Archaix Advanced Class, Live Friday the 17th

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foreign [Music] thank you [Applause] what's up people oh you beautiful people let's see how many we got in there right now monsters 600. how's that audio get that audio check 612 says 6 12. yeah hello Crow Rising Wendy Flores I've already given some shout outs in the chat Victoria for Jack Shiva how you guys doing uh a lot of familiar names and then again a lot of unfamiliar names we're getting more and more people uh coming to investigate the archaic's family and that's all good hello Delta Dawn Matt's got some pretty good pretty uh interesting uh news items and uh announcements and I don't know if we're gonna have time for a q a I hope we do at least 30 minutes or so this is going to be a pretty deep presentation looking at that stack of notes you got I don't think we're gonna have time well sometimes I don't know sometimes I bring those and never even look at them this is this is a serious one you know he's going deep so we're gonna uh I'm gonna let him go and get started I would like to have time for Q a but that q a needs to be restricted to the subject matter because like I said uh this is not I'm gonna start with Greek mythology but this is going in another Direction This is not going to end the way you think it's going to this is some profound it's a profound Revelation and it wraps up pretty much where the direction I have been going with all of the archaic's material all right so we'll kick right off with some announcements uh then we'll roll right into it um so the convention the first annual archaics errands convention April 1st at Fort Worth uh Stockyard station from 9 A.M to 6 p.m seats have opened up uh we've worked out some things with the venue there are now more seats available they are limited seats so um on our Facebook page you can find the link to that um at some point in this presentation I'll uh put that link in the chat and we should also have a link in the description um but yeah go and uh sign up now get your tickets um just more and more good things happening with this convention it just gets better and better as the days go by uh also the uh the data packs um if you haven't ordered yet and you want to or Super PAC or survival pack um or some of the other several data packs that Jason has made available um the links are will be in the description go ahead and put your orders in and we'll get those sent out to you as soon as possible um now I want to take a minute and promote some some boys from the UK that are really laying it down on the um we'll say in the the truth or movement um I'll say the earthquakes the truth or movement however however you want to to call this uh society that we find ourselves in we're the errant Society uh so the boys from Rise Above I'm supporting them again got my rise above shirt my rap format Jason Jason thought it was a hilarious uh it was baffle rub baffle rabbit yeah yeah yeah rap from that baffle rabbit however you want to call it I thought it was pretty cool so so I ordered one from those guys uh but check it out these guys they are like they're all over the spectrum they Jason said it on her last life like they do they do their own music they do their own Graphics they have artists come on their Channel they they talk about everything even beyond what we uh talk about on here so um that's rise above go ahead and check out their channel uh subscribe uh show your love um I've been talking with Lance and uh they have a festival coming up so um so check this out it's called The Equinox and it's a festival it's uh four days of family friendly live music learning experience immersed in the forest they're going to have teachers healers speakers it's like a festival Retreat for all parents who want to rise above the similacrum and you can check out all of their details you can go to and check out all this stuff if it weren't so far away we would definitely be attending this thing we might get around to uh their the one next year hopefully we can put that one in the books uh but real quick I'm going to show you uh their video that they release supporting it it's only one minute give it a check every positive movement every conversation every connection every CG plant don't let anyone ever tell you that one person can't make a change oh [\h__\h] on the thorn of a harvest Sun are we speaking the truth in the sharpest tongue Feast on a rabbit surf with a garnish lung we got the hardest puns mind master trust your ability MPC it's an IQ deficiency they're living in mental captivity I'll never submit to these bloodline dynasties sometimes I want out at this nightmare Society like I was born with an Amish I've got the formula Master claiming our power there's more to be honest I'm No Ordinary artists is the equinox so yeah go check those guys out we love those guys we support them that's uh yeah that's all I got for announcements I think we can just jump right into it man if you want all right oh one thing I will add was is the uh we are making Corrections and sending out those those of you who got the corrupted SD chips that just aren't opening for whatever reason you guys are getting no sent to you again many of them have already been recent out it's a whole it was a whole it was a whole package of uh SD chips that we got all of them were bad but other than that I think we I think we covered everything I want to have a whole lot to do today so I'm just gonna attend the chat with you guys and assist Jason where he deems necessary hmm well I got I gotta quit looking at the there's a lot of I ordered ordinarily start winners about a thousand people in the deal we're almost there oh God 884. in numerous presentations of mine I've I've explained to you guys about uh these intermediate periods that Scholars like to throw in our history books um we need to call them what they really are there are several of them they're intermediate periods for the Hittites for the amorites for the Assyrians there are intermediate periods for the Egyptians to Egyptians have three of them there are intermediate periods for the Greeks these intermediate periods are a very clever way that scholarship hides resets I have investigated many of them one of one of the major ones for the Western world that I have that I have told you guys about in numerous presentations is the great Mediterranean Dark Age that lasted 350 years um we're going to start with that here because uh as soon as that meta as soon as that 350-year period was ending that's when we have the rise of hessiod who wrote Works in days and uh theogony and we have the rise of Homer in late later uh Greek historians and mythographers like theogonus and there's so many of them after that but the first ones are the ones we're going to focus on here because I'm I've been telling you guys in multiple presentations that the stories that we're getting from the ancient world were coming through more primitive filters and that people who had lost their infrastructures were attempting to convey more advanced materials to us but they only could do so from their present frames of reference these are people who lived centuries after more sophisticated civilizations that that had totally collapsed and this is what we find with the great Mediterranean Dark Age I'm not going in into the details of what caused that dark age in this video I have multiple videos about that Mark Higgs veterans you already know this is an advanced video you already know it was a phoenix phenomenon 1135 BC Pharaoh sick nocti you know the two at the day Dane and all the history is attached the the old the full the founding of the olmecs from the Chinese mandate in heaven that changed in 250 000 Chinese got in ships and they had to flee their country it was a change of government or they were going to face genocide they appeared in Central America as the old Mecca you already know this is 1135 BC Phoenix wiped out almost the entire Mediterranean sent them on a reset that was so terrible it took over three centuries for that area of the world to start waking back up the problem we have is the Traditions the myths the Legends the Lord the fables the historical accounts records anecdotes everything that we have preserved about what the world was like for that Dark Age is coming from people who preserved information after that Dark Age so we're going to go through that information I'm going to go through it as they conveyed it and then I'm going to explain and you're going to see it yourself what they're really explaining and what they're really telling us happened in the ancient world so I hope you guys enjoyed this presentation that's my introduction and without further Ado I'm going to take me a good long chug of this coffee and I'm gonna get started um since I'm not doing too much just let me know I'll go around grab you another cup I'm almost empty now you know what I believe in refills let's do it make myself useful thank you I'll explain this hat too I am not going to get into the habit of wearing hats I'm wearing a hat because I have been absolutely so busy with so many different projects going in so many different directions that I haven't had time to shave my head and because when I was in prison and I was in living in a different world a different mindset and I was a teenager I was shaving my head for an entirely different reason had a head full of hair 20 years later I wanted to grow hair back on my head and it would only grow on the sides so there was no sense in growing my hair back out so I always shave it well I'm not going to walk around looking like Bozo so today I'm going to wear this hat thank you I appreciate it all right look at that look at my introduction done there's over a thousand people in there man it usually works talk about speaking things into existence it's a fedora the old one too got it from my dad let's see when I say my dad I'm talking about my adopted dad I've seen him a few times since I've been out the joint all right so Homer Homer and hessiat are principal of authorities for um basically the unfolding of events in the ancient world everybody after them was copying them in some way or another or using basically their information and then adding uh new information from other other ancillary sources so what we have between Homer and hisiad is an explanation that basically the Greek World began with the reign of Kronos and that's a problem the reason it's a problem is because they admit that Kronos was at the very end of the age of the Titans so we have this vast we have this vast epic of history for which we have almost no data and it was a realm of the Titans in the Greeks admit that the Titans were before regular humans and that there is a race between them with some overlap called the gigantes the Giants so about 95 of everything we know about the the age of the Titans is in the reign of Kronos which is a very very short period of time it's basically an admission that 95 percent of the histories of the Titans is unknown but what we can cover in all these Greek Greek Legends and myths that give us all these little antidotes about why things happen the way they did and these little side references about Titans in ancient times we put together this