Law of Attraction Empowered by Simulation Theory

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quiet all morning long but as soon as I decided to shoot this video we have we have cows we have cars we have we have cows we have cars we have every noise in the background and I live way out in the country pretty far from a highway this is a this is very interesting listen law of attraction is bringing you nothing maintaining a positive mind is not doing any good for you the default programming of our existence is negative to maintain a positive mind in such an environment it is like swimming against the current so here I bring you awaken the immortal within listen to this listen to this presentation take from it what you can I promise you once you embrace the darkness you're going to see the light you're going to understand and you're gonna fully comprehend exactly how you can bring the things you want into your life because I'm doing it this presentation is for those who have searched for the truth all of their life and know that they have not found it the rest of you are warned away we are a species in love with our illusions deigning to admit realities that only exist within ourselves a terrible misunderstanding misconception manufactured to deceive we are carcasses of creativity ever compelled to call upon one who does not answer not yet we fear the unknown the decay of our prisons unmindful that we are spirits bound in bodily bondage cocooned in mortality the individual human is deity dismembered and deceived billions of ethereal Sparks and a ghostly fire such as the essence of material reality all is a reflection of something else like the future to the past rhe sparks are the undead condemned to serve a sentence and a hell that we call home a definition of tragedy to be born into a realm of death and grow into the blame religion is to be where you will find no ally here in death I walked that path to almost lost in darkness the deep has no greater voice than those who claim to come from it was from this abyss that I came starving that I found a truth raised a staunch religionists Washington blood that never flowed from a God who had never walked I was reborn a spirit-filled unbeliever crucified in criticism to observe clearly the stage and all that's hidden behind it woe unto the scribes line upon line invented this mask as inspiration words dropped by the whims of copyists as others were added the Far East robbed of its parables as the West lost its stage blazed the Christian story a cosmopolitan drama sculpture of Greek Platon ISM stoic austerity Alexandrian learning and Ionian mysteries Egyptian wisdom old Israelite eschatology altered into Jewish forgeries a statuesque gnosis is this pillared story of the gospel a soup made of all the best ingredients and my search for a savior I mistook my feelings for his fidelity seeking a cause I found a curse in stepping off the carefully prepared path I saw its destination clearly to pierce the veil and fall into a pit my religion alai of Maya I despaired and found no comfort in wrath I wondered separated from the world but was sight far and true a prison world the abyssal layers of dungeon realms perfected to confuse a host of eternal spirits us intrepid Sojourner with a rule in plumb-line I searched a depth and I marveled at my catch lying leviathans and Judaism deceitful monkeys of Hindustan hydrogen 100 denomination to each guarding a portal to paradise but the gates of hell our seminaries the flocks are fleeced with offering place well fed to grass of guilt teaching of a light they spread darkness with healing all their tongues they spread plate with their handshakes praising a Holy Spirit they mastered dealt with in their own pastors and preachers Reverend and priests a new species of devil the illusion of sturdy horns into halos myths into money hell into heaven thundering the Word of God as if the voice of men could speak Jesus is the drama of a paramount ideal deification ex post facto the sum total of many ancient parts he is what we want not what we have what we possess is actually so much more powerful but for now woe unto the scribes in rewriting a stage play the inventive Redemption a definition of religion spiritual population control propaganda by non-human overseers or man's holistic revelation that he is trapped in a multi-faceted web of layered illusions designed to blind him from the interconnectedness of all things and this resulted in complex philosophical systems that had never to justify why terrible things happen to good people or how it could be that immoral and wicked not only remained unpunished but prosper as well a secret there are no ethical considerations of the wolf unwinding the rabbit the transmigration of souls is yet another desperate attempt of humanity to cope with the unfairness of reality the bitter pain of the loss the unbending phenomenon of the Murphy's Law with death attempting to make sense of his twisted existence man invented religion sin debt and Maya thus provided mankind with preached to help him interpret realities that burden humanity with the need for redemption the victims now blame themselves for their own spiritual enslavement and physical travails what was compounded on the religious believer who suffers only because he believes he has meant to suffer I commend you my listener for hanging in this far in stripping away untruths to see what remains intact it is first necessary to call the heard what is real is always kept secret imagine the difficulty of a single spark within a fire realizing that it is the flame so small a world that combines it because it is the masses that make the whole sphere in matrix we find that the truth is for the individual and not the collective a few individuals can share the truth but not the many if you are one of these people this knowledge is for you in absorbing what I share you can become one with what I know you will become a rogue spirit adrift in a sea of humanity with coordinates to islands others cannot see a vagabond of another vintage you shall cope with the truth though you may not believe it not at first by the act of looking you shall perceive invisible chords that pull and oppress others and others forces that now shun you that regard you as an aberrant mouth function in a system of controlled chaos infected with curiosity they will treat you as diseased the bonds that earlier bound you will be severed to contain this contagion hollow spirit self-preservation