Stone of the Gnosis

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the christian texts are packed with fragments copied from more ancient sources these sources are a mine of revelations the gnostics were christians but because of their teachings and discoveries they were persecuted but they were not alone there are many christian apocryphal writings from those times not considered gnostic and contain the same elements and some even have more fragments of the arcanum this ancient knowledge by which the christian body of literature was built upon the apocryphal books were once very popular books that quickly fell into disrepute the romanized church deleted them from the canon of scripture and as a result most believers never came into contact with them these fascinating works were then studied largely in secret by open-minded monks and bishops who passed them on to like-minded friends and members of their orders the original meaning of apocryphal or apocryphos was that of a work that contained a secret knowledge too excellent for the masses one of these apocryphal texts is the mysterious book called the shepherd of hermas a title directly associated its contents with the wisdom literature of hermes which is exactly how it reads this work is extensive and was studied by no less than iranians and other fathers of early christianity origin and eusebius thought it was divinely inspired and the writings were appreciated as well by jerome and athanasius the book is made up of three large sections called commandments the visions and the similitudes and they are enigmatic employing many of the symbols of the arcana already cited and explained throughout my book the law scriptures of giza in a vision an angel took hermas to a special place and in the middle of the plane he showed me a huge white rock which rose out of the plane and the rock was higher than those the seven mountains and was square so that it seemed capable of supporting the whole world it looked to me to be old yet it had a new gate which seemed to have been newly hewn out of it now the gate was bright beyond the sun itself in so much that greatly admired its light okay then did hermes get shown the building of this white rock for his vision involved a strange architectural project in the making he watched in amazement as thousands of men assembled around six huge figures that instruct the men to build this tower over a body of water with bright square stones by placing them in a huge square the stones used in the building project arose out of the deep the primordial water source and then each stone was carried through this gate before the builders could use it in their labors hermes wrote as for those stones which were drawn out of the deep they put them all into the building for they were polished and their squares exactly answered one another and so was one joined in such wise to another that there was no space to be seen where they joined in as much that the whole tower appeared to be built as it was of one stone how interesting that each stone had to pass through the gate before it could be used in the monument after a while a seventh figure appeared who was much taller than the other six huge men that the others gathered around this colossal figure ordered that all not carried through the gate to the building site be removed from the structure and replaced with others that had passed through the gate and when i diligently consider what a tower it was i was extremely pleased and he said unto me bring hither some lime and little shells that i may fill up the spaces of those stones that were taken out of the building and put in again for all things about the tower must be made even the presence of joints and squares answering each other so that there was no space to be seen where they joined as well as a cement of lime and little shells alludes to the construction of the great pyramid which when this was written still appeared as one stone because the white casing blocks had not yet been removed the fact that the tower must be made even is also a fact the pyramid builders had lived with if any stones were not plush the casing stones would not have fit perfectly on the monument by perfectly aligning these stones the garment of white rock would easily cover the building underneath after the completion of the tower the arcanum in the hermes texas introduced in its fullest fullest extent in these writings hermes asked the angel about these things and his inquiries do not remain unanswered the angel said hearken said he this rock in this gate they are the son of god i replied sir how can this be possible seeing that the rock is old but the gate is new here said he o foolish man and understand the son of god is indeed more ancient than any creature in so much that he was in counsel with his father at the creation of all things but the gate is therefore new because he appeared in the last days in the fullness of time that they shall attain salvation may uh may be an enter into the kingdom of god you have seen those stones which were not carried through the gate were sent away to their own places i answered sir i saw this thus he said no man shall enter the kingdom of god but he who shall take upon the name of the son of god and he said unto me soft house those stones that were cast away they indeed bore the name but they did not put on their garment i said sir what is their garment and he answered saying their very names are their garment after researching hermes and many other apocryphal writings gerald massey in 1883 wrote in his natural genesis that in hermes the church takes place of the and the rude stone monuments that were reared of old above the water source the hermes text serves to explain why christ enigmatically referred to himself as the way the truth and the life the gospel accounts refer to him as the door and as many researchers of yesterday and today have discovered the oldest representations of the lord upon the earth are of doors gates and cave entrances into sacred mountains the students of the gnosis knew news secrets about giza that the church later buried in censorship in the burning of books and in bodies in it and in rewriting history this is what is about we're showing you and we're putting you back these pieces together in this video concerns not just the great pyramid but what the great pyramid is missing the coming of the chief cornerstone you