1902: Editing Out History in the Long Game

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[Music] thank you [Applause] this is another one from archang's veterans today Barry came back from a trip from Corpus Christi recently but today he came to my property and he delivered something to me I'm doing the video today I haven't read this whole book I don't need to I'll get to it but you need to see right now what this contains Barry knew that it was going to have some gems in it but he didn't know he didn't know what I was gonna find this is an amazing find I have told you guys many times that the elite understand what happened in 1902 and they hid it from the rest of us history books have been purged all the Publishers were in on it I have been very very adamant in in basically disclosing to you guys all these things that I find out about the year 1902 some of it bled over into 1903 of told you about what Charles Ford said it was 1902 that other Dark Age and what Nostradamus says about 1902 as well so I'm going to show you this book because well what I found is profound this is the book it is the newspaper clippings from the front page year by year anniversary pages for the 108 years starting in 1884 of the Los Angeles Times no 1902 the events can be seen in many of my videos I have four videos maybe five videos with 1902 in the titler subtitle but I discussed 1902 in probably as many as 40 videos it is on the 138 year Phoenix phenomenon edit reset alterations in the holography of our world the elite know the timeline they understand every 138 years this happens they understand exactly what the implications are but why don't they want the rest of us to know all right guys let's begin this excursion in the front page a collection of historical headlines from the Los Angeles Times 1881-1989. there's my coin you guys know in past past dissertations I'm all I show them a coin a lot man to show you the authenticity of the of what I have in my possession this is not a video called from from another source this is in my studio now we're going to move on we got we got a lot to cover I don't know how much we're going to go but uh you can do your own research because the editor is Darlene guys and the assistant editor is and this is a yarowski I believe now oh I'm only pointing these out for those of you who understand what Harry n Abrams is about you can do your own homework but this is Harry n Abrams Incorporated this is a publisher you gotta understand where who puts these materials out and what their agendas are to really understand the flow of the archaic arcades data what we're talking about so we could we could all move through here censorship is real guys it's been going on for a very long period of time Americans are just waking up to just how much of the historical record was deliberately placed there to get us to believe in things that do not exist and to hide things that actually did happen so none of this is really relevant we don't need to go into the introduction introductory material we need to go into the actual photographs starting in 1881. so we're going to start right here this is the very first volume I'm going to move this down a little bit this is the very first volume this is volume one of the of the Los Angeles Times the very first time this newspaper ever came out Los Angeles Daily Times News California Sunday morning December 4th here it is December 4th 1881. I know you guys can see that so oh nothing of real interest somebody somebody personally selected which which Pages there's 365 days in a year they personally selected which Pages they wanted to show and we know we know from looking through old newspapers because this is our cakes what we do we go through all these things we know the Giants have been found archaeological excavations somebody very carefully picked out and selected these pages that are very very sanitized all throughout this book that is one thing I noticed but still some gems came out so we move on of course to 1882. it's kind of blurry on the on the original photograph too but it's 1882. and of course after 1882 you have 1883. I'm going somewhere with this guys it's not really important what's being discussed all here all all this is some of it's real history some of it may not be but it's a book many people can get Barry accidentally found it it knew he had a gym when he saw it this is 1884. so we started with 1881 it's really hard to see that but it says 1884 it's just really corrupted in the photo really wish there was a better way to to get a light on that maybe sometimes I just got to bring all the way up don't I make sure y'all know it says 1884 there it is 1884. I know y'all see that all right don't want this video to go longer necessary I want to get to my point this is 1885. some of these old photos you can see it one eight eight five again 1886 you can see where the photos bleed out a little bit but it does say 1886 and you can see it all about old maps excurs all kinds of excursions people paid other people to escort them across the the wide empty spaces of the United States it seemed very popular back then there's a lot of articles about that here a lot of ads Pioneer type stuff um so 1886 got a second page look at that imagine that 1886 got a second page 1886 got a third page there's references in here to the flood of 1886. for those of you tartaria and I know a bunch of you do a bunch of you dudes are putting out some pretty good material on unusual stuff this book here's got some material on a flood that happened in 1886 that was pretty devastating found at last Peter Peter lurcher's body I don't know anything about it 1886 got two got three front pages in here May 11 1887. 1887. let's move this back to where you guys can see it better that is 1887. I might need to move my light well I can't move my light it's it's a ring light around a magnifier 1887. so we will move straight over here to 1888. of course why because 1888 follows 1887. and I know you guys think that that statement is ridiculous and so do I so what we're going to find requires explanation 1889 1889 it follows 1888 somebody somebody went through great care I find it very interesting that there are no photos in none of these old map you know old newspapers here cameras are being used in the Civil War in the 1870s 1880s 1890s yeah all these are hit all these are illustrations no photographs 1889 some of the art works pretty good calligraphy calligraphy is pretty good too and of course another another for 18.89 right there I know y'all can see that in the Great the great year of 1890 remember 1890 guys we got reports from Ohio thousands of people looked up in the sky in 1890 and saw a City floating in the sky 1890. 