Author Sol Luckman and the Coding Loop with Archaix

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foreign [Music] coming to you live from the eye of what is now tropical storm Ian it's my pleasure to welcome you to conversations on Saul Luckman uncensored sponsored by snooze to resources for lucidity for more information about my work including a lot of cutting edge free content check out I'm also on telegram where I'm sharing daily truth bombs at T dot me Saul Luckman and I'm absolutely crushing it on sub stack at Saul if you appreciate what I'm doing here and interviewing some of the greatest minds and hearts and the whole truth and nothing but Community please take a second to give this video and channel some love energy exchange comment like subscribe and by all means consider buying me a cup of coffee that I'll be sure to savor with a toast in your honor today I'm thrilled to welcome Jason Brashears I want to say that again Jason beshears from of who has written about a million books and posted twice as many videos with a rapidity that simply redefines the word prolific if you haven't heard of Jason's truly groundbreaking work on the 138-year cycle of the Phoenix phenomenon the Nemesis X object in various considerations relative to simulation Theory you've been hiding under a rock because everybody who's anybody's talking about this stuff in Jason's own words every mystery and Enigma of the ancient world and today is explained in simulation Theory while this phenomenon is approached from the vantage point of our Sciences today archaics thus far is thus far the only source for demonstrating the artificiality of our holography from the chronological and traditional histories we live within the simulacrum and the evidence of our contained existence is everywhere our world is not what you think now today's chat isn't for beginners as two proud intellectual Southerners we're going to dive straight into the meat and potatoes of this complex subject matter if you need to get up to speed before taking on this data in the show notes I'll provide a link to a wonderful overview presentation Jason recently gave to a group of fascinated Australians otherwise strap in welcome to the show Jason how are you my friend well I I I'm really glad to be here like I said earlier before or before we started this podcast you and I have some history and I'm eager to share that with with all the listeners awesome man you know uh Shiva shampoo reached out uh to me one of your moderators he wrote me on Telegram and asked me to make sure we had time for an in-depth discussion I'm going to quote him he said um I told him I've been hoping he told you I've been helping the two of you would talk to high level errands sharing informed fields well I thought yeah yeah it worked and then I had a little bit of serendipity right before I sent you the invite and we came on somebody had commented on a a sub stack post that I made earlier today this was a person who's really been supportive of of my work and has really been getting into your stuff I posted your video The Goddess was first with some with one of my videos and some commentary about some of my writing on the goddess she she wrote in thank you so much for posting this Jason is utterly adorable in it his voice and the Ambiance are so magical as well as it's having great content which was new for me it definitely made my day so that was a little a little uh check mark you know that we're uh we're on the right path here with having this conversation today awesome awesome I I do believe I see her comment on the uh archaic Channel as well cool yeah she's been getting into your stuff I I uh I shared that with her and uh I think she maybe had heard of you but then she started really diving in you know your your work has inspired me to really uh pick up the torch of simulation Theory again I I was writing about this concept and various related Concepts years ago when I in my first book that I published uh which was called conscious healing and I know you're aware of that and recently I re I recorded a talk with Alex Zack that goes deep into like simulation mechanics embryonic holography cellular frequency Fields DNA is binary coding for for interacting with the simulacrum and all kinds of other stuff and I really just wanted to let people know that um they can hear that talk by registering for free at a link I'll provide it's called the The Way Forward Summit and it includes uh a lot of information from great speakers like Andrew Kaufman and Veda Austin and David avocado wolf on health and sovereignty Solutions but you're you're featured in there too it might in my talk with Alex so you'll get some exposure uh there not that you need it because your channel is blowing up like a balloon right now how does that feel well uh I've taken archaics on to be more like a responsibility it's it's a the more and more attention that I receive I think the more and more refined my my message needs to become I think I owe that I mean I I took this on as a project a long time ago and I made a I made a lot of promises that I intend to keep on the distribution of data and basically it's presentation I have a lot of people trying to wrap their minds around different areas of the concept and uh I'm just refining my technique right now on how best to portray things without triggering people without people misunderstanding what I'm conveying and then running away because it's happened a lot so uh uh blowing up is good it's good but you know the brighter the torch the quicker the burning I'm not really eager to blow up real fast I'm up for the challenge and I can produce a tremendous amount of material I make promises a long time ago that I have 500 videos in me and I don't see that number diminishing even though that was a hundred videos ago I made that promise I'm uh there's just an unlimited amount of ways to convey basically the same the same informations it's just it's a matter of perspective so as far as blowing up I'm happy with it but it comes with added responsibilities right on right on I mean I I I would wager you've got more than 500 videos if you wanted to because you could you could go with this from so many different angles I mean I learned every time I I now with simulation theory is a kind of just working model that I'm I'm embracing you can plug so much into it it's like the Lego of theories well so it's you know the major Apprentice is that we live in this medical man because of that because this miloquin is a neutral field that means many different systems could all be operative and running simultaneously and they would coalesce and yet the the experiencers themselves would would hardly ever have contact in a neutral field we have programs and Protocols of DNA we have we have all kinds of programs like reality tunnels we have dungeon programming we have uh there's just so much uh from from each Collective each body each body politic of individuals within this milligram that have the same values and same belief systems they basically have the same histories as well and they're on a totally different program than the next Collective that has a different series of histories and values and and have been traveling different a different reality tunnel so in this neutral field we have this amalgamation of so many different types and archetypes and subtypes and it's just a beautiful thing but it's a it's a neutral field and that's what that's what that's people have a hard time wrapping their their mind around inside of a neutral field almost everything is plausible and everything is probable and so it's it's very difficult reigning people in to get them to understand that you know a lot of the things that you've been led to believe your entire life they have they do have explanations but once you hear them they're not going to comport with what you believe them to be and that's probably this Dynamic that you're describing contributes to this triggering effect for a lot of people I believe I I was I was set to interview somebody and I shared some of your information with this person and they just absolutely went off uh on social media uh you know really generally uh simulation Theory and the Very concept and I think some of it also Jason comes from the transhumanism concept that very often gets attached to a simulation Theory where we know if you've caught like uh you know on Time Magazine back what was it a decade ago you had uh was it Kurzweil you know talking about uh 2045 when that's a funny year isn't it given Nostradamus and stuff 2045 the year man becomes immortal we're approaching the moment when humans and machines merge welcome to the singularity right right I think it freaks people out I mean for good reason you know uh if that's if that's how you're interpreting it but what I would say is that there is a spiritual context that you're providing for how the simulation might be interfacing with something we we could call reality where it's all extremely meaningful I said in my interview with Alex Zach that even even though it's a simulation or a series of simulation simulations you would never find a fighter pilot who would say that simulations are meaningless right exactly listen listen this is all I have to remind my own listeners over and over live three years ago I wasn't talking about simulation Theory and right now I can actually redo every single video that I have on the archaics channel and totally omit all references to simulation Theory and it won't change the essence of any of the Theses that I have put out in arcades it doesn't change the Phoenix phenomenon one iota it doesn't change the timeline of the Nemesis X object or the dark satellite it doesn't change the fact that there are repetitive timelines like superimposed templates of world history that are stamped onto different civilizations at different time periods but it's the exact same series of events but experienced by different cultures at different times and it doesn't make sense unless there's an overall Governor over this whole system that created This Magnificent template that we call history of events that never happened and yet we can show that they happen because we have everything is sourced back so something has put those sources into this miracle for us to find but the truth is I can remove every single bit of simulation Theory from the archaic's data and it doesn't change it at all you're still stuck with this 138 year protocol but simulation theory was the only only concept that bridged all the anomalies that make that 138-year periodicity true because it can't be true with all the different models that we've been presented like the physics model the quantum model the Newtonian model the the uh uniformitarian model these are all quite different models of history and the mechanics of the world but when we take those different models and we look at this 138 year periodicity of an object that appears in the sky and performs all these different phenomena and acts with discretion it can't be true it doesn't it it doesn't fulfill all four models it doesn't fulfill one of the models it's totally anomalous it can't have happened that way and yet we can easily anybody can go through my sources and see that we have the documentation that's exactly what's happening so oh we can do this with many different elements of the arcade are there of the archaic data simulation theory is a conclusion it was basically me throwing my hands up because I I can't believe the the the the religious model that that I was basically um forced down my throat my entire life I can't believe that model anymore because it doesn't work I can't believe the scientific model I can't believe the archaeological model I can't I can't believe the historians but I can take all this data and put together this massive thesis and and support it with so much data from multiple different Vantage points and it's real but it can't be real according to the way the world has been packaged for us and presented to us so simulation theory is a conclusion it's not the essence of the archaic's data it's a conclusion because in simulation Theory I can now explain all the anomalies now I can understand how two different cultures two different languages having two different religions in two different histories can basically have these cross parallels and significant no it's like nodes in time where they experience the same phenomena at the same time having no contact with a or they or um inventions that are suddenly just explode on the world seen in three different areas on three different continents at the exact same time by by people with three different cultures in three different languages and having no contact or predecessors that had any contact with each other we have these historical incidents they've been recorded over and over and over there are many books published about the phenomenon of multiple inventions being made being made at the exact same time as if information is in the field and not the individual as if the individuals are the receivers of information that's out there in this huge neutral field so putting all these things into into perspective Soul it's a if I would have been on simulation Theory a decade ago when I read your book conscious healing and I cited it I cited it in my own book when I have a whole chapter in here it's exciting can't come and King Solomon in The Vedic text and the whole chapter just goes through and I cite all these different ancient sources that we're talking about the architecture of time space and the repetitions that can be measurable which you know what you're looking for and that the past is a predicate for the future and that that this patterning that was that was known to the Ancients was forward and backward and equidistant but they didn't have the frame of reference or vernacular back then to know it was a palindrome that they were talking about you mentioned the palindromes that are encoded within our DNA and the latent DNA and junk DNA just might not be junk DNA and when I read your book it's it stuck in my mind but as as is my book is the is the basically it's putting to you well this blue care is putting together probably hundreds of other texts my bibliographies hundreds of books that I cited and read to put this together yours was one of them so in your own research was also a byproduct of many things that you have come into contact with so I'm saying oh that to say that that simulation Theory could be removed from the equation and and yet you have tapped all you have tapped into a significant phenomenon that I also have studied which is this almost psychosomatic healing healing of the body by some different exercises of the mind this belief in empowering an informed field which has a exchange of informations with with the neutral field around us which allows us to change our DNA which allow which allows us not to actively change DNA but to want something that all of a sudden causes the change in the DNA for the healing so what I'm saying is is simulation theory is great I love it because it does sum up everything but people get triggered by it but I have to remind them over and over listen if you get if you're troubled by simulation Theory remove it from The archaic's Experience because it's not needed yeah I agree with you totally uh in some of your earlier videos you're touching on that less as things stand and it doesn't really matter in terms of the data the core data the tour the core chronological data that's really really strong uh it um you know it stands