Fall of the 13th Sign: History of the Zodiac

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[Music] thank you recently I did a presentation explaining that the Tarot deck was not old at least its development and age is measured in centuries and has evolved in that time to what it is today the practice in no way dates back to ancient times to Egypt or Babylon but as the result of creative license in the past five centuries or so but this presentation is about the Zodiac and what we will see herein is very intriguing it is older than the tarot it concerns that ancient day when the sky fell our source today for much of what is promoted to be the zodiac is found basically in medieval and Renaissance period art and literature the Hermetic and alchemical treatises since those times of five to seven hundred years ago you know a lot of modern accretions have been attached to the Zodiac through orders like the Golden Dawn and authors in the 19th century and early 20th century across the Atlantic from Europe during the medieval period though the ancient American calendars did not recognize any sort of zodiac but were modeled on the old system of sun ages Sun periods ages of the sun sun cycles the zodiac is presented presented today as largely derived from the astronomer Ptolemy in his tetrabibulose which dates about 19 centuries maybe maybe a little less than 19 centuries it was at this time that we have the appearance of the new testament which has a lot of symbolism much of it is coded in astrology but this was within 150 years of the appearance of the Old Testament which is Laden with old astrological motives however there is nowhere anywhere in the entire Bible where the 12 constellations of the zodiac can be found it was at this time that we were told that the houses of the zodiac were 2160 years thus the entire cycle is 25 920 years and this is very popular for modern authors to cite who don't know what they're talking about thinking this is a very ancient system when it's not there isn't a trace of this belief anywhere in the world prior to Ptolemy now this explosion of astrological data is more intriguing when we learn that Egypt's oldest zodiac is the dendara Zodiac and anytime you Google it or you look at encyclopedias or you look on books in egyptology they are real big on showing all the Egyptian motives and symbols and and it's beautiful the dindera zodiac is beautiful unfortunately it's not even Egyptian it's in Egypt but it was built by the ptolemies it is a Greek Macedonian zodiac rendered and he stylized to make it appear Egyptian and this is widely known in Academia you know the ptolemies or the Greeks the Greeks were ruling Egypt when this happened Egypt as an independent nation was done it dates to the first century BC the oldest Egyptian zodiac not a trace of it in the prior 26 dynasties of Egypt that's a problem all said it appears when the Greeks are ruling when dundera when the dundera temple was rebuilt yeah this this is a this is this is bad this means there's no recognizable zodiac in all of pre-greek Egyptian history those four are not nothing's been found and it's saying something because we have all the wall ticks coffin takes we have we have the funerary text we all we have all the the the Valley of the Kings yeah that's a lot of Egyptian services to research Karnak the wall reliefs nothing no zodiac also dating from this exact time is the famous anti-qythera computer that was found in 1901 in the Mediterranean off the coast of Crete an old shipwreck and it was actually discovered in the in the in the in 1902 when they were going through the the Shipwrecked items and found that that it's Unique it's a computer yeah you can see these pictures here now it uses a Greek A Primitive Greek zodiac it too is the first century BC it's all the same period of time everything compressed at that one period of time Old Testament New Testament appearance of the zodiac as we have it today yeah so many things appeared at that time at that period of time anti-key theory computer so we have many history books you know they assert that the Zodiac was recognized but there are no texts cited there are no artifacts offered to substantiate the claims two and a half centuries before the alexandrian library period in China was the first hint that the Chinese knew of a zodiac that was about 500 BC and they recorded their astrology on the backs of turtle shells remember that and this was four to five hundred years after the great poets the Agnes hesiad Homer hey these are 900 to 800 BC in their epic works that suddenly appeared in the world scene we have works and days elegies Iliad Odyssey these great these great works that survive today these post Dark Age writers Drew heavily upon the mythological but they did not know of a zodiac but this was five centuries five centuries now after evidence of a Hindu knowledge of a zodiac around 1400 BC who claimed that the world itself was carried atop