fascinating picture that's what we're going to do in this video and explain what it means to our future what it meant to them about our future because it's all relative so this the rise of Kronos being the young one the youngest of the Titans it's a it was a it was a golden age because hesiad divides the history of the world into five ages we're in the fifth age now which is not dissimilar from the Aztec Stone of the fifth sun which is not even Aztec it's told Tech but I'm just giving you what the what the academics call it but the Toltec Stone in the fifth Sun are also called the Aztec calendar Stone it also itemizes five ages so hesiard he says that all during the Golden Age of Chronos men did not have to work and toll for the ground food was a plenty was all over the place men lived an absolute peace and they even interacted with the Gods hesiad kind of confuses us because he interchanges gods and Titans often only when he's talking about this Golden Age so men lived among the gods and he also says men lived among the Titans but we do have references to Gods who were not Titans we'll get to that so the Golden Age The Golden Age basically ends in in we're into we enter the Silver age in the Silver age all of a sudden hessiod says that that men would only live as children to a hundred years so this is spoken from the perspective of Titans because a Titan would have looked down and thought that someone who lived 100 years was just a child but to humans it was a long time so oh humans in the Silver age they didn't pay tribute to the Gods they they they entered quarrels with each other and with the gods and basically humans were seeking a better world they wanted to build things for themselves they had they had seen what their bidders had and they wanted it too but Zeus looked down and did not like this development at all we're going to go into some detail about Zeus he's not who you think he is he's been painted by the mythographers as the great all father as the great powerful God the benevolent God all these things he's not believe me Zeus is just like that thing that jumped out of a burning bush Zeus is pathological so Zeus sees what's happening and he sends Typhon unleashes this beast on the ancient world and I'm going to give you descriptions of Typhon my archaic veterans you already know Typhon is typhen which is the Phoenix but zeusa he kills them all now we already know there were some survivors but he kills them all and then and then Typhon plays hero and then chases I mean I mean Zeus plays hero and Chase's Typhon off so so this is what introduced the ancient bronze age according to hesiad and Homer and the later mythographers so the Bronze Age during this period men men became tough their post post cataclysmic they have they have lost their whole prior world of peace and now they're they all they know is Warfare and violence and for this is this is post-deluvian Typhon calls the flood flood the entire world so and so you know you know the same story from the Bible so this uh this whole era is what is confused many mythographers because they're not aware that we have a gihan flood before the great flood of Noah then we have the great flood of Noah and then after that we have the ogaijian flood all three of these floods I've given many many details about in the archaic's presentations as well as a couple presentations on the on the uh capture of Luna the the moon flood that was before all of them so we have here with the ogaijian flood we have the end of the Bronze Age and we know that this was 552 Years After the flood of Noah which was 2239 BC so the Greek Traditions are following the historical template for which we have seen archaics unveil it's all chronologically perfect the Greeks had basically understood exactly how the ancient world unfolded they just didn't understand why and they and they didn't understand or see clearly what had happened on the other side of that great flood cataclysm the 1687 bco Gaijin Deluge was in the Greek mind this was this is the Kraken the Kraken appears uh released by Poseidon posyan is the is is is a unique God because Paul Zion is the god of the sea however he's also the god of earthquakes which is ironic so the god of the sea who dwells in the sea is actually in charge of earthquakes on land now 1687 BC we understand because posiah didn't worship was prevalent throughout the entire Mediterranean at that period at that period of time and sacrifices to Poseidon at that period of time was by poisoning or drugging a female this is Andromeda and putting them on an altar and then the priest would put a living giant squid on the face of the sacrificial victim and the squid we're in the Squid's tentacles would rise and the squid if you don't know a squid has a beak and its beak is underneath the deal and it would literally eat the face off of the sacrificial victim yeah Guy this is not this is not a kid's video so the face of the sacrificial victim would be eaten off while they were alive but they're drugged and they can't move and this was absolutely necessary because they could have chained somebody down and done it against their will but that's not how the institution of human sacrifice worked back then it had to be a willing victim and in order to to promote that illusion the priesthood drugged their victims so that the people that were observing the sacrifice actually thought that the victim was a hero instead of a victim because a drugged they couldn't struggle and it didn't look like the fight back because if there was if it was perceived that a person did not want to sacrifice themselves then it was already known that when they went through the gates to the other side they would they would report that to the gods and then the gods would not not accept that as a sacrifice and instead they would send something like a crack onion so this was the ancient Mediterranean mindset of the Poseidon worshipers so this is where we get Medusa from in Perseus who is the Destroyer he comes he fights the Kraken during a sun darkening episode and saves the city of Argos after Joppa is is flooded by the ocean and earthquakes so all this is 1687 BC this is the Greek myth mythology preserves many of the elements of actual historical event so and all these are covered in Prior presentations but hesiad does something that's very interesting he introduces a heroic age and there are several other models that are published by the mythographers that do not include this but hesiad is the oldest and it includes this heroic age that later Greek authors didn't they just had four ages hesiod had five now in my prior presentations I've explained to you guys that the vapor canopy came back for a short period of time after 1687 BC this is the avellino eruption it's recorded by scientists that's dated precisely and we had a dust veil in Shroud the entire world for 25 years this almost caused a vapor canopy to come back in conditions from volcanism and a change in atmospheric pressure actually created changes in the human genome to where people were growing to extraordinary sizes history documents this this is exactly what was going on in the pre-flood world to create what were later called Titans people were growing and I've told you in Prior videos that from published books I have found data about scientists who grew two inches in 1902 which is a phoenix year just because they were exposed to ambient radiation at Mount Paley after it exploded on Martinique so putting all these things together nothing here is unbelievable so 25-year Darkness during that 25-year Darkness human any humans born at that period of time grew to astonishing sizes but after the 25-year Darkness dispelled this is precisely when academics right now today claim that the ancient world started waking up in 640 BC yeah there's many many academic papers that have been written on this phenomenon saying that something terrible had happened in the ancient world and around 640 or 650 BC it seemed like all the civilizations around the world were starting to wake up at the same time from a long Slumber and they're they're absolutely correct they just don't know why this is all preserving chronicon you want to know why read chronicon or watch my videos I go into a lot of detail about the old gaijian Deluge so we enter the heroic age in the heroic age is is fantastic because we have all these things that are very well preserved in the Greek in the Greek text we have I have them all itemized this is uh the mini this is this heroic age is right after the ogai gene Deluge and we have these uh let's see flee from egyptus a whole name disappeared off that burner it doesn't matter I know who it is look you see that all that all that totally just disappeared off that printer not one name I have I haven't memorized but not one name is here so see crops this is the this is the time when sea crops appears and then Alice appears the basically the progenitor of the Danon and sea crops comes from uh uh Secrets comes from Egypt he brings a fleet from Egypt and inhabits the Peloponnesus boisha and so does Cadmus but Cadmus doesn't come by way of Egypt Cadmus appears in ancient Greece with a huge Fleet from phenicia from the Canaan Canaanite coasts uh Danos escapes Egypt with the fleet they're called the people of the Goddess danu other people call them the the Danon now in ancient Ireland after a phoenix cataclysm in 1135 BC they're called the the two after they Dana and they defeat the race of giants called the furbogs uh over basically an ancient contest for who's going to rule rule uh uh Ireland so these right right after this episode during the Age of Heroes after this miniature Vapor canopy after this this this conflicting it's a war and a flood after all this we have all these Patriarchs from other areas of the world in the Mediterranean all coming to the Aegean and they're setting up civilizations and cities in all these places and this is interesting because in the Greek texts I have recorded this in chronicon for you guys but we have specific mentionings that after this ogaijian deluge the Peloponnesus boisha and the Aegean area itself was was completely without a soul remaining for 189 years because the entire area after the ogaijian Deluge was not habitable and this is exactly in the in the chronological Traditions that we have the arrival of the Danon and the arrival of the Phoenicians that Cadmus and the arrival of the libyans and Egyptians from the uh the low the Lower Egypt coming by way of Egypt all the way across the Mediterranean to colonize uh this area of the Peloponnesus so this is this is a Greek mythology is absolutely supported by the historical record in the in uh concerning these events but this is the age of Heroes in the age of Heroes also gave rise to the tradition of atreus for those of you who have followed my Phoenix research you will know that in 1273 BC which is a phoenix year two brothers in Argos were contending for the throne in that contention one of them claimed to be as a master swordsman and a hero and he was going to use that to to Swoon the people but atreyus was an astronomer and he told the people at such and such time this year the Sun is going to darken and they didn't believe him but when it happened they saw him as