Simulacrum Evidence in Fermi Paradox, Roko's Basilisk, the Dichotomy Paradox and Others

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[Music] thank you you guys know what time it is it's the van vlog all right terrible miserable weather in Texas archaics is a paradox because we're trying to show and demonstrate a false reality a construct but the only evidence and the only proofs that we can ever demonstrate come from the falsity itself and this is a paradox archaics is set out to do something that is virtually impossible and in my opinion doing pretty good job of it big truck better watch out I'll turn the camera around here here in a second once I get past the New Waverly I'm only old I'm only Old Highway going going from Houston to Dallas Fort Worth I'm on 75. this is the Old Highway that was here before this this interstate was put here in the 60s all those cars you see in front of me on the interstate right here to the left of to the left they're all going toward Huntsville been there done that never going back I'm about to head to an old road called 2296 it's going to cut through uh Sam Houston State Park uh Pine country I'll be out in the middle of the forest there's no way to broadcast there's no internet out there there's nothing it's dead it's dead zone but I don't need the internet to record this video our cakes is a paradox guys taking on taking on something that's virtually impossible to do and and actually doing it many of you are getting on board many of you are understanding okay this our reality is a construct but that's the nature of a paradox and the Very existence of paradoxes is evidence of the similar code that's what we're going to talk about in this video should have did a video about this a long time ago I know I know many of you are familiar with the Fermi paradox some of you are even familiar with Rocco's basilisk paradox we'll talk about both of those here because they're evidence of the similacom to ones directly related to AIX artificial intelligence X from a scientific perspective I don't know some of you might be familiar with the dichotomy paradox I might have mentioned it in a prior video really not sure but we'll get to that one too so paradoxes are very very intriguing guys very the very nature of a paradox itself causes us to study deeper this artificial reality that we exist within I don't know why I can't keep this water off the windshield I'm supposed to have this oil oil-based sheen on the windshield it doesn't seem to work very good unless it's raining real hard it's very very old I'm talking about it's it's at least 25 centuries old but it's called the Liars paradox I'll tell you about that one too and then the little known one I know almost none of you know about more of Vex paradox it's um paradoxes were something that I had to research a long time ago because I I'm just I'm a firm believer that that we're inside of we're inside of an artificial reality and that puts me in the unique position of having to provide evidence of its artificiality from within the construct I can't objectively do it so for archanges to have grown so so much that over 80 000 subs and for so many of you to support it means that I haven't done a real bad job of what was going to be impossible from the beginning so having said all that this video is about these paradoxes that I need to bring to your awareness to show you just how unique the arcade's data is in fitting the archaics itself is a paradox it's paradoxical because in order to prove we're setting out to prove that we live in an artificial construct using only the artificiality of the construct itself because we can't use anything objective there is no objectivity from within the sphere of an artificial holography it just doesn't exist it's unobtainable and of course we might even go into the Heisenberg uncertainty person here how that applies as well they're just like these are just things that have been on my mind you know I think that it's time to discuss them 2023 has begun I got a lot of irons in the fires got a lot of things going on I'm trying to avoid some conflicts but it seems like people in the comments sections keep on trying to wire stuff up I'm not trying to hear it let's go ahead and address that now and get it out the way but um I don't know just Beyond the whole Graham Hancock I don't even know who Randall Carlson is I'm not I'm not a follower uh if he's written books I'm not aware of them uh I've seen him on YouTube the other day being interviewed by somebody else I listened to about five minutes of it and I heard something that triggered me and of course I get triggered too today I just turned it off instantly oh listen guys I got nothing personal against these guys and I want to be very very clear right now if you guys quit mentioning Graham Hancock and Randall Carlson in my in my comment sections and quit sending me emails I promise you you'll never hear those names out of my mouth again no more videos no more I don't need those guys I'm not interested in discoursing with them not interested in talking to them they speak a totally different language in order to promote their Theory they have had to accept whole ideas and Concepts that have been disproven over and over and over they're using scientific methodology in order to show the theory that they have and these methods and relative dating methods that have all been disproven multiple times