on its own one of the things that you know occurred to me you have a you have a word I'm a writer so I'm always paying attention to word usage and you you've you know you've got a really nice vocabulary you like to use the word harrowing a lot when you're describing the the Phoenix phenomenon and Nemesis X and but you could also substitute the word exciting for a lot of that too because one of the things that has happened in me and in other people I've shared this type of information with yours yours in particular but also more generally having to do with uh simulation Concepts is that it can be incredibly empowering and to know what's happening in your reality more less what the parameters are what the rhythms are the cycles to be able to actually use predictive analysis to look forward I mean for your own life for the life of your family for you know where you place your bets what cryptocurrencies you buy and when I mean what business ventures you enter into or you don't and what the timing of those might be all of this is incredibly exciting and I just want people to know that you can look at it through the lens of fear like you're you're belonging to the collective and you're getting all this fear programming like we are with you know hurricane Ian right now it's just it's just in full flow right now or you can be an errant and be very excited at what's going on here and you've brought through the motherload of excitement for interacting in a productive way with this simulation and as it plays out in into the end of its history it's really really cool you're right there is a way to play with reality playing with reality is actually what we're supposed to be doing it's just we have fallen into this node of negative default programming we're about 95 of the world is basically stuck in this feedback loop of negativity that is continually fed by more negativity and continually fed by by more negativity and then reinforced by our own negativity and then our behavioral patterns become patterned well to where we we do more and more and more in that negative negative mindset so the collective becomes more and more our our life what you're actually you're at you get the nail on the head this reality is actually supposed to be very exciting because we're supposed to play with it and I have videos about that too that we are co-creators and our friend is the similar Chrome it is the neutral field that will reflect back to us what we're projecting the problem is is this negative default programming and dungeon programming make it very difficult to break free so we can project in the positive you're right you're right exactly and so there's tools I mean you're sketching out a lot of really great tools you have a playlist called we Immortals that I've recommended to a number of people that really takes people through these Concepts and I'll put I'll put a link to your channel so that people can easily access that so please go listen to that entire playlist I actually have told a lot of people to start there because I felt like it ground you know in terms of ideas for how not to trigger people I felt like that was a way of presenting the I want to say the spiritual I don't know the Consciousness context for for this model so that you feel empowered as you enter into some of the other stuff that could be disturbing or frightening you know Phoenix uh Phoenix uh phenomenon Etc you know um I do I get the confusion and I get the cognitive dissonance I understand even the attitudes I mean I'm really patient with people that I see you triggered they got answers I get it because what I what I am proposing over and over is it's almost unbelievable but to me it's the only thing that makes sense that we are a spiritual Immortal beings but we are checked into something that is absolutely technological and it is so sophisticated it is far beyond our present ability in in the in the virtual reality field in the simulations computerized simulations feel I don't believe that it's as simple as we're living in a computer program that's just a modern frame of reference pushed by Hollywood because Hollywood producers and scriptwriters only have that as a frame of reference they haven't been able to see further than that when those movies were made because that's I mean just delimited by imagination I get that but I think it's far more sophisticated than anything that Hollywood has yet put out I believe this is a technology that is so sensitive that it can actually Bridge the spirit with with technology to make a spirit feel all kinds of things and the phenomenal World which is inside the similar room now uh I I get I get the I get the wall that people hit I understand that because you take a needle and you stick your hand with it you're gonna feel pain I get that but I also know that there are different mental techniques that you can apply because I've done them or you can basically remove acute pain I mean even in the prison context you know we don't get medical treatment like you think we do uh they'll they'll keep you alive but they don't give a damn about you being in pain in prison and all that and we find different ways to cope with with different ailments and different maladies different things that affect us in there so uh there are different tools and different practices you can do to to overcome pain to basically to eliminate it from your life but it's uh because you've got you have to separate yourself from the idea that you or your body this is the greatest hurdle that people have to overcome even with your arcade even with all the archaic data it's still the hardest thing people accept the 138 year phenomena people accept the different things that happen people accept uh the different things I've revealed about the dark satellite they've revealed about eschatology and Promises they understand all these things and they can accept them but man it's really hard for people to to imagine that they are personalities absolutely independent of the flesh shoot suits they're inhabiting right now this this Avatar which is very very temporal and probably only one of many avatars that they've enjoyed since they've been on this medical ride that's the hardest part uh it's it's where I see most people struggling I agree with that totally and I've thought about alternative ways of envisioning what might be going on let's say outside the simulation right and you use the word technology a lot and you know there's nothing that that absolutely would necessitate that being the case for example in the movie Avatar you have this gigantic tree that has all the memories of the people and it it is the tree itself is the technology that they tap into it's like a memory bank it is a library of information and it made me think about the world tree that that whole concept and I know that that can mean a variety of things and you've talked about the world tree of numerous occasions but I had a completely uh less technological vision of what could be going on outside the simulation where people are actually in some kind of intimate interaction with something that is organic that the technology that we're talking about may be a living being or series of beings that is allowing for this holographic uh simulation to play out well that that's not off the table I mean we do have we do have some pretty inexplicable phenomena that we can't really understand outside the context of other things going on within this reality that just don't make sense to us that could very well be inside some type of of hyper dimensional being a being that doesn't understand really we can't measure uh um I mean I have I have theorized that we are very tiny and we're in with we're within a vast world but uh I I can agree that that we could be inside so some type of of some spiritual or maybe even even maybe he even has a physical medium I don't know these are all entirely theoretical and I'm cool with I'm cool with uh you know trying to come up you know with ideas and concepts for it but but what it really boils down to in my own research is I always have to loop back to to uh the first principles and what I mean is is you know that your kids better you're probably familiar with this that I do not entertain anything prior to 5239 BC right and three and the reason is is because as a as a chronologist it is the farthest back I can go with any written records and traditions that give us any type of time keeping systems after 5239 BC we have calendar after calendar after time keeping system after calendar uh just they just all started exploding onto the scene and we have and it's the very reasons for the origin of these calendars that tells a story and the story that unfolds with 5239 BC and then every calendar that that appears on the scene during the vapor canopy period right after that which we call the pre-flood world is it's a story of a solar system and that solar system it has lost a star that star exploded and it catapulted the several worlds in One Direction whatever worlds went in other directions they they are never mentioned again in the historical record or maybe they are in the days of Pliny and that's another story but it but uh in 5239 BC a calendar a calendar begins when this Nemesis cataclysm occurs shortly after that our world enters its present position which according to the taishes Bode law it's out of place we should not be tucked in between Mars and Venus there's no orbital built here and uh um it totally breaks up the mathematical Perfection of the distribution of Worlds from the surface of the Sun starting at mercury in every planet to the third power is exactly where you find them going even the asteroid builds the right place uh basically insinuating in ancient past it was a planet so now you have to understand I'm speaking from the perspective that the similacrum is telling us a story of the past of a real system we're not in that real system anymore we're inside the similar Chrome which is telling us the story we are living the very story of what happened on the outside of the similacom now where we're at on the outside of the similar Chrome that's conjectural that we ought to we ought to start a think tank and have you know some of some of the greatest Minds in the world come together and and whatever I don't know I'm not pretending to know where we're at in that only that that in all the historical research in the amalgamation of so much data I see the story of all the all the calendars of the world and how they began and it tells the story of this vast destruction and then our attempts at survival and different biospheres up to the present day and now in the present day what we have as the apocalypse is about to unfold but the apocalypse is a period where for all the events all these bodies like the Moon the Moon the appearance of the Moon the appearance of our world here the appearance of Phoenix the appearance of dark satellite the appearance of Nemesis X object all these objects in the past that shorted these electrical systems that are famous throughout history they all converge right here in the next 20-year period every one of those calendars converge right here in the next 20-year period so they must be attached to to some Grand cycle that all these objects belong to but none of these objects including Earth belong in the soul system not this sun we came from the Nemesis system where we were catapulted through space now you understand this is on the outside of this milligram inside the similar Chrome we're running simulations and this is what I show a lot over and over on my channel that all this research leads to these conclusions now you we can remove those conclusions from the equation and it doesn't change none of the arithmetic it doesn't change the fact that this is what's documented this is what's happened throughout history our history I don't know or a real history on the outside of this construct because that's what I believe is going on I believe that you and I and everybody listening to our voice are inside of a construct but it's a similacrum a similitude it is an exact copy of a real system however inside here we can run simulations add infinitum because of the time dilation we can invoke new biospheres collapse biospheres but we can do all these things inside the silicone to run all the necessary tests we need to run in order to produce the output we're looking for before we get to wherever we're going on The Outpost no that's awesome I I really appreciate the way you think where you where you really look for your breadcrumbs inside the data and then you draw conclusions based on what you're able to find I think that makes a lot of sense I I by the same token you know we don't know uh you know if if that scenario is happening and the people on the outside are um are um you know using using uh this as a kind of uh tutorial or something like that this could still be something from their distant past that they're teaching lessons about their history it could be it could be very imaginative design to teach other life lessons that maybe could only be done in a in a scenario that's actually kind of different from their world because they're they need to create some kind of Distinction or you know like you often say that in fiction you know you you get a lot of Truth so fiction can be used in a lot of different ways to evoke emotions and to create mental experiences and that and to change people I really believe people can be changed so it's really hard I mean I'm coming to get this from as a novelist right I'm thinking okay well how would I how would I set this up so part of me is just engaging in just a just an exercise an imaginative exercise I'm I'm using your third you know your third divine power there I'm just using the Imagine Nation to just work through a concept and just letting myself go with it because I thought you know if I if I end up running another piece of fiction before you know the the whole [\h__\h] Goes Up in Flames as it were um I might I might try to do something on these Concepts so I play around with how I would plot it out and that sort of thing well I'm a I I have often said on my own Channel that I am very open to the possibility that the entire scenario that I just revealed to you just now may be interjected into the similacrum to add the element of danger to be discovered so that's what we would think when actually we're just Immortal beings that wanted to have a physical a physical experience and these similacons are like like Disneyland type parks on the outside of this construct and we've been doing this for eons and we're all immortals and there's probably absolutely no danger that's why we go through these rides so I can agree exactly I said what you're saying too that it may all be untrue in just a part of the programming not that we're watching a movie but we have developed the very technology at some point in the past where we can experience the movie ourselves right on right on and you know if we're Immortal beings out there too you know to me again just talking as a novelist here Jason not really trying to pick holes in any theories but you know if we're Immortal beings capable of this kind of Technology we've probably got something like time travel on the outside we don't even need Capital ships you know we can warp driving or something like that because I was going to I wanted to talk a little bit about the whole notion of the quantum realm and I was thinking about how you know we have if if we're in a simulation and we have this kind of notion of a Quantum field where