301 Year Old Book of Philolethes: Archaix Curios

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[Music] thank you hi guys this is Jason or kx.com with another really interesting one this old book was published in the year 1722 now for a little perspective in that same year of 1722 Benjamin Franklin was young he was he broke into publishing using a pseudonym called silence do good this is before anybody knew him in the same year the Welsh pirate Bartholomew Roberts uh known as black Bart he was captured by the Royal Navy and yes of course he died and in the South Pacific Dutch Navigator Jacob rogenvene he was the first European to discover Easter Island you guys know Easter Island those gigantic heads the Moya you've seen these before you've seen all this big old giant heads all over the all over the island it's a long time ago this was 54 years before the 1776 Declaration of Independence of the 13 colonies it was 138 years before the start of the War Between the States in 1860 and 207 years before the 1929 Great Depression began I was born in 1973 exactly 251 years before the publication of this book as of today in 2022 this book is 300 years old but it was written 301 years ago we'll see that in the text I offer these Chrono markers for perspective because I have repeatedly put out data from myriads of sources and most of them from books anti-dating World War II and I've provided those titles free to the public on my podia page anyone can download for free not only my bibliography of 1300 works but also the 400 books that largely edit educated me in my life free downloads they're in the links below but this book is not on that list I've never read it until recently but I've studied many of the texts from this period so I was not surprised by its content but you might be you may just see things in this book I've been telling you about in many of my video presentations so here's the title long livers a curious history of such persons of both sexes who have lived several ages and grown young again yet another one of those 18th century works with an extravagantly long title I've explained that to you guys in the past it was a tradition as with so many books from this period it was written by Freemasons this one named eugenius phytolithies who authored a prior book titled trentus on the plague the date of publication for this book is 1722 and it is displayed here at the bottom right the dedication page here Begins the lengthy greetings portion of the book some of it will go into copies copies of books like this were spread throughout the lodges now it says to the Grand Master Masters wardens and Brethren of the most ancient and most honorable fraternity of Freemasons of Great Britain in Ireland brother eugenius philolethy's syndeth greeting on page five of the dedication eugenius borrows heavily from the Christian Mysteries writing remember that you are the salt of the earth the light of the world and the fire of the universe ye are living stones built up of a spiritual house who believe and rely on the chief lapis angularis which the refractory and disobedient Builders disallowed you are called from Darkness to light you are a chosen generation what so here is a 300 year old reference to the Chief Cornerstone the stone the builders rejected called here the lapis angularis or the stone angled in the mind of eugenius it was the order of Freemasons who were preserving the ancient knowledge that they were a separate group from those Builders who rejected the Chief Cornerstone so in the dedication there's a curious Passage the heavens speak forth the glory of God and the firmament announceth the work of his hands this Earth we inhabit is indeed a wonderful piece of structure unquote that's a very interesting thing to say back then and again on page 9 still in the dedication is another gem he wrote this I hint to you as a caution not to run on with the unthinking herd here is a teaching of the value of individuality of being separate from the collective and on page 12 of the dedication the dedications in these books for very long on page 12 of the dedication we're reading we are imprisoned who shall Deliver Us from the body of this death we are exiled children from our country When shall we return here thou has placed us as novices and probationers this is this is a great 300 year old perspective that aligns with our present ideas of living inside of a construct your Genius then proceeds on about the great flood and how Noah survived a descendant of Sith and describes that after the Deluge he wrote quote this good holy man endeavored After the flood to restore the law of nature which had been so obscured by the pride and impiety of those that perished but his sons their issue followed the example of the Giants began to domineer in like manner over their inferiors to build Mighty cities and form kingdoms so eugenius explains that the violence of the pre-flood Giants was after the flood copied by the descendants of Noah mainly through Kim who we know of as ham and on page 20 still of the dedication he continues this and I quote him from him descended nimroth whom the scriptures describes to be powerful in the earth and a mighty Hunter he built Babylon and was the beginning of the confusion of tongues this Mighty Hunter of men as well as beasts made severe and rigorous laws instituted degrees of honor and offices introduced slavery and laid heavy taxes on the people raised vast armies waged cruel Wars and set up images and pompous rites and ceremonies in worship and was as is believed the founder and father of idolatry in his time too it is highly probable that Bloody sacrifices were invented nimroth is of course nimrod and with this he closes his dedication the last page of the dedication shows two things of interest the date of composition is March 1st the year 1721 making this writing to be 301 years old as of this presentation and second the Phoenix is clearly displayed for his Brethren to see as was common