Enlightened by a Dark Belief

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[Music] nobody just wakes up in the morning and says wait a minute you know what i am now going to refuse to believe everything that i have held to be true in the past and you know i think i live in a dreamscape it's illogical it's irrational it's just not it's just it just doesn't happen for me to have made the switch from southern baptist fundamentalist at 40 years old to suddenly believing that man i am not in a real world in a real universe i am existing within a copy a series of algorithmic templates copies of something else so this did not come overnight many year many years of of research led up to it but it's not it's not normal to believe that this physicality isn't actually physical of course you have all the arguments many of you think you're very very intelligent and you'll argue all day long well if i stick a needle in my skin i'm gonna feel pain if i put my hand over a fire i'm going to get burned and these arguments from the pure perspective of physicality are absolutely true so you're not a liar but when we examine more closely what is occurring and how the central nervous system is completely jacked into a system our own dna coding interfaces with the holosphere itself and helps convince us that we are in a physical world but our physicists and our quantum physicists they have found the true architecture of reality it's it's point zero zero zero one percent we all know i mean if you don't buy now it's because you just haven't been paying attention but it's already mentioned in articles and books and videos everywhere what makes up physical mass is a collection of atoms but atoms themselves are nuclear is a nucleus surrounded by orbiting electrons and they orbit in all different ways not just not just ecliptical but a physical reality is made up of actual independent bodies that are nothing but oscillating fields and that the oscillating fields are hollow sphere spheroid particles or waves but i'm not going to get into that argument in this video the physical reality isn't physical at all but it is a property of perception now these are things that i entertain in these videos that i'm going to going to introduce you to many of you are new to my channel and you don't know just how in-depth some of my videos are but they're piecemeal i have hundreds of videos because there's a lot to document some of my videos document hundreds of items pieces of evidence i'm very big on that but in this video we're going to examine 18 different other videos that i have released in the past videos that have been ignored by my viewers these videos get the least amount of views and yet to me they contain the most profound information and i believe at this point the reason why they've been so ignored is because people just don't have the frames of reference for what i'm i'm discoursing about they don't understand therefore they don't click onto the video they don't know they don't under they don't know why it would be relevant to them but there are stories from the ancient world and even modern times they don't make any sense outside the context of us living inside a simulated holography in the first video fossil dragonfly wings and simulated destructions in prehistory in this video i show many many pictures of fossils that should not exist because of fossil according to the uniformitarians a fossil is it's a petrified life form the bones of the life form became stone after a period of time because silicates in the surrounding material actually were absorbed into the form of the decaying biology that's a real nice theory and it sounds real good until we come up with thousands of butterflies have been found perfectly preserved fossilized are we to assume they have not developed in millions of years and how do butterfly wings and dragonfly wings and bee wings and cockroach wings not putrify decompose incomplete completely dissolve into the surrounding material how did they get turned to stone and not only them but other invertebrates as well that should have never been fossilized according to the the modern scientific parlance petrification couldn't have occurred but it did because we found the earthworms we have found the microphilia of small organism plankton from the ocean has been found fossilized how is that possible i know how it was possible and i reveal it in this video i explain why the petrification process the creation of fossils of things that should have never been petrified are found all over the world squids and octopus fish in the middle of swallowing other fish yes i show the actual scientific pictures creatures eating other creatures flash frozen i explained it all it's in this video and it's one of the main reasons why i now understand we live in a simulation and when simulations have served their purpose whoever is overseeing them just discontinues them and that entire ecosystem is flash frozen and then all of a sudden we have something like the pre-cambrian explosion when ten thousand different new life forms suddenly appeared that had no predecessors there's no evolutionary development there's no there's no natural selection involved they just appeared like they just fell out of the sky which leads to other videos in this presentation the next video in this presentation is uh mithridates and the meteorite that changed history i've gotten very few views on this video and i don't understand mithridates did something no one in roman history had ever done the romans were mighty they were feared entire nations and coalitions collected together and allied themselves against roman legions and lost over and over and over the romans were phenomenal in war highly organized but mithridates of pontus defeated rome without an army he was the most feared and hated man in the realm in the roman republic days mithridates had assembled an army after this incident of where he basically orchestrated one of the greatest takedowns in history and i i revealed it in the video but after this now he had armies now he had people behind him now he had collected all these people they came together they were about to fight sallah the roman armies the legions if history if this single event that i described in this video had not happened never would have rome continued the way it did mithridates of pontus was about to beat the hell out of roman legions now he had armies somebody didn't want that to happen because when the romans and all the coalition of armies under mithridates of pontus assembled for battle right smack dab in the middle of the battlefield something fell out of the sky stopped