Enoch Reigned Before the Pentapolis: ANUNNA Files Part 13

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it is generally believed that the documents that we call the old testament records according to scholars they didn't come into existence until about 300 bc maybe not even that early now the christian world is convinced that the old testament is very old it's ancient the books of are are of high antiquity but many of the many of the concepts and ideas and even whole passages from the old testament are definitely taken from older source materials but the old testament itself as a collection of books put together is definitely not very old in fact it only anti-dates christianity by about three centuries the new testament records however there is a collection of writings that came to be called the book of the upright a very very old province from and the the the fragments of this book are of such antiquity that we find even word for word passages mirroring old clay and cuneiform and stone writings from 2000 years earlier it is very unique it's also highly controversial and scholars have done a great disservice in trying to basically try to disprove the antiquity of this book it is called the book of the upright many of you know it as the book of jasher now two thousand years ago the renowned jewish historian flavius josephus had uh had pretty much written about the book of jasher saying it was largely unknown even in his time and forgotten outside the temple in jerusalem this book is more extensive than any of the biblical writings is and is itself mentioned by name in the biblical books of joshua and ii samuel both references reading is this not written in the book of jasher now this is why many many apologists they they they want to justify the book of the upright the book of jesus being a part of the canon because it's mentioned by the canon as a source material and they may be right i'm not here to argue that point i only want to tell you what's in this very old book now josephus wrote that by this book are to be understood certain records kept in some place on purpose giving an account of what happened among the hebrews from year to year and called jasher or upright it would have originally been called sure now on account of the fidelity of the annals a copy of this book was found in rabbinical hebrew discovered in jerusalem when the roman general titus son of the emperor vespasian destroyed the city and looted the temple before destroying it as well the book of jasher is said to be one of the few manuscripts secreted out of the alexandrian library in egypt just prior to its ruin by the islamic armies in 800 a.d the book was rediscovered by the anglo-saxon scholar albinus al-khun who who translated it from the hebrew into latin another copy survived the centuries of the burning times brought on by the inquisition and was printed in venice in the year 1613 a very damaging forgery of the book of jasher was published in the year 1751 in england it was republished in bristol in 1829 a poorly written work of 62 pages that makes jasher to be one of the judges of the old testament it has no connection whatsoever to the actual book of the upright that i'm citing here which is a huge had this plaguerist known that jasher literally means upright and was a description of the text historical integrity he would he would have not have committed so blatant that error as to claim that jasher was a pronoun the name of a hitherto unknown man in biblical history but the damage was done to the 19th century critics and scholars the forgery provided the prejud the prejudice that they needed to shun away any further research academia academia now pretty much regarded regarded this as a false text in the face of higher criticism the real was fated to live on in obscurity suppressed by those who would have greatly benefited the world by studying it though the royal asia asiatic society in england discovered yet another copy of the book of jasher far away in calcutta this fascinating chronological record of the pre-flood world in ancient history thereafter is only now beginning in the 21st century to gain prominence among serious researchers though the forgeries of joshua were many there were some 19th century historians who recognized the importance of these records writers who contributed to our understanding of the accomplishments of enoch and the world he lived in in 1875 the authors hotter m west drop and see stan land wake two of my favorite authors uh by the way both referred to the book of jasher as a credible source of historical information in their own book ancient symbol worship a work that extensively expounds upon the religions of antiquity the translation of jasher they cited in their research was by dr donaldson which was in its second edition in 1883 the famous occultist gerald massey cited the jasher writings in his huge work titled the the natural genesis it's two volumes it's over a thousand pages it's gigantic and it's very well worth the read because of the amazing facts and formally forgotten information found within these two books ancient symbol worship and the natural genesis as well as other works by massey these books will be cited over and over in future videos in our journey to understand enoch and his times the alkoen translation in 800 a.d over 12 centuries ago reads and the soul of enoch was wrapped up in the instruction of the lord in knowledge and in understanding and he wisely retired from the sons of men and secreted himself from them for many days and all the kings of the sons of men both first and last together with their princes and judges came to enoch when they heard of his fame and they bowed to him and they also required of enoch to reign all over them to which he consented and they assembled all 130 kings and princes and they were all under his power and command and enoch taught them wisdom and knowledge in the ways of the lord and he made peace amongst them and peace was throughout the earth during the reign of enoch and enoch reigned over the sons of men 243 years and he did righteousness and justice with all his people the identity of enoch as having ruled over 130 kings and rulers who established an empire that endured 243 years a region spiritually attuned to the creator who also left upon the earth an enduring testimony designed to last until the last generations could not possibly have been forgotten as we will see there remains astonishing confirmation concerning this anti-diluvian king and the legacy he left behind still standing silently upon the giza plateau another formerly lost book integral to our study from al alexandria is the book of the secrets of enoch a writing last edited by a greek in egypt during the early church period attributed to enoch this writing was lost for over 1200 years and has only resurfaced from manuscripts from russia and serbia a fact that has earned it the title of slavonic enoch it was rediscovered in 1886 by professor solokov in the archives of the belgrade public library having remarkably survived the church burnings the popularity of secrets of enoch was largely due to the