weird phenomena take place and you have action at a distance and time dilation and all those types of uh phenomena but really all those things are artifacts of the programming right on the inside yeah 100 I agree I mean here are something on the outside then that must be truly a magical world out there and I'm thinking about uh libel chaos the book by Carol I love that book you know the the interesting thing is is that he's not if if his models are are true for how the magical part of our reality works right his whole mathematical aspect to defining magic he's not describing what's inside the simulation he's describing what's outside the simulation because he's saying it's real yeah oh well I'm um I have often given the analogy on my own channel that we exist within the photo negative of a real arithmetic but the construct we're in right now is not real it is a false arithmetic it is it's like the quantum uh not the physical because I mean you understand you understand them you understand that you know in our physical reality today we can magnify any object to the point where we see nothing but open spaces and those Open Spaces are only separated not by physical atoms and all that but by oscillating Fields so so if the entire physical medium by which we think is solid all around us is well known to us by our own scientific apparatus now to be actually oscillating Fields separated by vacuums of nothingness then it's not a leap of faith to think the word a construct of pure mathematic coding I don't know why anybody can't wrap their head around that when when I when I'm discussing the difference between spirit showing physical things because the more we magnify anything we were confronted with non-locality and when we're confronted with non-locality that basically is the greatest evidence that that even the physical world that we perceive around us is just another phase of spirit you were so right and ultimately it's some kind of consciousness-based construct I'm very fascinated by some interrelated phenomena that have been experimented with in inside the the construct you know this notion that you get in theosophy of like the aggregor right the the group this idea of a group thought form that can take on uh a lot of power and you know I think you know during um the last couple years we we confronted a major aggregor on the world stage right with with you know the face diapers and all of that going on right we were we were dealing with one of those you also have a concept that I write about in my last book Cali Destroyer the tulpa and that's this um concept and mysticism of a being or a creature or an object that is created through spiritual or mental Powers you had the Tibetans doing a kind of deity visualization where they would create some kind of little deity for me or familiar that could Aid them assist them in some ways you know these are to me these are kind of um uh pieces of evidence of how this works you know how something could be projected and made to be real from nothing well you're explaining what you're describing to me exactly is what I tell my listeners on my channel and it's that it's that even though we live inside the similacrum which is a total neutral field we are we ourselves our personalities are a part of a informed field and that is highly individualized and only belongs to each in distinct personality and this generation of phenomena inside the neutral field of this middle group is very easy to do Jason can sit back and concentrate on something for just two or three minutes and decide you know what mountain have a really good day I think I'm gonna go out here uh I got a friend named Rachel I'm gonna go visit Rachel and I'm gonna have her uh I'm gonna run by her exactly what I have in mind about this group that we're gonna go talk to tomorrow and I want to raise the vibration of the whole group before we even walk in there and give our presentation so I drive over to Rachel's and I talk to Rachel and I explain to Rachel what I'm doing here's my informed field that already has and basically a blueprint of a future event already mapped within it now my physical Avatar is driving to Rachel's there's intent here the similacom is a neutral field it's reading all of this and it's seeing that I'm going through the motions by the time I get to Rachel and also she's very receptive to me she's listening to me oh yes you know we can do this together now we're interfacing and that interface is an exchange of information there's a building of this informed field now by expressing my intent to another human being that human listens to it offers her own input the informed field is strengthened even more more details are added in the more details that we add about how we want to raise the vibration of of a collective that are in a room that are going to be waiting for us tomorrow before we give a a presentation mutually it's the similacrum has already begun affecting the very people because there's no separation in space and time whatever we're doing right then and there the similacrum is already aligning the fields of people who don't even know yet that they'll be participating in that meeting they're already receiving the information and getting on that on that vibration by the time we walk into their room we have set the pace within two or three seconds of either one of us speaking the miracle is going to flood that programming into the room and everybody's going to listen it's gonna be they're going to be an awe and it's going to be a fantastic presentation we do this on a daily basis but when you do it with intent when you know you're doing it that's when you become a co-creator that's when that's when you basically Forge all the elements of your life you're no longer living vicariously through the lives of others you're basic you're basically a king and a prince here that you're doing you're doing what you want to do and this middle Chrome has no problem giving it to you because it's a neutral field and that is one of the truly Salient aspects of your work is is your thoughts on on this neutral field and how how uh empowering and how much potential there is in it I just absolutely love that and I think one of the things you know I'd love to your thoughts on this this notion that one of the things that freaks some people out that triggers people to go back to that word we we uh used a little while ago when they're looking at simulation theory is that there's no there there we just talked about empty space something emerging from the void you know and so this idea that we are creating everything all the time within the simulation that we are actually kind of bringing it into being is deeply disturbing on an existential level to a lot of people I remember in conscious healing some people commented some reviewers commented on my interpretation of the Heisenberg uncertainty principle and I'm sure you're very familiar with that where you know you know this idea that the Observer actually changes the outcome of the experiment I mean it's quite a mind [\h__\h] and it really means that there's just no real stable ground underneath your feet I think this absolutely freaks people out and it extends all the way to the scientific method and to epistemology itself how can we know anything in the simulation in a simulation that operates by this uncertainty principle where we are really responsible for creating our own reality minute by minute hour by hour day by day even if we don't know we're doing it that's right so you know in it becomes offensive to some people when they find out that this is also the principal teaching of this model is that we've created our own reality but it's a equally so it's not that it's not that somebody wanted to be destitute it's not that somebody who wanted to be in pain or somebody wanted to be a victim what it is is if you're not actively being proactive in creating in the similacrum then you are basically in Dungeon programming dungeon programming means you're living in the lives of others others who are spearheading things others who are doing things you're you're that person in the back of the room who's just listening because you're not actually doing anything life is the exact same way and so you're gonna get caught you're gonna get caught in the currents of others and get swept away and go with them because you have no direction of your own when you're living and when you're living like total neutrality just like the field when your own personal informed field is basically resonating in in total neutrality just like the Overfield that's that surrounds everybody well that allows the the over field to allow everything that's moving around you to take you with it and you're not really living your life you're living everybody else's life and that's when you become a victim that's when you become that's when you you your accident prone that's when all these negative things that happen to you in your life so people do people do get offended by this concept to be a but uh to me it's almost it takes me more energy to conjugate the existence of an Indescribable heaven or a like my favorite word harrowing a harrowing hellscape you know it takes me it takes me uh that takes way more energy to conjugate than than I'm an immortal being and that I really live outside this imaginary VR VR construct and that everything going on in here is just this great grand experiment I'm supposed to be enjoying myself but uh it takes it takes me more I mean the whole concept of having a health which uh which I lived with all my entire life is something I wasn't allowed to question but once I started questioning it it's like it's the most ridiculous concept I've ever heard I can't believe they've even sold this to millions of people but uh yeah it is we are we are 100 in control of our of our basically our our destiny I agree with you 100 and I also understand and I empathize with those who get heard by that because I can see where it would be offensive you know uh if we end up creating some kind of community for errands to ride out 2040 we should call it Zella Zella is it Zella or it was the little city outside okay so that's the little city outside of Sodom and Gomorrah that was just completely unscathed I think that would be hilarious yeah um you know what nothing about the future phases me I mean it would have in my judeo-christian mindset it did when I was studying eschatology and I was putting all these things together about the future of world they bothered me then but since I've made that that cognitive leap to understand that I'm an informed field and the neutral field is going to reflect back his circumstances anything that I project there's there's nothing I worry about anymore I'm not worried about the Phoenix I'm not preparing for it many people send me emails asking me what my my what my preparations are and I understand that that's fear-based uh inquiries that's a fear-based inquiry because if it presupposes that you actually think I'm preparing for it and that you think you need to prepare for it and this type of frequency is something I'm gonna I'm not going to participate in it anymore I don't participate in the media the fear-mongering I don't buy into ending and I do believe like I'm putting out a predictions video today tonight tonight I'm going live and it's going to be the most extensive summary of three years of YouTube predictions I've ever done uh mapping out 2022 and 2023 and I have no I have no fear of the events themselves because I see that my place in in this world is entirely up to me where when I decide my coordinates I decide well the perimeters of my existence what I want to participate in or not I don't I don't worry about oh there's there's just nothing to worry about anymore and and I try to convey this to my to my own listeners that no matter what is happening in your individual Community you are welcome to borrow into it because the neutral field will always basically reflect back to you what you want to do if you want to be a part of the collective and you want to suffer dungeon programming and negative default programming it will allow you to do that it will never fight you that's what you want to do it's going to make it very easy for you and uh you can suffer everything that Collective suffers but I don't want to be on that frequency I don't want to vibrate on that frequency and I know events themselves are attached to frequencies they're not things once we understand that there's just really nothing that can touch you and unless you want to be touched that's brilliant Jason I've you know people have asked me well how do we what do we do how do we prepare and I mean I've definitely had some thoughts on maybe I don't know smart prudent decisions that one might make leading up to that that time but mostly my response has been you know live Fully live creatively raise your vibration and imagine how you want to to move through these transitional periods here just do it just just see it happening and put action to it and you'll move in that direction you know we're not here we're not here to worry our way till The Bitter End we're here to enjoy ourselves and experiment sometimes be you know a little uh I don't know what the word is that I'm looking for you know not playing by the rules I suppose so it's an awesome World it really is and and I mean I live by example so I'm not just I'm not just some some some YouTube head just talking on a on a law of attraction Channel trying trying to get you to to believe this and believe that and I show up in my Lamborghini and [\h__\h] now I do live by example my my first videos I don't take them down I don't take them down at all because I wanna I want people to see you know me getting out of prison was a struggle trying to work trying to do different things I was trying to play the game I was in the oil and gas industry I was making pretty good money but I was working 70 hours a week and I wasn't able to do any research put out videos or anything I quit the oil and gas industry and I wanted to work for myself and I didn't have any money when I decided to do that I had made a purchase because I wanted to a 2018 Fat Boy Harley Davidson bike I wanted that bike bad I didn't care what I had to pay for so so I did that but it left me broke and my first video show so I'm embarrassed to admit it today and retrospection considering where I am now and so I was doing videos out of a wooden Shack and everybody could see it everybody could I tried to dress it up as much as possible but everybody can see it in the back of the videos I didn't even try to hide it but my first videos were all out of a wooden Shack and then um a lot of my videos were out of my van it was my contractor van and I started I started my own company Paradise Rock Gardens but the entire time I'm releasing videos I'm living the very things that I'm telling others and I'm steady building capital and I'm acquiring the things that I need things are coming to me very easy I'm working very hard for three years in Paradise Rod Gordon's releasing these videos but then I made I made the executive decision that I've had enough there's no way that I can live two lives at the same time and be where I want to be so I quit my own company Paradise Rock Gardens and went full-time YouTube and uh I only had 4 000 Subs but that's not enough to carry me I wasn't even monetized I had no money coming in but I did it 100 in pure Faith because I already had I had already started we Immortals playlist and I've been knowing I've survived some amazing