Haunted Life of a Dark Prophet

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this is jason of archaics.com with over 120 videos out now and i'm pretty much iced in in texas and i have people asking me for more intimate details about my life and my history i decided to sit down and go ahead and share with you some information about who i am and what led me to the discoveries that i have made basically what drives me and uh i hope you enjoy this presentation now a year ago i put out my i put out a video it was my second video called simulation theory and i made many promises about what kind of information i was going to deliver and i hope that some of you will go back and look at that video and see that i have indeed kept my promises and that you will see that other things that i have dictated and i have i have asserted will also come come about as well as i'm able to release more and more material now when i say that i am not someone who is researching data to to to disseminate it and give it to you this is stuff that i have done years ago and some of it i'm just now being able to put together i have thousands of pages of notes and it's by virtue of very long incarceration having spent a very a very significant amount of time of my life behind bars since i was a teenager i was able to collate this data and put it together for you so i was born in spring texas memorial memorial hospital and my life i'm not gonna sanitize anything for you here i'm gonna give it to you direct uh my father is a criminal he and he had a long criminal history he was also more than twice the age of my mother who was just a 16 year old child she was 17 when she had me now uh the first the first four and a half years of my life was basically on the streets of uh i don't know i want to say a motel hotel apartments condos some hud housing i don't know what it was but it but it was a pretty run down i spent i spent many mornings eating cereal with water uh these are just facts i'm not trying to sit here and elicit any sympathy from anyone um this is me and my baby sister right here michelle and i took care of her i used to steal from little grocery stores and make sure she and i had enough and michelle and i were adopted into the brochures family when we were adopted we both had we had we had some adjustment issues she used to store food and it would always be found by our new adopted parents because it would be rotting in the bathrooms but she used to stow away food under her pillow and hide it under the bed and hide it in her closet and uh it was just basically it was a carryover from the trauma of our of our youth and um like i said i never adjusted what she did she got she adjusted better than i did i never did and uh the all three of us here this is louis my little brother my sister and this is me as the little indian uh all three of us were adopted by the brochures family this is the mid 70s my childhood well i spent a lot of time in sports but truth be told i only stayed with the brochures family for 10 years my mother my mother was very puritan southern baptist very controlling i did not adjust well to the five days a week church lifestyle and i initially rebelled at age 15 i left home and i went to tulsa oklahoma i i packed a backpack and i hitchhiked to tulsa i made it to tulsa oklahoma from bedford texas very intriguing but uh in tulsa i took up several jobs i didn't live a criminal lifestyle i i was taken in by people i was working i was roofing i was doing all kinds of things to make money at 15 years old and uh something very interesting happened to me and i'm gonna relate it to you here jonathan harrison and uh jack garrett are probably the only two people alive that know this story i'm gonna go ahead and share it with you i believe it has everything to do with with uh basically how the geometry of my life has has unfolded and coming out of tulsa oklahoma one time i'm in a ford rancher 1979 ford ranch arrow and i took a wrong turn coming out of saginaw and i don't know where i ended up but for about two hours i was on a very well-kept narrow road and it never had any signs and when i was beginning to panic because i was about to run out of gas uh here's a picture of me at the age that this happened this picture was taken at school right before i ran away from home at age 15. so i ended up on this road somewhere leaving saginaw thinking i was heading back toward the south dallas fort worth it was at night time i'm going through a force for about two hours i'm about to ride a gas i'm about to panic and all of a sudden the road opens up into this huge city in the middle of nowhere and instantly i began to panic because there were no signs no buildings gave off there was no numbers on any buildings and yet every street that i had passed through had these giant alphabetical designations acronyms and number serial numbers were written real big on the streets as if the only person that would understand them was high in the sky and helicopters or planes or something so i'm driving around totally lost and bewildered realizing that i'm probably somewhere that i'm not supposed to be when a military type security vehicle wasn't a police car i remember it being something of that nature pulled behind me and started following me and i made a right turn into a residential area and left this industrial complex here that i would that i had been driving and i pulled into a neighborhood not knowing was a neighborhood that just opened up to me and i made two or three turns just driving erratic and every time the security guy followed me but he kept a distance and when he finally turned his light on i had gone into a dead-end cul-de-sac and i don't know why i made several turns to get there and i saw a space next open to another vehicle and i just pulled the ranchero straight into the driveway turned it off and parked it as if i knew what i was doing