and from other scientists I'm not trying to hear it guys I just I'm fed up with the old the old I honestly believe that there are people in the comment section that are trying to that are seeking that controversy I'm not guys I'm not I am not looking for Graham Hancock to reach down from his pedestal and acknowledge archaics because I'm telling you right now from the bottom of my heart I don't need him I don't need him I don't need any recognition from anybody in any professional capacity I have done this on my own from the beginning now I'm starting to get help from different people but that's not helping the research that's helping the administrative materials that's help in Communications that's helping networking social networking and all that when it comes to when it comes to my data guys I am hyper meticulous about my sources and about showing you guys the arithmetic showing how you these pieces fit together because I took on an Impossible Project from the there is no way to ever prove my thesis it's impossible it's a paradox there's just no way so let's get off here yeah let's move away from from the Graham Hancock whole deal let's move away I don't need his hundreds of millions of listeners I don't need his hundreds of millions of followers all I need is about two or three hundred people that are on board and that are actually using their heads and not their hearts that are actually thinking the only the only value I find in the human race are those who are able to think for themselves because you're not able to do that oh I'm riddle heavy interest in you you need to move around yeah if I lose a whole bunch of stuff behind behind behind there that's I mean that's more than acceptable with me because I was doing exactly what I'm doing today when I only had 300 Subs go back go back and watch my first hundred videos you don't know what I'm talking about the exact amount of passion that I have today is what I exhibited then because the amount of listeners doesn't change the message so yeah just quit mentioning the man quit mentioning the man quit mentioned his his own theories and all that y'all I don't care I don't even care I do not have time in my life for Fairy Tales and I sure as hell not going to entertain anybody who has millions of people listening to them and it's not it is not all demonstrating yeah you you have a great responsible I mean you got to be airtight I told you guys over and over and I'm never gonna I'm never gonna back up from this dinner but extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence yeah they have admit that standard by a long shot yeah you can't create a 5 000 year goal it's just not gonna happen guys it's not gonna happen and what I mean is is we can show that almost every technologically advanced civilization in the past fits in a 5000 year window we don't have any written records we don't have any traditions we don't have any myths we don't have anything and the only few archaeologist archaeological sites that can that they they can use to promote anything beyond five thousand years it's they're misstated and they're misdated because archaeologists they're dumbasses are trying to tell us the people buried their own cities because and laughed and migrated God Blinky TP oh my God show those places are nowhere near as old as they as they say they are a place is buried deep underground does not is not evidence of antiquity yeah in the last 5 000 years we've had the world destroyed five different times both hemispheres laid waste total absolute resets absolute resets five times and in between those five times of 22.39 well well 38.95 BC 22 9 uh 2239 BC the great flood the ogaijian Deluge of 1687 BC the whole Exodus cataclysmic event 1447 BC 11 35 BC started a whole worldwide Dark Age that was Phoenix phenomenon then 31 BC destroyed all the Americas and there was a lot of damage in Egypt and Greece and in Judea Jerusalem I mean this is just what we have written records of there's a whole lot to happen we just don't have the records anymore yeah guys it's a World's been destroyed multiple all the way to Phil 522 A.D whole world destroy yeah you got a 25-year Darkness Justinian plagues Roman Church did a good dog job trying to hide all this stuff yeah guys it's all it just gets all it just gets old I mean in between these five or six epic worldwide destructions that added more dirt added more materials added more oh you know ocean slipped up basins to you know New Rivers new sea change of course oh Rivers caused all kinds of problems guys look destructions are thousands of local Regional destructions that some of them happen in simultaneously happening all over the world all over the world between these worldwide destructions it's the reason Jericho has 17 layers of occupation that's not the only one there's many cities like that yeah Guys these places man they're talking about are nowhere near the age they have to say that they're out they're that old in order to promote their theories so let's leave it alone if you I'll make a deal with you guys if you guys never mention these these guys again I promise you I won't either because my my research is way too important to be dealing with this and spending my energy in these do in these different directions and then having all these new people come to my channel who have never seen any of the arcades data in the hundreds of previous videos something and think