it passes poisons off as remedies the healthy few in number you shall become a medicine man with antidotes in the dark carrying a torch burning sacred fire lived by another in the shadows of this flickering light our enemies in the circle they raged inch revelations conspirators striving to darken the illumined in searching your gaze will reflect back upon yourself in a truthful vehicle unveiled a new ski on to what lies hidden in the human race the living emerged only after the egg is cracked the womb torn you will remember the future as you see clearly the past unto you my listener our secrets rendered obscurities unobstructed there is truth in what is written to him who has more will be given from opposing vantage points lucidity and lunacy are one the visionary knowing the hollow sphere from what it is while the vision afflicted knows things are wrong but knows not why the inheritance of knowledge is dangerous let the timid flee even immortals fear what a man can know the world of existence is a property of perception to believe we are physical beings in a material medium is tantamount to describing a breeze passing through fog from a bowl there are whispers hidden teachings borne from east to west a secret ever known to a few the world is a complex construct a prison of physicality designed to confined Souls in an aura a sense perception so perfectly fashioned as to deceive the imprisoned spirit a dungeon realm of the demiurges is this hollow sphere immortal beings in quarantine by an enemy and a prison of unknown origin designed to make its captives believe that they are a part of the creation when they have actually been cut off held in place by a powerful diabolical mind its victims immortal they cannot be killed so this Neumeier's the god of this world if sense perception of his own design invented a way to deceive eternal beings that they were mortal that in living they now had to fear death this entity is not omnipotent it is not a creator with a manipulator a human soul awakens perceives the whole spherical Asians for what they are and then creates his own energy interference patterns freed from the confines of ignorance does the man is no longer a marionette this sinister mind the enemy has no more power over the freed individual who then writes their own destiny immersed in this thought medium the living Souls are asleep but one who awakens knows the whole sphere for what it is a mirror this spirit projects his will modifies the medium to conform to his want changes reality he is a creator whom the destroyer no longer deceives anything we accept as true an essence becomes a trap a model of confinement one who looks at the world from inside his model can only interpret data through the sphere of belief objectivity is impossible from within a believed worldview the observer is trapped in subjective analysis though he believes he is objective a man inside a bubble thinks his vision is clear though he must view things through this film a watery lens that reflects back sunlight but distorts reflections due to its sphere curvature the man is oblivious of his prison the outside world only partially influences him because the bubble reflects away data and phenomena he that he would ordinarily have perceived from a different vantage point the reality matrix is sufficiently complex enough to induce us to believe in it the demon chaser finds demons the dowser discovers water the religionist sees reasons everywhere they give proof to his faith as the witch who knows that she missed cast her spell then suffers for it the astronomer ever discovers more distant galaxies to replace prior universal boundaries first known only in theory and the UFO researcher find proof of extraterrestrials and testimonies in video on film in ancient art in text and even in biblical imagery wherever there are people to believe in something the whole sphere will provide evidence of its existence seek and ye shall find is trap philosophies face conclusions of science all supported by evidence proves and convictions but all in opposition to one another reality is the new misnomer disguised as duality existence is a confluence of realities in periods of superimposed Minds a multiplicity of Sun bears observing architecture of their own collective construction only in a hologram can fall contrary realities coexist without contact physics calculations have long shown us the mathematical echoes of a higher dimension beyond our whole sphere with these same models blinders to the whole sphere in nature of reality as intellectual subroutines embedded into a complex interactive program a data cloud we humans do not have the sensorial apparatus necessary to perceive the actual unreality of our existence it is with great difficulty for subjective sentience to objectively analyze an environment that it is suspended within we are a malleable software immersed into a vastly more intricate programmed illusion unable to distinguish the real from the imagined the imaginary becomes real to us well we accept as true becomes one with our programming and all facts and phenomena experienced afterwards tend to reinforce what we have accepted as true it is with the greatest difficulty to break away to question or disbelieve something that we formerly held is true with religion it is devastating belief in any religion real the hold of the prison matrix faith in any science or discovery as absolute trust in human institution thought of racial disparities or national differences all served to strengthen the believability of the whole spirit programs modified anciently by this wicked mind but now reinforced a moment-by-moment by the billions of people trapped in this persuasive reality matrix once we are programmed to believe in any faith all the information received through sense perception is filtered through a worldview that supports the religious model the stunning achievement of one who recognizes his own programming flaws finds it in disbelieving what he formerly held his true now affects many others of his worldview absolute now blur into uncertainties his belief had fundamentally altered the way he processed information and the whole sphere of modified what it brought into contact with him because it only reflects what is projected into it reality reinforces belief no matter if the programming is right or wrong this is why so few who are devout religious have ever broke free of their thought model to the faithful to doubt is to backslide