Arks of Our Underworld

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[Music] it wasn't long ago i heard a rumor in ancient times you couldn't cross a bridge in a lonely forest without solving a riddle for a troll our predecessors believe that trolls and goblins and hobgoblins kobolds lizard men they used to dwell in forest near cave entrances sometimes these dark fairies would sneak into our houses and cottages they would switch out our babies for fairy babies these traditions persisted for long periods of time children would wander off from their from their homes and build their hamlets and villages in europe and sometimes they would come across startling images in wheat fields fairies dancing in a ring and they would come back and tell the stories and every once in a while an older villager remembering his own childhood would venture out to investigate and he would find rings in the field inexplicable woven woven together and laid down and compressed weak unbroken really unusual really unusual anomaly today we call these aggro glyphs in the scientific parlance ordinary people call them crop circles as we become more sophisticated and this in this interchange between another dimension and our own because this communication becomes more elaborate these aggro glyphs take on more forms geometrical designs are no longer circular they're no longer rings now they're they're huge geometrical patterns they're forms of communication ancient alien theorists and ancient astronaut people who believe in extraterrestrials and pleiadians and all that they claim ufos are are doing these cross first circles and that's all good and well but ufo activity wasn't responsible for it in the past it was it was beans fairies trolls cobalt hop goblins gremlins it's those secretive creatures that operate in the darkness of forest that come out of cave entrances they come from the underworld to design these patterns the elves the elves of old ancient europe lived in nepalheim niflaheim was nothing but a phonetic preservation of an older ancient near eastern place where came the fallen ones for nephilheim in the ancient german and norwegian dialects was nothing but a phonetic recollection of nephilim it means those who had fallen the fallen ones or the cognates refer to something that has fallen untimely from the womb we're often looking at the skies for answers that that they'll never be solved because the sk the sky is a projection the sun is a projection it's a lens the moon is a projection it's a hologram hiding something else there are weapons in the sky that if you truly saw what was there it would horrify you when the power source collapsed in 1566 and 1561 over basil and nuremberg people saw in the sky exactly what was there and it wasn't the sky had literally collapsed as a projection they saw the orbs they saw things moving around they couldn't understand giant giant black arrow in the sky slowly traversing into the sky almost like living organisms were flowing through the sky gigantic some of them seem to be devouring each other red and yellow halos it's phenomenal the archaics the archaic facebook group has posted done two posts on this phenomenon my own personal theory is that the power source that runs the projections for the holography of our sky somehow experienced a loss of power and people in europe looked up gum founded and many artists did wood cuts and paintings of the time they didn't know they had no frames of reverence to describe what they saw they did the best they could they don't understand why the sky disappeared and something else like the inside of an aquarium appeared with things that they couldn't describe flowing through the sky now that's not the subject matter of this video we seek answers above because our traditions are always telling us things are coming from the sky and from the stars but are they there is a prevailing theory among patriots and many people man it's blasted all over youtube that there are underground military bases and facilities man that are being taken out by the good guys the white hats and i want to clarify that there is a lot of lot going on in our underworld but i don't believe it's what you think and what you're being told there is a controlled opposition i've already released these videos yes the united states of america has some good times coming but a lot of the world doesn't i don't believe for a minute that the us military is going face to base in the underworld taking out all these underground facilities and i mean this isn't we don't live in a james bond type world there are military bases and submarine bases under underground but the but the military industrial complex it's all they have other agendas other than protecting uh countries from domestic you know they don't they don't quabble in all these little political affairs the military industrial complex is a captured operation from way back but who has captured them remains to be seen i know that in 19 years we're in trouble i know that in 19 years the phoenix phenomenon is going to pretty much eliminate within about a two-hour period 25 of the world's population and i know that the safest places to be on this plan on this world is underground and all these youtubers are putting out videos demonstrating that these that these uh these mega detonations that are occurring underground are all happening happening at exactly the 10 kilometer level and that therefore they're not earthquakes or seismic activity these are detonations i agree with you you have no argument for me on that what i disagree with is that there are military operations going in blowing up blowing up all these underground facilities and rescuing all these hundreds of millions of children now who are being sexually molested by the satanic cabal who runs our underworld that my friends is a cover story that's a part of the controlled opposition i made three trump videos explaining the future of america in the future of democratic party and the future of the socialist movement in america and i stand by them socialism and and the democratic movement in america is going to collapse hard united states of america is