Australia's Weird History; Tartaria Australia with Kelly & Autodidactic
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[Music] [Applause] in this video here you guys invited me to do this video i'm going to tell you now you're going to hear things you've never heard before i have done a deep dive on australia in the past and then i left it alone put those notes up and came back to it when i found some corresponding material in new caledonia then i found things about new zealand then i found things about dwarka uh ancient the ancient traditions of lumeria and mu and uh all these different kingdoms that existed in the water there's water there now but there wasn't water in the indian ocean at all times we have traditional records of land masses that were out there so if you're ready hey we can dive in because uh australia is something i've i've always been very interested in because it's just a red wasteland and parts of it and i know where that red dirt came from it's one of the things i study a lot let's do it i know that archaeologists at the australian national university they had excavated ruins that match the design and expanse and in expanse very similar ruins that have been found in sumer babylon egypt and israel this is in australia it was discovered by the australian national university and because i was so shocked to find out because i did not know it had been some type of infrastructure in ancient or in ancient australia i feel i have my tablet here i have a picture of the excavation you guys might not be able to see it very good can you say that yeah yeah yeah yeah they are digging down finding chambers corridors galleries of rock this is in australia yeah and this is this isn't so this is some whack-a-doodle this isn't some whack-a-doodle uh uh guy out there you know with the tinfoil hat and all that this is the australian national university sciences conducting these excavations so it's amazing the things that are kept from the public you just have to you have to do deep dives to find these things out yeah my all right hello and welcome uh we're back australia tom gosh tartaria australia kelly and i and we have with us jason brashears most of you will know jason um if you don't um all the links will be below go across and check out his work um and you will um yeah be amazed he's got a a huge body of work and of course um we are tartarus australia so today we're going to get into dive into jason's brain and see what we we can pull out on australia and australia's past as that's what we look into here so welcome kelly hello hello good morning everyone hi jason welcome to our channel we're so excited to have you here thank you i'm excited to be here oh that's all i'm i'm really intrigued by how you guys do this this this uh movie background you have in the back that's all it's pretty interesting yeah yeah the clouds we had yeah yeah yeah i have like uh um i'm a bit obsessed with the whole art side of um all of our deep diving so when it comes to backgrounds and videos and t-shirts i'm like totally in right right i didn't see i didn't see the last video yet i was reading comments on uh uh tartarian cities in the sky yes yeah yeah yeah oh yeah that was uh i don't know if y'all focused only on like the australian area all that but but there has been three or four incidents in the historical record where whole populations swore up and down like in 1890 they just swore up and down that a city structure was just stuck there in the sky floating you know yeah one was in north america in 1890 another one was in 1561 with a bunch of other astronomical really weird stuff you guys know i'm i'm a student at charles fort if fort wrote it i'm gonna i'm gonna know it i'm gonna know it well i love that jason i mean before we taken this massive deep dive in footnote audience we've been warned that jason is going to speak his little brain out and um we're going to have to really like get in there when we've got a question so i'm going to just before we even deep dive into australia which is so exciting to see the content you have there um what are your thoughts about the floating city like where we've gone with our theory is that tartaria potentially was a civilization of the air and we've linked that notion to the buildings having these sort of tall towers the whole consciousness around the steampunk movement the lack of sewage and toilets and kitchens and bathrooms are basically everything you need to be human in these buildings are missing and this like ability to you know use the magnetic levitation force so we've really like started to look at this possibility that tatari could have been um a floating civilization so thoughts on that face well well um i could actually contribute to that i didn't uh i didn't know i i have a lot i actually have a lot of notes on something like that i would just i wasn't prepared for that for right now but i will say this off the top of my head um david had your children so we're going to discuss him today because i want to cite his book on my tablet i'm going to show you what that book looks like so i know some of your some of your readers are going to want something or some of your listeners are going to want to order this book david hatcher childress has traveled the entire world and he wrote a single book called lost city he's of ancient lumuria in the pacific it's a book of archaeology and history it's packed full of data diagrams archaeological discoveries relics artifacts it's just fantastic in that book he even theorizes when he wrote it in the early eighties that the only explanation for the mary that have been found all spread throughout the tiniest islands of melanesia polynesia and micronesia all the way to easter island south america connecting australia to and connected to mainland china the only explanation for these flat top tiny pyramids that are almost as large as the items themselves is that something was skipping from island to island from the sky and every once in a while that that vehicle had to touch down and either recharge or rest or whatever and or maybe it could only travel at in the daytime but he links it to the ancient eastern vamana aircraft of the like like like the vamanashi the ancient vedic text that talks about how to build phenomena of geminis and how to uh aerial combat maneuvers and uh pre pre-flight checks these are all in vedic scripture most people don't know these these texts have been found we're talking about 4 000 year old sanskrit text that teach you how to build aerial structures and then do like 20 to 30 pre-flight checks and if you get in a battle in the sky excuse me a battle in the sky these vedic ticks even teach you how to dog fight flying your your feminine so i can add to that that yes there probably was a flight uh the structures were probably uh lighter than air based like zeppelins are probably not new because they're only they're only it's only a rediscovered technology that was quickly suppressed but uh yeah it's there i can follow the reasoning oh i'm very open to that because of what has been found uh not because not because i'm imaginative and i would love the idea but we do have archaeological anomalies they're inexplicit inexplicable without there being a very large presence of aerial aircraft and we have the nazca we have the nazca geoglyphs we have even in australia i don't know if you guys know this but australia has the largest aggregate glyph in the come from a certain time period everybody was doing them at the same time but i'm going to cover that in this video about that it's interesting that you even mentioned that because we haven't even prepared anything for this video we were just going to do an australia freestyle but but uh that's very interesting you mentioned that because i'm going to cover some of that data i have the i have the the slides on my tablet fantastic yeah well i mean coming live from the australian tartaria site man we are right into the notion of floating flowing cities at the moment we've like we've deep dived on the concept of they've been missing sons and campbell mentioned to me that you actually had connected the pyramid the use of the pyramid and i asked him well i wonder if that has something to do with the missing sun and drawing energy during a reset via a sun through those pyramids so i just love let's just start let's just deep dive so jace is going to start talking to us about his um context about australia so let's go to australia take it away jason start wherever you want to start and we'll follow behind you with our imagination all right i'm gonna look at these slides real quick because a picture there's truly a thousand words just go for it you know what i'm not settled for that i have this i have all these on a tablet and then i'll share them i'll blow them up and share them i may have to turn the light off so you can see it good though all right let's see something real quick let's do an experiment i'll just do an experiment real quick um i think that's worse no it doesn't work it doesn't work at all no it's just oh there you go yep all right we've got that all right cool i'll just keep that i just keep that light off y'all i'm still seeing me yeah you know well uh yeah picture's worth a thousand words that's why i have these slides i do that for a lot of my presentations i don't need actual cliff notes i need images because the images the images pull back all the resources they pull back everything i've studied because i just uh i need to see pictures and i'll keep pictures on my screen when i'm doing my own videos on my own channel it'll just trigger me i'll be able to go through the data but i got to see those pictures and you know i'm confident that most your listening listeners they already know the controversy of the egyptian petroglyphs found in australia many of many of you guys many of you can can tell everybody else exactly where they are but dismissing petroglyphs as egyptian in origin is not as conclusive as establishment critics convey let me explain so here's a here's a pick of some of some of these egyptian uh deals you guys seen these many times but some of your listeners might not yeah in gossip your listeners might not have seen these yep these are actual pictures of australia these are the egyptian hieroglyphs in australia and many people many people have uh many people have checked these out even academics but i mean uh they're very popular they're not hard to find but there's a big difference between egyptian demonic and hierarchic scripts vast differences in style and connotations between like the pyramid texts and uh let's see the coffin text when people say egyptian hieroglyph the only ones only one idea appears in their minds which are talking about a civilization that had hieroglyphs for about three thousand years and every two or three centuries they were totally different and often changed their meanings and their syntax so these are the things you have to have to be considered when you find egyptian relics in other countries because the nuances attached to those definitely tell you when those egyptians were in that country you follow me yeah so this is the type of study that barry fell did barry fell wrote a book called america bc where he studied egyptian hieroglyphics in central south and north america and realized that a lot of them weren't even by egyptians there were by libyan navigators who who were using the egyptian script because the egyptians often use use the libyans as labor in their ships so it's just it's just a point of interest but but there were also differences in expression between the scribes who were adepts and the mariners who left their sigils on the stone all over the ancient world not everybody was a scholar so so when we have these critics say well that's not a egyptian griffith uh glyph because all these sigils right here are at 45 degrees to the cranes nose and then directly under the crane's nose there's a frog foot and because they want to isolate particulars and make them absolutely exact this is how academia dismisses stuff all the time when the actual glyphs are legitimate they were just they were done by somebody with a equivalent of a sixth grade education he's been a shipment and he's been a wainwright all his life but he knew how to write he just wasn't as good as somebody in the nobility so we find this all over the world we find these glyphs and they're dismissed by academia almost every single time because they aren't found in egypt which is ridiculous i mean i don't know if you guys are familiar that in 1912 it was a oh in 1912 an australian farmer found an ancient bronze coin while digging for a fence uh it was examined and experts claimed that it was egyptian from about 220 bc now this i've seen this in a few magazines oh like atlantis rising i've seen this enough but you're not going to find anything like this in national geographic or anything like that but which where we did find the national geographic was king tutankhamun's tomb in 1922 excavated under the direction of howard carter you all guys know you've all heard about king tut and everything he found what they didn't expect to find was very aboriginal style boomerangs that were inside inside the crypt so we have we even have stories of a marsupial skeleton that was found in ancient and ancient egyptians now the scholars dismissed that as well and they did it very cleverly because the original news reports about that marsupial skeleton said it was a kangaroo but it wasn't it was it was some other type of marsupial fuel filled rat or rodent and the scholars were able to dismiss it from the public by by telling the truth that it wasn't a kangaroo but the real truth was is that it truly was a marsupial it was only native to the southern hemisphere so we have a lot of examples of academia just totally dismissing stuff and they'll take it whatever whatever chance they can get but as you know you know as australia you know it's the only continent that's also a country so it's not surprising to find that it also boasts of the largest aggro glyph in the entire world i don't know how you guys pronounce it but it's mari man or mary man yeah it's m.a mary mary it looks just like a man who's about to use a boomerang it looks just like it's the largest agroglyph in the entire world yep that one yeah that's it right there that's in australia now you have to understand we have we have um for hundreds of square miles in south america starting at nazca and stretching all the way to pumapuka tiowanaco lake titicaca we have these agroglyphs but none of them are this size there are spiders and dragonflies man-shaped alien-looking things all kinds of flora and fauna all these all really really beautiful things but there was a period of time in in the ancient world that i'll get to a little while where these were very popular in civilizations everywhere even in the uk they were doing them like in chalk hills like like the certain ambitious giant there's only there's only one of them there's also the snake eating the snake eating the seed in north america it's a huge agroglyph of a snake that's made 3d the hills the hills themselves are mounds that look serpentine and the snake snake's mouth is open open wide about to eat a seed or or an egg so they've been found they've been found ubiquitously i'm pretty sure that europe and asia can boast of something to i just don't know offhand about them but this is uh this is uh the sky facing agriglyphs that are famous like the sun giant and the nazca lines these were done for a very definitive reason academia dismisses some of them as a hoax the one in australia is dismissed as a hoax you can look at you can look at time you can look at time release pictures of the one in australia and you can see where it was originally found and then months later the left arm half of it's missing and then you can look at pictures from about a year later and the whole missing it looks like a very deliberate scrub then after a year most of it was missing so yeah something happened in australia about that but we still have all the photographic evidence from the people that were in aircraft that