renewal of interest in enochian writings after the publication of richard lawrence's translation of the book of enoch in the year 1821 48 years after the scottish explorer james bruce discovered copies of this formerly lost book of enoch in the country of ethiopia in the year 1773 in this writing adam was commanded by god to preserve the sacred books and writings of adam and seth the text in the book of the secrets of enoch reads that he was to protect these ancient pre-flood writings unless they perish not in the deluge which i shall bring upon the thy race these books contained many of the secrets of god in the creation learned by early man and it was enoch's duty to ensure that these writings and mysteries would not be lost in the cataclysm known as the great flood these divine instructions were given to enoch who passed them down to his sons at the death of adam the 243rd and final year of the prophet king's reign two old manuscripts both having survived millennia at separate locations mentioned this 243 year reign of enoch it was at that exact time according to the book of jasher that the prophet learned that he was to ascend into heaven and not return the text reads enoch assembled all the inhabitants of the earth and taught them wisdom and knowledge and gave them divine instructions and he said unto them i have been required to ascend unto heaven i therefore do not know the day of my going we gather that the divine instructions that he gave his people the sethites before the flood concerned the preservation of knowledge imparted by the godhead to humanity from the days of adam king enos the priest jared enoch's father and seth to char the charge given to enoch by adam concerned records of great importance it would make little sense to go through heroic efforts to save mere books which could be easily protected from the elements by those surviving the deluge this must have been a truly colossal collection of knowledge as we will find herein these divine instructions concerned a massive construction project designed to preserve the writings of the old world in such a way that humanity would gain access to them once again at a future date long after their own world was gone such a method of preservation would require a monument sufficiently large enough to survive the waters of the flood in the sight of all men enoch ascended into heaven on a cloud and according to the secrets of enoch text the sethike descendants immediately went to work methuselah the son of enoch and his brethren all the sons of enoch made and erected an altar at the place called akuzan whence and where enoch had been taken into heaven this was the altar of god promised to adam and it was built at the middle of the earth where the sethites were to bury their forefather adam the same location enoch vanished from as found in the book of enoch sometime in his prophetic career he had a vision of the great pyramid in its relation to the tree of life he called it a mountain of fire at the middle of the earth a description that we shall learn that was employed by the ancients when referring to the monument enoch describes its stones as brilliant and beautiful splendid to behold an angel tells enoch that mountain thou beholdest the extent of whose head resembled the seat of the lord will be the seed on which shall sit the holy and great lord of glory now we know this person is the chief cornerstone the everlasting king according to the book of enoch when he shall come and descend to visit the earth with goodness we have already shown that enoch and enki are the same person that the great cataclysm that occurred when the anunnaki first appeared inky among them was centrally located at in egypt ancient egypt was the gihon river the nile so we should not be so surprised to find that an arabian scholar recording a tradition that was over a thousand years old and recorded a thousand years ago when he right before he died in 967 a.d the arab scholar masaudi wrote this about this most amazing king who lived a long time ago surid one of the kings of egypt before the flood built the two great pyramids that the reason for building the pyramids was the following dream which happened to surid 300 years previous to the flood it appeared to him that the earth was overthrown that the inhabitants were laid prostate upon it that the fixed stars wandered confusedly from their courses and clashed together with a tremendous noise in another vision he saw the fixed stars descend upon the earth in the form of white birds and seizing the people enclosed them in a cleft between two mountains which shut upon them early in the morning he assembled the priests from all the gnomes of egypt all 130 in number no other persons were admitted to this assembly when he related his first and second vision the interpretation was declared to announce that some great event was about to take place did you catch that built the two great pyramids and he was a ruler over 130 gnomes or or provinces the exact same thing the book of jasher said about enoch even zechariah sitchin in his earth chronicles series shows that the anunnaki assembled and had a great meeting of minds when when they were trying to determine what they were going to do with the information about the great flood that was coming so again we should not be surprised that a very ancient tradition about surid reads this again quoting masaudi that that surit ordered the pyramids to be built and the predictions of the priests to be inscribed upon the columns and upon the large stones belonging to them and he placed within him his treasures and all his valuable property together with the bodies of his ancestors he also ordered the priest to deposit within them written accounts of their wisdom and achievements in the different arts and sciences the writings of their forefathers likewise the position of the stars and their circles together with the history and chronicles of times past and that which is to come into every future event if you're interested in pursuing pursuing this vein of research my own book the law scriptures of giza covers all of this and hundreds of other facts that i have not put in any videos about the linking of enoch and inky and the great pyramid complex being built before the flood that is that is a subject that was my passion about 10 years ago and i've pretty pretty much fully exhausted any ability to carry that any further however it was mentioned here to show context to show that when enoch was reigning on earth there was great peace for those 243 years but as soon as he disappeared something occurred that shattered that piece it wasn't just merely his departure but something it entered the historical record for which we have many copies of and i have already shown in prior videos that that shows that when enoch left a whole new governing body appeared it's called the sumerian king list and i've already showed it to you because when enoch left there was 670 years left before the flood the entire duration of the seven kings of the annunaki the 241 200 shars which is exactly 670 years on the draconian calendar of 360 days a year [Music] you