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artificial intelligence X is the vast mind that constructed our simulated history I know you have questions and we have answers so in order for you to get those answers to the questions that you have you need to come home with those questions here's a comment section below feel free to ask those questions we call our material from a wide variety of sources you want to know about the ancient Maya the infrastructure that they possessed you want to know how their civilization completely collapsed it's not in the records of academia you've got to go to the specialist legend want to know how mud floods pay up play a part in that the history of Atlantis the true chronology of the Egyptian kings the first dynasty of Egypt and why all their writings were Sumerian there are many puzzles to ancient history but they're only mysterious because we've been led down false trails academia has been very very busy and clever the secrets of ancient America there was a bunch of them such as prior technologically advanced civilizations right here in North America did you know that oil companies and governments in about fourteen to fifteen states right here in the United States have found some profound archaeological sites 60 to 80 feet below the surface completely entombed in mud whole cities and streets on the surface the first europeans found a very Neolithic American Indian type peoples but they had some strange stories to tell about Caucasians people who had been here a long time before the past the Indians remembered them and they told some awesome stories that were documented 18 50 60 70s and 80s and then academia turn took a wild turn around 1901 1902 censorship began across the entire scientific demographic it was a uniform attempt to completely bury history well know about a medieval civilization I don't even have to crack open the book I'll tell you all about it the Middle Ages and even earlier the Dark Ages aren't anything with the textbook textbooks teaches the great black death plague do you know what caused it do you know what was seen in the skies by millions of Europeans and suddenly plagues broke out in the middle of nowhere no human contact in a enforce hundreds of miles inland in continental Europe the plague breaks out wild but our our scholars tell us it was rats coming on ships from China absolutely ridiculous that's not what was seen in the skies spring mists all over the forests of fell and very interesting and profound histories we have good reasons for covering it up the ancient world by Miller ish chronology I know you don't have time to read this material that's why I did it meticulous chronological data and this is only one of about thirteen hundred and fifty-seven nonfiction reference books in my library that I had in mind if you don't believe I've done the research these are just a few of my published books when the sun darkens the Feeney's chronology giants on ancient earth pretty big book Nostradamus and the planets of apocalypse again this book would have never been written had not when the sun darkens mantle oh what's written my phoenix research took me down some rabbit holes and i found more than i ever I had to publish this book shocking secrets of ancient antiquity so all such a shocking secret to antiquity racial Wars of the Bronze Age unusual artifacts techno lithic engineering and the two cataclysms that buried history it's funny how you do so much writing you forget the time the titles of your own books return of the fallen ones again this entire book is about the pre-flood world and everything that happens socio-politically in the antediluvian world and when i say pre fluid i trying to be this little biblical the biblical narrative is only one version of the flood there are over 200 from the ancient world and they're very detailed specific the entire world was not flooded although flooding occurred all around the world it's a very similar to you know Californians are Americans but not all Americans are Californians in our sense so lost scriptures of Giza my very first published book publisher Paul theis book tree the same San Diego this is the one that kristan my bibliographies are very extensive for my very first book it's illustrated the illustrations are all done by me well my bibliographies in every book that I write my bibliographies are absolutely extensive hundreds of books I site pages authors date of publication and publisher I chase all my source materials I'm not gonna let you think I made something up I document things very very good now these are just some of my published books other ones on that shelf over there in my library I'd have to dig for them but I don't have time to coalesce all this data I never stopped researching I have a very unusual gift all my friends and family know it it's just something that makes me stand out I'm a nerd but I have a gift of not only memorizing anything that interests me but also putting it into its proper perspective in juxtaposition to all other facts that I have assimilated to be true this is all unpublished research this is all new material that has not appeared in any of my books an entire chronology of the world unlike anything now I all for a 510 page book called chronicon it's right here in the faith in the Facebook group you can go to it in the files it's free to the public or you can go to archives calm and get a free PDF files but this is everything that's not in any of my publishing books a lot of this I would like to share with you how about in the 1869 the the insect famine in plague that followed followed in the United Kingdom in Great Britain you don't know anything about that do you it's because that material has been censored I want to tell you about it in 1902 a huge ship called the USS manic Don in the Great Lakes was seemed to vanish my other ship captains the entire lake was cold there's nowhere to hide a ship of its size in Van all over the world like the Mary Celeste ships have been found with no passengers and this is all censored we are often led to believe this only happens in the Bermuda Triangle and only in certain circumstances but that's not true sometimes airplanes go up in the sky and they come back down with nobody in them so the media sends us on a wild hunt for an airplane trying to figure out where it crashed when when the military's already know exactly where it landed and they also know that it was completely empty and this has not happened once it's happened several times our world is not what you think if you want to separate the real from the imagined it's quite easy my point in this archaic group my archaic calm and archaic books is to do just that it's for you to see the information