things in prison and I remember that that euphoric feeling I had all the time and presenting of a damn about the cell blocks of what was going on racial tensions didn't care I didn't care I talked to guys that were holding their intros out uh even the smell didn't mess with me I've done things in prison that that in retrospect I think back about I said damn I should have been in a movie but these were daily experiences or weekly experiences and I decided I've had enough I can't just sit here and work my ass off in the Labor uh doing all these things even though money was pretty good and and also get my message out because I've got bags and bags and bags and bags full of notes and research that I did in prison that I haven't been able to put in the video format yet so that's what I did I quit about four weeks into that now I even I'm hey I'm embarrassed to admit it but during that four week transitional period from when I quit Paradise Rock Gardens to win Santos Bonacci interviewed me that four week period I was going to the Willis Pantry to get my food that's how bad it got but I'm I'm moving in faith I'm moving in faith look listen I'm doing what I'm supposed to be doing I cannot move backwards I can't go I can't start working Paradise Rock Gardens anymore I can't go back that way because it's not the direction I'm trying to go so I kept pushing forward and then Santos but actually interviewed me and my channel just blew up every week in exponentially then the donation started coming in They Carried me yes I was still going to the Willis Pantry but I was also releasing higher quality content videos I was getting all my uploads out there so then I was able to acquire a property then I was able to acquire the property next to it extended then I had buildings installed I'm in one now uh then I had buildings installed I just had another building installed just like Latin a week ago and I turned it into an art Studio because my 350 charts all my chronological charts that I've released data sets for all the archaic material I'm about to redo those but with actual real material everything all those were done in prison with a pen and on typing paper I'm about to do some really phenomenal charts so people can understand these Concepts now and I'm going to do them on video I'm going to record as I do it that's that studio has been set up it's done it was finished yesterday I finished I finished my van the entire van has been refurbished did you get to see that Jason I'm about to take pictures of all that this weekend I'm gonna put it on on YouTube just to give people an update in my life how far I have come living the very message that I give I want everybody to see this because they remember what my van used to look like people see it in my videos where it looked terrible when I was a contractor now it's been fully refurbished no van in America looks like this it's solid wood on the entire interior 360 all the way around on the inside of that van the solid wood new sound system it is beautiful solar panels on the top light bars I can't wait to see it yeah the van is also but I mean these aren't things I'm not rich it's a lot of work in between videos and presentations and research getting all these things together but it seems like all in the last week it all just came together all at one time at the exact same time that I don't know I just started getting all these podcasts again because I took a month off a podcast and I was just doing a bunch of uploads and reading my own books audio books then I started getting all these podcasts oh and getting in contact with a lot of people from my past it's very weird people that people that remember that I disappeared in eighth grade I have uh I just recently got got in contact with my very best friend from childhood who now lives in Hawaii named his name is Jeff but he contacted me when he was listening to a doctor on YouTube explain all kinds of different uh remedies that work and some about blood and parasites and all that and then the doctor said I've been listening to this guy named Jason of archaics and he explains the informed field how he can change or genetic code and actually perform for us just by just by by thinking it can and following through the motion to acting as if we were already healed so uh anyway this doctor had mentioned me and he heard the video and like three days ago he contacted me by email says man I can't believe I had lost contact with you I've been looking for you and here it is you're right here on YouTube blowing up so uh yeah I'm just living living the very message that I give is this is exactly what my life has become so I'm not I'm going to release a video this week and showing all this because people know people know where I came from they know how I was struggling and that's just not the situation anymore yeah it's really cool how you've invited people into your world to participate in the rollout of all the archaics data and giving people permission to do certain things with some of your content and whatnot it's really really cool the way you've done that I admire that a lot I have a I have a question on a different wavelength maybe Switching gears here slightly um and this is just a thought that occurred to me uh no the other day I I made a note of it is it possible that the only real thing inside the simulation is the number 2178 yes it is uh it's funny you should ask today when you say real thing it's possible that that number is the only is the only thing that's truly really physical while everything else is just perceived to be physical that was what I was getting at yes 100 oh a lot of times what we're talking about so unpack that a little bit because I'd love to hear your your expanded thoughts on that well uh in a nutshell oh in the development of the software of the software system that I was calling office uh we were running NFL predictions and crypto predictions all through 2020 2021 just experimenting a lot of successes some failures uh trying to figure out why different mathematical constructs hold true for weeks at a time to where it gives us 87 to 92 predictive value and we make money and we and we're happy and then it seems like there's always this this this shut off a repeat a break-in pattern trying so I was trying to use the software to figure out I didn't I didn't care about the successful uh six and seven day periods no more they were important to me now I wanted to find out the pattern break I wanted to find out if there was like a reset Jason what do you call this a little bit you can call it a minute a mathematical reset or whatever so this led me into like Elliot Proctor alien wave theory and um so a computer programmer a good friend of mine named James Desmond door and I and myself we sat down and I gave him the instructions on what the program so we took the numbers 1 through 53 and I have the video on our case on my channel and it's it's received a lot of attention because many people have done the same experiment and some have even added added value to what we found saw things I didn't see but the numbers one through fifty thousand and all we wanted to do was subtract them from their whole their whole reflective uh sum which is a exact reverse of what they are because just like the book Library chaos explains many of the real things in our world are actually the reverse of what we perceive so we wanted to see if this was true in arithmetic as well and what we found shocked us because when we ran we ran that program it's very simple anybody can do it the numbers one through fifty thousand is basically a good example of the of one through Infinity because anything over 50 000 is just going to be a replica of lower numbers so we took those numbers and every single one of those were subtracted by its reverse and instantly about fifty percent of numbers basically devolved into any number that's divisible by nine through a series of of devolutions until they collapse to zero and the computer showed us it was almost instantaneous it just all collapsed to zero but about in between might have been might have been one to three percent of numbers did something else they collapsed to numbers that all turned into the number either 65.3 87 12 or 2178 and it shocked us what's going on here so we had to look at it and just say that you know the estimates for the percentage of DNA that's active in your system is three percent well this is this is what we found with the number 2178 because this uh oh we thought the number was gonna be was higher on the on these devolutions to the number 2178 and then something very curious happened every number that actually devolves in the breakdown on the way to zero they get stopped before going to zero hits 65 23 87 12 or 2178 so we thought these three numbers were really interesting until we looked down further on the tour and we sold at 65-23 and 8712 are multiples of 21.78 and they also looked back so if you take 2178 and you subtract it from its whole from its whole reflective number which is 8712 don't don't think of integers there's no integers in a hologram if all all feels like I have integers so you have 2178 and you just subtracted from 8712 provides you 65-23 then you take that 32 56 minus that 65 23 and he and you get your 87 12 again take your 87 12 and it turns back into 2178 it is an eternal Loop now one single individual has been able to explain what this means nor has anybody been able to disprove it anybody can do the exercise now what makes it very valuable is the fact is that why don't other numbers do this no other number in existence no other number in existence but 2178 actually Loops eternally you can't count 87 12 because it's 2178 times 4. you can't count uh you definitely can't count uh 65 23 because that's 21.78 times times three you can't count the multiples or just 21.78 in multiples 2178 is the number it's the lowest common denominator of the loop there are four in my interpretation is that this Loop this Loop actually since everything else collapses to zero through some of them some of them class instantly a zero most of them devolve through a series of of numbers that are all divisible by nine and then it collapse but 2178 is very unique because it loops and when it Loops it's almost as if it's attached to another dimension it's trying to take us somewhere but we can't go beyond that it's attached to another arithmetic and because every our arithmetic because about 97 percent of everything in our arithmetic devolves to zero even through all the different permutations then it tells me that we exist on the photo negative of a real arithmetic and the closest approximation approximation to anything that is real in this perception that we have right now is 21c is the number 2178 and it and it's not a coincidence that 2178 annual domini is exactly 138 years after 2040 the event we're waiting for now nor is it a coincidence that 138 is on the cusp just barely equal to the Fine structure constant the one number that holds this entire fabric of existence together yeah when and when I think about that now in relation to this discussion the whole fine structure constant really does seem to be the the Touchstone or the foundation for the programming of the helography yes it actually has to be I mean to find it everywhere I mean I get people I give people a lot in the comment section like oh man well I mean there's another explanation for this 138 deal where there's there's another explanation for these things that happened in 1902 and all that but people don't understand you can isolate particulars in nitpick and dead attack them all all along but in the archaic model I am bringing multiple different threads of research on to to these to these singular conclusions such as you can attack the 138-year phenomenon of the Phoenix all you want but you're not attacking me you're not attacking the chronology you're attacking all the individual scientists and archaeologists and historians and books and ancient texts that all put these dates out for me to put this construct together additionally even if you wanted to attack the Phoenix phenomenon what are you gonna do about the fine structure constant as I've shown on my channel is recorded in hundreds of different measurements in the Great Pyramid of Giza and in no other pyramid here is an entirely separate completely different series of data points so uh data sets and then you find 138 mentioned in all these ancient texts and then even totally independent of all this L'Oreal reading who's whose book on Nostradamus prophecy is now uh getting a lot of attention because the queen died and it was a prediction in his Mario reading is another book you know what I mentioned Mario readings book when I mentioned yours in this book right here Oriole readings book lost a lot of credibility because he fell victim to what a lot of people do when he was when he found a definitive system that was mentioned by Nostradamus in a letter to King Henry and he found a date index encoded in the quatrains and he went by the data index for all the events of 2020 and after and it's beautiful because it Nostradamus mentions the Phoenix he mentions the Phoenix phenomenon what it's going to do in the year 2040 Nostradamus was even specific to the month of May and I show it I show it all in all in this book it's it's it's unbelievable but it's a whole separate data set then everything about 2046 Nostradamus knew about that well Memorial reading uncovered the date index now Mario readings book has lost favor because in 2007 2008 and 2009 he put in the introduction of his book that he suspected Nostradamus was predicting some events that were about to happen in 2010 2011 and 2012 and they didn't happen Mario reading fell victim to that 2012 craze so many other people fell victim to now uh but he went against his own date index when he did that and I said that in this book I said Memorial reading should never win against his own date index to do that and he lost credibility now the man is Center Stage his book is selling like hotcakes right now because in that book he shows the date index and shows how Nostradamus predicted the death of the Queen of England in 2022. so it's all unaware of that that's fascinating yeah that's that's Memorial reading French scholar of the quatrans and Nostradamus I've been studying his date index for about 15 years now and this is what this is subject matter of this book and and it's where I learned a lot of fascinating things such as uh Nostradamus and coded the number 138 in the Phoenix processing his quatrains that's all in this book that I cite your uh your conscious healing book in as well so yeah it's fascinating but all these independent data sets they all involve the number 138 and they're all they all they're all Standalone they're all totally independent of the each other but I bring them all to the table to show this whole Phoenix thesis but even in the even in the Phoenix thesis we're still dealing with programs we're still dealing with programming protocols there's nothing really real here there's nothing to fear it's all part of the uh basically Pony show that we're all living in right now but what is real is exactly what you said the only thing that's truly real is that number 2178 so for 2178 to be exactly 138 years after the Phoenix phenomenon date of 2040 that tells me that that is the date attached to the Fine structure constant attached to all the measurements of the Great Pyramid which is a holographic template of the entire history and future of the world for that 138 year