Archaix for Christians: Missing Events of the Bible and How Archaix Serves to Fill Them

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foreign [Music] thank you [Applause] and we're live Let's go people about all you beautiful people doing let me pull up my chat we got our moderators in the house maccubus Pamela Swann four jacks Dawn Hart Wendy Flores Victoria Z what is up people y'all ready to work you already do some work because uh it's time for the moderators to get to work today sound check only need a couple people doing it uh what are your members at what you got your Cherokee soul is good thank you me Andrew thaw Aurora is not what you think Mr C all right let me scroll up here thirsty ogre I like it Debbie Kennedy Crow Rising SCE in there damself damselfly moldavite multifixion she's an arcades veteran man she's been around for a while yeah I just I don't know how to say that last part of her name all right let me scroll back down here let me get let me get refreshed hello gurmander remember for five months hello from London England I appreciate you we appreciate Natalie DeVries in the house all right got some announcements yeah we got to touch up on a few things let me sick how are you doing here do I need to refresh this yeah yeah I went from 290 to 7 30. all right so just a couple of uh announcements for the the Meetup uh for those of you you're tracking it it is uh closed out at 2 50 right now um and that is because we have a special Anonymous unnamed benefactor who wants to buy out some tickets which they have done and hold a drawing for some lucky uh viewers members um to have a all expenses paid trip to the archaics convention so that being said there are limited seats so if if you can afford it uh and it's not going to hurt you or set you back we'd appreciate it if you left this open to the people who weren't able to manifest the resources on their own but if you go to the Meetup page I think Cheryl is either in the process of doing it or has already done it she's going to be setting up a contest so you'll go in there uh you'll find the link she's pretty good at what she does so I'm pretty sure she'll have all the instructions you'll need to uh to enter this drawing and it will be all a travel housing accommodations everything it will be provided um the caveat of this is we have to have time to set all this up after these names are selected so you only have three days from this from the time this video ends you have three days to um enter that drawing so we can get the name selected contact all the winners and get all the travel resources and everything set up that being said if for some reason there's a hitch with setting up the the contest in the meetups link which you know what I'm gonna right now I am going to paste the uh the link for the meetups in the comments right now um moderators if you can oh Cheryl just said contest is set up Matt awesome so it's ready to go so I just posted the link there moderators if you could throughout this um this presentation during this live stream if you could every 10 minutes or so post that again I'll do it a couple of times but you have three days three days from right now so what is that Saturday Sunday so Monday Monday at around uh three o'clock we're cutting it off so good luck and we hope to see you there I'm so clueless I have no idea what's going on I just people just give me reports I don't uh me and Cheryl are like if you haven't ever heard the uh the the duck analogy like when you look at a duck floating on the water it's all smooth sailing but underneath that water those feet are just going sure will start it all there she's the first Domino she got all this big props to Cheryl she uh and she's good at this too she didn't just like Manifest this out of The Ether she's like she knows what she's doing um it's good to me I I think that's all I got man if you wanna whatever you got well tomorrow I'll be on with Tommy truthful and and donut I have never been on a podcast with these guys I have no idea what to expect uh they want to talk about the Phoenix phenomenon so you'll have that video this weekend I will provide the link in the community post to uh their channels I just did a pretty serious video on Native American spirituality and prophecy and uh it's going to be Sunday The Inspired Channel John Nolan he's gonna post that on YouTube and of course I've got several projects of my own in the mix I've I don't believe there's ever been a time where I was working on just one video so yeah I work on I'll work in pieces all piecemeal and then I get inspired and decide to finish one and go ahead and put it on YouTube yeah I don't think I have any other announcements well I got a couple of Corrections uh looks like I jumped the gun on that so uh the the deadline for the contest so it looks like Sunday at 9 00 a.m okay so Sunday at 9 A.M the contest is closed so um after this if uh if somebody wants to post it on the Facebook page if somebody wants to talk about it in the Discord uh or any of the other platforms and let everyone know this yes it is short notice we know but that's because there's limited seats and we have to have time to get it all set up and Crow Rising uh says Please join Cheryl and me tomorrow on my Channel at 6 PM eastern time oh he's interviewing Cheryl yeah all right yeah oh so lookman's getting around I've been seeing him with auto didactic and several people I think I think typical skeptic is supposed to reach out to you too so one of them that's about it I think so alrighty how many people we got in this chat let's see I got a phoenix number 828 but I haven't refreshed upon refreshing I hit 959 we're real close to a thousand okay 963. I see Karma dogs present she said present all present and accounted for all the screen behind me you see my very first published book was law scriptures of Giza it was published by booktree press in 2006 and it itself was the result of about 12 years uh 11 11 to 12 years of very intense research those of you who have read lost scriptures of Giza why don't you make a note just give a one-liner opinion about what you think about it in the in the chat right here because I know a lot of you have read this book uh I take great pride in my very first published book because my publisher specifically wanted to publish it because he is a reprint publisher and he was very familiar with my bibliography and he was shocked that my bibliography is packed with books from the 14th 15th 16th 17th and 18th and 19th centuries while bibliography was almost all pre-World War II and the type of information is uh very different than other books my publisher Paul Tyson San Diego uh was impressed with the work because I was Jose I was a prisoner and when he read my manuscript he had sent me a series of letters and in those letters he was he was very specific that he had never seen in a book he had never come across a work that had so much material with sources on the pre-flood world and on the life and on the rain and the ministry of Enoch and uh I had spent a very considerable amount of time chasing Source materials and riding people all over the world to secure copies of the books I needed to do an expert basically a thesis on who Enoch was according to different ancient cultures what he accomplished and what he left as a legacy in this world you're looking on the screen right now what what this individual he wasn't called Enoch when he was alive this was a Jewish attachment this is a rabbinical attachment to an i to someone to an identity and a personality that's far anti-dates anything in the Hebrew scriptures this goes back to to ancient times to the pre-catalism world you're looking on the screen right now at the monument that this individual who was remembered as Enoch left behind he was remembered also was Hermes he was remembered also as Inky he was a benefactor architect mathematician he was an astronomer he was basically a genius and he came here for a very specific purpose and when that purpose was complete he literally vanished no one knows what happened to him now there are records that say he disappeared up into the sky others say he disappeared in a whirlwind it doesn't really matter what does matter is this personality has been identified by many pronouns in the historical record in different civilizations have all remembered this individual in different ways and after the passage of centuries after the cataclysm we have different cultures recording him in anthropomorphic ways but those those ideas that were attached to those individuals like Thoth the Scribe of the Gods and mercury and Hermes the writer of the Gods the messenger of the Gods these ideas still attached to this personality and this is what this book is about lost scriptures of Giza I was washed in the blood of the Lamb twice by baptized a Christian and when I wrote this book and nothing has changed in my personality I still walk the walk I still do the work I just don't call myself a Christian anymore this is something you have to wrestle with because I am very comfortable with my relationship with the oversoul I have no problem with where I'm at in in the proximity of my spirituality with the Creator this is something that other individuals need to work out among themselves uh I don't care about those who judge me for not wanting to claim Christianity the Christianity of today is not what we knew 2000 years ago in the Jesus who walked this world also is only known by Jesus of late provenance his original name was not Jesus just like in Spanish his name would be Jesus in in in in in Hebrew it would have been Yeshua it doesn't matter what we call him somebody did walk the world and they accomplished great things but it was entirely spiritual the things they released into the World by what by virtue of the word are profound it changed cultures and whole civilizations and and brought new belief systems into the world this individual accomplished what they wanted to they showed there was a way in a gate and they provided a way for the exit and it's all codified in the New Testament and these codes go back to the Old Testament and over and over throughout the archaics research you guys have seen elements I have shared these just glimpses of great and very powerful truths that are layered all throughout the biblical materials but in doing this I've also had to show the dark I've also had to show what was forged I've had to reveal to you guys where some of these texts came from because they are not from the sources that modern Christianity thinks they're from but it doesn't take away from their spiritual value a Christian in Rome or in Mauritania or or in bithynia 2000 years ago or 19 centuries ago wasn't any more spiritual than somebody who was believing in the crystals or in the word made flesh in Persia believing in the logos of the gnostics believing in the word traveling through ancient Greece under a different name in the mysteries of Mithra we have the crucified God in the in the mysteries of Orpheus we have to crucified God in fact there are at least two dozen ancient crucified Gods way before Christianity came into existence but Christianity is not the origin of the faith in the word the word made flesh it is not the origin of God manifesting in the form of a man and teaching great things this has happened repetitively a benefactor has entered into this construct when he was needed and performed this multiple times the story of Jesus is the manifestation of one of those times this has happened multiple times and it's in the historical record in multiple ways and and these personality this personality this Divinity that appears and provides these teachings has done this into different cultures being called different things but the common denominators show that this was a being of love this was a being that abhorred judgment this was a being that was against the status quo this was a being who spoke in Parables this was like a Buddha all throughout the arcades research I've showed you the glimpses of the Chief Cornerstone the stone uncut by human hands the stone the builders rejected I have identified the builders I have explained to you the role of the Annunaki and the archons what ancient Babylon did in filtering all the pre-flood material into a Babylonian Semitic lens that corrupted it into a world of materialism but it wasn't like that how it rewrote the pre-flood histories to get us to believe in fables and Fantasies and mythology it is the same thing that the Roman Church the new Babylon did and from Rome the scriptures were contaminated in the original pure writings which had no no no they had no Supernatural elements the only thing Supernatural were the teachings The Parables the the literal word that came from God manifest these were the things that were very powerful these were the things that were corrupted by the