Archaix News & Report 8-10-22
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just a quick little archaics news report uh i've had a lot of archaic stuff posted on reddit but i never gave the archaic's page there much attention uh it started to gain traction now so i'm gonna i'm gonna start putting a lot more stuff on it but uh a colleague who has who has proven invaluable has digitized copies of every single archaic video and is sending me the updated files now while also uploading all these all these videos onto telegram and odyssey several of you have mentioned odyssey to me so i looked into it that's being done now uh another talented supporter has built a wordpress archaic transcripts website and uh has already begun filling with transcripts of all the archaics videos i know a lot of you have been wanting to read them the the transcripts that youtube provides are kind of broken up there's no there's really no separation between the sentences and paragraphs and all that so all that's being taken care of uh the link is below in the description box and the pinned comment to go straight to that website and anyone wanting to help with transcripts uh so we can fill the new transcript website just please let me know via the new email that's posted below in the pinned comment oh and the description box there's a new email for that um soon new zealand will have the super pacs we found a way around the draconian customs of mailing the usbs into the country and i've already addressed that in prior videos their customs is making it very difficult as far as uh costing entirely too much money to mail usbs into the country i don't know what they fear but they're the only country in the world that's doing that uh so far that i've mailed to but a couple of people have offered to start discord communities for our cakes members and i think that's a really good idea a place where questions can be at you know asked and answered there are veterans of the archaic materials many of you listening to my voice who have watched every single video some more than once read every single facebook know the website in and out better than i do have studied chronic on and read all of my books or are doing so now you individuals have you have proven very valuable i see your comments you're answering questions from new people in the comments section and i applaud that i really thank you because it i mean me answering questions all the time to every new person that comes on the channel it's it's it's taxing and it's just impossible it's not going to happen so excuse me i do appreciate that help several of you have informed me about the ads in the middle of the videos in the past day just in 24 hours i have disabled at least a dozen to 14 videos sending me emails is not going to help that requires me to stop what i'm doing go into the youtube app go find the video what helps is when you're on a video that has ads in the middle of it all you got to do is drop a comment hey there's ads in the middle of this video that's all you got to say so excuse me i got pickle i just did a pickle so vinegar something else yeah that's it's really easy for me to do that as soon as i see that comment i go in there and disable the comments there are three videos on my channel i cannot disable right now because the music i used as intros is copyrighted and the money for those videos goes to the copyright owner so i'll be taking care of that too i'll be eliminating uh the music from three of my intros uh just three it's just three videos where i have these copyright notices i don't have any strikes or anything like that so uh oh there has been requests for a master index an actual index that has everything from every video mentioned on it this would not be a time stamp in the index that's not what we're talking about but a list of everything said or referred to in every single video and the video that it's found in in brackets to the side something that would be huge it'd be 40 50 60 pages long because some videos may mention as many as a hundred separate items but uh it would be something to put together that i would produce in a pdf file and provide it for free because it would be an index to the entire channel and we don't want it as a time stamp deal because in the event that youtube ever deletes my channel the index would still remain true because the videos are now showing up on other platforms so it would be an index to help people if they were researching certain topics they would know exactly what videos to go to to get those topics i think it's a great idea and i'm looking for a team or one person who somebody to to put that together all it takes is listening to one video at a time and basically typing out you're gonna be stopping and starting that video i don't have the time for this you guys know that i can't move forward and backwards at the same time i just can't do it but i know that there's been people out there who would genuinely be interested in putting this together because it would be a learning experience for them and they would be they would be providing a fantastic tool that would last for a very long time oh that's just something that that's been brought to my attention as well uh for those of you who wanting to do to do the time stamps listen by all means do so but when you do it for a video like like wendy's done a few when you do it for a video just send me an email said hey jason i did this time stamp deal and i posted it on on the video well i will go in there and find that and i will pin it to the top so everybody can see it i just need to know you did it so uh there are other channels radio hosts and other platforms that ask they basically asked if i'm willing to come forward and on their platforms and talk and give a little chat a recording a podcast whatever and i am i just haven't