for this period a bibliography of cited Works was provided and sometimes like here these were not at the end of the book but anterior to the body of their work this 200-page book long livers as you can see here cited many ancient and more contemporary works I go through this list and I am very familiar with many of these writings I see cedronus the monk Cesaro the Roman order and Statesman Diadora seculus and diogenes some biblical books euripides you eusebius Herodotus Hippocrates Homer and Jerome all these men I've cited here's Josephus and juvenile like tentacious I've read many writings that cite latentatious but I haven't seen a text by him of course Maccabees and macrobius there's Marshall in origin ovida of course I've cited Ovid many times paracelsus I think it's more Middle Ages Philo judeais I've cited him many times Plato Pliny Plutarch polybius they're so familiar Seneca strabo suetonius tertullian I haven't seen Tatian on this list but through so deities and Virgil Vitruvius and xenophon amazing really I'm familiar with the writings of those I read out but as you can see there are many I'm not familiar with so here we see that his arguments are well structured into chapters number one of the immortality of the first Man chapter 2 the duration of the life of man in the first age of the world from the creation to the flood you know you can see these chapters continue look at number seven that the patriarchal year followed the course of the sun upon the zodiac amazing I do believe I recently told you guys the same thing prior to the Zodiac which was created by the patriarchy the early matriarchal astrology was based on the moon and other constant constellations not the zodiac but look at all these chapters chapter 19 the sentiments of the ancient upon death so there are 25 chapters in total in this 200 Page book lucky for you guys I'm only isolating things of interest to me so this video is not going to be unnecessarily long here's the here's the chapter one cover page these old books were truly works of art as well as learning you'll notice that the footnotes at the bottom of pages are in Latin this is a carryover from it's you know from just before the publication of this book when 75 of all printed Works were published in Latin scholars in Germany France and England the legal systems nobility and the laity all wrote and studied Latin it was the universal script for the first two centuries of printing books Latin was the most used because of its utility and because most citations from old books were from text written in Latin then it was only sensible to post footnotes of those Latin texts in Latin as well hair begins our dive into the body of the text the famous I'm going to quote him the famous Pythagoras who lived in the 61st Olympiad in the year 220 from the building of Rome and 534 before Jesus Christ forbade his disciples to use all sorts of Flesh meat now this is not our subject but I'm drawing attention here to these date references in numerous times I tell you guys in my presentations that I have put together my chronicon a timeline that remains unchanged through all my published books and hundreds of videos because I isolated countless Chrono markers I found in the world's oldest writings and I have been able to that I've been able to access so right here in eugenius's book I can show you what that is the first chronological assertion here is that the 61st Olympiad of Greece is also the 220th year of Rome almost every ancient source claims Rome was founded in in our 753 BC this can be checked today by anyone they will find that the 61st Olympiad or the olympiads were four-year periods marking the games from which we got the Olympics now they will find the 61st Olympiad was precisely 536 through 532 BC but this chronological sink is confirmed further by the fact that eugenius claims here that Pythagoras lived 534 years before Jesus Christ which is also perfectly within the 61st Olympiad this my friends is a chronal marker actually it's two in one and by studying the history of the world and collecting these chronological statements you will get what I have provided you already chronicon so chapter two begins like this a quote it is certain that from the creation of the world to the flood which happened according to chronologists about the year of the world 1656. being 2307 years before Jesus Christ and in the 600th year of Noah's age men lived a long time in comparison to what they've lived since unquote now I circled it for you 1656 years is the vapor canopy duration a phoenix number divisible by 138 the belief that Noah was 600 years old at the flood is actually a reference to the anuna calendar of great years the nerve period of 600 year epics and as I have shown in my annuna files videos excuse me the great flood was indeed perfectly on that 600 year timeline so chapter 3 begins and I quote the Waters of the flood which purified the Earth in the year of the world 1656 fell 40 days and 40 nights upon the earth on which they continued a hundred and fifty more when they began to diminish and the Earth afterwards began to grow dry this 150 days of Destruction in Genesis it mirrors the 150 days the Locust demons remember they are destroyers of the Harvest when they are Unleashed on rebellious Mankind in the tribulation judgment in the Book of Revelation I read that recently to you guys the end comes like a flood this is in the prophecies the first and last books of the Bible reference one another symbolically Genesis and revelation so in chapter 5 begins with an admission that there were some who had written that the long years of the Ancients was misunderstood pay pay close attention he writes this some maintain that this long course of years of the Ancients was regulated by the lunary movement of 29 or 30 days hmm sounds a lot like what I've been showing you guys from the other ancient records about the moon counts that were later turned into year accounts inflating the duration of