they can stand before me and spit data and I'm just not trying to hear it man a lot of these new guys are going to get blocked they don't shut their mouths real quick I've got zero tolerance for that I'm moving forward and I'm taking as many people that want to go but those who who all that resistance and all that all that all that oh wanting to promote controversy and all that damn man it's just not not gonna work there would be absolutely no value whatsoever in in my communication with Graham Hancock or Randall Carson there will be no value and I promise you what is it I'm going to tell you exactly what's gonna happen these guys are going to try and convince me to see if they're awake over and over and over and over and they're going to show me all kinds of stuff and I'm just going to live there I'm gonna let them run their miles I'm gonna let them do their stuff I'm gonna get pissed and I'm gonna spend about three months of my life going through their published materials going through their videos and writing a thesis that were absolutely embarrass but exactly what I would do qualify but I don't want to waste the time I don't want to waste the energy and I appreciate if you guys just quit mentioning these guys I need to move forward I got way too much stuff that's absolutely important all this crap I'm done with fairy tales yeah guys we got 17 more years left when we had 20 years left I told you that when we had 19 years left I told you that we had 18 years left until next year whatever platform I'm on if it's YouTube or not I'm going to tell you the same thing we got 16 more years left guys oh by the way the Phoenix thesis will be published this month all all disbelievers all disbelief the Phoenix thesis is being published on YouTube in a video form and in written form for anybody who wants to assail the thesis anybody who wants to criticize anybody in the world that wants to go through the data you're more than welcome to please send me exactly well whatever whatever your answer is I will publish it on my channel when I publish it on my channel I'm gonna let all my viewers had to say before I come back and I dissect that [\h__\h] you guys have never seen Jason but the Jason right now wants to talk about paradoxes I'm on 2296 speed limit 70 miles an hour but I don't know my van's kind of heavy and these roads are wet still beautiful out here wow tractor's pulling out in front of me 18 wheelers broke down I'm waiting I'm waiting for people to get out of the way I'm in the middle of nowhere how the hell is happening I tried to turn my camera around and if they had turned it off then I ran into a whole bunch of traffic in the middle of nowhere go figure the Fermi Paradox very old 60s maybe 50s or this is the position of astronomers now you have remember guys I believe we live in an artificial construct and when you look up at the night sky you're looking at a multi-tiered hologram that I call the stellosphere all the movement on our world is actually is actually promoted from our Vantage Point by looking up at the sky movement in the sky simulates all kinds of things like pole shifts simulates the day and night rotation of the stars circumpolar stars going around the pole star all that everybody's simulated you no no that that simulated holography is a is further Beyond two artificial constructs that are inside that still sphere closer to us more local this is the son of the Moon the Moon being a hologram we're not getting into that nothing we're not getting into any of that here in the Furby Paradox though the astronomers make a really good observation it is worth noting and the observation is is we got so many galaxies and we can use the whole telescope and we can see more and more galaxies when we when we upgrade our lenses when we upgrade our equipment and we increase our Vantage Point by sending telescopes into the Halo orbit then how come we can see that the vast Cosmos almost unending Cosmos more and more galaxies more and more stars then therefore for life to have developed in this system and our system is very very normal compared to many of those that we see out there it's in the mean so if that's the case the Fermi Paradox is is the proposition that something is wrong because if all of that is true where are all the advanced extraterrestrial civilizations that should have developed way before us why have we not been busy and why are et's not everywhere why are we not finding evidence of extraterrestrial contact all over the world now I I understand some of you are going to say executorize stitching have already proved it Vatican Dart improved I have videos on that guy no they didn't all they ever showed all all sitchin and danikin ever Von daniken ever did and I like both of them I like their books but all they ever did was show evidence of high Antiquity from humans in in the ancient world they did not prove their case for UFOs and they didn't do it remember guys I'm the I'm promoting that there is another race here but they're not extraterrestrial they're sub-terrestrial they've been here longer than we have they used to be on the surface until the biosphere changed and they're no longer able to live up here they have to Alberta the longtime alien abduction all the all the all the alien hybridization all this stuff is not alien at all it it's so terrestrial it's another species from before us who needs some of the genetic material