something Supernatural he was an astronomer he knew the Phoenix was coming same thing thales thales of my leaders did in 585 BC when you predicted the sun darkening in 583 BC it wasn't the Moon it was something else that darkened the Sun atreus did that and they awarded him the kingship of Argos so this was during the Age of Heroes now right after that I'm told within a decade after that we have the famous story of Jason and the Argonauts this is not mythology guys it's been turned into Mythology by the by this real simplified way of conveying information because their infrastructure had collapsed sounds like children's tales to us today but the geographical areas that are mentioned in the Jason and the Argonauts Tale have been verified by Scholars that this was this must have been an actual legitimate Naval voyage that was just shocking for that time that time period so Jason and the Argonauts right after that during the Age of Heroes we have this major conflict it was inevitable it's called the seven against Thebes the thieves is the Greek city of Thebes and the reason this conflict was inevitable is because the this is the pre-greek people but it's the area of Greece today but we have a major population of amuru westerners we have a major population that came by way of Egypt we have a major population of Canaanites Canaanite Phoenicians and we have a major population of daenan these were Mediterranean almost International Mariners a mariner race they were all over the place in the ancient world but these daenan uh all three of them were in the same geographical area now overlay these three large colonies in in the area of Greece with the indigenous achaeans and then the local people of Argos and The Descendant and the in the rising Empire of mycenae all this in the same areas huge Melting Pot so it created a lot of a lot of socio-political problems and one of those was the famous battle called the seven against Thebes the thieves was a city with seven Gates and seven different armies uh were assigned to a sale each each of the uh each of the gates of Thebes but this but this this this conflict went over and it and it passed but things did not get better because we there was we have a conflict a trade war that involved the sea people's Confederation it was a trade War involving Libya and Egypt the Black Sea Coast and this dead center of controversy for this new trade war was was the kingdom of ilium their capital city was tros now trolls was come his passed down to us as Troy this was the war for the this is the war of ilium it was the battle of Troy the Trojan War it lasted it was a 10-year 10-year long conflict now the age of Heroes pretty much comes to an end in 1229 BC when Troy Falls so we have different groups now migrating to different areas in a large group of Trojan survivors got in fleets and they left different points and ended up in Italy Italia among the Etruscans and the sabines so you already know who those people became later but we're going to stick to the Greeks not the latins so anyway as all this is going on this age of Heroes is very well documented by the Greeks now of course of course it's in mythological overtones but we basically see the socio socio-political unfolding of all kinds of interesting events and we'll get we'll get into that more but this uh this 1135 BC Phoenix event that I mentioned earlier with pharaoh signakti and the omeka and the Chinese this was what started the 350-year Dark Age in the Mediterranean nothing we have no records it's it's yeah humanity went dark after 11 35 BC so and in the biblical narrative it's also Dark As a matter of fact a lot of biblical scholars believe that that Hebrew writers invented the ages of the judges because they needed to fill a historical void and that didn't actually happen these stories were borrowed like Samson and uh holding the two pillars and all that same thing Hercules did they said believe a lot of these stories were borrowed from older Canaanite and and uh older just older sources like dugaritic and and Tales From Russia much of the Old Testament comes from ugaritic uh eucharitic uniform text and Russ Shamrock takes so anyway I saw Northern Syria neither here nor there we've gone full circle now to the 350 year Dark Age 350 years is a very long period of time to not have any any preservation of written materials and then to have two men surface later 350 50 years after this Dark Age began two men surface and give us their versions of the history of the world that happened prior to that 350 years it's like me 80 or 90 years in the future writing a documentary about the Civil War without having any Source materials about the Civil War gotta understand guys it's it's uh they were recording what people were passing Down By Word of Mouth so from so from the beginning of hesiad's account of the ages of man in the fall of the Titans this is where we enter the Iron Age hesiod believed that he was living at the beginning of the Iron Age and that's really interesting he lived about excuse me 800 BC when he wrote theogony and works in days so uh the Iron Age is one of absolute War dissolution destruction mankind is not happy there will always be in contention with each other and the gods have absolutely abandoned the human race this is the Iron Age this is the age that hesiod believes that we are in today so uh that's that's that's neither here nor there but it's very interesting but this age literally began and ended with Typhon so we need to discuss Typhon for a minute here I might not lose anybody Emma how's that chat look now we're we're doing good now you notice you can tell when people are really deep into listening because the chat slows down that's cool it's all good for me it's all good for me I told them this we're gonna go deep I hadn't got there yet so listen we began and into this small narrative right here leading up to the preservation of all these Traditions with with Typhon the Phoenix began the destruction and it ended it ended this period which was the beginning of a 350-year Hiatus a complete Dark Age so Typhon according to the ancient Greeks was so feared that when he attacked the gods themselves always fled to Egypt this is a data point you need to remember Phoenix was winged or depicted with wings and was so huge that when he appeared it looked like his head brushed the Stars Typhon was married to echidna who was considered to be the mother of all monsters Typhon typhon's history according to hesiad was one of always working up Mischief among the human race but Typhon had a child Typhon typhon's child was the Sphinx this is what the Greeks believed so the Sphinx could be approached but if but if you approach the Sphinx so apparently it was a it was at a place that was sacred if you approach this Sphinx it would ask you a riddle and you could live if you could answer that riddle but one day it asked Oedipus a riddle and Oedipus answered it correctly and the Sphinx was so was so destitute that somebody actually outsmarted it that it Dr that the Sphinx which is typified as a female drowned herself well I'm telling you now guys the the memory of the Greeks knowing that the Sphinx was drowned is another data point I have I have three or four videos that explain that the that the North African plates suffered an earthquake in 2239 BC and it lowered its substance and this is the reason why the great pyramids were under water for 340 years so and if the pyramids were halfway underwater then the Sphinx was totally underwater but that's neither that's neither neither here nor there so in hesiad's theogony and works in days he goes into detail about the Titans and the origin of the Titans but this is where we come across some very intriguing information we find out that the origin of the Titans themselves for which we don't have hardly any historical details was Gaia and uranos this is Mother Earth and father Skye or you can call him heaven so basically hesiad and Homer are conveying to us that the origin of the race that precedes mankind before this great flood was they were born from two concepts because these weren't people they're not they're not gods Mother Earth and and father Skye were not Titans there's something else and they're described as Concepts so we have a so Heaven and Earth is Concepts they gave birth to the Titans who were predecessors of mankind this pretty much begs us to itemize these Titans and see what we know about each one of them and maybe even learn what the translation of their actual name or title is to see where we're going with this so I've provided this list right here and it's very interesting that two concepts gave birth to 12 Titans but but there's over 30 Titans mentioned in throughout all the mythographers we can count about 32 33 34 Titans if there's more I missed them and so did a lot of other people but okeanus ocean there's different ways to say it okeanus or Oceanus this Titan was basically the ocean it's very easy to figure out and tethus his consort means nurse or grandmother and she's over all fresh water then we have Hyperion Hyperion I'm gonna go through this list pretty fast I'm going to go oh Hyperion he goes before the sun that's the translation of his name and he's a god of light and observation again concepts best known for fathering the Sun the moon and the dawn now we have Asteria this is the female it means of the Stars she was the goddess of nocturnal Oracles in Shooting Stars this is phenomena then we have the streus Australia's is just the male counterpart of Asteria estrellius means story he was a Titan God he was just basically just a Titan God of of The Starry Night Sky but with him we have Cruz which is the ram and according to the mythographers Creuse type of flies the constellations I believe Aries is the first constellation or was during the Greek times and he he his name means Ram clemony was a Titan goddess she is she is the goddess of renown Fame and infamy these are Concepts nomasi numusin I think her name is nemacine starts with an M but it's Nimble scene the goddess of memory she is also the mother of the nine muses we know who yapatos is in the Bible they call him jeffath where yapatosis The Wanderer he is the god of death or of mortal life in the Greek pantheon and Thea is goddess of Sun and light and Rey is Flo or ease and a goddess of fertility and themus is the goddess of divine order and law uh Phoebe means bright it's a Goddess Phoebe means brighter pure she's the goddess of Prophecy and intellect coas is the goddess of inquiry wisdom oracles and foresight Kronos the god of time Atlas means to carry he was a Titan to endure he was condemned to carry the heavens Prometheus who were about to go into Prometheus is forethought forgiving fire to humanity he was sentenced to eternal torment by Zeus of course he was later saved by Hercules Hercules saved a lot of people he was one of the more prestigious Hercules is one of the more prestigious passengers on the Argo with Jason and the Argonauts until he started getting out of control and they left him behind on the island one time Prometheus brother was Epimetheus something like that yeah epimetheios after thought it's hard to say some of these words man uh afterthought he received Pandora as a gift from the gods