the whole battle it wasn't the first time that battles had been stopped right before they began by objects falling from the sky in the in the middle of the battlefield it's not the only time we have other records of this occurring as well again just like the hunger games when materials are introduced into the holography to guide the direction of a series of events i believe this is more evidence of simulation theory are our overseers are guiding events history would have been very different if mithridates was allowed to have beat the crap out of the romans on that day i have a very unusual video it too has not had a lot of a lot of views but it's got a lot of comments from those who have viewed it it's called the archaics paradox real quickly i will tell you a coder and i sat down and we ran a simulation we ran a simulation on our own the arithmetic that governs our existence we ran a simulation to basically to find out if elliott wave theory was correct in its assessments and if there are nine and 11 dimensions that are uh accessible in our arithmetic what we found was quite astonishing when we took any number any number in existence when we take them and we subtract it from its own holographic reflection a series of numbers appears that's astonishing and all numbers in existence collapse to a series of numbers that collapsed in nines and then collapsed to zero some numbers instantly collapsed to zero the arithmetic was showing us that our arithmetic is actually a type of anti-arithmetic that is more to a real universe a real universe of mathematics but we're not in it the archaic paradox is a single number in our mathematics that never collapses it's four digits long but no matter how you how you do it how you factor it's all explained in the video anybody can replicate this this is not mysterious what's mysterious is this number is an eternal loop and it does not collapse to zero it doesn't it shows us that our mathematics is more to something else our holography our world is connected to something else and the discoveries we made about that connection are fascinating it's in that video in another one of my videos that i really believed when i put this video out that a lot of people would have been logging on to it and sharing it because it is so unusual but again i think it just it's so beyond people's frames of reference they don't understand the anomaly but we have a situation where the public and science the scientific world were in agreement that for a period of three to four years it was noticed by everybody there were no insects in the united kingdom lis uh bot i mean um entomologists had published whole lists of all the insects that had vanished they were gone and then and then suddenly something happened something so unusual that even the scientific world didn't know how to explain it but it's as if our holography is aware of human consciousness and once a certain number of people or percentage of minds are in agreement about something all of a sudden reality itself comports or tries to address the issue or the problem what happened in 1860s and 1870s has never been sufficiently explained it is absolutely bizarre rivers of insects dropping straight from blue skies almost sinking entire ships so much that chimney sweeps all throughout the united kingdom had had to be taken from their jobs just to sweep living in dead insects off the streets everywhere off house tops this video is bizarre you think these insects came from somewhere else on this world but as i show in this in other videos there are hidden vaults in the sky and our sky is not what you think we have all heard about the titanic and what happened we have also many of us heard the conspiracies but it was hit by torpedo german u-boats uh uh we've heard them all we've heard them all it was an inside job the world the owners of the world banks were pissed off at astoria and they orchestrated the sinking of the the titanic and no iceberg was involved at all the actual captain was in on it so we we've heard them all there's so many different conspiracies but that's not what this video really addresses this video addresses the anomalies that in fiction the entire scenario had already been written out but not only that but the titanic and other ships like the lusitania and another one that i mentioned all had very very similar histories very similar builder shipbuilders the synchronicities between them are just as uncanny as the amazing synchronicities between the assassinations of abraham lincoln and john f kennedy and if you haven't researched that then you re you would you don't know what i'm talking about but it's 100 evidence that we're living in a simulation and sometimes events create templates that unfold again in another video the great black death extermination 1346 nothing in this video could be anticipated by somebody who was watching it the first 30 seconds what happened in 1347 with the bubonic plague isn't what our modern historians convey because the original records from people living at the time they wrote what they saw in the forests they wrote what they saw and heard from their neighbors what what started the black death plague was not mice coming from china on ships that is the modernist redacted version and it's a lie one third of the entire world's population died in a three and a half to four year period unprecedented purple lesions turning blue unable to breathe dying long long a long time to die whole cities emptied what they saw in the sky is what i reveal in this video our world is not what you think there are hidden vaults in the sky that contain all kinds of things and concerning the sky i go into a lot of detail in another video the heavens lie it is another video that is not very popular on my channel very few people have watched it but in the heavens lie i explain where there have been problems in astronomy where astronomers realize the distances of stars cannot possibly be what other scientists are purporting them to be because the measurements and parallax just don't exist and when a significant body of scientists were in addressing the issue of parallax suddenly in re studying telescopes it's like the holography changed itself and suddenly when scientists were doing measurements now they're getting parallax but when other scientists come behind them after all the craze was over the parallax can't be detected variable stars star nodes star patterns that have changed there's nothing about our heavens that is actually real it's all optics it's something else a series of projections holographic templates they're blocking us from seeing what's really in the sky