Unlocking Secret of Biblical Chronology

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[Music] most of you guys know that chronology is my expertise that i strongly believe it has been ignored by establishment authorities i get it that people having never listened to my videos read my books or study these hundreds of posts would doubt the integrity of this research doubt is not what angers mean i get ticked by dismissal by people popping into markets group or making comments on my youtube channels who have never even attempted to assess the data it has long been understood that it is easier to criticize than it is to analyze but instead of focusing on some of these hardwired individuals who couldn't be made to accept a situation even if it unfolded in their face i'm going to share with you some deep chronological data points two thousand years ago in the calculations of the text cedar olam we find that in our calendar today abraham of genesis was born in 1948 hebrew reckoning josephus wrote abram was born 292 years after the flood this would have been 2239 bc or 1656 flood date plus 292 years equals 1948. two different species of analysis here provide the exact same output a thousand years ago moses miami-dades wrote that abraham was born in 1947 bc of our calendar also eliza shulman in sequence of events in the old testament dates abram's birth at 1948 bc biblical christian chronologist stephen jones in his epic work the secrets of time he used the old testament book of jasher the assyrian eponyms and he determined and published that abram was born in 1947 bc and that 1947 bc is also the exact same year 1948 ns mundi this means that 1947 and 1948 bc and annas mundi are two different calendrical systems counting forward and backward in time a spy a space-time palindrome with an epicenter being the birth of abram then comes the discovery of the 138-year phoenix phenomenon chronology which marks 3895 bc as year 1 and year 1656 as the flood caused by the phoenix which correlates with abram born in 1947 bc as per josephus is 292 years this is an easy way to positively date the biblically important date of 3895 bc 2239 bc in 1947 bc the beginning and end of the pre-flood world and then the 292 years later but abram's birth further allows us to date another important event the exodus cedar olam has the 10 plagues in exodus event from egypt exactly 500 years after the birth of abram this is confirmed independently in the meticulous calculations from the book of jasher's chronomarkers this date is 1447 bc or 24 48 years from the 3895 bc date which was year one before the flood in secrets of time jones dates to exodus also as 1447 bc so does emmanuel velikovsky and also dr thiel of mysterious numbers of the hebrew kings also united states cryptologist r.a bourlet developed a system to study the numbers of the bible and determined that the exodus event had occurred in 1447 bc this year 1447 bc is the same as 2448 anis mundi or 24 48 years since year one of the pre-flood timeline this is important because as i show on my chronic on for 1447 bc exodus two modern authors studying egyptian texts discovered that the number 2448 is referenced in an old text as the date for a cataclysm neither author knew this was also the date of the exodus under the different calendar in stunning confirmation we find that archbishop james usher over 350 years ago dated the exodus as happening in the old world calendar 2448. you just can't make this stuff up the biblical record then says that the temple of solomon was begun 400 years after the exodus this is 967 bc and now biblical history easily integrates with secular history israel and judah rift apart in 931 bc the assyrians invade in 745 bc and deport many of the ten tribes followed in 721 bc when they deported all of israel in a phoenix year 721 bc that was recorded in an assyrian text as shown in chronic on judah falls to babylon in 583 bc the year thales of miletus predicted the 583 bc sun darkening of phoenix this is a simple overview of chronocon which is actually hundreds of pages of data these dates are important also because they are key to interpreting the great pyramids apex calendar which is the subject matter of my next three videos everything in chronicon in the following chart packs world chronology posters i provide all my published books and timelines are predicated on these facts if you are getting your historical information from anyone on youtube in books or other media and they deviate from this chronological sequence of events then they are teaching you fantasy and conjecture all of my 180 plus videos all of my published books hundreds of charts posters and hundreds of articles and posts follow this exact same chronology i never deviate and yet my math always works my friends we will never know the future without an accurate past see the links below for all my all my playlists all my ordering anything you want to get involved in in arcades