church and the church couldn't did not have the power and nor was power ever granted to the world or the God of this world the demiurge call him call him what you want call him Satan Satan call him yalubois arrowman the devil whatever title you give it it doesn't matter it's still the same personality and that personality has impressed itself upon our reality in the acts of trying to dissuade people from looking at the word when I say the word I am only referring to the red letter edition of the New Testament those of you who have Bibles that separate the words of Jesus from all the extra stuff around it that's in Black letters the black letter parts were written by the church the red letter parts are ancient one of those ancient copies was in the possession of marchion a navigator 2000 almost 2 000 years ago it was originally it was originally circulated and known as the gospel of marchion in the gospel of marchion had attached to it 13 letters of somebody we believe was apollonius this came this later became abbreviated to Paul this person was what was this person was someone who promoted the I the original idea of Christianity which was the logos and the word and and the Christ consciousness but it but he never was he was never referring to an actual individual in a lot of the evidence is still preserved in the New Testament today and has not been contaminated many scholars have shown the evidence that in the New Testament we find in Paul's writings he he often speaks of Christ in Christ crucified but there are no miracles of Jesus mentioned by Christ I mean mentioned by Paul the Apostle Paul in his 13 letters record in the New Testament not once refers to a miracle of Jesus not once quotes anything Jesus ever spoke not once ever explains a virgin birth all these attachments that were added to the concept of the logos the word made flesh who walked among men and taught Divine things these are the this was the Christianity that Paul knew no Paul Paul does not cite many many things that are found in Matthew Mark Luke and John and for good reason but we don't need to go into that in this video I have an entire dark scriptures playlist that goes into that but what Paul did mention were very definitive things that are attached to the ancient Mysteries the Mysteries conveyed that we are Immortal Souls and we are passing through this world and that we are regarded we are regarded by the chief the the stone uncut by human hands we were regarded as a stone ourselves and in some ancient war some ancient languages the word m-e-n Min the root and amen means both soul and Stone in the Hermetic literature we're given an excellent picture in the shepherd of Hermes which was which was originally a hermetic text that was later christianized but it perfectly explains the role of the Chief Cornerstone and how the Chief Cornerstone super revised a project and that the souls of men were weighted against the things that they had done in their lives and some were deemed unworthy but the ones that were worthy their souls were in infused in these beautiful white stones and these Stones were incorporated into a building and this was the Monument of man and it got bigger and bigger and taller and taller until the day when it was completed and then only once it was finished once the once this Monument full of The Souls of humankind was done and every soul that was in the construction was found acceptable that's when the Chief Cornerstone descended upon the monument to complete this giant parable of rock this prophecy of rock this is what this book on the screen behind you is about out now the reason I'm going into this detail is because there has been a lot of people confused about the spirituality promoted in the archaic's paradigm I'm telling you now there is no difference in me in what I promote compared to when I wrote this book almost 17 years ago there is no difference I'm the same individual I basically have the same beliefs they've matured they've morphed a little bit but they've also become more defined and clearer I now see where the layers of deception have fooled the world into believing in a cartilized Christianity which I no longer promote I can't I have seen through the veil and I now know that the entire message of the godhead was spiritual from the beginning and a physical execution of a physical Avatar is not required for this eternal security of immortal beings they don't need anything in the Physical Realm to maintain any Integrity in the security of their immortalhood it's not necessary it never was this is the Babylonian Roman deception this is the overlaying of religiosity on top of something that was initially spiritual this is the problem I have with modern Christianity is to think that that an actual person was put on a cross and executed in this fashion and that this would have been an acceptable sacrifice to the godhead that's that's perfect that's perfect heathenism and I I'm not going I'm not going to ever accept it that's the way I used to believe but now I understand that I'm a spirit and I understand that everything in the physical world around me isn't physical at all it's actually a different mode of spirit it's Spirit vibrating in different frequencies and this is why it has different Contours and meaning to me the entire world being a spiritual construct there is there is no sacrifice necessary the things of the spirit do not require the shedding of blood so having said that this original book that has this Arcanum this fantastic information about the true meaning of the architectural project of the Great Pyramid who built it and why and the spirit the spiritual teachings that were attached to this and how this individual is either the same personality or is directly connected to the word made flesh that's this book here my next book I want to discuss right here Anunnaki Homeworld in this book I would have never been able to put together the minutia required of the research that I needed to put this book had I not had a very well-grounded understanding of the biblical chronology the unfolding of events the chronal we basically have chronal markers throughout the Bible this is what we deal with we don't have a chronology there's nowhere in the Bible that says this is a certain year and this it doesn't it doesn't work like that we are given the years between events so it falls upon us to find a single event in the in in uh secular history that can be lined up with a Biblical event because once that can happen then the entire Old Testament can be dated everything in the Old Testament going forward and backward in time can be dated once we find just one single event in secular history that is that is verifiable that overlaps with Biblical history and we find we've actually found about 11 or 12 of them now but only one is necessary a case in a case in point is way before I discovered the Phoenix phenomenon I already had the Phoenix date I didn't know that the Phoenix phenomenon began with the new heavens and the new Earth 3895 BC I didn't know that was year one of the Book of Genesis I didn't know that biblical chronologist Stephen Jones and U.S U.S intelligence cryptologist rebulay had already worked out the chronology of the ancient world and determined what year one was and determined that The Exodus was in 1447 BC I didn't know at this time when I was writing these books and doing my biblical research the Emmanuel velikoski had already determined from his own chronological research that The Exodus event in the 10 plagues was 1447 BC I had never read mellorish I had never read a lot of these authors that I'm not even citing now because I can't remember them off the top of my head but there are many many historians that have already done the chronological material and determined these dates that the great flood was 2239 BC like Stephen Jones biblical chronology which is a chronologist is published now Bruce Massey and several other people have published a scientific Consortium that met in 1998 and all these different disciplines from geologists and seismologists and anthropologists archaeologists uh ethnologists they've all came together and they and they submitted their reports and it was determined that that the common denominator in the ancient world for a fast destruction of the world a reset that that basically collapsed every known civilization at that time happened about 2240 BC this was a scientific approximate that that data has been reported since 1998 when they met and it's been published in several books it is a scientific Bullseye for the great flood I did not know that the ogaijian Deluge happened in 1687 BC and I didn't know back then that it was a phoenix date just like the flood date just like 38.95 BC day which in Genesis is the Adam and Eve story in the new heavens and the new Earth and the recreation from a prep from a previously existing world I didn't know all these things all I know is I'm reading different books and I come across a reference in Josephus where it says that Abraham was born 292 Years After the flood and I know by virtue of my own research using a calculator and the Book of jasher alone I had already determined that the great flood must have been in 2239 BC in my pyramid research studying the pyramid looking at the measurements in the pyramid was very obvious to me that these timelines were encoded in the rectilinear dimensions and measurements of the Great Pyramid at that time I had no idea that these were already well established in other published findings it wasn't an archaic what didn't even exist back then I'm just a Christian in prison and I'm being led by the spirit and I am making Discovery after discovery after discovery I am following my intuition and I am reading and absorbing all the books that came to me by virtue of benefactor from all over the world that were in contact with my publisher in different different email campaigns that school teachers and people had had involved themselves in when they saw the caliber of my research and what I was actually doing I was putting together a Illustrated history of the world charts to show everybody how easy it is to factor all these dates that are found in the Bible I had no idea this was leading to something ended up leading to chronicon but chronicon only led to archaics and I'm telling you these things because the Same Spirit of the word following the intuition given to me by the logos is the same power that fuels me today day in and day out to continue researching to continue you know making connections with people like Matt and and our our supporters and our our uh the people our moderators it's it's the same Spirit it hasn't changed at all like I said if somebody if somebody is doing the work does it matter what they call themselves so I continue I continue in this vein and I find all these prophecies in the Old Testament mirror prophecies that are found in many other ancient civilizations and they can be dated many of them are attached to those civilizations own calendars and this is what Annunaki Homeworld was about and I produced a video Abraham at the Great Pyramid of Egypt and now that I have this biblical now that I understand the series of events conveyed to me in the biblical record I can now look at secular historical records and I can see things that other people can't see so when I read an ancient Egyptian Papyrus and I find out that a relic of extraordinary awe was found in the desert of Egypt in pharaoh and Pharaoh's Court were astonished and they were perplexed because there was symbols called plans with numbers that they couldn't interpret but then an old man a foreigner entered Egypt and the Egyptian record says he was 110 years old this 110 year old man came from the land of the Philistines entered entered Egypt and understood the secrets of Thoth remember who Thoth is to the Egyptians he's the messenger of the Gods he's the package that was put around the personality of the memory they had of Enoch the one who built the Great Pyramid so this this Foreigner who is 110 years old who comes from the land of the Philistines he is a shepherd and he comes into Egypt this is an Egyptian papyrus and when he when he's in Egypt he tells them the secrets of Thoth and they are amazed because they take him into a chamber which has all the numbers of Thoth and he understands them in the Book of Genesis chronologically Abraham was living in the land of the Philistines and he had been getting into it with abimelech a Philistine King over a well and at age 110 years old according to Genesis Abraham traveled to the land of Egypt and visited Pharaoh's Court it's little antidotes like this hundreds of them that I have found in the historical secular records from all around the world that have added this is a y archaics is absolutely packed with all this historical information chronological information