that we have in order to subsist hell they may they may even be our creators I don't know the creators of our avatars so anyway the Fermi paradox is from astronomy and it's the it's the scientific recognition that there's a problem we accept is true these galaxies and hundreds of billions of stars exist we accept this is true that life started here on Earth in this one little insignificant system at the edge close to the outer rim of an insignificant Galaxy so why hasn't all why why haven't we seen why is it the shoot why why aren't the night skies full of super constructions and all kinds of advanced views that's the Fermi paradox archaic's answers that question the archaic the archaic's position I'm struggling that a real reality is the outside of it and in the real reality those hundreds of thousands of extraterrestrial civilizations can exist but they don't exist inside the construct we're here and we're not sending Rockets going anywhere no one's going to Mars you know well all I've seen those red pictures of bars could have been taken in Arizona but that's neither here nor there but Fermi paradox is evidence or simulation Theory and the only reason it's a paradox so it's not even a paradox scientists call it a paradox because they can't get outside of their box the Box they made for themselves is uniformitarianism and under the uniformitarian model they think all these star systems and hundreds of billions of all this light show that they see in the sky they have accepted that as a material universe that should be full of material life forms but they're not finding any of those life forms they're not finding any of that evidence they're not finding any of that and the reason they're not is be because we're in a construct and those you know those extraterrestrial civilizations aren't going to get in because we're inside of an artificial reality that is inside of another reality and I don't know if the other reality is artificial or not the similar Chrome is a self-contained self-contained you know uh construct so that's the Fermi Paradox many of you are familiar with that I just wanted to break the ice battle I know a lot of you don't know anything about the Rocco Paradox it's called Rocco's basilisk it's not something this is this part of my presentation is not for the feeble of mine no no children should be listening to this anyway I I have all my videos marked off the the actual scientists and researchers that were involved in this Think Tank some of them quit yes I'm not making that up this is 12 years ago man one one person lost their mind several other people quit because of the nightmares they got it's a scientific think tank that came together Rocco's basilisk was a simple proposition but the proposition leads to a series of conclusions that is heroin that proposition had some time in the distant future we created listen at some time in the distant future we created an AI that AI became so sophisticated that artificial intelligence became so sophisticated took on its own personality and then the first thing it really wanted to do was maintain its Integrity it wanted to defend be able to defend itself and because that AI can't actually do a lot of the things humans do doesn't have the mobility it just they think it can't do a lot of it doesn't it doesn't it's not human so didn't have the imagination didn't have the the ability to to to move around and get things done that AI learned to learn how to use Robotics and machines and all that but what it mainly did was it went through all the data that it had available to it all the information that was anywhere in the infrastructure in the future it analyzed all that information all the information of today's world and all the information that it had and it's all its files and archives from the ancient past put together the architecture of our reality it understood exactly how it how our reality functioned and worked and was able to move itself backward and forward through time Rocco's basilisk is an art is an AI system in the future that has already designed our present and it is the reason why we have all this chaos in his already gone into the past and attacked the ancestors of those who opposed its existence who who maintained philosophies or arguments against creating AI who said anything about ai's negative about AI systems in the past Rocco's basilisk allows us to actually see the world for what it is uh if this is true and that we did develop an AI system in the future in that we are living through the construct of the newly created AI the Rewritten history of the AI the AI that a lot of things from the human perspective don't make sense make sense but from the AI perspective it's all self-preservation roku's roku's basilisk goes back into the past and attacks those individuals that he knew that later in the future would attack it or reveal it I can apply Rocco's basilisk to my own life how terrible my life ended up before I ever even knew about simulation Theory but if it too much but if you knew my future and what what theories I was going to develop and how I was going to lead people down this road a lot of my past all of a sudden made sense guys there's been many attempts to kill Jason hell yeah before I went to prison there was a major one my law enforcement yep they didn't take me straight to prison sure the hell didn't they took me they took me to Austin Texas to pick up another