Chronicon Audiobook Series by Nick T (link below)

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foreign hey guys a shout out to Nick T he has his own channel it's small but we need to blow that up Nick has a playlist where he has released 34 videos doing readings of chronicon he has taken it upon himself I didn't ask him to do this in five six and seven minute segments that are easily digestible his diction is very good Annunciation I really like there's an example at the end of this video chronicon is huge it's gigantic this is how far and I made him this is how far he's gotten so far I made him a promise in the comment section that once he gets to the great flood I will introduce his channel well I might he's moving a little faster than I thought than I anticipated this is where he's at in his 34 videos in chronicon 34 videos to cover this much of of of the history of the world he's got a long way to go but I'm pretty sure he's up to the task after after listening to his his content he is reading chronicon word for word something I know many of you do not have time to do in these 34 videos you will learn of the day star Rebellion origin of Anunnaki calendars how Phoenix was ordained to be a witness against the powers of Darkness secrets of the ancient gnosis the Frozen Earth period how Phoenix became the keeper of the calendar early set that Kingdom and The Great apostasy before the coming of Enoch the arrival of the Watchers in the Draconian calendar forbidden knowledges introduced Before the Flood pre-flood prophecies Enoch receiving the Divine instructions to build the Giza complex called akuzan predictions of Adam about the future the building of Karnak in France Stonehenge Newgrange in England and Ireland the kingship of Enoch when he became emperor origin of the Mayan calendar all make timekeeping system The Vedic chronology in the Sumerian king list the Egyptian old Chronicle how the Sun darkened at the death of Adam dreams and Omens before the the flood of a coming disaster the building of the Great Pyramid complex and the vanishing of Enoch into the sky the Sumerian pintopolis reign of the seven Kings Noah as a king of the city of surepack the beginning of the Nephilim Dynasty the oppression that was begun Before the Flood and how the Phoenix brought it 2829 BC 1066 a.m the first son of the Anunnaki matriarch is algar his Reign is recorded in the Sumerian king list as 36 000 Shahs evenings and mornings which is 100 years his Reign ending in 27-29 BC his Reign completes the 80 years 28 800 days of the eredude dynasty begun by his mother the matriarch alulim she is considered the genetrix of the seven Kings who were considered as gods to the Sumerians and later Babylonians though the Sumerians recorded eight rulers they were called the seven Kings because the genetrix was excluded this was the 76th year of pyramid construction one Gerald Massey lectures 2815 BC 1080 am the Great Pyramid of Giza and the complex is complete requiring 90 years 1080 months to complete from its start in 2905 BC it is 10-18 months mirroring this 1080 anus Monday year this 90 years is 32 400 Days or 10 800 times three days this 32 400 Days is reflected in the length of the original perimeter of the Great Pyramids base 30 24 feet or 1008 times three even today is measured by Graham Hancock it is 3 23 16 feet the geometry of the pyramid further identifies its own date of construction the pyramid sits on a foundation of four corners but the monument was designed to have a fifth Corner the top stone or Apex the Cornerstone geometrically the five terminations of the pyramid form one depicted one-dimensionally exhibit a perfect pentagram and the pentagram is composed of 10 108 degree angles thus the five-pointed pentagram is the geometrical sum of the number 1080. the year 1080 of the pre-flood calendar was 2815 BC a close approximate for this year was made in 1954 A.D when George g m James wrote that the Great Pyramid in Giza complex was constructed about 2800 BC a scientific bullseye in both the description box and the comments section below you will find my personal email ask me any questions you have video ideas I'd like to hear them and if you want to donate all those buttons are accessible below playlists and everything you might need access to the gates to my website [Music]