First Dynasty of Egypt was Sumerian

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we have all bought into the romanticized version of ancient Egypt Hollywood has done a great job in falsifying this narrative in this history Plato and Salon told by Egyptian priests the high integrity I pretended antiquity of ancient Egypt has done has gone has gone far in completely creating narratives in history that just did not exist our historians have had to fabricate the chronologies of other nations just to make the Egyptian chronology component with what they believed rather than what the data shows there are two Egypt's we're not going to talk about the first one here we don't know anything about it it was pre Cataclysm they left the great pyramids they left the Sphinx they left the Giza complex they left the Osirian they didn't leave much else but the agent we're going to discuss is post cataclysmic it's the Egypt that came into existence according to minato 350 years after a cataclysm enjoy this presentation we're gonna go deep we're gonna see things that scholars and Egyptologists don't want you to know about ancient Egypt what is the truth and professor Waddell almost a hundred years ago publish this information and has been ignored ever since there are two Egyptian histories one is pre Cataclysm before 22:39 BC and involves shin-soo or a people who are technologically advanced they've become the subject matter of many Egyptian traditions and they are not the focus of this video this video covers the history of Egypt after a massive Cataclysm this Cataclysm explain is explained by Egyptologist as the first Intermediate Period it's because I really don't want to want to admit what several other scientists around the world in 1998 have concluded is that the entire old Bronze Age every single civilization suffered a reset a cataclysm that basically depopulated the entire world Egypt they wash over this period in in all the texts literature with the first Intermediate Period and they describe it as a period of disarray the the Egyptian civilization was disunited but it's actually a cover now the egyptian historian priest minato held that for 350 years egypt was in a state of chaos it had been destroyed 350 years is not a continuation of a civilization it is a hiatus that pretty much necessitates the end of a civilization in the beginning of another they just happened to both be geographically located at the place that we call Egypt today the dynastic Egypt that we were familiar with begins in this video this is what our this narrative is about not to shin-soo hor not the pre Cataclysm civilization that was technologically advanced we know little about them other than that built the Giza complex and the great pyramids in Abydos Iran then left Manasseh wrote that after this 350 year period mean up here the Greek means he appeared by ship he was also referred to as cadu which which means commander-in-chief of the ships but what's really interesting about me is that he was a foreigner and admittedly so by the Egyptians means was the first dynastic ruler of Egypt he is also referred to by Egyptologists as Norman in his Egyptian palette called he called himself the king of URI again the Seri ologists were very familiar this is the city of Ur in Sumer it is not Egyptian he came from somewhere else and evidently the techs are leading us from the first dynasty we were led to believe that he came from Mesopotamia while many Egyptologists are loath to admit that the very first dynasty of Egypt was actually Sumerian and origin this in fact is the conclusion of one of the leading Sumer ologist Waddell profile professor Waddell specifically wrote that means entry into Egypt began a very significant Sumerian presence he established the city of men affirmed which we call Memphis this is the subject matter of this most profound video the very first dynasty of egypt was Sumerian and so was the second third fourth and fifth and this is why Egyptologists have never accurately interpreted the writings from the first five dynasties they can't because they don't admit their Sumerian logographic in the tablet of Abydos of pharaoh seti the first and his son rama says the second they list the names of the 75 predecessors before their reign the very first on the list is mina is the very first ruler in the Egyptian kings list Meena is the exact same name as an alum of Sumer in the Sumerian writings we find that annum was famous he is the author of the Sumerian inscription that mentions the building of the Great Wall of Eric a Sumerian city we will we will revoke back to annum and as it applies to the annum and as it applies to the first ruler of Egypt means in a moment now we will delve into the actual research of Professor Waddell the most fascinating fascinating historian who is black Benton blackballed pretty much by Egyptologists because of his discoveries except for the royal names the first Egyptian dynasty inscriptions have hitherto remained undeciphered further complicating this is the widely published fact that the two leading Egyptologists served Flinders Petrie and Wallace e