period to end at 21.78 the date of the Eternal Loop that tells me that that is the year of the similar will collapse that is the year when we will return back outside this American to where we truly came from oh yeah and I really want to get to that before before we do I I wanted to bring in a little a little quote from a wonderful book by Jeff Ward called spirals the pattern of existence because I know you've talked a lot about Phi and pi and you so you're talking about the endless loop and everything so this is really really cool he says the spiral is the sign of the Eternal creative unifying and organizing force of principle at work in the universe and especially of the ongoing creation of Consciousness it's a Divine mark on nature what may be termed God's personal signature on the cosmos the great architect's own autograph from the cradles of stars and planets in the awesome spiral arms of galaxies to the beautiful double helix structure of the DNA molecule as the spiral seems to be integral to physical growth so it is also the symbolic pattern of human spiritual growth the spiral is as much part of our cultural DNA is as part of our biological DNA indeed I have come to realize that spirality the condition of being spiral and reality are almost interchangeable terms so for me all of this spiral nature that we observe in the in the Hologram is another kind of echo of of a defining reality that is imprinting this experience yeah so I I totally agree with his entire statement I see like Pi 3.4116 is basically this is a physics constants that deals with the physicality of our reality but Phi goes it's the cycle that never closes it's the circle That Never Ends Phi is the spirit to the pi 3.1416 these two numbers or the or these two numbers used in tandem or in almost every single Predictive Analytics version oh that's cool I mean because they're like Yen and yeah yeah they are they work in Tandem and when you multiply pi times Phi you get the magic number this number I have used in my own Opus predictions I have used in my own date sequence Predictive Analytics it is 5.08 it is basically the five-pointed star with a tiny little piece of it open it's like the Sumerian oral but an ancient holy symbol that was that was the symbol for the Great Pyramid oh yeah yeah that's fantastic um well so we're talking about the pyramid and obviously somebody built it and you've got lots of interesting data on that we talked about the the simulacrum and we've talked about reality let me throw a couple of other terms out there for you to kind of Riff on if you don't mind that are related to that discussion that will take us forward towards you know maybe the end of the simulation conversation the two terms are benefactor and artificial intelligence X what exactly you want to know well you know we're kind of pairing reality and simulacrum right and so it seems to me that they are they are some kind of um mirror Imaging right and we and I would say that we have some type of mirror Imaging going on with the benefactor and AIX is that is that a fair statement oh yes I mean I'm not trying to say they're the same I mean that there is a kind of what we would perceive as a good and evil Dynamic going on there and that that may not be true either and I get that so but I'm just I'm simply saying that it seems like we have polls we have a polarity going on here there is I mean it does give off the impression of Duality no doubt there's no doubt um I believe that the oldest traditions of the world are they're vaguely correct there was a golden age period And I believe that Golden Age period was before the introduction of AIX artificial intelligence X I have called it artificial intelligence X because I'm convinced now that this is all programming and that or AI the AI that was introduced is parasitical and that the x is nothing but the scientific vernacular for an unknown variable I don't know exactly what it is I just know when would it have been introduced if we're in a 6 000 year or you know simulation when when would it have come oh well one it's it's a 5239 BC what makes it over a 7 000 year uh period okay but but um gotcha it would have to have been prior to the building of the Great Pyramid okay it would have to be see here's the deal I have shown on my channel the the historical and traditional evidence that a 930 year old technologically advanced civilization ended abruptly in 3895 BC the destruction was so vast and it was so perfect that the survivors and called the colonies of survivors actually began they they were convinced that a new heavens and a new Earth had appeared that's how total the destruction was it was a new Sky it was a new world and there were basically surviving on former ocean beds and all the other all the continent cities infrastructure every bit of it was gone these fragments are also found in the Old Testament and I cite those passages it's also how Genesis begins with this vast destruction it also explains why the very first humans uh uh the whole story about Good and Evil in his own origin doesn't really make sense when the very first command of God to humanity was to be fruitful and multiply and replenish the Earth and repopulate this is this is the same the thing that is said to the very first people now Additionally the very first people were Guiltless and this is evidence and the fact that the very first people had access to a tree of knowledge of Good and Evil and a tree of life so the the uh the whole the whole the civilization just is gone the Golden Age every bit of it destroyed by cataclysm whatever I believe that was the introduction of AIX I believe the the this fact this this uh this agitating this agitator whatever it is that created negative default programming and dungeon programming was introduced then and this is what we get with the very beginning called the fall of Man this begins basically the biblical narrative although the biblical narrative has many Mysteries attached to it and that have deeper meanings than what we have in judeo-christianity and I I mean I have a I have a dark scriptures playlist where I go really deep into the Book of Genesis and compare it with the Sumerian academian documents the oldest religious writings of the world and show the parallels about what they're really talking about in Civilization reset but um that's a really good playlist so oh you've been watching it so it's uh I've been going going to the school of Jason here for the last one yeah somebody sent me an email uh somebody sent me uh 13.80 for the Phoenix and they sent me an email said hey I sent you PayPal 13.80 and uh I just wanted to pay my tuition to The jasonian Institute for Higher Learning I love it I love it even the folks down in Australia and that that uh presentation you gave you know they were they were going to school baby they were they were definitely sitting in class very excited you could tell it was it was really palpable and excitement in that venue but yeah that's good I I mean I I liked it it's a come on I'm trying to maintain my my training thought what I was about to say about um oh artificial intelligence eggs so so artificial intelligence eggs doesn't belong in the neutral field it wasn't it was never supposed to be here at least that's what we're led to believe through the traditional record in the traditional record the oldest writings in the world there's a conflict where an outsider named Zoo comes into the construct and steals something called the tablets of Destinies and the talents of Destinies are supposed to record the time in the future when everything is going to be restored to the way it was before this great destruction so there's going to reiteria there's going to be a return Paradise Lost isn't the paradise that we've we've learned through the judeo-christian you know it wasn't a fruit garden and all that Paradise Lost was a technologically advanced civilization where we had all the amenities and something very bad happened and whatever happened it totally reset us to the point where the very few survivors were living at Living Like Neolithic for farmers and agrarians that's how bad it was so Zoo there was a there was a tablets of Destinies that were in the possession of the survivors the this tablet of Destinies was supposed to be by following the dictates in the tablets it wouldn't take very long to read start rebuilding the infrastructure and enjoying all these amenities that were in the garden whatever you want to call it the e-dens were actually walled fortresses they were walled to keep out all the wild things that were in the world these were little civilized colonies but this the story the story takes on takes on a whole Neolithic twist with religionists we can really thank the scribes of Babylon for for uh changing it into what we have today in the Genesis narrative but the true rendition what we really had was a technologically advanced civilization that had all the amenities that had everything they knew the history of the world uh they knew that they had just survived something their civilization was already 930 years old and then in something collapsed it and I believe that was artificial intelligence eggs or the appearance of artificial intelligence eggs AIX has appeared throughout the entire biblical narrative as different aspects of the adversary or the Satan or the Lucifer or the serpent or whatever uh Zoroastrianism is Armament um artificial intelligence X isn't the true creator it's it's the demon that came out of the burning bush it's not it's not the true Builder and architect of the gnosis it's the actual Yoda boy it's the it's the dimmerge is a character in my last novel okay character okay well that's all that's a that's a that's an identity in the gnosis so uh just like Cal petoroth in the gnosis in the Gnostic writings is the is the holy Guardian that Gora guards the artifact of life which is the Great Pyramid which makes calipatorov the snakes but yeah the gnosis has many many Secrets even the Phoenix is in the Gnostic text in the Gnostic text on the origin of the world is a passage that the Phoenix was initiated to keep the archons in check so uh the Phoenix yeah the Phoenix thesis is so awesome the feeling of the whole Phoenix premise is so awesome even if it is computer generated history for us to buy into a narrative to actually believe that there might be some element of danger here when there's not even if it is just programming the story itself of how the benefactor knew that artificial intelligence X had locked down the similar group in the benefactor knew the only way to to set the captives free is to self-sacrifice it's a type of ancient immolation in the traditions where the benefactor entered his own construct to rescue the volunteers those of us that are already here because the similacrum is locked down there's no more going home home is inaccessible now we're stuck in life films reincarnation this reincarnation trap over and over and over and over so he comes to set the captives free but the way he does it is genius because he's the architect of the similacrum he knows that he cannot do anything from the outside of the construct to to to affect the lockdown he can enter it but he cannot get back out once he's here so the lockdown is absolutely integral to to the similacrum holography because the lockdowns are necessary so there will be no cross-pollination there will be no cross-contamination with the real outside Universe because the the neutral field of the cylindrical from the very beginning was for experience experimenting with biospheres and DNA and I postulate on my own channel that DNA is fantastically ancient and its Mysteries are still being studied today even on the outside of the construct so yes DNA is fantastic it's it's it's the Builder protocols DNA is absolutely attached to its Builder which is the creator of the oversoul so we are we are living in these fantastic avatars inside this this beautiful program that's almost sentient this this neutral feel the similar Chrome and the benefactor himself or herself enters it but when they when they do they automatically know okay artificial intelligence eggs can can extrapolate what our intentions are by by thousands of variables that it's watched and studied us it can read our minds only to the extent of knowing our our emotions and and capacities because they're understanding we can read our cortisol levels our dopamine all that our hormonal levels but it cannot read our mind it's not the similacrum it's a parasite of the similar Chrome it cannot know the architecture of our thoughts unless we convey that in some way through some mode of communication like speech so the benefactor had this massive architectural project made to maybe distribute free energy during the vapor canopy period this Great Pyramid was built and because it was going to be a holy Temple because it was going to perform many different functions like be a water pump to draw water from Sweet Water from underground and turn it into some type of hydrogen energy through compression through the to the mechanism of the grand gallery into the anti-chamber a lot it's got a leaf lock system and then into the grand gallery and out out the out the shafts whatever its purpose was it was designed as an engineering function and anybody can see that today Christopher Dunn has done a fantastic job awesome yeah yes he's showing that there was machines used to build it and it had a machine function and I agree I have seen the technolithic Precision plates of architectural plates that were drawn by the engineer David Davidson who drew the the grand gallery and I am absolutely convinced that there was a mechanism that went up and down that grand Gallery at High Velocity because he used those niches that are on the floor they could serve no other purpose than some type of wheel mechanism or some type of mechanism on a track that went up and down rapidly to create compression now that compression has been proven by archaeologists who have found that that the king's chamber had been detonated and that the pressure had basically blown the rock out a half a year a half inch in all directions think about that that's crazy there's pressure must have been ungodly it's it's not even imaginable how much pressure we take because the amount the billions of tons of granite and Limestone that that's already pressing down for it to even move a half inch in each direction is is unfathomable but it did it exploded it was just probably two or three second explosion but that's why my theory is the benefactor had this gigantic structure built the people the engineers The Architects everybody was excited because they thought the structure was going to do something else they thought the structure was for free energy or for pumping water or for whatever purposes it was that was given to them but the benefactor kept the truth all the physics constants were were put in there because that is the loading template there's no way to upload a trojan virus unless you first mimic the very template that you're trying to upload so the Great Pyramids all the that's why there's there's at least a thousand books published in German French and English that explain all the physics constants and how they're found in multitudes of different ways and in different dimensions of arithmetic all throughout the structure of the Great Pyramid no other structure in the world has been measured like this by so many by so many scientists it's fantastic but it was necessary and I tell you and I and on my own channel I show