took those pictures so what kind of time frame are those glyphs from okay in my chronic on when i go through all this chronology stuff it was it was because of a very devastating phoenix phenomenon cataclysm in 2647 bc in 2647 bc the ruling elite dynasties vanished no one knows where they went or what happened to them but the story and traditions were found ubiquitously they were rather all throughout the ancient americas and in in asia they just left the dr all all of them disappeared humans were left to fend for themselves the gods they considered them gods although they weren't they were more technologically advanced these humans knew they knew something was going on going to happen in their head when they hit the people that defend for themselves through a cataclysm revivers of the 2647 bc were left in a different type of world and the first thing they did was employ what they knew best sympathetic magic it's a cargo cult type phenomena i'll explain cargo cold here here in a minute but uh the uh sympathetic magic was to draw these giant effigies in the ground and because they had a belief that it would attract the gods back if we draw we know we know that the gods like monkeys so let's draw a real friendly looking monkey and let's put it all out the survivors had had the benefit of being the descendants of people who were technologically advanced they still had applied mathematics they still had a lot of stuff they just didn't have an infrastructure anymore so they were able to lay out the measurements and get these get these right but they're all sky for a reason because the very people that had raised them and educated them and took care of them before the cataclysm that's where they disappeared to they just took to the skies they were gone so uh they disappeared from history and didn't reappear until after a another cataclysm which was centuries later but in my chronic on i divide the vapor canopy world it is the pre-flood world for those for those who need a reference to this the great flood of the bible is the same thing as the norse traditions the day the sky fell the reason the great flood in the day the sky fell is the same event is because there was a watery missile sphere of vapor canopy and that vapor canopy world was basically the marsupial world and we'll get to that here in a minute and it's the reason why only in the southern hemisphere did marsupials survived they they were they the climate was totally wrong north north of the equator but this uh this world had collapsed and in the biblical narrative it's called the great flood it wasn't a flood that flooded the entire world it was flash flooding all over the world there's a distinction because there were survivors in every culture around the world they just had to hit the high ground but during the vapor canopy world as i'll discuss here in a minute i have some slides for you to show you maps of what the world looked like during the vapor can it feels totally different we have a world full of seas and oceans we have to navigate and sail everywhere but back in ancient times there was nowhere you had to sail that was more than two days because everywhere it was a walk you could trick overland almost around the entire world so when the vapor canopy collapsed that's when all these wingless birds that's when all these marsupials of the southern hemisphere were cut off from each other and only in the largest areas because marsupials are very colonial type mammals they're not like placentals so these marsupials thrive when there's a bunch of them together especially when there's not there's no predator they're also nocturnal and we'll get to that look at that vapor canopy was a dark world but things grew to astonishing sizes and i i discussed this in my in my other other videos so as well with the waters that that obviously came from the vapor canopy but they also say it came up from below as well is that right yeah geothermal heat would have would have they would have had there would have been uh fountains blowing up from underground everywhere yes there's no doubt i mean um i'm pretty sure you're aware that the entire world is sitting basically on limestone caverns that are full of water they're absolutely packed full of water so yeah i cast them open oh we don't sink because they're pretty far down there but there's there yeah there's all kinds of flues but there is a simple fact as to why so many unique animal and plant species survived the collapse of the vapor canopy which was the cause of this immense flash flooding that we're talking about uh it's a sustained inundation and tsunamis all these things to overtook coastal regions but let me show you this map i got this map right here of what australia would look like if the sea levels rose 230 feet uh by your standard at 70 meters let me show you what australia is going to look like if if we had another vapor canopy today that suddenly collapsed and all of a sudden the sea levels went up 270 feet this is what australia would look like and this today and this basically taps directly in to a video i did on my channel explaining why on the next cataclysm australia is going to be prime real estate this is australia this is sea levels were increased what this tells us is unlike the rest of the world australia's elevations and its geography will protect its inhabitants from the flooding from the tsunamis there will be a inland sea created right there where you see it but most of australia is going to be okay it's going to be that's not inhabited anyway wow because there's actually a map that looks like that um and it's dated what's it dated 1828 i think it's dated that shows it like a big inland sea like like i mean one of my questions just just as a side note is like with all these maps we got the wrong dates but do you think they're dated incorrectly because we just see of course of course of course so yeah i see here here's the deal man uh i'll i'll i'll entertain this tangent real quick uh it's not gonna take me too far off track the uh listen maps maps could get you killed 600 years ago if you were a navigator and your ship was taken by someone else and you didn't have a letter of marquee to show the provenance of a map where you got it because maps were relied on it was a the captain was was responsible for the life of the crew and it was responsible it was maritime law every single geographical feature you ever come across must be entered into the chip's log with with the the the closest coordinates you can listen when ships when ships arrived in ancient ports when i say ancient time about 700 years ago 600 years ago 500 400 years ago listen their ship logs these harbor masters they had massive power harbor masters were just like intelligence agencies they had the ability to go through every every ship's log that that came into their harbor and docked they were able to board any ship go in there look at all their maps and these maps that were put together became very secret government projects and when the portuguese were mapping the entire entire world it was the spanish that were a war with them it was the genomes that were a war with them it was the english and the french that were rewarded everybody was hungry for information because everybody knew that the portuguese had inherited all the maps of the knights templar they knew that henry the navigator had all the information the maps that were thousands of years old that had accurate topographies and they wanted that and oh this is where this is the time period where the portuguese and henry the navigator basically rebelled and the knights templar started flying what's called the jolly roger this is the black pirate flag with a skull it was it was basically it was basically an fu we're not giving the information up because they had maps of central america or north america they knew where that where they knew where stone fortresses were located all throughout texas louisiana going up the mississippi valley they had all that mapped out but they weren't going to share it so a lot of these pirate incidences that were that are recorded in history had nothing to do with actual piracy it was the people in possession of these materials that were labeled as pirates and then different governments and navies hunted them down so this uh oh yeah it's it's a fast that's a fascinating you know what that piracy may be a video for you and i in the future cam yeah yeah blackbeard yeah oh i love blackbeard englishman named edward teach who finally had enough and he just became a pirate but uh so but uh the uh charles hapgood maps of the ancient sea kings this is a book in my library i have it right here but maps of the ancient sea kings is fantastic because it shows from the 1930s 1940s and 1950s he shows that oh all these maps that were in the possession of christophel colon which you know of is christopher columbus christopher colon had a bunch of maps it's the reason why even though it was known that he was jewish the the house of castile still funded his his uh deal even though in the exact same year of 1492 they expelled 800 000 jews from spain in the same time that they funded him about america because he was the man he had access to the maps that they wanted so they funded him but uh anyway like i said hey i'm gonna i'm gonna entertain those tangents i'm sorry yeah no no yeah every zoologist every zoologist who actually knows what they're doing oh who specializes in marsupials will tell you that almost 100 of all marsupials are nocturnal and that's very interesting because not all mammals by any stretch of the imagination are nocturnal not all placentals are nocturnal so why are all marsupials not nocturnal now marsupials are very different than placentals so it's a very different species of mammal it's like a proto-mammal it's like they grew it's like there were mammals that developed under an entirely different biosphere and the species that are alive today of marsupials only made it only survived because for thousands of years they were geographically located in an area with zero predators the predators like the dingo and all that were introduced later but we'll get to that that's that's a whole nother study the dingo is not really native to australia it was an introduction yeah from okay marsupials are a totally different class of mammal all right you and i are mammals dogs are male dogs are mammals horses bulls goats seals whales they're all mammals because they're they have their the mothers basically have the baby in a membrane in a membrane sac and then once the baby is developed enough the sack is passed through the uterine wall and then a baby is born and then the sack is removed by the mother dogs lick the sacks off their puppies all this stuff like that okay that's placentals all right it's almost as if mammals are a parasite however marsupials are simpler than that but they have more complex biologies it's very unusual that marsupial biology is tailored for a life in the darkness it's also tailored to survive extreme heat temperatures and this is vapor canopy conditions i've done several videos on the vapor canopy and one of them is about all the native american traditions about the vapor canopy world and the common denominator about the american the ancient americans they all said the same thing there was no sun it was a dark purple sky but it was always hot it's very hot it was it was a canopy so under this world it was different types of people different types of species different types of technologies there were still cities and all that but their technology operated in a different way than today we live in a different biosphere so so jason you're putting this about three thousand years ago where are you putting this timeline the vapor canopy ended and totally collapsed after 16 at least 16 centuries it was there in the historical record it's called the angiomovian world it collapsed in 2239 bc in the month of may it was a phoenix phenomenon collapse now something called something known in the ancient world as the phoenix appeared in the sky and whatever it did it it caused this whole canopy to just rain on humans for about 40 days it caused flash flooding but it also began worldwide all the sun calendars because before that time the sun was unknown everything was lunar based and everything was stellar based all everybody's calendars during that time counted days every single turning of the stars around alpha draconis the eye of the dragon was a single revolution it was a single day days were counted in ancient times years were counted only after the collapse of the canopy that actually times so i used to study under a teacher and he tells his life story and he times with that he said that there was a vapor canopy over the whole realm that they never saw the sun that this stratosphere was pierced with a weapon and that brought down the canopy and then the floods came and that's what sunk lemuria in our timeline hey that's pretty interesting to me because uh my very very first video from a wooden shack on a tablet was called the phoenix weapon from the very beginning i i've treated it as a weapon because that's how it acts yeah he said the weapon was crystal based and um they were basically it was basically a weapon that they were using um fighting entities that were on in the realm of mars and um yeah and so they actually misused it it pierced the stratosphere and um brought the canopy down and that was the first time they'd ever seen the sun and also bought the snows and the flood lemuria and eventually every the whole continent well when the vapor can't be collapsed you can put in your mind we're talking about the great flow we're talking about ancient america the birth of the sun we're talking we're talking about in sumerian history the appearance of the very last sumerian god to ever appear sumerian history was vapor canopy but at the very end of sumerian history a new god appeared and they call him and anybody who looks at the sumerian syllabary you'll see that utu and shamash both mean the sun one is babylonian one is sumerian yeah that was just a whole new god they just added a new god to their pantheon at the very end of their civilization but when the paper canopy collapsed the place well when the vapor cannot be collapsed the placental mammals they didn't adapt well or survive in australia we're talking about lions tigers bears we're talking about raccoons we're talking about the normal mammals that are around the entire rest of the world outside of new zealand outside of new caledonia outside of tasmania and outside of australia talking about the normal animals that the rest of the world is familiar with they didn't survive in the australian like the marsupials the marsupials took to the night they basically just switched their time their time over but uh being nocturnal being nocturnal and adapted to heat australia was perfect for them what i'm telling you is is the marsupials were worldwide because the vault the vapor canopy was worldwide but they didn't survive just like the regular placental mammals like lions tigers and bears couldn't survive in the australian outback and all that the masophiles could the inverses is true for for the marsupials they were worldwide too we have marsupial fossils all over the world but they're not they're not all over the world anymore except for one that has been that has been spread all over the world that's the opossum but yeah other than that there's like like 400 different species of marsupials and they're just right there in the southern hemis so yeah i always thought that was really interesting i've done a lot of a lot of research on on the marsupials and all that but uh it's not just them we'll get to the flightless birds too but lowering the sea level to vapor conditions would make many islands much larger and shallows to be above sea level just imagine it in your mind that much to the pacific would be walkable in the distances between irons and gigantic land surfaces it'd only be one or two or three days sail easter island in the south pacific on the south american side is absolute proof that the sea levels have raised drastically