kings and countries far beyond what is historical so eugenius explains a lot on how the confusion had crept into the records and that it was never actually connected or worked out moons had become years here we see he was familiar with the Islamic hezra calendar as star that started in 622 A.D which he mentioned and which is correct he wrote that the Muslims formed their years of 12 moons so in chapter 6 it opens up excuse me chapter 6 it opens up with the title recognizing that the years anciently were never regulated by the seasons and this is true Under The Vapor canopy there were no seasons in fact nowhere nowhere in Genesis account of the pre-flood world of the creation is there a mention of seasons of winter fall spring summer and this is because these only started when the rainbows began with the collapse of the vapor canopy proof of this is in Genesis chapter 8 verse 22 which records that the first time seasons are mentioned in Genesis is after the great flood can't expect I can't I can't reiterate that more it's absolutely astonishing astonishing total admission of a vapor Canopy World where the temperature never changed there were no seasons yeah and only the moons were counted during that period it's crazy and now you know written here right here in 1721 we read and I quote from reading lactanius and Plutarch in the life of pneuma the second king of Rome might be insinuated that the year of the Ancients was of no longer duration than one of our months the Chaldeans and the arcadians followed this use as well as some other people of whom macrobius speaks in the 12th chapter of his first book of saturnalia holy beep wow I've told you guys many times and cited a few sources that show that the years of ancient texts were actually moons that Graham Hancock and others are totally wrong about Atlantis being 9500 BC because the Moon count system has the Atlantis narrative as presented by the Egyptians to be the 13th century BC contemporary with mycenaea and the Sea people's Federation invasions and the attacks against Egypt the story of Atlantis was real the interpretation we've received down through the years has is an anachronism it's not true and now in this old book here are five sources five of them five sources that the years of the old world were actually months moons these are five sources guys that I totally missed they're not in my research my sources are other ancient authors this is lactanius and Plutarch the Chaldeans the arcadians and macrobius it's amazing but now in in Chapter 7 we see what happened to make men forget the older Moon count system the title reads that the patriarchal year followed the course of the sun upon the zodiac and on page 39 of this book we find out about an ancient archaeological Discovery by a Persian the Persian king cam vices who in Egypt destroyed a tomb belonging to someone called samandius and found within it a circle of gold that measured out in 360 units every one of these marking out the days of the year it's 360. again the year of 360 days in Link in length originally was seen in monuments and ancient Tech statuary and rituals I've shown so much evidence of this this is just one I was unfamiliar with on page 56 we find that eugenius was aware of the ancient Chinese flood story and its dating that in 1647 BC or 2248 year of the world apathus ruled Thebes in Egypt and he was curiously mentioned he also curiously mentioned that Antiochus IV called the epiphanies where God manifest lived for 149 years according to the sixth chapter of the first book of Maccabees wow now here's a mystery that begs the question did Heinrich schliemann actually discover the ruins of Troy or did he find the other ruin other ruins and then claimed they were the Trojan site I asked this because according to this book written 301 years ago Troy was located in Ancient friesia but in Homer's Iliad Troy is Allied to the king of Frazier and it's located somewhere else it's an Ilium so I don't know kind of Wonders kind of throw this old book kind of kind of throws a load in the old schleiman's Discovery we don't know if that's Troy or not now so on page 140 we read if we believe the Ancients death was a deity who they adored as the most implacable goddess they made her to be the daughter of Night and the sister of sleep so what we have here is an admission that the goddess was first and that she was venerated during a period of Darkness Vapor canopy the great part time of the purple light but the patriarchal spin put on the history was that she was evil and the goddess of death it's an easy Association because the great flood killed almost everyone so and here is our fitness page followed by our table of contents like an index to the work it's pretty interesting show it shows all the uh it shows all the the work that the man put into going into his take it goes on for several pages so but in summary here is a book written 301 years ago that has data corresponding to a lot of what I have revealed in my presentations as you guys know a lot more videos like this will be done as I read more and more of my own library and those are the books that have been sent to me this book has great value and uh I have a PDF that I'm willing to share the uh there's a lot in this book that uh we we can we could have done commentary on there's a lot in this book that that you know provides value but with all well with all these older books you got to chew it all up and spit out the bones you got to isolate the correspondences and you gotta ignore the things that are hyperbole ignore the things that were a product of the times and you get that a lot with the old literature just like you get it a lot with modern day books you have to separate fact from fiction by finding you know correspondences and parallels in in other other pieces of materials and evidence so this is just another piece of investigative work on Old books you got more to come this is Jason of our cakes and I hope you enjoyed this presentation