2022 and Beyond: Thailand, Dominican Republic and Australia

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Revision as of 08:20, 6 March 2023 by (talk) (Created page with "{{Vtop}} <youtube>https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qH36y9Gq5eo</youtube> {{Vcc}} [Music] welcome back to my channel guys as you know i've already done predictions for the united states and abroad you know pretty much uh any interesting worldwide events i've been doing predictions about 2021 and 2022 for a while and just like when you're a child and you're and you're growing up and your parents mark on the wall how tall you are in june and then mark it again in august...")
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[Music] welcome back to my channel guys as you know i've already done predictions for the united states and abroad you know pretty much uh any interesting worldwide events i've been doing predictions about 2021 and 2022 for a while and just like when you're a child and you're and you're growing up and your parents mark on the wall how tall you are in june and then mark it again in august and they're delighted to see that you've grown you've grown half an inch well the unfolding of events are exact same way especially their interpretation i made many many predictions in my 13 or 14 videos that were made they i have started turning those videos out within a week of trump being removed from office now a lot of predictions in there and many of them have come to pass and are coming to pass they are unfolding but but the deal is is people don't really realize that they haven't gone back and really watched those videos and then compared the world then in january 2021 to the world now there are fundamental differences that people are ignoring such as in january of 2021 most of the youtube world was all doomed saying they could not believe this had happened they could not believe the state of affairs had gotten to the point where socialists had taken over the country trump had been overthrown these things were people were shocked here in america but the youtube channels that were the people that were producing videos at the time there was a lot of doom saying there was a lot of there was a lot of talk of of and some people even took it to another level time i don't know he'll be back next week trump will be back within two weeks three weeks but i started showing isometric projections and i started showing says look this very powerful media mogul empire that's that's producing all this that's telling us this stuff they're going to start collapsing before 2021 ends i made that prediction we have seen a lot of it i made predictions about big tech companies being dismantled and that the dismantling will even be covered up and be whitewashed if you've been paying attention to amazon jeff bezos and and zuckerberg what's going on facebook metaver if you've been paying attention to the cnn what's going on with cnn is very it's very indicative it's it's an actual fulfillment of one thing i've predicted about abc nbc cbs and cnn i specifically named them now the problem is is that people lose focus when a prediction is made in january and february the world is very different than the world of january and february of 2022 an entire year has passed and in that year hundreds of millions of people have woke up they are awake to the fact that mainstream media is absolutely full of they have what they they have there's a lot going on but anyway let's need to hear there i've got a i got a video on canada i've already released the video these three countries these are friends of mine who asked for these predictions and they've they've donated to our cakes they've helped me make it through the winter months you guys know i'm i'm i lay flags on that's what i do i'm basically a laborer but i'm a contractor i own my own company doesn't mean i make a lot of money because i really don't especially in the winter months when there's no work these guys floated me they really let they help they helped me make it through these dark months and i was able to produce a lot more material on archaics because of that i was able to do things it freed up my time and uh allowed me to even finance you know these guys funded my my studio they wanted to know about what can they expect in 2022 in thailand in uh the dominican and republic know in in in australia so i spent days doing a search and putting all this together and i have to and i have to i have to i have to explain that just because i am able to go in and look at these isometric patterns and there's many of them that doesn't mean there's always going to be events that can be found let me explain and that's a good thing that's a good thing but uh i just want to encourage people to go back and watch those videos and see the state of affairs now as opposed to what it was when i made those videos i was producing videos going in a complete opposite direction than most of the people producing content on youtube but now it seems like many of them have had a total about-face and they're in absolute agreement with many of the things i was saying it's very interesting um but you got to chew it all up and spit out the bones this is a very difficult type of analysis it's not 100 accurate never is but it's been dead on quite a bit eerily so so let's get into this video real quick i'm going to start with though basically the one that's the most static which is thailand these are the office predictions for 2022 in thailand so but do strictly in thailand do strictly to overseas developments involving in the united states in 2022 there will be a movement in thailand to change its own constitution something occurs locally in china that brings peace to the area that lasts through 2022 2023 and part of 2024 but it will end in 2024 with a sudden and unexpected military takeover of the country and it will be a coup it's going to be in thailand in 2024 the thai military will control the media it will ban political parties and uh it looks like in the year 2024 thailand will have three different leaders at three different times there is not more i can say about thailand i went far further into the future than was requested of me i was asked about 2022 but i went ahead and looked i took extra time to do it because it looked like 2022 is a relatively good year for thailand and by good year i mean it maintains the status quo there isn't genocide and riots and mass murders and military invasions now that's going on in 2022 right now so it's a good thing 2023 looks like it's going to be the status quo it's going to be a good thing 2024 around the month of april and may it looks like things are going to get really bad in thailand but i don't think it's going to get bad for the population i think it's going to get bad for the people who have been ruling over that population i think some people in the thailand military are going to get fed up with some but uh we'll see we will see that's thailand i'm sorry i'm sorry i'm sorry about the request it's abbreviated it's concise