Archaix Facebook Archive

From Archaix Wiki

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[Music] strange phenomena unusual artifacts fractured timelines these are the subjects that we explore in the facebook archaic group it has taken four years to release over 500 posts in our facebook group if you want to read the transcripts of archaic videos and see hundreds of posts that are not on the archaic's youtube channel then join our group but be warned our admins and moderators run a very tight ship not just anything can be posted in archaics and trolls bad attitudes those who don't follow our rules are escorted out routinely look at these images every one of them is a cover for a poston archaic group right now when we claim to have a vast array of data you cannot find anywhere else we're not exaggerating for those who want to know more than our youtube channel provides archaic facebook group goes into depth on a variety of topics in the group i answer questions and i personally dialogue with members in the post threads pdfs of books files and resources are also provided interesting discoveries and observations the group is a safe haven where our admins and mods monitor activity and routinely remove those causing strife division there have been attacks against the group attempts to undermine it and those fake accounts have been removed those members of archaics they have pretty much informed us that they are thankful for the strict adherence to the rules in the removal of troublemakers though i produced videos the truth is i'm not an audible learner i need to see and to read information for it to stick with me and i know that there are many of you out there who are just like me so come join our facebook group to check out these posts and the hundreds of posts that are forthcoming posts appear in the archaic group every single day in archaics you will learn what others are afraid to know men's and mods are stephen margaret andrew matthew and myself in the links below you can join our archaics facebook group you can join our telegram board where all archaic videos are posted my email is below in my donation links below if you want to support our archives uh you can contact me by email i answer my emails it normally takes about a week sometimes if you're lucky i'll answer them the same same day you send them it all depends on when i see them in both the description box and the comments section below you will find my personal email ask me any questions you have video ideas i'd like to hear them and if you want to donate all those buttons are accessible below playlists and everything you might need access to the gates to my website