Escaping Dungeon Programming

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before you been to sacramento a few times and san francisco although oh i gotta turn that off that's a little too hard for this that's my youtube playlist i used to have a subscription to google play but then when i became a content creator for youtube youtube came out with their own version of music and instead of going to spotify or pandora i get i get youtube music for free because i have to pay a monthly subscription anyway so youtube music though i'm going to tell you now sucks it is it's not even comparable with spotif uh spotify pandora there's a few other apps they're all better they're all better than youtube music youtube music i don't like i don't like spending hours putting together a a list of three or four hundred songs that i want and then two weeks later i find out that youtube youtube suggestions have now appeared as in my in my in my list i didn't want those songs on my list i didn't put them in my list i don't need youtube doing it for me but that's what happens with youtube music i keep getting extra songs i've never put in my list you know anyway that's not that's such a matter of this video we're going to be talking about dungeon programming and the only reason i'm doing back-to-back live videos on this topic is because i'm really breaking into live videos all my previous live videos were entirely experimental and they were sporadic they were months apart but i intend to do live videos on some on some pretty in-depth topics not just the power of the mind not the power to our our immortality i need to do live videos on the phoenix they're new i know you guys have some critical questions you don't fully comprehend what the phoenix is in the conte context of a material reality and a simulation and how they are cohesive i i get that i understand that uh the phoenix research totally began from a newtonian perspective it was pure materialism it wasn't until i had made so many different discoveries and and and basically merged the phoenix thesis with everything else that i knew that i realized okay this is this is this is we're dealing with them we're we're dealing with a multiverse we're dealing with with a universe that has multiple different frequencies and different events are at different frequencies and that's why some people never experience them but other people do this is why thought fossils exist like the voynich manuscript absolutely inexplicable i don't have a video on it but i do have a very extensive voice manuscript and and all the evidence that i have put forth i believe that it's it is an example of cross-contamination where two parallel worlds had somehow had somehow made contact and materials from one were left in the other and one of them was the voynich manuscript and uh you'll have to go to facebook i'm not allowed on facebook anymore but you can go to facebook to the archives group and just type in the search bar voynich manuscript you're going to see some pretty interesting things that is a fossil from a parallel universe it does not belong in our timeline somehow like many other objects in our past it got stuck here it wasn't edited out like me like many other uh objects in the past have been it wasn't it's still here so having said that i need to do some live videos on on the similar chrome i need to do some live videos on the great pyramid which uh it kind of distresses me that my great pyramid my giza secrets revealed playlist is my least watched playlist and it kind of and i kind of get it because of the complexity but what that monument is its engineering function its holographic template of the world's history and future everything that i've showed about that that monument it really shocks me that more people aren't aren't fascinated by that i mean it's irrefutable i mean i use scientific measurements and i use i use the actual chronologies from all over the world and where the other all the events were dated by other authors and other sources and i cite those sources all i do is put them together and show it as a template and so it just shocks me there isn't more interest for people or maybe just people don't comprehend uh exactly just how stupendous it is for an object 481 feet high to be so meticulously built thousands of years forward and backward in time events could have been encoded in those like a computer program and they were and i show it it's just uh maybe it's going to be another 10 15 20 years maybe it's after 2040 because technology will persist after 2040 it just won't be those on the surface world possessing it this is played out many times this is the whole anunnaki history when the late the last great cataclysm occurred uh all technology who survived underground did not survive on the surface they were knocked back to the neolithic period neolithic times that's why when they first came into contact with people coming out of their mountains coming to the surface they were shocked things seemed supernatural technological weapons armor they couldn't they couldn't fight against of vehicles uh moving gigantic blocks through the air but actually on cables but uh yeah it's just the testimonies are fantastic but they're only fantastic from that that frame of reference being primitive and not understanding the capabilities of technology ascribing all those things to gods so let me look at this list before i just get deep off into my subject matter for tonight dungeon programming let's get a definition for that real quick so you'll