Dark Reality Remastered

From Archaix Wiki

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one year ago we released a video it was basically a bullet point presentation template describing reality why the world is the way it is what is really happening in this existence that you walk through and that you believe is a real universe we've released 120 videos since we released that video a year ago it was called dark realities and this video is a reminder of what we said because in these last 120 videos we have made example after example after example exemplifying our claims so this is dark realities remastered a much better much better video straight to the point we're not going to waste any time but we need to remind you the direction we're heading because we're about to unveil some new videos and many of the things that you've seen in former presentations are going to take on meaning they're going to give you context we have dropped several hints about this world we live in we're going to start putting the picture together and the only way we can do it is incrementally because the masses and even the individuals in particular cannot receive so profound of paradigm shattering information without going mad you've got to chew it up in pieces taste pieces of it before you understand what you're biting into material reality maintains observable and measurable properties of a hologram henceforth referred to as the holosphere this holosphere maintains programming protocols designed to deceive human sense perceptions the holospheric matrix is imperfect there are historic instances when programming errors have occurred when humans witness these glitches and even when the actions of humans have induced a hurried correction in the holography the holosphere is an advanced psy-based medium program to reflect back as phenomena what is projected into it projections altering creating or continuing reality steadily feed the holospheric generation of personal and collective conditions the holosphere is not reality it is a sentient biogram containment field quarantined away from the real universe there exist intelligences that can and do enter and exit this holo field even removing men and materials from the holosphere the historical record exhibits evidence that humans are not the only victims of past holospheric imprisonment homo inferior breeds were created for slave labor by an enemy that is still today trapped in the same holography that we live in their activity against mankind continues today but it is governed for example it is restricted the original holosphere was a dna development preserve able to generate complex biospheres to study the ancient and mysterious coding of dna under controlled conditions in the holosphere new life forms could not contaminate the real universe the fossil record contains proof that explosions of life forms in the tens of thousands have appeared on earth suddenly with no traces of pre-existing transitional forms homo inferior was later modified by a benefactor who deliberately committed the ultimate trespass the introduction of the benefactor's own genetic material was a prohibited act of cross-contamination between the holy spirit containment area our reality in the real universe that resulted in the creation of homo sapiens the benefactor race homo and nuna you know of them as the anunnaki were trapped in the holosphere holy spirit medium because of this violation the containment holography became locked down with no escape out of the programming the holosphere then became home humans were not a part of the original design our existence and potential is a threat but this threat cannot be edited out due to a most unforeseen development immortal souls from outside the containment apparatus have found freedom in residing inside humans as they are conceived this new spiritual development of a prohibited sentient species has created a rift among opposing factions of homo nuna both inside and outside the containment field the multi-dimensional spatial characteristic characteristics of the are convincingly generated from multiple sources both outside and inside the holofield only after genetic manufacturing of homo sapiens did new programming and subroutines infiltrate the biogram mechanisms were set in place to depopulate humanity to impede development to deter the influx influx of uncontainable immortal souls these cataclysm protocols occur at fixed date their timing is governed and therefore predictable despite earth's altered orbit its deceleration around the sun the supposed loss of mass of intruder planets phoenix nibiru the dark satellite these objects have all been viewed in historical times on the very ancient fixed date timelines only as programming could this precision be possible in linear time though the qualities of spatial properties have changed the core programming of the exact past and future dates of the hollow fields cataclysm protocols are encoded and easily seen in numerous rectilinear dimensions in the scientifically verified measurements inside the great pyramid of giza in egypt and in no other pyramids in the world everything we know of ancient history from the records themselves can fit easily within a 5 500 year period however this goes back only to a cataclysmic event that started the world over earth is ancient and so are its civilizations but sumer india egypt all relatively young great cultures and peoples having emerged from colonies of survivors some of the oldest records in the world were written from the perspective of non-human beings who conveyed their accounts to humans who later committed them to writing the holospheric containment apparatus is an interactive three-tiered mechanism of fantastically advanced technological hardware and biogram software operating from outside and inside the observers outside the holofield manipulate the holography through nodal apertures disguised among the stellar canopy as variable stars these apertures between dimensions bathe earth with with energy to create terrestrial phenomena variable stars are rare not even 0.01 percent of the visible luminaries are variable stars but they're not stars at all governors are spread throughout the solar system that perform different functions all disguised as lunar bodies planetoids and asteroids these immense vehicles or stations machines still performing according to fixed protocols although the advanced ancient civilization that constructed them may no longer exist these include our moon one moon of mars a planetoid series one moon of jupiter one moon of saturn the phoenix orbiter the nibiru way station the dark satellite the older homo and nuna civilization trapped in this holography with us with homo sapiens currently reside in vast interconnected underground bases and deep earth biospheres complexes that anti-date the existence of homo sapiens on the surface the vast amount of energy expended throughout antiquity to convince humans that gods came from the heavens and modern ufo culture are programs that serve to misdirect all attention to the thriving homo and nuna civilization in our own underworld the cosmological concept from distant antiquity of an inaccessible heavens above a middle-earth midgard where humans dwelt on the surface and in an underworld that was home to fallen gods the origin of today's heaven earth and hell model ultimately derived from the historical understanding of the holy spirit containment fields function of separating the soul system from the rest of the universe where humans dwelt unprotected on the surface as an older more advanced race occupy occupy deep earth biospheres a fallen species unable to escape the in five thousand years of recorded human history the goal of knowing who or what god is has not been attained thousands of variant religions religious beliefs texts faith many of them in opposition to each other and all of them the imaginative works of men god is what we want not what we have a hundred million prayers have pled with god to end cancer and yet still the almighty pharmaceutical giants grow rich treating the symptoms without carrying the disease the only point being made here is that the history we are taught is not the history we read in the oldest texts earliest traditions or excavated from sites that existed before there was writing every race was manufactured not evolved sin and religion are the inventions of souls merely trying to cope with the immense lack of understanding of our existence remember when the human mind is stretched by a new idea it could never go back to its original dimensions these are the mysteries we examine in archaics continue to listen to these videos we're going to unveil some profound things about who we are and where we're going just remember we're all in this together and for those of you that have supported our cakes by buying me coffees or sending uh money through the paypal donation link is much appreciated it has allowed me to prepare more cap more calendars texas is presently iced over but i'm about to mail out hundreds of calendars to people who have sent me a lot of these people just straight up admit they don't have the money so anything anything you donate will help cover my costs it's no big deal because i'm going to make sure people get these posters and these count these charts that i'm that i'm designing showing you these things as they ask for them i'm not really worried about the money but if you donate it does help me thank you very much [Music]