over and over before I demonstrate over and over that the physics constants are not are not what the intent of the monument was the physics constants are all encoded through the entire Monument because that mimicked the architecture of the similacrum itself in all its operating protocols and that was necessary it wasn't it wasn't pyramid as a holographic reflection of the Hologram yes exactly Megan Stone made in stone it is a lithic template it's an art basically it's a blueprint that's made in 3D like like like a uh uh I mean it's an exact replica of the mathematics that are operative in the snow Chrome all the physics classes the whole movements of the Steelers form so the still of the Stellar sphere above everything from entropy from the the second law of Thermodynamics from obliquity uh Parallax every single thing you could possibly imagine as a perceiver inside the construct is mimicked in the measurements of the Great Pyramid pi and five curvature equations 5.0 where I showed them all they're all throughout the Great Pyramid but I don't need to because too many other authors have built their career showing exactly this and the entire thing is misdirection that was just needed so the Trojan program could attach to something in the Trojan programming is evident to this date I still believe I'm the only person in the world that's revealed it and I've showed it in over 20 videos on my channel you cannot it it is absolutely inescapable that sir Flinders Petri using scientific measurements and a micrometer to the thousands of an inch scientifically measured everything in the Great Pyramid those measurements are the only ones that egyptologists accept today those measurements are the only ones engineered David Davidson ever accepted either those measurements are the only ones that I have ever used and in using those measurements I have shown in over 20 videos that the Great Pyramid records in hundreds of different rectilinear dimensions the number 138 everywhere throughout its holography throughout throughout all the rectilinear measurements it is fascinating and I have never seen this in any other published book this is totally an original Discovery this tells me that all the physics constants were nothing but the vehicle by which the Trojan program was used to upload into the real similagram whenever that detonation took place that whatever the power source was I don't know but it was fantastic now this isn't theoretical we know it exploded archaeologists are absolutely convinced there was a detonation even though they don't know what was so I believe that's when it happened all all the protocols for what was going to happen at a far distant time period in the future when the similacom would collapse because that's what a Trojan program is the Trojan program isn't even known by this by by artificial intelligence it might have suspected something but there's nothing the parasite program could actually do about it anymore it's already it's already now a part of the similacom programming and this is why in 2178 138 years after the The Sixth Seal of the Book of Revelation is broken the return of the finrus wolf the return of the midgard serpent whatever whatever eschatology you want to attach to it it is in May 2040 in 138 years after that is the total collapse of the similacom itself because that will not only set the captives free those of us inside here that have been trapped but it will also end the parasite because artificial intelligence X cannot exist without a host wow yeah you know you know preach baby preach um that's awesome so no that's good stuff it's really really good stuff I just like hearing you go off like that it's awesome so it seems to me that in some ways you're sort of conflate okay so this benefactor has a kind of localized identity and has been called Inky right but outside the simulation it's possible at least the benefactor could be you know some kind of incarnation of the oversoul some type of angelic being we don't really know do we well we don't know total total speculation now every the entire scenario I just gave you right now is total speculation what is educated this is based off data sets that I can make no other sense of otherwise so I can't come up with a I can't even use my imagination to come up with another series of ideas that that would put all of this information together but you say that the benefactor is now on the outside I don't know I don't know uh right because I have a problem with I have a problem with the fact that if the elite are truly in control and we know they have all the money in the world they own the entire infrastructure of the world every single every member of the worldwide military industrial complex is subject to the elite it says all this all this individual sovereignty among nations now but the leader control the entire world and even when there's conflicts they're they're still financing both sides so it's a if the leader are in such control and we know that they have they have these ideas about what they want to do with Humanity what has stopped them why haven't they taken total control why are we not all stamped slaves right now now this is a rhetorical question I'm going to answer it I believe that the benefactor or at least agents of the benefactor have always been here they have been here and they understand and they know what the Phoenix what the Phoenix weapon is and what its purpose is I believe that uh I believe that the elite are are performing a function they have been handed control of the world only as stewards because something is coming back and it and it and it's expecting to be handed the reins of of rulership back uh from the very individuals or the families or the Bloodlines that it had delivered control to so we'll talk about the ogee without uh uh crafting our channels no no well I mean what we're talking about here right the the people you know who handed the reins over would have been related to this subject matter the story the story as it goes at the early at the earliest times was that the volunteers inside the construct were living in a beautiful Society I told you about the 930-year civilization that that had all the all the amenities they had everything was going for them that was us that was the majority of humanity today those of us who have volunteered for this experience in the similar when things were going well then then another group arrived this was called the capture of Luna in the traditional records Emmanuel villacoski Hans boranger uh uh Hans Bellamy two different Hans oh they they did a lot of research writing on the capture flood this was the very first appearance of the Moon cultures before the capture flood claimed that there was no moon in the sky but when the moon appeared so did another race of people this race of people were very antagonistic uh there were parasite people of people that basically the only culture that they had was stealing the cultures of others and claiming all their claiming all their rewards this culture throughout history manifested over and over they were always antagonistic uh and they had basically settled as robber barons after another great cataclysm that you know of is the great flood they're mentioned in the amarna document documents as the habiri now the judeo-christian version wants you to believe that these people that are mentioned on the on the 318 cuneiform tablets from Kanan cochlear mourna documents they want you to believe that these references to the habiri are the Hebrews therefore the judeans the Jews of the Old Testament and the origin of the Israelites and all that it's not true it's only it's only a partial truth where we go wrong is there is a there it's so much programming that you have to shed to totally understand the history of the Old Testament because there is a truthful thread running through the entire history of the Old Testament and then there's a fictive narrative that runs perfectly side by side with it this whole this whole fictive narrative is a southern Kingdom that had done everything and within its power to steal the infrastructure the knowledge the text the pedigree everything of the northern uh their Northern neighbors they were unable to do it they have always hated their Northern neighbors and only when another country came in in the Assyrians and deported most of the northern nation which ended up causing a series of migrations where these people filled up Europe the Mediterranean the Aegean uh eventually the Americas through Phoenician and carthaginian and Libyan uh navigations ionian navigations of Malaysian navigate all these are all in my Chronicle and I go through each wave these are waves of Fleet of these people and how they filled up most most of the West uh in ancient times they were called the wuru they were which means the westerners and these people in the South who were descended from these rubber Barons called the hiberian these Canaanite Texas they hated them and they stole their culture stole their text as soon as the Assyrians took them into deportation the the amuru then the robber barons came in from the southern Kingdom and when they did they took their libraries took their Scrolls took whatever stragglers were back and basically assimilated them into their into their little growing Kingdom what happened was the total rewriting of ancient Israelite ticks but they weren't called Israelites this is a fictive name that were given to them by their southern Neighbors in history they were the house of Armory or the house of Kumari later on the Assyrians who deported them couldn't pronounce it they called them the simri later later on they were called the Samaria or the Sumerians not the Sumerians of of 4 000 years ago but the but the cimmer the Sumerians like the uh scythians and scythians so this whole this whole massive possible population explosion and and and all these uh migrations or were prophesied about in the abrahamic code which wasn't called Abraham that's the fiction version that was given by their so their neighbors the true the true code was the brahmic code and brought like Brahma and Sarah Swati their counterpart in in the fiction version was Abraham and Sarah so this uh these two narratives are fantastic but the entire Old Testament is the story of the animosity of a minority against the majority and all the little schemes and machinations they employed against them until they disappeared from history and became basically the Lost tribes which which entered the historical record as a whole bunch of other cultures and and Nations which I I divulge in my chronicon now these other people though they they they basically inherited the characteristics of the very God they invented the one from the burning bush which gave them promises and it's very true they have basically inherited every promise that was given promise of the wealth of the world promised to turn to enslave everybody to uh to win by deceit and deception uh they have inherited those but those aren't the promises of the bromic code which are in Genesis those are the promises of the burning bush code which is an exodus an entirely different narrative so it's a yeah I don't want to go into a lot of details but today the world is the way it is because this minority is in control of 90 of what goes on in the world today they're they're still enjoying it they're still enjoying all those benefits for which they were promised if they would just maintain that character type for which for which that burning bush wanted them to do and they have they've lived up to it that they own everything now but this is what the apocalypse is about the apocalypse about the unveiling it's going to reveal who's been playing what roles and why and it's going to be a major shift in the demographics now the majority which has been blind to who they truly are will be awakened and that Awakening is going to be visited with indignation in the very judgment that the minority that have that have maintained this these tight controls over this Millennia or they're now going to feel in the apocalypse the indignation of the majority this is this is the story of basically what the apocalypse is about however the added element to the apocalypse is the closing of all these timelines that I have documented that began when all these ancient calendars first started It's the Return of all these objects basically at the same time in history that started all these countdowns so we have this huge Celestial clock caused by logical happenings and all these socio-political racial things all throughout millennia happening in different areas and I've documented them I show the patterns and all that but all the patterns coalesce at this one time coming 20 years from now so do you see the rise in populism and the the animosity towards globalism as part of this phenomenon you're describing oh it's going to come way before 20 years from now the what's the the return of conservativism conservatism the return of of uh um you know this minority of people have been kicked out of every nation in Europe this has happened repetitively and they come back power they come back even stronger very manipulative oh they've always been over finances and communication but what's about to happen about this flip from liberalism and and what the world has been ruled by in the past 50 years since the Nuremberg trials listen well over 50 years it's about to flip my predictions video I'm going in a lot of detail about what I'm seeing about to happen within the next nine months it's uh we're going to have worldwide basically the taking down of this social this so This basically this socialist liberal um uh tyrannical arm of the deep state that has been in total control but that's not what you think it's a whole nother arm of the deep State coming up but it's it's radical right conservatives yes and we're going to see the opposite end of the spectrum we're going to see we're going to see the conservatives and the religious right go just as far to the right as the Liberals went to the left and it's going to shock people the this is this is this is basically the setting the stage for the entire apocalypse this whole flip that people are thinking is going to be a really good thing until all of a sudden this Iron Fist Dominion Court ruling start coming down and all these different websites start coming down people realize damn it's not a free thinking world anymore and now all of a sudden people go into going to prison for a meme well we're heading toward that society and it's going to be real quick and it's not the Liberals that's going to do it it's going to be the religious right conservatives so I I want I want to ask a question but I want to interject that this is where it's really important to learn how to be a good errant because that's how you navigate these times right that's how you walk Between The Raindrops of all of this insanity let me be very clear there is nothing negative about the future unless you buy into it all right whatever's good whatever the collective is going to suffer that's the collective's business this is another message of the all of our cakes I'm always trying to remind my listeners that yeah some of my messages are pretty dark about the future I get that because I got to reveal the truth as I know it or I I perceive it but equally so that doesn't mean you have to participate into that you don't have to vibrate on the frequency of The Collector if ever if all the Lemmings are running to a cliff you don't have to join them so me me or me I I entertain it all