The Holographic Truth About 2021

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[Music] our charlie ward simon parks mel k nino 107 or 107 however say his damn name uh x22 the frog news network are they for real this is jason of and through isometric projections we're gonna go deep into this many of you in the patriot movement have heard these names they've you've watched their videos the central premise behind their messages is that a the us military allied to other military leaders like putin of russia are conducting widespread military ops against members and facilities of the deep state even destroying underground bunkers and facilities with nuclear weapons some of these earthquakes we've been experiencing b the u.s military has conducted operations against the cia the fbi and other agencies and departments of the deep state strongholds in the u.s government now c that many u.s politicians have been arrested signed ndas made deals to secure their freedom one being speaker of the house pelosi d many deep state operatives u.s politicians and even hollywood actors have disappeared because they have been sent to guantanamo bay and executed for treason we'll see e biden's presidency was a successful chinese operation and u.s military retaliated by destroying or heavily damaging the three gorgeous dam in china which if breached would kill millions and destroy billions in chinese infrastructure flooding entire cities f the u.s military and law enforcement groups have been rescuing a lot of children from child trafficking organizations this comes from guantanamo bay people just giving up information ng mainstream media is totally ignoring and not reporting the widespread events of patriots in the us and worldwide in their respective countries now edgar casey the sleeping prophet about a hundred years ago in a reading stated that the year 1998 which is 666 times 3 is integral to the unfolding of events in the last days in the great pyramid of egypt and for those of you not familiar with my research it was the study of the scientific rectilinear measurements of the giza structure that contributed greatly to the development of my event prediction algorithm now using 1998 as our isometric epicenter i released three videos on president trump in the near future of the united states of america i still stand behind those videos in this video we're going to look deeper i have already released about a dozen videos on event prediction systems isometric projections and date sequence prediction analytics i won't waste time with that here so without further ado let's move on so with 1975 being our target year the holographic reflection of 2021 here are events in 1975 that mirror what the conservative truther community are claiming is happening right now in america in 1975 the cia under investigation by presidential order did you know that the u.s senate voted to establish a special 11-member investigative body to examine fbi and cia activities under the chairmanship of idaho senator frank church with texas senator john tower as vice chairman the select committee was given nine months and 150 staffers to complete its work on november 20th the committee released a report charging both u.s government agencies with absolutely conducting illegal activities in 1975 maurice uh stan's former nixon cabinet member pleaded guilty to three counts of violating the reporting sessions of the federal election campaign act and two counts of accepting illegal campaign contributions in 1975 richard s welch the central intelligence agency cia station chief in athens greece was shot and killed outside his home in 1975 the u.s interagency community on foreign investment was established by president gerald ford to review the national security implications of foreign governments and individuals investing in u.s company companies and operations in 1975 the house on american activities committee created in 1938 to inquire into subversive activities in the u.s was terminated now in 2021 behind the scenes military tribunals were conducted against violators for un-american activities in 1975 former attorney general john n mitchell and former white house aides h.r alderman and john uh ericklin were sentenced to two and a half to eight years in prison for their roles in the watergate political conspiracy mitchell was found guilty of conspiracy obstruction of justice and perjury he served 19 months behind bars we're going to get to the details just a minute in 1975 the alaska oil pipeline was begun biden ended a major pipeline in the beginning of this presidency in 2021 in 1975 the new york daily news ran the headline ford to city dropped dead a day after president ford said he would veto any proposed federal bill out of new york city but in 2021 new york needed to bail out again and they got it in 1975 in china a dam collapsed in the hinden province it killed tens of thousands of people the event was covered up for many years a typhoon from south china sea brought three successive days of enormous rainstorms to the area of southern hendon province adding to the devastation altogether 62 dams failed in one night including two major dams as a result of the catastrophe 85 600 people died according to official chinese government figures but others place it at 230 000 deaths now in 2021 the three gorgeous dam has been breached and google maps has helped cover it up by by basically publishing fake cgi images of the damn still in place it's crazy in 1975 u.s military pulled out of vietnam a communist victory then pulled out of laos in cambodia two more communist victories these were not military defeats but purely political sabotage politicians did not allow the us military to conduct a true war in 2021 the u.s military has been winning decisive victories destroying underground enemy facilities confiscating cargo barges and striking three gorges dam in 1975 u.s military operation baby lift uh rescued infants and children from encroaching asian communists and in 2021 there has been numerous child trafficking rings caught and stopped because of information