because the gigantic heads on on rock the island of easter island and would have required a massive forest and an island that is far larger than the one that is there now the evidence the infrastructure and architecture that was left behind chose a sedentary race a race that was widespread and they came from their homes to do building and they did it their leisure they had workshops and tools were all laid out when the cataclysm occurred when the cataclysm occurred they dropped their stone hammers and their copper chisels they dropped everything because that's exactly where archaeologists found them in my book when the sun darkens which was published in 2009 i have a lot about that i i discuss it for about two pages but when it when the final destruction happened to easter island it was already it was already now a sacred site that people had to sail to to to finish the building but originally it was a huge mountain community attached to a city just like metallic i don't know if you know about the islap and the carolines but is a basalt city that is completely under water in the pacific but it wasn't built under water you follow me this is something this is something some of your your listeners can you know google you can google you can google the the ruins of the aisle of yap will blow your mind to see those pictures or what's been found there or japanese or japanese archaeologists that have found the skeletons in the 1930s those are coins these are they they built their entire all their structures were built out of basalt columns octagonal crystalline basalt columns we don't even know how you can lift something like that a forklift would flip over trying to lift over one of those basalt columns but uh yeah that's in the pacific though it shows it shows that we're only looking at it at a settlement that was at the top of a mountain flightless birds most people ignore this enigma but flightless birds there's so many different kinds but they're native only to the southern hemisphere many different species oh can you guys hear me because this is my internet connection yeah by the way okay yeah but they're only native to like the southern the southern hemisphere uh they didn't develop independently but they did so in a world where the land bridges were in place all lands were connected in the southern hemisphere the vapor canopy world was one gigantic land mass with lake season rivers just the opposite of what it is today which is almost all oceana and just broken up with land it wasn't like that this is why you see these geometrical patterns in in indonesia when you look at a map you see like fingers coming off of asia going out into the ocean all those are ridge lines to ancient mountain ranges and if you use your imagination and just put the water lower and lower you'll see the land spread out it was all dry land at one time but the marsupials they may not have been native to the southern hemisphere there is evidence they were worldwide but that's where they survived in the largest concentrations this too is a clue in the southern hemisphere the insects flora and fauna of the vapor canopy world they died out north of the equator but they continued to survive in the south so did the flightless birds they were worldwide too flightless birds and marsupials are so widespread in the southern hemisphere because much of the land mass was passable land bridges until the day the sky fell it was a phoenix event that altered the sea levels and isolated australia from the rest of the world today yeah that makes total sense because um i've always understood that new zealand and australia were completely you could walk to new zealand from australia they're all interconnected that we are in essence living on the highest points of the realm that everything else is underwater and you're right i've always known that the ridges are the mount and ranges and that's been since the um the vapor canopy has disappeared yeah island thing too i was going to say is the story we get is that that was so stupid that they cut every single tree on the island down and that killed their society i mean that doesn't yeah but what made it down yeah that was a stupid that was a very stupid description yeah right yeah but if all the heroes got flooded then that makes sense yeah yeah here here's another another map put out by somebody that shows what a world would look like if the sea level was lower yeah oh wow uh yeah that is australia in the middle there wow yo that's australian new zealand all connected yeah yeah they're all connected to indonesia and it's a two-day sale to thailand wow wow yep yep yep that makes sense so we've been looking at the craters here in australia and the realm um which we've been taught were sort of meteor craters from long ago but everyone we've studied jace is like there's been no actual rocks there's been no meteors there's been no actual evidence of a meteor coming down but they all seem to be functioning with as aqueducts basically as giant plug holes you know they've all got water coming up from underneath them especially here in australia so we assumed or made the started theorizing that the waters actually came up from underneath like giant black holes well i can buy that i can buy that because i mean right here in the united states we have some that are absolutely geometrically perf yes not a it's not an impact and they don't even have the striations coming off of them that you see on the moon like impact deals so uh i i never really entertained if there would be water but there are references in many texts outside genesis that talk about the foundations of the great deep and how the and how how the abyss has come to the surface so yeah i can go with that but even more so i i regard these giant holes as calderas these are like massive outgassing when internal pressure is built up so much that internal pressure is built so much it literally just explodes underground and it finds a way out and when it does it creates this tube that's several miles down and comes straight up to the surface blows out it's done out gassing and once it settles it turns into that beautiful bowl and we've seen many of these there's one in arizona there's a real popular one in arizona called called a mile wide crater yeah it seems similar here in australia like um because most of most of bars are out in that what like it looks like just the flat desert plains now but there's no there's no derbis around there it's just like these rounds yeah i mean bowls is a good way of describing them in the middle of these very flat flat plains with no rocks or jervis around them so we've been we've been looking at them because of obviously australia being so like the whole mass of the whole continent is now just desert deserted and very red sand very red the whole of the continent famous for being this red i'm going to tell you now you got a lot of that in 1902 a whole lot of it okay what let's move let's move real quick over to the chinese you don't want to go yeah can we just touch it yeah because we think australia has always been china china museum in melbourne and we found out that the chinese started the tobacco industry the banana industry the gold industry the pearling industry tin was it as well like all these industries basically every fundamental year is very early now in our um history and in very remote places like you know how did they know where the resources were what are you going to say okay so well i mean the china you you're probably already familiar with the chinese presence in australia is uh it's academically backed by a very controversial author put out a book called 1421. are you familiar with gavin menzies have you ever heard of gavin menzies okay well look gavin menzies is not somebody that others scientists and academics can ignore so he has not been attacked they just regard him as an anomaly but oh let me explain gavin men's these uh his very well researched book i read it about six years ago it's it's a simple title 1421 the year the chinese discovered the world he lays out his case his book is about this thing it's a it's a fantastic book but he lays out his case very scientifically with a lot of evidence it's very compelling but he cites a 3 500 year old chinese text describing the ancient americas and what what is believed to be the coast of australia the chinese navigators three thousand five hundred years ago mapped it all out and then never did anything else with the text so i can i can agree of the possibility because i have documented that oh the shang dynasty chinese fled their country after a phoenix cataclysm in 1135 bc and they sailed to central america and they were later known as the olmecs it's not just a light theory i cite chapter and verse from all these different scientific reports of all these specialists who basically agree that there was 250 000 people who got on ships in 1135 bc and left because the mandate of heaven had changed in china which means something happened in the sky and the people revolted because the emperor couldn't protect the people from what happened therefore when the mandate of heaven changes he's got to go but 250 000 chinese of the shang dynasty went with him six months later they reappear in central america and they take over veracruz state alexia and they become what we know of as the old mecca sounds like a fantastic story until you find out that all kinds of chinese jade is found everywhere in central america chinese statues and now tablets with with with ancient shang dynasty like uh inscriptions so a lot there's a lot of scholars now leaning toward this now but it's all attached to a phoenix disaster in 1135 bc later over 700 years after that a chinese fleet left they escaped or kaluga khan kaluga khan in 1291 invaded china took it over and a whole bunch of chinese that they reappeared in ancient mexico so these are uh i just read this from a 270 year old book to my own subs on my own channel i i came into the position of a very old book on chronology and history and i read that very passage to my to my uh subscribers it blew my mind it was it was a historical reference that i had never heard myself about that that happened in 700 years ago i thought it was interesting but the chinese to me they would have only visited explored and departed law a long time ago just as the egyptians explored north america as shown in the research of barry fell william cordes one of my favorites david hatcher childress but the real mystery about australia's most ancient inhabitants the aboriginals to me it doesn't lie with china yes the chinese might have had a foothold there yes the chinese might have had a head start to doing a lot of things they're in that part of the world before the europeans basically scouted the area out and did all kinds of stuff after a former civilization was already erased but the real mystery to australia i'm going to tell you now it comes from dravidic india have you ever heard that no languages i've heard that there's a language yes there's linguistic studies now that show the ancient vedic script of the language that was spoken when they read sanskrit is very similar to the old aboriginal uh uh syllables the way that their sentence structure syntax all that it's very interesting there is now dna evidence because there is now dna evidence looks similar don't they too to aboriginals maybe not the same coloring but physically they are kind of you know tall and thin they're identical they're identical i don't know why anybody has never made the connection before i don't know why because the dravidian dravidian yeah yeah for sure yes it's the dark indian there was always two cultures in india what was like one was very light colored almost mediterranean almost near eastern and the the dravidians were always very very dark and black and they were only in the southern half of india close to australia so look there is now dna evidence it's no longer theoretical there's dna evidence according to scientists in india that the ancient dravidians are indeed linked to the aboriginals of australia there are writers who are now claiming dravidians departed india about 4 000 years ago and arrived to australia but the problem was is the world changed and there was no way they could get back there was no going back home they were stuck there so whether they joined with the aboriginals that were already in australia is a very distinct possibility uh or if they remain distinct it's just not known now this would have been easy for the vapor canopy because it was a drier world from india to australia 99 of the journey was an overland trick look at these maps look at this wow okay okay you can see where australia is yeah yeah there's nothing there's not a single bit of water between australia and india yeah you see that continental murray way out in the pacific yesterday and put it back in the mesosphere where it started way three three and a half miles up way up there an ocean a whole layer of atmosphere that's actually an ocean so would they put that water back people as well yeah yeah during the vapor canopy everything yeah it's all i have videos on my channel that explain the the scientific research of the creation research institute from glen rose texas they built a biosphere and they replicated vapor canopy conditions and they've made fruit flies roaches and beetles grow three times their their normal size and live three times longer wow that's like the opposite to our theory campbell because we were looking at the at it being um an impact of a sun that people grew big you go like us in plants today and put them in the shade they grow smaller but the canopy like that's like there's no sun in that it's just a very thick sort of biosphere i guess actually actually the under the vapor canopy conditions the scientists in texas were also surprised to find out that plants grow better in the dark under that ultraviolet light that would have passed through the vapor canopy then direct sunlight which harms them wow that's like the opposite to what we've been saying that's so interesting yeah excellent excellent yeah okay so we'll continue with the vedic deal because look there's a let me see here there's a passage listen there's a passage in the vedic ramayana that a bridge was formed between india and sri lanka years ago made by monkeys it was made by monkeys now it doesn't sound like that would that would relate to australia but check this out i'm convinced the locals saw monkeys using it using a natural land bridge to pass between the two land masses and it was just assumed by the locals that monkeys made it they probably just seen monkeys going out there in the ocean and coming back whatever and that's what they assumed in this tradition grew up out of that but this is only referenced here to show that land bridges are indeed mentioned in ancient texts of india that's just that's just one text but the ancient texts of india are rife with empires and kingdoms and land masses that were off their coast that totally disappeared but much of the vedic literature was about these civilizations that are now underwater in this passage from southern india to australia over natural land bridges when the sea level was much lower due to a vapor canopy it's confirmed in two amazing finds that i've come across you guys might know more there may be more but statues found in australia greatly resemble two vedic deities one who's hannemann and one is unmistakably ganesh the elephant deity let me show you these are found in these are vedic statues this is the artwork of ancient india the elephant elephant is ganush danish and the other one is where they found jason oh you know i don't know i don't know what this place is called it's called the gimpy dish of queensland there's a pyramid in you pee yup yeah and uh i thought y'all liked that but i wanted to show that the archaeology confirms tradition and tradition confirms the geography and geography is confirmed by the genetic testing everything points to ancient india now well fascinating we have never had we've had a few elders on the show and no one's ever ever made a link to india ever have they have why