budge cannot agree on the translations of the first dynasty names how can proto hieroglyphic writings in Egypt not be understood by Egyptologist professor la Waddell in his astonishing research in 1930 published the answer in his book the Egyptian civilization it's Sumerian origin and real chronology and because Egyptologists are isolationists that refused to search outside ancient Egypt for the answers to the archaeological historical riddles this close-minded mindset continues to be perpetuated by Zowie Hamas and other leading authorities in the egypt egypt illogical movement today professor Waddell found that the ancient Egyptian language through it those idioms were laterally Semitic had its chief coach in official route words or word stems to be radically a Sumerian origin of the 600 or so root words and verbal roots in the Sumerian language practically every single one of them are found in ancient Egyptian as well as throughout all branches of the indo-european languages Egyptian and Semitic scripts are read from right to left the early Egyptian dynastic hieroglyphs are misunderstood and left untranslated because the scribes took Sumerian script and reverse the direction of the text indo-european writings are always left to right then the Egyptian hieroglyphic system is but a local reversion to the earliest style of Sumerian picture writing Waddell's next link in the chain of evidence that the Egyptian hieroglyphs are slightly modified conventional forms of Sumerian diagrammatic picture writing is that it gradually came into use during the reign of means and his successors the hieroglyphs having the same phonetic values as their apparent picture signs in Sumerian the pre-dynastic inscriptions of early Egypt especially at Abydos are of early sumerian script not yet in the later conventionalized forms of the hieroglyphics so famous today these writings though misunderstood by Egyptologists were in fact discovered by Sir Flinders Sir Flinders Petrie in one of the oldest tombs at Abydos Waddell notes that the inscriptions of means at Abydos were in Sumerian writing of the Sargon odd period and in the Sumerian language Petrie in the year 1901 wrote that these were the earliest known use of hieroglyphs in Egypt though they remain untranslated the link to the Sargon on period dates means to 1947 to 1899 BC and this is proven in that Egyptologist render means which is Greek the name as Mina the reverse of an a Sumerian king under Sargon the first of Akkad who ruled as Egypt's first king according to the book of Jasher the Egyptian records hold that means ruled for 50 years in the ancient Hebraic rapido rabbinical book of Jasher we find that Adam ruled Egypt as the first King for 50 years they are the same person Manasseh begins Egyptian king list with means the first king of the first dynasty following the king list of pharaoh seti the first of some seven or so centuries prior to Manasseh who also began Egyptian dynastic history with means with means late to Sargon the first annum and even a martyr act later known as Nimrod into the Hebrews professor Waddell further found the history of means perfectly recorded also in Mesopotamia and indo-european records this is where the story gets really intriguing his astonishing discoveries reveal that the Puranic kingless of the early Aryans in Sumerian Mesopotamian kingless both supported by inscribed monuments are of the exact same historical record an entire entire agreement and they're all congruent from the first dynasty of both the Aryan and Sumerian similar not only in names titles order of succession and exploits of the kings but also correctly matching their consorts and their sons Egyptologists render means as Mina but the alphabetic value of the last letter is more accurately translated by the berlin scholar SJ manage it his Egyptian inscriptions manage usually bears the title of manage the warrior but in the Sumerian king list and his own inscriptions in Mesopotamia he is the son of Sargon the great and styled as Manas the warrior or menace to sue this corresponds to his Egyptian title of aha Manj the Egyptian and Mesopotamian records are fully supported in the Aryan texts of India concerning Edom and the Harappan regions in the Aryan Puranic chronicles means is called awesome manga or Manas the shooter in the Solar version of the King list and as Manas IU or Menace the uniter in the lunar Chronicles means is famous for being the uniter of upper and lower egypt in the Mahabharata he is Manasseh of the line of Prabhu which is peril or better known to us as Pharaoh the royal eye of Gupta which is cupped or Egypt in the vedic pyrenees he is the son of the mighty world emperor king Kunie or Shakuni sargon ii or Sargon a famous name arbitrary submit aside by his seri seri ologist as Sargon in a cat his name was Shahrukh Khan his son was neurons in famous famous on the Steel's you've all seen the pictures of the horns giant defeating his enemies that is SAR that is nerim sin the son of Sargon he is none other than means he is animal James was a Sumerian governor for Sargon the first over the Harappan Indus Valley