that is novel to you this is when new people come into archaics and they look at these older videos and they're shocked and a lot of people look at them and then leave because they just can't process the magnitude of these discoveries this uh you don't have to read lost scriptures of Giza I have the entire book as an audio book right here on my channel if you just use the channel search bar you can see law scriptures of Giza and uh you don't have to order the book you can listen to me I'll read it to you return to the follow ones was another book I had published again my publisher was quick uh Paul San Diego uh book tree was was quick to jump on this and uh it is because and this is their own testimony they believe that this book has more information about calend ancient worlds calendars and the actual Society of the world the societies that were exited in the world before the flood than any other book published uh and that's that's that's how that's a hell of a compliment because these people hear their reprint Publishers and they're very very familiar with with the bibliographies that are out there they're very familiar with with the modern and historic authors so this book here goes into a tremendous amount of detail especially about the seven Kings you have to understand what's unfolding in the Book of Revelation is completely connected to everything that unfolded in the world before the cataclysm pre-reset Society the Genesis Vapor Canopy World it was ruled by seven Kings and the cities like sure pack and bat tabira they have Concepts attached to them that are returning in the apocalypse period so on my channel be by virtue of my biblical studies which led me into the apocryphal text which led me into the pseudopographical text which led me into the nag hamadi text which led me into the Dead Sea Scrolls where I found even more profound parallels many things in the Apocrypha books the pseudopographical books and the Dead Sea Scrolls many things fill the gaps in the biblical narrative a lot of Christians are turned off by the archaic's material because they don't they don't understand archaics isn't against the biblical record it is filling the gaps the Book of Genesis alone is 50 chapters those 50 chapters if you count the chronographical markers you will find out from the very first thing you can count to the end is 2555 years so the book of Exodus begins on the 2556th year of the timeline Genesis is only 50 chapters yet it covers 2555 years this is what what a lot of modern Christians will consider history I don't it's good to have it's an excellent backbone to put some sinews tendons and muscle on but it's not everything the biblical materials were provided to us to be instructive but the work still has to be done archaics fills the gaps that 2 555 year history from 3895 BC the new the reset where after man with kind was reintroduced and told to be fruitful multiply and replenish the Earth that's 38.95 BC it's a hell of a cataclysm so bad that even in Genesis it was a new heavens and new earth in the enema Elish which which is the seven stages of creation it's the exact same thing but it's a destruction caused by Tiamat this is what we find in Genesis the Waters of tihom were the beginning before the sun before the moon before the Stars it was the Waters of tiam in the Book of Genesis and the spirit hovered over the waters and the evening in the morning was the first day and the first unit of time in Genesis was the day and this is also a value of the archaic's research as many of you know all these ancient Vedic calendars Sanskrit time keeping systems all the Sumerian Babylonian academian impossible to date time uh 400 and 500 000 half a million year text of the Annunaki all these old Babylonian mistranslations of older Sumerian pictograms and local graphic material everybody that's been corrected in the archaics this is why the the chronology promoted in the archaics research not only makes sense but can be supported with a calculator and I have shown in many many many videos that all these impossible long dates promoted by Zechariah sitchin and all those who follow him can easily be abbreviated not as years but as days because Shar meant unit of time turning over the Stars it never meant year at all and this was known by by sumerologist before Zechariah suchin ever published his books and I've cited those as well so dead sea text Book of Enoch and and the Giants on the screen behind me this is a video on my channel to show you that the Old Testament names five races of giants I believe they are the Rafael which are considered the unresurrected ones that's rafam from Rafa Rafa is a Hebrew root it means an untimely uh fall from the womb so it's premature birth but they grew up to Be Giants um this is the repham then you have the anacum with the anikom or Noble Giants yes you don't get you really don't get the sense of that in Genesis it just clustered in there with with giants but you do understand when you start reading the secular material and you find out who and who anak was and he was this son of arba and where their kingdom was and how they claimed what descent they claimed yeah I revealed these things as well the survivors of the cataclysm that we know of as Noah and Nema they had more Sons and Daughters after the cataclysm and anak was one of them in Annex started an entire new line in his lineage were gigantic and they made it to ancient Greece and Argos in the in the reign of foreign nails and in the reign of floral nails we have King anax and he he claims direct descent from Uranus which is our Noah so uh I go into a lot of detail in that and all this all this biblical research all the spirit all the spiritual research I was doing and and looking like at the apocryphal book of sirach um looking at like I told you the shepherd of hermus is a very long text but it's very spiritual about the Chief Cornerstone the building of the Great Pyramid with with zones and stones and souls well there are obscure references in religious in in spiritual writings concerning the Phoenix that never really made sense and often in Phoenician and carthaginian which are ancient Israelite iconography archaeologists have found many many examples of Phoenix symbols always in proximity to little pyramid symbols and it never made sense to the archaeologist and the reason it didn't make sense is is because by the time of the fifth and 6th Century BC the the Phoenix had been relegated to a bird instead of what it really was the ancient monuments all show from rashamara and ugarit from Assyria in the Hittites even ancient Egypt consumer acid or award to matani Mari Babylon it's in reliefs all over the ancient world and it has been totally misidentified there is a symbol of a red disc with wings found everywhere some Egyptian gods wear it as a headdress that is the Phoenix it appeared as a Red Orb in the sky on fire and it had fiery Wings coming off of it and we have we have pitiful researchers that have come forth and claimed that that is just a solar symbol it's just the sun this red disc with wings but it's not it's the original it's the original symbol for the Phoenix it's even shown with pyramid structures so and when the sun darkens I give this this information but also in when the sun darkens I show that this Phoenix this Phoenix chronology is 138 years and it's 100 percent in alignment with the actual biblical chronology and this is no coincidence it's no coincidence that 3895 BC the Genesis this is year one in the Genesis timeline there's no coincidence that the pre-flood world is is 1656 years which is divisible by 138. the great flood at 2239 BC is the 1656 years which begins 1656 years to 583 BC when thales by thales of miletus of Phoenician by remote descent predicted the darkening of the sun it was the Phoenix there is no there is no coincidences here when we find Josephus wrote that Abraham was born 292 Years After the flood well if the flood if the flood was indeed 2239 BC as all these ancient writers say in the Phoenix phenomenon shows one of its worst disasters ever at 2239 BC than its simple calculation of josephus's 292 years afterward to provide the birth of Abraham in 1947 BC this is really interesting because that means Abraham was born in 1947 anus Mundi as well Abraham's birth was at the calendrical Nexus of two different time keeping systems one going forward in time one going backward in time and it's right there in the Bible it is the biblical materials that provide us that in the year 721 BC we get it exactly from the biblical material 721 BC the law the ten tribes of Israel are carried into captivity in the same year that is found in the Assyrian eponyms that a a great age of the world passed in the Assyrians only only claim that great ages past the same for the same reason the Hindus did something had to have happened like a disaster or a cataclysm in effort for them to make that Proclamation but in Assyrian records we have a reference that has survived to modern times that has been translated from the cuneiform in its 721 BC on our calendar and it's a new age according to the Assyrians it's a phoenix year it's on the 138-year timeline it's also the exact year that the Assyrians took the ten tribes this is the origin of the of the story of the Lost ten tribes of Israel now we know them in the historical record as bit ombre they were later after they after they escaped to Syria they were they were known as bitcoinry then they just lost the bit which just means the house of and they became the kumri in the simri and the Camry and the Sumerians and they just from there they spread all over all over Northern Asia and Europe and they pass through the Caucasus and and they s they spread out into several branches and became many different European nations these were after other Israelite descended peoples had passed had passed through that were known as the our guys the achaeans the danens the carthaginians the these were all Israelite descended peoples and you have to understand I have been very clear on my channel to educate you that in the historical record the term Israelite is unknown these people were never called Israelites they never referred to themselves as Israelites Israelite is purely a Biblical designation created by Jewish scribes to describe their Northern neighbors who were Phoenicians aramaians and syrians and amuru or amorites so I don't even need this and put that up I ain't looked at it I ain't even looked at it my coffee's getting cold good thing I went through all of the trouble to print that out for you I'm sorry man I just I was I'm joking it took like four seconds I want to see I want to refresh see how many people we got listening oh I'm just getting started guys here put it on yourself I don't have room online or just leave it there so when the dog when the Sun darkens when the sun darkens adds to the Corpus of information that I was pulling from the biblical material finding out that the real chronology and Real History of the World it completely enmeshes it is absolutely perfect with the biblical chronology and I was shocked to find so many so many historians that who had published books and came up with the exact same dates that I did for different events in history and excuse me and yet they they used completely different sources this shocked me it just blew my mind so I started putting chronicon together many of you have read chronicon I know you have so research never stops and now I have this great body of growing research on the Great Pyramid and on Enoch biblical prophecy biblical chronology and now it's building and now I have included the Phoenix phenomenon is now understood to me to be the origin listen to me guys the Phoenix phenomenon 138 year periodicity it is the origin of the biblical chronology because everything fits on it not the other way around now we understand why the ancient name name of of Enoch comes from the Egyptian fahenok which means basically the house of Enoch but then Enoch is broken down into more syllables this is a ancient reference to the bin bin Stone in the Mansion of the Phoenix at heliopolis the city of the sun known as Memphis and Northern Egypt so oh excuse me but uh Nostradamus in the planets of Apocalypse I am now putting together all the threads this is the first book where I begin putting all these threads together how the how the Phoenix is connected intrinsically with Biblical prophecy and with with the the in basically the esoteric information about the Great Pyramid and what Nostradamus said about the Phoenix is astonishing Nostradamus has coded all his things you guys remember in that book I explained there were codes found by Cesar ramadi in nostradamus's Lost manuscript which was published and in there it even talks about the last days where Nostradamus himself said that a code written by by by a oh Nostradamus