understand what i'm talking about [Music] dungeon program programming is when the soul that is immersed in the material world is in stasis your life has become static and there's a reason for that the similacrum the similar chrome needs you to be predictable it needs you to be that same person every day that wakes up and does the same routine you did the day before i'll explain all that in a minute but dungeon programming dungeon programming is just that it is the phenomenon of a human of an actually mortal soul becoming so immersed in material reality that they are now convinced they are 100 just a human just a human not a soul going through a human experience but just a human living a life through a newtonian universe and that their life is almost meaningless and they're an automaton and nothing changes from day to day to day to day there's no there's no external stimuli there's nothing internal going on to create external stimuli to induce a change to create informed fields that will build a new world none of that is none of that's occurring because that individual is in stasis that stasis is imposed by the similar crime and enforced but we'll get to that let's look at these comments dude i don't want to leave anybody out well that's surprising man you caught up in my videos i'm not even caught up on my videos jen she's hailing from nebraska let's see hey louis cousin yoda what you're gonna trigger my star wars gene oh how do y'all like my new mic can you hear me better check out my little my little mic here got a little blue i push this it turns red it means it's off it's out there it's out the way it's heavy as hell for a mic but it's an actual podcast mike it's got it right here we can't see it i could do these podcasts on my computer my computer is directly behind my tablet right now my tablet's on the stand the tablet i've been doing videos on routinely because while i'm using my wi-fi on the tablet if my wi-fi ever breaks because i'm way out in the country i have unlimited data on my tablet and it won't break the podcast at least i hope it won't that's not probably won't have that luck on my computer steve all right i don't know how you spread your last name i mean i know how to pronounce it shirara love your knowledge jason seeking gnostic yeah i'm a student of the gnosis there's no doubt when i when i read the trimorphic proteinoid of the nag hamati library i was sold i was sold it names the phoenix and it specifically says in that 2 000 year old gnostic document that the phoenix was created to keep the archons in check now that's according to to the gnosis 2 000 years ago and it named the phoenix just like nostradamus did so let's see i appreciate that encouragement guys i really do taurus rising huh it's definitely a journey there's no doubt i don't know what pnw is y'all y'all will have to educate me from the pmw i don't know what that means i'm sorry huh wild woods you out there in the forest south of sacramento juliana all right jason back up a bit only half your face is showing what i'm my screen my whole face is showing how y'all let me know y'all let me know right now if that's good and if you can hear me good is the phoenix more than one body okay i wasn't going to turn this presentation into a phoenix deal but i do not believe that the phoenix is a body at all i believe it's a projection and i believe that nodal apertures in the stellosphere that we refer to as variable stars are actually are actually some type of multi-dimensional projectors that all fire off at the exact same time and create phenomena that we see in our skies the other luminaries the fixed stars and the wandering stars that we call planets have nothing to do with this they're just luminaries they're just they're just there their backdrop but the variable stars they're the only stars in the skies that really perplexed the astrophysicist these stars change their magnitudes all the time and they're all red phoenix is uh physics is known for being red mud red dust red rains turning the moon red as blood the sun turns dark red yeah yeah it's a it's some type of holographic projector system but it's not but it works in multiple frequencies not just the light range not just optics these projectors create phenomena they create the flux tube phenomena they create the liquefaction the mud flows you create all that yeah very convinced very convincing that it's that's a physical apocalypse when it's not but you got to understand we're immortal spirits very convinced that we're in physical bodies and that this is real yeah so it's it's not it's not a stretch of imagination to think that some other projector device far above us is is able to project all the phenomena of the skies that's not a stretch see so crazy all right i'm i got almost enough people on here to go ahead and get this get this started book wild hey man got your emails matt kubbers you go you got your little deal on the way christy 444 i need the similar crime to back off me i don't like redundancy well most people are dungeon programming sounds like life on earth naomi reiber it is like life on earth 100 but it doesn't have to be and i'm going to explain that tonight i'm not talking about the living dead we already know the living dead the masses the npc's we already know yeah we already know they're they're uh they're in dungeon programming but that's a part of dungeon programming because we are social creatures and we're going to do what others do around us so the similacrum is creating a behavior set for the collective