All in the Numbers- Bank Collapses Following Mathematical Pattern

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good evening guys in some of my predictions videos I have asserted repeatedly that we were to expect major Banks collapsing I said an entire chain of banks but you know it's virtually the same thing I did also mention that financial institutions would collapse these predictions were published before long over a year before credit sues of Switzerland was crippled in its fourth quarter over a white 1.6 billion billion in losses now this was followed by FTX silvergate Silicon Valley Bank Signature Bank so there's more to follow guys in order to ascertain what to expect from this point on we need to take a closer look at what already happened that's what we're going to do in this very short video so the patterning of events exhibits a framework that is connected to Future coordinates or events are scheduled to transpire but have not yet manifested remember guys reality is scripted so events that are basically related they can be seen to connect in the most profound ways here's some examples I'm going to show you some things on the screen here that I have on that I've written down it took pictures of on my I'll have them on my desktop now so on November 2nd the death nail it's it was the death knell sounding worldwide for FTX was sounded when coindesk made a report of it in another group's findings about some really unusual Alliance that FTX had with a partner and uh FTX went downhill straight almost instantly well uh bottomed out so the crypto it plummeted and within a week it was dead so it has been reported that this Venture of bankman freed had majorly funneled tremendous donations into the Democrat coffers to fund their campaigns for the midterms this isn't me telling you this this is all over social media so November 2nd to the midterms on November 8th was just six days and because I believe these two events are inextricably connected I will hear analyze them in another dimension of arithmetic six days times Phi which you know is 1.618 the golden mean is 9.7 days and 9.7 days times pi the cycle 3.14 makes it 30.4 days so in time space The Six Day distance between November 2nd FTX plummeting to the U.S midterms which bankman freed largely funded induces us to look another into another dimension of arithmetic to 30.4 days after the start of the FTX collapse to December 2nd 2022 and this date is dead accurate for it was the first release of the Twitter files by a journalist now uh you know Elon Musk later did a much better job releasing these files but this was the day the Twitter files were debuted so these files they show collusion between big tech companies and the Democrats engaging in censorship campaigns against those Republicans seeking election so this little exercise shows me the FTX scam and the and its collapse Democrats Democrats colluding with big tech companies to censor opposition and influence election outcomes are all connected the numbers don't lie they're all connected but I can't leave it at that if something is true it can be seen from multiple different mathematical Vantage points so I'm going to offer you another one which is very very different so the November 2nd 2022 report that began the rapid drop of FTX was six days before the U.S midterms on November 8th and the Twitter files release on December 2nd was 24 days after the midterms six days separated the first two events then the second and third event was separated by 24 days six times four is twenty four six days separated the first two events and then six times four separated the next two events that were connected the patterning continues to echo through the holography in the exact same fashion 6 times 4 is 24 and these 24 days between these events multiplied by the same factor of 4 is 96 days and this 96 days is precisely precisely after December 2nd when the Twitter files began explaining everything it leads us to the 96th day which was March 8th of this year 2023 this is the day the crypto Bank silvergate collapsed now don't let me don't let me trigger some of you real hardcore conspiracy theorists about moving my glasses I've been reading your comments absolutely ridiculous they just don't fit my face now listen a crypto Bank connected to FD FTX was silvergate and it collapsed on the 96th day which is 24 times 4 and 24 is 6 times 4. this patterning you can see it here on the screen so here I have provided two entirely different systems of mathematical analysis that connect every one of these events to each other but let's go a little further on March 10th Silicon Valley Bank collapsed a major holding linked to the power of big Tech as as VB has funded many leftist Democrat campaigns in its collapse mirrors that of FTX the svb collapse was both two days after the Silver Gate which was another crypto bank and two days before the collapse of Signature Bank yes guys this is a four day period four days here we get the four again this is a four day period in which the epicenter was the fall of the Silicon Valley Bank these three Banks the isometric epicenter was svb's collapse the four days began with the fall of silvergate so four times pi 3.14 is 12.5 days and adding these 12.5 days which is another dimension of arithmetic it's the same as four days it's 12.5 days now after the collapse of silvergate is March 20th that date has not yet come yet it's not it's not here this is just five days from now so March 20th a Monday it appears to be connected in the holography to the concept of collapsing financial institutions but the fact that this date of March 20th is also the 138th day since FTX collapsed November 2nd 2022 as well as the 108th day since the first release of the Twitter files on December 2nd 2022 which began explaining all the things that were going on in our world it only solidifies to me that March 20th is a day that we need to watch out for it's going to be connected to every event on this list right here because it's mathematically connected to them so in the numbers it's evident that all these events are connected big Tech funding campaigns in favor of Democrats big Tech crypto and digital digital currency or digital Banks collapsing as the truth of these behind the scenes finances and activities is made more and more publicly known through Elon musk's Twitter campaign the Twitter files but what is not clear is that are these unfolding events natural or are they contrived is there an agenda here unfolding that seeks to take us into a certain direction I don't know but like you I'm gonna be waiting till March 20th to further develop my opinion