specifically mentions the year 1903 in reference to the the last days of the Phoenix and then Cesar ramadi found another code that talks about uh uh says uh I see Heavy visions oh I see I see Jesus presenting in the last days six lenses in a telescope and I see he sees the whole Western World will die he sees great migrations from the West going back to you know people the land of nativity you'll have to read the book The the references are obscure and there's so many of them but all these quatrains probably 50 or 60 different quatrains of the centuries of Nostradamus are in this book and it's all about the Phoenix phenomenon Nostradamus hit it in a code even the number 138 is found in the quatrains and it's astonishing everything everything's in this book explaining as a matter of fact because I know that many people throughout throughout you know the the publishing history of this book we're going to order this book and read it from around the world and not know anything about the Phoenix phenomenon I actually have a chapter in there before I break down nostradamus's quatrains I actually have a chapter in there they gives you a summary of what happened on each 138-year period all the way down so people could be educated before they actually get into what Nostradamus said so yeah this right here is also on my channel for anybody who wants to see it it hasn't had a lot of views and I get that I understand I only had like 300 three or four hundred uh Subs back when I posted this video but this is the truth or Manifesto the truth or Manifesto is describing exactly what a spiritual well what is expected of a spiritual individual in this type of community online you might want to check that out it's rather deep it's deeply spiritual and philosophical a lot of people have agreed with its tenants but I composed this from several different sources and a lot of it is just me but this is the truth or manifest Manifesto and the reason I'm showing it right now is because you have to ask yourself does it matter if someone's doing the work are they a Christian even if they don't call themselves one this is something you're gonna have to wrestle with in your own life but the truth or Manifesto might open open some of your eyes as to where we are in our relationship with the oversoul and if it really matters what we call ourselves in our Journeys so in the course of my studies of course the rafam and the anacum Giants but there's also three other races the the zuzums the Zam zooms and let's see and I believe now the horns were a sub race the five races of giants if my memory serves me five races of giants the rafam the anacum the zuzums the Zam zooms and the emams emams means terrors in uh um Hebrew those are the five core races the Giants mentioned in Genesis uh in Genesis chapter 14 of chapter 15 when the emperor Quito Larimore came and attacked the near East and sacked the cities of Sodom and Gomorrah on his way he decided to Humble the nations of the Giants it was a major Wars the very first war mentioned in scripture and it is a war of humans against Giants Genesis chapter 14. I got a video about it but my book right here goes into a lot of detail about it this is Giants on Ancient Earth it's available on Amazon you can also watch the uh uh the video goes into a lot of the detail about Giants on Ancient Earth so awaken the immortal within again a very popular book a lot of you have read it uh for those of you who have not read it maybe some people here will provide their their opinions about what they found in that book and how it changed their life but awaken the immortal within it is basically my Testament my it is my understanding of the world we live in and how it operates and how we can use it to our advantage and how the oversoul has provided this for us to be co-creators so we can practice the very Divinity that we're going to become awaken the immortal within is not just a template for how the world is today it is also a series of instructions on how you can embrace your destiny as a co-creator and not just create the conditions that you want to live in but even affect the lives of others that's what this book is about awaken the immortal within this very little book it's like 90 Pages it's not big but it is it is my signature of spirituality and if if there are people in the Christian Community who want to condemn me because they see it completely different than anything that Jesus promoted then you have your work cut out for you you really do because there is nothing in the archaic's Paradigm the archaic's presentations the teachings all spread throughout our cakes published books and all 420 something videos there's nothing that I go against in the teachings of Jesus but I will tell you that archaics has set itself up as an enemy of the church and you can interpret that any way you want to shocking secrets of antiquity my research never ended guys even though these books were published I don't lose interest just because all my research has been condensed into a bunch of of narratives and chapters and published through the bibliography and it's all it does it doesn't stop my mind doesn't work that way I don't move on I'm still interested in learning learning new things and how to apply them to to Old research I do it all the time I mean you guys see the videos so shocking secrets of antiquity is huge and many of my videos were made from the data that's in this book but the title is not deceptive racial Wars of the Bronze Age unusual artifacts technolithic engineering and the two cataclysms that buried history that's what this book is it's 400 pages and uh it cites 247 books of reports it has a pretty extensive bibliography you could probably and I'm not exaggerating you can probably spend the rest of your life if you read this book just ordering the books that are in the bibliography in Reading those and you probably wouldn't have time for anything else yeah it's not it's not easy to read it's not easy to read large reference books and non-fiction books in ancient history and all that it's not you'd be lucky to be able to read read one every week 52 weeks in a year you're not going to be able to read as many books as you think Eden Eden was never lost in this video it's on YouTube on my channel Eden was never lost if you were to watch this video you would understand that many of the symbols Genesis is full of symbols it has it has a narrative but the narrative is full of at as of actual symbols that mean something else Eden was never lost we'll educate you what the two trees are it will educate you about the tree of knowledge of Good and Evil what it actually was it will educate you about the tree of life and what it actually was it will educate you about how mankind was deceived from the beginning the fall of Man was not because man sinned the evidence is in Genesis itself in the garden of God there were two trees one of them was a tree of knowledge of Good and Evil this means evil on Earth pre-existed any offense man committed when you take that into consideration the conversation of the serpent takes on a whole new meaning yeah guys I got videos on on the on that conversation another another uh another video I'm really surprised this video hasn't hasn't been visited by more people because I'm actually reading and showing you showing you text from a very old book from 1868. an archaeologist went to the exact area mentioned in the Book of Genesis in chapter in chapter 14 and 15. it's called the land of Bastion it's in Northern Syria it's all mountains it's very hard to get to he went there and he found cities basically etched into the side of mountains with whole galleries of rock they could have supported thousands of people but those people because of the jams and the lentils on the doors and the beds that were etched into the sides of the walls and the recesses for what to like cabinets for people to re he's this book shows you whoever lived in these cities and built these cities etched out of mountains high up in the mountains it was in another world these people had to have been nine foot tall or taller to have been able to easily use these doors these steps and the building techniques are absolutely amazing because even even today it is not understood how it is possible to make the the jams jams over the doors and the hinges of the doors all of the same Rock and still be able to move they have no idea how it's possible but in Bastion in this video these things were described these archaeological anomalies that are connected to a race of people that were much bigger than we are today this video is on my channel and of course this video is on my channel also for those who want to be more educated about the Chief Cornerstone and achieve the Chief Cornerstone being a symbol of the benefactor some somebody who is who is operating in service to humanity from a distance but won't actually come here until the number of souls is made complete this is the stoned Builders rejected another video on my channel is Enoch rain before the pentopolis the pentopolis is a reference to the five Sumerian cities the last two being bad tabira which is a mining district and uh it was like it was like a a it was a central Hub of a vast Metropolis Before the Flood it was was pure capitalism in this area and the it's it's its competitor was another city which happened to be a capital city for the pentopolis called shurapak and in the Sumerian and academics the flood hero a nappaged him also known as atrahasis this this is the biblical Noah he came from the city of shurapak and uh oh these this is in the atrahastus Epic and uh some of it's mentioned in the Epic of Gilgamesh when Gilgamesh travels far away to go to go find a napishtem uh before napistan Dies who was the flood hero he's the flood Survivor and Gilgamesh wants to know about immortality and he will say hey man how come how come you have an age to be it the flood was a long time ago you were already old when the flood happened man how is this possible and that nabished him tells him of a place he needs to go involving a serpent it's all metaphor but he tells him where he needs to go he needs to find this little this plant and there's a serpent protecting it or whatever and uh these the all these elements I mean they comport with the biblical narrative but they add significant details and this is the value of archaics it's with the archaic's research you have a single individual mind that began with the biblical narrative who read the Bible I have the notes to prove it handwritten notes I've read the Bible over 40 times through Genesis to Revelation finding all kinds of things now keep in mind notes comparing my notes writing all kinds I have three videos that just show you the level of research that was conducted just on the Old Testament I'll show you those here in a minute they're on my channel now they concern the Old Testament God not being who he says he is now he is the god over those Jesus always condemned so here in this video here we have Inky and enocher one a lot of people have a problem with that but you got to see all the material you got to understand Enoch is a rabbinical memory of a personality from Before the Flood enki is a is a Sumerian memory of his his original name was an Inky Inky's just a title he just means lord of the Earth but it's talking about an actual personality a benefactor personality who was condemned later but he had done something very valuable for Humanity but the condemnation didn't come from Humanity the condemnation came from other gods who were offended that he had included her Humanity into some Divine Purpose some knowledge humans were not meant to have so he became the trickster he was labeled the trickster and as the trickster he is known through all the Native American alleged he is a trickster that other gods he despise but he always benefits Humanity he always provides Humanity what Humanity needs when they need it and for this reason the other gods are are always angry with him and they and they label him as a as a rebel Inky the trickster Enoch was the first errant Stone of the gnosis goes into goes into more detail this video is also on my YouTube channel it goes into more detail about the symbols in the Book of Genesis and the symbols that are are spoken in the New Testament and the Book of Revelation that allow us to understand the real Core teaching that's being thread through the Old and New Testament about the God of this world the God of this world is the god of the Old Testament in the hidden benefactor is the one that visits Humanity periodically but always it always ends up crucified always ends up in in a bad situation or at least those are the tales that are told about him when they try to carnalize him but this is the benefactor always coming in and out of the construct to help Humanity but always demonized