Dungeon Programming: Learning How to Phase Out When Caught in the Web

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[Music] thank you foreign people let's go how's everyone doing let me open up this chat let me get my mic check done let me know let me know if you guys can hear me with the audio check excellent we have to wait for the audio and visual 100. alrighty thank you thank you guys so uh for those of you who are in the chat earlier I posted a comment that we got a few announcements uh some housekeeping stuff some uh updates so um the meet up let's just go ahead and jump right into this uh the Meetup is is every day more and more people I think we're at 125 right now so we've got I believe 50 50 seats left um and we're still 10 weeks away um so if you're going to if you're already planning on it and you're you know you're gonna go I would suggest go ahead and doing that um mainly for us because actually mainly for Cheryl she's the one spearheading this whole thing because at the last minute if a ton of you guys uh buy tickets then we have to change the venue we have to upgrade to a bigger room so just uh Logistics wise it would be great if you're gonna go to go ahead and get your tickets now um gonna start mentioning this now there is going to be a get together the night before um there are some things being put in place a another venue close by um as we get closer to the event we will post that on the meetups and put more information out on that but for those of you who are coming in a day before and are wondering if there was something that y'all could do to get together it's already been discussed and it's already in the works so um just if you're gonna be there Friday I think around six-ish Natalie says we're overlapping with an echo why would that be happening we got we got we got our uh mics turned off on the on the laptops do the rest of you guys hear The Echoes is there an echo then Natalie's talking about everyone else that sounds great okay there's always a handful of people who have an issue with audio okay no Echo Joe Harrison no Echo all right it might be just you thank you Don there is no Echo okay so yeah uh that's the update on the Meetup um for those of you who are all about souvenirs and trinkets or whatnot there will be um a merchandise uh Jason's gonna have some books there whoa now all the comments are coming in about the sound wow yeah that was fast uh there will be some uh some books to buy uh some other things I'm not going to make public me and Jason are the only two that know about it uh some really special things that you can only get at the convention that maybe um up for grabs later on down the road for people to order but it's going to be exclusively for the convention I sure want to snitch on that oh my God I know it's awesome right don't you do it though I'm saving that it's going to be a surprise um so uh bring cash if you don't bring cash I'm sure there's plenty ATMs around there we will be breaking for two hours for lunch during the convention so you'll have a chance to go and snag some cash from A Bank or ATM or something like that the archaic search feature is now back in operation I believe you made a post right on the community yes it it it's a YouTube post it's in the community post it will soon be back on the on the website it was taken off of my website because there was there was a malfunction that crept in there somehow and the benefactor who designed this amazing software has uh corrected that and I don't know who this is and I'm not even going to try and guess anymore I've sent about five emails to this person trying to figure out who they are and their identity is unknown to me so uh I just quit stressing over and I just accept the fact that somebody wanted to donate some amazing software and they did and now you have it it's the archaic search feature it's fantastic right now it's on the community post but soon it'll be back up and running on the rkx website um another announcement uh beginning a lot of questions about updating the new predictions we have been discussing it and uh I think we're going to touch on it a little bit today maybe that's up to Jason and now long-winded he gets but we will be working on another video for all of you wanting the updates on new predictions and maybe adding a few new things but I know all of you are watching your TV and your social media platforms and you're all saying but I'm not going to say it but you know what I'm talking about the things that are happening but we will be making an update on that uh before Jason gets rolling into his deal there will be a q a at the end of this um don't know how long we're going to put aside for that but I will be monitoring the chat so if you have a question make sure it's in all caps um and I will do my best to keep up with them keep track and get to them at the end of this but do keep in mind that it is going to be at the end of this so you may have to repeat your question or just wait until we announce the Q a to put it in either way that's up to you but what's up moderators panel Swan JJ Recon Don Hart boops or Phoenix protocol all in the house we see you members too I see you dodster chick uh what are the numbers let me scroll through here what are the numbers we got in here uh Dr Corey thank you uh we got Gary Gary with two r's Gary Davies uh Crystal Shannon Natalie DeVries I I hope that's how you say it because I say it the same way every time the degrees to rise yeah I don't know danzel fly we see all you guys Lucy Wendy see you in there too uh thank you guys thanks for all of your uh Wendy Flores yeah yeah when do you listen guys um there's there's a couple benefactors to archaics and uh these two are particular wanted to remain anonymous now one of them I don't know who they are they they're the ones that donated the archaics search AI feature is what they call it and hell it actually it acts like an AI but uh I I don't even know how it's possible to go through 414 videos and find exactly what you're looking for using a search bar so unless it's fully integrated into YouTube's own software I don't know how it's possible but it's that's what it does but we have another benefactor and it's a financial one and this person wants to remain anonymous but they provided a archaic scholarship where funds can be used for for individuals and and uh in this case funds were provided so that someone can come to the archaic's first Meetup that wouldn't ordinarily be able to to do it for whatever reason and yeah their travel expenses their hotel food all that's been provided for uh by this benefactor so uh we're pretty excited about that and um there are other people like Matt kubas I I really appreciate Matt kubis he's a moderator and he sent me some gifts now I'm gonna be totally honest with you this is awesome glows in the dark Phoenix Indian made it's amazing I'm gonna be honest with you Matt I know that the camera doesn't really convey my size I'm six foot and I cannot squeeze into a an extra large shirt this is a large but I wear 2x Matt and I'm really sorry but but I know that my brother Matt here can fit in this I'm gonna give this shirt look at that it's beautiful had he brought it over earlier I probably would have put it on for this life yeah well I appreciate it Matt but uh but I will tell you this thank you Jahara Lee for sending me this two egg shirt right here I'm wearing it now warning explicit content man isn't that the Story of My Life no we do have a couple more announcements you knows I really don't like to get started on the serious stuff till we got about a thousand people in there I don't know if that's gonna happen today or not because uh I did I did read a comment earlier that somebody was they made a comment that John Levy looks like he's been losing views he might be Shadow Man I find that very interesting let me let me explain why because I'm not a real good mathematician but I do pride myself on my ability to understand numbers and and ratios and relationships between those so I find it interesting and I was telling Matt about this earlier that uh since the beginning of December we've gotten over 15 000 new Subs and in the month of December YouTube sent us the material they sent us a notice in our uh uh analytics that we got 1.1 million views in December so it's very unusual to me that in January here it is the end of January and we're nowhere near a million views so what happened when we gained over 15 000 Subs this isn't what I what I'm what I'm hearing from other YouTube hosts is is the same thing they have noticed a drop in their analytics as well so I don't know maybe you guys can educate me I'm just I'm just stating facts uh these are these this is a mathematical fact we had 1.1 million views in December we have way less than a million this month uh maybe maybe it's maybe it's kosher maybe it's absolutely legit but it sounds really unusual when you gain 15 000 new viewers in the old viewers still aren't none going through all the playlists so uh could I read the comment section I see people that are in the playlist all the time they're watching every video so I don't know maybe you guys can educate us send us some messages maybe you know more than we do about what's going on I just find it very unusual so it's all I do have do have these other announcements Ahmed Ahmed hashimi was a great video I got a lot of good feedback from you guys I appreciate you being patient with me even the five or six people who got triggered and just really talked stupid to me in the comments section about not letting him speak I get that 100 he will have the floor in the second video If only two appease the small minority of individuals but uh I do I did want to introduce them to you guys because we will be doing probably several videos with him and he's not the only one there is there is a there is a female I've been in contact with who knows the Quran as well and we'll be bringing her on the show too so excuse me Ahmed will be on the 30th on Sunday you guys will see that video it will be recorded and uploaded on Sunday archaic's puppies coming soon if you live anywhere in my area even if I have to drive a certain distance and you're interested in puppies then believe me I would like to find some good homes for these I have eight puppies to get rid of maybe seven but they're beautiful you know and um I'll be releasing a video on YouTube just to show those puppies off if not I'm just telling you it's no big no big deal because I got local farmers in this area they'll scoop them all up um let's see okay in this video we got over a thousand people listen we got a road trip we're about to we're about to embark on a couple road trips one of them is to San Diego to my publisher my publisher will have many many boxes of books waiting on me I'm not going to pay the postage I may as well just buy the gas and take it make a trip out of it and go do videos in San Diego with my publisher and show off his his operation and I can I need to do a video and introduce you guys to Paul Tice and the reason is is because he is responsible for my education this is the man who when I was in prison sent me boxes of books every single month for 16 years now I did come and I did I did find a lot of old books in prison I told you guys how I found them and why they were there and why some of them are still there but this man found out what I was doing and he was my benefactor why and and basically he's published my first seven books so I'll be going I'll be going to uh to uh San Diego I'm going to take you guys with me because I'll be doing videos on the way Matt's going with me I think Matt's going to take a flight back I might I might head north I got family in Sacramento area uh I don't really know yet this is going to be next month coming this is in February now oh the other announcement this this is rather serious right here guys we all we're doing good we're doing really good and we've fully outfitted this this this studio but all the donations that we normally get during a live video for this video here they're strictly going to our mobile Studio Ops because we're going to start doing road trips April 1st is just the beginning we already have a lot of talk in Florida and in New York of other meetups and possibly one in California so you guys have already seen seen the archaics van Vlog so donations in this live