Special Project: Archaix Casting Call

From Archaix Wiki
Revision as of 08:22, 6 March 2023 by (talk) (Created page with "{{Vtop}} <youtube>https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PKySpVEHxxE</youtube> {{Vcc}} hello there arcades family my loyal listeners i'm enjoying this late night coffee it is absolutely divine hope that's not blasphemy that's my clay killing cup my last one i had four gave one away two of them disappeared it's last last one so look it's a very important video the archaic's vault of historical and prophetic data is massive but it's spread through several published books in u...")
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hello there arcades family my loyal listeners i'm enjoying this late night coffee it is absolutely divine hope that's not blasphemy that's my clay killing cup my last one i had four gave one away two of them disappeared it's last last one so look it's a very important video the archaic's vault of historical and prophetic data is massive but it's spread through several published books in unpublished manuscripts hundreds of chronological charts you guys know that you guys know i spent years drawing all those charts in folders packed with close to 3 000 pages of fascinating notes on you know really on largely unknown events in ancient world and secular essay and secular history because i recorded that as well you know all the way to modern times matter of fact you know what let's not just make claims let's demonstrate them nothing but chronological research every bit showing 41 different ancient calendars going forward and backward in time and mathematical analysis of world history now see the color of this folder this probably only covers 300 years of our history i have boxes over here of of supplemental notes that need to be added to that please pardon the fact that this next folder is pink again it's the same thing it's the exact same thing it's just absolutely packed it's a this is the tech this is the technolithic period this only covers 792 years it is packed so not to not to draw this out again here's another section make no mistake it's all it's all absolutely full this is the beginning of an index to my work that's how much it is hundreds of pages meticulous small print just to index all my discoveries all my work and it's just it's a work in progress maximum amount of notes again the same blank paper this is research notes this is this is just it's meticulous it'll blow your mind how much data is in each of these folders i have it's just i'm very well organized i know where everything is i just i know i know it looks it looks chaotic i understand that again still got more folders i've got more boxes i've got i've got folders inside of folders i got filing systems on my walls i'm uh it's neither here or there it's time to put all of this in one place it's too scattered throughout all my youtube videos facebook facebook posts it's a it's a it's a mess the way i have presented the data i know a lot of you appreciate it or you wouldn't be on my channel but it's subpar it's not to my standard and it was never my intent to scatter all this data let me explain i have been taking pieces of all this data and posting in archaics but doing this will ensure that the finished chronicle in my life's work will never be done it in my lifetime it will never be ready to be distributed before the collapse of the internet we're enjoying a very good time right now but it's not going to last there's going to come a time where there's no more free travel i'm i don't like to be a doomsayer but for the purpose of this video to convey my point i have to tell you in 2036 the entire phoenix phenomenon is going to be public knowledge everywhere there's no longer a secret it's no longer a few thousand people knowing and understanding it tens of thousands of people hundreds of thousands of people waking up to it to it in a 10 10 year period or so in the year 2036 14 years from now it will be widely reported and everybody in the world will know about it and that's where the trouble starts the trouble doesn't start in 2040 when the phoenix phenomenon occurs that reset is four years after a very very chaotic period happens on earth i will show the 2040 phoenix event it will not happen unaware but that most of the world by 2036 will be expecting it and this expectation will bring a time of distress lawlessness and shortages as whole populations that have been governing through politics and military and militaries they will disappear into thousands of underground facilities to ride out the pole shift they're not going to wait until 2039 or 2040. 2034 2035 2036 whole populations will vanish insiders they'll just disappear and these puppet governments will be dictatorships will be left behind to fend for themselves this is not something that is going to just it's not something novel it's happened before this gives us a window of 14 years and i now have a plan as a matter of fact someone i'm warming up to you know it takes me a long time to actually consider someone being a friend but i do have a friend i'm not gonna name him in this video but there are a few people man that i'm very impressed with and and some people that just cross paths i don't know uh i don't i really don't know a lot of people's motives i i confer with people in emails and i i know some people are very interested in games here in an office and i am too i want to pursue that but i also have this agenda that has been burning inside me since the days that i was in a prison cell imagining why i was doing the things i was doing and recording history the way i was doing it i need to uh i'm going to require some help in editing in data mining in image harvesting organizing donations among other there's other positions i'm going to explain this presentation man there's a lot of there's a lot of roles to fill and i know a bunch of you have the time to help out and would like to be a part of this project the sheer volume of information i have collected is mind numbing and it has to be organized by date and edited down i'm up