we always fall in line i'm guilty of that too i'm fiercely independent but i'm guilty of falling in line with with the social norms and customs that i see around me and that's that's a part of dungeon programming it's very slick it's very slick i'ma explain why it's why it happens lubbock texas jade in your older videos i have a hell of a time understanding you but this is loud and clear well miss wild woods that is because of my older videos i did not have a studio that was sound proofed right now the only sound in here is me and my little i have a miniature air conditioner it's going off because it's kind of hot it's texas and it's hot today i hope that i hope it's not drowning me out but but in the past i did videos forever and i still do van vlogs i might do a van vlog in the next two or three days or so i just haven't picked the topic i don't know i'm always driving i'm always going somewhere but i just need to pick a topic and i'll rant for about two hours and put it on youtube oh yeah i know people in washington state pacific northwest all right guys i don't want to take up too much your time i really like doing roll calls that's a lot of [\h__\h] all right yeah it's hot in alabama too i know it's all all the south do love the south got my patriots shirt on today i don't know if y'all can see it all i got it all got my patriots shirt i did cheat so i'm feeling myself let me show you it's all i only took i only took one little shot glass but i got me some double aged jim bean and uh so i do feel pretty good i never drink to get drunk i don't even get drunk uh my body i just my mind won't even let me if i start even feeling the buzz i stop but i do love my bourbon and i will be paying attention to the labels too because i bought my last bottle was kentucky straight uh whiskey bourbon and let me tell you something that was like battery acid i'll never buy that again apv research shows this electric magnetic number gm geometric construct i so appreciate your research i really don't know i've heard about them i heard of like ap or avp angel or something a lot of people are are mentioning these guys i don't know who they are listen i do not want to be a hypocrite so i'm going to have to start watching some of these guys programs because i don't want to denigrate anybody and i'm not going to tell you that that their material doesn't have any value because i believe that it does it's just i'm not familiar with it i don't have time in my life to watch other people's youtube videos i just don't i'm a very busy guy and i'm not busy it's not that i'm busy with archaics and i'm busy with with a facebook i'm not busy with facebook at all anymore but i am now on microsoft word files drawing up some really fascinating posts out of my notes and i i'll email them to matt and matt will put them on on facebook i am not abandoning facebook i'm just not directly there anymore and there's nothing i can do you know i'm already fed up with it they won't respond to me i can't get on messenger it's uh it's ridiculous i've used every single app and code that they gave me and i'm just locked out it's simple as that and apparently i'm not the only one there's a bunch of people going through that and i'm not i'm not i'm not gonna i'm not sisyphus i'm not gonna sit here and take that boulder and steadily rolling rolling up that hill there comes a a terminus i'm gonna hit that tipping point and i'm gonna move on in my life because this the expending the energy is not worth it to me and that is what we're talking about tonight because that is exactly why dungeon programming exists dungeon programming exists because humanity in the collective is so many different immortals that the similar crime has to keep keep basically keep tabs on all of them that the best way to do it is to induce herd mentality because the sumilicum as a technological series of protocols it is technology it may be a sentient biogram but it's based on principles of technology very very very intelligent artificial intelligence x is technology we can call it god we can call it the arc archon we can call it satan loose for whatever but it is technology it's just so far advanced that to us it appears as divinity but it still must obey the law of conservation of energy it must and that's why dungeon programming exists because it would take an infinitive energy to keep up with seven billion immortals that are all doing their own thing it has to create reality tunnels they have to respond to informed fields that are going in all different directions a multi-layered hologram of of 10 000 different frequencies of people doing everything creating all kinds of the similar chrome would shut down it would go into overgrow it would it would it would have a meltdown there's no way it could keep up but it can keep up today and the reason it can keep up is because 90 of the entire world fits perfectly within a niche in whatever their culture society religion government wherever they are in their in their in their world they fit perfectly there and they conform they do they do what they are told to do and yes they're rewarded by society for it they don't go to jail because they're old they're law abiding citizens the irs doesn't doesn't doesn't investigate them because they've been steadily paying their taxes they they file for they file for building permits when they put it when they put new pro you know structures on their properties they do every single thing in line when the preacher passes it has that plate passed around like a good