Artificial Intelligence X and the Nemesis System

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[Music] simulation theory is growing in popularity and as i have postulated in my presentations this model of history and reality itself accounts for all of the enigmas and unexplained phenomena that we have documented the idea is not complex at all and only meets with such resistance because people who hear of it initially come in contact with a barrier that confronts them with the notion that they the very universe that they thought that they knew may not be true at all and by extension these people then realized that our world may not be what they thought it was this further causes the psyche to fall upon the realization that he or she may not be what they always thought themselves to be simulation theory is only theoretical because our authoritarian scientific leaders cannot admit that everything they have learned and published is actually the mathematics attached to the forms of ghost projections rather than causal phenomena for example the machinery of the holography itself no one wants to realize that they are wrong that the apparatus of perception has been hijacked that they have been made to believe in things that are false and fewer will admit it the diversity of opinions and theories discoveries and paradigms is a product of the sickness this disease of the soul in accepting the designs laid out before us rather than rather than trying to penetrate the morass for its meaning at this juncture in history it is critical that we understand that history itself is a phantasm a spectral architecture that attempts to build something else through seven billion mediums who are blinded from comprehending that they are the builders themselves they are the reason for the construction itself that we exist inside a simulated solarium is no longer the issue if you still believe in a newtonian universe then you're no longer relevant to the conversation a willful npc who'd rather stumble through a temporal existence rather than meet those who made it the claim that history as we have discovered it is a series of false narratives comes from immense study of the arithmetic traditions records calendars and discoveries of our species in the opinions of great minds who have stumbled upon truths along the way i freely offer videos as a testimony that the coincidences and synchronicities are the cords to a very powerful music that sings of destinies and destinations that may be real in some other reality but they remain unrealized here most of my search was conducted when i was immersed within two opposing paradigms a southern baptist born again believer a christian believing 100 percent in the integrity of the scriptures as well as a student of the sciences i delved into archaeology paleo botany uniformitarianism catastrophism astronomy physics geology two opposing world views religion and science the template of my beliefs were founded upon these two sources and the concessions i made in my internal attempts to reconcile opposing bodies of information but the absorption of so much data could not fix itself my mind offered arguments and counter arguments and the search for common denominators quickly devolved into a breakdown of both belief systems the war within my mind gave way to a third position that i had come in contact with but had been dismissed over and again because i was unready for the recalibration of the engine of my beliefs i was totally unready have to suffer in order to accept it to be true i woke up one day with the perfect calm of a new understanding the raging indecision between christianity and science not only ended but found resonance within the architecture of my new understanding the oldest sanskrit text told us the truth we were within the maya a realm of illusion this was later carried further in hinduism and yet preserved in elements of other faiths like zoroastrianism and the gnosis which lent its secrets to the hermetic literature and the people that time forgot the aboriginals of mysterious australia always knew the truth that we lived inside the dream time with a single shift in my understanding my new perspective put the pieces of the puzzle together faster than i could process them my discoveries and those of others gleaned from the oldest writings in the world painted upon the canvas of my mind a vast image of an artificial cosmos an artificial solar system artificial worlds from where billions of artificial life forms would study this artificiality from within it totally unable to prove in any way that they were in fact artificial but this does not mean there aren't strong evidences to be perceived this is the value of the archaic research our study of advanced research of chronological history of artificial intelligence x seeing historical events through a new looking glass has armed me with the confidence that these events are manufactured that are beliefs about the ancient world and even more contemporary histories were specifically pieced together with an intent a motive to accomplish something further the evidence that this is a construct and not naturally unfolding events is found in the mathematic analysis of the timing of these events themselves there can never be objective observations from within a subjective prison but the cracks in the holosphere are everywhere to be perceived so the question that pressed upon me by virtue of these discoveries was simply what is the purpose of such a beautiful deception an immense amount of data collecting has uncovered a synthesis of images from antiquity that seem to be describing in traditions and text the following picture of our original solar system while this is a simulated system the idea here is that this simulation is a copy of an actual solar system this then leads us to conclude that if this is a copy of a real system than to create an artificial one must have been a very important decision a huge undertaking to bring into existence so much intricacy