and the security vehicle seemed to just kind of linger and go through the the uh cul-de-sac behind me and i was when this this middle-aged white guy opens the door to the house that i pulled into you gotta understand how bizarre this was it's like 3 a.m in the morning so he opens the door and waves the security guy off comes out there and greets me invites me into his home feeds me feeds me uh all kinds of food talks to me and he gives me this long spiel about oh everything's gonna be okay there's nothing to worry about and the whole time i'm looking at this beautiful woman on the couch who's comatose or unconscious he told me don't worry about her she's just sick she hasn't been feeling well but she never stirred she never did anything the whole time i was there uh and it kind of creeped me out but i felt very peaceful with this guy it was unusual to me especially when he asked to pray over me he didn't ask me to join him in prayer and and i felt very uncomfortable but that sensation it dissipated quick i will never forget i have no idea what the man said he spoke english but i don't remember i was a 15 year old kid in a really weird situation having just went through coincidences that defy coincidence actually and and i'm and i remember the peace that came over me and i don't remember what he prayed about or what he said but i felt so so in touch with whatever the hell i i was at 15 years old or where what i was thinking i really don't know what was going through my head back then i was a vagabond all i knew is that the situation at home had gotten to the point where i was never going back it was as simple as that i had made an executive decision in my life to move forward i wasn't going backward anymore so this prayer and this food made me feel so awesome and i went and the man gave me gave me a bed i don't know i don't remember anything much much but i went and i slept in the house and he woke me up and the sun was up and he he told me hey man it's time to go so this guy gives me a sack full of food gets in his vehicle and i and tells me to follow him and i follow him through this whole bizarre array of streets and in the daytime it was even creepier this this place i don't this place should be seen on google maps somebody can probably find it if it's still there i'm pretty sure it is it was a huge series of facilities and neighborhoods in the middle of nowhere about two mile drive straight through a forest outside of northern tulsa the saginaw i left the saginaw area well anyway that's not the subject of this video uh the man gave me 200 cash and uh i went about my way he got me back to to to a public road i went about my way and things kind of just seemed to uh play out normally i just lived a normal life as a 15 year old 16 year old i'm doing jobs working didn't think much about it until i had a dream this dream is uh i'm just going to give it to you as best as i remember it but i'm all i'm always standing at the coast and i'm watching the sea actually disappear as the sky darkens as the waters recede i can see creatures flipping and flopping around in the mud the water just totally disappears toward the horizon uh it seems to go lower and lower i'm looking into valleys and maybe hills and uh uh i there's an old man with a dog and i think it's so so strange that i just approach him and when i when i when i get there he just turns around and tells me that in three hours this is not going to be a place for the living so i i don't remember what i say to him but i did say something to him but all of a sudden the dog wasn't a dog anymore it was some apparatus some something this this old man was holding that was doing something uh to the environment and it wasn't an old man no more now it was some guy in some weird suit and i couldn't see him at all i don't even know if he's human but the whole situation had changed and i remember being horrified and thinking that man this something's not right here i need to stop this machine i need to stop this thing from doing what it's doing man because it's absolutely unnatural so right then and there i throw caution to the wind and i'm about to i'm about to just jump on him or attack i don't remember what i'm going to do but i remember feeling that i got to do something i'm going to do it so i just started and that's when the ground started shaking and i remember getting so scared that i run away from the beach as the sky turns red and everyth and everything just like it's an earthquake i'm moving through but it's not really stopping me from moving and uh the sand seems to be vibrating and it's raising up off the ground and it's stinging my shins and i always end the dream that way and the reason i'm telling you this is because i had this dream three times in a two-year period and it never changed it was always the same and i don't know why i'm just gonna tell you right now that i've always suspected that that dream was connected to my experience outside of saginaw i just don't i don't i don't uh i don't understand uh what the connection would be but it's there so in my time on the streets from 15 years old to 16 and then to 17 i began to participate in burglaries with a 22 year old guy and we went across oklahoma and the dallas fort worth areas and i've never hurt anybody nothing like that but one one one car theft turned into something a whole lot more and yes somebody got hurt and i ended up getting prosecuted for it now to make a long story short during my incarceration in the harris county jail this happened in houston incidents occurred that turned my potential boot camp sentence into a seven year sentence further incidents occurred some of them beyond my control that turned that into into an even longer sentence i ended up going to the texas department of criminal justice now i'm not here to justify my actions i said i was a criminal i 100 embraced that history it is a