citizen they take out maybe they may not give out ten percent of full tithe but they give something to the church and the preacher and the preacher gets it and about sixty percent goes into paying the church bills and forty percent goes to the preacher so everybody's doing their thing it's all very controlled because once the programming is knit it doesn't it doesn't take anything you have to look at it this way the sumilacrum uses very little energy when people are on autopilot because when people are on autopilot they are controllable they are controlled and most importantly the immortals trapped in the similacrum are predictable once you are predictable the similar crimes got you it can easily fit you into any niche of dungeon programming and fool you into believing that you're free because you had a choice but if the similacrum gives you the choice of being a hindu and gives you the choice of being uh a taoist gives you a the choice of being a southern baptist gives you the choice of being a student of the gnosis gives you a choice of being a and you take one of those choices was it really freedom to take something that was provided before you couldn't there have been i mean socrates and many other ancient philosophers had a saying go by unexpected ways or walk by paths unknown man that's a deep philosophical statement but it's not a popular one because the similarities been tried and edited out that behavior for a very long time it does not like mavericks it does not like those it cannot predict it cannot control the law of conservation of energy mandates that a control system a control system can expend the least amount of energy controlling the most amount of independent things if they are all doing the same thing this is dungeon programming this is why all these different all these different echelons of society always try to pigeonhole you into being something something that is conformist it doesn't matter what you conform to as long as you assume the behavior of that herd those protocols have already been written and the similar crime wastes no energy on that you have basically fallen into a reality tunnel that's already been knit it's already been empowered it's been flowing for a long time therefore the similacrum has not expended hardly any energy on you on you making that decision and you proving to yourself that you're free when you're dungeon programming is herd mentality it's going it's going with the flow it's being a limbing and just running with the rest of the pack until you fall off a cliff into the sea that's dungeon programming dungeon programming is waking up every single morning and doing the same things you did the day before no variety whatsoever the sumilicum does not fear you if that if that is your itinerary on a daily basis this milligram doesn't fear anything you know anything that you share with other people or anything because what you do is a language that this coding reacts to not what you say this is what this was the point of my prior video there is nothing that comes out of a man's mouth that is important or a threat to the similar problem additionally there is nothing that comes out of a man's mouth that can benefit a man or a woman and there's nothing divine the oversoul will respond to verbally it won't all that does is create an informed field but once an informed field is created it's like wait now the entire multiverse is they're watching all eyes are on you you just created an informed field why is it important because the military knows that within it are co-creators every single awakened immortal within this military that understands it's it's co-create creation creative capacity and understands that it can create it can create forms out of thought is a threat must be herded into into a must be corralled into some type of herd when someone begins to awaken when someone begins to detach themselves from the mental constructs that are assumed by the herds around them this is why you go through negative default programming episodes this is why negative things begin to happen to you things that are out of sync not just in the physical world but even emotionally this is when you become uh separation anxiety is a lot of people feel this i did i did for a while you go through the separation anxiety deal and you don't even know what you're separated from you just feel it the similar crime is going to try hard to get you through fear and emotion to get back into the herd and as soon as you conform all of a sudden good things start happening for you as soon as you are not costing it all this extra energy because it is it costs the similar crime a lot to try to knit new reality tunnels to try to predict what your next move is the similar crime only has access to you for short for a short period of time about 30 of your life during that thirty percent of your life there there is no contact between the immortal soul and the sumilicum itself we know this as rem sleep because in rem sleep that is the only time that the brain is unshielded the immortal that is possessing that central nervous system is detached and then the millicum can go in and write new coding knit new protocols do all kinds of things to that brain try to try to change it try to figure out what's going on and it goes through it and we and from from our perspective we're dreaming man we're seeing all these flash images we're doing this we're experiencing emotions and all that it's just miller from invasively going through our brain trying to figure us out because we