that was obtained in guantanamo bay it is a belief among these alternative news sources that speaker nancy pelosi was actually arrested in 2020 and made a deal signed ndas and is secretly complying with her military handlers if this is true then her political career actually ended in 2020 so i looked at the isometric projective date of 1976 and found interestingly that pelosi's political career began in 1976. a cover a couple other isometric parallels stood out to me that i'm going to share with you but uh in 1871 the very first communist insurgency was defeated the commune of paris paris france this was 75 years to 1946 when civil war in china erupted between chinese nationalists and communists same year the u.s military detonated a nuclear weapon underground also in 1946 donald j trump was born this was 75 years to 2021 communist takeover of america defeated again elements of asian communism its defeat military nuclear detonations underground and trump all linked to 2021. in 1869 the kkk was dissolved when the federal government abolished the white disenfranchisement laws that forcibly gave over the properties of white citizens to blacks the suez canal is cut through egypt connecting the mediterranean to the red sea in 1869 76 years to 1945 in 1945 the nuremberg trials occurred which were illegal ex-plus facto execution hearings and executions of german officers by the jewish leaders after world war ii communists in china send millions to their deaths in concentration camps again here we have the u.s government arbitrating racial conflict the suez canal and trials with executions all linked to 2021 reminding us that the alternative news claims that guantanamo is full and executions are full throttle it's very intriguing now for my personal observations not gonna like it even if the us military is taking down many in the deep state i must offer this the elite are unknown to the public even unknown to the leaders of our world there is a buffer echelon of billionaire ceos military leaders operatives the enemy is not being defeated but is constructing the illusion of defeat this is easily done by the liquidation of these assets the actual sacrifice of the entire strata of people they have networked that we refer to as the deep state a tactical decision serves the purpose of deceit while also being a ritual sacrifice of pawns that secures the safety of the bigger pieces the sacrifice of their own visibly public army of puppets is necessary because the awakening of the masses the people have lost faith in these leaders and they are aware of much of the corruption so it's time for them to go the creation of the illusion of victory is a tenet of the communist takeover agenda which the bolsheviks executed perfectly against the patriotic russians in 1917-19 spreading disinformation that the enemy was being dealt with behind the scenes and that everything was okay once the people realized it was untrue it was too late 22 million people disappeared into work to death camps evidence that this scenario is correct is the fact that the mainstream media which has no army no special forces no armed assets has continually without interruption streamed false narratives and pushed agendas is still operating not one new studio has had any infiltration extraction forces entered them stop or force them to report the truth the plummeting ratings of cbs msnbc abc news cnn all of the numerous liberal media would have terminated any other shows series or reality programming no one can survive but these are leftist media venues to survive this absolute loss of viewers would not get their who who now get their news from conservative platforms on social media means that they are funded and supported by a powerful enemy of the people an invisible enemy who has remained untouched and further big tech and social media giants with impunity still edit cancelled delete and remove people and reports from their platforms following anti-patriotic agendas taking these four items into consideration is my belief that any resistance or success against the elite is part of the plan that relief victory for the patriots of many nations is coming i cannot deny but this subject world events it needs more analysis so this is what i'll provide in a series of coming videos using isometric projections in our journey to separate fact from fiction i do see good times coming but it's part of the plan because of what follows don't think for a second that i'm done with these projections i'm going to show show you guys some very incredible things my three trump videos the future of america videos are six months old now if you want me to release a video summing up all three videos explaining what has come to pass and what is unfolding now how accurate those videos were let me know in the comments section now lastly i'm trying to transition over to a daily archaic youtube live show and predictions reports day doing daily is the only way i'm going to grow this channel i will i will not monetize my channel no commercials will interrupt my content to accomplish this i'm not asking for donations from those who are only who are able now further several of you are asking me to use the office algorithm isometric projections for a variety of purposes while this is easy for me to do the time out of my life would be significant so i have to i have to charge a fee for that in email exchanges i will explain what information i need from you to run those projections so if you're interested in that you have to send me an email everything that you need all the information is in the description box below that's another thing i'm changing i've never i've never really used the description box for what i'm using it for now so all the links to subscribe to my channel for the paypal for the buy me a coffee if you just want to donate donate a nominal and something nominal uh the the my my personal email contact information is in the description box if you want to move forward on that if you don't just continue to subscribe to my channel i'm going to be releasing some fascinating content