belief is a moral issue apostasy heresy their program has become a trap but to resist it is to threaten their very afterlife to disbelieve formally accepted religious programming is to shake the very foundations of a person's psyche herein lies a profound secret a truth or the unknown and ignored a property of reality that can be exploited to our benefit in nature that which harms can also heal religionists projections induce reality to reflect back expected conditions the hollow sphere response to beliefs projected upon it not mere thoughts which were fleeting but conviction convictions effect behavior habits conduct speech which form probability moles that echo through the space-time to reflect back as circumstances in the physical world thoughts of themselves are insufficient changing what is to what one wants to be requires belief it has been said that a belief is not merely an idea that the mind possesses but an idea that possesses the mind we always think we are mental creatures this common denominator is when unifies the religionists to the mag I both have their unique beliefs and both see results of their faith operative in reality the same confinement programming used to direct control our trajectory through the hollow sphere can be employed to our advantage and with astonishing results acceptance of a belief system by an individual frames the hollow sphere in the circumstances conforming to expected norms but for every new thing learned the acceptance of a new vantage point all previously known frames of reference shift to align with the new data not only does the acceptance of something alter one's reality but the changing also affects the individual there is an interface between perceiver and perceived an exchange of information an element of sentience pervades reality we exist as both pawn and player most people live their lives in a reactive mindset recognising conditions conforming to obvious probabilities and totally experience in existence only affects all stimulated by external causes in the whole sphere of probability cloud we are ghosts immersed in a fog the substance of possibilities just as real as the cloud that contains us flowing with a current the fish suddenly turns out of the stream changes direction and water the world of the fish is moved when people are conditioned to follow to obey programming dictates conform if you come to the awareness of the power of human actions to create conditioned because of the hollow spheres perpetuated programming our everyday mundane reality has a way of perpetuating it's routine continuity when the abnormal is not expected the normal continues this cycle is powerful because the victim perceiver of the world observes no change in prison circumstances so accepts reality as it is and thus continues into accepting present conditions as they are they receive these same prison conditions in their future this is bondage existing is not the same as living to be free of undesirable circumstances one must imagine life without them to have wealth one must see himself enjoying it tivities that required to have discretion one must imagine himself exercising it fortune favors the bold because to be bold is to no one possesses strengths for what is necessary the bold changed their environment because they are not bound by circumstances to be bold one must have vision and this inner mental picture is then projected onto the screen of the hollow sphere to become reality reflected back as the conditions the circumstances of one's life though the meek may inherit the earth it is always the bold who rule it except the singer tenets in your world will change you will become a concentration of vast creative potential and auric fields saturated with all the knowledge and power acquired in life ready to be drawn upon at will a vortex that pulls people in favor circumstances to you through the illusionary barriers of time-space nothing can be beyond the reach of your will no boundaries exist because all is connected your power will be magnified in patience and Trust knowing that events circumstances and things are instantly moved by your thoughts aligning toward you by repetitive thinking in the positive draw more and more into your life through daily streams of thought and expectation as your daily behavior reflects these thoughts when you want begins manifesting in your life the hollow spheric Oversoul will both obey the master or afflict the slave the master has all he wants and builds his own life the slave remains adrift in a chaotic sea of thought constructs that belong to others we write our own code all too often prejudiced by circumstance but in living out our own program authors of our own fate none can blame God the problem we must address is our own reaction to external stimuli a surrounding world saturated with negativity the default programming of our reality we rage bitter and resentful observing our environments and recognizing that things are out of order at the undeserving are promoted the worthy unrewarded innocents are condemned and the mighty are subdued those with acuity are cursed while half-wits are happiest in constant contact with realities inequities it can do molds us into accepting the world as an environment where this is the norm the expected this is the greatest aspect of the whole spherical all of Attraction operable in our everyday lives the law of reflection in its most potent form recognition of its operation will be necessary to the complete reversal of the negative circumstances of one's life every time we are angry every time we are sad every time we are unhappy discontent impatient every time we are destitute over a condition in our life we are reinforcing its continuance the present mental output laced with emotion moulds present conditions on to the architecture of the future we are this powerful it will never be any other way and we are too blind to see that we walk roads of our own construction remember always we receive not what we want but what we are a truth misunderstood by the religionists who break themselves on the rack of Prayer by being patient content hopeful aware that our wants are possible we strongly attract those conditions by keeping a firm mental picture of what you want to experience your positive attitude will begin altering the circumstances of your life the hollow sphere shifting reality to align with your thought and emotions negative expectations produce negative results this phenomenon is observed all the