Checking In From the Sticks
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[Applause] [Music] hey guys this is jason last night's podcast with logan oh i got a lot of emails from you guys wondering what happened to it well it's on it's online now you can go to uh logan's channel and you can see that or you can wait till tonight when i get in and uh i'll upload it to my channel but meanwhile i got these bugs terrorizing me as a meanwhile i'm way out here at buddy's place because they sent me a message and basically told me that look we know you're getting big but if you don't get yours ass out here and help us man oh we're gonna get on your own so i came out here and i'm not in my office right now and i wanted to give you an update i got a lot of emails i got a lot of requests for podcasts uh listen i'm gonna get to them but i got other things to attend to i'm you know the brighter the torch the quicker the burning i'm not trying to blow up too big i have things that need to be done in graduated steps and i appreciate all the help that i've been offered and i'm gonna take a lot of you up on it but you gotta wait i have to be able to sit down and process basically what's going on in my life right now i'm moving too fast i'm just a country boy i may have a lot of data in my head but i don't have a lot of experience with this type of stuff so i have to slow down and i have to take myself out of the equation and look at all this objectively i do appreciate the help the donations they keep me alive i am now full-time archaics so those those are critical for me and uh the gum road sales i appreciate those of you who are uh downloading the materials that's what they're for for you to learn to share to print up as posters whatever you need to do to get the message across there's about 12 new channels on archaics that are all all taking me up on my offer to to repost my videos and i appreciate you guys being being foot soldiers on the ground to get this this message out i do appreciate that but meanwhile i'm gonna stick my ass right here until we fix this until we get this cleaned back up gonna give him a picture of that but uh that's good i don't wanna yeah i don't wanna looking at too much that's my baby but yeah i will get back on tonight and uh i need you to know it's critical for you to understand that doing more podcasts is not in my future as far as the sole content of my of my channel i told you guys i have at least 500 more videos in me i have a lot of new data that i have never released on archaics that i need to get out and it's about time for me to start putting that together and that takes time it'll take two or three days to put a good two-hour presentation together you know it's necessary because i tell you guys a lot man you know uh extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence but i do have one thing to say that's critical towards some of my listeners a lot of you guys new to my channel are getting triggered you're coming from the flat earth scene you're coming from the whole heliocentric model is scene i get that i'm a simulationist i believe everything in the sky is artificial you really need to watch more of my videos before you get triggered and start making all these comments on my channel uh it's the only thing that irritates me is some guy that comes in and starts making all these claims and that i'm a or i don't know what i'm talking about because all the sky is fake i don't need to hear that only i'll block you from from other users quick i'm not going to entertain that no more before you come to my channel and get triggered watch some of my simulation theory videos and you'll find out that we're talking about the exact same thing we are in agreement we're just coming from very different perspectives so before you get triggered man just watch your mouth that's all i'm asking this is jason out in both the description box and the comments section below you will find my personal email ask me any questions you have video ideas i'd like to hear them and if you want to donate all those buttons are accessible below playlists and everything you might need access to the gate slip to my website