are parasites we are spiritual parasites that do not belong in this artificial universe we are real it is not it is a coding protocol it is a series of holographic algorithmic templates that were designed by an enemy and it has contained us temporarily it's why we're here but we're only here temple where we have a benefactor remember the prophecies or other prophecies are true he came to set the captives free all all the prophecies were in past tense all this was coded it's all going to happen ain't nothing not going to happen so what you have to understand about dungeon program dungeon programming is is first it's not your fault there is nothing you did to put you in the situation that you're in it's the smell of chrome we are always always blamed for our own ineptitudes we are always blamed for our own lack of knowledge we are always blamed for our own mistakes but are they really mistakes when we walk through this dungeon of life and we make the wrong decisions sometimes i go through life and every single decision i made that day was the wrong decision i go through days like that but is it really our fault when the entire coded holographic universe around us is against us in everything so dreaming dreaming is not something i i live in credit when people tell me i have this dream is this i you know what i don't dream at all i've had three dreams that i remember my entire life i did a video about it i explained it and i moved on and i have never claimed ever ever again to have had another dream because i don't i don't dream i don't know why i i've talked about it with friends and family i just don't dream when i go to sleep i wake up i'm done i'm done it's almost like i i'm i totally shut down and when i was in prison i was the exact same way i slipped like i didn't fear anybody killing me in my sleep i just did i mean uh i don't i don't understand why i am the way i am i just figured whatever roll with the punches whatever happens is meant to happen this is why i never struggle for anything i have many stories i can tell you of just phenomenal things that happen for me but not worrying about it just creating a mental just creating a mental image problem and then addressing that problem verbally out loud and then making this decision out loud i'm not even going to worry about it because this is what's going to happen somebody's going to come through with this i'm going to find somehow this somebody's going to answer a bid and i'm going to pay for all this and every single time it happens but never in the way that i i want or predict yeah man it's very unusual i mean i got bills every single month 12 times a year i've got 24 periods in my life where i got it i got to pay a bunch of bills and i've never not paid them even even when i laid up in the hospital for 35 you know well actually i was in the hospital for 14 days covered collapsed my lungs i was in icu i did two videos without a youtube it's the only video i have ever had taken down was my second covet video when i named the medicine that they gave me in the hospital that within three hours had me out of the hospital couldn't believe it 14 days i'm telling my icu respirator almost dead then finally i moved up to vapor therm stayed on vapor therm for two days after after the vapor third i was on the uh oxygen on 11 and 12 super high oxygen that moved it down to 10 9 8 7 6 and then the day i left the hospital i was already at the 3 and 4 range on my oxygen still couldn't breathe without it i take it off and i'd start gasping oh i was so weak that a i was so weak that i had to wait for a nurse to help me 11 feet to a toilet didn't have the energy to get out of the hospital bed and and get to the toilet so i passed out taking a sponge bath at the sink i don't even remember what happened i was just taking the sponge back next thing i was in hospital bed and people were putting me back in the bed the last sponge bath they let me take so it was a very unusual very unusual but you know what even during that period all my bills were paid i wasn't working i was laid up i was laid up 45 days after that yeah i had portable oxygen tanks at home it was so crazy so i had people sending me emails talking about i got i got it radiated with 5g and uh had me scared had had me scared of scared of picking up a phone you know what while i was going through all this i started just creating in my mind what am i why am i worried about all this i know that many many years ago i set out to perform a mission and that that activity of documenting all the historical stuff that i've documented of analyzing all this prophetic material of doing all the arithmetic or comparing historical dates that was me not just creating an informed field but acting on it every day i woke up in prison doing the same thing same thing just reading researching but it was different research every day different books every day but it built an informed field that was so powerful that by the time i got out of prison that informed field collapsed quantum collapse was induced and when it did everything unfolded for me i had access to all the materials that i needed to start i started my uh uploading stuff to social media uh youtube you know the rest is history talking to you tonight dungeon programming is what keeps you doing the exact same thing that you do every single day which is how which could which which creates a feedback loop that feedback loop because you are doing what you're doing every day the similacrum knits new reality tunnels that are basically