we're going to get into that I'm gonna bypass that right now because we're going to move into that you guys are going to have to understand how Pandora fits into this whole whole non-history of the world before the cataclysm so your enemy was a Titan God a Styx was a Titan goddess who typified a river in the Underworld I don't know if this is Hecate or hikate but I mean goddess of death goddess of the underworld far-reaching is how her name translates then we have ophion opheon was an elder Titan in Greek and if I remember correctly ophthion was also I don't remember his consort but ophthion was the one that was basically deposed when Chronos took the throne so uh his wife is your enemy e-u-r-y-n-o-m-e your enemy wow that's a play on word didn't it your enemy so all right and kronos's wife was okay well then we have some minor Titans these were all not original Titans these Titans were the last of their line before the cataclysm this was meatus which means cunning Dion which means divine or or goddess Helios the sun this is very interesting remember guys I've showed you many I've showed you several times in Sumerian and Egyptian Traditions that reveal that the sun shamash utu Osiris Horus they came very very late in the creation pantheons because the under the vapor Canopy World of the pre-cataclysmic time period the sun was unknown it was lunar based time keeping and it was Stellar systems and the sun couldn't be seen because the vapor canopy The Vapor canopy by day prevented somebody from seeing the Sun at daytime and then every single night a Mist watered the entire world in the evening in the morning in the evening in the morning was the next today it was a day count system during the vapor canopy at night time the vapor canopy turned the mesosphere into a magnifying glass and this is why the Ancients in the pre-flood world could see the heavens like they could touch the Stars it magnified everything but during the daytime with the sun on the outside of the vapor canopy they had a problem it turned it dark purple opaque this is why the Ancients described the sky as a dark purple light by day and and it was actually brighter at night than it was in the daytime because the moon totally lit up the entire entire uh world so anyway so Helios came very late in the in in in even the Greek so now we have Egyptian we have the Sumerian version and now we have the Greek version where the sun came very last in the creative deal which is totally opposite of what you would think and it's because the Viper canopy Celine appears the moon EOS appears the dawn titanus she was a goddess of the Dawn sister of the sun and moon euribio means far ruling you know it's a concept Mastery over the seas uh Palace is the brandisher or Maiden this is a Titan of war cat I guess it's a titanus of Warcraft persus is the destroyer from which we get Perseus but at this time persus was a Titan uh let lito the Unseen a goddess um menoshius is doomed might another concept and then we the final we have lelantos very unusual name for a Titan but lelantos actually means something that goes unobserved so we're moving through these man how are we looking on time that's what I'm checking right now we're not even an hour and we're good so we've gone we've gone through this list of the Titans about over 30 over 30 names and the meaning of their names and basically what they represented to the ancient Greeks but we have absolutely almost no history about any of these individuals so the Titans don't seem to be memories of individuals they seem to be Concepts that were remembered and we'll get into that so what we have with Gaia and aaronos are two concepts the Earth in Heavens but this is what we have in the Egyptian in the pre-anneed pantheon as well we have the watery nun a chaos the same thing we find in the near East and the academians the Assyrian the Babylonian Tiamat Waters of chaos which all stem from the on in the uh um the on and the key of of the Sumerian uh pantheons on a in is heaven k i is Earth so this is where we get the the term Anunnaki Lords Of Heaven and Earth were gods of Heaven and Earth which is what the Babylonians depicted them as so uh we don't have we don't have a difference here the Greeks are basically confirming the exact same thing the Phoenicians believe the Egyptians believe in all the near Eastern uh uh cultures I just mentioned believe all the way back to Sumer they believe the same thing everything came out of a chaos and out of this chaos was born two concepts in these two concepts were Earth and Heaven and then following that were 12 Mighty Titans who themselves gave birth to to 12 more Titans who themselves gave birth or grandchildren but were scattered all the way till we have a Pantheon of about 34-35 Titans so this is this is this we're not seeing anything different they just say it in very different ways the the Greeks did but this is what we find in Genesis as well biblical Scholars have always known that in Genesis chapter 1 the the creation of our world was out of a watery deep a watery chaos it's described that way before the sun the moon the stars before animals before humans before anything it was a great watery chaos in the spirit of God hovered over the over the Waters of the deep and the word for Waters in Genesis is Tehama is a word in Hebrew derived straight from tehum which is Babylonian comes from Tiamat the seven-headed goddess of chaos so we have here the same thing saying kuniathan said the ancient Phoenician chronicler 1000 BC who wrote a history of the world he too describes this great watery dragon that gave birth to the the heavens and the Earth and seven-headed dragon of chaos that the Babylonian Tiamat is a perfect description of which is we what we get from the atrahasazepe the enuma eleven Seven Tablets of Babylonian creation it's all very specific here we have the Greeks saying almost the same thing this is intriguing because with all these different cultures basically telling us that the beginning of the world started with a violent dark seven-headed dragon of chaos we cannot help but look to the Future when we see the exact same imagery found only in the Book of Revelation describing the events in the apocalypse before a new heavens and a new Earth are created is all very clear in the Book of Revelation this chaos it is a destruction this is not just a singular event that every all all different cultures Trace their histories back to this one darkness dark world no that is a result of something bad that it happened and this is this is what this is what Scholars have determined about Genesis chapter 1 and Genesis chapter two they're they're of the opinion that something terrible happened between Genesis chapter 1 verse 1 and verse 2. some Scholars have even called it Gap Theory meaning there's a vast amount of time that fits in here that we don't know anything about but we can see from all these other biblical passages like Jeremiah chapter 4 which describes the only other place in the Old Testament world where this tihom is described is right there and it says the birds have fled from the sky and the cities are laid waste and biblical Scholars are pretty much convinced this passage in Jeremiah chapter 4 is attempting to fill in that area right there describing that the creation of our world according to the Book of Genesis is actually our world waking up after it has been completely destroyed and this is what we're finding right here in the Greek Legends of the Titans all this isn't my point to this video it's just an interesting tangent so something had something had happened bad something so terrible that according to the Greek mythographers Mother Earth herself schemed against father heaven in Gaia she instigated a rebellion and she wired up the Titans her children she wired up the Titans to rebel against arnos you know our nose says Uranus so this is a this Great Rebellion was started by the great mother she wired up the Titans to do this because this is the key it's another data point the rebellion was specifically induced father Heaven had done something that forced the Titans to retreat to the underworld to survive it's called torturous and it's another clue as to what really unfolded in the ancient world Tartarus is a unique word it's a compound tar means West but when you would double that when you double that word up ill in ancient Greek tartar means West West Tartarus actually means the Far West but all the descriptions of Tartarus are in the Underworld I need you to remember now remember guys if you're not following me it's because you you listen this this video was for arcades veterans so you're gonna understand what I'm about to say right now concerning Tartarus in the need to go hide in the Underworld from something that was coming from the heavens remember guys remember in 3439 BC the appearance of the inundo for the first time in the old world they came from the ancient Americas they came from the West remember I've told you guys many times the sea people's Confederation when the sea peoples came it wasn't because they wanted to come over here and play they weren't trying trying to vacation they came in feet fleets because they were trying to survive they were fleeing cataclysm in America and they and they flooded the Mediterranean and they attacked everybody looking for a Homeland this was the sea people's Federation they came from the West also the amuru when they flooded the near East and they occupied Mario matani and they took over the dynasties of hatusus the Hittites in Lydia later Lydia they took over all of Kadesh Northern Syria they set up a dynasty in Egypt it was called The Shepherd Kings when these amuru came in all other nations feared them they were a unique people highly Advanced very very knowledgeable had had technology that was surpassing anything that they had experienced before and it's what allowed such a small nation to come in and take everybody over the omuru are specifically called thousands of times in cuneiform ticks they are called westerners their their origin was a mystery in the Bible they're called amorites these were the emuru in ancient Egyptian uh Temple release that show pictures of them they are two heads taller than anybody else in Egyptian Egyptian reliefs at the Temple of Karnak the and they're called the Tema who same thing as the umuru they're called the Tema who the Tema who were considered Gigantic by normal standards and very sophisticated and very feared so but there were westerners so what we have here is we have the admission we have the admission that somewhere in the west something so terrible happened that came from the sky that this that that Civilization had to seek out an underworld area and they blame God for that and after that destruction was over their own area was not habitable so they went East remember the Tower of Babel story all the people who came to build the Tower of Babel came from the East that means they were in the West so this is a so I have to ask I have to ask what could have happened in the past that was so catastrophic that it would have required a whole civilization to bed down underground and not come up for a while and then when they came up seek out an entire different hemisphere to colonize I already