ourselves from the religious conditioning has molded many of these traditions we're going to go into the actual text and we're gonna find out what the Sumerians had to say about the Great Pyramid complex what it actually was what it actually is what it was to them the next to the next two videos concerned more in depth information then you'll probably find anywhere in YouTube videos concerning the Giza complex so controversial in fact that many of you will refuse to believe it this is rkx calm if you need gates or any windows to get more easier access to the YouTube channel just go to our case calm you'll see the link it says YouTube videos or just click on any one of my videos and subscribe and you'll have access to all of them please like please share and uh break free or die trying