to the task i can do all that the social political situations that occurred before the flood these need to be known to everybody the cities before the flood the empire that collapsed into dictatorship before the flood at the emergence of the seven kings of summer these are relative to us today what's going on in the world today already happened before the flood is this is the reason why in biblical eschatology man that the prophets were always referring to the times of the flood when they referred to the times of the end they already knew the past was a predicate for the future they understand they understood the palindromic nature of time space and isometric projections far better than we give them credit for they did over the passage of millennia the actual science science the the the vernacular was lost the techniques was lost but not the ideas not the meanings not the visions not the techniques excuse me this coffee is delicious texas pecan roast the migrations of people from sumer academ egypt syria the lost 10 tribes of israel that's not made up i can show you the source materials i have them right here all spread throughout this office i need to put them together into one single cohesive format it's time to stop publishing piecemeal we have to understand these things because who the nations that are the major players in the world today who they are is easily definable by by looking at the thread of history and seeing where they came from and every bit of this can be done the jewish war against humanity and how they orchestrated the beginning of false religions secret fraternal societies like the freemasons to perfect their infiltration of the governments of the world so they can establish jewish control of world banking systems all of that is documented i have the source materials it's going to blow your mind just how evil this plan was to control the world and how far it goes back and who talked about it and was killed for it it's all in the historical record and it goes back thousands of this study will move generations from generation all the way up to today explaining how the world became what it is today this is a massive project but i finished i'm finished with the research i'm ready to move forward but i do need help many years ago when it finally sank in me that i had discovered a real and demonstrable timeline of resets i did not wait before i mean i just i didn't wait long before i understood why i had made the discovery you see in an instant of clarity i knew i knew that i had found myself in prison at 17 years old and i've already told you this in many videos that why i had this insatiable curiosity of books why i had an inhuman patience in reading long absolutely boring works why i had been kept separated from the world and its distractions in a moment of clarity i understood all these things i was in prison when i had this breakdown because it was a breakdown i knew then that it was expected of me to understand that the revelations i was going to bring my fellow souls meant that i have to suffer through the shadows to carry this light that in carrying truth in a world full of lies would only bring me pain troubles hatred and loneliness i understood that then i was in the perfect place to experience those things i was in prison but my course was set i knew back i knew back then where this was heading only i i just didn't know how i was going to get there i knew i was to write an entire history of the world year by year incorporating all of my findings my 510 page uh chronicling is free in the archaic files on facebook and on arcades.com i've made these free i know very few people have read them but they've been there and that work is absolutely packed with over ten thousand data points it's a mathematical treatise of the history of the world but it's nothing comparable to what i'm proposing now the end result will be a three 1 000 page leather bound books a trilogy trimmed in silver a chronology of the known history of the world including so much of that material modern so much of the material modern history books censor or ignore these will be packed with charts you guys know i like to draw my charts illustrations photos a glossary of terms and an index to the all three books these three books will be fitted inside a custom water and fireproof steel case these books will be published in several different languages and distributed around the world the censorship that is coming to control over the minds of men that will follow in the wake of the 2046 catastrophe will ensure that these steel cases and their contents will be treasured to those communities that harbor them this project is not about me nor is it about you this chronic on project is about those people who are going to be alive after 2040 in 2046 in a world where literacy has plummeted the authorities no longer teach true history when education will be under a totalitarian control system i've seen the future not with my eyes but with my mind i tell you guys all the time intuition is the predecessor of knowledge i have so many hundreds of thousands of data points of history embedded within the psyche of my mind from years decades of research that it's not hard to extrapolate how things will unfold and isometric projections have also helped me do that as well but there will always be bastions against these dark places these governments these puppet priesthoods colonies of good people they'll always be survivors but they will suffer without the resources others possess you and i today know many of these survivors they're kids they're teenagers they're young people in their 20s and 30s and some people in their 40s they're alive today we laugh with them we drink with them we go out to eat we watch movies with them we netflix and chill with these people these are the people they have no idea what's coming and we don't have time to tell the whole world but we can leave a legacy we can leave something a treasure and we can distribute it all over the world there are members of archaics on six different continents we can put them in their possession