by the Lords of the construct the builders remember he's the stone the builders rejected how's the chat going got a couple of bye Felicia's oh okay that's fine peace out y'all know who if you're in the chat you know who I'm talking to I don't care so in this video here this is the annuna files part 20. the date of The Exodus is key to the anuna Anunnaki chronology this video will educate you on the crossover it is fascinating the crossover between secular world history and secular historians and the biblical Narrative of the ten plagues over Egypt and the mass Exodus of of different races and cultures that fled Egypt at this cataclysm the year was 1447 BC it was 2448 and esmundi so which is interesting because it's exactly one-third of the entire the entire similacrum chronology to the arrival of the Chief Cornerstone remember archaic's model starts at 52-39 BC that's year one of the annuno chronology of 600 year periods called the great year 5239 BC is year one in the 7 344th year is 2106 A.D The Descent of the Chief Cornerstone this is precisely 7 344 years or 2448 times 3. in 2448 and as Mundi was the year of the Exodus I'm gonna let you watch that video so you can determine more here's Moses epic as a fairy tale this is about the God Yahweh this is about the demon that jumped out of a burning bush and started every every all everything else because remember Genesis the Genesis Covenant the brahmic Covenant Brahma on Sarah Swati becoming Abraham and Sarah in the Book of Genesis that Covenant is very different with very different prophecies and Promises it's a very different Covenant on New Covenant appeared it is a covenant of War Of Violence of pain of of punishment this Covenant was is in the book of Exodus Leviticus Numbers in Deuteronomy this Covenant is Laden with hundreds of rules hundreds of laws the Covenant of Brahma the Covenant of Abraham and Genesis is not it's a spiritual Covenant the Covenant of Yahweh is something completely different in the Israelites weren't going to have any part of that at all and this is why they suffered so bad if you read all the executions and impalements and all the all the burning burning by fire all the things that happened because the Israelites were not going to bow down to to this desert demon that was promoted by Moses they weren't going to do it they were not going to be subject to this law at all this was done by the Levites the Levites are the followers of Leviathan more what I the the scenario that I just provided you is given even more detail because the Old Testament even verifies exactly what I just told you in a series of passages involving Dragon cockatrice demon serpent it's all right here snake when you look up with a concordance those references in just those references alone and isolate them there's a Code it's the serpent code in the Old Testament if you don't know what I'm talking about you might want to watch these videos they're in my dark scriptures playlist what I just do how do I get back to where I was just tap on whichever one you want okay so where's the serpent code because these are real small for I can't really see uh where do you think you were I was at the serpent code so well I mean how many do you think you've gone through it's gonna be it's good these don't look like they're in order to me no it starts at the bottom oh okay that's why here here's where I am all right here we go in the third of that series called the Great deceit is Yahweh the god of murder and I show using nothing but the biblical scriptures over a hundred scriptures I show you exactly the personality of this deity and it's nothing like the personality of the one we call Jesus in the New Testament they are complete opposites remember in the New Testament Satan is the God of this world another video you might want to check out if you're new to my channel is Genesis syllabus mystery I go through the Book of Genesis and I show you I show you the symbols and where they're found and I tell you what they really mean based off where they're found elsewhere this is this is something you might want you may want to find the Lucifer Mythos is very old this is also on my channel I'm I'm basically showing you guys all the evidence that since the beginning of archaics I have never really strayed I have never really strayed from my Christian spirituality at all I haven't like I said uh I have absolutely no faith whatsoever in in religiosity in the church I do not believe that the pulpits in the world are preaching the truth anymore I think those days are over I think the real Christianity is something that is evasive it's it's it's the minority it's the errands it has nothing to do with the collective anymore because Collective Christianity is carnalized Christianity it is the Babylonian version I will have no part of that the Jesus Enigma again you can look at you can you can watch the Jesus Enigma and you'll get more details about you get more details about uh about what I'm telling you right now crucifixion in the Phoenix again this is another this is another uh uh the Phoenix Mythos was very very popular back then and the church needed to tie in the the execution of Mithra the execution of Orpheus the execution of dionysius they needed to tie in their Heathen model of of uh a crucified God in with Jesus they wanted to marry these two concepts they're not originally connected Jesus was not originally connected to to all these ideas of a crucified God that only came later the Roman Church the new Babylon did that mystery Babylon it's the one that imposed that in the best way they could impose that was to claim that that the the death of Christ was connected to the appearance of Phoenix Phoenix always promoted the idea of a new age so this is what the this is why they did what they did this is why the passage was invented that the sun darkened and there was a great earthquake and all that but we have 11 different historians and I cite them on my Channel today Scholars have identified 11 different historians that were alive for which we still have their writings today because the first Century A.D was one of the most well documented in in history and there's not a single reference to an earthquake at that time or a sun darkening these were mythological overtones that were later attached to the original Jesus narrative which did not have all the all the supernatural things occurring didn't have a virgin birth it didn't have any of these things these were later attachments of mystery Babylon not the original story I go into I go into more detail in these videos having spent having spent a couple decades going through the biblical material which led me into the Hermetic material which led me into the Gnostic material which led me into the zoroastrian which led me into the Native American Faith which led me into the in into the buddhic in the Hindu and I'm researching all these things I'm reading things like the Tibetan Book of the Dead and Taoist material I didn't stop but I've never ever abandoned my true absolute Christian spirituality it's just no it's never left me it's always been with me almost everything that Jesus ever said is almost exactly how I've lived my life so I see these I see these things that that in modern Christianity these ideas that are promoted and it's it's it doesn't comport with what what actually happened I see how Jesus rebuked all these people and and we're told by preachers today just have faith on Jesus just just call it in Jesus name and you'll be healed and you have faith in Jesus that that he can heal you and all all the power is taken from the individual and given to the Divinity but that's not Jesus's message was totally different Jesus's message was you are the Divine and that I did not heal you Jesus rebuked people over and over he he told him he says by your own by your own faith you were healed because people would come up to him and touch him and they would be healed and they would thank him in there and and they would just shed all these blessings on him and and over and over it's almost like he was offended he said I didn't I I didn't heal you it was by your word you were healed or by your actions you were here or by your faith you were healed he always turned it back on the individual this is almost the opposite of modern Christianity remember guys I have taken a lot of slack in emails people get triggered and you know what I don't tell you guys all the times I'm attacked but I've taken a lot of slack by people for for little things such as what I'm telling you now when I mentioned on my channel over a year ago that that I take it as direct evidence that modern Christianity has fallen by the very simple fact that there are hundreds of millions of people who are praying that cancer kills no one that there's a cure going to be found and none of those prayers get answered yeah I've taken a lot of people don't want to hear it in black and white you don't want to hear it at all all the prayer in the world can do nothing if the individual doesn't Embrace that power there is a Immortal inheritance that we have some people get that information too late I understand that but we have to embrace the very inheritance that has been provided us we have to speak things that are not as if they are we have to realize we are the co-creators and that we don't get things by begging for them it's not the way spirituality works it's a relationship and if you require one side one one partner of the relationship to do everything then it's not a relationship Jesus said by your own by your own words you were healed by your own actions you were healed but today we're taught to lean on the cross to give it all to God to to pray for deliverance and pray for all these things we're told to we're basically told to remain in stasis and wait for God be patient your blessing is coming I don't see it that way I believe we claim the very things that we want and then we start moving in that direction and then the very movement of of our Avatar in the direction of a thing that we have only spoken into existence begins to knit those circumstances for us because we live in spirit we're not just Spirits the entire world around us is just different modes of spirit just different vibrations of spirit this is why this table feels hard it too is an emanation of spirit but it's at very low density so it's able to feel solid to me but it too is Spirit everything is an extension of spirit and I know this because everything is an extension of the oversoul and the oversoul is pure spirit and this is why I know there is no there is it is not necessary that somebody be whipped and and stabbed and with a spear and hung on a cross and nailed to a tree none of these things are necessary for my eternal security this is what Babylon Rome wanted me to believe this this signature of violence it is the it is the absolute signature of the God of this world this Predator versus prey ecosphere where animals have to tear each other apart just to continue their sustenance and feed their younglings yeah it's a beautiful world but it also shows the signature of violence which is the which is the Hallmark of that thing that jumped out of a burning bush an offered man the Covenant of the law so yeah this is this is this is the archaic's position you can judge for yourself if it's biblical or not I believe that it is I believe as I've stated in my books my published books to assert this I believe that that the Christianity promoted by Jesus which is which is already on oxymoron because Jesus never promoted Christianity if Jesus was here today he would not be a Christian so the red letter edition of the New Testament these teachings this is core Israelite faith was the resurrection of ancient Israelite Faith no I didn't say Jewish Israelite faith because if you really study your Old Testaments as I show you in a lot of my videos If you really study your Old Testament you'll find out really quick that there is cultural and racial differences between the Israelites and the Jews they're totally different peoples it's only because one one group came into possession of all the texts of the other and the other were led into captivity by a foreign nation and they weren't left there were no there weren't enough of them left behind to preserve the Integrity of their libraries so their libraries were taken and Rewritten by another people so I've gone into that in detail on my channel but this is the magical architecture of reality I explained in this video what we're experiencing on a daily basis this is this is exactly what Jesus was telling us about that we create our own reality and that Faith isn't just a belief faith is a way of life Faith is a course of action well I'll do it again God's in the making I've taken Flack for a lot of my videos because of the thumbnails guys people people see the thumbnails