Date of Exodus Key to Anunnaki Chronology: Part 20 ANUNNA Files

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the year 3895 bc has been shown in several posts and videos to have been a catastrophic reset 1 656 years before the great flood which was the 1656 year of the genesis antediluvian period civilizations were ended in lithospheric displacement volcanic resurfacing a new vapor canopy appeared in the sky and giantism became the norm as megafauna thrived primitive societies revived a totemism in neolithic people survived in scattered groups 792 years after this devastating worldwide reese restart in the year 3895 bc in the month of may caused by phoenix something unusual happened the year was 3103 bc 3103 bc is well known to be the start of the vedic kali yuga calendar some ancient calendars had different new year new year's months january march november but this begin date could actually be 3102 it doesn't really matter for the purposes of this video we have previously shown how so many ancient calendars and civilization start dates began all around 3100 bc in fact archaeologists have marveled at the sudden transition from neolithic culture to full-fledged civilization in egypt at this time in 3113 bc the mayan long count calendar began ivar zapp and george erickson in the year 1998 wrote that it is apparent that some major event of worldwide import occurred at this date that it must have involved a celestial observation to have so influenced sky watchers around the world to have acted as a catharsis for a new age these sky watchers of the maya believed in seven creator gods under the primordial god hunab ku much as the sumerians regarded the seven anunnaki builder gods astrophysicist tom ray of dublin institute for the advanced studies discovered that light would penetrate the back wall of the famous new grange vault exactly 5150 years ago at the exact moment the sun emerged this is in the book feats and wisdom of the ancients this time indicates the year 3162 which which virtually aligns with the other pre-cataclysmic calendars that all began circa 3100 bc charcoal samples taken from negrangen's ancient caulking of the roof slabs date to about 3 100 bc the 792 year period is found again before the flood herodotus was told by egyptian priests that their written history dated back 11 340 years before his era now the egyptians as has been demonstrated elsewhere with proofs inflated their chronologies the eleven thousand three hundred and forty years is actually one thousand one hundred and thirty four years all they did was add a zero or herodotus made the mistake and added the zero for them now uh eat now this is before herod there now this 11 000 three uh this this uh uh one thousand one hundred thirty four year period was not the president not during herod's time but was mentioned as a reference to a very distinctive period in ancient egyptian history now egypt after 2239 bc cataclysm uh actually began as we have seen in other videos that we have posted in 1897 bc this was 341 years after the cataclysm which lasted an entire year for those of you who are unaware the 2239 total collapse of all all old uh bronze age societies in the month of may it was a year-long event even in genesis the flood event was described as 11 months long now uh let's see now there was a great dispersion of aryan people in 1899 bc going in all different directions and we we in modern times have have received this story as the tower of babel dispersion and many of these chronologies and histories came from that that's spreading about so a a minority of those people ended up in egypt now counting 1134 years from 3031 bc which is 792 years before the flood is the first year of egypt after the cataclysm or 1897 bc now 31 30 i mean 3031 bc was exactly 792 years before the flood now the clever egyptian deception is exposed by the next chronological fact given to herodotus the priest took him to a temple and showed him statues of 341 high priests who had in turn succeeded each other now but these 341 statues did not represent men they represented years just as the great busts on easter island represent years as well this was 341 years the precise duration from the great flood cataclysm which ended in 2238 bc to the founding of the post eluvian chemic egypt in 1897 bc remember the genesis account reads that the flood lasted almost an entire year thus 341 years ended in 1897 bc this is without coin this is this is beyond coincidence the 792 year thread in antiquity continues exactly 792 years after the great flood phoenix reset we arrived at the year 1447 bc a thousand years ago rashi wrote of this year now this is very this is very intriguing because this year is critical that you get this year right in biblical chronology in order to date every other event in the bible so let's look at this year just a little bit more different a little a little deeper now a host of authors and references show 1447 bc was actually the date of the ten plagues of egypt and the exodus of the israelites from bondage as the great flood was the year 1656 on the old world