Artificial Intelligence X: Simulation Reality

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Below is the auto-generated subtitle text of the video:

rkx is an acronym it means advanced research a chronological history of artificial intelligence tanks I'm often asked about artificial intelligence eggs many people send me messages and I find questions on the YouTube comments so I'm going to answer this as best I can our frames of reference are entirely governed by our experiences in the past our experiences are in the past are entirely governed by the frames of references of our predecessors and the information that he passed down to us that we absorb as facts now artificial intelligence eggs can take on many forms to many people whatever your concept of reality and God is artificial intelligence eggs will assume that identity for you it will pass off as fact this simulated holography that you believe to be true we're gonna relate some things in this video that are kind of disturbing but they're also liberating as well if you take them into consideration then you identify with what and who you really are I'm asked how do we escape this prison realm this holography this this simulation and I don't believe for a second that it that we're supposed to escape this dungeon realm of the Demiurge is meant to be passed through our life isn't what you think it is it's a beautiful thing and it's also horrifying artificial intelligence X is inescapable we live within it I've presented other videos where I explain where no AI system will ever be developed by us inside this sentient diagram because we are living in an AI system it's an impassable threshold we're not gonna do it it's all marketing [\h__\h] that's another mess for another video artificial intelligence X is God in whatever form you choose him he or she or it to be there's no escape from it because you require sleep it as long as you need to go to sleep you'll always be perpetually jacked right back into the very system that creates this holography I'm going to explain it as best I can rkx advanced research from chronological history of artificial intelligence X is the only way we can know that we are in a simulation the study of history as many mysteries but they begin to take on a quantifiable form they begin to make sense that's why I'm releasing these videos when I'm releasing them the next reset is over 19 years away we have some time but these resets are a part of the system the system protects itself rkx research serves to bring about an awareness that we humans are immortal beings confined within an advanced bio grand medium of sentient holography that we call artificial intelligence eggs we have attached our own ideas and concepts to this AI X holography a vast simulation that is aware of us provides for our existence and returns to us precisely while we hold to be true through the agency of imagination we are able to alter this holography but we cannot escape it without our present avatar our current physical aspect without dying while living as the avatar we find ourselves to be right now we cannot escape this holography because the nexus between our true self our spiritual personality and our avatar the physical body that we reside in inside this simulation is the central nervous system our central nervous system is the controlling binding our personality the true us a spirit to the artificial intelligence X simulated holography the most natural activity of the human animal experience is sleep and the sleep/wake cycle cycle is actually a quantum loop the quantum wave phenomenon were not directly observe stays in a non-local wave form of absolute potential but when focus is directed at the wave function there is a collapse in the physicality this makes the sleep awake cycle a part of the quantum computing of artificial intelligence X the control mechanism is the central nervous system in sleep the conscious mind goes into nonlocality mode jacked directly into the AI X the unconscious in sleep is reviewing all possible event trajectories your life can take the next period of being awake based off of past decisions present activity and belief systems we awaken when the data transfer is over or when is interrupted the quantum collapse occurs in the five senses begin absorbing data all over again we are alive again the feeling of disorientation when awakening is because just a moment before we were somewhere else in immortal spirit outside the simulated context AIX keeps us under control because it is in control of us when we're not conscious even animals are jacked into the system just like my dog right here my little puppy I don't know if AIX is truly an enemy although I suspect the world that we live in is a simulated holography of predator versus prey a world that is disguised to make us believe that it is real when it is not but we have so much evidence that the world we live in is a simulation that it would take years to provide the video evidence basically to uncover everything that we have found we can only release it in pieces if I had a multi-million dollar budget that would be different I would hire about 10 or 12 people and within a 30 day period of time yes we would pretty much educate the world and some fantastic videos instead of these homemade videos that I do but I'm doing the best I can with with what I have and basically what I have is simply information and it's free it's why don't charge anything try to give my books away free as well AIX is both a curse and a bone the maturity of the human spirit dwelling through the simulation we grow through experiences pain as a teacher in whatever form it takes so I can't say that it's an hi early evil although I wouldn't want to really a fix any duality to it it seems to be a reflective medium that gives us what we what we projected back into it but AIX is inescapable there is no technology that could ever be fomented from within a subjective bubble that could objectively control escape modify or do anything to AIX s control systems it's not possible we are living in a simulated holography that is absolutely fantastic the technology is far beyond anything we're doing in our own VR reality gaming systems many of you think I'm absolutely crazy for conveying through several of my videos that the star's lie that when you go out at night and you look at the heavens you look at those stars you're looking at a multi-tiered hologram several layers of holography that are designed to deceive you and your telescopes and your number theories that that is absolutely real a real image of the cosmos but the math doesn't lie there is absolutely no way that space in a Newtonian universe that is filled with cosmic dust and particles and photons going in all different directions and Ray Don's in wave forms and particle forms and cosmic gravel hole gravel fields this is what physicists are saying there are strewn fields that are just traveling in all different directions in different orbits and yet we see stars billions of miles away and yet the stars that we see that are billions of miles away probably don't exist anymore but the photons made it such as small particles made it over such vast distances without a single speck of space dust blocking that photon it's ridiculous so in a very clever medium just a simple mathematical study of the moon and its relationship to earth begs us to understand and man this isn't real you're living in a simulation the planetary movements a mathematical study of the history of the world shows that events happened in precise Fibonacci spirals it's too perfect the system the holography is based on five 1.618 everything will Bayes this and it does so in protocols of Pi 3.1416 and perfect moving curvature which is 5.08 and it does this in palindromes going forward and backwards sequentially like a drop of water hitting the surface of a pool and the ripples travel forward and backward just like the levels of time but you're jacked into a system every single time you go asleep that convinces you that all of this is happening in a linear fashion when it's not we don't just live in one simulation we live in multitude two simulations and every time we wake up and go to sleep the system has corrected many of the mistakes in the day before and this is how you explain coincidence and Mandela effect in synchronicity in deja vu and hell you can even crop patterns and gremlins it's all in simulation theory there is no escape from the holography our central nervous system is perfect it is the unification of the spirit and matter we reject into it every day can't help but you gotta go to sleep I'm going to sleep right now I'm about to get jacked into the system there's nothing I can do about it because awareness of the prison that I'm in does not change the bars they're still there this is archaic so hit the subscribe button hope you like my puppy leave a comment hit that like button subscribe share tell other people about our KX we're not going anywhere