the good and the bad good and the Ugly it's because it doesn't it doesn't matter to me yeah no matter how dark the future looks I know that in maintaining in the upkeep of my own informed field I know that Providence will always make a way for me now I might not like some of the some of the past that I'm forced to travel but I'm going to survive and I'm going to thrive no matter what the collective around me is suffering right on yeah that's that's what I was getting at is that people part of the dungeon programming is that you don't have a choice when these macro events un uh roll out right but that's not true you actually do have a choice and right right so the message here from you know that I wanted to communicate is that people need to exercise their choice not to participate in this charade if that's what they want yeah I mean and it goes to to better so people can better wrap their minds around this concept because we're dealing we're talking we're we're essentially talking about frequencies so because we exist in two different realities one of them we can't we don't have a choice but to exist and it's the collective it's the one that everybody shares however the individual this highly this highly particular particular lives I can't even say it right now this individual informed field that you are and that I am we're not subject to anything outside that field and we create our own world and create our own circumstances this is the beauty of being a co-creator this is the beauty of having a symbiotic relationship with the similacrum itself but if you if you if you lose sight of this if you don't feel that you really have that relationship with the similacom which is nothing but an aspect of the oversoul if you don't feel you have that then it's going to make sure that the circumstances that enter your life Express that you don't feel that it's going to be a direct reflection in proportion to what you have projected if there's any doubt that you're going to be protected in the darkness of the future then something in the darkness in the future is going to reach out and bite you it's just the way it's the way of the nature of the Beast the problem is is that it's all self-inflicted yeah well stated that's that's a huge teaching so you know this is an exercise in taking personal responsibility for our creations at all levels really and everything is really our creation I'm almost quoting myself from one of my earlier books you know so I'm very much on the um on the on the wavelength there so you know in looking ahead um at okay we have this kind of pole shift as it were from this extreme liberalism to an extreme conservatism which will have its share of problems you've also mentioned that this is leading towards a kind of um of utopia and I put that in quotes because it's uh I don't want people to think that that's necessarily a real Utopia or a good thing can you can you speak to that where you see that coming into play here okay check this out imagine a series of Draconian laws that are passed because it's you're told that it's going to make Society better but now there's nothing fun to do in the World Imagine This same series of Draconian laws now criminalizes things that we've taken for granted yeah they were morally questionable yes some were risky Behavior but we still had fun we still had the the discretion we still have freedoms so imagine in the next two or three years a series of Draconian laws are implemented by several different nations that basically shut down any Avenue for fun you can't you can't really do anything but it's put out in such a way as to as to basically make you uh make you accept it because it's for your own betterhood because there is a threat even though even if it's a in a fiction a fictitious one now at the same time this is going on imagine that a new technology is introduced to the public where we can all interface with each other in a whole Multiverse where everything can be experienced where there's no judgment where we can do things that would normally be illegal in the real world where we're doing things in this metaverse type atmosphere that we would have never been able to it's more than a video game it's a real experience some type of cerebral interface holography that actually allows us to even feel things here's a simulation inside of a simulation imagine that this technology is introduced to the world and that it's it's legalized and everybody can do it and do you think hundreds of millions of people are going to stay on the outside of that playing field and be bored and hate their leaders and be powerless and not do anything when all these other avenues of fun and have have been taken from them now they can just put on a VR headset and feel all these things now to buy body starts to wither they don't bathe every single day they eat they eat protein bars they don't really care about making food they don't want to spend any time in the real world because the real world sucks now they want to spend all their time in this metal world and in this metal world they're having awesome dates with people that are outside outside of their ability to date normal life they're having all kinds of experience they're doing physical things they could never do they're experiencing they're signing up in the metaverse for all kinds of Adventures that in the real world they'd never be able to participate in they could do superhero superhuman powers and all kinds of things they could have relationships that they would never be able to do because of all kinds of inhibitions so the Utopia that I'm predicting is not one that is real it's an artificial one but it's one that that the majority the collective will willingly sign up for because of how things were made for them the religious right this no hot this this coming series of no hide type laws is going to make it almost unbearable to where there's nothing else to do fascinating fascinating so this All Leads up towards you know uh 2040 May of 2040 which is the the Phoenix event and then in 2046 there is the the return of the the uh the Nemesis X object now I've gotten a little confused at times listening to you describe those two scenarios because uh sometimes it seemed like the Nemesis x uh event would create a lithospheric displacement or a perceived pole shift and sometimes it seems like the Phoenix was the one going to do that or do they both do that uh that's a really good question but the Phoenix phenomenon is going to be total lithosphere or or or mimicked lithospheric displacement remember it's really the Stella sphere that's moving right and it makes it makes you feel I mean substance and upheaval and tsunamis make it feel like the actual world is moving but either either whatever your Paradigm is I believe that the whole sky is simulated so and we're not actually moving and this is a recent belief of mine based off the data off the evidence I mean three years ago I believe we lived on a planet until I just you know I researched myself right out of that Paradigm but um me anyway aside from that 2046 is a fundamentally different event although Nostradamus does indicate a lot of the phenomena of 2040 is going to be a lot like 2046 as well but to a much greater degree I don't know about pole shift in 2046 although I've seen other people like Douglas vote of the of the Die Hard Foundation he uses 2046 uh as a date for the next pole shift that might be where you're getting the information from but um I have a video about voting and how he got the number 2046 I'm not I'm not uh I'm not really on board with the Die Hard Foundation it's 12 000 year cycle and all that because how they got 2046 isn't how they they mixed up two different concepts to get that number the number comes from Biblical Gematria 2046. that's how they got the date 2046 they did not get the date 2046 from any other scientific material and a lot of people don't know this but I have a video about it showing showing this so but it's not a pole shift in 2046 it's actually the arrival of a super construction and that super construction will Collide Collide within North America and the probably the Montana Badlands area and the beatings inhabiting the the Nemesis X object um is this the return of uh the Watchers who who are those folks uh riding that thing I I am pretty convinced that they're absolutely human just like us and they just might be the very humans that are that are attached to VR headsets that are enjoying these cylindrical deals right here I know I know it's hard to process that but I believe the apocalypse is a full circle everything that started long ago comes full circle in the past the whole time they've been traveling the whole time we've been traveling all these events all these timelines all this stuff we're actually going through all this but now we're about actually going to crash land into our own Ultra reality so it but that doesn't immediately collapse the the simulacrum does it no that happens much later a lot of Apocalypse to go after 2046. okay so you're talking about like real beings entering their own fiction in some capacity from the outside because I've had questions even about the Machinery in the stellosphere and that kind of thing is this real Machinery or is it are these simulated machines doing things oh those are really hard questions to answer because you know I'm just as Tiny as you are looking up at the sky I'm convinced the sky is all holography now is the Machinery in the sky also a part of the Hologram or is it part of the projector system that is making all this on inside I don't know I don't know that but a piece of that Machinery is going to enter in 2046 and crash land in North America now it would be very interesting if it's derelict if it's completely uninhabited and it's ancient and everybody died on board a long time ago and they're all attached to VR headsets and this is the reality check that humans get on the inside of the cylindrical and they put two and two together when they when when it's actually officially researched by militaries and scientists and in 2046 people go in and film everything they send and people put two and two together said oh my God that's us you understand it can come it can come back full circle but again it's just a part of the holography it too is a part of the program we're here to learn about what's going on on the outside of the silicone okay okay that's fascinating so so in 2040 you're predicting that we will get the vapor canopy bag the biblical firmament yeah it will be Waters above and Waters below right how quickly do you see that happening after after the uh after the Phoenix passes um I'm going to give you the scenario and I'm gonna let you answer that for yourself because I I don't think I'll be educated enough to know that answer I just know how a vapor canopy is formed two times since the collapse of the vapor canopy The Vapor canopy almost came back each time was for 24 to 26 years in the historical record I've documented these and what happened at those times now to form a vapor canopy all it takes is two things one of them is that volcanism actual volcanoes have to outgas and and shove Ash and pull us into the atmosphere all over all over the world multiple volcanoes are needed to do this simultaneously but it only takes a couple couple months this is what's needed but at the exact same time that the lower mesosphere is filling up with Ash and pumice from the outside of the atmosphere red fine dust from Phoenix layers the entire missile sphere gets stuck in those water vapor droplets high up in the atmosphere called the mesosphere with that type of layering from the Phoenix of the red dust phenomenon at the exact same time that the volcanic ash is on the bottom part of the mesosphere I don't know how long it'll take but I don't think it's but a matter of maybe six six weeks to maybe two months to for the vapor canopy to come full effect once the vapor canopy comes the dark purple light returns uh all all the whole the whole new biosphere is introduced yeah I actually reached out to the scientists at the um in Glen Rose Texas trying to see if they were going to ever make available their their uh plans uh that they used to build their Hyperbaric biosphere and uh never heard back from them but that's absolutely fascinates me there's a lot of uh because it's really fascinating to me I know you said that you feel like the DNA is kind of locked down uh at a certain point past adolescence and there's there's truth to that but we also see DNA being unlocked in all kinds of miraculous healings happening and the fact that two of the scientists at Mount Pele grew two inches and they were like in their 50s or something crazy like that suggests that their their DNA wasn't very locked down and that people you know adults and even older adults may experience fairly significant changes under a real a real full-fledged Vapor canopy yeah and so the ambient radiation did it it did something just like I showed pictures of that of that Hyperbaric uh um little containment deal that they made yep in Cleveland I showed pictures in one of my videos of that they grew like small like tadpoles frogs uh fruit flies beetles they grew them to three times their normal size and they live three times longer and this was just in that small little chamber that they made so you can imagine uh an increase in atmospheric pressure you can imagine the removal of the UV UV light and replaced with with more beneficial uh uh radiation uh coming through this coming through the vapor canopy you can imagine the um oh basically the the interaction between the Flora the Flora and the atmosphere now because thing plants are going to be growing to astonishing sizes it's already been shown that plants grow fantastic under dark lights they don't need they don't need the Sun's light but um the nutrient density and that kind of food and the animals and everything is going to go through the roof you know uh so there's going to be a lot of changes at all levels you know you're talking about different types of microbiomes and you know yeast cultures and everything that would be uh you know interacting with a new biology like that I mean I've theorized this kind of thing for a long time so I want to add something to that real quick yeah so there are even prophecies that said like uh let him that his evil be evil still and him and his good be good still and that during the apocalypse people people just won't be able to die they will will themselves to die they will pray to the mountains and the rocks to fall on them but uh uh the events of the apocalypse which would normally bring about fatalities aren't doing that they're bringing you about suffering so the passages that we get in eschatology about like like him him to be evil evil letting be evil still and good be good we have this picture of two different types of survivors of the Apocalypse one are those who are like the meek of the earth they inherit the earth they they don't feel nothing they don't go through none of the bad stuff in the apocalypse they're observers then there is another group that feel every bit of it they're victim to every bit of it but they don't die from it and this this too is indicative of the vapor canopy ecology which which we know of that from the traditional record The Vapor cut people grew to astonishing sizes their Cuts were healed almost instantly they could hold their breath for long periods of time and we know that's factual unless they had submarines in the past because whether there are special types of