is it fascinating for us to talk to about some of our indigenous people because the the australian regionals always say that they're the oldest civilizations civilization but so does so does the vedic tradition right they say the same thing they do say the same thing they do say this thing look but this situation the situation under the vapor canopy was more complex though than just land bridges the legends and memories from that part of the world the southern hemisphere their rock life with stories of fantastic super continent uh a kingdom called lemuria or economy sometimes it's called moo other times in ancient vedic texas called kumari kandam and it's a vast land mass that was populated by the ancient ancient tamil civilization it's the atlantis of the pacific is what it is i'm going to show you this book this book is about david hatcher children's it documents a wide variety of artifacts archaeological nominees legends ancient texts uh it's just fascinating this is one of my favorite authors because he goes to the very places that he talks about but this book needs to be read by everyone lost cities of ancient lumeria in the my screen's not focusing right there it is there it is yeah we got it we got it right there screen shot that one of the best books you'll ever read let me tell you something this man will teach you things about new zealand tasmania and australia you've never heard before yeah this uh david hatcher children's wrote a rough fascinating book but it's uh new guinea australia new zealand new caledonia look they were attached to the tonga islands where there have been found massive dolmens trilophones ancient megalithic architecture and islands that are isolated and yet they're populated with people now what i just showed you on this picture new caledonia oh it has 400 unnatural hills made of ancient cement that remain a mystery i'm going to show you this this is a true archaeological find this is vapor canopy technology here i'm going to show you you were talking about fly about flight well things that fly require power sources so let me show you something this all that looks like to a casual observer in new caledonia all that looks like is 400 like tamuli or tomulai however you say it these are hills now it was very unusual and for over a hundred years nobody really thought to even look at them because they thought they were burial grounds that's what they thought they were somebody had buried giants these big old hills but that's not what they found so when they found i'm gonna show you what they found what they found inside is so anomalous that they had to dig up another one then they dug up another one then they dug up over 40 of them and they confirmed okay yeah you know what every single one of these have the exact same construction inside what hasn't been explained today is what the hell is it i'm going to show you okay this is one of the first illustrations done over 100 years ago of the inside of the hill now somebody used somebody was very specific in putting it was cement they know it's cement because it has snail shells in it it's been mixed it's with lime and mortar somebody made this the only problem is it's dated 5100 bc it's dated 7 000 years ago now all 400 hills look basically like this but i'm gonna go into more detail now later scientists went and looked at them and they got a much better analysis this is what they look like inside each one of them 400 of them that's anomalous that's anomalous it's more mysterious as we have absolutely no there's no traditions there's no records of a civilization here in new caledonia and the excavations reveal cement cylinders laid in gravel vertical layered and rings of iron nodules listen the discovery of these small snails proves that it's a mixture made by people by men these weren't these working this isn't there's nothing natural about this the structuring of these mounds suspiciously looks just like the baghdad battery found in iraq which actually produces 70 volts of electricity and that's now we don't know how much you did back then when you actually packed it with all everything you needed for the compost but here's 400 batteries charging stations way out in new caledonia remember remember david hatcher's in theory about the feminists they needed to charge and they needed to stop somewhere and then before they made the trip all the way over the pacific it's a yeah it's dated at 5100 bc but this would be a vapor canopy type technology i believe i believe that discoverers pretty much know what it is but they just it's so unbelievable they're not publishing it it's just it's just such an environment isn't there in um uh i'll comment with the on these but it's covered in jars yeah i've seen that too yeah yeah could be the same kind of thing possibly yeah wow so uh so here's something really interesting you remember you asked me a question uh you asked me a question earlier what time period are we looking at when we were talking about this this uh disaster and when they when they drew these giant agriglyphs so because to them the gods had abandoned them and they totally left so they so they were employing sympathetic magic to to try to draw the gods back down okay you asked me i told you the date was 26 26 uh 47 bc which was a phoenix year was a phoenix cataclysm it was known to come and that's why the elite vanished they were gone and they left behind all these other people to fend for themselves you can imagine my surprise when i was basically just going through different websites because i don't really use the internet for a source of material at all but i was just going through different websites seeing just basically what was the general creation story for the aboriginals what did they believe in their ancient past man in my study look in my studies on i came i came across the research of scientists at the university of new south wales i didn't want to quote anybody outside of australia you know what i mean i wanted to stick these people would know best that because they're they're i mean they're there geographically there so but they had collected a lot of aboriginal traditions and pieced together that that basically the aborigines had described to them a cataclysm involving the sun that happened 47 centuries earlier and they described it as a fire devil that crashed to the earth this astonished them because one evidently the sun wasn't very well known and there wasn't any and it wasn't believed that anything could come from the sky that was fiery now they don't ever say vapor canopy they don't ever say that there was a firmament above made of all that water but the but the but what these scientists have concluded makes sense why the aborigines would have been in such disbelief that something made of fire could have fell from the sky but the date was 47th centuries ago that is within 30 years of 2647 bc when that phoenix cataclysm could you know when you're talking about scientific estimates that's a bull's-eye because most of the time in anthropology they're gonna say plus or minus one or two hundred years that's a scientific bullseye this aboriginal tradition about about the i mean and to them that would be the great the great disaster because remember remember now put things in the proper context so the aboriginal the last great cataclysm was it during the vapor canopy when something fiery fell from the sky caused a disaster and all the individuals that they looked up to builders of infrastructure all what they considered was god's vanish and left them and abandoned them to them that was their nightmare but later 552 years later was the great flood the day the sky fell the collapse of the vapor canopy but the aboriginals didn't fear that date there are no flood traditions in ancient aboriginal w why what did i show you about australia australia is like a refuge from cataclysm it is the place you need to be when the phoenix phenomenon does these major events all over the world australia is a haven aboriginals had no idea there was a great flood there was a day to skyfield they didn't know anything about it because australia was unaffected the absolute proof australia was unaffected is the fact that there's over 200 and something species of marsupials that are there cannot be found anywhere else in the entire world so that's interesting because we've um i've always understood that australia sits on a very unique platonic plate and that we actually make up the ring of fire and any sort of movement on these platonic plates would cause massive you know catalysms around this continent so a mass massive floodings so that sort of plate shift actually it's protective for australia protects us versus um breaking it apart it's a there's something about the geography i mean you saw that map when you when you add the 200 if you add if you just add 20 feet of sea level do you have any idea how many cities around the world will be completely flooded out subway systems and underground infrastructures all their power everything telecommunications will be all completely knocked out that's that's 20 feet of coastal cities all around the world but australia's barely they affected even at 270 feet ocean the ocean level rises australia has a very unique geography i mean the great australian buy is basically a big cliff isn't it so well the great dividing range that's like a whole you know mountainous range sort of that's about i would say that's about two hours inland of of the coastline all around australia almost certainly from queensland right through new south wales victoria yeah all right so i know all these places you guys mention these places like new south wales and victoria and queensland i know because i've been mailing i've been mailing packages to all over australia and i don't know where these places are i ever looked on a map to see them i just know their names though yeah yeah yeah have to come down one day yes so okay you mentioned 1902 and um the red dust obviously australia's the red continent yes so yeah yeah i think i think i might have mentioned it too when you and howdy and i were on but uh yeah um charles fourth in the 1930s published the the book of the damned then he followed it with low in the new lands you know uh strange talents or something like that but he had amassed all the scientific reports from 1901 in 1902 in 1903 where something very anomalous happened scientists were baffled that not that first the first thing that was seen was astronomers were looking at red dust veils that were passing through what they said was the inner solar system now i believe the sky is totally 100 simulated but that but that simulation doesn't mean that astronomers that have bought into the lie are not actually seeing phenomena that's being projected for them to see because the sky is sentient it is very very uh it's full of trickery and it will produce the phenomena that you expect to observe and these astronomers have been documenting since the 1700s all these things that they see and when one astronomer publishes a report that hey saturn has rings now all of a sudden other astronomers look in that area they look at that luminary and they look through it and as they study it they startings of saturn then they begin to publish it and they confirm that then it's peer-reviewed by other people who study and then say the same thing the jupiter has like 27 moons while other astronomers confirm it after they study it it's because the sumilicum itself this this sky holography feeds them the very imagery imagery that they're searching for so as this continues on we build this great massive body of fallacy that we call astronomy and we perpetuate it and when people who have never looked through a telescope now believe all these things are true about the sky and and i mean it's okay i don't care if people believe it or not but in 1902 astronomers were looking through telescopes well actually in 1901 they were looking at telescopes and they saw red dust veils coming toward earth from venus and they documented that and and then some of them wrote them in as nebuli they didn't really know what it was then all of a sudden in 1901 red sand started raining on american cities then red sand started falling on european cities throughout 1902 in the month of february march april may june july and august red mud red sand red rains fell all over the world and documented everywhere i have my own my own uh subscribers are always sending me uh little little pieces of newspaper from 1901 1902 1903 that they see in their their local archives or you know the micro fish oh yeah it's a 1902 has become a a a really a topic of fascination for a lot of my subs they they're always sending me unique things that they found out about 1902 that i never covered in my two published books about it or in i like 41 or 42 phoenix videos i never covered i have five videos on 1902 and i i listed a lot of the anomalies that happened in 1902 but my my subscribers have sent me far more than i ever found myself and they've been pretty engaged in that but uh yes these these are scientists studied these under microscope this this this dust and and it depends on what samples were taken but in every single incident they contained organic compounds uh in in rome scientists were swearing it was blood they said it had corpuscles in it it's some type of blood now uh organic materials falling from the sky is nothing new same thing happened in 1340 47 in 1347 all the locals said that cigar-shaped objects appeared in the sky opened their bellies and dropped decomposed and chopped up bodies of stags pigs raccoons squirrel all kinds of forest animals had been like run through a blender and then just lit to live to decompose in some type of holding cell and then once they were fainted and rancid and full of disease they were dumped in the forest and these are these are the actual historical accounts that were written down in 1347 concerning the origin of the great black death plague however in the history books our teachers have told us that rats carrying fleas from china aboard wooden ships brought the plague from china to eat to europe and it's total [\h__\h] that's not the truth i go but i go by what the historians were saying that were alive at the time and not what they were being told today so organic materials being fallen from the sky is nothing new charles ford documented many of them but in 1902 which was the last year of the phoenix this is what happened all around the world and in some incidents in in oceania there were ship captains that had to call all hands on deck just to push with brooms and whatever tool they could find all the red mud off the off their ships before their ships capsized and these are these are written in in in the captain's logs that's how bad it was in australia was one of the hardest hit for this red dust phenomena in 1901 and 19. so jay so what what have you how are you explaining the red dust what explanation has that got uh i am not on board with the the media's the media always says that sahara dust uh is the explanation for when chinese cities have this red dust falling along with american cities where the cities in europe have those red dusters it's been happening the past two or three years several times australia has the red does come and the media is always going to tell us the story that the red dust is kicked up from from the desert so of what whatever's convenient if it's the tackling mackin desert that's closest to it they'll blame that one if it's the sahara even deserts with yellow sand to be blamed for red dust so no i believe this stuff is coming from the sky i i don't know where it's coming from the sky but but i have always told people on my channel that the sky is simulated and it's hiding something else what you see isn't really there but the mechanics of the sky have been observed in different times like in 1566 in 1561 when it seems like the sky sim suffered a power failure and i have videos about that too what europeans witnessed and what they saw and what the woodcuts show us that were drawn at the time because people couldn't process what they saw it was so inexplicable it's like giant