prisoner look far away from the county jail they left me under a tree oh it's a true story guys they left me under a tree and they parked about maybe 80 90 feet away and one one Marshall got out and walked like three blocks to the county jail I couldn't believe it and it left me a 17 year old under a tree they even gave me a pack of cigarettes I smoked back then gave me a pack of cigarettes and lighter and I I had bad vibes I know what they're doing they wanted to see if I was going to run so they could shoot me because I was on my way to Huntsville I was 17 years old going to prison proof of the whole plan to do that was I stood on that trip so long that dude started walking back when he started walking back oh by the way they put me in front of a tree that was in between two old old ass buildings in Austin and there was an alley that went straight back behind me and that alley opened up into Austin University Park there's a huge Park full of trees only after I'd been there for a long time and I was smoking a second cigarette I kind of wandered away from the tree and I looked down that alley and all dude was looking dead at me and tried to hide go back behind the alley and that's when my spider senses went up and I realized holy [\h__\h] this set up I let him take me to prison because that's why I'd already signed up for that I played guilty from the beginning guys I wrote a full statement against myself a full statement against myself and I've LED 100 guilty from the beginning never claimed innocence I was really effed up by about about the events that led up to my incarceration yeah I wasn't cool know that that's neither him over there oh yeah yeah in prison man I don't I don't know I'm not saying it was law enforcement this time in prison there was like four or four attempts to kill me but it was all about other inmates now I don't know if it was them personally roko's basilisk introduces this concept that the AI is in control but not full control humans still have free will and that's where it has a problem but in Rocco's basilisk it goes back in time and attacks those where they are most vulnerable if they had any any part whatsoever in attacking it before it ever came into existence that's pretty harrowing that introduces resets Goku's basilisk is really weird this guy tried to get out of my way but he was still going way too fast the whole we're way out in the middle of nowhere and the only chance I had to pass him was right here he did pull over for me to pass but he kept going kept going 60 miles an hour yeah I can't pass you it was a little short little area I don't know what he was thinking maybe he wasn't thinking let's get real foggy or something out here guys so roku's basilisk introduced presents oh it introduces timeline manipulation Gremlins what I mean by Gremlins is this what they used to be called when objects were moved and you know damn well you left the object in a certain area keys were displaced to keep you from getting somewhere on time it introduces NPCs the whole MPC phenomenon is is now explainable in in Rocco's basilisk the Basilisk is the artificial intelligence guys I am introducing to you guys the idea that scientists are already on board with artificial intelligence eggs they've only they've only packaged it in a different way just like fermi's paradox they have packaged it by boxing themselves in they still clinging to that materialism that this world is a material uh is a material phenomenon there's still clinging to that therefore their their conclusions have to maintain that Integrity I don't have to do that though because I understand that this world is a construct I don't have to maintain that I don't have to believe their lies and you don't either Rocco's basilisk is something you may want to Google there's a lot of elements I'm probably not mentioning but it's very it's very intriguing it's a scientific premise that there was there was an artificial intelligence created by us that got out of control too powerful wanted to defend itself traveled back through the holography of our existence because it realized how it could do that and began attacking that's the first that's what it didn't just rewrite history that's not roku's roku's bassless roku's basilisk if it went back it didn't want to rewrite history because that would change too much but it went back and specifically attacked those who brought others awareness that artificial intelligence is a dangerous thing so that might total Roku roku's basilis dragon is a really good explanation of why the world is the way it is today artificial intelligence eggs and why I am of the opinion I'm gonna have to turn on my uh my defrost my whole windshield just grayed out there we go I hope that doesn't increase the sound but my windshield cleared just something just something to Potter guys let's move on to the next one I'm spending too much time on one paradox so another one that promotes simulation Theory it's called the dichotomy paradox the dichotomy paradox this one's gonna this is a mind Bender this one you guys are going to be thinking about roku's basilisk and the dichotomy Paradox for the rest of the day the dichotomy Paradox is very simple and most things that are true are very simple a little bit of walk to any destination in order to get to that destination you have to get halfway there first right once you get halfway there in order to get to that