The 432,000 SHAR Mystery Solved: ANUNNA Files Part 10

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in the informative book discovering ancient giants written by william henson we find the sumerians history histories in text after text whenever the starting point was recalled it was always this 432 000 years before the flood that didn't they get ding gear the gods then came down to earth from their own world now henson's statement is mostly true say for the inflated 432 000 years for the misinformation that has saturated the genre of books published on ancient astronaut theory we have zechariah sitchin to thank sitchin's belief that nibiru's orbit was 3600 years derives from a mistake that the deluge occurred in the 120th shar induced sitchin to multiply 3 600 years by 120 to produce 432 000 quote years unquote from the arrival of the anunnaki to the great flood an error even vetted chronographers made in determining the duration of the yugas the world ages a pre-flood year was 360 days the calendrical systems of all ancient third millennium bc civilizations was 360 days a year thus a decade a unit of 10 was 3600 days the shah was a term describing a day and a 100 year period 120 year period the historically recorded 10 shares from the descent of the annunaki to the great flood was simply 120 years times 10 for a period lasting 12 centuries 1200 years this 1200 years multiplied by 360 days of the draconian calendar is 432 000 days since mistake was a simple one but it expanded anunnaki history from 12 centuries until a cataclysm to almost half a million years an untenable duration anything that is alive that lived as long as 432 000 actual years would be something totally different by the end of such a long period it is a span of time that would make even major events within it to be of no significance what significance is the great flood which didn't kill everybody in the world in a time period of 432 000 years when we know from geology alone that 10 different great floods happened in that time at least sitchin's other error was assuming that nibiru had anything to do with the great flood cataclysm in 2239 bc it did not and as over 30 of my videos mention or reference and show in chronology and in chronography that event was caused by the phoenix phenomenon just as the shar was a unit of time measuring 120 of something 10 shards being 1200 so too did the gar measure distance in length a sumerian gar was 12 cubits so 10 gar would be 120 cubits sitchin knew this but still pushed the 432 thousand years because it fit with his own belief in the evolutionary model in uniformitarianism and the ice age chronologies of establishment academia which are bogus their bs there are also rumors that i have not verified yet but there are many people who believe that zechariah situation was paid to put out this misinformation by very very very rich agenda-driven people sitchin noted that the sumerians held in high esteem the sum of 3 600 shards or perfect circles this shar term also meant completed cycle he assumed that chars referred to years but char had also another connotation that of a king or supreme ruler this introduced the added confusion of the manifold traditions of the ten kings before the flood babylonian historians wrote that the ten kings of the pre-flood world ruled four hundred and thirty two thousand shars zechariah sitchin knew this and still didn't correct the misinformation he was too invested in his own theory which tried to support the model of anthropology that humans developed over long periods of time barossas wrote that the 10 kings reigned 120 shares again zechariah sitchin had read barossas he knew this the ten kings are associated by many with the ten patriarchs of genesis text from adam to noah the survivors of the flood the shar concept is preserved in genesis where we learn that noah was warned 120 years before the flood that it was going to transpire the biblical noah meets his parallel in the phoenician oranius the greek uranus according to the 10th century bc historian sankunayath and of phoenicia now saint clinton one of the earliest historians that we know to date 3000 years ago wrote that uranus was the son of oddikhthon in plato's writings this autothon was one of the ten kings of atlantis a quasi-mythical realm that was destroyed utterly by a flood cataclysm the ten kings figure prominently on some versions of the sumerian king list not all the kinglists are just seven kings there are some that have been found in the british museum that feature ten kings before the flood these ten kings shars being three thousand six hundred days equaled 120 years or a great shower a shar was 3 600 days or 10 anti-diluvian years of 360 days each to sitchin's credit barosus as cited by abedinis did make a mistake he abedinis wrote now a shar is esteemed to be three thousand six hundred years excuse me abedinidas is quoting barossas sitchin used this as his evidence despite everything else that he had caught he had come in contact with but barossa wrote of things already lost to memory in the 3rd century bc 2 000 years after the shah day system had collapsed now purinic texts that were also accessible to zechariah city and he quotes them in his uh his uh series of books uh puranic texts of the ancient vedic sanskrit read that there were four earth ages totaling the actual composition of the puritic records was about 1500 bc so the misunderstanding between days and years in the older sumerian shark system is quite understandable it is remarkable that the sumerian and the vedic record site the same number 432 thousand now sitchin further assumed that the 120 shards of sumerian history to the deluge was 432 thousand years a ridiculous sum because joseph brady in 1972 wrote that a jupiter-sized planet with a theoretical orbit of 1800 years which is exactly half of 3600 would explain discrepancies in halley's comet orbit orbit sitchin saw this as proof of his char year theory he linked an untenable theory which is nibiru to an untenable idea that people could live 432 thousand years and wrote the earth chronicles series my position is that the anunnaki descended in 3439 bc and i will show this which also my books affirmatively demonstrate which was 600 years after the capture of luna in 4039 bc and 600 years before the start of the anunna nephilim dynasty in 2839 bc which was exactly 600 years before the great flood in distant antiquity it is my contention that the 432 thousand years interpreted by sitchin and mimicked by so many others are merely days on a 360 day annual calendar and in my books i offer the proofs that these 432 000 shards concern a 12 century long period only 1200 years making the descent of the anunna before the great flood to be 3439 bc for we have shown that dating in over 30 archaic videos we have already shown that the great flood of the biblical fame was in may of 2239 bc note here are just a few references the vedic puranas explain that the kali yuga age the dark age was a period of 1200 years this is in the vedic piranhas i didn't make this up the same vedic piranhas also say in a different passage that this was 432 000 years but the original text must have said 432 000 turnings or units of time because they are very specific earlier in the purinic vettes that this kali yugi age was 12 centuries well 12 centuries and 432 000 days is exactly the same on the draconian 360 year 360 days a year count system this is evidence they preserved actual history while remaining confused as to the chronology babylonian records of the anti-diluvian world specifically refer to a distant period involving the annunaki of 1200 years involving the gods now here we have babylonian records mentioning 432 thousand years or sh or units of time in shards and then also mentioning a 12th century period the early arabians believed that they had an ancestor king before the flood who lived twelve hundred years exactly king shed ad bin ad the founder of civilization in my other works on the phoenix we have seen numerous chronological proofs that the great flood occurred in 2239 bc in the month of may simply adding 1200 years to 2239 bc gives us the date 3439 bc as the appearance of the anunnaki factored another way josephus 2000 years ago wrote that abram was born 292 years after the flood rasheed about 1 000 years ago wrote that abraham was born in 1940 bc of our calendar this is confirmed by chronologist stephen jones who also concluded that abraham's birth was in 1947 bc but he did not cite rashi he used the old testament and the chronic chronic the chronographical markers in the book of jasher to determine his 1947 bc dating for the birth of abraham now with the date of the great flood being 2239 bc or a phoenix reset year and the descent of the annunaki 1200 years or 432 000 days earlier at 3439 bc right when the genesis narrative has enoch appear but in sumerian timeline it's inky we have two different belief systems that occur here the 292 years before the birth of abraham 1947 bc plus 292 years of josephus is 2239 bc the dating of the great flood 12 centuries before that is 3439 bc and according in according to two different historical narratives one sumerian and one uh hebraic rabbinical we find in one the gods descended and arrived their first appearance their first appearance being uh 432 000 units of time before the great flood which was 12 centuries 3439 bc in the other narrative we have in the book of genesis in 3439 bc easily seen in the chronology of the 10 patriarchs we have the birth of enoch who we know of as anki now this leads us to even some more profound revelations and we're going to release those right now in the following video