machinery in the sky but then the power source i guess came back online and and these things are quickly forgotten because they can't be explained well they're entering they're entered into the historical record you know they're just they're just left left as little side notes and different old books and stuff that's fascinating because only yesterday campbell and i were like talking about the floating city concert we're just like we know we know [\h__\h] nothing about the sky nothing we have no understanding what the sky is or what it really is so to actually have this conversation with you today and if you talk about it being a simulation we've totally on board with that so i didn't even know that there was actually historical records where it actually like turned itself off and people saw past the simulation and you're saying that they saw machinery well they don't know what they saw because the frames of reference in 1566 and 1561 yeah they don't know what they what they were looking at yeah in 17 in 1752 something similar happened and the people could only describe it as what it geometrically looked like to them at the time and it looked like the sky was filled with an octagonal star and that that octagonal star started spitting fire at them and some of these flames hit different areas on the ground so i don't know so we have to when we when we research things in ancient history and more contemporary times it's always best to to try to interpret these these things from the frames of reference that were known at that time i'll give you an example uh today we talk about alien aliens and crop circles okay but the exact same thing was happening in 1688 when somebody had carved a wood cut because they were astonished that in their cornfield a crop circle had appeared and they saw devils dancing in the ring but 300 years before that they were described in in in viking tales and it was always elves or dwarves that were making these these rings and stuff these crop circles these agroglyphs have been happening for thousands of years but they're always described only by the frames of reference that are most well known to that civilization today it's aliens aliens are doing it or or harp technology the government's doing it with satellites you're going to hear everything but the truth it all goes by frames of reference but it's some other type of technology that's being incorporated here it's a communication technology somebody's sending messages and the best way to do it is through geometry that's what they're that's what these crop circles are about that's why they get more and more elaborate but about your cities in the sky oh i had recently told told all the listeners on my channel that i had read a military report and i have it in my notes i've cited it in chronocon but it's very strange these this is not something i typically record as a chronologist i had to do it because at the time i was a christian at the time i believed 100 percent of the info the uh that the bible was was was was the word of god and i believe i believe it is a holy book but i believe it's a book of good and evil it's up to you to find it now i also i at the time i processed information differently but i had put this aside because it was so anomalous and it's an incident of the u.s air force where they're describing a non-combat mission over the pacific and a b-52 with about five guys on board was a skeleton crew they were going over the pacific and they crashed into an invisible barrier and when they knew it and when they when the when the navy found the remains of the ship it looked like the tail had just been crunched all the way to the nose everything had been it whatever it hit it had no yield it was like a force field it just hit it there are things in the sky little antidotes like this i keep these because i may not be able to build them into a narrative historically but i have to keep them because they've got to be a part of my paradigm i have to be able to incorporate everything and that's why two years ago i totally wrapped all my research around simulation theory the archaic data stands alone i don't need simulation theory to put out my material but on a personal level which i don't mind sharing with people on a personal level i have to tell people that i'm a simulationist because there's nothing else that can put all this wide diversity of data into a cohesive understanding unless i'm understanding that this is all a computerized fiction nothing else makes sense yeah there's two yeah there's too much um i mean can you imagine actually like seeing the [\h__\h] sky turn off and like like can you imagine the head [\h__\h] that would be forever today like going out and seeing this guy off and like and what's behind i mean that is just cool [\h__\h] awesome concept and like yeah i just love it i mean yeah if it's a simulation do you have any thoughts on like where the edge is like is it antarctica or are we just in a in a confined area of and then the rest is it contained good question yep oh i told i i made i've made it very clear on my own channel that my research is chronology based you know and i also make the distinction many times between fact and opinion there are many things that i assert as fact because i can show my sources and i can show the math yep but when it comes to a question like this i have to tell you i have a suspicion i have a suspicion a flat earther is right as far as the perimeters of our of our world and why we can't go farther and i believe that insiders in the military-industrial complex are are actually protecting us they're actually keeping us from finding out the actual truth because if the entire world actually found the whole truth once ants find out they're in an ant farm they don't act normal anymore they're gonna all they're gonna do is try to find a way out now i believe that we might have done that with operation fish bowl uh we might have done that we might we might have attempted it several times but we probably have a pretty good understanding because uh the military industrial complex is worldwide it's multinational it's not against each other wars aren't what you think they are yes wars or ways for banks to transfer the wealth of nations that's what wars are for it's the only it's the only reason wars are even fought is to transfer the wealth of nations illegally it's when the collective wants to cannibalize a country or two or three countries they invent the reason and then they use a war to rape them with all their resources that's what they do so what about um what about the theory conceptionally that the way out is down through the ocean and up out passed around past the the container i mean that's a that's a beautiful concept and it might be the true reason why we have so many submarines always patrolling i don't know it's just nothing i would ever know so that i know that we can't i know we can't go very deep i mean even our submarines can't go very deep pressure alone just totally implode i don't know i just but i do know that our world is fast and just because i admit that we live under a solid fault that produces a holographic feel that makes me believe in a cosmos but it's actually a solid vault like a dome just because i believe that doesn't mean the world is small goodnight because the world is still quite fast we can it's a long way from you know from east to west or from north to south it's still a long way and we are so microscopically tiny that the only reason why we even have an inkling of an idea that the world is sailable or the world is travelable is because we have this technological infrastructure that makes us all one community like the internet without the internet without being able to find all these things like the world would be a very gigantic place people would be attached to their communities and not to an international uh family and that's the way it would be and that's the way it will return it's going to come back the internet hasn't always been here and i do believe that uh i do believe that we have been set up for failure as soon as as soon as people are almost 100 reliable on it it will be taken from us you know i believe it's all by design all right all right so like just let me go back to um the red sand because i actually lived through those one sort of like maybe eight or ten years ago here in australia and i actually lived through that event and i was just in newcastle at the time i was outside of sydney and this we were woke up and the sky was the whole atmosphere was yellow and then you moved we drove to sydney which is about an hour and a half and everything was red and it's not just the sky it was like the very atmosphere the very context of our version of air was colored and then we we actually it was just a random day we were actually traveling and we drove through sydney and out and actually started hitting some of the rural communities and they were reporting it being blue and being green so there was like this massive like in one this is in one day and this is like a massive event do you remember campbell when that it was massive the whole of sydney was bright red is from sydney yeah so i was actually there in that experience and traveling through it and it was actually being reported as different colors on that one day and so now i'm fascinated to consider the idea that that was coming down from the sky because it made no sense their story about it being you know dust from the desert coming in was ridiculous when i was traveling i actually was going through it but the idea of it coming down the sky the sky being a simulation so what would the context of that that dust be oh that's that well your imagination run with that and i'll just i'll just give you some more context listen to this we have scientifically documented in in we're talking about the polar regions where there's nothing that can grow it's only ice and yet ship captains have reported that frozen cricket crickets and cricket larvae were in the hundreds of thousands were all over the ice and some of them were still kicking like they just fell off the sky how did they get there watches earthworms and all that have been found encased in layers of ice as it fell out of the sky in 1867 1868 and 1869 the uk suffered a storm of insects they had to employ chimney sweeps through all throughout all throughout britain just to sweep the carcasses of the bugs and burn them because the plague broke out from the decomposition but ship captains that were in between france and britain were reporting rivers of insects falling out of a blue sky where the sky is producing all this material we don't know why but there's layer there is layers and layers and layers and layers in this world but we're seeing more evidence those layers are deposits not from water from deluges and this in millions of years of geography but from a massive dump from the sky for whatever reason this is why so many ancient ruins have been found 60 70 and 80 feet below ground but there's no record of of any time period of when it became down there we have found many many civilizations that were just so deep like i mean there's one in uh central mexico for which the academia has done a great job covering up but the archaeologist william nevin in 1907 1908 1909 excavated pyramids pyramid cities of all kinds of amazing stuff in central and central america near acambaro and when he discovered mammoths mammoth skeletons inside the tombs of some of some of these uh uh crips and stuff they shut him down they went in there they kicked him out of mexico they totally shut him down when he found written tablets in ancient missile american dialects for languages that they never they couldn't decipher but they were in the same chambers as mammoth bones as soon as he discovered something that was totally against the evolutionary idea of progressive development and natural selection as soon as he showed that pyramid cities may have existed in an ice age type time with the megafauna they shut his ass down and he's not the only one these sites have been been shut down all over the world there's a toxidants and elephants been found inscribed in central america and south american ruins but they've been removed there are people like colonel fawcett and other people have documented these things from the 1920s 30s 40s and 50s they did pen and ink illustrations of them that's how they used to document everything in archaeology they always carried an artist with them or sometimes the archaeology was the artist the archaeologist was the artist but but now when people visit those ruins there's no evidence of elephants and elephant trunks and all that because they're not native to the americas therefore the establishment doesn't want you know about all the trans-atlantic voyages and the fact that ships were capable of carrying elephants back there well that makes so much sense and um the first book i read that really opened my eyes up to my lovely history was forbidden archaeology like a long long time ago and um and from that moment on the whole you know narrative collapsed but like can i just ask you so when you i'm sorry i'm going back to the set the red sand falling from the sky because as you talk what i'm feeling what i think is blood and bone like fertilizer like like a substance of biology basically coming in because we're getting obviously a lot of reports today of the skies turning red all the way through china particularly china and that's like flooded my feed for the last sort of 12 months you two campbell have you been seeing those reports of the red skies yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah so you know the idea of it being sort of like a biology that's being rained down to sort of like complement uh yeah yeah yeah potentially laying the foundations for um i don't know like a a new laying the foundations for um what is to come next maybe i mean it's definitely and have you found jason within history have these sky events happened at like at certain times or they just read all the way through history like are they club together if you're talking about the the phenomena of the red dust and red mud that yeah i have only found those to be worldwide every 138 years it's a very it's a very definitive timeline however okay however in the 1800s and in the 1600s i found several incidents but they were always highly localized like you're describing now here it is 2022 we're still 18 years from the next phoenix year and yet there's red skies are happening so i've seen a lot of these like egypt 1447 bc the exodus the river the nile river but we have we have we have many incidents in pliny's natural history from the years 200 to 100 bc of of the tiber river in rome turn red as blood so there there's also been blood reigns all throughout roman history there were many times where there were blood reigns that shut down the government uh they they accepted that as an omen from the books of the sybil and they they refused to work and do administrative stuff because it was a sign from the gods that that the gods were upset so they sent the blood ring now as far as your idea that this could actually be blood i i can see no departure from that i don't like to talk about it because i'm not really i don't want to be a doomsayer to say here i don't want i mean for now we have to jump now we have to jump we have to make a cognitive leap where's the blood coming from what is it what love what life forms lost their life in order for that to happen if that's indeed the case because now now we're opening up a can of water you know of course now we're opening up a can of worms that makes us have to go back into the original creation myths of many different cultures because that's a common denominator not a common denominator is that in ancient times the human race was made from the blood of a god or the blood of the blood of a titan the blood of a giant so so now it opens up a whole nother can of worms about i mean it's really it's really hard to process for it's really hard for people to process the actual blood is falling from the skies even though we've had scientists declare that well i mean there's no