going to return the constitutional core principles i see it coming 100 percent i see it in the isometric projections i see it i see it in my in my opus analysis i don't i don't i i'm not detracting from any of that but i don't see at all this this uh utopian patriot dream i see united states becoming once it becomes free from international affairs and becomes more isolationist its wealth is going to be unimaginable and it's going to create a sodom and gomorrah state a hedonism a hedonism state and it's going to continue to 2046 unabated the phoenix at the phoenix cataclysm of 2040 in the month of may is going to do damage to the west coast it's going to do damage to the east coast it's going to do extreme damage to the houston area i've got all that documented the subduction zone the subduction zones earthquake activity all that it's it's uh it's obvious what's going to happen with the one when we when we go through a temporal a temporal pole shift and everything in the united states from 30 to 30 degree latitude south is going to go it's going to virtually slip right underneath the gulf of mexico because the waters of the gulf of mexico aren't going to be able to move south fast enough while the land is moving the lithosphere is going to slip it's literally your it's going to look like a tsunami is hitting houston texas but that's not what's happening what's happening is that the lithosphere is slipping in houston texas is being shoved straight under the gulf of mexico that's what's going to happen in may 2040 everybody 35 degrees north latitude and north are going to be fine we're going to be fine man it's gonna be a new coastline and all that but the 25 percent of the world's population that's gonna that's going to be ended in that episode is highly concentrated in two areas those areas are going to be from japan the koreas china all of indonesia stretching all the way all the way to india the greatest number of survivors in may 2040 is going to be in australia as far as per capita how many people will die per population australia is going to move 30 degrees north latitude and become becoming the position of where china is today the australians are going to have a better climate they're going to be in a better better better situation they're going to suffer some infrastructure collapse not much they're going to repair it fast australia australia is going to be the place to be and that's going to be a problem for the australians in may of 2040 because there's going to be hundreds of thousands of [\h__\h] just slap together rafts and boats of all the people from indonesia thousands of islands of indonesia and asia and china trying to escape the mainland because those people are going to be eating each other those people are going to suffer some horrific [\h__\h] in the 6.6 years between the appearance of phoenix in may may 2040 in the appearance of the nemesis x object in november of 2046 the nemesis x object referred to as wormwood in the book of revelation which was copied from the sibling oracles which was taken from the writings of of sirenthus which was copied from the old greek prophecies borrowed by the christians and put into the revelation it's very accurate just like david davidson predicted having knowing nothing about nibiru knowing nothing about internet knowing nothing about the nemesis x object or the chronology the chronology that i have documented that goes back six six thousand five 500 years and ends in 2046 knowing nothing about all that he measured the base diagonals of the great pyramid of giza and determined that there is an orbital orbital chronology in the sky measuring how many times the earth is going to spin on its axis and it's going to go move around the sun and remember he was a newtonian he was a new believer in newtonian physics so he believed that the sky was real but it doesn't matter if the sky is real or not it's still a gigantic celestial clock by which we can calculate dates forward and background time we can still use it for the same effect even though we know it's a projection david davidson not knowing it was a projection did the necessary calculations and determined that something catastrophic is gonna happen to our world and it involves it's traveling it's it's orbit around the sun he specifically said that our movement around the sun will be drastically altered in 2045 can't make this stuff up people so the purpose of this video what in the hell did i make this turn what in the hell is going on underground well i'm gonna tell you what's going on underground we already have underground facilities we have military installations we have all kinds of things but one thing we do not have right now until recently is a working knowledge of the chronology of when this cataclysm is going to take place if you think that the elite do not have think tanks in the nsa cia and all these alphabet groups don't have their feelers out for all maverick researchers and scholars who come up with all this deal and they don't and they don't fact check their material to see which theories hold water and which ones don't you're sorely mistaken a lot of our taxpayer money goes into secret black budget programs where people like me jason brashears are being researched quietly by government operatives who are documenting all my data and they're fact checking it and with the archaic research they're probably very well attuned to what i have been publishing since the year 2003. don't forget people i've showed you in the archaic facebook group matthew devereaux has posted it actual article published in nature magazine one of the most prestigious peer-reviewed magazine in scientifica and they critiqued one of my theories in that in that in that magazine who am i i was in prison when they did that and yes they talked bad about my 2046 date they said it was [\h__\h] it's nothing but you know what back in 2003 i had a workable chronology but i didn't have all the debt i have today but the very fact remains is is someone thought i was important enough in 2003 to be attacked a prisoner in a prison cell coming up with a theory and someone took my theory and i drew it in