Red Ochre Fallout: Understanding Holospheric Reflection

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so [Music] for those of you who don't know three days ago the skies over the areas of china turned blood red this incident is the first time that i have encountered when the official news sources even hint that the official explanation didn't add up now you see our controllers have long used the media to inform us in their wisdom that when the skies over the united states or mexico become blood red it's due to dust blown across the atlantic ocean from africa that the sahara deserts the sahara dusts are the cause however the sand of the sahara is not red when this happened in australia in 2009 the official reports that were that the red dust was from the desert in australia this is a little a little bit more difficult to disprove but you know to prove it as a lie because the dirt there in there is indeed tinted slightly red not real not a lot but this red layer of earth found in different areas of the world has been a source of disagreement between geologists in 1902 hundreds of billions of tons of red dust and mud fell upon australia and it is well documented as i show in my published books now with resources a charles fort man published so much about this is ridiculous now but in those days it fell from the sky and the establishment did not seek to tell the public otherwise with this strange red sky event in china the authorities instantly went on to explain that it was simple light refraction caused by ships that were out in the bay which is a ridiculous explanation of the chinese people also they know it's totally false three days ago the chinese for some reason decided to go with this scenario instead of the red dust from a desert explanation that the media normally resorts to they are avoiding connecting the red skies to dust fallout but this is really strange now for just two weeks ago the skies over china had ridden mysteriously and in in this episode the people who recorded these events claimed it was red dust falling from the sky this was two weeks ago look at this video and see the time stamp that i zoom in on so clearly china is having problems keeping information contained in the end you know is the end of the world really occurring no is there a disaster ongoing in china absolutely not has the incident passed with almost no casualties yes is there a plausible demonstrative explanation as to what the hell is happening absolutely and i will show this to you in this video you see in ancient times people paid attention to phenomena because phenomena tell a story in my book when the sun darkens i introduce the 138-year phoenix phenomenon which has not appeared in any publications since the days of alexandria egypt when only scholars like eratosthenes aristarchus pliny and lucretius still possess this fascinating chronology inherited from the earlier thales of militis this layer of red earth is found all over the world and is inexplicable by modern geologic models in fact this red fallout is the origin of the cro-magnon practice of employing red ochre in their burials i explain in this video that something terrible happened to end cro-magnon civilization and afterward they buried their dead using red ochre as a memorial the chief attribute to the phoenix appearances is that the sky turns blood red earthquakes flooding mass human vanishings and red rains dust or mud fall from the sky this happens on a wide scale scope every 138 years somewhere on this world in my 1902 series of videos i provide a lot of examples of what happened in the red mud range that occurred in that year it was known by scientists at the time that red dust veils in whole reddish dust clouds were outside our world passing through the inner solar system this is what was published in 1902 in in answer to my viewers who assert that the phoenix is already here that i'm wrong that there can't be 18 more years that the date 2040 is too far i offer you the following first a very famous philosopher goeth said coming events cast their shadow before and this has been known since ancient times we exist within a holographic series of timelines so superimposed as to provide us the sensation of a solid single reality and because of this major events never unfold without their first being lesser events of a similar similar nature that are perfectly mathematically linked to the coming fulfillment event mount vesuvius rumbled and sent quakes a few years before exploding and burying the roman cities of herculaneum in pompeii 9 11 the great american tragedy 911 was holographically recorded in a perfect isometric palindrome measured in two directions going backward in time to 1973 when the twin towers were dedicated in new york new york city being the tallest buildings in new york city and in the world at the time then went back to 1945 when a large plane flew right through the 78th and 79th floors of the empire state building the tallest building in the world in new york city this was 28 years apart but counting the same 28 years after 1973 was 911 in 2001. when the media showed the world an event depicting planes that threw that flew through the 78th and 79th floors of the tallest building in new york buildings really in 2009 totally unexpectedly australia suffered through a red sky fallout event and the media spun the same explanations it happened again in 2015 then a third time in 2020 now in the year 2022 we have in the same we have the same thing happening in china first as actual red dust blanketing the earth in cities and then two weeks later what i am telling you is that these are holographic reflections of the greater event that is to come in 2040 for which i have two published books and a crapload of videos and posts about but this explanation is not good enough i have always held myself to a standard of demonstration from the very beginning of my youtube unveiling i had asserted that extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence for this reason i have sought to overkill many of the things i present and i will live up to that standard in this video as well another thing i impress upon my listeners often is that if something is going to occur it will be seen from multiple different mathematical vantage points i say this over and over in my demonstrations because the 2009-2015 uh events are holographically connected to the year 2040 oh 2022 events i'm going to demonstrate therefore i'm going to show you in this video exactly what i'm talking about what i'm about to show you means that the hundreds of thousands of people who are posting claiming and publishing that some catastrophic event is about to occur that nibiru is here that the black satellite is about to initiate destruction that a pole shift is about to happen in 2023 or 2024 i'm telling you now they're all wrong all the phenomena that they are perceiving everything they're photographing in the skies and reporting on are merely the coded facets of the similacrum's builder protocols as they begin aligning reality tunnels all containing different aspects of the one cataclysm that will be holographically reconstructed in the year 2040. this is how the similaricum works put another way all of these perceived events today are ghost projections that will all merge together into a synthesis of destruction that will unfold not now but on a future date to learn this date we can totally remove from the equation the hundreds of data points i've amassed in my published materials and videos all about the year 2040 just put aside all my research this video stands alone we'll just go with the following if something is going to occur it can be seen from multiple different mathematical vantage points 2009 is 13 years to 2022 13 is reflection of 31. 2009 plus 31 years is 24 years to 2015. pi 3.14 times phi which is 1.618 is 5.08 6 times 5.08 years is 30.48 years 2009.8 for september is 30.38 years to 2040. 2009 is 31 years to 2040. but 31 years before 2009 was the year 1970 in 1978 red tides were reported in both hemispheres marine loss of life was reported though red tides are are caused by algae the tides are equally red every time there's a red dust fallout from the sky and who's to say that algae isn't coming from the sky i have videos showing where insects rain from the sky animals different frogs and body parts have fallen out of a blue sky the 1978 event is isometrically connected to 2009 and the year 2040. these four red sky events are all mathematically connected to the year 2040 and this is because we live in a mathematically encoded holography coming events do cast their shadows before but unfortunately these ghost projections aid artificial intelligence x in locking souls into fear-based control systems but as i have shown here once a mind perceives the truth of a matter it loses its complexity remember frederichi said when a matter becomes clear it ceases to concern us if you need to better understand what timelines we are living in now where we are in the controlled holography what the true year count is when future cataclysms will unfold and not just ghost projections which are being documented today then get my doomsday chart in my doomsday chronology there it's so it's they both for 12 you get all of it all the charts all the stuff and for those who can't afford it you already know many of you have asked me for things in emails and i've given them to you freely but for those who want to donate and get something in return get those charts the link is below everything you need to know about the coming cataclysms and how they're holographically related to the same cataclysm events in the past all the timelines are there the descriptions and the visuals for twelve dollars it's a steal you have to break free of this dungeon programming there is nothing catastrophic going to happen on a worldwide scale in the next 18 years not until 18 years you may feel like coming events are disastrous like the total collapse of the internet and a whole new version that edits out errants but even that's not the end you gotta break free or die trying my friends in both the description box and the comments section below you will find my personal email ask me any questions you have video ideas i'd like to hear them and if you want to donate all those buttons are accessible below playlists and everything you might need access to the gates to my website