Archaix is Now on Telegram

From Archaix Wiki

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[Music] hey guys i'm happy to announce archaics is now on telegram youtube does not make it easy to find a lot of the videos that you people search for and i understand that our archaic's facebook group and reddit page archaic archives are also lacking in user-friendly features now we have a single platform beautifully organized on telegram all 185 plus videos are linked some featured and others all of them can be found in playlists also included is all of our website links to free pdfs books like chronicon mighty hunter of world mythology king of the giants to stunning graphics containing teaching points links to even the chart packs the poster packs and timeline booklets that we sell to office prediction subscriptions our facebook page archaic data on phoenix phenomena our facebook group link is here and more all in one single thread on telegram on our archaic channel joining is free and the link is in the description box and pin comment we're growing archaics if you want to contribute to the cause buy me a coffee sometime break free or die trying my friends