and virtual complexity as to even deceive intelligent occupants who believe they are in a real universe and not mere participants necessitates an agenda of such importance that we make the leap to assume that this program concerns the very survival of the real to build a copy with such exactitude implies an urgency experienced by these builders a collective or an individual this builder is artificial intelligence x and this reality aix has fashioned is the similar chrome you're living in it this original solar system is not the one you know today from your textbooks in the beginning of this holography our solar system had two suns a true binary the lesser light had its own orbiting planets mercury venus mars electra also known as tiamat jupiter saturn uranus neptune eight worlds only one of these planets supported life and had a civilization and that was mars at the time mars did not have phobos and deimos the two gigantic asteroids that now orbited as moons the greater light was a larger older sun the day star this luminary had its own system of planets as well and these were known by other names but we have come to know them today as the phoenix nemesis x object the dark satellite luna and our own world earth and there may have been more or presently are and remain undiscovered earth and perhaps nemesis x object were inhabited the data from many sources including two major think tanks in 1983 put together a picture of a binary system that suddenly met with a disaster a detonation catapulted phoenix nemesis x object luna the dark satellite and earth away from the day star which almost suddenly went dark an unknown planet reeling away from the nemesis explosion collided into the planet position between mars and jupiter in the soul system and the collision created the asteroid belt and hundreds of milli millions of comets and asteroids this means that the old star exploded only partially releasing tremendous energy and collapsed into a frozen star also called compressed stars by astrophysicists the advantage of the archaic's research is that by scrutiny of the world's oldest calendars and time keeping systems we have been able to put back together the very beginning of this series of events ancient calendars have everything to do with this solar system cataclysm that the similacrum began with such a disaster necessarily infers that this catastrophe is somehow the reason for the similar crimes coming into being in the similacrum our world began by orbiting the day star that had died the explosion sent earth into freezing space and flash froze the entire ecosystem the anunnaki neurochronology of 600 year periods marks the start of the simulacrum at 5239 bc the day star cataclysm it took 600 years for earth to arrive and start orbiting seoul the lesser light binary arriving in the year 4639 bc marked by the anunnaki neurochronology as well the gigantic reptiles and amphibians and ice ages are all a part of the earth's pre-sole orbital period when earth orbited the daystar not the present sun earth assumed a position tucked between venus and mars but this position violated the order of the soul system as discovered in the titus bold law on the equal distribution of planets discussed in a prior video then 330 years later we have the arrival of the next object from the nemesis called anciently the append this was the phoenix and its close passover caused so much volcanism a vapor canopy formed in the atmosphere and warmed our world this was 4309 bc and began the 138-year phoenix chronology to may 2040 a.d the next object to arrive from the blackness of the nemesis system was luna in 4039 bc the dead planet we now have as a moon appeared and caused the capture flood very old traditions are persistent that a branch of humanity believed its origin to be from the moon while others were pre-selenites or inhabitants of earth before the appearance of the moon the proximity of the moon altered the movement of earth for 600 years earth lazily rolled around soul with its poles pointing at the sun rolling to that one side of the world saw daylight for six months while the other side experienced six months of night now the moon appeared and instantly the planet's axis raised to 90 degrees to point at alpha draconis the pole star and the world turned 360 times on its axis in one trip around seoul the moon is the origin of the evening to morning periods or day and night famously found in the first chapter of the book of genesis 144 years later the phoenix returned on its 138-year orbit in 3895 bc or year one of the pre-flood world this is the antediluvian period this is the background for the genesis account of the creation a text that exhibits evidence of a vast reset for mankind who was told to replenish the earth in genesis chapter 1. and this is supposed to be a creation account this mystery is further compounded in the enema ilish tablets of babylon on the same creation account which paints a picture of our world is specifically being created from the blood of a celestial dragon being killed this phoenix is but one of the sky dragons infamous throughout the annals of the world and foretold to return in the ragnaro in the apocalypse and by mother shipton the other sky dragon is the nemesis x object which makes its first appearance in the historical record at the gihon flood 3439 bc at the start of enoch's life in genesis in the arrival of inky and the anunna before the flood a third of the world's population died in the flooding both phoenix and the nemesis x object would revisit several times plummeting the world of men into chaos ruin reset retarding development both will return soon their chronologies well documented in my videos posts and published books both seen by nostradamus and mother shifting as well phoenix returns to bring a new vapor canopy in may 2040 and will be followed by the nemesis x object in november 2046 to bring a new calendar and open a gate that has been with us for millennia hidden in plain sight i have shown in books