i mean i can't ignore that like in the last two years as we've gone through the last sort of two years like the whole um focus on the adrenochrom running through the channels that was all about blood um and that was like really exposed to the last two years so that's just something side of side note to this conversation lots of blood references coming through sacrifice i mean blood is definitely a theme that that's connected to gods and all this kind of stuff isn't it yeah i mean we don't even know if it's the actual material that we're talking about it could actually be something to do with the color itself it could be the the color frequency that's actually being like spread there could be a connection there like it's very 3d of us just to think it's the actual matter that's what that's we're focusing on it could be so much more it could be the you know the cymatics the frequency the vibration of this um this substance this thing could just i don't know the right word for it can just be fertilized in the garden have you guys have you guys seen that movie night of the comet from the 80s i haven't i've heard you mention it yes well i'll make a note i mentioned it to jay dreamers yeah he did a fantastic breakdown of the movie but but but it goes in line with what you're talking about it's a in the beginning of the movie these people are hiding underground they don't know that they're underground they're in a world war ii bunker that was turned into a movie theater and they're in there and they're protected from this comment when the comment passes over everybody's outside waiting for the comment the whole world's party and they're all waiting and when the comment the earth goes into the tale of the comet and every single person that's exposed to it on the surface is reduced to red dust and all you see is their clothes all you see is their clothes and their watches and their rings it's red dust so the people that were deep in the subway systems and underground and in high-rise buildings underground they come out the next morning and find new york city completely empty and there's piles of red dust and clothes all over the city and it takes them a while to figure out a couple people were exposed they turned to mutants and stuff but but through the through the movie you figure out real real fast that the government knew that something was going to happen they were already waiting in underground facilities and they start rounding up survivors the movie is called night of the comet yeah i'm totally going to watch that so like because we don't know what's actually happening i mean we don't know what the sky is we don't know what's happening above or what's past that simulation you know like the event that we're seeing could just be the remnants the results to something that's happening above the simulation right right um i'm not i'm not i'm not in the party of of thinking that this is a bad situation and what what i mean by that is that i used to be all about intruder planets the apocalypse doom saying all i used to but the deeper that i studied these materials and the more my intuition my empathy and my imagination take off and i realized this whole experience is more spiritual than physical and i often fear fear things by concept even though i never actually suffer those circumstances and the more the more i conjugate now i think about all these all these discoveries that i have put together and i have made and i hear from other people and as we put these pieces together that that would on the surface be harrowing the more i i examine all this i'm like man this is a game somebody didn't want me to realize that there really isn't any danger here in that i'm just developing something maybe my personality maybe maybe i'm just you know mortal trapped in this husk and the true oversoul just didn't want me to know that i was actually safe and that all this is illusion illusory and then i'm in no real danger and that all these harrowing deaths that i see other people go through and all that in actuality they exit their avatars before they actually feel any of that so i mean i have personal experience with this i mean i i had i had a motorcycle accident that should have killed me instantly until i flew 65 feet through the air off my heart of davidson which is a thousand pounds i got a fat boy i got one of the big bikes and i i flew upside down 65 feet and i had a body impact on a concrete pylon and rebar went right through my arm and tore my tattoo out oh yeah and and but it was one of the best experiences of my life and i i did a video about it explained about by some subscribers that oh i did one youtube video about the phoenix one a couple weeks later i had a motorcycle accident a year later i wrapped all my research around simulation theory behind that incident behind behind how i felt and saw other people and how awesome it was i didn't know i was hurt i had a vague idea that i i was hurt i knew i'd been in an accident i was lucid i was very lucid but i was having conversations with people but i wasn't it wasn't their avatars i was concerned with anymore it was like man each individual person i talked to was a wealth of of information that i just found astonishing i listened to people talk about mundane things as they were waiting for the ambulance to get there and just i had an awesome time even though i was bleeding out i was bleeding out and i woke up in the in the emergency room so but what i'm saying is is i love to have these discussions and try to bounce ideas and figure it out but in truth i uh i'm so divorced from the idea that there's anything to worry about even in the apocalypse even in 2040 2046 i mean i will die for my beliefs 100 i have no problem with that concept at all not because i don't fear death but because i believe i have done such top-notch research and crossed all my all my t's and dotted all my eyes that i can show all this because on my channel i'm not telling people what what i believe i'm showing it to them they can go find they can go read it themselves and go put it off they can get a calculator out and they can do it themselves so but in the long run it just nothing really matters as far as oh the fear-mongering anymore it's like i don't care about the elite i don't care about what news is talking about i don't give a i mean no some of you guys i mean you might know my personal story too i went to prison for some hideous stuff i was a kidnapper you know i mean i was involved in a terrible assault nobody really got hurt but it was still an assault so i'm um i have i have people that are hating on me and they open up their own channels and talk bad about me but i don't care there is nothing that's ever going to stop me from moving forward and doing what i believe i'm supposed to be doing right now i have a lot of data to keep putting out i don't give a damn how many detractors i have because i have a lot of supporters as well but in the end i don't believe it's any individual discoveries that we make that are define us they're they're not i believe it has everything to do with campbell and you and i i believe we're immortal souls and i believe that for the longest time that the the plan worked and the plan was to make us believe that we really had something to fear so we could develop a really good personality but it's over it's over the cat's out the bag timelines are unraveling the oversoul is no longer concerned with hiding the truth anymore now it's almost as if the oversoul is promoting it people are waking up so damn fast it's causing problems so that's where i'm at grand organized design you know the the only truth really is or the only truth is love like that's like where it has always led me back to and i call that grand organized design and everything out of that it's a use of our imagination you know and that's just like tweaking and working and as you said defining our personalities and developing our own um creative expression on the matter and all it does is chisel us as souls into more beautiful artworks and that's why i love it so much i guess i loved what you just said there beautiful description i was gonna i would cam would you have any questions you may as well shoot because i've already been up with campbell three times now yeah exactly yeah yeah all right so i want to tie i want because of the the channel i want to tie the um this this sky's the simulation um tartaria and where we are today with tateri coming through so strongly into the consciousness as people are waking up to this amazing you know truth of who they are and what we are um and our australian aboriginals so those three components jason tie them together in your thoughts add them together okay as far as torturing goes there is no there is no doubt within my mind that in between the 7th and the 14th century a.d we're talking about like 800 years ago that there was a vast mariner race going around all over the world doing things building these forts and we find evidence of their architecture everywhere now i believe they were in i believe they're i believe they're they're all over new caledonia i believe now this is when the world still looked the way the way it does today where the sea levels were pretty much pretty much on par today we have this now gavin menzies did a really good job in the book 1421 the year that china discovered the world he did a very good job showing how we really don't have an accurate assessment today of how well that they navigated the ancient world because he shows document after document from from antiquity that they knew what they were doing they knew where things were in the world they were able to travel and do all that now these these um these artifacts that have been found that are called parts out of place artifacts these are they're basically from this time period from 700 a.d all the way to 14. it's about a 650 year period this is the greater torque this is basically the greater tartary period now tartar tart you're just saying tartaria and i understand that's the modern that's the modern basically label that's put on the civilization but harder tartary was basically it comes from the word tartarus and it's indicative that at one time in the ancient world there was a technologically advanced civilization that was in the far west that's what tartarus means it means the far far west only later in history only later in history did it become attached to the idea of hell it was never attached to the idea of hell of hell initially because initially the uranus earnest after they survived the cataclysm erenis you know uranus he gets his sons all together and they cast lots for different areas of the geographical world because their families were already uh getting big again and they couldn't stay in the same land so euradis norenas and his sons cast lots and one of them cast a lot of tartarus but he wasn't sent to hell that only came hundreds of years later when these stories were reinterpreted from different frames of reference he was banished to the far west and this is what we find in the initially in the near east after the great cataclysm known as the day the sky fell when when the vapor canopy collapsed they they they cast lots the same story is found in the book of jasher and the jewish hagadoths and and other rabbinical writings as noah and his sons casting lots for different areas of the world well one got the north one got the south one got to stay right there one got the east one got the west and uh the ones that stayed there were noah in his progeny but his four he had actually actually had four sons one of them was was arba armor was the father of anak well a lot of people don't realize this the bible cuts off with the lineage of noah it only focuses on the lineage of noah but when you read these other texts you find out that after the cataclysm noah and nema had more sons and daughters they continued and this caused a problem this caused a problem in the ancient near east the problem was was noah and nema were pure blood pre-vapor they were vapor canopy biology so after the collapse of the vapor canopy when they continued to have children they had children that were of gigantic size and it be it became a threat to the people who were born after the collapse of the vapor canopy because once the cloud the vapor canopy was down the genome had been changed now people are being born to sizes that are closer to us today but when noah who had this awesome awesome pre-flood of genetics he kept having sons and daughters it caused a problem one of his daughters was cenerimous i don't know if you guys know about the history of samiras but she was the queen of babylon yeah anciently wicked wicked queen but uh she took it as one of her lovers a half titan half giant somebody who who was absolutely born first generation titan after the collapse of the vapor canopy but was also fathered by a giant who was already living after the vapor canopy yes so he was much bigger he enters the historical record you know in the hebrew texas nimrod but in in the ancient world he was called a maruta act later later he was called merodak and then then it became more duke and then it became nimrod it's all the same it's all the same person but he uh in in sumerian writings he was called bilgamesh which was mistranslated about 100 years ago to gilgamesh it's called the epic of gilgamesh but the true the true the true name is bilgamesh it's all the same person bill games is just who he was in the first part of his life before he became king the king of acad but all tortaria was was tartaria was a civilization that was west of the near east and it became very advanced it was very ill it was feared and they left it alone and it actually enjoyed a a period of isolation where it could develop no wars no nothing because the rest of the world feared it and they had stayed away it was only about a thousand years after the collapse of the vapor canopy that kingdoms and empires began spreading human population that now they started spreading into central asia and europe and they come across this civilization that looked like it had been there for a very long time it was basically the tartars uh the mag the tartars the mag yards the the ancestors of the of the huns uh central europe's the ancestors of the slavs so basically the central european stock because that could be yes the freezing definitely yeah well well the frisian depressions tell the tale you know this is fantastic i have a cop i have a copy of orlando back here but yeah the order they even date the collapse of the vapor canopy very very close to the to the actual date the great cataclysm that caused it orlando manuscript even describes calendars before the flood it tells the truth it says in the days before the flood men did not count the years they counted days that's in the world end yeah yeah that's all there's a lot of there's a lot of old text that tell the truth about about all that so uh um as far as that civilization spreading to australia because obviously we've looked at like sydney and melbourne and brisbane and our capital cities and you know they it follows all the same architectural um you know there is structures and and processes and um it's basically all the same but our indigenous australians the ones that we've spoken to have absolutely no record or knowledge of these cities existing at the same time as they did so it's it's been a phenomenon talking to them well i'm gonna i'm gonna have to introduce a concept now that we boy we've avoided in this video so far all right okay we like to talk about our reality in a linear fashion it's true yes but i have i have explained on my own channel and i have given many examples that history may be a series of simulations and different ones were stopped whenever whatever protocol was made that was made for whatever whatever whatever experiment was being run by the overseers they stopped different historical timelines when they wiped the slate in the in the silicon they don't always remove the evidence because i mean this is this is this you have to understand it's it's a any sophisticat access to to sophisticated equipment that can find a