time such a law must have its counterpart positive expectations produce positive results the notion that our fears are reflected back upon us is merely an example of the law of reality at work not a law in and of itself fears weigh heavily on the mind penetrating the very fabric of our personality fears occupy our mental life with a steady stream of thought amplified by biological reactions of anxiety the reality matrix we are immersed in is not our enemy it is our own programming we are conditioned to doubt fear disbelieve in 99.9% of humanity are enslaved in an intricate sphere of over overlapping reflections that harmonize to reinforce what is doubted what is feared and what is what is true of fear and anxiety is equally true of a positive mind a calm excited expectation grows mental desires into physical experience just as terrible things are attracted to the one who fears them we are the law an insignificant piece of vast potential a creative spark able to illuminate our own paths because where there exists even a tiny amount of creative force we are assured that we are always immersed in an infinite medium of transformative power so plastic that it is mentally moved so in changing your attitude you change your world you will know when your frequency has changed after a spell of suppressing negativity and your thinking things will occur that should upset you but do not you are no longer in resonance with the negative and very quickly your positive attitude then causes positive things to manifest out of negative situations the power of the mind to manipulate reality to induce change has been noted in various ways by many famous and lesser-known people it is important to know what others have said on this topic when unfortunately the length of this video when I allow us to pursue this my own book awaken the immortal within has hundreds of references to these with these works citing all source materials if this is something that interest you I advise you to get it I have kept the book as cheap as possible that material reality is actually an illusion of physicality I turned the whole sphere seems to be the idea behind ancient and more contemporary magical systems what separates the magnets from the breath of humanity is the knowledge of a single secret awareness of the existence of the ether an invisible essence permeating all things in space and time even spanning beyond the past and after the future as the absolute the ether is an infinitely impressionable medium a mirror reflecting what is known and believed a purely impersonal force amenable to suggestion that instantly begins modifying reality to conform to expect expectations projected into it the Magus knows that the absolute is the source of all we want therefore in knowing this the absolute because the source of all we want because this etheric reality is actually a magical construction so baffling to scientists that they mask it under the descriptions of quantum camouflage there have always been Maguy seers Oracle's of all prophets and sages separated from the seat of humanity by their acute intuition that the only scene is clearly evident in those things that we can see the mag I knows what the religionist does not that awareness of power creates power the religious pray praise to God and then claims it is God's will when prayers go unanswered despite it being written ask and ye shall receive this is not the way of the Magus the Magus lives out his desires and by expecting his work fulfilled he acts accordingly his maxims act as though you are and you will be you are what you repeatedly do the religionist is imbued with slave programming and submitting to deity he denies his own divinity the religionist is ensnare not realizing that thinking with restrictions restricts us thinking there are limitations limits us negative thinking reinforces negative conditions to think of opposition causes opposition to appear our fears tend to follow us the prayer of desperation admits a situation for what it is and thus continues it this is the singular greatest tragedy of the human condition from thousands of years the religious paradigms have trained generation after generation of the faithful to take their burdens to God in further prayer an old scheme designed to harm humanity these billions of people have inadvertently strengthened the negative influences by admitting they existed and that they had no power to alter them the delusional religionists are trapped in a perpetual cycle of self-destruction if prayers admitting ones powerlessness truly work then the world would be a very different place today cancer crime hunger natural disasters disease poverty these continue unabated into the 21st century because the many through the belief continue their empowerment but this presentation was not written for them this book was written for those who dare to choose their own reality tunnel to forge their own paths or whole spirit reality you do not have to conform this is not a world of absolute you are not a wolf just because you refuse to be a sheep let the lemmings run while you stop to get your bearings let them fill the sea while you stand on thumb ground see your terrain more clearly The Magus wastes no time pondering over outcomes knowing that my seat seeking to do more is an admission that one has not done enough he understands clearly that to seek more learning can be an impediment to knowing one who knows the truth seeks no more and as Frederick Nishi said a matter that becomes clear ceases to concern us the beauty of our existence is that no matter who or where you are from you do not have to conform you change your frequency you change your world simple as that the ego the belief that we are more important than someone else that we are special while others are not is a hindrance reality reflects what we are not when we deceive ourselves to be we influence the whole sphere to move events in a desired direction until I want is fulfilled we are seven billion souls living on a thin skin of a sphere afforded great mobility not by anything that are important all potential lives and are insignificant I hope you enjoyed this presentation I selfishly hope that you share it and that uh maybe you even buy my book but I really hope that you become who you potentially are my apologies for the delivery I am NOT a videographer on a writer on the research and I have a lot to say and a link to the book is in the bottom in the comment section thank you for your time