and get triggered but yeah God's in the making what do you think we're here to do what do you think the in the New Testament is talking about know ye not Year all gods I mean we are uh there is no difference in the archaic's model in this in in core Christianity I don't know about modern Christianity I've kind of left modern Christianity a long time ago so whatever they're promoting now I really don't I really don't I don't even follow it so I don't know who you are again we're Immortal beings this is a good video for you it's very short uh this is a video I started the series and I need to get back on that series as soon as I have time but this is the pyramids of argulis it is born of Egypt part one this is the beginning of the Israelite dispersions 721 BC was the end of the dispersions it's when the ten lost tribes narrative Begins the migrations but way before that Israelite descended peoples were leaving Canaan and reappearing in Greece in Italy all throughout the Mediterranean Mauritania in Libya all around Gaul Spain Europe and uh making it to the to the shores of ancient Albion the emerald Isles in Iran Ireland that's what this is about pyramids of argolis Israelite flee to begin colonizing the Mediterranean the next there should have been another one there I don't know what happened to it I might have got oh there it is the seven against thieves is the next video born of Egypt part two Israelites in Greek formative period this is the seven against thieves this video too for those of you who want to know uh a very ancient Israelite history before the lost 10 tribes oh another video I have for those of you are interested is the archaic's timeline of the ancient world it's uh I don't remember much about that video it might oh you know that might be just an advertisement yeah that might be an advertisement that already ideas and advertising I'm sorry it's a video but it's an advertisement for my charts I have char I have chronological charts to put the whole entire Old Testament together with the secular so it's one timeline that shows all the biblical events and shows all the secular historical events that I've been able to uncover and it's uh it says ancient timeline but it's archaic's timeline of the ancient world it comes with charts and stuff um so in the course of my research I realized you know the biblical material was talking about a firmament above an ocean that was suspended in the sky and it explained for the longevity explained for many things that the existence of giants it explained for things that were anomalous to me that I couldn't find references to elsewhere and uh this firmament above I found later on was known as a vapor canopy in my Native American studies I found many references to the to the dark time the midnight epic the uh the dark purple light time during during the reign of spider grandmother who had cast a web over the sky and uh uh trap the Sun and how after that period was over the sun the sun was a bright in the sky and it started a whole new calendar called the sun calendars this is what the ancient American calendars were famous for they're all Sun sun-based calendars and oh it's called the sun ages the just like the you guys were familiar with the Aztec Stone of the fifth sun which is actually a Toltec Relic but it's called the it's called the Aztec calendar Stone it's about it's about four four cataclysms have already in passed involving the sun and the apocalypse that we're waiting on that we're entering is the fifth sun and it will end too with a new age but the vapor canopy period unknown to historians this is probably one of my first Vapor canopy videos I've had several come on time you've got about 35 minutes okay unless you want to do a q a then you only got like 15. yeah I gotta get I gotta get I got to get this presentation out I don't even think you're halfway through with the slides oh although some of these are gonna go fast so also on my channel I have these four videos on the Great Pyramid because extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence I'm not going to talk out the side of my mouth and I'm not going to tell you things I'm going to show you as I do over and over in my videos so this amazing chronology of events that can be verified by multiple sources from in in uh which I have put together in chronicon and shown you on my channel it's found in the Great Pyramid as well in the unit of measurement in the Great Pyramid is very well established as well in the only measurements I will ever use to promote this this uh the Apex calendar as you see right here are the measurements that are now accepted by the scientific Community they're accepted by egyptologists they are accepted by zawi Hollis over the Egyptian Antiquities Department these are the ones that were done to the thousandth of an inch by Sir Flinders Petri so those are the only measurements I use in using those measurements we find that all the Phoenix all the world chronology the biblical chronology and especially the entire Phoenix chronology all fits perfectly within the rectilinear dimensions of the Great Pyramid using a little a little unit of measurement that was discovered in the 1800s by looking at a bass a boss relief in the anti-chamber of the Great Pyramid and the researchers in the 1800s realized that the builder of the Great Pyramid had included a little boss on a granite overhang as a unit of reference and everything in the Great Pyramid is measured from that point and that boss is an inch they call it the pyramid inch and it's just a coincidence that it's almost it's not quite but it's almost identical to the modern inch but this is called the pyramid inch and I and I provide a lot of detail about the pyramid inch and how the Great Pyramid has a has a self-referencing measurement system within it so you will never get the measurements wrong because each measurement is self-referencing it's fantastic that's what these videos are right here part one proving the future was recorded in Giza part two Prophecies of Rock part three timelines of the Ancient Future Part 4 the end was an ancient science these are just four of about 18 videos I have that show you all all these historical timelines that are recorded in the Great Pyramid oh here's another Titans another video I have on my channel that that is actually enriched because of my Christian education is Titans Giants and the vapor canopy Fallout and in this video which hasn't been watched by a lot of people um because it's probably old but this is secret teachings of archaics keys to the Deep there's nothing unchristian about these teachings it's just my packaging is different like I said I'm really against carnal we have winners the apocalypse are we in it yet this was a very popular video when it came out it started some other videos but when does the apocalypse are we in it yet it is by virtue of my Christian education spending so many years with my nose in a Bible is there is the reason why I'm able to do these presentations with the depth of analysis that I do on the eschatological passages and show you how they cross reference with with other passages it's because of that history so I'm very I'm very glad that I went through the years that I did doing all this research even though I'm no longer really that person I don't I don't buy into the carnalized Christianity anymore but it did help those years did help here's another one the archaic secret origin of the Apocalypse I believe in this video I'm telling you where where uh the orphic uh the the Mysteries the the gnostics cerenthus The Sibling books and how many passages in the Book of Revelation are far older than the text itself mark of the beast why has this not begun yet here it is right here uh also I have written guys I've written several books that I've never had published I can my publisher will publish everything I write I just haven't had time to get all the new notes put it in there edit it and then send it to them he'll publish it everything I have one of these books is King of the giant Mighty Hunter of world mythology I give the historical material that I have found from multiple sources about a man named Amar UDA ack in Sumer who later became marrow deck and akat who was called Marduk in Babylon and Nimrod in the Bible this he had a hell of a career he was a giant slayer he had a hell of a career he is the mighty Hunter of world mythology but uh this small book covers the unknown histories After the flood from 2239 BC to 1772 BC when Nimrod was killed by none other than Esau in the huel marsh Esau was disguised as a boar remember guys in Greek mythology there's a lot of boar hunts where the actual King becomes the victim and the boar is a disguised God that kills kills the the King on his horse this is these are these are nothing but a retelling of this original story this is King of the Giants and for all these books and all these all these charts and this thing I'm telling you the links are in the description box right now I just did that before I started this this video so this video here is prophet of the gnosis Paul is the historical apollonius this may be this may be of interest to you guys why the 13 letters of Paul promoting the Christ Christianity is very very different than Matthew Mark Luke and John uh this is a video but it's just an advertisement for 337 charts on a single PDF download uh all the charts I'm talking about here here's another video transmute spiritual stasis to True power this video here is as an actual application of my position about us being co-creators and what we do when we find that we're in stasis because a lot of times we know what to do we've done it before we've we've experienced the benefit of being a co-creator we have brought things into our reality by thinking and doing and knowing that these things are going to happen but we go it's like an ebb and flow and sometimes we find ourselves in the ebb and nothing is happening for us and we're in stasis you need to watch this video you need to break out of that it's breaking pattern you got to do that so you can just re-initiate forgotten Gospel of marchion forging fantasy into fact here's another one guys uh a lot of my Christian upbringing comes out in this video my research another one vow of silence ancient mystery Cults and the Son of God these are all in the dark scriptures playlist here's a really interesting video that very few people have watched the reason this video was important is because the dates that we have isolated for significant events in the Old Testament and the dates of the Phoenix 138-year chronology match perfectly and yet we have an ancient historian named Minato who published in his own research 2 000 something years ago he published a timeline in his timeline overlaid on top of the archaic's output for the gihan flood of 3439 BC the great flood of 2239 BC and the ogaijian Deluge of 1687 BC absolutely perfectly comport it's beyond coincidence it means that the archaic's chronology is absolutely precise and so is minato's determination of the 1752-year period uh our KX 2.0 Genesis of understanding for those of you just getting into archaics this is a really good video because this was my introduction video to rkx 2.0 when I decided to take it up a few notches when I started decided to start putting out more spiritual material and more in-depth material revealing just how much of this reveals that we're actually in a simulated environment our case 2.0 Genesis of understanding was a pretty popular video when it came out I I didn't have hardly any subs back then but but uh also cocooned immortality is another one I didn't have a lot of Subs back then but it was popular when it came out cocooned immortality in this short video I'm basically describing to you that you're an immortal being you're here for a purpose and all the tools that you need to be what you want to be in this lifetime have been provided to you but you've got to be on the lookout for those institutions that are trying to brainwash you into thinking that you're something else here's a video uh from pre-flood Giants to the war of the Titans again I'm just showing all these giant videos a lot of you don't know I have so many videos on Giants and Titans and and they're very connected to Vapor canopy videos as well that's why there's a lot of overlap here's another old video The Goddess the daughters of men and the rise of patriarchy remember the daughters of men in Genesis chapter 6 the sons of God came unto the daughters of men and they took all whom they chose and the daughters of men gave birth to Men of renown and heroes and and stuff like that it's it's it gets deep just like this video gets super deep as a matter of fact this video triggered several Christians in the comments section the real history of Adam and Eve and the serpent they're all symbols Genesis chapter 