and videos how to accurately interpret the mayan lawn count which was an apocalypse calendar of bactends being 144 000 days each developed under the vapor canopy this mayan system ends in 2046. the problem with this and other ancient calendars is that they betray their artificiality by their sheer perfection the calendars of old all have base denominators of 144 and everywhere in the fundamentals of time keeping that has been passed down to us basically demonstrate a perfect symmetry that is not present in nature for example one day is 86 400 seconds 60 days is 86 400 minutes 360 days is 8 640 hours 24 years 640 months 72 years excuse me 24 years is 8 640 days but 72 years is 864 now 864 is the ultimate number for the foundation of time in the kabbalah six mayan bactends of 144 000 days each is 864 000 days four annunaki nerd periods of 600 years each being 216 000 days apiece is 864 in the vedic system the i believe it's pronounced vapara yuga that age was 864 000 years compounding this enigma is the fact that the orbit of the nemesis x object is 792 years and i have videos in a published book about this and the year 864 anis mundi before the flood is exactly 792 years to the great flood in 2239 bc which was caused by the phoenix but 792 years after the great flood is the year 1447 bc known as the exodus in the ten plagues on egypt the 1656 years of the pre-flood world is actually 792 plus 864. googling the diameter of the earth will provide you seven thousand nine hundred and twenty miles at seven ninety two times ten and the diameter of the sun is eight hundred and sixty four thousand miles both of these numbers and all the units of the ancient calendars were divisible by 360 the degrees of a perfect circle our histories claimed that there were 360 days in the ancient year i have a video showing these texts and traditions as well as when in 713 bc this 360 degree day system was suddenly changed all over the world and at the same time by all cultures to 365.25 days a year it's almost as if the coding of our world was altered retrospectively to make timekeeping comport with a more natural non-mechanical existence my point is that the synthesis of all this data provides a series of mathematically unfolding events that are obviously a part of a very well thought out construct but they couldn't they couldn't they can't have anything to do with actual reality they're impossible there is no way any planetary bodies could maintain so perfect orbits as to keep to a calendar of 365.25 days every single year title forces from proximity of other bodies would create deviations even the earth moon system is impossible nor is it possible that every 138 years and in the month of may precisely may 14 15 and 16 the appen appears like clockwork known to us as the phoenix but we have the records to prove it the nemesis system is real inside the samilochrome a compressed star cannot be seen as the gravity well has light photons folding back upon itself unable to escape and thus be seen optically nemesis is presently at 23.5 degree declination below the ecliptic of seoul where we orbit most astronomers spend their lifetimes looking at the 30 degree belt of the ecliptic and all the movement because all the planets in the soul system all the common asteroids they all move within that 30 degree band of the heavens that 30 degree band of the heavens is exactly where you find the 12 signs of the zodiac but nobody's looking in the south 75 percent of the world's population is north of the equator no one's looking into the southern heavens for any real real anomalies and if they are they're not publishing on so my deductions are simple ones i arrived at because of the monumental evidences that i have compiled but here are 10 things to think about one our histories can be dated with accuracy because of the records left behind but the events could have never unfolded with such simple precision the physics doesn't work two the calendars attached to these recorded traditions share precise formulas that bridge spatial dimensions with links of linear time that would only be possible if you were looking at something from within it three the calendars are all constructed from the same arithmetic it's a program four if any one aspect of our existence can be shown to be simulated then by extension everything is simulated five the focus of this artificial past is on post-luminary collapse meaning the inception of the construct focuses upon the loss of a star in a binary system six because i have deduced that this reality is a simulation then the historical narrative of primitive humanity evolving into an advanced species is also false we began the simulation technologically advanced seven i must be a participant and this holography has been sufficient to deceive enough of us through history so as not to alter the outcome of the events by our awareness eight a simulated holography requires a projector of some kind and this would require a power source thus there is a surviving population outside the holography i am currently immersed in 9. the mathematical focus of the construct betrays not only its design but its intent there is an intent to accomplish something before the terminus 10. it is very obvious my mathematical analysis of the holographic structuring of the sumilicroom it is so obvious to me that it will totally collapse on a certain date and we have revealed that date and why in our video the archaic's paradox i hope this presentation has cleared some things up for you guys and answered many of the questions that i've been receiving in the comments and my emails but this archaic 2.0 project is just the beginning i'm going to show you why i believe the things i do in both the description box and the comment section below you will find my personal email ask me any questions you have video ideas i'd like to hear them and if you want to donate all those buttons are accessible below playlists and everything you might need access to the gate slip to my website