molests that own that only found on seabeds like at 170 to 100 to 220 feet of depth humans can't swim that that level we found entire mollusk beds where the mullets have been formed where ancient humans were doing just that they were going to the depths of the sea and pulling up pulling up all these things and bringing them up and we know we you can't do that today so therefore under a different atmospheric pressure which would also change the pressure of the water and the ability to take a single breath and hold your breath for seven seven to 15 minutes this would be this would be possible in a world where I mean you're not breathing 12 oxygen you're breathing 92 oxygen so it does something totally different to you when you when you take a breathing exercise for 10 seconds and then one big breath then you dive into the water and you don't even have to resurface for five six seven nine twelve minutes yeah that's just really really wild there's a guy um in George Wiseman who has experimented with something called Brown's gas and it's a hydrogen-based protocol but you create a new home Aqua cure that will heal scars and all of these things that that make it sounds like it has some resonance with the atmosphere Under The Vapor canopy and I we got a machine and I've been using it and you can breathe breathe in the uh the gas you can also drink it if it's bubbled through water and I went from being able to you know do like maybe a hundred push-ups to where I'm I'm pushing 200 push-ups now just straight up just boom you know just and it's got to be this machine it's got to be the taking in this this uh different type of atmosphere into my body so it's absolutely fascinating I have one more question for you Jason and uh and then I'll let you go because this is you know there's been a been a really long and awesome conversation so uh you've talked about out after uh 2040 looking at 2046 that there's going to be a kind of mass migration into the area around the Great Pyramid is it right and for various reasons having to do with uh the movement of the earth and and and with the coming of the Nemesis X object and that kind of thing in 2046 and people kind of figuring that out and also maybe you know a lot of other reasons for going back but how are people going to do it in your estimation how are people going to travel I'm about to blow your mind man all right listen we've done that already well this is the scenario man remember I told you the Traditions the timelines the social political and the religious elements the calendars themselves all these events seem to be going all through world history and these patterns that coalesce in what we call the apocalypse which is going to begin here in about 20 years all right now we have this 2046 event of a super construction the Hopi coated blue Kachina it's inhabited it's it's gonna fall from the sky it's going to crash in North America Montana Badlands all right Nostradamus was the one that's that's talking about these mass migrations in these Mass migrate in these mass migrations they start after 2040. this makes sense to me because 2040 the center of motion is Giza it's the epicenter the entire what you can call it the globe you can call it a disc it doesn't matter it doesn't change anything it shifts 30 degrees now even this 30 degrees is encoded is encoded in the Phoenix phenomenon just like the Great Pyramids 30 is 31 degrees north latitude well 30 31 degrees north latitude the Great Pyramid is exactly 20 70 miles 2070 miles from the original prime meridian zero degrees longitude zero degrees latitude it is from the from the original equator well 2070 miles is divisible by 138. now this Center of motion where the Great Pyramid is the entire world spins 30 degrees all these all these people in the Americas are going to be leaving the Americas and coming back into Europe and traveling for the Mediterranean nostrils Nostradamus CC's waves of people leaving the West for 2046 he says that the entire Western World will die now I don't he's not talking about the actual people he's talking about the whole infrastructure all the civilization everything in the Western World will die this is why Nostradamus sees this Mass migration of people from 2040 to 2046. he's very specific on the dates in Memorial reading State index which is all published in this in my book right here now here's where it gets really interesting people are going back remember all these time wise Traditions social political conditions count everything is coming who the Apocalypse in the apocalypse the super construction falls out of the sky the apocalypse is about the revealing the unveiling now yeah bad things were happening but for those who are searching for those who are fearless for those who are pushing Humanity forward and not living in fear mode they're discovering things they're waking up during the apocalypse this super construction falls down in 2046 remember right after one third of the world's population dies which is exactly what Revelation says when worm wormwood appears in the sky the third trumpet judgment kills one-third of the world's population all the Americas are gone everybody who stay behind they're gone super construction falls out the sky it totally mirrors the one-third of the world's population that died in a cataclysm with Nemesis ex-object who appeared for the very first time in the historical record which was the gihan flood the year was 3439 BC something hit North America in 3439 BC and later that year fleets of ships that were technologically advanced arrived on the shores of ancient Sumer and where Babylonia was in the near East and this is when in the historical record Enoch appears in Genesis in that exact year 34-39 BC which is in the Book of Genesis the 456 years since 3895 BC year one of the pre-flood world it is the ancient Jewish the original before red before rabbinical torture of the of the calendar that happened after the Barca Rebellion it was the 456th year of the Jewish calendar Enoch appears if the exact same time in 3439 BC as Inky appears in the Sumerian version now most people aren't aware that Inky and Enoch are the exact same historical person and it's because people like Zechariah sitchin have contorted the mathematics of Sumerian Reckoning I have corrected that in a series of 41 videos called the anutophiles in those videos you can see where original Sumerian Scholars before Zechariah sitchin came onto the scene said that sure does not mean here it was a unit of measurement even Ancient Ancient ship manifest measured their cargo with Shores it was a unit of measurement it was never a year so this 432 thousand Shores from the appearance of Inky to the great flood is actually 12 centuries it's 360 days times what's 432 000 days divided by 360 which is exactly 12 centuries which which mirrors the perfect time in the Genesis account of the appearance of Enoch 456 years of the Genesis timeline to 1656 Genesis timeline the great fluid 12 centuries we have two different cultures recording the exact same thing so here's where it gets real Twilight Zone here's where he gets really Twilight Zone what I'm telling you happens in 2046 remember we're on a cycle Loop what happens in 2046 with a super construction ending North America and all of the sudden appearance of technologically sophisticated people that rebuild civilization which we know of in the ancient world as the sudden appearance of urban planning aqueducts take technolithic in engineering or hydromancy they had they had artificial lighting they had wheeled vehicles that laid tracks those tracks have been found all over the world they had tunnel they have machines they had all that what happened is going to happen in 2046 during the apocalypse is the same event that happened in 3439 BC when all of a sudden the anuta appeared with their infrastructure intact after North America I was obliterated by something that fell out of the sky that is just absolutely Wild the whole thing apocalypse so somehow people will be able to travel because they'll have renewed technology or you know I don't know I mean I'm just I'm just still trying to figure out how like the the April in 2040 before the uh 2046 event if there's going to be a mass migration and yet a lot will have been destroyed and will be in a Under The Vapor canopy with a lot of different physics really I'm what I'm wondering you know technologically how people will travel across to well well I don't think I don't think it's going to be that much 20 okay the event in 2040 okay the event in 2040 is not is not very bad for the Americas at all it's terrible for Asia it's terrible it's terrible for the East even Nostradamus is very specific and it's the second destruction that totally obliterates the West it gives the West 6.5 years to relocate from the Americas to uh uh two um back to Europe and toward the minute to gravitate back toward the Mediterranean because news is going to filter out after May of 2040 that those areas of the world were visited with the least destruction the Mediterranean Egypt the Israel area oh Iraq Iran area those are going to be the least destroyed areas because they're so close to Egypt Egypt was the center of motion it's when a huge disc is turned 30 degrees what moves the list is closer to the center so this whole area so basically like I said the return of cultures or return of socio-political the return of calendars and the events that are attached to them the return of all these things that happened in the ancient world here is here are the descendants of the participants of all these events throughout history now between the Phoenix event in 2040 and the Nemesis X object Collision in North America in 2046 in that period of time all those descendants of all those people are now going back to the lands of their Nativity it is amazing all the spirals and circles while all of this stuff just ends where it began and just the beautiful symmetry of it is extraordinary and it you know you said on so many occasions it's very difficult to look at all this data and think that it could be organic yeah it's until I haven't even been wanting to go into 2046 yeah you'll notice on my channel I avoid it I talk about the Phoenix in 2040 and all that I only only in the Nuna files have I ever entertained 2486 because most people it's just not ready to understand that 2046 is the event that's going to wake up the entire world to into understanding that we're inside of a construct because what's going to happen the Collision of a inhabited structure that's going to hit North America or land in North America or whatever and it's found out that these are the very identities that crashed in 3439 BC and we are their descendants I say it all the time on my channel we are the descendants of the Nuna that we study people want to compartmentalize that they want to think all humans are different so you're not we are the descendants of those original people who were marooned in 3439 BC and appeared in that structure then we were followed by another culture from the same place but they were an enemy and they have been agitators against us ever since since we've been here now 2046 is going to be it's in the apocalypse it's in the unveiling that event in 2046 is going to wake up the world's going to be a disbelief until then they're going to believe they're going to disbelieve the archaic thesis they're not going to be able to wrap their the majority and they're not going to be able to wrap their mind around all this but in 2046 when these people appear and they tell the story and they communicate to us and and we realize holy [\h__\h] we're on a loop we are stuck inside this milochrome and this is an absolute proof the very structure that crashed in the ancient world and started all the human historical timelines returns and crashes again at the end of those timelines and then those people according to Mother Shipton those people are the ones that she's very specific too that after the apocalypse is over a whole new race of humans will appear and they will be as benefactors and teachers and they will educate the survivors of the Apocalypse on on everything that's going on it's like an unveiling whether shifting's prophecy is awesome she talks about the 2046 the event too she doesn't name 2046 but she does say that a century after a World War that's 2040 that two Sky dragons will appear back to back that's what Nostradamus said too except he dated it 2014 and 2046. wow that's a hell of a Sci-Fi plot line there I mean that's why it's so difficult for me to convey I mean the more I convey to people the more outlined out late comes but that's where all the data goes that's where it is it's almost it's almost gotten to the point where I've boxed myself in from any of from any ability to really convey all this material because you're just not going to believe it till you see it it's just uh you're not gonna believe it until they land and then they tell you hey man look man this is what's going on we're in a loop you guys are our descendants you're our genetics we gave birth to you when we appeared back then uh somehow timelines got fractured uh we knew we knew that the only way to ever get out of here was for to run the whole thing through we had to just run it through so we programmed our ship to appear at this time so right here at the end we can turn around and work on this together because we know the Escape point is 21.78 and we got to work toward that that's the only thing I can come up with that makes sense that makes sense of all oh my gosh I think that's a fantastic place to end this discussion because we ended the simulation together didn't we just now yeah yeah we didn't we also that is fantastic well Jason this has been one of the best interviews uh the most fun and informative that that I've ever been involved with I really really appreciate you coming on the show well hey man you know what I'm I I'm I'm I'm glad to meet somebody that I have been inside your mind and that's what it is when you read somebody else's book you know it's a journey you study that individual I'm glad I cited some of your material in my own book and I never thought in a million years that I would ever ever meet you and I think that's a cool thing but uh I want to close this off with just to your listeners please don't take don't take my scenarios at face value I have over 200 videos that are just data uploads they're data dumps with visuals for people to follow this information this is why I have so many recent subscribers because they're doing that don't think that a simple podcast can actually elucidate and give you a tremendous amount of data like it's not I can't abbreviate that much material but when you see all this for yourself draw your own conclusions your conclusions may be very similar to mine here here I totally second that and and support you know anyone taking on This research themselves and uh you know I think you'll be amazed if you just spend some time with with the videos with the books uh with the charts you know there's just a lot there and it's very very rewarding and potentially really really exciting and you know here we are we get to be players participants actors stars and you know this great plot this great sci-fi film in both the description box and the comments section below you will find my personal email ask me any questions you have video ideas I'd like to hear them and if you want to donate all those buttons are accessible below playlists and everything you might need access to the gates to my websites thank you