and maybe the next live these are all going to be set aside because we need to buy pretty expensive equipment because the mobile the mobile studio equipment we need is not like all the studio equipment we have in here this stuff here this all the stuff we have throughout here is not it's not mobile we can't tell you this is going to stay right here in this studio so just letting you guys know for all uh if you want to help out if you want to email me uh some of you some of you I'm not it doesn't even I'm not even talking about financial donations either if some of you have the equipment that you know we're talking about and you have no use for it and you want to donate it believe me I'm more than happy to pay for shipping to get it to us because a lot of this a lot of the studio equipment that's designed for mobile is far more expensive than what we have in this studio right here and we didn't really know this we're just you guys know we're just starting off so uh and the other other things is uh I will be talking to several people that are on the list Matt has isolated many names of many other channel hosts that want to do podcasts some of them will be guests on archaics and I'll be a guest for some of them I have been in contact with some I haven't answered all my emails uh this morning I did get an email for what was her name Anne-Marie Uber yeah yeah uh she and I have something to discuss then um uh Dr Corey Corey Stern uh I've got your email and uh you and I will we'll we'll do some discussions on what you know what Avenue you want to take um there's there's several of them what's his name drain drain jiren isn't gerundism okay there's gerundism is another one uh he's being very cautious and I'll be absolutely honest with you guys he sent an email saying he would love to but first he needs to iron out some details and those details concern my criminal past and I honored that I hide from nothing guys so I'm gonna respond to his email I'm gonna tell him straight up he's hey man this is what put me in prison at 17 years old and people can take it or leave it you guys know my attitude about that I'm gonna move forward no matter no matter what how people respond to me my past my my personality whatever it doesn't matter but I do I do find that honorable that he would he would actually create a barrier between he and his audience before he did his own investigation and that's commendable so anyway having said all that I think that's all the announcements right I think so that's about it and that was his mouth full man it was a mouthful wasn't it I know it's a lot guys but you know we got to uh it's not like we can just send all of you an email and expect everything to get out there I've got three different emails guys and they initially started for three different purposes those purposes have have disappeared while my emails have become full so I I'm on my emails every day I don't know if I'll ever catch up okay now you can see it behind me very clear dungeon programming is something I talk about a lot but what I don't talk about a lot is how do you phase out of it how do you how do you free for how do you free yourself from something that is all pervasive throughout the very world that you live and breathe in so dungeon programming it can be anything that we have fallen prey to that basically becomes something we are now absorbed in and we lose our sense of self this is the reason for Dungeon programming it is to involve you in all the activities of the world so that you will always find everything that you need in life externally you will find your gratifications you will find your comforts you will find your securities and everything external of you they will be provided by government they will be provided by Community they will be provided by friends and family even strangers dungeon programming is artificial intelligence X's way of making you basically accept the conditions of the world to sign that contract to agree to its terms in exchange for certain rights privileges and immunities that you find that that are favorable to you what dungeon programming is in many people automatically go to a negative connotation it's not dungeon programming is anything that you've basically bought into and this exchange between you and the world around you is totally physical and totally exterior of you dungeon programming is the exact opposite of being an errant it is the exact opposite of living that highly individualized Immortal soul that seeks to live within and draws from itself more than it contains that knows that the true it's it's Comfort comes from within that understands that it's personal Securities come from within not from without it's a totally different way of viewing reality it is not easy to walk through this this entire world of sense perception and also know at the same time that everything you already want in life already exists and there's really no separation from something that you seek and something that you can find it's all the entire the entire process is within dungeon programming saturates you from the moment you are alive and it completely saturates you with all these ideas that you need all these other things that are independent of you in order for you to subsist dungeon programming is extremely clever and Breaking Free my favorite term Break Free or Die Trying This isn't a singularity this isn't something that's going to happen one time in your life that's how Dynamic we are that's how interactive the field is you're going to break free on a daily basis on a daily basis you're going to succumb to those emotions that make you vibrate on the on the frequencies of the collective you're going to involve yourself into all kinds of polarities and you're going to begin to identify with the very collectives that you associate with we can't help we just can't help it this is the world we live in and there isn't a single person in this world who can completely on a daily basis every single day defy this it's not possible we are suspended within two Infinities they pull us in opposite directions the true errant is the one who has the ability to phase out once they realize oh what have I been doing those times in your life when you were participating in something you wouldn't ordinarily have been attracted to and then four or five weeks later you just snap something a catalyst occurs that wakes you up and you realize um what am I doing what am I even doing with these people doing this activity right here you've woken up a lot of people never move beyond that awareness they never phase out and start being highly individualized again which is the opposite of dungeon programming this this negative default programming is what the entire world is programmed as but dungeon program is hot dungeon programming is highly specific it's specific to the individual niches it's it's specific to the individual polarities the the the presbyterianism the Lutheranism and all the differences between the two don't engine programming does not allow you to compare the commonalities between different things it's just the opposite it wants you to identify the distinctions it wants you to understand the differences so that you can participate in one or the other because in participating in one or the other artificial intelligence X doesn't require to use near as much energy than if it did if everybody was going their own way doing their own thing as long as you accept any type of group or Paradigm then you've joined a part of the collective and you've made it easier for artificial intelligence X to govern so the real the real barrier to understanding how to phase out is the fact that people don't really understand nor do they believe that they themselves possess the power to draw from themselves more than they contain that means the unlimited source of everything you would want in life every experience you would wanted want to experience the actual Wellspring is within you and it comes from somewhere outside the construct this is for what we are living in is far more technologically sophisticated than anything that we have prison frames of reference for right now this can only be an intellectual exercise there is no way to prove outside of actually just being that anything I'm saying in this video is true so I use my own life as an example you guys know I started this channel from a wooden Shack it's not anything I have to claim you can see it in the videos in my first videos it's all in the background you can hear the roosters you can hear the pigs and chickens and horses you can hear all that and I slowly made my way up but as I as I was making my way up and I was breaking free on a weekly basis I had turned my back on the biggest money maker of my life and that was the oil and gas industry but I couldn't do it anymore I had a motorcycle accident so I'm uh the very I'm releasing all these early videos you guys can go back and see my very first 10 videos at least three of them are on the wheel Mortals playlist I am I am explaining to you guys the exact method by which you change your whole reality and bring everything into contact with you that you want in life who I was two years and 10 months ago when I started these videos and who I am today are fundamentally different the personality is the same with all the attachments have have accrued yeah I have a lot of attachments to add to to who I was then their external attachments most of them all the Acquisitions I've made in life which which basically negatively impact me and what I mean by that is is I suffer the exact same phenomenon you guys suffer and that is like Fred Freddy said and I quote him frequently when a matter becomes clear it ceases to concern us this is this is what I fall prey to too I would want something for a very long period of time I would set that intent out into the universe and I would physically work toward that and then it would come to me way faster than I ever could earn it on my own and I and I understood the dynamic between me and the neutral field and what was happening and I took advantage of it and I did it with something else and then I did it with something else and I'm always bringing these things into my reality but as soon as I possess them I lose interest in that acquisition when a concern us so I get my van it no longer holds value to me once once I have the title and it's fully paid for it no longer has it then I bought a monster what is the CX7 don't give me the line what are they called CX-7 CX-7 a little Mazda just real good real good on gas buy a little Mazda CX-7 and uh well to get the title it's fully paid for don't lose all interest in it it's a I get buildings installed on my property man I'm excited about it get this wood shop going put all the tools in there get everything I need have it all outfitted so I can do all kinds of charts and videos and then once I have it I lose interest in it when a matter becomes clear it ceases to concern us we all fall prey to this so the ability to do this is there people just don't see it because they think that it's something that they have to earn and that is the great poison the great poison that the highly individualized Soul can do is automatically assume that the only way they're going to receive in life is if they make it happen on their own and when you put out that type of energy then the similacrum which is a neutral field is going to reflect back as circumstances the fact that you will never receive anything in life unless you specifically went out and followed through all the way there's no relationship here it's giving you exactly what you expect for good or bad it's a neutral field and until you understand that you are suspended within two Infinities one of them is a neutral field and the other one is trying to Corral you into any polarity it can it's called dungeon programming once you understand that you are at the intersect between these two fundamentally different worlds two separate mathematical constructs that have their own laws once you understand this you can phase in and phase out at will you can get into an argument with somebody and in the middle of that argument you can instantly change the trajectory of that entire conversation when you realize what's happening you can be in the middle of a financial transaction with some somebody and it's not going your way and they won't yield and