1891-1900 here's a real interesting piece right here about the old year giving up the infant for the new year this this is really popular all the way in the 16th 17th century the old man represents the old year he's right here I might lift this up the new year is the infant and that's lady Fortune 1890-1891 while bearing tribute to our material prosperity pretty interesting stuff guys but it's not my point pretty interesting stuff all Illustrated it's all pen and ink something about past imprisoned there all right so this is a 10-year anniversary of the Los Angeles Times 1880 to 1891. over here where we at where's that date at where's that date 1891 right there it's got a period making it look like a l but it's not you can see it with a naked eye better you can see it with a magnifier actually and it's not a 189 l there's a period there that's blurred out it's actually 1891. now we're going to move on we're gonna move on and I got to show you dude 1892 guys 1892. we're not surprised by this because 1892 follows 1891. 1893 again we have all this beautiful all this beautiful pen and ink art took a lot of time This Is How They This Is How They did stuff in the old newspapers right pen and ink art 1894. and I'm pretty damn sure that after 1894 we're going to find us in 1895. 1895. Los Angeles of today look at that Los Angeles look at that pitted in court about how beautiful Los Angeles was yeah 1896 yeah man I don't have to magnify that it's right there 1896. beautiful Los Angeles 1896 got another page you know Uncle Sam there oh it's a free exposition of Japanese and Chinese and Japanese curios look at all these little ads on the side photographs speak for themselves right there look at that photographs speak for themselves there's no photographs in these newspapers 1897 we know it falls 1896 right and we know here it is 1897. 1898. there's a battleship Maine blowed up now it's not like remember Guys somebody put this book together to preserve for the future what was reported in the newspaper of Los Angeles deal in the past this is what this is what modern Publishers do all the time it's called redacting May 2nd 1898. yep and that's before 1899 right there at the top of the page 1899 you've seen in my credit card in your head all kinds of things happening well here's another one 1899 Mother Earth shook it's about earthquakes got all kinds of local news a bunch of this cattle all this local news in California really interesting stuff in 1899 again we have the great year of 1900 we don't turned over into a whole new century here it is 1900 you guys can see that and here it is 1901. there it is right there look at the top of that page 1901 we got all kinds of stuff going on pretty interesting blood is thicker than water 1901. talking about blood I remember some things I told you guys in videos about blood in 1901. president shot twice right here he died seven days later here it is September 7th 1901. nice portrait right there too is artwork everything I've showed you is artwork look at that Japan declares war wait a minute hold on the top of the page what what how this how's this happening February 9th 1904. wait a minute let's just keep going hold on hold on November 9th 1904 in real photographs are being used hold on let me turn a couple Pages real quick before I go back sure wait a minute this is all photography wait a minute hold on these are real pictures wait a minute this is an ink work anymore these are all real photos what is that that's 1908. that's 1907. hold on hold on hold on there's a mystery here guys wait a minute what what is that that's 1909 that's 1909 okay for anybody who hasn't caught on yet I know there's a few of you in there I try not to I try not to read real fast because I know you guys can't hear me fast 1898 1899 1899 1900. September 7th 1901 September 7 1901. what in the hell happened in the year 1902 that the editors of this magazine refused to put 1902 in there or the year the Nostradamus mentioned 1903. here is the next page 1904. if you think a page is missing let me show you something 1901 there are no page numbers on the bottom of this book you see down here no page numbers look at the bottom of the book this is on page 50. hold on I have to get that in there on page 50 you can't miss that which makes this page 51. just make sure you guys get that that's page 51. still 1901. there it is 1904. that is 1904 my brothers page numbers on the bottom remember our last page was 51. what page is that that's 52. that's 53. no sense in going into it guys starting right here in 1904 1905 the entire thing is full of actual photography of events we even have pictures of the Titanic in 1912. we have we do have we have no references in here of Wilbur Wright 1903 of uh uh because it's not in here 1902 and 1903 is missing but we've got first flight mentioning over here exhibition flights are going on uh in 1910 big news big news or the pictures of the Titanic more exhibition exhibitions in flight 1911. we have the Titanic 1500 lost their lives a lot of people on YouTube are talking about the Titanic is fake it's a psyop it didn't happen here's an actual photograph of the Titanic back in the day and the newspaper articles for that time period but this is a man-made man-contrived disaster we know what happened those of us who research Titanic you know what happened it wasn't an iceberg well we have a problem right after that somewhere we got the Lusitania mentioned in here somewhere I seen it and I was flipping through here there's a Lusitania right there got torpedoed people say that's that's a that's a false flag that didn't happen at all either but it doesn't matter that's not the point of this video the point of this video guys I'm just gonna flip through all this the point of this video guys is that the great reset of 1902 has been hidden from the public it has been hidden in multiple different ways when you have over 40 to 50 major Publishers that control 95 of all publishing content that's come out in the last century there it's very easy to hide major events that happened it's very easy to hide listen guys I'm in Willis Texas if a major event unfolded in Houston Texas and there was a media blackout and the people involved in that event ceased to exist there's no way I'd ever know what happened there's no way you would ever know what happened but the elite know what happened in 1902 in the events that bled over into 1903. this has been a major Paramount item on my channel you need to go watch my three videos on 1902 and my two follow-up videos on 1902 to understand just how in-depth this goes and read the comments to those videos on 1902 because many of my listeners have found their own mysteries about 1902 they're very compelling because I was dealing with overall news items but a lot of you have found things in your local microfish in your local libraries it's blowing your mind blew my mind when you inform me of it it's just the way like it's just the way it is our reality our reality is visited by the Phoenix phenomenon the elite know all about it and they keep it from us it's called redacting and this is just another piece of piece of piece of evidence guys hope you enjoyed this presentation I don't want to make it long I've made my point foreign