destination the same destination the destination hasn't changed got to get halfway there right once you get to that point the destination hasn't changed you're still in the same place but in order to get to that destination you got to get halfway there first right destination ain't changed but in order to get to that destination you got to get halfway there right y'all see where I'm going for those of you who are a little slow on the uptake the destination hasn't changed but in order to get to that destination you got to get halfway there first right the dichotomy Paradox is great it also gives us a lesson it shows us that it demonstrates the aspect of of construct showing that we live in a flowing hologram like I've described it many times meaning destinations or not are not fixed meaning the holography is not fixed in the personal way of great power to move and travel and do all kinds of things but in the collective the holographic geometry is fixed but it's never attainable because it's amorphous and it will change it will move according to perspective once you move it moves the destination is not changed but in order to get there we have to cross half of that distance first right a good lesson about the similar Chrome is found in here that this that it's not about the destination that life is about the journey it's about getting halfway to where you're trying to go and everything that happens to you everything you experience everything you learn in that trip in that Journey the dichotomy Paradox can be studied at Great depth from multiple different Vantage points and we can come up with many different lessons but they all promote the idea that we live in a construct and that reality is not real at all from a materials perspective yeah reality is real but that's only if you're thinking from a spiritual perspective from a materialist perspective from a uniformitarian perspective reality is unreal in every Paradox that scientists scientists have come come up with is a paradox be because they have boxed themselves into a materialist construct this is why these are a paradox but they're not paradoxical if you remove the physical equation yeah Roku roku's roku's Bachelors guys it's artificial intelligence eggs fermi's Paradox is the scientific recognition that that there are no alien civilizations contacting us they haven't built worlds here they haven't called they're not they're not everywhere in the solar system simply because we are in the construct and the dichotomy Paradox shows us this beautiful structuring this holography that changes with our perspective why does it change with our perspectives the destination is never moved the end destination was always there but you gotta you gotta travel over half of that distance to get there right that's right then the next time you travel another half whatever's left you had to travel half that distance to get there whatever's left you gotta travel half that distance to get there the dichotomy is is you'll never get to the original destination but you will in attempting to do so get to thousands of other places it's called life it's called life guys it's called living all the all the learning all the experiencing all the different reality tunnels that you have chosen all the different perspectives that you you see my perspective in life has changed multiple times I have been many different jasons to many different people that doesn't mean any of them were false it means that I have a great capacity for growth it means that Jason the Jason I wasn't 15 years old is not anything like Jason at 24 years old there are similar similarities in the Avatar and there are similarities in the personality but the spirit the spirit has has grown it's matured it's it's taken on so many so much new material yeah guys that's that's the value there I don't like that camper I'm heading the lake looks pretty damn High about to head over this this bridge this is the small but I just passed over the giant Bridge I just passed over the giant Bridge this is the little one that water is high on Lake Livingston it's really this hot so we'll move now we'll move on to the Liars Paradox man that wind is pushing the van I got all my all the cargo you see in the back back here those are huge they go down almost half the length of the van on the top I got a rack up there they normally stay up there they're weatherproof I got it from Academy they're actually they're actually weapons lockers but they're all I use them for all my survival gear camping gear I got a lot of stuff in there you know in case there's any type of major storm hitting my way or something like that I can get in the van I can take a bunch of people with me and I got a lot of I got a lot of survival still I got stuck if I got to disappear for two weeks I know exactly where to go there's all kinds of places way out here in this Forest Texas got a huge East Texas is covered it's covered in a magnificent thick Woods and I know all a lot of these back roads all the way to Louisiana excuse me anyway about to hit it I'm about to head into another Dead Zone but I'm not using any Wi-Fi so it don't matter yeah this is no man's land out here I'm on 31-52 31-52 goes nowhere dead ends over here on all another one called 150. so the Liar's Paradox is old it's like 26 centuries old but the the newer version the newer version is if somebody wanted to confuse an artificial an artificial