you're not going to get what you want and and they don't and they're not liking your personality and you can phase out of that situation and completely change the trajectory of somebody's opinion about you in seconds as soon as you realize what is happening you that's the problem phasing out and phasing it and phasing in between these realities isn't you that's not even difficult it just takes an awareness but you've got to be sensitive to those Dynamics you have to be sensitive to those changes if you're vibrating on the wrong frequency and you're negative your sensitivity to this Dynamic is going to be very low you're not going to be catching yourself very very often you're going to follow through all the way until you go to sleep at night and you realize what have I done I completely ruined that relationship or what have I done I taught myself out of getting something somebody was virtually trying to give me for free yeah it's phasing it and phasing out guys every morning when you wake up you have to remember you're in two different realities at the same time and the way to experience the reality that you want is to understand that you only fall into two categories there isn't a third category only the similacrum is a neutral field you'll you're not you will never be neutral you are either a broadcaster or a receiver there is no there is no third category for you you either broadcast your spiritual energy into the creative flu and the creative flu will reflect it back as conditions and circumstances for yourself and others or or you're just a receiver and if you're a receiver that means you're highly susceptible to the broadcasting of spiritual energy energies that are put out by others you are living in others reality tunnels because you have ceased to build your own once you realize that nothing happening to you and that nothing that you can accomplish is actually the result of the physical world and that this is all from within it's entirely spiritual once you understand this you can build all these things for you and quite rapidly as well but it's not it's not something I don't I hate to be a party pooper but once you're vibrating on that frequency of of receiving and things just come to you naturally they no longer have the value to you that they had when you first wanted them I've experienced this in the past two and a half years I have so many things coming to me they don't hold the value the things that become valuable to me now are like gifts somebody gives me something it's like wow this person actually thought of me went to the post office put this in a box wrapped it up and I'll receive a gift and I get emotional I'm like wow man this took a lot for somebody to do this I don't even know what how what what their finances were because this looks expensive and these things take on more value to me the individual conversations I have with a stranger they take on more value to me because I realize man I'm I'm studying another Soul here a soul that doesn't even realize that the body that it has is nothing but a restrictive husk when I'm conversating with others I'll often think about that it's like wow man I wonder if this person really understands just how deep uh this conversation really is and these things that that no longer take on value or all is all this materialism all these material things that have come into coming to that have built my life and basically made me comfortable none of it just doesn't even matter anymore like Nishi said when a matter becomes clear it ceases to concern us Frederick Nishi over a century ago when he when he wrote that in Beyond good and evil one of his most famous books he had no idea that that statement right there could be so spiritually interpreted in a way very different than what he had written it's a beautiful it's a beautiful statement it really is but in order to phase out of the collective you've got to be educated to understand what the collective is what artificial intelligence X is actually doing if the world is put here for the maturation for the development of an immortal soul and it's understood by the sieve which is artificial intelligence X that you're just passing through then what it's doing is acting like the Labyrinth it's creating the the corridors and the traps and the Dungeons and just creating all these channels and it's getting you to accept any path because in the acceptance of that path it can Corral you wherever it needs you to be so it can expend a lot less energy on you now and start concentrating on those who are going their own way it's a system if you ever wanted to Define soul trap it would be artificial intelligence X not in the way that that soul trap has been conveyed a lot by people on YouTube about going toward the light and all that I'm just not on board with that uh but uh as far as this whole entire existence being a soul trap it is for those who fall prey to the collective those those who who who iron out their identities as being a certain ISM or an ite something that they they want to be this so bad that's what their whole entire Persona has become yeah this is nothing but embracing the physicality of the world and the physicality of the world is a lower State vibration which completely allows artificial intelligence X to Corral you into any polarity this is what you don't want but this is what we suffer on a daily basis we're all we're all guilty of it there isn't anybody listening to my voice who hasn't fallen prey to the position of choosing between a a anything any type of polarity you've done it you've done it on a daily basis sometimes you've done it multiple times a day I have to I'm guilty of it myself but where I differ with a lot of people is that in recognizing this I stop myself on a daily basis and I just stop what am I doing I don't know why am I going in this direction why did I just tell Matt that right there why the hell did I even ex say that to Matt knowing that's not how I really feel or what you I'm just using that as an example so it's it's we do this on a daily basis all the time we get so immersed in into this physical medium we call life that we absolutely forget what we really are in Immortal being in just cocoon to mortality we're in a we're in a cocoon this is what this is it's just a cocoon it's a cocoon it's a practice Avatar that's allowing us to move through this holography to get to a better place so I had a lot of notes on here I don't know if I need them talk about this so much I live it so I really don't need to note but uh I wanna I wanna spend more time on Q a so I will say this talking about this today made me made me realize something because this morning I I went back and I listened to one of my one of my more popular videos on Wheel Mortals uh Loki laughed at me Loki laughed at me is one of my more popular as far as the comment section goes I'm not talking about the views I can tell I can tell when when a video was very popular by the number of comments and the quality of comments and Loki laughed at me seemed to have really really impressed upon people How Deeply spiritual our reality is as opposed to my other videos on real Mortals so uh looking at the real Mortals list today I realized that I'm going to take Matt's advice here because he's been studying the YouTube YouTube algorithm and studying different stuff and we're going to start releasing a lot of shorts because it seems to be that YouTube has pulled interest away from the actual videos and have concentrated uh their algorithm on the shorts because they're in competition with uh Tick Tock right now so uh I think I'm going to break down the wheel Mortals playlist because some of those older videos have profound information but the music uh it's really cheaply made videos you can hear roosters in the background sometimes just some of those videos the sound in the back is so distracting and people have mentioned that and I get it the videos I'm making now are far better than the videos I made then so I'm probably gonna break break those those long videos down into shorts I hope you guys appreciate that but uh I'll be doing that and really my message was short today Breaking Free Breaking Free is all about that awareness first you have to be aware of what dungeon programming is the difference between a Protestant and a Catholic choose a side just pick a side once you've picked aside you're a part of dungeon programming because once you've made that choice that is an energy that you have broadcast and it will be received by the similar reflected back to you and more and more of your experiences will take on Catholic flavor in addition artificial intelligence X will bring into contact with you more and more phenomena that basically justify your new projections in broadcasting oh yes it's very deceitful confirmation bias artificial with you the very things that you believe yeah it will help the similacrum in that because it's deceiving you the similacrum is a neutral field it's just going to reflect back a circumstance what you broadcast but artificial intelligence X is going to take a little deeper it's going to keep you into in that dungeon program because it doesn't want you going your own way it doesn't want you being that prodigal son it wants you to stay with the herd because with the herd it's just so much easier to control you got to realize when you're doing that and phase out instantly which is pretty easy it just takes an awareness you phase out start vibrating on a higher frequency remember your spirit because until you actually understand and know I mean intellectually you can say hi Jason I know I'm a spirit it's not the same thing once you wake up in the morning you really know that your personality is attached to something ethereal invisible something not of this world your personality belongs in another world it's only trapped here right now inside of the husk a cocoon wouldn't you understand this you can draw from yourself more than you contain for the simple reason that you are more than you suppose yourself to be and the world is very limiting but once you can think without those limits you can bring all these things into contact with you but the curse is that once you get all the things that you really want they no longer have that value and you've already moved on yeah guys we're just here to pass through there is nothing in this world we're here for we're here to pass through it and we're here to learn so let's do q a guys let's do some q a oh oh I do need q a to be on this topic did you keep that in mind I did not oh you didn't I did not and it's it's looking like um I got about 20 Questions copied already and it doesn't look like any of them are really on the topic really um real quick I'm gonna go ahead and paste the the link for the Meetup um just want to remember to do that several times throughout this okay so uh you just heard Jason he wants to keep the Q a relevant to the topic so dungeon programming um things of the like um put it in all caps hey guys just logistically help me out um if you're not asking a question don't put your comment in all caps it just it helps me sort everything out because um I don't know how many of you sit on these lives and read every single comment um and follow along with what Jason's saying if you haven't done that I would suggest you give it a try one of these lives and so you can just see the total uh not stressness it's not really stressful but it's um it takes it takes a lot of focus and multitasking to do so if you guys could uh questions in all caps Jason wants some relevant uh to the topic um and I do if you'd asked a question before I did already have a copy so if we have time at the end we'll go ahead and get to those if Jason feels like it maybe maybe he wants to cut this one short maybe we'll just do an hour and a half today I don't know is it's all about how he's feeling I don't feel I'm good I'm all right I'm just I'm just uh looking for all right so go ahead and uh go ahead and start with that the questions questions in all caps uh try to keep them on topic at least for the start hmm and Denise winterbottom could you uh maybe a little Clarity on that question that's very general what about you know I don't know anything about the Christ code you spilled Christ to the Y and a k right okay I saw that one too the Fibonacci Daisy of death timelines Crossing I'm sorry guys you