know you already know my arcades veterans already know we already know what the Phoenix phenomenon has done in ancient times this is the story of the titans this is what the Greeks were trying to convey the concepts of what was going on is found in the translations of the Titans names the individual Titans titles and names give us more and more details as to what the Greeks are trying to convey you got to understand how difficult it was for a people to convey information over a three Century long Hiatus when education and knowledge and writing everything had collapsed so people are passing all these stories Down By Word of Mouth over this time period so what we're left with is not actual histories as far chronologically arraigned Titan's actually being real persons and people what we're left with is survivors who are preserving Concepts that have been turned into personalities this is what we have and the Greeks aren't the only ones to do this the key to understanding this unremembered past of the Greek mythographers is we have to understand the few stories about Titans that were preserved there's not much we don't need to go into Chronos that almost all the stories preserved about the Titans or Chronos the last of the Titans who actually became the king over the Titans and ruled until the Golden Age collapsed that's the very end of Titan history but the beginning of Titan history started with Prometheus and Pandora this is the key to understanding what happened in the ancient world and what the Greeks are trying to tell us and all their in all their traditions and myths and how it applies to us today what it means for us today Prometheus looked down upon Mankind and he realized man this this is not good ordinary humans didn't fare as good as we did through this cataclysmic episode when the Titans came back from torturous an underground place in the Far West when they returned they found the state of humans in the Mediterranean Africa the near East India Asia they found a pitiful Neolithic living as animals and beasts and naked and they realize it's terrible so Prometheus was a benefactor and he according to the Greek Legends and Miss he he gave mankind fire this offended Zeus in the Traditions they try to paint Zeus as a very patriarchal uh like a good benevolent deity who just had anger management issues but it's worse than that it's worse than that Zeus was not a benevolent God he was a liar he was a womanizer he had he had no problems issuing curses Eternal damning p uh you know condemning people for eternity he had no problem doing any of this changing people from humans into animals uh uh transforming uh humans into monsters Zeus you can lay all that to his charge he did all that and yet he's supposed to be the great God now uh he also demonized those who tried to benefit humans this is what Zeus did so Zeus Prometheus saw this he saw what was going on and secretly started benefiting Humanity in one of the greatest things Prometheus gave Humanity according to the Traditions his fire but remember Guys these are Traditions passed through many filters after several resets and collapses fire is very important to a simplified Neolithic style living people but what's being conveyed here is something else fire is very important to people to survive when they're at their base level of infrastructure what's really what's really being conveyed here is that he gave Humanity something very important or Zeus would have not have been so offended given mankind fire wouldn't have said zeusals because Zeus completely eternally condemned Prometheus not only condemned him and banished him but also to Eternal torture of having an animal eat his liver out every single day and his liver would grow back remember Vapor canopy conditions guys I told you guys that open wounds heal within minutes and hours atmospheric pressure the oxygen density vitamin and mineral uh richness The Vapor Canopy World was nothing like the world we live in today this is why the story of Cain and Abel is so important it never happened there was no Cain there was no Abel but it is a story that typifies the murder of a man of somebody during the vapor canopy periods was was was was terrible was horrific you could it's too hard to accidentally kill somebody in a vapor canopy they're already healing as soon as you hit them so to kill somebody during Vapor canopy conditions means that you really wanted them dead and you had to work for it so that's the story of Cain and Abel but here it is with Prometheus 2 Prometheus preserves another element of vapor canopy techniques the fact that Titans healed within minutes or hours or even days because as soon as he was healed this damn animal would appear again and start while he was chained to a rock would sit there and and eat out his liver again while he was alive okay this is torture and this is from Zeus because this individual Prometheus chose to indulge a secret to mankind we're going to get to that so uh that's my Prometheus notes Zeus you would think that Eternal torture an imprisonment would be enough but it's not the very fact that Zeus continued punishing by extending that punishment to prometheus's brother prometheus's brother there's a guy I can't pronounce his name I think all right his brother we're going to call him epi you got that we're just going to call him Epi from here on out well oh Epi was the brother of Prometheus Zeus was so offended by this secret that was shared to mankind that the punishment extended to his brother as well who was innocent but it was a devious punishment Zeus fashioned a woman and he had all the god other gods participate by giving that woman something made her super beautiful because according to the Greek Traditions at this time there were no females the entire world was Titans and human males now I know it sounds weird but this is just the way the Greek tradition came down to us I think that I think they got it wrong but uh I think I think that's a little too much uh patriarchal overtones that were that crept into the narrative but that's okay the punishment extended to Epi Epi received a present from Zeus highly devious this present was this absolutely goddess beautiful mortal woman named Pandora Pandora has the best of all gods Creations put into her and her name actually means Pandora actually means all gifts but this is deceitful so this is also a clue to the nature of Zeus so after Pandora was accepted by epi Zeus sent her a jar and told her by no by under no circumstances open that jar you know damn well mortal's gonna open that jar you know we are absolutely completely programmed to do the exact opposite of what we're told you know you know we're hell we're hell I'm inherent I know I'm gonna do the opposite of what I'm told so yeah I I learned by experience I can have 10 wise men all telling me something in front of me and Jason's Jason's gonna go do it anyway and then I'm gonna be wiser for it because I'm gonna know I'm gonna know you told me the truth and I'm gonna know exactly what the consequences are after I did it no matter how dumb it is so where we at so she's told not to open it but of course of course Pandora opens it and this is the play on words here Pandora means all gifts but it wasn't talking about all the gifts that Gods gave to make her more and more beautiful it was talking about all the gifts Zeus was giving Mankind through a female who is going who was going to disobey him so she did that she opened the lid and all the woes and ailments wore torment misery disease everything negative in The Human Experience now came out of the jar filled the world and woman got blamed for it Zeus isn't who you think he is but this Greek account is no different than what the Hebrew Hebrew writers did when they were going through the Babylonian archives and libraries and they put together the Book of Genesis for they did the same thing and they invented a woman named Eve Eve means mother of all living and they did the same thing they had her eat a forbidden fruit she was told not to eat of the true of the tree of knowledge and she did the tree of knowledge here is no different than the vase the vase contain I mean the jar contains something that Pandora would be curious about the tree contained something that Eve would be curious about I'm not saying Pandora's real I'm not saying Eve is real I'm saying that concepts are being married here by institutions in the ancient world that were that were one basically fighting a war against matriarchy from a patriarchal perspective and two that were applying Concepts to memories and turning them into pronouns we're talking about events in the ancient world not people Zeus did this and blame the the jar the container for releasing all these things into the world but that's not true all these things already exist and the hint of that is in Genesis as well because we already know that the existence of a tree of knowledge of Good and Evil absolutely admits that good and evil both existed before Eve ever disobeyed so the hint of what was really being talked about here is that there was an ancient cataclysm there was a cataclysm in the ancient world that did Humanity bad they were hiding underground for a long period of time they came back up and instantly got got set upon by something that started molding their history and blaming humans for the very conditions that they were living in something nefarious something that was inside this world that wanted humans to blame themselves for what it itself had done this is where I'm going the elements of the Titan there I'm going to read this to you the elements of the Titan narrative reveal that both humankind opened up a container that released something new and Dreadful into the world and this also allowed for humans to be the subject of repeated destructions but a benefactor had given mankind a key in this key connected to Hope remember in the bottom of the jar hope still remained everything evil came out the jar but she shut that lid and there was still hope inside so to Hope which must be so powerful that the God of this world has done everything it can to stop succeeding Generations from learning what that secret is that was shared by Prometheus so terrible are these attempts to eradicate this secret that humans have had to hide in the Underworld somewhere in the west multiple times so Pandora's Box is actually Pandora's Humanity initiated something they could not contain this is the introduction Zeus is AIX Zeus's artificial intelligence Acts Greek myth lead us back to an event that looks just like our future a destroyed World basically Reborn so we get into something very interesting here that I have gone into great depth in in my nunophiles videos I need to know the time while I wrap this up I'm almost senior chamber now we're 14. okay good good good okay so I'm almost done done with this I need to bring this to your attention taking into consideration that this history of the Titans is a vast goal for which we don't have much information but the information that is contained that we do have excuse me passed on down to us is painting a picture of humans hiding in the Underworld of humans receiving a secret from a benefactor who paid a great price yeah of a system that has been implemented