Return of John Q...Prediction 2022

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[Music] a year ago when trump left office i released three videos demonstrating how current events were unfolding in isometric patterns how the events of 2021 were holographic reflections of prior events that had already occurred in history but were isometrically connected i used 40 years of donald trump's life to show how these ripples in geometric time space occur and offer us the ability to ascertain future events those isometric their projections they show that donald trump would be elected president that there would be a massive awakening that socialists had taken over north america that people would begin to see big tech monopolies break up that world banks would begin suffering heightened scrutiny that the mainstream media and programs networks would plunge in ratings as people wake up to how false their narratives are you can watch the videos even the wall in washington dc is found in isometric analysis with a perfect patterning but the isometric patterning is not finished nor is donald trump i showed how we can see that in 2022 that a united states president will be removed from office how 2022 mirrors the year 1974 in time space when president nixon was removed from the white house none of this is made up it's not inventive it's not creative license i show the precise arithmetic and how it works in my prior videos i also using isometric projections of historic events showed in my videos that donald trump would return to power in the united states not only has he gained in popularity since he was ousted from office but trump has gained so much momentum that his return to power has become inevitable and on this note i will present to you more isometric evidence that donald trump is going to return to power in the united states in the year 2022 but not as a returning president i told you before 2022 has some surprises coming for those of you who haven't followed my research isometric projections are merely one tool allowing us to study this whole field that we call home i am a simulationist meaning i believe by virtue of a lifetime of research that we are intelligences immersed in a holospheric medium of sense perceptions a simulation that our reality is coded in the programming routines they run just like our dna coding in palindromic sequences having a forward and backward nature that provides us predictive value i have provided hundreds of examples of this patterning in my published books in my posts my videos and i will not waste time in this video explaining more following this patterning we see that an american president will be removed from office in the year 2022 we also find that in this year former president trump will return to power in the united states however a closer inspection of the other isometric parallels demonstrates that the time-space reflections provide a much greater clarity that trump's return to power is not as a president these two events occur in 2022 but they are directly unrelated they are unconnected in 1974 president nixon was removed from office he was the first time it was the first time in american history that a sitting president had ever been removed midterm the parallel involves president joe biden and former president donald trump so we're not surprised to find that former president nixon has personally talked to and met both joe biden and donald trump the following data can all be fact checked do it here is a photo of president nixon and donald trump in the 1970s here is a second photo of trump and nixon together in the 1970s the relevance is that in 1974 nixon was removed from power but in 2022 the isometric year for 1974 trump will return to power here is an official u.s national archives copy of a letter written by president nixon to donald trump in the year 1987 concerning becoming the president of the united states this is an official u.s record so there is a holographic link tying nixon to trump but not only to trump also in the 1970s senator joe biden's wife and daughter died in a car accident in delaware president nixon called joe biden personally and the phone call is recorded on the nixon tapes cinder i mean nixon said uh senator i know this is a very tragic day for you and uh but i wanted you to know that all of us here at the white house were thinking about you and praying for you and also for your children so in history the players were all alive and had contact with each other when in 1974 nixon was removed from office joe biden removed donald trump from office in 2021 but in 2022 we see a president being removed from office paralleling nixon's removal and in the 1974 in the year 1974 donald trump was made the president of e trump and son which developed apartments for the middle class in new york city's outer boroughs he became president of the firm in 1974. remember it's isometrically connected to 2022 and he went on to make a name for himself in the manhattan real estate world now the isometric interpretation is interesting because trump wasn't made president of the united states in 1974 he was made president of something else and to find out what this is requires us to examine more closely another most fascinating historical parallel involving donald j trump this parallel concerns his wife melania melania nos trump is only the second first lady to have ever been born outside the united states this requires us to look at the first first lady who was not born in the united i gotta states i gotta take a breath luisa adams did not step foot on american soil before her 26th birthday louisa adams was the first first lady born not on she was the same age as the second first lady when she came to america melania nos 200 years later her husband was president john quincy adams throughout history he was referred to as john q to distinguish him from his father who was also a president of the united states john adams john q is responsible for negotiating the treaty that that acquired florida for the united states a state where donald trump and melania live before his presidency though john q was the first official u.s ambassador to russia because his wife was a foreigner virtually every aspect of his life was placed under media scrutiny and his wife was no exception louisa adams was painted in the press as a foreigner and a tory of aristocratic birth the media of the time invented conspiracies and intrigues that were untrue for the entire four years john q was in office claiming his well-heeled wife was using public funds to buy gambling furniture to remind herself of the castles of europe's rich and great rumors swirled that john q and his wife live like european royalty an accusation level levied against the trumps all the time her skills as a hostess were the product of ostentatious foreign wealth and even that the first lady was embroiled in a curious sex scandal involving a russian czar again russia the demonizing of an american president john q is identical to the unfounded media claims against donald trump in fact john q wrote the fir the four most miserable years of my entire life was when i was the us president every bit of this can be fact checked not making anything up john q he only served four years in office and andrew jackson succeeded him in 1828. trump only served four years and the associations between trump and melania and john q and luisa seem to run a little bit further trump is campaigning at this time in building momentum john q did the same after leaving office and within two years of leaving the presidency john q was in the house of representatives what i see is a presidential career in post-presidential u.s leadership career of donald trump that mirrors that of and i don't make up these events dates or associations they are there for anyone to examine and in the 1974 2022 isometric parallel we have biden fulfilling the role of nixon being removed mid-term but holospheric reflections can vary and this removal may be something far more sinister there is a curse of tippecanoe and president joe biden is on the list of those the curse effects it has criteria every single u.s president since the curse was made public fit that fits the criteria of being elected in a year ending into zero has either died in office as the curse dictates or was this excuse me or was the subject of an assassination attempt i think only two presidents have not been assessed have not died the way the curse of tippecanoe reads uh anybody can google the curse of tippecanoe and see the list of presidents there's two of those presidents that did not die but both of them were subject to major assassination attempts one of them ronald reagan was actually shot and almost killed so in summary i'm expecting in 2022 for joe biden to be removed replaced by somebody else donald trump will become speaker of the house of representatives and the house and the senate will be absolutely packed with constitutional conservatives in november 2022. this all fulfilled these are all new discoveries for me i just did these isometric analysis in the last three days these are new discoveries but they absolutely comport with what i found and i published in my youtube videos in 2021 that there's going to be an absolute implosion and collapse of the democratic socialist party in the united states of in 2022 and these run parallel with my predictions about canada in 2022 which are already coming to pass john q lived until he was 80 years old he died in office still serving in the house of representatives i believe donald j trump's going to follow in his footsteps mr trump at present is 75 years old i never stop researching those of you who have watched my 230 plus videos you know this about me i'm never going to stop and i don't take my videos down those trump videos are all still up i may provide all the links down below if people ask for them in the comments section but all those videos are still up for you to know the predictions of 2021 and 2022. i have done predictions videos for canada working on requests right now for the dominican republic in thailand i already posted my australia 2022 predictions in the arcades facebook group i charge a fee to run this program and conduct this analysis because it's very time consuming my contact email is below and please if you're able donate these videos and this type of analysis research that i conduct it's it it takes my energy it takes a lot of my time that i could be doing other things if you're able to donate please do the links are below i'll always appreciate it and you know i'm going to put it to good use in both the description box and the comments section below you will find my personal email ask me any questions you have video ideas i'd like to hear them and if you want to donate all those buttons are accessible below playlists and everything you might need access to the gates to my website