know I've never even heard of any of these Concepts crossing over I I don't know I don't know what that means Jason is AIX omniscient or omnipresent neither one neither one I don't believe it's omniscient omniscient means all all-knowing oh now omnipresent would only be inside the construct so no so no now if you're talking about within the construct uh um yeah I believe that I believe that um it would be and that's only because I believe that the true Immortal is living in Two Worlds at the same time one of them artificial intelligence X has absolutely no access to here's a good one this is from we we ain't having it how do we separate ego from the programming well I mean ego to a limited degree is very healthy I mean it's also it's also very natural so don't demonize ego it's like the Greeks everything in moderation I mean a hyper-inflated ego of course is very Pro is very it's problematic it's it's vibrating at a frequency that is so low that you actually believe that you're very important in the very physical world that's around you but uh you go to to a to a degree he goes absolutely healthy I mean my ego tells me that I'm in a mortal soul that is independent of Matthew right here who is his own spirit it's all yeah so I'm yeah you go to a degree is very is good and I don't get into all the psychology and parapsychology and all I don't know I don't get into any of that from Jordan Crowder if we enter into this similacrum as a training simulator could dungeon programming just be a way to teach us and learn okay this sounds like it was spoken straight out of the mouth of Saul lugmon so uh Soul's buddy of mine you guys know his name he's been on on the show in uh uh I cited one of his books like 12 years ago in one of my own published books before I ever thought I'd ever you know come to know him but uh he this is all his idea too that AIX is a part of this Miller Chrome and and I have no arguments against it it's just something that I didn't bring to the table so I'm a little recalcitrant about fully accepting it yet and that's my ego talking so I may fully embrace it the more I give it thought I don't know but artificial intelligence eggs could very well be a part of the actual construct that were in it's a part of the original design and it's for the purpose of creating the conflict and creating the great resistances that give us strength as we grow it very well could be I don't know I don't know I came up with the theory of artificial intelligence X because nothing at else makes sense in in with all the common denominators that I've isolated from all the different religious texts and how they all have an antagonist and how this antagonist seems to rule over different personalities that seem to manipulate time you know the the whole concept of archons and that calendars seem to be the product of artificial intelligence X and uh and what I'm talking about is all these calendars in the world that seem to get us to accept uh timeline reality tunnels that aren't even true and that the the real history of the world is being concealed under a a layering of disinformation and the only only thing I could come up with when I had concluded most of my historical research with a calculator was and published it in chronicon is that there has to be some oh governing over protocol that is putting all this together and to me it seems it it started in the historical record with a demon popping out of a burning bush and starting an entire religion so that's where I traced it to I saw a good question in there but now there's several I just have to here let me make this space bigger we just moved too fast from The New Guy 2006. why is AIX preying on us what is aix's goal well I think I just answered that right now are artificial intelligence X is the great resistance it's without without uh let's just look at it from a different perspective let's answer your question let's answer your question by looking at it from a totally different perspective the reason for the similacrum is for Immortal Souls to mature and grow okay this implies that they could not mature and grow ordinarily on the outside of the Contra therefore the construct was was required but if we came from a universe that does not know sin that does not know revolt and rebellion and negative default programming dungeon program if we came from Perfection then in the environment of perfection that which is imperfect could not be implied so artificial constructs were created simulacrums similacrums however you want to say it now these were created and in them it was allowed for a a descent now we're told in the traditional record that it was an individual being Who challenged God and in that challenge they say well I can make another world I could do something totally better than you did so this descent in the Traditions basically infers that there was a creation before our own and that creation something terrible had gone wrong and a survivor of that creation had challenged the godhead and told the god that hey I can do better than that this is what you just did man I can do better than that and the challenge was accepted because inside the similar Chrome the this great resistance force that later became artificial intelligence X the we can in the Sumerian records we can call him Zoo the godzoo who came and stole the tablets of Destinies uh goes by different names this false Creator was allowed to build his own world and he did and were in it and in this false world we see all the Hallmarks of of its creator it's called violence and in the real creation we don't have animals tearing into other animals in order to to maintain their sustenance but in this false reality we have animals that require to tear into other animals and eat them and devour them and and just so they can survive this Predator versus prey ecosphere is a Hallmark of its true creator which is not the oversoul it's something else something else that wants to be a Creator and it wants to prove a point but it can't prove the point unless you agree you have to basically sign the contract with it and it will provide the things in life that you want it'll do all these things artificial intelligence X through through dungeon programming gives people basically what what they're wanting Corrals them into different areas and does everything it can to get them to forget that they're actually an immortal soul that they're actually a spirit on a journey gets them to sign that contract to be a member of the world instead of a member only in spirit so this artificial intelligence X is a mystery I don't have all the answers for it I can tell you and I do in my videos that from various traditions we can put the story together that there was a challenge and that challenge was accepted and the result of that challenge was for two reasons one of them was because something had terribly gone wrong in a prior creation and two that the world that we're living in right now is directly is a direct result of that challenge being met and that a false god had created a false reality you're in that construct now and this is how an immortal Soul can grow by going through the darkness to understand the light this is the story of the pro the parable of the prodigal son this is this is this is what uh this is what we have with the whole idea of being a Sojourner a pilgrim this is why the promise listen the promise that is given to the Overcomer the promises that are given to to to he who overcometh I will give you a white robe now the white robe is a new Avatar but also the Overcomer is Promised Exodus the whole Exodus archetype the whole narrative all the whole story is Revisited in the Book of Revelation and it's amassed in different ways some prophecies it's referred to as the resurrection in some prophecies it's referred to as the Rapture in all eschatology there is a definitive point when those who are ready who understand that they do not belong here are taken yeah it's it's just it's just this is this is what we've uncovered and and I have multiple videos that explain these these scenarios but the identity of artificial intelligence X may just be a coded protocol or a system of Governors coding coding protocols we don't really know it could be an actual intelligence it could be an actual entity we just don't know all I know is that there is something an antagonizer whether it's of God or not it's here and this is how it operates and we know how it operates by the way our lives unfolding by the way human history is unfolded I just kicks this I just kick something yeah this is the support bar for the for the desk go ahead and collapse our desk we don't need it uh Natalia Ponder's reality thank you she uh here's to the road trip Studio oh thank you 2106 that's a good date Return of the Chief Cornerstone Matt coop is that coffee is delish yeah Matt Coopers also sent some coffee with that T-shirt and and a deal yeah I got your letter folded up on my computer that's not what he's drinking right now I uh real quick disclaimer I I quit drinking coffee I I quit drinking caffeine and all that um I've started drinking naturally filtered water and only uh glass containers now so I have my own little glass containers so um I haven't been updating my coffee stash so I I make a pot of coffee about 30 minutes before we go live and usually for me and Jason one so Jason's drinking the cheap stuff right now I don't know if he knew it could taste it or not but that's all I have left is just like the the Folgers after the cup of coffee I had an hour ago everything else is like cheap stuff Matt's in Matt Cooper sent me coffee that is uh mixed with it's like bourbon and Colombian coffee mixed together really it's Bourbon Coffee yeah man Matt's trying to send me the AAA or something but appreciate it Matt someone did someone mention Jason your coffee's getting cold yeah I know I was talking too much um all right let's go back up here to the top uh from Israel de Leon how can one break free from an old limiting belief developed over decades shoot I mean I did I was 40 years old up until my 40th birthday I was Southern Baptist Christian still believing in it and this is even after two decades almost of doing all this research putting all putting the history of the world together reading all these books on physics reading reading all these alternate theories coming up with all this data that I've shared with you in hundreds of videos and published books yeah I was still Southern Baptist programming is very strong but you can Divorce Yourself from it yeah that that is that is highly up to the individual it has there's no teaching method there's nothing I can say to you that says hey and this is this is the method you do here's what you need to do in order to break free from it's not because Breaking Free is entirely spiritual and it's going it's going to be acquired by each individual spirit in different ways the only thing I can do is bring to your awareness that it's possible the actual procedure is your from 22 caliber YouTube Jason is the idea of the similacrum an old idea or is it relatively new okay oh we're gonna get real technical I'm just a good old Texas boy and similar Chrome is how you're going to hear it from me but it's actually pronounced simulacrum or simulacrum but it's a it's an old idea we're just with just with a new name I got the word from an Oxford English Dictionary but it's actually an older text as well it's old it's Latin it just means a copy of something else which means it's it's a word that could be used to represent the cosmos of the gnosis in the gnosis we're living in a false reality controlled by yalduboath the demiurge the demiurge is a Creator but he's a false Creator and we're living in that construct and we're governed over by archons that have different functions and abilities this is who we are in in the gnosis but even older than the gnosis because the gnosis isn't that old 2000 years it was born out out of the orphic and myth Ray face of Greece mixed in with the older Iranians zoroastrian uh traditions of the Cinda Vista so but we can go even further back to The Vedic times even to the times when Sanskrit was still written and we learned that our world is illusory it is referred to as the Maya and this world of Illusion which it's it's interesting because this is an ancient India but also from ancient India were the dravidians and