a turtle shell the Chinese and the Hindu connected the world and calendars with a turtle and this has made all the more profound by the fact that the belief is further maintained in ancient America Turtles backs have 13 sections that were sacred to the ancient lunar calendar Hinduism derives from the older Vedic astrology which was lunar based and this lunar system was embedded in the ancient pre-flood American calendar of the Maya a calendar which counted 13 bactins of 144 000 days each under the 13 heavens curiously Ptolemy fixed the Zodiac at 12 houses representing the circle of animals but you know what 18 centuries ago he was aware that there was a 13th zodiacal sign that's right very few people are aware of O fire Cliffs and I don't know if I'm pronouncing that right but ophiacus was the 13th sign it was omitted in replace of a 12 a division of the heavens into 12 12 sectors the zodiac ophiacus was originally was also called serpentarius the old dragon so the earliest zodiac was based on 13 constellations and was strictly a lunar based system so what happened to change this well I'm glad you asked because I'm about to let you guys have it the ancient Oriental American and India cultures were matriarchal and they revered the goddess you guys know I've got three or four videos on the goddess they employ the lunar calendar they revered the turtle as the keeper of time and oracles these cultures they also share the common trait of special attention being being given to the Pleiades or the Pleiades however you say it the Seven Sisters the Seven Stars the seven Wanderers and the practice of keeping oral traditions during this period the Seven Stars or seven sisters were clearly visible because the vapor canopy magnified the stars and moon by light the anti-deluvian world lived under the vapor canopy when the sun was never seen so in the daytime the sky was a dark purple light their world was humid and hot and I'm reminding you of all these elements about the vapor canopy because they're going to be very important in this presentation concerning an ancient disc that's been found and translated Society was very separated between the millions and millions of goddess peoples in the minority of strangers among them who who stayed behind walled enclosures and underground dwellings the anuna is Genesis animals are mentioned in the beginning the creation but this was a reset a new beginning a cycle animals are mentioned again in Genesis in the flood story animals are loaded onto the Ark of Noah who survives another cataclysm the cycle is now over when the the day the sky fills Phil suddenly there is entered into the traditional period the circle of animals which we call the zodiac before this event in 2239 BC there was not a hint not a hint anywhere of a knowledge of a zodiac recorded anywhere in the world during the vapor Canopy World the chief stories and constellations involved the Seven Sisters and when the disaster occurred disaster being the meaning of evil star disaster excuse me come from two Roots disaster is evil star so the agents witnessed this evil star up here and then it destroyed their Sky the collapse of the vapor cam canopy ended that world and because the magnification effect I've described to you guys many times this magnification effect of a watery mesosphere was no longer there after the great flood this is why only six of the Pleiades can be seen today it was it was this ancient world that venerated the four stars of the corners of Heaven and the pole star forming the cosmic pyramid but in their Traditions the old pole star moved to Alpha draconis and what was Alfred jacondas they moved away from there the eye of the Dragon to the Bears Ursa Minor the new pole star the dragon had fallen and so this post-reset astronomy After the flood adopted the 12 house zodiac dropping serpentarius the dragon had fallen the 13th was omitted from the twelve so with the fall of the vapor canopy also came the birth of the sun calendars in for age the four age calendars the four Sun ages starting with the water sun in the Sumerian Pantheon the established Sumerian god suddenly introduced a whole new God into their family called utu also called shamash the sun in this way we see the moon is older than the sun because it was hidden by The Vapor canopy this cataclysm broke broke the power of the matriarchy and the new systems and governments were quickly overrun in patriarchal rule was established during the vapor canopy there was two competing dynasties the tin Kings opposed to the seven Kings the seven kings were begun by a matriarch but the Ten Kings who were defeated were a patriarchal society the same tin kings that found its way into the traditions of many people and discovered in The Narrative of Atlantis like the 10 Patriarchs in Genesis this pre-flood lunar based Reckoning of 13 months a year is why the destruction of Atlantis could never have been when Graham Hancock and others have dated it