and to make your own assessment to judge it the Devils in the details but to understand that censorship has been going on for two and a half millennia and that the histories that you think you know they're not what happened at all there's a real story behind the Trojan War the Sea Peoples Confederation what the hell were they doing attacking the Mediterranean and then Egypt who were these people from which the Philistines took their name why is the Abrahamic covenant so profound in rich in prophetic dialogue and narratives and how is it that so much of it has been fulfilled and why was a whole new covenant under the law through Moses come from a burning bush completely antithetical to the first covenant who wrote the Bible where did it come from when it clearly has very factual information mixed into a tapestry of demonic devilish humanistic human hating material it's a book of good and evil there is no doubt if you don't know the difference between techno lithic post techno lithic heliolisk and post Helio lytic civilizations you need to pay attention to the coming posts because techno lithic architecture is ancient stone monuments that we find all around the world that have absolute proof in their construction that it required machines to build them some of the monuments on our planet aren't buildings at all they are techno lifting machines and the Great Pyramid of Giza is one of those machines and so far to date I am the only person that I know that has ever divulged the true rithmetic within the Great Pyramid and how everything is divisible about 138 and why 138 is a part of our hollow sphere encoding and what it has to do with the Phoenix resets so my post already talked a little bit about that but we need to go in deeper this rabbit hole has many tunnels you want to know the true story of ancient Egypt where you're first gonna have to recognize that the Narmer steel one of the most ancient relics does not go to 3100 BCE these scholars are lying every symbol and image on the normal pallet on the steel of Narmer is Sumerian and this was known by the scholar Waddell and my next year Tube video was going to address just this that the first dynasty of Egypt wasn't Egyptian at all it was married it's a Greek mythology Roman mythology one can't really quite I can't I can't add never just copy us but Greek mythology you will be very surprised when you start analyzing the Greek narratives under a certain filter you give real history and you get chrono markers that are fantastic [Music] and when you go outside at night you smoke that cigarette well you drink that coffee and you look up with the stars don't believe for a second that you're looking at a real canopy of a real cosmos because you're not you are existing within a biosphere a Dyson shell type containment field that is so profoundly technological that your five senses try to convince you every moment of every day that you're living in our burrito world under all real cosmos but you're not you're in a simulation and we have proved after proof after proof that the entire history of the world is so synthetically perfect and chronologically precise that academia in the entire scientific world over the last 200 years has done everything everything it can to make to turn it into complexity to turn it into chaos to turn it into anything but the absolute perfect synthetic signatures that it is those stars you see in the sky pay attention because they're giving us messages they're sending signals not all stars are the same even the ancients knew that there was a certain order of stars in the sky that we had to watch out for and we call them variable stars today they're not like any other stars these variable stars when they start acting up they all do it at the same time terrible things began happening on earth the cataclysms that happened in our past were premeditated the resets are absolutely real the mud floods do have it hold entire civilizations in minutes have been buried not only does mud fall from the sky hundreds of billions of tons of it but it does so at the exact same time that something causes the ground to vibrate at such a frequency that it no longer is solid in buildings cities people animals entire to--to poverty's sink in minutes and when the vibrating stops everything returns back to a solid state this has happened over and over and over and over and every time we find another one of these ancient cities these ancient civilizations these archaic settlements we come up with weird theories pushing back the human situation the human present even farther and farther back in time if you're impressed with Andrew Collins and Graham Hancock and all these guys that are promoting this 10,000 11,000 BC Great Pyramid and Sphinx dating and like Robert Schoch if you're impressed with those guys then you're probably going to get your feelings hurt by some of the videos are about to be released because those men are liars and they know the truth but SR I Institute and many other organizations that fund this type of research to make you believe in things that were absolutely untrue they're prolific it's just like the bull crap about global warming it's just like the bull crap we hear from the media every single day the present is controlled because the past has been for God rkx calm this archaic group were a family searching for the truth just because you don't know it all yet does not mean it has not been found I work a full-time job forty to forty eight hours a week so I put these posts out as much as I can give me some time I'm gonna get it all out but this is the this is now the time for you to begin asking your questions don't let me dictate how I'm going to divulge information to you ask the questions that you want and I'll address those in perhaps some natural confluence of information will just flow and people will receive it as they're ready to not as I'm prepared to give it so ask your questions this is an invitation Stephen walls Worth is our moderator Matthew Devereaux we have much appreciation as Club my closest my closest buddy with Jonathan Harrison we have new members hundreds in the past just three weeks alone that's all I welcome you all but this is the time ask your questions whatever you want to know no matter how mundane or how specific don't hold back and think that your question your question is is too intellectual or to meticulously detailed specific for rkx because it's not we're gonna separate the real from the imagined we're gonna do it quickly because we're running out of time we have lists at nineteen point nine years remaining and if you don't know what I mean you haven't been watching the videos the best way you can support rkx research is just hit this subscribe button