1 and Genesis chapter 2 if you're new to my channel isn't what you think it is and this needs to be known by everybody including anybody anybody who who wants to understand the origin of our calendar you think Anno Dominic calendar which means year of Our Lord is a reference to Jesus you're wrong you're absolutely wrong it is an invention of the Roman papacy and it was designed to hide the Phoenix phenomenon this video here will convince you of that I show the books I show the arithmetic I cite the historical sources the Anno Dominic calendar even today anybody can Google it and you will find that for the first 500 years of the annual Dominic calendar the A.D calendar did not exist it is a calendar that was invented in retrospect to hide something and anno domini you're of Our Lord is not the Lord you think it's talking this is a video although it's also a chart this is a chart that synthesizes several different ancient cylindrical systems include including the biblical the Phoenix the Nemesis X object the Mayan long count all these are here and with explanations on the bottom uh I've given this cat I've given this chart away free to many many people who email and ask me for I just I have no problem doing that but uh it's also attached to a lot of other charts that give more explanations and timelines that are in the comments in the links below it's also a video with a full explanation it's called the Doomsday chronology the title of that video here is memory and mechanics of the vapor Canopy World I wanted to show this video today I specifically put it in this list because many of you have said in the comments section what is a vapor canopy uh uh and been asking a lot of questions in the comments section I've been noticing that so I know that a lot of you are new to my channel and you don't know that there have been entire books and and scientific studies on the vapor canopy this is nothing that was made up in the archaics research here's one that's related to the Old Testament biblical material as well this video here is backbone of a giant for those of you who don't know backbone of the giant is the translation of a c Port used by King Solomon which was called Zeon is Ian gibber zian geber faces the Indian Ocean it is a backbone of a giant and it was a mining District but this is gate of the sea Kings this is a very informative video about the heliolithic maritime Empire and the Israelite navies that used to patrol the coasts of Europe India uh the Mediterranean and uh it's a pretty informative video here's another book that I've written that I just haven't had time to publish written 100 when I was a carnal Christian this is Earth's end from the beginning this is a book on biblical prophecy this is counterfeit apocalypse this is showing the biblical prophecies paint a picture that a false apocalypse is going to be engineered before the true apocalypse begins that's the the that manuscript isn't the link is for that manuscript is is also here here's the law scriptures of Giza as a video on my channel you don't have to buy the book you don't have to re read the book you can listen to me there is a wizard within you uh this is another book on on my take on why the law of attraction is is fundamentally flawed why it's very different than the archaic spiritual approach of actually uh using your informed field to interface with the neutral field of the similar Chrome which is an extension of the oversoul and for you to build pictures of things you want in your life and then actually move your avatar in the direction and and how this relationship with with this Miller Chrome will then begin knitting those conditions and circumstances in your life to comport with the mental image it is different it's just like Jesus said faith without works is dead you got to work way of the night errant this is the video where I explain to you if the end is secure if you know that the end is secure then every step leading up to the end to secure as well this is a good video if you want to empower your faith and mirror of the Divine a recent video of mine has been very popular but it too is explaining that we're in a relationship this relationship requires two participants you alone are not powerful enough to affect anything in your life the similacrum this extension this finger of the oversoul inside this construct will never do anything for you as well the relationship is required this is the mirror of the Divine you may want to if you're new to my channel you may want to check that out so in summary we're done we're done with that in summary I'm sorry this presentation was longer than than ordinary and we don't have a long time for Q a but in summary that the the Christian principles by which I've lived my life having changed only because my presentation is different he said I don't know of too many Christians that have the the moral and ethical fabric to their personalities that I do I'm not seeing I'm not trying to be boastful I'm not trying to be I'm not trying to brag but I'm a very generous individual I'm kind even with my time I I'm always helping people I've basically dedicated my life to providing people free information I've dedicated my life to helping friends and family I don't I don't I don't see the the character traits that are that that are in me I don't see them shared in the collective I don't see them I do see them in friends and people that gravitate toward me I do not see these traits in a lot of people who claim to be Christians today not in my community not the people I see on television not the people that come I come in contact were with when I was working as a contractor I see these cultural Christians that are proud that they're a part of a religion and they're able to tell people of their accomplishments they're able to tell people of of their standing with God but I don't see them doing anything about it I don't see them moving in the direction of that a spiritual being would would be doing so I do have a lot of problems with modern Christianity but my problems with modern Christianity have nothing to do with the core spiritual message of archaics we are more than we suppose ourselves to be I tell you guys this all all the time I said not only that but we can draw from ourselves more than we contain and this is only possible if we're in a relationship with something that is greater than we are there is nothing fundamentally different about the spiritual positions of archaics than anything that ever came out of the red letter edition of Jesus's words Everything Jesus spoke is is basically represented in some form in the archaics paradigm but it's not packaged that way for carnal Christians so many of them get triggered when they come to my channel this video was inspired by by Ronald Donnie Donnie excuse me Donnie I don't know if he wanted to be named but I'm gonna put him out there we had dinner with him recently uh Matt and I met him and this is the subject of discussion that we had among other things but I had no intention of doing this video until he and I were talking about I said you know what that'd be a really good topic for a video let me address this so this was just in the last week so I hope you guys enjoyed this presentation I hope and I hope I've brought some more clarity as to what you're getting involved with when you when you come into contact with the archaic's material because this is not a cult nor is this a religion at all at all this is the admission that we are Immortals but we are stuck in a construct to a predetermined time and that predetermined time is a event in the future where a benefactor is going to finish his work until that time we're here so we make the best of it that's my presentation all right good thing that we only have a few questions because we all come out in about 12-15 minutes really I've only got a few questions out of all those comments wow well I mean I appreciate you guys being patient with me there there were other questions but they were ones that uh other people in the chat were able to to comment on and get answers for these were the only ones that are really directed towards uh the presentation and to you so I'll just start up at the top you ready sure this is from Maxim who was Krishna real person or another Jay Zeus figure I'm not going to say he didn't really appear but I know Krishna is another very it's it's an Eastern variant of what later became uh the Christ the Christ uh Consciousness and the Christos was also known in ancient Greece but uh Ahsoka see we have this overlap because the emperor Ahsoka in 307 BC the emperor Ahsoka sent out 30 000 Buddhist missionaries and uh for those of you who don't know Buddhism is the origin of Christianity and I know a lot of people don't want to hear it but any academic any biblical scholar will tell you that Christian the center of Buddhism in the western world was Antioch buddhism's most powerful teachings come in the form of parables Buddhism is a is a is a it's basically a a way of life it is you know it's a way of peace but I'm not a Buddhist I'm just telling you what the academics have published and I'm telling you what I have found in my own historical researches it's that Antioch was the center of Buddhist missionary work at the time of the Jesus narrative Buddhism was promoted all over the near East in India at that time it had flooded the Mediterranean but at that time the individual cultures were absorbing the Buddhist material and then repackaging repackaging it into their individual cultures and this is why we find the these tenets so popular throughout the throughout the Middle East Buddhism was everywhere it was just taken and and and it was adopted it wasn't that people were becoming Buddhists it's that the Buddhists were bringing some new content into an area that had stagnated and everybody was Now using that content to to bring life back into their own faiths one of those faiths was the belief in the logos the belief in the in in the Christos which is way older than Christianity yes we do have historical references to the belief in Christ before the CR before Jesus was here so we have one in the first century BC we have texts that talk about the Christos so it's a I mean we're looking back over a period of development that was like 300 years the the first century BC the first the first Century A.D and then the second Century A.D so it's just like today being 2023 go back go back to 1723. that was a long time ago was it 18 to 19 to 21 well no go to 18 23. so I mean we go back we go it's a it's a long period of time and a lot of things develop in that period of time I mean it's such a long period of time I say it all the time I mean I mean it only takes 200 years for humans to go from horse and buggy to Hadron Collider so and but I say that when I'm when I'm referencing the fact that we've we've had several resets and with those resets come Edits edits that don't always remove all the data we still see some things but no the Krishna the the belief in Krishna I believe it anti-dates Christianity I believe it was a part of the Buddhist faith it might have been some of the material that was spread by Emperor Osaka when he sent the 30 000 Buddhist missionaries out next one's from lowrider uh is this part of The Da Vinci Code I don't I don't know the writer uh I'm just familiar that that's a movie I have no idea what The Da Vinci Code means to you uh uh I'm familiar that there has been some people that claim that that the artist Da Vinci coded some of the stuff but this is out of my this is out of my expertise I don't know anything about it good question though yeah from UFO undisclosed Jason can you explain the beginning of Revelation the beginning of Revelation as far as the Revelation in the Old Testament I would need some more some more clarity because the beginning of the book of Revelation we have today is an attachment by the church the seven letter the seven letters to the churches is not a part of the original text that was attached the original text starts with the Seven Seals I don't know this is from IA i n i Ian what year is it really the year right now in the Andis Mundi system which is the longest contiguous calendar we have is 59.17. that's the year right now don't go by the Hebrew Reckoning because after the barkakable Rebellion the red the rabbin it freely admits in Jewish literature and I've cited this literature they freely admit to changing the Hebrew calendar because the rabbis were getting angry that Christians were using the mathematical cylindrical material in the Book of Daniel to promote the idea that Jesus was the Messiah he was the king of the Jews and the rabbin it was in Florida they were they're enraged about this so after the Barca Rebellion which happened in the year 135 A.D they added 135 years to the Jewish calendar totally taking it off so yeah you