at 9500 BC but was in the 13th century BC contemporary with the sea peoples Federation invasions involving mycenaea a Greek Nation pre-greek Nation so it fulfills the story of Atlantis in Plato the Third 18 month system also makes sense in the Genesis genealogy suddenly Methuselah who is 969 years old under the new lunar base Reckoning is only 75.5 years old or 70 74.5 years old 969 divided by 13. He Is before he dies kind of makes sense now before cataclysm it was a peaceful matriarchal my matriarchy after the cataclysm it was all patriarchy the Zodiac appeared and it was male oriented with a male hero performing the Deeds of the zodiac remember Jason and the Argonauts remember oh Hercules performing all the labors yeah these are zodiacal stories even if a zodiac isn't mentioned it's what it developed out of so this this patriarchal takeover Before the Flood the constellations that are noted by the Ancients are not in the Zodiac they are booties origa the Pleiades the Seven Sisters Orion the Bears ophiacus and draconis of the pole star these were the star groups that were used in the pre-flood world they're not zodiacal constellations these are navigation Stars these are the primary Stars used in navigation there was no knowledge or use of a zodiac pre-catalism with the vapor canopy collapsed by the falling of a star the cycle was over or the circle of animals was complete with their rescue aboard the ark a vessel that would carry them through safely to begin another cycle this appeared in ancient Babylon as the moon happen or The Shining herd the origin of Apple is from the older Sumerian reference to the Phoenix or appin founded also in ancient Egyptian writings as the pindiity Pian deity and I've showed you guys this in my Phoenix presentations the append began and ended the pre-flood World The Mule happened or primitive zodiac began around 1900 BC which corresponds with the unusual fact that this date for the most ancient cuneiform tablets also that's that's uncanny parallel writing exploded only after the cataclysm and it seems to begin as a primitive cuneiform that quickly gets more sophisticated however there is a single artifact that demonstrates a precision and sophistication unlike in anything that we find in later near Eastern texts this mystery Relic is called Babylonian tablet K 8538 and it is an eyewitness account of the Phoenix destruction in 2239 BC when the sky fell it is a copy of a Sumerian original as his many other Babylonian documents the k-8538 document excuse me it's the world's it's the world's first scientific documentation on the approach of a terrestrial object of like a large comet to that impacts Earth observations were made on top of an astronomical Tower it was supposedly located like a hundred kilometers close to the impact site I don't know I don't know this is what scientists are saying they also say the scientists that put this report I'll also say that these are scientifically precise observations that in that the author of this ancient disc recorded the trajectory distance and even employed trigonometry scientists believe it it indicates a destructive date of 2193 BC and this is very close this date is actually 46 years away from the total infrastructure collapse of all Bronze Age civilizations it's very close what makes it even closer is the scientists admit that 2193 BC is still an approximation it may be or may not be correct the authors admit there is nothing on the tablet to use as a date reference the 2193 BC they derived from other studies showing an impact event in the region of Sumer that's interesting how they took external data and incorporated into this scientists do that a lot the real interest here though is the reference to the Sumerian term Phoenix the appen the celestial source for destructive meteors on Earth according to the Babylonian text that's really that's intriguing this tablet has amazing description of a sky darkening the fall of Ash dirt and mud a total Destruction for a century it was untouched it was discovered in the 1800s but in 2008 Scholars finally began giving it serious attention this Comet or bolide impact is responsible for a 300 year long drop in worldwide temperatures which is precisely what happened when the vapor canopy fell it was this 300 year post cataclysm period when the Titanic Vapor canopy humans were giving birth to Giants and dying out and Giants were giving birth to normal sized people in dying out it was this 300 years when the worldwide demographics change from lunar systems and matriarchies to solar calendars and patriarchal rule amazingly on the tablet the Pleiades and Orion are used as points of reference in the sky for the movement of the approaching object and there is no mention of a zodiac the scientific report on tablet K 8538 can be reviewed in the links Below guys the zodiac is ancient but it's not near as old as a lot of modern authors are trying to tell you it was born the day the sky fell