the dravidians of Southern India before a cataclysm had natural land bridges that went all the way to Australia after a cataclysm those land bridges were gone they were overtaken by by the Pacific which which were in Indian Ocean which rose up and it cut off a lot of the druidians that were living in Northern Australia they later developed into the Bushmen the aboriginals of Australia which also have similar beliefs but by the time that we made contact with the aboriginals about 400 300 years ago or so this belief in the Maya this world of Illusion had already changed over thousands of years to the dream time and this is what the the aboriginals of Australia hold even up till today that that we live in the dream time and that the real reality is somewhere else and that from an Aboriginal people is absolutely sophisticated it's just as sophisticated as what what I'm what I'm basically conveying to you now all right a couple of people asking about water do you mind if I take a minute sure go ahead yeah so uh Phoenix protocol says he uh distills his water with the device he got and someone else was asking how I filter my water I'm going to just talk about this briefly guys if you're into like purifying yourself and like putting the right stuff in your body uh distilled water if you do your research will actually dehydrate you there's no minerals in it there's really no alkalinity to it I now go to a place called The Water Tree and they do this amazing filtration system and it adds minerals to your water and it raises the alkalinity and then I basically freeze my water and I Infuse it with cucumber because in cucumber and many fruits and melons there's h3o which is actually what your body craves which is why you can keep drinking water and you stay dehydrated um so that's yeah that's my thoughts on that just uh do your research on on water the the science goes every different direction you'll read some stuff that says distilled water is the way to go then other ones filtered water other ones natural spring water when it comes down to when you buy mineral water the the research I've done says that the minerals you intake in a a liquid state can absorb into your body uh the way the nutrients need to to enhance your body anyway so it's all about the alkalinity and the the source of your water but I would with cucumber it tastes better anyway and it helps the h3o in the uh inside of it to help hydrate your body and give you the nutrients but also do shakes with burdock root and ashwagandha um so I'll make sure my body gets all the nutrients it needs well let's go into the next question uh y'all can email me more if y'all want more information on that or we can talk about it a little bit at a time in other videos all right so we just did that one from strange trip how does one have experiential reality without a physical machine to experience through well I mean that his question is basically identifying what I'm talking about you need you need this physical reality in order for them the maturity of the Soul that's what he said how does have one have an experiential reality is exponential in the word experiential reality without a physical machine to experience through so there it is I mean I agree with you you're asking it as a question but it's really a statement but oh listen this this uh somebody else said something that I need to I need to go into a little bit so somebody said something about how do you go within all right well sometimes I get ahead of myself and I automatically assume in my dissertations that you're gonna bring into this what I've already told you over here and it's entirely my fault I'm sorry about that but you guys know that it is a fundamental teaching of archaics that three spiritual qualities are necessary that basically identify the awakened Immortal from the herds that are asleep and that is Imagination intuition and empathy and the highly individualized soul that is practicing these three things is the one that is is in a relationship with the similar Chrome now what we have to understand is imagination is a power unto itself you don't really understand how incredibly Dynamic imagination is if you're also believing that imagination is restricted by precedent meaning that you feel that you can't build anything in your life because you've never built anything like that before in your life or you've never seen anybody else do it I've told you guys this similacrum is a neutral field but it does have this childlike giddiness about it when something new is being introduced into the field it's like it empowers it it brings it in it it it's like I told you it's a relationship a co-creator relationship implies that you understand that that what you're imagining into the world is being reciprocated by this neutral field it's gonna it's not it's not just gonna build it for you you have to initiate but it's going to take off and help you out yeah it's going to do most of the work you ain't got a new name you've got to do most but what limits people is this idea this dungeon programming that is firmly set into the substrate of our reality through repetition just being told over and over and over that things can't be possible so this restrictive idea that the past is in any way a barrier to the Future that's a problem because then you are restricting the ability of yourself to draw from yourself more than you contain if you believe that a past is precedent for anything that you want to bring into your reality then the past will be precedent if this is truly your belief let me tell you what's going to happen if you firmly believe that you that the past is important then the similacrum itself is going to reflect back as conditions and perimeters that govern over your existence to ensure that you have an absolute inability to bring into your life anything that goes beyond the perimeters of what you brought in your life in the past it's very restrictive and it's entirely your fault because the similacrum is a neutral field it's not going to let you be a liar it's going to reflect back as circumstances governing your life the very thing you projected into it and if you project the idea that something in the past is important and may not allow for you to do something in the present in order to bring about something in the future then you are creating that framework for yourself and you will live by it you will experience a future that is no different than your past you did that to yourself so uh I understand that we're victims of disinformation and misinformation and we're victims of of dungeon programming but I'm I'm basically telling you what I've already lived for myself I'm not telling you any information that I have not objectively experienced and you guys know what many of you guys have been following me since I started my YouTube channel you know I've lived by these principles and I've demonstrated them it's very easy to fall prey to the idea that what the future holds for you can is not is no different than your past it's very easy because that's what artificial intelligence exit bombard you with every single day every single day that's what it is this victim programming is is so deeply ingrained into the human psyche and the collective psyche it's very hard to break free from but if you can move beyond the perimeters of your past totally ignore the restrictions of History and draw from yourself more than you contain just by being aware that there is a Wellspring within you from which you can draw this imaginative capacity to forge your future events yeah you can do that you can do it very easily you you can almost do it with a with your own child like getting this once you understand what you're doing and you feel this happening yeah act as if you are and you will be that requires you to completely Break Free of precedent because if you hold if you hold any esteem to the past or your past then you're not going to be anything more in your future but if you ignore your past then you're embracing the fact that you recognize that you're a co-creator and that the past is not a precedent for your future the only time the past is a precedent for the future is when it involves the collective so I hope that I hope that explains a little bit more but this this is all very possible once you recognize the three spiritual attributes what separate you from the collective imagination empathy and intuition I got a question from synthetic future entertainment prior to monotheism run that one by me again synthetic future entertainment wow that's a hell of a handle prior to monotheism did AIX have a different protocol I don't know I was born in 1973 my brother that was uh that's I don't know if it had a different protocol to me it acts like a parasite it's not a part of the original construction but then again I'm on board with the fact that the evidence could be put out there intentionally for those of us who study it to believe that it's not a part of the original construction so then again we go we well then again I'm basically addressing the differences between like soul soul luckman's position that AIX has always been a part of the construct and then my idea from the beginning that AIX is a parasite so there is no there is no uh there's no great distinction here so it's a AIX is AIX it still does the same thing it's still there there's still some type of protocol that's acting as an adversary an adversarial program that gives us the necessary resistance that we can grow and mature it's still there it still does the same thing it's just it's its origin is what we're is what we're differing on and it's not really differing because I'm really I'm really don't care either way I am curious but is I don't care enough to really maintain a fixed position and and want to debate it but uh prior to monotheism today yeah so I don't know monotheism monotheism is a is a aspect of dungeon programming it's picking aside the opposite would be polytheism so I don't know I don't know I don't know I I tend to believe that just like before there were there were solar calendars the calendars were lunar but before they were lunar calendars and before solar calendars ever came around for real was they were Stellar calendars they counted the Stars called the turnings of the stars now same thing with Gods I mean we have a I mean we have we have monotheism now which is the more popular prior to that it was it was polytheism we have all these Olympians and we have all these different pantheons of gods the you know the Aeneid the octoad but even before that we didn't have any Gods before that the oldest thing the Anthropologist can publish is a belief in Totem societies it was animism it was the belief in spirit let me go back up to the top from Melanie McKnight Jason do you have techniques you use for phasing in and out of dungeon programming I do I can I can I can I don't know if my techniques work for everybody because it's all entirely different it's a first of all I know there are people that have a problem with the fact that I don't wear a helmet where when I'm on a motorcycle you know well there aren't no there aren't any seat belts on motorcycles either so I'm uh uh I live my life with no fear I don't think about the consequences because in entertaining them I would knit those circumstances into my existence I don't I don't care I mean when I was in prison with the same thing I'm gonna walk through that cell block with absolutely no fear and I'm gonna have no fear if I have to go up some upside somebody's head and I often got beat up but I also did didn't you know I also did damage it's just the way that that culture was and it breaded me this this this attitude that that uh there's nothing to fear I mean once you get beat up enough you realize it was just a you know part of my friends it was just an ass whooping you know five minutes later I'm moving around I'm fine you know my eyes my mouth might be swolled up a little bit but but that's okay once you realize that the physical Avatar can go through all these things there's really no problem still gonna go to sleep at night I'm still gonna wake up in the morning I'm fine and once I developed this attitude and I just moved through life like this and I was applying this to to spiritual things and I realized that that you know what just just maintaining a modicum of confidence in all I do just doing that