to blame mankind for its own condition this is what the Greeks are conveying to us in their traditions of the titans this is what we find so now things begin to make sense to us what was this Secret I believe that we can ascertain a good idea as to what Prometheus shared with ancient man just by what we know that happened in that pre-flood period in that pre-flood period mankind became obsessed with countdowns I know some of you just had a light bulb go off in your head countdowns sophisticated mathematical constructs that counted days in years to some some future event when something was going to occur that was so important to humanity that this benefactor had sacrificed himself to make sure mankind got this information and then in order to make sure that mankind could preserve this information they encoded it in mathematical constructs that would last for eons knowing that people would never forget a calendar listen the 1 656-year pre-flood calendar of 138-year intervals of the Phoenix phenomenon is preserved in so many different ways that I have shown on my channel in my published books I'm not going to re-itemize them here but keep in mind this is one that's from the ancient world and though that re repetition of 1656 year periods I've shown in charts goes all the way into our near future the 600-year period of the end of the of the uh uh Anunnaki neurochronology is another calendar they were obsessed with the 600 year period knowing that when the end of that calendar came it began a countdown to a specific series of events the end of that calendar was 1962. now they also knew that the 6 000 year cycle was prevalent they pervert they preserved that it's in zoroastrian writings we have the 6 000 years uh as a repetition of the two three thousand year great ages of Theo pompous the biblical 6 000 years one you know a day the seven the seven day crew well excuse me six days of creation one day of rest each day of creation in the biblical eschatology is supposed to be a thousand years we have the judeo-christian concept of a six thousand year countdown to the return of a God to this world now that's preserved the Mayan Long Count calendar never have we ever seen a mathematical construct that has been so well preserved it's been misunderstood but it's been reconstructed and put back together and I've showed you this many times one million 872 000 turnings of the Stars all the way from 3113 BC is 13 bactins each one's 144 000 days the entire Mayan Long Count started during this Vapor canopy period during the reign of Enoch who is said in Ancient Ancient texts to be the greatest chronologist that has ever lived also a mathematician and an architect this calendar counts down to November 2046. just like the base diagonals of the Great Pyramid pyramids geometrical timeline according to David Davidson in 1924 as I've shown many times ends with the final year being 2045 and 2040 being 2046 being year one of a whole new Epic so the fascination of time keeping systems suddenly appeared all at the same time in the ancient world and I have charts that show you I have whole charts that just itemize calendars and show you how they all started the same 21-year window and all move into the future and how most of them end right here in between 2040 and 2106 A.D whatever Prometheus told mankind it was something to do with fire but but the greatest architectural project the world has ever seen was also initiated during the vapor canopy and it's the Great Pyramid and if you remember correctly pyramid means fire in the middle and I do believe that that concludes my presentation and I know some light bulbs went off in some of your heads I have no doubt about that but I guess we do have time for Q a I got done with that presentation a lot faster than I was anticipating but that is that is and so I'll sum it up in one one one one minute the legends of the Titans preserve basic historical elements that a benefactor appeared gave mankind something they really needed to know it has something to do with the pyramid and it has everything to do with not having to hide in the Underworld anymore being able to stop whatever this phenomenon is and escape from this diabolical entity that masquerades as different gods that's basically it in a nutshell how to do I think it's pretty good uh going by the uh the comments in the chat feed I think they were really digging it and the the funny thing is well it's not really funny but something I caught on to was a lot of people were tracking this information so closely that they would mention something um the one thing I noticed was uh someone mentioned about Hope being in the jar and then 30 seconds later you talk about Hope in the jar so they're they're like the audience is just right there with you on most of the stuff so you can definitely the the the veteran errands are definitely showing their true colors in this chat there is a through I I am convinced that we have um we have over people of over average intelligence that that are pretty much members of this channel it's a good archaics from the beginning you guys go back and watch my first my first videos or so I gave warnings from the very beginning that my channel is not for the general public my channel is never going to be for the general public and that there's there's going to be too many people turned off by the by the material I've get I've given repeated warnings about that so to see the channel growth and to see so many people coming together and understanding even if you don't understand you're still catching on oh I hey man I feel good makes me feel good about it I'm glad there's so many there's so many people that find Value in it it's all yeah the archaic experience um we're intelligent people we're just we're just freaking weird most of our Lives we just uh not that we thought we're better than anyone it just said we didn't fit in that we just thought about things that most people just really don't think about you guys uh man I mean that was what's the word of it was refreshing it was refreshing to see how many of you were actually tracking along all this information and there was hardly any questions like everyone was just like chiming in with their two cents on it but yeah I call this weird all of us all of you watching and all of us here on the other side of the camera yeah well you know I've we've never been accused of being normal all right guys so let's do some q a if you got any questions would like to keep it relevant to the topic but if there's not that many we'll open it up to all avenues covert radios is the Hat compliments you bro I'm not gonna wear this hat all the time this is I just don't feel like showing off my Bozo haircut I haven't shaved my head in a few days I've been so busy well now the chat is just blowing up all right guys uh we're gonna do I guess about 20 minutes sure 20 minutes of q a yeah uh so put your questions in all caps and let's let's get to it we got a couple already really no questions oh I'm pretty sure there are some well we got a couple so from Gary H Aarons UK uh I think Zeus could be AIX the 1947 BC account has its fingerprint over it thoughts yeah yeah oh hell yeah the night night you're saying 1947 BC are you referring to the great resistance that that that Abraham's Abram he's called Abram back then but when Abram was born there was great resistance to that it was like it was like AIX was telling the prophet enooki or anuki uh of the birth of somebody who was who needed to be killed uh actually uh uh mardon's Court astrologers were telling him you need to kill this baby this baby needs to die because they saw the astrology for Abram's born and when I say Abram I'm I'm telling you the the Jewish redacted version we're really talking about Brahma so when they saw the birth of Brahma they're like me you better get rid of him but he you better kill this baby now because you are not going to survive he uh his adulthood yeah it's a real it's famous story famous story yeah that would have been AIX no doubt AIX uses false prophets AIX uses everything AIX becomes different gods for different civilizations artificial intelligence X is something else and it's got true power because if it didn't it wouldn't have been able to take out the benefactor the way it did from Anna Prometheus could be Inky and Zeus be Enloe question mark uh I don't know uh the the Prometheus being Inky is is an association that I would definitely be on board with I don't know if in Lil would be the the opposite of Inky uh Merrill asked what happened in 1962 wow that's a mile that's a mouthful there can anybody I know I got some more kids veterans that can tell her I have one single video in my Nuno files that itemizes all the major events in world history that all happened in 1962 and how they are absolutely connected to biblical prophecy uh basically demons Enoch the Great Pyramid uh underground underground facilities uh 1960 uh yeah ancient underground cities everything that erupted into the under the world scene with the uh even the uh translations of new texts new Bibles uh Close Encounters of the Third Kind it was a whole a whole new category or the fourth guys a whole new category that appeared 1962 is is amazing it is amazing and everything that was introduced in the world at that time as if up until that point there was a lot of things that were not allowed there was a resistance there was like a benefactor force that was disallowing for certain things and then all of a sudden that was removed so all this evil could start starting in 1962 the world just started getting darker and darker and darker and darker and darker actually it's in the Nuna files I can't remember all the it's a whole list someone asked what is the purpose of the Great Wall of China I really don't know because it's never really been it's never really been uh a subject of of research for me I have it in my chronic con I have a source of materials I haven't found any evidence that there's something really anomalous about it we've had we've I mean aside from the fact that it was a massive gigantic building project but uh other than that I mean two uh Emperors in China they could have enslaved a whole nation to Build That Wall I mean we don't have a lot of historical from what I understand they killed everybody who was part of the construction project so I don't know well if if I remember correctly now positive on this but all the defensive structures on the Great Wall of China face into the China border and not outside oh really I have heard that it's just something I haven't really researched so so it could be just like you said that it could have been a slave wall built by slaves men to entrap Slaves or it could have been a defensive structure built by the other side and you just messed our camera up I didn't mean to do that Jason just kicked the camera I got long legs guys I'm sorry let me check damn I didn't know what I didn't know it's all messed up wow good job it's all right that was me guys I did that stretching my legs out you can Center it back okay sorry about that kicking the camera it's on a tripod way over there how the hell did I reach that well but the legs as they extend they come a little bit closer yeah I've kicked it before too I just didn't