part of the architecture of my personality and who i am i am a rebel and i'm 100 confident in the things i convey to those that i teach and because i've lived through that life i've lived through the experience i'm able to counsel people because i have seen the dark darker aspects of reality i have watched men hold their entrails i have talked them into the going to the other side i have sit i have sit on wreck yards side by side with men that were bleeding to death and i calmly talked them as they passed over as if this is just something that had become a part of my life it is something that uh i experienced and uh it has a lot to do with who i am and my ability to convey information because people know that i'm coming from a place of truth i have no interest in deceiving people i gain nothing from it it's uh i don't i don't need to corrupt uh the value of one's judgment on the information that i convey to them by embellishing or by um even even just outright lying it's uh you're gonna find that a lot on youtube you're gonna find that a lot of people's published books but i i don't have no need to do that because my life is already so just it's so different than most people experience i don't have to sit here and lie about the details i spent 15 years of maximum security but i spent 26 years and 48 days in texas prison and believe me i don't have to to i don't have to sit here and tell you everything i saw you know you've seen the movies you've seen the television shows you know you gotta separate fact from fit you know fat from fiction but during that incarceration i was able to amass such a tremendous collection of data i do not believe that there is anybody else on this rock that has had that opportunity it's uh the non-fiction books that i had collated and read the the data that i had in mind surpasses anything i have come across in other youtube channels it was during this incarceration that that dream took on a new meaning for me i began to put together a a basic timeline of world history that made that take on context for me that uh uh i'm not promoting the supernatural here i'm not promoting anything like that i i am suggesting that my visit to that facility in wherever that place was uh that prayer that that man made over me basically set my fate i believe i don't believe someone with just an ordinary iq of moderate intelligence uh could have put together this massive chronic on this chronology of events showing over 10 000 different events the way i have done it and i offer free on archaic.com into the pdf files and my videos are always supplementing it with more and more data but i don't believe that uh i possess a modicum of more intellect than anybody else something else has been driving me to this end so we'll flat we'll go ahead and fast forward to to uh four years ago a little over four years ago on uh december 20th of the year 2016 i was released from prison at 43 years old so that drive that compelled me in prison to research and to read and and collect all this information and continue to send these packets home these packets of data home is uh that i that i was reunited with when i was released that drive never ceased you would think that a man who spent over over a quarter of a century in a prison cell would want to get out and party would want a womanized would want to go out but nothing none of that there is something in me that compels me forward to make sure this information is received by enough of the public that in the event anything ever happens to me the information's out there and i'm good there's no other way to explain how a man could release 120 something videos in less than a year like i have done uh some of the videos having the content that they have the archaic.com content have friends like matthew devereaux release it all on facebook and still have time to work full time so in the rest of this video i'm going to show you exactly what i've been doing for four years it's gonna be pretty interesting for those of you who are interested in me and and how i came about the information basically the the rhythm of my ways the how i live my life uh this is uh 100 over 100 and something pictures is here uh i'm sorry for the link that this video is going to require but uh many of you have asked for this so since i'm iced in today that's exactly what i'm going to do i'm going to give you what you asked for one of the qualities that that has enhanced my publishing is that uh i'm very artistic and as you can see here my pen and ink drawings these are original pen and ink drawings right here and i use them in my archaics a lot it's uh for different stuff some of them are parts of book covers or illustrations and books um that that uh interesting art in prison was definitely in tattooing here's my tattoo gun collection right here uh many of the tattoos that i have on my body were all completely drawn by me some of them have some astronomical meaning to them some of my research is encoded within the tattoos that i've drawn some of them are just male bravado inability to carry a knife so a tattoo one on me uh i'm really into symbolism the astrological meanings of of the time of my birth and stuff like that wicked gestures uh you can see it all here so when i get out of prison my family gives me two vehicles as a pretty much get out of prison present uh one of them was a it's a vintage classic this one right here it's a it's a cadillac ferrari hybrid as a matter of fact you see the ferrari symbol here in just a minute it's a 1993 cadillac elante made by pen and fenini and ferrari i enjoyed that car for the first 14 months of my freedom uh it's a great ride very expensive parts uh 32 valve v8 northstar engine i loved it but during my incarceration it was always my passion to get a harley and i got the new updated fat boy 2018 when it first came out the new updated version and here it is right here pictures