had time to respond to all those emails i don't lose any emails i archive them in the appropriate files where they go for whatever the subject matter is i'm going to respond to a bunch of those emails so don't get distressed and think i'm just trying to ignore you i'm not but uh yeah it's i already have five podcasts coming in the next three weeks i've been uh i've been spacing them out because i need to produce my own material too so i'm putting together a stills description for you artists many of you artists i think about seven or eight of you have already reached out to me and i archived your your emails in the appropriate file but i'm putting together right now a stills description individual stills that i'm looking for and i'm not gonna just choose one out of many i may find that four or five of you guys have all produced some really interesting things and i'm gonna feature your art in the in the intros in the archaic intros to to many videos with a reference to who the artist is and any links that you want me to provide but uh i want i'm looking for some some good ideas i want a new intro for archaics and i'm willing to work with several people to get it um i have a really good idea for an intro you'll see it you'll see it when you when uh you see the stills descriptions uh let's see oh the super pack yeah i got to talk i talked about okay the super pac was never designed to be to be it was designed to solve a problem people were having problems with usbs in in new zealand people are having problems in some countries you can't order gum road materials in other countries amazon's not accessible the archaic material is spread through apps and spread all kinds of places so they're having problems with it so i designed the super pac the super pac is huge it's 100 of all written archaic material so it's a lot there's many people who have already received the super pack and sent me emails they didn't think it was going to be that much it's a lot i have put together a tremendous amount of data and my handwritten notes everything all kinds of stuff's in there so i mean when you go into the super pac it's got files and it but you got to click onto a lot of those files and it opens up whole new windows of more files then you go in more it's like a mandelbrot set i just got stuff tucked in everywhere so it's charts fives charts files uh every single book that i have ever written published and unpublished uh all kinds of stuffs in there pdf files resource transcripts images ch uh chart descriptions timelines i can't even remember everything in there but like i said so many people are sending me emails now i don't want to spend all day answering emails i don't want to spend all day long answering emails to direct you somewhere so i'm doing this video here in this video you can go to the pinned comment or the description box and just order and just order the uh the deal you don't have to ask me how to order anymore try here in this video excuse me you just go down below in the independent independent comment and then and uh you'll find all that out so i want to thank you guys too for the gifts i mean a gopro camera that was fantastic gift for my motorcycle so i can record videos from you guys will see videos from off of my motorcycle now i promise you i'm gonna use that gopro it's right here i'm just now figuring it out i got all the accessories to it it's fully charged now i'll figure it out i don't know if i'm gonna wear it on my head or wear it on my on my chest or i'm not gonna mount it to my bike because there's too much vibration but we'll see we'll see how that works out so uh yeah i want to thank you for those several books some of them very old books have been sent to me a statue from the orient oh my god a family treasure yeah somebody sent me an uh uh in another video i'll show it to you yeah it came very well protected and wrapped it cost a lot of money to send it to me uh they i mean that i value old things uh is the reason why this family thought you know what we move around we've had this packed away it came from overseas they sent me the letter of marquee that goes with it showing the chain of custody uh it's really really i'm i'm really just humbled by that it is a beautiful piece i can't even believe they can make such elaborate pieces it's a phoenix uh it's not jade it's it's some other it's some other semi-precious stone it's huge but it's tall i'll show it in another video i and that person knows i respond to their email they knows that i that i have received it it arrived safely fresh coffee beans from africa and central america i really appreciate that because somebody has sent me fresh coffee beans uh before i believe it was lord matthew prerogative y'all know y'all see him all the time he's the one who sent me the stamp too that i showed you in the other video he uh i was almost out of coffee when this person sent me some coffee from africa and this central america is crazy awesome thank you guys oh t-shirts i got two new t-shirts or three new t-shirts i'm wearing one up now here it is right here oh yeah you already knew how to pull you already knew how to pull my strings send me a hearty t-shirt yeah thank you for the donations and don't look don't think i haven't noticed the clever little amounts you put on those donations look i know you're just letting me know that you're paying attention i get it i do i get it but listen tell you guys all the time get a break free or die trying and on another token sometimes you just gotta tread carefully in the dark in both the description box and the comments section below you will find my personal email ask me any questions you have video ideas i'd like to hear them and if you want to donate all those buttons are accessible below playlists and everything you might need access to the gates to my website [Music]