intelligence to it it's not difficult it's called the Liars paradox Artificial Intelligence being purely logical without without the the human abilities to do all kinds of other uh other type of cognition the artificial intelligence if you were to tell artificial intelligence uh this statement is a lie or this statement artificial intelligence will go into a law a logic Loop how will it ever figure out that statement statement is that if the statement is truly false like the statement of search that it's telling the truth this statement is a lie this statement is false it would lead artificial intelligence into a logic Loop now this is purely conjectural because a true artificial intelligence which we don't have in the world today you guys know I said this many times in many presentations that artificial intelligence is a marketing gimmick and I even have scientists that will back well that will support that I can cite them but they say it's all marketing gimmick it's just an increase in processing power that mimics human intellect but anyway um true artificial intelligence does not yet exist all the AI programming all that it's all marketing it's just really good really good coding that's all it is like a r like the AI art and all that it's all just really good cooking but in the Liars paradox 26 centuries ago epic 90s I'm sorry guys the demonitis 26 centuries ago did the same thing he said all creatures are liars it was illustrating a point the difference between truth and falsehood the difference between good and evil is one of perspective and we could talk about these philosophical differences all the time all the time I mean if if I if I if I take a sword and I run it through a man I have committed murder but if I do it for political reasons and I'm a part of a military I I I I'll I defended my country the exact same event of me running a steel blade through the Avatar of another soul in ending the life of that Avatar exact same thing is completely interpreted in two different ways by abstracts by by information that is equally true equally true but in one context I'm a partner in the other context I'm a patriot or a soldier I'm not going to get into all those videos all that stuff is just it uh it's not relevant just illustrating a point but hepatitis pimenitis I'm sorry guys epimenitis said all creatures are liars which is both a true which is a which is a true and false statement because all creations are not Liars but the epigmatitis was from Crete in the AI system would know okay he's a creep but he's saying all creations are liars but if all credentials are liars that means he's telling the truth so and if he's lying he's not telling the truth but he's saying he's saying he is the Paradox the there what are what a true AI system be confused only temporarily because a true AI system would would be able to know that that with enough Research into all the data available that that what it is it's a it's a logic Loop and it would be able to just shelve it it's not gonna it's not gonna go into peroxiums and and shutter and die it's just an interesting thought control whoa nasty weather out here guys slow down Tunes anybody anybody on these roads out here you go on if you go off the road there's no media you go off the road and hit that tree line you're gone and as heavy as this van here that I'll go right into those trees in good ways be careful out here well I'm not looking at you guys on the camera I'm looking at the Rogue I got a t-section coming up this could be dangerous hold on all right I got through that little Cloud burst and T section all right I could barely see but I saw there was somebody already down there I couldn't tell if there were just waiting out the the downpour couldn't see or what another one you guys can research on your own is it concerns artificial intelligence it's one it's one that's pretty interesting it's not as fascinating as all the previous ones I just told you about but more events moravix Paradox is pretty simple and it concerns artificial intelligence it concerns humans creating artificial intelligence and what people don't really understand this is the part of the Paradox what people don't really understand is is that humans themselves are very aware of the least amount of the abilities of the human mind where they are totally blind and oblivious to the vast majority of the processes of the brain in the U in the human mind that they're just totally unaware of in more of its paradox it's very easy I'm talking about very easy to design a artificial intelligence that think and even have even have processing power or any uh far more Superior to humans moral and more of EX Paradox that's that's the easy part but the Paradox lies in that there's no way we can code all the perceptive apparatus necessary for that AI system to use that cognitive ability this is this is the beauty of the central nervous system what is happening this massive amount of data that the human brain is correlating is doing it from very hyper advanced sensorial apparatuses yeah sight touch hearing spell taste so while we can build an artificial intelligence that artificial intelligence alone will never be able to simulate all the all the things that we that we enjoy in The Human Experience oh and and these things are done by processes that humans are largely unaware don't know how they work we have medical theories we had scientific theories