chart form and they released it on the internet and they made a bunch of copies and sent it as an email campaign in 2003 and in 2004 it was in nature magazine i've already posted the article actual pictures of it and what they said the reason i'm mentioning that is not because i have some hyper-inflated ego but to let you know that my theories have already gained attention you have to understand somebody has actively spent money on a campaign to denigrate me on amazon i have some terrible reviews now people in archaics and on youtube who've actually ordered or read my books have nothing to say but praise because the archaic's research i chase my source materials i don't just cite something because i found it in a book i order the books i find that are mentioned in books i make sure they say what they said they said i am i am an impeccable researcher i dot my eyes and i cross my t's because if i'm ever put into the position where somebody's going to accept one of my challenges for a debate believe me they're going to walk away changed they may hate me but that's okay but i refuse to i refuse to walk through this life claiming making the claims that i make without being able to defend them to anybody who wants to stand before me i have no problem with debate or contention i have no problem embarrassing people either especially those who who believe they know really haven't done the research all the data is there there's nothing theoretical about about mathematics it's all causal but what's happening underground is not taking out satanic facilities to rescue children that's all [\h__\h] it's all cover story these detonations that are being recorded on youtube by me by many youtubers because they have the because they're putting out basically the same signatures and they're at the same depth it's because somebody is taking me seriously and not just me but others who put out information like me i don't know who they are but i'm pretty sure they're out there they're getting ready for may may 2014. now because of some of the data that i have divulged that i've discovered and lost secretion techs and beliefs and the masonic order of the 33rd degree i even put that in a video i am 100 because it is a phoenix i do believe that the elite have been in possession of much of the data that i have that i have i've discovered and found and this is why so many so so much of that data has basically it's opposed in the in the in academia such a such as there's been a tremendous amount of money spent trying to convince the public that thales of militis in 585 bc merely predict he's the first person to predict an eclipse but eclipses were being predicted centuries before thales and thales was very very adamant that it was not the moon that was darkening the sun everybody knew what eclipses were 500 years before christ that's ridiculous but that's what they want you to believe because they don't want you to understand the alternative saying the alternative is what charles ford has documented so many times that something not a member of our ordinary solar system and not the moon passes over the surface of the sun and darkens the entire world for a two to three hour period whatever that something is it's gigantic so needless to say trolls come from the underworld so do the so do the elves that come from nephilim land of the fallen ones our underworld is ancient david hatcher childress has done a fantastic job amassing over 20 different old books from early explorers in peru and bolivia and shows sophisticated technolithic amazingly precise underground tunnels the reason they were found and you they could be entered is because in 1687 bc the entire continent of south america and peru and bolivia was suffered a people this is why lake titicaca which has original saltwater sea life oh [\h__\h] what are you doing man hey you got your right turn signal on but you take a left turn that's how you kill people dumbass all right anyway sorry about that you know i have anger management issues so don't don't sit there and turn my video off because you get offended anyway where i was at where was i at now so these are these underground bases that they're being prepared underground underground facilities are being prepared basically to house many of the human race i don't know who's making them might be good might be good guys might be bad guys good guys might be taking out the the uh the underground bases now people want to call them deep underground military bases i don't like the term i like the more ancient i like the more ancient term of arcs the reason i like arcs is because we we have basically been brainwashed into into believing that the concept of ark was only a ship or a boat that contained everything like animals and survivors and foodstuffs provisions supplies but it's not remember the israelites used to carry a heart that art gave the whole nation sustenance and gave them protection and gave them guidance give them all these things it also housed very important items like manna which was supposed to be angel food the rod of aaron which was supposed to be have magic and medicinal properties the tablets of the law which was supposed to be the guiding principles of of civilization uh right and wrong now these concepts were abbreviated into the form of an arc a magical box that that men carried a priest carried but the earliest concepts of ark of of an ark was a container that contained everything that was needed then preserved through a disaster or a time of need an underground facility can be an arc it can have grain silos it can have manufacturing you can have multiple levels archaic facebook group has a post with over a hundred pictures in it of all the underground facilities that have been publicized multiple levels everything's in there i mean they have you can manufacture them build vehicles and trucks and even aircraft in some of these facilities these facilities are arcs in the ancient world they had them in 1962 an underground an underground city the i don't even want to try to pronounce it i don't know i don't even care i'm not turkish so it was so ancient that even 3 500 years ago the hittite