automatically has reality reciprocating and creating conditions for me to live through that justify that confidence it's like reality doesn't want me to be a liar it's like that little old lady who crosses the street during high traffic when a whole bunch of people are waiting for all these cars to go by and they know it's dangerous and the little old lady has no idea all this traffic is going on she's distracted she's talking to maybe her granddaughter on a phone she's not even paying attention and because she hasn't even introduced the idea of even being hurt or being in an accident and she's far away she walks right across the street in between cars and going back and we all seen examples of this not just a little old lady it could be anybody we've seen many examples of our life of people who are totally oblivious to any type of danger actually going through what other people took years to train for it's just a these aspects of our reality it's when we take notice of anything in the physical world that could possibly be a problem then whatever is in the physical world that could possibly be a problem is then knit into our existence either we could become more aware of it we we develop a fear for it a phobia or we actually suffer the very consequences of whatever it is we imagined so in my own life I just I don't fear consequences I don't fear conversations I don't fear none of that I totally ignore the aspects of my existence that I do not like if there's something going on around me I just told you I don't give any energy I don't I don't pay attention to something because I know that my attention is a spiritual Force yeah guys I mean you all you all know about the trolls oh my God there's so many different channels that have attacked archaics I don't get on this channel and start naming them and talking about I don't lend them my energy I'm not I just take theirs and I cannibalize it into positivity and I use it to my advantage because they're so free to give it but I I'm not going to entertain any aspects of My reality that I don't agree with because in so doing all I do is Empower those things against me I'm not going to do that it's the same thing for debates why would you debate anybody I don't even see any any advantage to a debate whatsoever the person that you're debating is not going to change their mind at all I'm not going to change my mind yeah it's just not there's it's a most of the times we're not even speaking the same language so it's a I don't know I can't do it for you I know I appreciate your asking me how it's done but when I phase out of something it takes awareness and as soon as I know I'm vibrating on the wrong frequency I'm participating in Acts that belong to dungeon programming that I have taken aside in something I'll stop I'll catch myself and I'll back up and I'm back like man what am I doing why do I give a damn who is in the Oval Office why do I care what's going on over here why do I care about this this program here in this talk show host losing their job what made me care and I'll think about it I said you know what it's time to move on I got something to do I got a video to go to go make for uh my Subs on on YouTube and when I catch myself and I and I remove myself from that I get better and better and better at it to where our whole days go back and wake up in a good mood in the morning and I can just take off and I'm good now I will I'll be the first to admit you so if I am left to my own devices because I'm very solitary creature I'm just meant to be solitary it's who I am if I'm left to my own devices I'll wake up in the morning every morning with a good mood there's never a morning I don't wake up in a good mood I wake up in a good mood every morning I want to I want to get things done I want to be productive but I'm going to be the first to admit to you that it seems like when I come into contact with any type of negativity in my day I instantly start vibrating on their frequency and it's it it's I'm and I'm gonna tell you what it is it's I'll come into contact with somebody who's just vibrating negative the guy they're complaining about something and all that and it's this empathy in me it just Wells up and I instantly feel what they're feeling and instead of using you know an armor instead of putting up defenses uh next thing I know I'm I'm experiencing what they're experiencing then it's got me vibrating on the wrong frequency and then I'll walk away with another attitude this has happened to me many times I'm learning to armor myself against it but it happens to me so frequently in my past that I now understand what's happening so spiritual qualities they're good but they can also work against you you've got you've got to develop that objectivity this is something I teach in a lot of my videos this objectivity is so important because it itself is in armor that will keep all this negative vibration around you away from you is to treat life like a stage to walk through events of your life objective and see all these things going on around you around you because as soon as you exhibit any emotional investment you borrow into that phenomena and what you're borrowing into that phenomena you cannot help but vibrate on that frequency and once you're vibrating on that frequency you are now a part of their Paradigm and you're living in their reality tunnel and you've completely jumped out of your own and I don't like that I don't like living like that but it happens to me it's all it seems like when I'm just left alone to my own devices all day long well my attitude by the time I lay down at night I'm euphoric I've had a beautiful day I've gotten all kinds of things done but I under understand humans are social creatures and we need to interact and I get all that but sometimes I'm not going to lie there's times where I just want to be left alone because I just I go through these spells and when I'm totally living my own existence and I'm not around anybody else man Jason soars I get so much done on a daily basis you would not believe I have done more by noon than most people do all day and I'm just it's just who I am and other people have other ways you know they feel better being communal they feel better when they're surrounded by people and that's all that's okay too I do like to spend time with others but it needs to be on my own terms it needs to be it needs to be when I plan for something like that I am not good I am not good at all with uh like unexpected uh interactions I'm just not good with it it's a it's it's it it disrupts my flow it really does so I don't know why I'm telling you all these personal details about I don't know why I'm saying all this it's just maybe it had something to do with answering that question I can't remember I don't remember what the question was do you have techniques you use for phasing in and out of dungeon that was a question the awareness that would have been Melanie right Melanie McKnight it is awareness you've just got to learn how to be aware once you once you snap that you're that you're a part of that dungeon programming and that that's what's happening to you you're going to develop your own methods I promise you they're going to come to you because this is the the beauty of having the spiritual capability of imagination imagination is not mental never confuse imagination intuition and empathy with anything that is done in the human brain it's not it's not when you experience these things they're entirely spiritual and it's the brain that responds the brain is not the producer the brain is the broadcaster of all these hormonal signals and all that that are the result of what the spirit is thinking it's totally different than what you're taught in school this is from MW without AIX would we be able to experience and learn in order to move on better our souls that's that's basically answering the same question it's it's no you're not this is the reason AIX is here or it's the reason why AIX is now used in this capacity yeah it's you there's no there's no development there would have been no need for an artificial construct if this was if we if this was able to be done on the outside so apparently the war the apparently the reality on the outside is so perfect that what goes on in here must be quarantined away from the actual creation so there's no cross-contamination what what goes on inside the artificial constructs and there may be many of these uh it does so it's quarantined so there's no cross pollination solar so there's no risk that anything going on in here will actually spread to the real reality from Charles riston can you pass being an errant to a future generation every no I don't believe that at all I don't believe at all every single person here is responsible for themselves and believe me believe me guys I've been here many times you've been here many times we've all gone gone through multiple lives Sims some people might be their first trip through here it might be my 10th trip through here I don't but there's only a limited number of people who are actually awake when The Exodus event occurs and those who are still asleep they just get cycled right back through to Genesis it starts all over again all the way through human history back to back to the apocalypse which is the unveiling and during the middle of the unveiling pop another Exodus more people escape make it out everybody else who's not ready starts right back at Genesis over and over and over there is no heaven and there is no hell it's a cycle everything is cyclical Jason Flynn is dungeon programming the polar opposite of the informed field we haven't even talked about informed fields in this video I haven't even mentioned inform field in this video this is the informed field is your spirit it's your soul it's every single thing you've ever come in contact with before it's the information field that you carry with you on a daily basis now it's it's you it's this great akashic or etheric medium that that possesses a tremendous amount of data even though if you can't instantly recall all that data or not it's still a part of you and other people sense it so animals since you're you're informed Fields animals react to you in accordance not with not with what your physical body is doing but what they will what they perceive from the field animals are like this a lot especially underwater there seems to be some type of amplitude going on underwater and that people's informed Fields underwater actually extend for greater distances we've seen the two we've seen the scientific data where where fish and octopus and and jellyfish and they actually respond to the human presence from a distance whereas animals and animals that are not underwater actually have to get a lot closer to to read the field so I'm not a scientist I really don't know I've read some very some some pretty interesting stuff uh there there is scientific studies too that shows that there is a weight difference when somebody dies as well as if this Essence this field that we call the soul actually has some type of weight not a lot but just just enough to register on scientific uh uh uh whatever sensors equipment but you're informed your informed field is basically this basically who you are it is the architecture of your personality as it has developed through multiple life Sims so you can pull information out of your field but that requires you to understand that you can do it once you understand that everything you've ever come in contact with if ever all the information all the experiences everything you've learned by virtue of your five senses that we're always taking in data even though you weren't consciously aware of it you pull that information into your present and this is this is what fuels our intuition intuition is the ability to to be cognizant of things that you wouldn't ordinarily perceive your informed field is what provides this it is entirely spiritual so yeah you're informed you're informed fuel can be strengthened you can strengthen your informed field just by willing it to be stronger you can increase you can increase its power you can you can increase your ability mnemonic enhancement your ability to remember details and stuff you can do that by simply willing yourself to be able to have more eidetic memory or instant recall yeah whatever you program for yourself you're in form field will assume that