of my beautiful bike and uh i had a real terrible accident on this bike and it almost killed me and it cost me a fortune between medical bills uh i was laying i was in bed for 40 days i went to the emergency room er they pulled they pulled rebar out of my arm i flew 65 feet through the air totaled the bike had had to have the bike fully restored medical bills i had to sell the cadillac alante to a collector he really wanted it anyway just to catch up on my bills and all that and i had to sell my mercedes ml430 as well and and uh hey it happens it's life after i was healed i wasn't fully recovered but actually going to work in a pipe yard in splendor texas i started at the bottom and i'll work my way all the way up to a cnc pipe threader machinist which was the the most delicate machine that they had the most important if you don't get the thread count right it's going to mess up all the pipes in all your orders you're going to lose your chevron contracts and all that so i worked myself from the bottom to the top and then it was time to leave splindora uh i learned all i could i'm a very fast learner and once i had mastered the pipe threading in the cnc machines i moved up to the vulcan facility in tomball texas oil and gas i began working at vulcan i started at the bottom as well in shipping and receiving by the time i had left 11 months later i had mastered the longitudinal fin machine i'm a machinist by trade there's there's nothing with intricate parts i really can't figure out if i can't reverse engineer it but uh these are pictures of me at the actual vulcan facility right here uh i did a little bit of everything while i was working at the volca facility on my days off i would work at the 2920 road house in hockley texas it is owned by kelly burmaster and i pretty much fell in love with him and his family really good people they have a really nice operation going on they have they have weathered the storm uh these are people that would give the shirt off their back but it was time for me to move on and although i've maintained some really good friendships from with the family i'm just not uh this this inner drive that compels me since i was a teenager has not stopped and i am further compelled to move forward in the dissemination of information that i possess that i know that is of great value to people or will be in the very near future yeah here's here's santa aka kelly um spending a little too much time on my baby right here so in my 16th year in prison i receive a publishing contract from booktree press in san diego this is paul tice the owner of the publishing uh company now book tree press will send free catalogs to anybody if you call wayne at 1-800-700 tree they're out-of-print books over 100 years a thousand titles is awesome my first book was lost scriptures of giza which is about the secret to the great pyramid now uh mr tice has a very intriguing history he used to be the personal videographer traveled around the world with zechariah sitchin himself this is an actual picture that paul tice gave me of uh him and him and sitchin that is paul tice holding the camera in the background now paul tyson has also taken a picture with another very controversial author right here this is paul tice with alan alford alan alford is the author of the phoenix solution for those of you who don't know alan alford died under very mysterious circumstances this is uh but this is booktree's bookstore in san diego on 3316 adams avenue out of this wealth of data that i mined from over 1 300 and something non-fiction reference books that were sent to me by different people some of them i bought some of my orders some of my trade other prisoners for and and believe it or not the texas prison system has books in their library some of them are over 100 years old and uh i spent my entire incarceration when i wasn't getting in trouble or or causing mischief actually data mining so uh data mining is the reading of of materials and extracting i'm sitting by my pen and ink and filling tablets up recording the author the source material dates of publications and the page number where the information was from and i i i just data mine all this data and then if i see parallels and patterns i put it together and i write these books now many of the books you're looking at right now have not been published because i just i'm i work full time uh it's it's going to take a team uh any editors stuff like maybe it'll never get done i don't know maybe it will who knows maybe next year somebody will give me 50 000 and we'll hire a team in six months we'll put out 20 something books whatever happens happens i'm very confident though that i have put out enough information in my 120-something youtube videos to where this information is not going to be lost backing it up in different venues like reddit and uh uh matthew devereaux's facebook page and um the archaics.com information i have so much still yet to be uh put into a format and published that would really blow your mind to see all this material in one place it's really quite fascinating now what most of you don't know except for my closest confidants is that while i was in prison i wrote a seven book epic fantasy series a dark fantasy series that basically masks all my discoveries and all my beliefs about this world that we live in in a fiction narrative of a fairy apocalypse involving 60 or 60 to 65 different races of beings most of them are pretty much created into a fantasy fantasy setting i have the maps i have the books the manuscripts it's just again i it's uh i've only been out of prison for years now i'll get to it so i'll get to it someday i just like i said i'm working i'm working 40 to 48 hours a week and i'm going to get to that now what i'm doing now some of you have taken an interest in so i'm going to show those pictures i'm going to show those pictures to you too but it is uh it