provinces in control of a maritime Empire he was basically an admiral over ships fleets but then he revolted against Sargon the first and annexed Egypt before this revolt he invaded the East to subdue them when they rebelled against Sargon an original diorite Monument sculpted in Mesopotamia as he campaigned abroad specifically reads managed to see means Adam king of the city of Kish when an Shan and she even owned Persia and Indus Valley region he had smitten the lower sea the persian gulf arabian sea in ships he had crossed thirty-two kings and cities on the other side of the sea he rallied to battle and he had defeated them and their cities he smoked where the battle occurred is unknown believed to have been in the Red Sea coasts leave leaving Upper Egypt open to attack professor Waddell believed these kings controlled the Sinai Arabian the African coast of the Red Sea a territory adjacent to an ancient Lee called maghen before Egypt even existed there are several inscriptions of manage to suit the warrior having crossed the Persian Gulf or Indian Ocean to the Arabian coast of the victorious army they also read that he called himself the smiter of Elam again the connection between Mesopotamia Edom and Egypt at the end of the reign of Sargon Sargon a Maru dagger Nimrod is also found in the Hebraic rabbinical book of Jasher and the book of Genesis in chapters 14 through 15 it is the first war recorded in the Bible and there were giants involved his cruciform monument in support of Sumer is 12 sided and records his conquests of engine which is enum pictures are in this video of the cruciform monument after this conquest the quranic' record of India holds that 60,000 of Sargeras Sargon's men followed Manas in his revolt this was a civil war the son took the armies of the father he sailed from Harappan ports to conquer Upper Egypt and establish his own domain and defeated the 32 Kings in response to the rebellion when all lands revolted against me he said under Sargon Anam we know of his means ruled Elam and Upper Egypt and maggin and when Sargon's a kadhi an empire broke apart into splintering kingdoms in the year 1899 BC means his son also known as nerim sin heard these in hurriedly smoke Eagleman which was Persia the Indus Valley maghen and Upper Egypt also revolting against Sargon of Akkad basically the first Pharaoh of Egypt means defeated the maghen Federation and entered Upper Egypt Egyptologist believe means entered Upper Egypt by way of the Red Sea somewhere east of Cocteau's and Abydos he did not need to invade Lower Egypt because it was uninhabited the Delta Giza region of lower egypt by earthquake rose out of the Mediterranean in 1899 BC after three hundred and forty years since the great deluge in 20 to 39 BC which was a Phoenix reset and is covered by many of the videos and posts of archaic Lower Egypt was founded by means who united it to upper egypt he built his capital as Memphis professor Waddell notes that the oldest statues of God in Egypt are three gigantic limestone figures of men and cup dos bearing signs of RIT's red seashells and swordfish the cops are native Egyptians as opposed to a Rabb immigrants thus means introduced civilization into Egypt the chronological references discovered by Professor Waddell show the he ruled as the first king of the first dynasty for 50 years until he died during his reign Lower Egypt was explored the antediluvian buildings and pyramids of Abydos agiza found and excavated among them the fantastic labyrinth for which tradition links to means this this connects means to the famous King Minos of Crete builder of the labyrinth and the bowl and the horns the Greeks the Greeks claim their gods Zeus was from Crete and Abydos and Thebes are also cities in Greece these are carryovers from immigrants Meno son was the miner tour or the bull of men and the son of Pharaoh means was known as the strong wild bull which was a Sumerian epithet like Minos of Crete means of Egypt was a major Mediterranean Sea power both means and Minos were the beginning of their civilizations builders of cities and fleets lawgivers wealthy and both died on a major sea voyage in the West Sir Arthur Evans dates early minoan period one with the first dynasty of Egypt Waddell wrote that the that from means kingship over Egypt to the end of the first dynasty passed 182 years this is very significant professor Waddell's chronological data in showing that three to four different regions all lived at the same time and are identified as the exact same person completely nullifies the Egyptian argument of its own pretended antiquity the Egyptian civilization we know of today's younger than Sumer is it is equal to Babylon it is younger than Ahmed your group knew Guren the Canaanites the Phoenicians they are all the Hittites the amorite of Montana the hurry ins of the City of Aurora are are to us as these most ancient civilizations are contemporary with the first dynasty of Egypt the pretended antiquity of the Egyptians is what full Plato into believing in this this Atlantis myth which was nothing but a transatlantic war that occurred in the Greek