move the camera all right everybody's laughing glad you got a kick out of that um all right so that was the Wall of China um from Mario sarmiento sorry if I butchered that uh would Zeus be in the program of Jupiter or Saturn in the program well Saturn is Kronos I mean we're talking about the same things here all right it's the same thing between Jesus and Jesus you're still talking about Jesus but uh or Yeshua whatever whatever you want to call him in Hebrew it's a we're talking about you're splitting hairs now between cultures it's uh Kronos the Titan Chronos is no different at all from the Latin Saturn and then uh what was the other one he said uh Jupiter yeah Jupiter is the is the latinize which means Roman it is the Roman Zeus Zeus is Greek so yeah it's all you're talking about the exact same yeah listen there's nothing original about Roman Roman mystery and tradition the Romans basically they had the same Traditions the Greeks had but they just had different way of telling them different variants uh but it's basically the same it's the same Pantheon it has a lot of overlap and this one's from someone named Jupiter can you expand on AIX took out the benefactor okay massive subject for another video but I'm gonna sum this up you can you can almost sum it up make it brief I'm gonna sum it up all these Traditions about a crucified savior let me tell you guys these aren't 2 000 years old Christianity did not invent this there are there are many academics and scholarly books that you can find online in Google and you will find that there are literally 16 to 18 different crucified saviors throughout the historical record before Christianity this is the tenet of the orphic faith it's in myth Ray it's in mithraism it goes back dionysius was crucified there were many crucified saviors Jesus was not the only one but it's a this this this is really the imagery of a benefactor coming into our world giving us something that we wouldn't have been able to give ourselves and in the case of Jesus it was these Divine Parables that actually show us many amazing things giving us this hope giving us all these these spiritual teachings it's not it's not the it's not it's not the healing and all the stuff like that matter of fact most of those most of those are all accretions that were that were added by the church fathers in the later Church the actual core material about Jesus is preserved through the gospel of marchion it was just his teachings his words his Parables so this crucified savior goes back a long time and the Prometheus uh version is no different it is a benefactor that appears in you in a in a dark time of humanity and provides Humanity something that they really need and and and they are rewarded with basically an execution or a death they die so this has been sanitized in the in the version about Enoch Enoch was this benefactor at one time this benefactor did exactly what he needed to do he provided mankind a basically an architectural schematic that that actually had something in it that was profound and enocho in my book law scriptures of Giza I show you all the ancient texts that tell the story and the story is is that the Enoch of the Book of Genesis only disappeared into heaven right after he delivered the Divine instructions on an architectural project called the altar of God that had to be erected at a place called akuzan because it was going to perform some type of function now I believe that function was basically an override to take to take down the Phoenix phenomenon which was which was initially controlled completely by artificial intelligence eggs I believe benefactor programming was trojaned in making sure that when the Phoenix appears it's not always bad good things are now also happened as well so also probably probably changed its settings as far as its intensity or its ability to to do these resets so so frequently so I mean these are just theories but a benefactor did something and it concerns the Great Pyramid and this benefactor was rewarded with either death crucifixion torture uh imprisonment that led to death or in the case of Enoch it just vanished just vanish we have no idea what happened to him it just says he vanished in front of witnesses so uh yeah I believe that there's correlates here I believe Prometheus Prometheus is just another way of of talking about the exact same benefactor that no matter how bad our reality gets inside this construct there is a benefactor Force if there wasn't we wouldn't be able to do what we're doing now talking about it we wouldn't be able to do all enjoy all the things we're enjoying in life right now yeah there's been there's there's always an opposing Force so it's when it's when the darkness you know gets it's when the darkness starts getting darker it's when those with lights start shining brighter I mean there's always there's always an equal answer to whatever the problem is so in ancient times this is all I wanted to do with this video is show you guys that if we go deep into you can go deeper yourself believe you believe me you're going to find a lot but if you go deeper into the essence of Greek mythology especially in the in anything you can find about the Titan the titanomaki and all that this is what you're going to see you're going to see this Humanity was hiding underground something in the sky and that there was this huge controversy between the matriarchy and the patriarchy and there were giants and there was a war against the Giants and there was a benefactor who appeared and felt sorry for mankind and that there's a force in the world that tries to blame mankind for his own conditions even though all these things were forced upon him and that the the same the same Force always tends to use a a female to introduce all these negatives into the World by blaming the female as if there's there's a there's a agenda here to make sure that the female stays subdued so yeah these are things you can find out for yourself I just wanted to bring to your attention that the more we look at at these Greek myths and stuff we see that they're saying the same things that I have shown you other cultures have been saying in the archaics research djds asks what is the real story of Hercules um that's all that's a hard one there because he's been you got Hercules and you got Heracles and there's a lot there's a lot of bleed over between the two some lithographers think they're two they're two different individuals some things are the same but recorded from two different perspectives uh I don't know if he actually was on the Argo with Jason and the other Argonauts I don't know but he was so famous and so popular in ancient times throughout the entire Greek historical period he was he was a tradition meaning unlike other ones like sea crops and and atreyus who were actual historical persons even though that might not be their real names uh Hercules was not he was introduced through the entire Greek Greek uh known history Hercules or Heracles however you want to say it was still a tradition because he goes all the way back to in kaidu and Gilgamesh we call him Gilgamesh today but his real Sumerian was bilgamesh and bilgamesh and kaidu were the original Heroes the great wrestlers and uh in kaidu was the wild one like animal and the sophisticated one who was two-thirds God and one part man was a was a Gilgamesh and this is this goes back Gilgamesh Gilgamesh is the Nimrod of scripture he is Marduk of Babylon an acted he is marrow deck and in the Sumerian records this this this great muscular half giant wrestler uh his name is Amar udaak in the Sumerian records so he was a real person but by the time the Greeks absorbed him into their Traditions he was always a tradition Ashburn Artisan soaps asked did they use money during the Golden Age oh from the records of numismatics I have not found any references to ancient coins that go back go back further to like 14th century BC uh so in the in the after the meta great Mediterranean Dark Age there seems to be minting oh we know krosis oh I can't remember crosses and some other kings like maybe even minnows there may have been some minting in that period but it doesn't look like until about the 6th Century BC that people started making coins regularly and then by the time of the first century BC coins were everywhere minted everywhere but yeah it's in I don't know what age period did he say golden age yeah the Golden Age I seriously doubt it that would re I don't think any archaeologist even ooh Parts ooh Parts being out of place artifacts I don't I can't recall anything from uh Jonathan Gray's material forbidden archeology I can't I can't recall of anything from all the books of David Hatcher Childress when it comes to numismatics we don't we don't have any records of any really ancient coins older than the civilizations that we've already documented so pre-flood coinage we haven't found them we found weapons and artifacts we found whole ships ships with strange symbols on the wood petrified underneath mountains I've got three of those recorded on my channel I have a video that that goes into detail where these three different ships were found underground uh from from a world that we just don't know where they came from but uh but no as far as coins go we don't have any evidence from numismatics that coins go back any further than what Academia is claiming from the historical record 6th Century 5th Century BC we grabbed that book behind you your book up there the Giants on Ancient Earth it's right there two is that it one of them there Anna you asked and then Natalia mentioned it when Jason wrote already someone was asking about a book on Giants there you go Giants on Ancient Earth by Jason Brashears um next question is from Shanna m shenam what do you think of the Gospel of Thomas Gnostic Gospels are good I mean the Gnostic Gospels are every bit as informative as the gospels we have in the Bible now as far as far as their historicity oh what we what we have with the New Testament is a version that is 200 gospels lighter than the originals yeah guys we've had we've had about 400 independent church councils over a 12th century period basically determine what you're reading and what you're calling the New Testament so it's uh yeah I don't I like reading all of them I have read everything in the Forgotten books of Eden that's a lot of texts in the Lost Books of the Bible I've read all those I've read the entire Apocrypha a few times all the pseudographical works I've read them all the the nag hamadi texts that have been published in English I have read them the Dead Sea Scrolls that have been published in English I've read two or three versions of those I got those in the library behind me oh yeah anything anything from yeah the judeo-christian deal I've read all Josephus final judeaicus uh the church fathers I I I think I've read them all I'm not quite sure but uh for those of you who don't know there's whole there's a whole encyclopedic volumes that you can read on the church fathers the first 500 years of Christianity all all that material you know I mean yeah I find I find a lot of value in it but you have to understand they're the losers and when I say that is is when you read a New Testament now you're reading the Roman version