ghost data that's in here basically find out what was on there on this he may not be able to get it all off but he can get it well the simulation would be the same a vast a vast civilization in australia it's thriving for 350 years they're building cities infrastructure and then all of a sudden the overseers decide well we don't need that we need to we need to make sure this place stays empty whether this is going to get out of control here in a while there's going to be 5 million people here we need to put a stop to this uh it's just like one of those old old toys we had where we could draw pictures on there and we slide it everything everything vanishes there's gonna be there's gonna be some uh ooh parts there's going to be fossils in the simulacrum itself because if we're in a simulation that's the result of layers of simulation then there's going to be there's going to be cross-pollination between these different realities reality tunnels converge all the time and they borrow they exchange information it can't always all be deleted without affecting other other area areas so if you look at it from a computer analyst perspective you're looking at the ability to stop an entire series of protocols erase most of it but you can't erase it all or you'll damage other things that are ongoing yeah so you take out what you can so 500 years later we a whole new culture moves into the area and they see it apply now overturns a a dressed cut block and outside the city of melbourne all of a sudden a whole pavement is undone and they know no one's been here in in recorded history and then we find these old trade trace civilizations pieces we gotta find all this in australia but you also find them in other places in the world that are inexplicable for which there are no histories australia is not an anomaly these are found worldwide these evidence that a whole series of histories was played out in this area for which we don't have a trace of information from other than the fact we can dig up like goblet okay we can dig up god bless and not find a single human skeleton and then find out that it was buried completely in mud and in order to to in order to justify it to the public that this is a legitimate archaeological site they they the scientists actually published that the people buried their city to preserve it before they left and the very act of getting enough dirt to bury goblin tipi would have required more man hours to build than to build goldberg tv itself this is this is not it's not the only site that they say this on there are many ancient civilizations that have been found completely entombed in dirt but we don't find skeletons we don't file we don't find the people oh what i'm saying is is if we're going to entertain simulation theory then we need to be able to wrap our minds around the fact that somebody if this is a simulation that it's governed by protocols that someone else controls and if there's somebody else controlling these they're running experiments and if they're running experiments that means they have the ability to stop and start different programs and if they have the ability to stop and start different programs that mean they can do that without leaving enough trace elements for us to discover unless we're deliberately searching but that's so so tastes like um i i've i think i love that we've kamlin i've definitely been like working with that as a model that there's been a simulated or a simultaneous timeline coexisting um you know perceiving by different people in different ways but like when we talk about something like melbourne or sydney but let's just focus on mel because that's been a big focus of vows like it appears to us that basically the vast majority of melbourne city was already there like it's not like it's not relics that were uncovered under the mud like it was like the the vast majority of the city as it currently stands was already coexisting and we we found it that way like basically almost completely undug you know like in in almost the exact same way it is today like so that's sort of like the energetic that we've been looking at so like that would that would um denote potentially that our indigenous were in a different simulation to and so they weren't even seeing it but that it is actually was completely almost in its entirety present as it is today like i mean that's taking it very far you know that's it like these aren't remnants these are whole well we look at timelines as it is that is definitely that's definitely an oblique like when we think of timelines we think that that they all keep continuing but jason's saying maybe they get cut like the toltecs right they all disappeared where they go so i totally think they get headaches i think so yeah but maybe yeah they hit the point and they get cut and that's why we've got all these uh parts and unexplained phenomena and things because literally they've cut that simulation and they've put another people into the same um you know um i mean we do have we actually do have archaeological i mean geologic evidence of simulations being stopped now we have interpreted totally differently but i can give you a bunch of examples but right now uh we cannot scientifically explain although we gloss over it very well in our books but we cannot scientifically explain how you fossilize a jellyfish why are there earthworms found completely petrified yeah what happened to make the hairs on different ancient creatures stand out before they were turned to stone we we have so many we're talking about mollusks that are found 700 feet below sea level solid stone even the tissue so what that flash froze the entire ancient world we have actual fossils of fish that were turned to rock in the very instant they were in the middle of giving birth to other fish so we are also also we have sharks that are in the middle of biting these are found fossilized uh it's nothing theoretical anybody can go to my channel and look at my two videos on on anomalous fossil finds and all that i have over a hundred pictures of fossils that have been found displayed all over the world of things that are absolutely inexplicable there's no way to turn these things into just i have i've got pictures of octopus suction cups and stuff turn to absolute petrified stone you can't turn a jellyfish to stone it's impossible the petrification process is defined uniformitarian theory of natural selection as when a creature is killed and buried and then and then compressed there's heat it's also water so they try to describe this flood and all that they try to get you to think that okay maybe the great flood did all this and all that but it still does not account for the beautiful the beautiful little tin tentacles in celia all the fine micro details of a jellyfish a jellyfish doesn't have any bones how did you turn it to stone this is what this is another one of my theories that when a when a systemic shutdown occurs it's a flash freeze everything is flash frozen that's why we have mammoths that have tulips undigested just like a pause button boom yep just like that and it's happened i mean it's happened we see the evidence of it everywhere it has happened so so i'm often saying this on my channel if we can show that any one thing has happened then it's happened all the time or everywhere it's there are no there are no there are no uh anomalies if if we can show that one thing is true somewhere then it's true everywhere it's just this is the way you have to define reality that way if you don't you're just cherry-picking and you know like you know i'm i'm a graphic designer so i mean i work here photoshop and indesign illustrator all the time and you know like it's really easy for me to like pause something here have it frozen in time implement it like put it in to this picture here add moving images here and bring together five different techniques and mediums and create a brand new image a completely new story like i can fully see from that analogy how you could freeze the cities of to other the cities that we know is melbourne and sydney um have them frozen in time have a another experience playing out in in video time being our indigenous and the culture going on there and having this frozen and then having another medium coming in maybe the 250 years ago the explorers and them all interacting in basically one image stream coming in from yeah i can so see that and from a simulation as a graphic designer that totally [\h__\h] works man that's totally easy and functioning yeah that's good they're like we don't yeah we don't need to like i mean a lot of um our discussions are obviously just using our imagination database we're just getting into it from that perspective but like we can totally work with the idea that when we when we say tatari consciousness we we're not talking so much about the tates we're talking now about this this burgeoning new understanding that's been sort of like term titania um but you know people waking up to the fact that you know history is absolutely not what they've been told so you know like i can see campbell like melbourne sydney could australia obviously is this amazing container because we've got this we've got this tiny time frame you know our history donated is like this tiny 250 window where we should have only had these sort of architectural feats happening in the last 200 years whatever so it gives us a good good i know page to work on it's like a page in photoshop but you know we've got this like really fully developed cities and i we can we have evidence that so much now they are fully developed beautiful standing solid cities and we've just walked right into them and then at the same time we have interviewed several elders now who hold very very um you know ancient knowledge of their um timelines and they do not cross at all like nothing there's nothing going on how about this at the same time i have mentioned i have mentioned a few times on my own channel if if these cities are as you say and they were found that way then they were we're dealing with a phenomenon that has also been documented in the 1800s in the united states if we have actual cities that for which we don't have any records that they were built but we know they just appeared in historical record and later they're occupied by us now this denotes to me that what happened it was very similar to what happened in 1902 because i've documented so much in 1902 how on the world scene out of nowhere exploded all the companies that are now fortune 500 companies today they had their birth in 1902 now and this is what i documented now for these things for these companies not to exist in 1900 and most of them not not in 1901 but to explode on the scene in 1902 and a few more in 1903 and for what you're saying about these cities then this would be direct evidence of the reset for which we have nothing nothing in the historical record no books mention them no no and that's what happened in 1902 1902 didn't have anything at the time except for volcanoes that were killing a lot of people like in martinique volcano incinerated uh 30 000 people and one guy survived named august uh he survived because he was in a pit he was supposed to die he's a convicted criminal and he never died he he lived and then he traveled with the barnum and bailey circus man and he was uh he was on display because he's the only person that survived mount pele's explosion on martinique in 1902 and it was a big deal but um 1902 was very interesting but it was reset because uh we don't really know what happened from 1890 to 1901 we just have evidence of it and i did a whole video recently about that that when these resets happen we find this architecture and we find these things in geopolitics that don't make any sense because they had no development they just appeared on the world scene so we have the evidence of a reset but it's like here's all these children that just appeared we don't know where their parents are but at the time it seemed normal to put these kids in factories into into raising these different orphanages it seemed normal at the time but 30 years later people were writing books like what the hell happened 30 years ago for it's always in retrospect that we that we see the evidence of reset we never see it as their plan well i mean the world trade fairs they were fantastic like they sort of like all appeared around 1890 and then they wheeling out all the products the things the times the events it's like this is the edge of the school of what you're about to here's what you're going to use in this culture here's all the things i can see how the company would have been introduced at that point from those world trade fair offerings and also that was also the birth of science [\h__\h] fiction man science fiction is phenomenal back then it's like it's so right at the reset there was the birth of science fiction and obviously the introduction of the world trade affairs so all of that is this such a lovely like presentation effective feature let me tell you how my mind works so i take this into consider iteration of this oh this picture you just painted me all right i assimilate that data with what i know about 1902 and how everything i've documented about my mind i'm now i'm going i'm i'm investigator now there's no phenomena that will unfold in our world that is not it's not in some way causal there's a reason why it can't just happen there's gonna be reasons so what the the picture that was just forming in my mind with when we were talking about this is that europeans were moving too fast and they built some cities in australia and maybe new zealand europeans were moving faster than the timeline could account for the overseers were not happy about the development now on my own channel one of my main quotes that i'm always saying is that it only takes us 200 years to go from horse and buggy to hadron collider i say that a lot because i need to paint a picture of people's minds how incredibly dynamic humans are from horse and buggy to hadron collider only takes two centuries therefore the picture that's painted in my mind is where we reset in the 1800s because in the 16th and seventeen hundreds we grew too that would make sense to me yeah i mean that like that would make sense to what we're talking about today one hundred percent when you look at the tech everything the clothes the music the steampunk steampunk yeah and then by the 1800s it's all black and white isn't it black suits everything's not you know all the arts gone from everything it's very you know like reset looking yeah empty like it's ready to be filled in and enter the world trade fairs into science that's fiction here's your difference between fact and fiction here's how your perception of reality where everything fits here's all the things you're going to use here are the cultures you're interacting with all right go forward starting again it doesn't feel like that it does so so essentially what you're suggesting jace is that there's like a there you call them the overlords the overseers like that there is actually uh a time what would be the word like they're they've got a notion of the natural way they want us to move forward a natural evolutionary timeline that in some way for some reason is serving either us or them or it is you know i mean i call i mean those awful overlords you're not putting that down to grand organized design you're actually saying this is a this is something this is an entity onto itself something past what we would know is my you know my own belief system is that there's an oversoul but he has not he or she doesn't have much to do with what's going on here now i believe we live in a contained world and that necessarily implies there must be a much bigger outside world for this just to be a containment so that being the case on the outside of this field then we have overseers just like the oldest oldest writings say that god you know god made mankind in his image well that tells me that humans made humans to live in this mill there's no mystery here the real mystery is the oversoul that is cool with all this the oversoul that is allowing for these simulations to be