can't go by Hebrew Reckoning Jewish calendar it's all falsified every every bit of it every bit from Don Hart doesn't the queen sit on the Ben Ben Stone the queen you're referring to hi Don how you doing I hope you're doing good poor Don went to a funeral today oh the yeah the queen you're referring to signacas you know what segment is the is the short abbreviated version It's s it's s-e-h-k EMT or something I can't pronounce these Egyptian but there's a goddess a goddess of the calendar second met or second met I don't remember but I've got her in my book when the sun darkens she's the goddess of the calendar and she counts Phoenix palms and yes she has something to do with the Mansion of the Phoenix and the Benben Stone but uh that's all that's because the bin bin and the Mansion the Phoenix are all calendar related but she is the goddess she was like the governess of time keeping systems all right from analog hermit of Nag hemidink it's probably supposed to be nagamada um and uh I guess that's lost scriptures of Giza you mentioned many times The Descent of the seven Kings is this the return of the Fallen ones before uh you changed its title absolutely um uh that's a good question I'm glad you asked that I titled the book The Descent of the seven Kings my publisher didn't like it he changed the title to Return of the Fallen ones and I will admit the the title change actually increased the sales of the book all right last question from Elvis Tesla how do you feel about the Zohar you know what the Jewish mysticism in the in the Zohar was not impressive to me and uh it was not wasn't just the Zohar one of the other books I really yeah he's got a copy the Zohar I've read the Zohar and I it's not just the Zohar I read it I read I read several of the kabbalic cabalic texts and I was just not impressed it's I didn't find anything first of all I'm a chronologist so I you're in the Zohar you're not going to find anything of chronological value whatsoever you're not going to find anything in the Zohar of historical value either this is this may be so I don't want to I don't want to denigrate a text by saying it doesn't have any value all I can do is quantify by saying it had no value to me because there's no chronographical material in the Zohar it's it's all purely metaphor symbol uh code and it's just it has I couldn't find anything I just wasn't into that I didn't I just didn't know it's a bunch of rabbinical mysticism that is attached to the Torah and you and and it's supposed to help you better interpret the Torah um I just didn't like it didn't like it it's not the only one there's there's other cabalic texts I read too I just couldn't get into them I read them though for the sake of including them in my bibliography but outside that I just couldn't find any value in them that's it anything you want to add we are at Let me refresh I tell you what I'm gonna answer the next question that pops up in this chat yeah we got time for one more question what time is it how many how long we've been going oh I've been going for an hour and 23 minutes I mean I'm sorry an hour and 53 minutes and then there's a question right there you didn't see it oh somebody said OG how did I get in touch with you Jason hey Matt's email is in the description box right now blow it up you ever you ever went swimming in emails before I do it every day man I got three emails they're all packed I've been trying to knock them out I'm about to go answer more emails right now I got nothing to do for the rest of the day until I got my two next podcast you've got like four good questions that popped up oh do I yeah let me find them that's the first question I read was my email you can find my email just go to any old video Get It Go to any old video you'll see all my emails they're just not in the last 100 videos okay was the beginning of the iron mixing with Miri clay ask Shakespeare it was the midpoint to the tribulation it was three and a half years after oh yeah I don't I don't buy into all that I mean knowledge 2020 yeah I know a lot of people online are talking about the three and a half years of tribulation that began with kovid not I'm not buying none of that we're not with the seals have not even been broken yet listen the Seven Seals were provided for those who are Watchmen they're not provided for the world the world wouldn't recognize what was going on anyway the Seven Seals were Preparatory to the tribulation the tribulation cannot begin because the tribulation is contained meaning each seal is an event and that event is described I have videos about this every seal is an event and when those seals are broken only then can the tribulation scroll be opened until that time it cannot be open just like an ancient message that was sent from a king to his people it was sent to a designated reader it came with a seal it was guaranteed that no one could read the contents of that seal the contents of that scroll until it got to where it was going because the breaking of a seal before it reached its destination was punishable by death so nobody broke wax seals and if and if like a cherished messenger and somebody who just knew I've been doing this too long they understand the seal broke off in the Satchel they can't make the delivery in ancient times they would have to turn around go back to the court beg for the Kings forgiveness and present the document with the other seal still intact when a seal had been broken that's I mean this is they took that stuff very serious back back then I have some seals low wax seals and Impressions but and they're not really old at all they're pretty they're pretty recent but it's um that was that was what the revolution is conveying and the first seal hasn't been broken I'm not buying into those interpretations that I see where long periods of time and all that no I'm not buying these are singular events and they happen rapid fire just like I've showed in multiple videos and in published books that the Phoenix phenomenon itself is the Sixth Seal of the apocalypse which be which is basically Preparatory to the tribulation beginning yeah the Seven Seals are not are not are not the tribulation the Seven Seals only introduce it I don't like the tablets of Thoth I don't like the tablets of thoughts it's all forgery it's all it's all of late Providence uh there's nothing ancient about it it's all it's all highly imaginative it's somebody who is probably well well read and just started putting a whole bunch of stuff together and I'm buying into it any document from any document in history that tells me something happened 35 000 years ago is a forgery you guys already know I have already showed you over and over and over how calendars in the ancient world work those were not years those were days and in some calendars like Egyptian Egyptian time keeping systems that were given to Salon concerning Atlantis it was lunations it wasn't days it was moons and this was this has been comported with other Greek historians from over 2 300 years ago that said the same thing so yeah it's a I'll buy that one you just can keep answering questions man you ready to go ain't you no if if we were going to keep going I would have had all these ready for you oh okay but I was doing it based on time oh all I don't know anything about a navigator who crossed the ice wall I don't know I don't I don't know anything about the ice wolves guys there's nothing in the historical record that would ever have educated me about what's in Antarctica people ask me about an article a lot I do know this that let's let's just assume assuming arguendo that we live just like that the world is a flat Earth just like like David Weiss and many other people Eric Dube these guys present I mean you already know I've already read all the literature I've already read synthetic astronomy I've already read uh uh in my library I've showed you the book by Gleason from 1890. listen I'm on board with the research I understand we live on a flat plane I don't know if we live on a flat Earth there are distinctions to be made because I'm a simulation it's not understand that the simulation has two different fundamental geometries that are operative here and this is why we get our curvature this is why we get all kinds of different readings and if I want to just use all kinds of measurements to determine uh uh I live on a flat plane I'm going to be able to do scientific experimentation that's going to show me that I live on a flat a flat plane none of this is mysterious to but I do have a genuine question someone can answer for me we've seen the model of the Flat Earth and we've seen how the Sun and the Moon move around and we see that the these objects are highly local so if these other theorists are are accurate and there are other continents that we're not aware of and they're beyond this this imaginary ice wall whether the ice walls there or not how are they although are those worlds do they have their own Sons because our son's local and if our son's local and only produces a certain amount of light if it's going around what about the continents that are over here they would never be lit do they haul I have their own son do you see how this goes at infinitum if there are other continents they can't be getting light from our sun not if our world's this big and there's continents out there and the sun's going like this so I'm genuinely curious I'm a simulationist so I don't care what what the theory is but I am curious as to anybody can answer that how would all those other continents get their light are they are they worlds that are in Perpetual Darkness because we can't see their sons they can't see ours so I don't I just don't know I don't I don't have any evidence that there's other continents out there but I know it's a popular YouTube Theory but I do agree with Matt because my back is starting to hurt I've had a recent back injury I'm still coming off of it but it is time to close this video and I do hope that I did educate you guys as to what my position is especially my spirituality this was not for my archaics veterans I hope you guys enjoyed this too but a lot of the new people coming to my channel who don't really understand the architecture of my personality where I where I'm going with my material you are the ones that needed to hear this message and I hope this video was sufficient for that Curiosity do all right guys I'm gonna post one more time the link for the contest it's right there such good luck catching it now the chat just took off but um yeah you guys know what to do click on the link uh follow the instructions thanks for keeping it clean we had a we had a couple of turds in there dude what'd you say man educate me man for all you trolls Bye Felicia that's all I got to say yeah you ain't you ain't you ain't but one click away from peace out um but hey we welcome challenges if you have a question present your question if you don't agree with us that's fine but you don't have to be rude or negative about it because it's not like we censor this channel we don't like oh I don't like that let's delete it no we just keep it positive there's a respectful way to present your opinion yeah and I mean just grow up be an adult about it if not bye Felicia I disagree with three different people this morning in the comment sections on my Channel I didn't delete any one of them I disagree with now I did delete one but that's only because she was being really arrogant and rude but you can disagree with me all you want I'm gonna leave your comment up and I'm gonna answer it and sometimes I'm going to ask you to to defend your position I've done that many times now but but as far as deleting you got to be rude yeah You Gotta Be You got to be rude you gotta you gotta be a troll you gotta be an for me to delete you but I think that's it um you guys uh if you need to contact us for uh for anything um my email will be uh in the description box I think Jason does all that it's already there right now all right the links are in the description box for everything I talked about today guys except for the videos you can find them on YouTube but good chat uh all of you who uh there's some pretty uh pretty funny and interesting stuff going on in the chat today I was a little more involved with the chat today than I normally was I didn't have a whole lot to do there's only like 10 questions um but hey thanks for stopping by thanks for keeping our KX relevant it's all because of you guys um hey we're over you can go get your own coffee right now no my coffee lasted the whole time oh Oh I thought you were like saying hey I need some more I'm a two cup of joe guy I can't believe one cup lasted I always enjoy being in here with you guys seeing all you beautiful people can't wait to meet you in person I think that's all we got hey keep Breaking Free Break Free or Die Trying my friends