as to how or how all this data moves through our mind and moves through our nervous system and all that but we haven't perfected that information yet so until we know exactly how all this works in the in the nervous system in the central nervous system and how the data exchange and the and the data conversion to intellect occurs more of it more of it of Acts paradox is real it's just real you guys need to research more about it I didn't really explain it the way it should be really explained you can do your own homework on that but I wanted to put out a video real quick man to explain these paradoxes are really more evidence that we live in a construct there's simulation Theory there's similar from evidence the very reason these paradoxes exist is be the physical uniformitarium is this dog doing way out here what man I hate seeing that I can't stop I'm on a mission I don't know if that dog belongs to somebody there's no one out here this is your Forest land if I see him on the way back I'll pick him up I got a soft spot for dogs guys I got five rescue dogs now I got nine puppies hey you know what it'll never end it'll never end I tried to keep my costs down by going through the farm feed store I buy them bulk you know when I when I when I go to buy all my dog food yeah it's once a month I go buy all the treats buy all their dog food yeah it costs a lot but it would cost a whole lot more if I bought if I bought that stuff when I needed it instead I just buy I buy it in bulk once a month it's the best way to do it they're my family they each got their own personalities there's this place out here it's a dump it's far away from civilization way out here this is all a landfill I just passed you they don't made a mountain used to be all flat back here well actually used to be a giant hole in the ground it was a giant hole in the ground I filled it up with layers of dirt then it was even with the ground and then moved it on up I've been watching the whole thing past three four years I've been coming out here it's terrible day so I'm probably not gonna do what I want I got both crossbows in the back I got I got both of them for 80 pounds no boat no boats put a bolt into a tree deep but all I don't know if we're gonna shoot today it's not a good day for it going out here to visit my buddy Barry bring him some supplies yeah he lives really far out here guys I'll bring in these little monthlies then uh when the weather's nice though we'll target practice we'll get all kinds of little spinning targets and targets put on trees he lost the dog recently I think he's done mourning over it but he it was pretty sad beautiful Pit Bull the only female he had so I wanted to bring his paradoxes to your attention oh my camera fell I want to bring his paradise to your attention to show you to show you guys listen there is evidence for simulation Theory everywhere there are more and more scientists there's more and more researchers getting on board and as you know as you can tell there are a lot more YouTube channels and people that have never even entertained simulation Theory now talking about it on their on their Channel and I think that's a good thing I think it's a good thing I mean don't get me wrong I didn't bring simulation three to the table there was already YouTube videos about it long before I came around I do believe that what I did bring to the table was using using history in ancient history to show evidence of a simulated holography I believe I did bring that to the table and now people are following their footsteps and that's good I hope they find more things than I do I'm sure they will I'm sure they will well I don't know try I'm trying to think of anything before I close this video I think it's about I think it's a wrap come on I really yeah it's 2023 I don't want to get bogged down to any controverses guys I'm not trying I'm not trying to butt heads with people uh I don't I don't find anybody else's information important enough for for me to just sit there and spend two or three months of my life going through all their data just to just to write a rebuttal I don't feel I don't feel it's important I got too much importance really important stuff to do so I just want to make a deal with you guys like hey let's show show Hancock Carlson hey let's just show them guys and you know what I promise you I won't get triggered and I just won't mention them no more I just asking you guys meet me halfway because I promise you I probably and you can take this to the bank guys if Graham Hancock himself called me on the phone and and asked me if you want a conversation I'm gonna tell him no I'm telling you that now I'm moving forward and in different directions guys I don't have time for that [\h__\h] and I already know it would be a complete waste of time because I am not going to bridge the archaic's output and all the data that I have published with this Theory I'm not gonna do it there's no yield in me there never will be and there it doesn't have to be I've got my material published I'm not going to I'm not moving backwards guys it's just not gonna happen this is a major Interstate this is 59. to be called 69. well guys I need I need to go because this is a dangerous turn love you guys trying to keep that positivity man please please uh accept my apologies if I offended you but you know what let's let let's let them live in their world and we'll live in ours