All New Archaix Playlists- Exposing AI X

From Archaix Wiki

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a quick update guys my playlists were a mess and i'm really sorry i had no idea that so many videos weren't even assigned to a playlist and many videos were in the wrong playlist so i've corrected that i spent all day going back through 259 videos and redesigned the playlist i even created two new playlists or one full of predictions people have been asking me for that but it's a video that just has the predictions of the scene and one that one that just it's it's completely full of nothing but live videos podcasts when i was interviewed stuff like that first playlist is the phoenix arcanum 44 videos on cataclysms mud floods sun darkening episodes not eclipses blood rains cataclysm protocols and the phenomenon that causes it all many of you already know and its return on may 15th or may 16th in the year 2040 18 years from now second playlist is the anunna files you are familiar with that one too 47 videos i didn't know it was that many i had several of them tucked away in the wrong playlist but 47 videos on the real history of homo anunna before the later babylonian priesthoods rewrote those texts and turn them into the anunnaki something they were never it's all about nemesis x object and its return in the month of november 2046. the lost scriptures of giza playlist also had some videos that were in the wrong playlist 27 videos about the origin function and the hidden knowledge about the great pyramid in egypt and how it is a calendar that counts down to the return of the chief cornerstone in 2106 a.d next playlist is the dark scriptures playlist quickly becoming my most watched it is a 21 videos demonstrating that the bible is a book of both good and evil the product of artificial intelligence x you know him as as his avatar well some of you do y'all the boys these are about sacred writings that reveal a whole lot more than we have been told my next playlist is it's got 30 videos it's a we are immortals playlist it used to be law of attraction 2.0 but a law of attraction is just not i'm not with it so uh i just didn't know what to call it but i'm now calling it we we immortals it will expand your awareness of who you are uh how you overlord your own reality tunnels uh how you recognize and escape dungeon programming how you identify deal with and override negative default programming you are more than you suppose yourself to be and you will know that when you watch those videos um my next playlist is the live live videos and podcast uh you can go straight into my two and three hour long videos if you like to enjoy the lives i shoot straight from the hip answer questions and my final playlist of course is my biggest because it contains all now this video makes the 260th video in the order that they were they were posted i know some of you like to just turn that playlist on and just go through go through them all and that's fine too uh all the videos are put back into their proper perspective i apologize for not having done this earlier earlier but i did it's taken me all day today i'm done i don't have to do it again i just add new videos in the appropriate playlist from here on out and if you guys feel compelled to every once a while you can drop me a coffee i got that link below in both the description box and the comments section below you will find my personal email ask me any questions you have video ideas i'd like to hear them and if you want to donate all those buttons are accessible below playlists and everything you might need access to the gates to my website [Music]