right now in the present we can make our mark and ensure there is a preservation of knowledge learning and hope in the time of our surplus of knowledge we can give to those in the future this treasure i have no trouble imagining a good people in a fallen world 25 years from now sitting in wrapped silence listening intently as the powerful voice of an orator teaches them the histories of our world shows them the chart makes them understand why things are the way they are this is what i envisioned many years ago the only and only recently has this incessant restlessness been overtaking me this stirring in my being it forces me to do even when i don't want to this is how i propose we accomplish this i will start with the beginning with the beginning of history as i've recorded it in every week two things will happen i will i will put together this most fascinating history of the world using 100 of all the archaic data in my files in published books leaving nothing out at the end of every week i will do a live video reading of the timeline that was put together that week this interactive exchange will allow you to ask questions for clarification which will help me understand if the material is presented good enough or if clarity is needed i will then perform the necessary revisions to provide clarity and i'll read the comments to see what gems you guys provide that would make a particular section come more alive or the timeline be better in some way each week the finished material will be posted in facebook archaic group for everybody to read once that section is finished with the changes i will file my own copy then send a copy to someone who will fulfill the role of archaic's archivist this position will be given to someone who can preserve the copies of all the weekly worked sections of the timeline i will also send copies to two different appointed archaic editors when these editors are finished editing these sections they will forward them to a designated copy editor this copy editor will put the sections of the edited materials together one after another as chronicon is added to every single week an images editor will be designated maybe more than one and made an admin of a facebook page that we will create where contributors can go to that group and post graphics just whatever they think that might fit really well in in the narrative of chronic on you know photos to be inserted things like that so where they're relevant in chronic on members of archaics who want to contribute images and photos charts illustrations that they believe would fit well into the the chronographical material they're encouraged to send them and explain in a short note where these are supposed to be inserted and where they got the image from we will need an index secretary this person will itemize all the places persons and things in the text and provide where they can be found by date chronicon is organized by dates year to year page numbers will not be used as a reference i'll excuse me i've been talking all day remember that texas pecan roast is awesome there will also be appointed a glossary secretary to isolate every word uncommon or abstruse you know so we can provide simple explanations i understand a lot of people send me messages because my my vernacular it's it's some of the words i use well when you're describing things that most of the world has never even contemplated you have to invent words and phrases and i've had to do that and uh i understand and we need to i need we need to be very clear for people in the future reading this this text so there's no confusion so there's gonna have to be a glossary secretary maybe a couple of them but this project requires networking a weekly interaction demonstrations of progress it also requires donations because you guys know i can't afford what i'm proposing i just can't afford it i can't i barely pay my bills i work hard it's just simple as that but if i was if i was to wait for the appropriate money to be there nothing would ever get done i have to make that leap i have to start this project whether i'm helped or not even if you're not directly participating you can be a part you can be a part of this by simply keeping us afloat you know with encouragement with shares and likes shares and likes help spread the message and you never know the person who responds to a share that you saw just may be the next person who really contributes to the to the cause it's just that's why it's you know it's a butterfly effect six degrees you all know what i'm talking about in this way we can get this huge project finished and we can get it finished in a relatively short amount of time and the more i can spend right here in my office on my computer amassing all this material the faster we can put all this together that's that's basically i mean i know i can do the whole thing in under a year i just i just know it but uh it's a lot but i would have to i would have to be be in the position to do that work every day about six days a week i'm not gonna do it seven days a week i understand burnout it's the worst thing uh but i don't have to worry about writer's block it's not it's a non-issue this isn't this isn't something creative this is uh the research is done but it's too much for me to do alone just amassing this amount of material has taken two decades but with help i can do this quickly one week at a time my email is below and if you're willing to participate help donate you got ideas that that go far beyond anything that i covered in this video something that's remarkable something that that i didn't think of by all means share it my email is below i said donation links are below too we could start now said uh this is what's pressing on my heart i want to be able to put everything everything not just not just my hundreds of videos and my hundreds of posts on facebook but all my published books and on published manuscripts everything into a three volume series it needs to be done and it doesn't really need to be done for us it needs to be done for the people who are going to need it the most [Music]