as as programming and as long as you act as if you are it will make sure that you will be yeah dude this is a it's a beautiful medium that we live in it's beautiful yeah and it's always going to reflect back his circumstances what we project into it so you have to be on guard against that negativity as well because as soon as you get Negative it will reflect that as a circumstance as well and it will begin to limit you yeah the informed field is Limitless it's who it's really Who You Are from sanon can AIX try to affect us through dreams is our central nervous system that connects to it oh is it our central nervous system that connects to it yeah um I don't I haven't come across any any evidence that artificial intelligence X is able to read the human mind uh which would also include dreaming and all that I don't I don't I don't believe it can I believe it's exterior of us and I believe that I believe that the dynamic between the physical Avatar they like you're looking at you're looking at Jason right now which is not my real name not I don't know what my real name is right now because of my memory what my temporal memory wiped through these life Sims but in this world this Avatar is named Jason the problem though is that I'm under the governance of this false false reality false Creator because I'm inside this Avatar but I'm not really this Avatar my informed field has a personality and identity that is totally separate from the Avatar that means that what goes on in my mind is mine in artificial intelligence ex can't can't breach that it can govern over my avatar but it cannot read my mind because my mind is is really I'm just using that as a frame of reference because that's what you understand when I say my mind but it's actually my spirit My Immortal being is what is where thought is produced not in the brain artificial intelligence X can read the brain but in the brain it's not going to see Thought Field in the brain it's going to see how my brain is releasing different hormonal chemicals and it understands those chemicals artificial intelligence X can read the cortisol levels hormonal levels dopamine it can understand what I'm feeling it and my emotions it gets all that but it doesn't know what the individual thoughts are because they're not in my brain artificial intelligence X only governs over the physical aspects of our reality the spiritual aspects of our reality it cannot touch that's who you really are that's really the whole point of this video is to understand that you as a highly individualized immortal you're constantly barraged with the fact that because you have a body you are you are subject to the physical world I'm telling you just the opposite because you have a physical body does not mean anything about your subjectivity to the physical world because the past should never be a precedent for your future in the personal that you have a physical body is just that but that you are an immortal Soul means that you have the ability to bring things into your existence that have nothing to do with anything in the past once you understand that once you fully comprehend that you are the ever present and creative now you will totally Divorce Yourself from any idea that anything in the past could ever be important to you now because it's not it's not every single minute is pregnant with possibility if you do not live your life that way then you're going to be restricted but it's not your fault it's not archaic's fault for not being able to convey all all this it's entirely it's entirely the fault of the individualized soul that refuses to build for itself if that's you then so be it but but it's it's it's there for you to understand it's there for you to know you just have to practice it an intellectual understanding of these Concepts is not enough the only thing that will ever get you to Breaking Free is applications applications this is what this is exactly ties into the archaic's model 100 what I tell you guys over and over the similacrum can read your mind artificial intelligence eggs can't the similacrum can read your mind it sees your mental blueprint that understands the trajectory of your thinking it understands completely what you want because the similacrum itself is an extension of the oversoul but inside this construct it's a neutral field it will build for you whatever but it's not going to do anything without you because it feels it's in a relationship and if that relationship is not reciprocated nor will it reciprocate so you have to actually initiate you've got to move forward in order to initiate the Builder protocol you got to think about what you want and then you got to start moving in that direction and as soon as you start moving in that direction it begins to knit those conditions into your life and bring about those circumstances that'll bring about exactly what your mental picture was but it's but it's highly sensitive meaning if you break pattern and quit thinking about about how successful this is going to be what the end result is going to be if you start introducing doubts it will honor that as well and it will completely disrupt what you which you have creatively put into it it's always going to give back to you exactly in proportion to what you projected from Dr logos what's your opinion on astral projection and can it be used to overcome AIX that's a good question and people have asked me about astral projection in the past and I'm going to tell you now that I'm not qualified to answer those questions it's not an experience that I've ever had it's I've never I've never left my body in that way even when I had a traumatic motorcycle accident I was inside my avatar the entire time so I don't I I'm familiar with the concept I understand that there is black Black Ops projects that fund these type of things and people claim that they can leave their body and go go traveling I've even read books about it when I was in prison thinking that hey maybe I can do it and I wouldn't feel like I was in prison anymore I could travel never never experienced anything like it uh so having never experienced anything like that I can't say that it hasn't happened I can just tell you that I can't answer any questions about it from Courtney is grief a part of dungeon well I think Greek I think grief grief is perfectly healthy it's a grief grief is is one of the lower base phenomena there's no doubt I mean but it's not anger it's not it's not animosity and animus and hey it's not hatred it's none of those I think grief is is very healthy but uh I just don't I it's just another one of the aspects of our reality that that induces us to grow because we know I mean things things don't last forever inside this construct death is death Reigns I mean what doesn't end and what doesn't die inside the construct we we go we go we I mean we grow used to it it becomes it becomes uh uh so prevalent that we we even grow callous to it so I think the ability to feel grief is actually spiritual meaning there is a sorrow here you wouldn't feel grief at all if there wasn't some element of empathy so I think it's very healthy of course long-term grief or acute grief is probably not healthy but uh yeah I don't I don't see I don't see grief as being negative I see it as a necessary part of growth but I even more so I see it as direct evidence of a spiritual phenomenon someone asked a holiday asked what are Matt's examples of getting out of dungeon programming well that's an interesting question I'm going to let Matt have the floor yeah man oh my neck all right my examples of getting out of dungeon programming I think Jason can attest to this um anytime we're driving down the road and there's a jerk being doing jerk things on the road Jason gets pretty worked up and well what do I usually tell you that's that you're inviting this in because you're getting so worked up about it right like I'm very calm and collect um I don't let things upset me so my Approach is more of a um kind of uh playing the opposite with the dungeon programming so if it's the system this millichrome the our reality wants to make me sick give me strep throat or a cold which by the way um I've never gotten one of these and for the flu or anything and many many years and I haven't even had a cold in over five years but when I do feel under the weather I'm never sick I'm healing um I am never upset I'm in need of a mood change I never identify negatives in my life everything's a positive and My Philosophy is why would I even allow someone else to steal my joy why give them that power and so if anything ever upsets me and uh I get called up in it and I get frustrated I I catch myself and I'm like what why am I letting this upset me like someone cutting me off on the freeway I get all upset give him the finger or honk and everything they don't care they don't even hear my horn honking they're all listening to their music carrying on the only thing that's affecting is me so getting out of dungeon programming I just I kind of played the opposite opposite Spectrum kind of like uh the words in red and and the Bible say you know believe it as if you have already received it and kind of the power of positive thinking I'm gonna pull a Forrest Gump that's all I have to say about that it's good good stuff I can attest he's not exaggerating he is laid back there's no doubt you know he's not lying either that when we're on that interstate now we're in my van oh my God my van's big so I got these little cars dripping around in and out of me I get mad yeah I ain't no no no no you know you guys know I can't turn that fast he's right about that there's no doubt this next question is from Kai rivelli question mark what is it right here wow I can't even pronounce it yeah why can't we just manifest ourselves out of here I don't believe you I don't I've answered this a few times and but but but asked very differently I don't believe we're meant to yeah there's a lot of people promoting the idea of soul trap as being that don't go to the light if you go to Elijah trap excuse me you get cycled right back in and all that so I don't believe that at all uh but I do think that um I do think those people are on to something that that we are in some type of a soul trap that's what that's what this whole construct is this milligram it's a soul trap we're here I don't believe that the individual life seems matter I believe that that I've told you guys my my whole idea uh until until somebody can show show me using the historical record and all the traditions of the world and putting them together and show me a construct a threat of thought that goes through all of them that can change my mind I'm going to continue to believe that we're all in this together and that we all came in together basically at the same time or at a at a aperture a nodal point in in this construct when a bunch of us came in at all at once there may have already been Souls here cycling older Souls here they just haven't been getting it but I am convinced until somebody can show me some definitive evidence as to why I'm wrong I'm convinced that that those of us who are ready we all leave at the exact same time it's an event and it's an event that has been in it's basically been encoded in many different ways and many different belief systems but it's all different ways of saying the same thing there's a massive Exodus event that involves all those who are ready and and these Souls move on while everybody else Cycles right back through they're not ready so they stay here and they live through it all again and these these holy books that these so-called holy books that we have they tell this story and it's genius how they tell this story how Genesis was is the beginning of the Bible but it's actually describing the end of another world and that as we move closer and closer to Revelation which we're programmed to believe is a grand apocalypse and devastating event it's actually called the unveiling in the middle of that there's an exodus where people who already leave they depart while everybody else Cycles right back and the end then becomes the beginning yeah it's crazy from JC is AIX Justin Avatar also an avatar is a body I I don't I don't know anything about AIX being a body now he's taking on different forms in the historical record yeah he came out he popped out of a burning bush one time and changed the whole trajectory of