conducted and run for whatever reason may that be there be they run simulations that are run because we're trying to scientifically find out a series of understand problems on the outside of the construct or if the problems are fictions that were introduced into the narrative of this military to make us further believe that we are in danger when we're not because the belief that we are in danger is what would develop the personality if immortals truly found out they were in a simulation in the collective then then all it would all be for naught because the output would be affected and as long as it's only a minority who know the truth and the majority are still playing ball then the symmetrical will work just fine in producing whatever scientific output needs to be produced for those on the outside but evidently we're we're in a construct that has a timed release and we were moving too fast this is the threat that's found in the tower of babel story because the tower of babel story is not what we've been told it's actually a failed threat against humanity because it says specifically that overseers calls them gods they talked among themselves not to humans and they said look the man has become as one of us there is nothing impossible for them their imaginations are taken off we need to do something so what do they do they created division in strife and they destroyed the architectural project that we were working on because we had realized that we were in a containment field and we wanted to get out that's what yeah i agree with that story yes okay well that opens up a whole other level of conversation because if if what if what we're suggesting is possible then we're on the verge therefore of another reset because enough 2040. i mean many people are becoming conscious of this which is would be not in alignment with the time release in us moving forward here i mean where do we go from like are you theorizing that we are on the verge of another time reset and are you well i'm mom i'm pretty vocal about my beliefs we are all we're heading toward a utopia it's an artificial one but it's still going to be good times for a lot of people nonetheless the utopia is what we're moving into but it's going to be abruptly stopped by the very reset you're talking about and so i have over 4142 videos that talk about this 2040 reset the month of may you know all the just all the historical times that this exact same reset happened and uh yeah it's for we're heading towards utopia and it's going it's going to actually occupy the minds of a lot of people it's gonna it's designed for a distraction i've been telling people for two years on my channel i've been doing predictions videos you're using date sequence prediction and isometric projections and showing people that that all this narrative all this doom saying all this negativity that's been going on since 2019 2020 2021 2022 is over in 2023 you're going to see all new a whole series of events are about to unfold it's going to change a lot of things a lot of nations are going to start internalizing this whole 20 30 agenda deal is going to be exposed for what it is which was fear-mongering it's not true we're going to be heading into a utopia but it's not going to last but about 15 years and then 2040 happens and it's a whole nother series but recent resets aren't aren't something that that just happened they're scheduled this is what the point this is what the point of my channel is i show the scheduling i show exactly not only when it happened in in throughout history but i show and i reveal those who knew it was going to happen and predicted it was accuracy so if it's scheduled and it's inevitably going to happen um as everyone affected no matter what or is is there um a different impact versus on the consciousness of the individual yes i i'm gonna be the first one to be honest with you about that i have not worked out all those details i don't i just know the exact chronology now i see a lot of evidence that the elite can fear it because they're always hiding oh you know they're always hiding this is such a matter of many of my videos the um the elite has the the elite they must serve another master because this is what the purpose of the phoenix was in the most ancient records we have nasty the the trimorphic pro tennoi and on the origin of the world these are ancient gnostic documents from the nagamati library in egypt and they're very specific about the purpose of the phoenix the phoenix was to keep the archons in check well the elite follow the archons the archons are what give them their power to control over the minds and masses the masses of the people i said but the phoenix was always designed to keep them in check archons are loads of time they manipulate our perception of time they manipulate histories and all that but the phoenix appears no matter what the calendar is no matter who changes the calendar it doesn't matter if it's julian if it's islamic history if it's gregorian old style or if it's gregorian new style it does not matter phoenix appears every 138 years and last in 1902 we know for a fact the elite predicted they knew about it because they hid but as soon as they realized that the this wasn't the big one 1902 they were relatively safe and they had another 138 years as soon as they realized that you can see from the historical record what happened they unleashed their wealth hundreds of companies were born in a year yeah so because like you know we go like the idea that we get this far and we've worked it out and we understand relatively speaking you know pretty well and you know it's going to keep going if we're like heading towards 2040 you know 10 20 more years worth of understanding like it seems a bit like um you know a bit of a drag to think that we would get to that level of consciousness and then just reset back into it okay okay yeah i get you i do 100 i understand where you're coming from but you're very unfamiliar with a lot of my findings as well i i i sorry i am it's true because listen an awareness and awareness of any phenomena gives you power over the phenomenon all right the awareness of power produces a power yes just like y'all we live in a reflective medium it's just like if you believe opposition exists then opposition will appear so this same thing happens for the phoenix phenomenon those who are aware of it and don't fear it are not on that frequency phoenix comes and goes there are communities that survive all the time i just did a video about a major cataclysm that happened in the in the old world it's very well known it is the destruction of of the mohenjo daryl civilization the rapid civilization which happened at the exact same time as the destruction of sodom and gomorrah which happened the same time as admin and zebon and the sumerian cities were all laid waste it's in the lamentation texts of the old of the near east it's very what was very interesting the path of destruction is is is well known however there was one community called zela that totally survived this is what this is what resets are like a community of like-minded individuals can basically create their own reality it's their own reality bubble and they're insulated from whatever is going on in the collective on a personal level that's also the message of my archaic channel i'm always explaining even when i'm doom saying i'm always explaining to people that that there are two different realities that are coexisting right now one of them is for the collective and you're more than welcome to join it as a matter of fact artificial intelligence x is always trying to induce you to join it and to modify your behavior to to conform to the collective because it's less power power expenditure on its behalf but there's another reality going on at all times it's because you are a singularity meaning you're an immortal soul trapped in a husk that means you create your own reality tunnel and you are perfectly insulated from the entire collective if you choose to be but as soon as you focus on anything in your environment and you fear it you borrow its fate whatever it's going to go through you're going to go through too this is the story of lot's wife when she turned around for a split second to see what was happening to her friend her friends in the city of sodom when it was being destroyed from the sky she turned around and vaporized with them that's it i don't know if the story is true or not but the but the message is real yeah the analogy yeah wow nice all right all right we've been going for two years guys no no no no no no no wait wait canberra campbell you can't stop it yeah one i just gotta go for one more second so like okay that's which is and i agree with what you decided totally um and it's a really interesting um concept because like what that would mean is that there's going to be a a body of consciousness consciously living alongside a reset and conscious of it i'm gonna quote a prophecy right now that says exactly what you just said okay all right two women will be grinding at the meal mill one will be taken to the other left two men will be working in the field one will be taken in the other left yes listen the phoenix phenomenon and any other phenomenon that we experience is always discretionary this is why we are basically masters of our own faith this is why abc nbc cbs bbc all the major news networks are steadily feeding you fear porn because if they can get you to vibrate on the wrong frequency you're a part of the collective because for some reason the elite do not like individuality now on the same token i am becoming more and more convinced over these past few weeks that the elite may not like individuality but we must have a benefactor that opposes them because there are many of us putting material out and we have not been silenced that's a good point yeah yeah um just just i was just going to say something and then you know sorry yes do you think a phoenix event a reset event is that when they is that when they're cutting and pasting timelines is that sort of like you know these two different you know obviously this is going to be an opinion you know does the collective kind of get wiped out and those who are thinking from themselves get to sort of go forward on the new timeline is that kind of thing yes there's okay um that's all it's very difficult to answer and and and and know that you're you're understanding exactly what i'm saying listen every 138 years it's not just red dust red men yeah it's not just volcanoes it's not earthquake tsunamis it's not just some weird diseases that that suddenly appear it's mass abductions i say abductions but it's actually mashed vanishings whole vent just like the children's crusade solely so many children just vanished in 1212 which is a phoenix we finished here but the people of the time were so mystified about the vanishing of so many children we're talking about hundreds of thousands of children in europe just open disappeared now this is in 12 12 a.d now it was during the crusades so the authorities at the time said okay look we'll just tell the people it was the children's crusade all the kids came because evidently only the children of god could defeat the muslims but it wasn't true it's propaganda it was a story that was invented to to explain something that the church couldn't explain the total absolute vanishing of hundreds of thousands of kids so 1902 we have so many weird edits we have so many things that just unusual that happen it's not just natural phenomena it's exactly what you're saying these 138 year periods this is when systems are put back in into their corresponding reality tunnels anything that's out of whack or anything that's not going the way that the elite want them to go this is when everything's put back look for over 200 years a certain culture of people were making war against europeans they were making war through finances through banks that were funding both sides of the world between the states that were doing all these things now they just couldn't get a real good stronghold in the west they were always opposed and it was really ticking them off and night well in 1902 all of a sudden they got put on their course they got empowered 17 years later they exterminated 23 million white christian christian russians and they created the soviet empire and turned an entire uh nation nation descended from targaryen into atheists and then turned around and used that nation for the cold war to instill fear in all the other nations of the world for the whole nuclear scare and the space race and all that all the way up until 1991 when those people finally broke free from the [\h__\h] bags it's a it's some deep history but we're go yeah this video is going way too long let's keep going and you can't even have a pizza all right yeah we can always do this again in the future but kelly you want to talk no no i agree we should we should call it a day but i've loved it i you know they're really they're looking at the how the timeline edits how the cultures come up against each other and then um how when one's conscious of it's coming and conscious of the expression of it and then actually happening again being conscious of it like that's a whole other another discussion which i just find absolutely fascinating i find it very easy to conceptualize this as a graphic designer and working with all the medium inputs that you can potentially put into actually building a physical timeline in um you know like indesign or whatever and it yeah it's really quite easy to imagine it from that perspective and when you look at it as a simulation and then you know use what we use as a simulation of their computer and then use their programs on the computer it's all very easy to understand yeah so um what i'm very fascinated now is moving forward you know as we hold this information and continue to really process it and understand it what that looks like as we move through our actual reset like that is a phenomenal sort of body of questioning and looking that's a good quest in that concept so i would really love to have another show starting from there from that i mean throughout the course of history and all things we suffered in the past through different lifestyles i believe we've been victims all this time yes the awakening that's occurring now in the next 15 15 60 years i think this next one is going to be fundamentally different because even it's also attached to a concept for which it's never been attached to in the past and that is apocalypse now the media is going to get you to think the apocalypse is a very negative thing but it actually means to unveil it yes so so you know it's all you know before i don't want to talk anymore before we just go off and talk about another question i know well i mean [\h__\h] hell man that was awesome to meet you jace fan fantastic that was really really really fun yeah we'll do this again oh no yes definitely of course you two have got an event coming up so well not together but one one there and one streamed in so enjoy that event and um yeah thanks everyone watching and we will definitely be in touch jase because we would definitely continue this conversation down the line so thank you for your time total honor my friend thank you so much for your brilliant brain and mind and your position here on the planet and being here to discuss this with us is just fantastic your breath of [\h__\h] fresh air thank you so with much it was really really fun yeah and thanks for your time hey i will uh i'll put this on my channel too oh after i record it off yours i just need your links whatever links you guys want me to put cause uh like i said i got i got a pretty active channel and i i don't i don't i think there's a lot of people that are on my channel that are not subscribed to you so we cool definitely yeah yeah it'll be going up um next thursday so i can send you over the copy as well if you want um and any links and yeah awesome fantastic jace well look you have the best best rest of your night or day wherever you are in the timeline we'll be in touch all right cheers all right guys have a lovely day see you later thanks so see ya