of the holy writ but in order to get that they had to kill an entire culture of people called the waldenses and another culture called the cathars they had to do genocide in France to eliminate this great body of people that were that had a whole different series of of biblical writings the Gnostic writings and they had to burn those texts and Destroy them and it's amazing that we even have these Gnostic records today because the Roman Catholic papacy went to war to make sure that they could exterminate not only all the copies of the Gnostic versions of the Bible but also the gnostics themselves so when you ask me about a text uh about like like the Gospel of Thomas then I'm going to tell you you need to hang on to that you need to hang on to that because there's a lot of people who lost not only their own life but the the lives of every member of their family to preserve the Integrity of that gospel so yeah Debbie Kennedy could we see you interview a numerology dude sometime like Tommy truthful I mean I could but I mean with me guys listen listen numerology is interesting to me geometry is interesting to me but you do you not agree with me though that they are highly subjective it's all I mean it's it's the same reason I haven't reached out and tried to talk to to any other numerologist uh I am absolutely opposed to tarot you already know this I've released a video on tarot not because I don't believe that there are genuine tarot readers out there but because I believe 100 it's the individual not not the system so there could be some very good tarot readers out there and there are there are but they're genuinely psychic independent of the cards when it comes to Gematria when it comes when it comes to to numerology there's already so much of that in the world it's already everywhere there's no dearth of material you can go on Amazon and find hundreds of books on numerology and geometry you can find all this material everywhere so I've never really thought that anybody who takes the time to come review my material would want to see that type of cross-pollination I mean uh I don't know I'll just make I mean that's something a whole lot of people wanted wanted then I'd probably do it but if it's only two or three people wanting to see something like that I'm just gonna leave it alone leave it alone all right from Brock Lucas what is your interpretation of Pan's shape-shifting allegory or plausible fact I don't I don't know because you're talking about Roman stuff now the pans satires it's it's a satire it's a pan yeah I don't know that's I yeah I just don't know I'm familiar with what you're talking about I understand the the satires and the pans of the Greeks and the Romans it's uh I I just know it's not something I had I had yeah just crazy I don't I don't know I don't know anything about it if it's I mean shape-shifting I believe has happened and it's real but that's because we live in a simulation and that there are entities that can move through this simulation to masquerade as people I believe that maybe in ancient times they were doing they were they were masquerading as something that was believed at that time it all goes by frame of reference very similar to the fact that I've told you guys that the extraterrestrials of today are no different than the fairies of fairy rings dancing late at night creating crop circles 400 and 600 years ago it's no different they appear in whatever frame of reference will be acceptable to the society that sees them so I can I can agree with you that there was some shape shifting but there's more to it than that there it's it's a Phenom it's an optical phenomenon it's it's intelligences that are masquerading as something else all right next question is from Holly langel sorry I'm sure I messed that up one of the Greek philosophers real or are they just part of the program they're really a part of the historical record uh that's a trick question if you ask me that that Matt is real I would have to say no from the perspective of an actual reality but yes in this construct yeah he's where he's real right here I can reach out and touch him and feel it my central nervous system is going to make me know that there's a solid here but intellectually I understand that we are in a some simulated holography and that none of this is actually real well we're a bunch of intelligences basically dreaming our existence into reality and the historical construct is the exact same way but uh so yeah it's kind of a trick question in the program the more we study history we find all these details about annexamander and aristarchus and eratosthenes the great librarian stewards of the alexandrian library we learn of the nuances between Plato and Aristotle and it's very hard to believe that one was the student of the other and we learn of these great things that's that Socrates said and I'm constantly Amazed by thusadities and and who is that dailies of my latest you know he's my one of my personal Heroes you you guys heard me sign him all the time but even even after the Greek era was over and when we entered the Roman there were some that just absolutely fascinated me like Pliny the Elder if there was anybody in the historical period or historical record that I believe that I would have fulfilled perfectly as a predecessor template it would have been Pliny the Elder yeah Pliny the Elder spent his life reading and taking notes from everything he read putting those notes aside and organizing them inciting the authors and books that he got that he got the material from Pliny the elders book Natural History is amazing he cites over 600 sources which is amazing in of itself because he had access to the texture that were in the pergamum library in the Library of Alexandria and those text alone cited hundreds of sources the libraries of the ancient world man I had to spend the rest of my life there I've been half every day with coffee as long as they had coffee but I'd been there yeah I've been there reading and writing and I'd have found a way back then to make sure that people today would have an accurate uh dealer history I would have come up with my own Rosetta Stone I'd have done it in three different languages I'd preserved it I'd had multiple copies and I would have definitely put them different areas and especially under the capitals of major buildings because this is how they preserve these are time capsules a lot of people don't know this but ancient structures in Greece when they when they when they erected a major Stone building local philosophers or something like that were able to put a writing wrap it up oil it all that put in wood case try to make it air proof airtight as possible and they put it in a recess that will specifically put there for that purpose on the cornerstone in the east corner of the building Cornerstone and they put that there and then the great the great cornices and pillars would be put on top of it and it might be there for two or three thousand years until they demo that building when they demo that building if they remember that something that that was a tradition they can find that stuff that's there it's not just not just books even human sacrifices were done that way yeah in demoing buildings in Greece they have found the remains of humans in some of those recesses all right here we go wrapping up last question we're gonna have to wrap up because my bladder can't take anymore I got one question this is from Christian siffer Cipher okay uh could the Americas be the land of nativity Nostradamus spoke of um I don't know because Nostradamus is is definitely describing a massive Exodus of the Americas in between 2040 and 2046 and uh I go in I go I go into detail and show you those quatrains and show you how to use Mario reading's date index to ascertain exactly what Mario reading is I mean what a Nostradamus is saying and the dates he's providing coded in the quatrains for that to happen so it seems like there's a it seems like what's going to happen in the near future is the same thing that happened in 3439 BC in the gihad flood the same thing that happened in the noahick flood of 2239 BC and the same thing that happened in the uh the ogaijian Deluge of 1687 BC and the same thing that happened in 1135 BC with the Phoenix Phoenix cataclysm uh that started the Mediterranean Dark Age in every single episode it was a mass migration from the Americas back to Europe Iranian Asia and Africa because the Americas had been destroyed in every single I do not see why a pattern that is so perfectly fixed in history would all of a sudden change so I think Nostradamus is absolutely correct after 2040 almost the entire Western world is going to wake up and say holy [\h__\h] this stuff in 2040 really did go down that means that means everything predicted for 2046 is coming too so you got six and a half years to make that move I believe cruise ships aircraft carriers every Shrimp Boat Tugboat I believe everybody that can is going to be able is going to be requisition requisitioning trips to the Mediterranean or to the cut to the coasts of Europe trying to get the hell out of North America as soon as May 2040 happens and people realize that damn all the [\h__\h] people been talking about for the past 17 18 years this shit's real and and it's going to follow through I believe Nostradamus painted an exact perfect picture of what we are to expect all right my bladder's about to go all right guys that right right can I talk that wraps that wraps up Jason's presentation and why I couldn't get wraps out of my mouth um and thank you guys uh all you moderators and members and everyone else attending the chat thanks for stopping by keeping it positive like I always say I know it sounded like a record just keep repeating the same thing um but again remember um I'll wrap it up uh remember there are seats now available uh we've worked out with the venue their seat's not available for the convention uh go to the Meetup site uh it should be in the link description if not we'll add it in later get your tickets get your seats come hang out with the uh the Aaron family uh get your data packs get your Super PAC survival pack all of that stuff in your donations during these lives all go to contributing to our uh expenses for making these trips and making getting the mobile Studio together and everything so we can make all this stuff available to you in live streams and once again check out our boys from Rise Above show them some love drop in their Channel give them a like subscribe I will uh I'm going to go ahead and close this out I'm gonna go ahead and and play uh the the video again from Rise Above it's so awesome these guys do their own Graphics their own music uh it's it's awesome but um we're gonna leave you with that and all you beautiful people thank you for stopping by keep breaking free power inside every positive movement every conversation every connection every CG plant person can't make a change oh [\h__\h] are we speaking the truth in the sharpest tongue based on a rabbit surf with a garnish lunch we've got the hardest puns mind master trust your ability MPC it's an IQ deficiency they're living in mental captivity I'll never submit to these bloodline dynasties Ordinary artists welcome to the equinox