an ancient people's religion uh changed though changed changed the whole trajectory that people the people were under the abrahamic Covenant which was very very different then all of a sudden this this this uh this entity pops out of a burning bush and uh gives them a whole new covenant which is nothing like the abrahamic Covenant it reads totally different totally different prophecies attached to it totally different promises and totally different threats and condemnations it's almost as if it was a totally different God and uh yeah he's appeared many times the great the great Satan you know the great adversary I told you guys y'all the boath the the Demars is uh if he ever had a body it was just for that Incarnation as whatever that Great Deceiver or false god was I I don't know I don't know from Rush is AIX basically a trickster like Loki the trickster we don't talk about the trickster very often I have my video listen guys my whole video is in code I know some of you I read your comments some of you got it some of you understand Loki laughed at me as all in code so the trickster isn't who you think he is my relationship hey Jay Hart I just seen you in there she said if I don't get a honk that every day I'm not breaking battered someone said I only get road rage when I'm driving that's good stuff listen Babylon flipped the entire historical record Babylon changed everything after the cataclysm I've tried to convey this as best I can in my videos try a try with baby steps I try to explain I know a lot of you understand because you've written in the comments and sent me emails you get it but almost everything we have learned from the historical record about the pre-flood world came through the filters of Babylon and the Babylonian priesthood tells us the exact opposite of what really happened the benefactor appeared during the vapor Canopy World and did something that was stupendous so important in fact that every civilization afterwards still remembered how important it was but had lost the reasons why and tried to replicate the very structure that the benefactor built the benefactor tricked artificial intelligence Acts and AIX didn't understand what happened understand what happened until after it was too late to respond a whole new coding protocol was introduced into the similacrum that would allow for something to happen in the distant future it was never designed to happen back then it was a Trojan program I've gone into some detail in different presentations about this now this trickster was demonized this trigger by the time of the Babylonian times and different cultures that fractured off and went their own way it became Loki this trickster became White Rabbit and and was a glues cap in ancient America glucose cat the traditions of glues cap in the Native American traditions will educate you about what really happened this trickster is actually the benefactor of mankind demonized talked bad about uh the other gods CL the other gods basically uh don't trust him anymore the reason that trust is not there is because this one individual in the ancient world decided to sign he basically decided to do what was best for the trapped Immortals that were inside the construct rather than the controllers who wanted to keep them there artificial intelligence X has Rewritten every historical record and retold most of the Traditions to demonize this individual this individual was Inky this later called Loki in the northern traditions and this is not the bad guy this is the good guy you know I go into a lot more detail like I said Loki laughed at me is almost all in code just like one of my very first videos is all in code uh it's The Apocalypse of Matthias the Scribe so that's another video one is that video is like three years old it's been there I just been sitting there I don't draw attention to it but I've had many people go through it and understand exactly what it's talking about it's all but yeah it's um well the AI is basically a trickster yeah artificial intelligence X isn't the trickster it's an adversarial program artificial intelligence X is what got tricked from John Waller is the similacrum the subconscious mind that's going to get into some things I'm not qualified to talk about I don't really talk about subconscious mind because I don't uh subconscious mind and I'm going to tell you now I'm being open and honest with you I really don't understand the distinction between unconscious mind and subconscious mind so I have read books about the subconscious mind the uh that fear that theorized that that it's actually it's actually the god Essence within us and that in that through through projecting our we create reality I I get it it's just it seems to be an over way uh another way of like parapsychology to over complicate what's what's essentially quite simple so I don't know I'm just not qualified to answer that fair enough from low rider do the elites have to deal with aix2 does AIX mess with them too listen here's a I'll give it to you in a nutshell like I told you guys the abrahamic Covenant is nothing like the Covenant of Yahweh in the Covenant of Yahweh this demon that popped out of a burning bush in the book of Exodus Exodus we have a whole system of listen it's contractual guys I don't know I don't know how any other way to say this but the book of Exodus Leviticus Numbers and Deuteronomy Outlaw outlines a contract read the text and you'll understand what I'm talking about a a a present and intelligence something that is non-human is basically outlining all these things that if you accept all of this I will do this for you but if you decide to go against what you formally accepted I will then do this to you listen guys I'm not making any of this up and I don't want to go into details here but Exodus Leviticus Numbers and Deuteronomy or the are basically describing what a certain portion of the Human family agreed to and in that agreement they decided to rule the world and they decided to gain all the benefits for ruling the world they decided to accept all the promises that this intelligence offered them in exchange for basically them ruling the world and having all the benefits of the world and being able to subdue and Reign Over their enemies this small minority of people accepted this contract this is what the Old Testament is about it is not has anything to do with the abrahamic Covenant which is much older and belongs to a different people remember where Abraham and Sarai come from they come from Brahma and Sarah Swati and I show over and over and over the Genesis seems to have Hindu Origins Exodus does not now this and this people signed the contract in the unfolding of the Old Testament after that was almost exactly in proportion to what they did for this deity and they've also suffered some of the things for disobeying that deity we know that happened in in 1870 and when it happened again in 8135 I'm not going to go into details guys but they signed that contract and the world is the way it is today because in the last six or seven hundred years this minority of people have been taking back control over the entire world after they had initially pissed this intelligence off and it scattered them everywhere and it basically put the hammer and judgment on them but then it started bringing them back together and now they run the world they're the only people you cannot talk about these people signed the contract and if you read the particulars of that contract the things that they were promised are exactly what they enjoy today yeah we got time for one or two more this is from Alice in Wonderland does AIX appear again after 2178 does the whole story repeat benefactor Phoenix Etc Alice in Wonderland does AIX appear again after 2178 does the whole story repeat absolutely does 2178 system reboot every single person that's here in 2178 will reappear here again when the Book of Genesis unfolds again and all this starts right back over I know a lot of people don't know what I'm talking about because they're new they haven't they haven't been listening to any of these lives they don't understand that Genesis is a reset story and Revelation is a new beginning they just don't understand it guys I know I got a lot of new listeners uh but as you can tell from the comments in here from the from the archaics veterans you don't see any confusion among the arcades veterans they understand because this data is very well laid out this I have chronological data that goes so deep you can you can follow my source materials you can get my bibliography for free I have I have many downloads on podio they're absolutely free that will educate you about how intensely researched all this phenomena is someone asked uh who is this Laura Dannon we talked about keeping a positive outlet I can't answer any more questions bro you're out of coffee you can have some of my tea bag I'm just joking reader question well let's see while we're on the topic I'll read this question from spiritual Alchemist Laura we'll get to you in a second how does archaic's team drink their coffee I drink my coffee black better not put any sugar creamer in my in mind and I have uh herbal tea with uh natural raw honey oh and thanks to Matt cubas I also drink my coffee with whiskey bourbon from a Laura Dana in question you talked about keeping a positive outlook how do you stay positive when the world seems to be seeped in negativity quick answer you have to be intentional you have to choose to yeah there's no doubt it's all yeah the world's negative but the world is going to be just as evil the day you die is the day you were born into it you're not here to change the world and once you understand that the world is here for the betterment of the individualized Mortal soul to grow and to experience things once you start realizing that you're in a game that reality is a stage in that your possibilities are Limitless once you understand who you really are and you're not supposed to worry about all the negativity in the world and you start broadcasting more positive than the similar Chrome will reflect the circumstance in more positive experiences will be knit Into Your Existence everything starts with you your entire question please don't take this the wrong way but your entire question implies that everything begins with the negativity of the world and if that's the way you want to perceive reality that that means you're living in a reactive mindset and anybody who's living in a reactive mindset is already suffering dungeon programming it it's very easy for you to switch if you think about positivity and how you can change how you can change your life and the experiences of others around you that you come into contact with then reality will reciprocate and give you more opportunities to positively impact people around you which will knit for you more circumstances of positivity which will knit for you more and more phenomena in your life to be positive about and I gotta use the bathroom man well that's perfect timing because we're right at two hours anyway I've got to go this yeah I've been drinking coffee all day like like Matt Coop has really ruined me today johara thank you for this t-shirt my unnamed benefactor thank you for the arcade scholarship we really do appreciate that we really appreciate the fact we were able to kind of we kind of had to go through a selection process with a with a moderator who has been in archaics since we were on Facebook with only about 300 people listening that individual who got the archaic scholarship is Wendy Flores she received that and uh uh and we just want to thank that unnamed benefit benefactor because it does mean a lot to us that that people would invest in us like this to allow something this for this to happen we didn't get any benefit from that and that's what's so beautiful about it it's somebody else did so I have to pee all right let's go thanks for all the moderators thanks for all the members and all of you who participated in the chat today uh thanks for keeping it positive uh if you haven't already and you're planning on go ahead and sign up get your ticket for the first annual rkx errant convention it's going to be a good time yeah I think that's all we hit all the announcements at the beginning all right guys all you beautiful beautiful people keep staying positive and keep breaking free we love you guys hit that outro