chronology or 2239 bc this was 792 years before the 1447 bc exodus event or the year 2448 of the old world's calendar and this is fascinating for 2448 was the ancient egyptian number for cataclysm you just can't make this stuff up renee andrew boulay a historian formerly employed with the national space agency as a cryptologist and reporter on intelligence activities an antiquarian and chronologist himself wrote scholars agree that the key to establishing the time of events in biblical times hinges on fixing the date of the exodus his own calculations placed the exodus at 1447 bc the renowned researcher and author of ages and chaos named emmanuel velikovsky wrote that computations have been made which indicate that 1447 is the year of the exodus two independent thinkers deriving at the same conclusion biblical chronologist and author of secrets of time places the date of the exodus exactly at 1447 bc this is stephen jones a researcher who used the scriptures the book of jasher the book of jubilees and the assyrian eponyms to arrive at this date in jones research the year 1447 bc was also the year 2448 annis moondi the cataclysm number for egypt in the in the old jewish cedar hatterath the plagues on egypt uh and uh the exodus took place in the year 2448 having no idea when the exodus occurred the authors patrick jarrell and geno ratings independently discovered that the egyptian number for cataclysm was 2448 the sum of 24-48 years is exactly one-third of the entire andanaki chronology from 5239 bc to the year 2106 a.d when they are destroyed by the chief cornerstone which is the six thousandth year from the 3895 pole shift reset caused by phoenix we will see we will demonstrate all this in incoming charts now as found in chrono texture law science of prophetic engineering the number 2448 is found prominently in the measures of the great pyramid even chronologists long ago almost got the date right hibilius in kamat in kamatographia in the year 1668 wrote in the year of our world annis moondi 2453 he was only five years off according to certain authorities a comet was seen in syria babylonia india in the sign joe in the form of a disc at the very time when the israelites were on their march from egypt to the promised land the exodus of the israelites is placed by calvinsius in the year of the world 24-53 that's pretty much dead reckoning for something that happened four thousand years ago the biblical method of dating the exodus and egyptian disasters results with the same 1447 bc or 2448 and its monday date according to the book of exodus the israelites escaped egypt 430 years after the sojourn in egypt began beginning in 1877 bc when abraham was told by god his descendants would be a captive in egypt this is recorded and and ascertained by adding up the ages of the 10 patriarchs and and deriving it the year 1656 in 1656 of the great flood being 792 years before the uh the exodus many people have have made the discovery that in the biblical chronology like stephen jones himself dates the abrahamic covenant at exactly 1877 bc and so other authors by the clues that are given in the genesis narrative alone and no other books now this was the institution of the abrahamic covenant in 1877 bc and the church father and historian eusebius over 15 centuries ago in his chronic on wrote that that the exodus occurred 430 years after god and abraham entered into the covenant this is very intriguing because 430 years after 1877 bc is exactly 1447 bc now this is done by other other researchers arithmetic not my own all i am doing is putting it together in a chart form now in the year 3103 bc someone arrived 792 years after the 3895 bc worldwide phoenix reset poll shift now ever recalled in the genesis narrative as the fall from eden then 72 years later they initiated a civilization in in 3031 bc or 792 years before the next reset or the great flood in 2239 bc then the deluge occurred which lasted a year and 792 years after this reset was the year 1447 bc plagues on egypt and a new people would cede the mediterranean and new civilizations the israelites but the israelites would also be oppressed by a new deity a new presence that went by the name of yahweh that brought a new covenant a covenant of death a covenant that is still operative today and has many agents in the deep state in the media in the elite circles of the world in the secret societies it's still going on this controversy that has been recorded is still happening today now so as to prevent any confusion the purpose of this video alone is very simple it is to introduce you to the idea that ancient calendrical systems in the number 792 are linked to the anunnaki to the arrival of personalities in world history that masqueraded as gods because what i'm going to show you about the orbit of nibiru is going to blow your mind but you've got to understand it's attached to the idea of the sudden appearance of calendrical systems cataclysmic cataclysmic resets and how they are all linked together by this number seven nine two is very fascinating and we'll be getting into it in the coming videos