is a very time consuming the type of work i do but hey the bill's got to get paid i'm going to continue to do this no matter what obstacles i face i will continue this channel and the dissemination of accurate information some of you also that i'm in private communication with in emails and you're also very aware that in the course of my studies in ancient history in the study of the actual mathematical construct that i call reality this holospheric reality that we live within and studying the physics constants that govern these protocols that that are causal that that form the basis of cause and effect that i have over a period of time i have developed what i call the office algorithm which is basically a way to hack reality and i have given many demonstrations uh in private and i have published many in our sports algorithms in our games here and nfl nfl algorithms and these were done in advance before the games and it's it's irrefutable there's no way to contest this because it was sent to several different people and published online as well but i'm not going to get into the details of that you can watch the videos now what i want all i want to say is it is consumed a tremendous amount of my doing doing this it detracts and takes away from my real effort of putting out the great pyramid the phoenix the and the anunnaki timelines these things that are absolutely relevant not because they happened in ancient history or or are factual but because they have everything to do with what's about to unfold in the next 22 years so while the office office algorithm is very fascinating uh soon maybe i'll get a team together and we'll be able to uh sell it do something uh right now i just don't have the time i just keep everything backed up on flash drives in order to make more time for myself i abandoned the oil and gas industry in the machinist trade because it's a fixed schedule and it disallows for any creativity it just allows for me to be able to come home and do anything so i started pressure washing and i started my own company called woodlands residential pressure wash which quickly turned into something else these are actual pictures of jobs i did you see i'm a visual recorder i recorded almost every aspect of my life visually but uh pressure washing led into an entirely an entirely new field of work that i had never anticipated that i would do but has been lucrative and been able to i've been able to pay the and yet also have a flexible schedule enough to where i can release these youtube videos now i've also on lake conroe i've also used my pressure washer to to uh wash out boats prepare boats even uh basically refurbish them so i stopped pressure washing and i formed a new company called paradise rock gardens uh i basically do what other landscapers don't want to do and mess with the heavy rocks it was a learning process at first i started small but now i'm doing flagstone services sometimes up to 400 square feet every picture you see is something that i did myself paradise rock gardens is pretty much my bread winner now this is how i pay my bills and and and gives me a flexible schedule enough to where i can release youtube videos and still continue some of my research even though a lot of it's on the back burner and i will say that i have developed a great appreciation for the ancient stone masons it's a this this uh this bs egyptological theory that those monuments were made with chisels or even any any hand-held tools period is total [\h__\h] if you have not done flagstone before you really don't have appreciation for how heavy rock is it's a i install boulders i install sometimes 475 pound elephants statues large rocks it's the great pyramid of egypt was not built by anything but large machines and it probably wasn't a very a large p a large amount of people my videos addressed this how uh ancient ancient technological civilization was definitely using machines to to a fracture maybe sonic fracture whole pieces of building materials off of cliffs which would then be levitated or moved to the building site which would then be liquefied and then poured into molds where additional hardening materials were added like geopolymers and uh there's just too much evidence of this for the magnetite crystals that are going in all different directions from a from a cooled rod a naturally a naturally volcanic cooled rock would not produce that all the crystals crystals would be going in the same directions but i digress these are my these are just some of the jobs hope you enjoy the visual presentation and of course it's not all work i do get out and play from time to time uh i don't do it often but sometimes i'll just have that wonderlust in me and i'll go out and i'll do something visit friends uh go on a road trip actually my work my work takes me all over the state of texas and i see some pretty weird things that i'll sit there and pose for a picture or i come across some pretty interesting bridges and i'll do that too so after my motorcycle motorcycle accident and uh the loss of my alante i moved here and i turned this place into this uh this is now my home well there's my there's my smoker i live the simple life it's uh but it's what i want to do i like to collect old things like these oil lamps continue my research i'm never going to stop never going to quit being who i am and and i'm never going to stop reading it's all there we've never lost the data in summary here it doesn't matter where i've been doesn't matter even who i am i believe in my in my in what i'm doing i believe in archaics i believe that that the harrowing things that i have found in world history and in the architecture of this of this strange universe that we live in that we're heading towards something big i'm drawing charts to prove it i'm releasing a whole lot more videos to prove it i will continue doing this until something makes me stop [Music]