times the Achaean times we're talking about 2nd millennium BC it couldn't have been 9,000 BC there was no Egypt at that time nor was there a Greek civilization it was during the first dynasty of Egypt as we show in another video that Brahma and Saraswati known in the Bible is Abraham and Sarah visited pharaoh's court in Egypt at a time when a giant excavation excavation was going on and they found the plans with numbers the hidden chambers of Thoth they found the Giza complex and The Watcher later in the Gnostic writings called caliper Torah which is the Sphinx they found these in the desert when were excavating him and were amazed that Abraham Abram or Brahma knew the sacred writings of Thoth in Alton this was the exact same time period was the first dynasty of Egypt which leads us to Zecharia Sitchin's writings the early sumerian pictographic texts are identical to pre-dynastic egyptian pictographic text according decision and in the earliest Sumerian depictions as shown by the Zacharias tension in his book the Wars of gods and men we are confronted with scenes of pyramid construction a smooth-sided pyramid a serpent symbol denoting Enki and a sphinx amazingly and totally missed by Sitchin on page 141 of his book is a Sumerian pictographic image showing a pyramid supporting two ladders pointing at a disc the Egyptian ladder of sin so prominent in the Book of the Dead I was very surprised he did not mention this now Sitchin notes that in Egyptian the work for gods was neither in TR or one who watches this isn't stairway to heaven on page 103 the hieroglyphic sign for neder gods was a pole with a flag basically an inside Sitchin sites Margaret Marie's in the splendor that was Egypt concerning the pre-dynastic pottery adorned with drawings of boats carrying a pole with two streamers as a standard which Marais concluded became the hieroglyphic sign for God in ancient Egypt now such a notes that the interesting thing is that these pre-dynastic drawings showing boats arriving from a distant land towers and a standing tall figure wearing horns was was basically the mark of the Nieder Sitchin concluded the Egyptians affirmed from the very beginning that their gods had come to Egypt from elsewhere the tandy der was the narrow straits at the southern end of the Red Sea through which the ships had arrived bearing the newly arrived gods of Egypt the Horned God these are Sitchin two words not mine the invader and founder of a unified Egypt means it was like a Viking one who watches is a watcher which which gives us which is a direct connection to the Enochian writings about the Watchers before the flood and how different how how they brought civilization to the Neolithic cultures that were existing at the time the sitchin embellishes in his theory promotes the idea of spaceships landing in these different civilizations from performing these deeds but the earliest records do not do not convey this these are their wooden ships they're their leaders have horn Helms they bring technology and civilization but they do it from the sea not from the sky Sitchin also knew the discoveries of Professor Waddell that proves that the first dynasty of Egypt was not Egyptian it was Sumerian but he ignored them to publish his sensational theory of space invaders the early second millennium BC texts paint a story it's one that is totally ignored by our historians and archaeologists so compartmentalized are these are these different specialists that they can't put the picture together themselves because they're not allowed to see what other researchers are are out there they don't peer review what other historians and archaeologists are publishing but the picture is very clear the Sumerians were a people who survived a very tragic old Bronze Age world Cataclysm they survived with most of their infrastructure intact they left whatever world they came from and arrived in ships and they arrived everywhere in Europe Asia India the Arabian Sea the Egyptian coast fleets of these people showed up everywhere they came they claimed to have come by way of Dillman but there were from somewhere else Egypt's history begins with babylons and Atkins in ugurus and urartu in the Hittites and mitanni the amorite and so many other civilizations these people showed up and they brought all this information in this technology in this is history's and then they came and established basically what we know of today as the old world Egypt's history is no different from the rest of pretended antiquity has been shown to be false over and over and over just because pyramids and ancient temple structures of technological design are found within the geographical confines of a later nation called Egypt does not mean those original structures were Egyptian no warmth within structures found in Mexico are Mexican it's the same principle applies more videos concerning the sumerians the Egyptians and old Bronze Age are taking little artifacts architecture civilizations resets mud floods it's all on the way this is our caves calm hope you enjoyed this presentation share it like it spread the news he says we're not going anywhere