civilization they explored these underground cities and they only got to the third level underground now we know they're 10 and 12 levels levels deep they have been thoroughly they have been thoroughly uh explored they have underground tunnel systems that lead to each one 61 of these underground cities have been found in turkey and you can fact check that you can you can google the underground cities of turkey and you will find that there's really not no not much known about them other other than the fact that they could have housed close to 250 000 people that's amazing what were they hiding from the aqueducts the canals and the and the air shafts are so sophisticated that the surface could have flooded with water and the and people still would have had breathable air underground it's fascinating 61 of these underground cities have been found david hatcher childress and many other researchers have found the ones in south america and the only reason they found them is because south america suffered upheaval of 14 000 feet altitude this is why pumapoka titticaka tilwanako uh cuzco this is why all these ancient peruvian cities made of megalithic technolitic architecture are found at twelve thousand feet machu piccou they're found at twelve thousand feet but archaeologists today just to explore them have to have to wear breathing apparatus they weren't built at twelve thousand feet we know that for a fact because many of these ancient peruvian cities have have fossilized coastlines around them so i don't want to make this video too long on this very long man but all our traditions our legends are lore they were giving us hints they were telling us this is why fable is so important to to to remember this is so the written records of antiquity that that were that were taken down when explorers were copying the traditions and tales and myths and legends and lore and fables of indigenous peoples was very important that's why you have to read these because they contain kernels of truth whoever whoever is visiting our world they're not coming from space and they're not coming from the stars they are contained inside this holography with us they have long lived in our and now whether they like it or not we are doing something about it because now we know that the phoenix phenomenon is going to occur followed by nemesis x object and all the stuff in the book of revelation now this taps into many other prophecies like nostradamus mother shipt and earthless salhill and the book of revelation which also speak about humans will flee to the mountains and underground caves mother shipton's prophecies are fantastic because they're five centuries ago and she didn't have the frames of reference for the things that she was talking about but she specifically mentions that after the apocalypse period humans technologically advanced will emerge from their underground bases and start civilization over again and they will be teachers and guides and providers for those who have survived on the surface and lost everything the underworld is full of people it always has been and they've been accused of being elves and dwarves and they've been accused of all kinds of things but they were just trying to survive and many times they came to the surface and very cleverly used their technologies to put whole families and communities into a deep slumber so they could switch out the infants with their own these infants were always accused of being fairy babies but the villagers wouldn't throw them away they went ahead and raised them well when they grew up those fairy babies were caucasians and the dark skinned smooth skin beardless villagers were always amazed it's like wow how'd this happen the history of our world is fascinating and i tell you guys all the time our world is not what you think but we have had a thriving homo and nunes civilization believe beneath us for thousands of years as civilizations rose and fell they've always been there they've always tried to communicate with us they've always tried to guide us there may be factions that are enemies and there could be wars going on beneath us that we don't know about but right now the military-industrial complex around the world that is allied to each other but merely just plays politics facially they're preparing they're carving out caverns and tunnels and building down there those are those are demolition detonations they're getting ready because it's coming because the archaic research is widely known it's been fact shaped don't think the government and the elite haven't haven't been listening to a lot of a lot of youtubers and people on facebook and social media that know what they're talking about because they do they can put it together better than we can i would not doubt if there are scientists in the world today that not only have taken all of my data but have gone far farther with it than i would i could ever imagine and will probably never share any of it with me i have no doubt this is i had no idea was going to do a video until i got in the van today but uh some of you have been commenting about really enjoying these videos that are out of the van because they're i'm shooting from the hip it's just random thoughts i wish i had a better topic for today but some of this stuff man is just getting out of control believing about all this child rescue and look man i'm not saying that that that stuff's not happening it's not real it's just not as widespread and prolific believe me even just like military engages in countering counter intelligence programs and operations you have to understand the elite do the same thing they would love nothing other nothing more than to neutralize all these patriot movements around the world when i say patriot i'm not talking about united states only there's a huge patriot movement going on right now in the uk and in france and in germany and there's nothing wrong with patriot patriotism the only time it's bad is when is when the enemy wins and then they get to rewrite history and then they get to tell them they get to tell the germans then that they're demons that's when it's bad this is i'm almost at my destination