because there's just nothing to analyze there wasn't a lot to see let's move forward to the dominican republic where things get very interesting in the year 2022. this is the office predictions for the dominican republic now for those of you who don't know the location of the dominican republic it's in the caribbean islands i have a very dear friend to me a friend of mine i've known him for about a year year and a half now only only recently has uh he's been you know pretty much more involved in my life and i've gotten to know him better a man with a really good heart i'm not gonna name him but uh he's really good people and he's stuck in paradise right now because he can't get back into the united states and uh and it's a pretty sad story trying to be re reunited with his family man my heart goes out to him but he's in a good place let me explain oh this isometric analysis really it really discouraged me at first because the request was from this friend but there's almost nothing to analyze this means the region is static or said another way life continues on without any significant disruptions the only blip on the radar for 2022 that i found in the dominican republic is a demonstration that will possibly get out of control and there will be fatalities it is connected to politics but it's such an isolated incident it will just be a small blip on the news because there appears to be a few years of peace in this region just like thailand uh i took the time to go much deeper and i found something very interesting in the palindromic reflections of events concerning the dominican republic we find that in the year 2030 there will be a political assassination and it will instantly trigger a rapid series of events please remember i said this this was a very deep analysis and it was done from multiple different mathematical perspectives political intrigues are going to unfold civil unrest will erupt multitudes of people who have been in the dominican republic for a while will flee the country to surrounding areas this is toward the final quarter of the year in 2030. those fleeing the country are not given sanctuary elsewhere this is one thing i found that was very intriguing they're running now quickly in the beginning of 2031 it's not going to be long into 2031 there is no military resistance whatsoever against a sudden total all-out invasion by u.s troops who seize power and conduct an occupation bases encampments new political structuring uh i find all this very unusual because we're already basically in control of the dominican republic but a large population of u.s citizens will relocate to the dominican republic starting at the beginning of 2031. u.s forces will occupy and remain four years until the government in popul and the population modifications are made a departure of occupation forces is not a departure of u.s citizens i can't identify the reason for an increasing in citizen presence in the dominican republic maybe it's going to be a 51st state i don't know i'm not i'm not going to make those type of speculations so in summary for the next 8.5 years i'm sorry to disappoint you if you're looking for anything that really exciting that was going to happen but for 8.5 more years it looks like the dominican republic will basically remain as it has been for the last 8.5 years it's just unchanged life continues unabated so we moved to australia where things get very very interesting australia is not going to have a static gear and please remember this video when these when this series of events begins to unfold be ready to share it so in australia for the year 2022 there's going to be records set for the wettest year in over 50 years perhaps due to a monsoon corruption of high-standing judicial officials will be exposed by the media and it will shock people that it's the media that's reporting it in elections the liberal leadership will be voted out unexpected resignation of a member of the house of representatives will shock everybody federal government will announce sweeping reforms to business rules to attract overseas companies to australia major industrial dispute will occur it'll be widely reported possibly concerning uranium mining an overseas nuclear threat possibly a detonation or a series of dead nations will result in australia publicly on the world scene denouncing the event and severing diplomatic relations with the perpetrators steel production and other national resources begin a large economic upswing by the end of the year australia living and economic conditions will be improved australian military forces will join those of an ally in an overseas operation the government makes demands of banks that are accused of illegal practices australia is very interesting but i didn't stop there i looked a little bit deeper as i did with the united states in 2022 will be very interesting to australians because of so many overseas developments some which greatly improve australian economy and conditions in this analysis there is a strong hint in many events that the red threat of china for some reason is no longer an issue by the end of the year i understand that that china is is is a is a possible threat to australians because of proximity but i'm getting through the isometric analysis there's that threat ceases to exist by the end of the year for reasons that are beyond me i don't know i don't know what they are there is further an undercurrent of data inferring that there is a secret accord in agreement by several parties these parties being very major nations in the world concerning australia and about its future and strategic role in becoming a world power not an isolated continent or just an isolated country but becoming a world power evidence that australia has assumed this such a role or will grow into this role in the next few years will surface in the month of october to november in 2022 when these when this series of events unfolds it will be rapidly and i do hope that you share this video extensively as soon as you see evidence of its unfoldment thank you this is jason this is archaics.com this is an official office report like i said office is kind of on standby right now i am doing personal requests for people uh i just i have to raise money every once a while just to continue doing what i do it's uh bill's got to get paid the uh i'm doing personal i'm doing personal predictions but i'm also doing the uh the national and the international predictions because that's that's what people seem to uh be very interested in but i warn you if you contact me and you want personal predictions man you know you already know those of you who have already had so many done by me you already know that that will never make those public i will not honor a a if somebody requires of me and pays me to do a the predictions for 2022 and beyond on a certain country i'm sorry but i will never keep that from the public once i do them it will become public not knowledge i will post it on archives so don't ask me for something that you don't want released this is jason and i'm signing out