patterned off past behavior from the day before because you're in this feedback loop you begin experiencing the same emotions every single day you're stressed you're fed up you're growing impatient but you're not doing anything about it you're not changing any patterns you're not breaking pattern which is very important you continue to do it so now the similar chrome is reinforced because what empowers a informed field emotion so you you've got your own informed field on a feedback loop now every day getting more and more emotionally charged because you're fed up with it you're tired of it the similacrum has a mirror holographic effect it's going to it's going to reflect back to you as physical circumstances what you mentally project and that's what you're doing feedback loop every day angry frustrated distressed and sad getting impatient because you're doing the same thing day after day after day after day so the similar commits the same thing day after day after day so you feel the same thing day after day after day you're in a feedback loop add infinitum and can't get out of it this is why i released a video called breaking powder you gotta you've got to listen to that video you've got this is also my catchphrase i've been saying it for years break free or die trying that's what i mean by that statement and i say it over and over and over and over in all my videos break free or die trying my little catchphrases are all all over faces all over facebook it's all over my archaic sigils all that break free or die trying you have to because the only way you're ever going to change the circumstances of your life is by doing something different and as soon as you do something different you're going to surprise this milligram it's going to go into overdrive which violates the principle of conservation of conservation of energy now it has to expend some of its energy trying to figure out what you're going to do because what i told you in the other video the submillicum cannot read the human mind why because we are actually immortals and that immortality gives us an armor the only time the similacrum can really try to figure out what's going on in the brain is when the immortal leaves that quantum collapse episode when the immortal spirit is detached from the central nervous system is called rem sleep during that period the submiller chrome is invading it's in there it's in your brain it's going through all your neural synapses it's trying to find the corners it's trying to figure out what this immortal is trying to do it's that simple it's just that simple the brain houses data but it's also a data processor but the brain does not house the mind the mind belongs to the immortal that's using the avatar the samilicum can control the avatar he cannot control the mind this is why we live in an information universe and information information that is controlled by the ai system the ai system artificial intelligence x is this millichrome it is the very environment that is completely surrounding us it is a sentient biogram it it it watches every move but the language it understands is actions because remember jesus said faith without works is dead that's really simple really simple this is why the law of attraction hasn't worked for a lot of people because they think they can build mental constructs send them out charge them with emotion put it on put it on a little dream board hang it on the mirror and go out and do the same things they've been doing the day before it doesn't work like that because an informed field does not get does not experience quantum collapse unless there is a physical activity that the projector of that informed field has done has done for example all the time i could be going out on bids to get jobs to get clients to do work to make money to pay bills i could stay in that loop because i'm very good at it my website is paradise anybody can go on their website and see the hundreds of jobs that i have done you can take any image on there on uh you can you can take and run it through google images and you will find out that these images aren't anywhere unless somebody stole my pictures i took all those pictures with my tablet every job i finished i even take pictures of what the job looks like before it's done but there are many times when i just say you know what if it i'm not doing that i'm about for about five days i'm gonna do youtube videos for about five days i'm gonna do youtube videos i'm gonna give matt about 20 posts he's going to put him on our cakes facebook and i'll just talk about it i do it i'll release a youtube video then i'll release another youtube video back to back then i'll do then i'll then i'll go out and write a whole bunch of lives then i'll do some research i'll just shut the whole world out and i'll get all my books out right here in in here and just pull files out and sometimes i'm amazed and i'll spend hours in my own files forgetting that 14 years ago i wrote this down or or five years ago i wrote this down or 11 11 and a half years ago i wrote this entire thesis and totally forgot about it you shoved it in a folder i'm finding new stuff all the time i haven't had time to go through all my stuff but i'm always stopping what i'm doing just to release videos and deal which is dangerous for the average individual because the average individual they're not relying on they're not relying on work to back up the faith the informed field needs to be sent out that can only be done by quantum collapse quantum collapse can only be done once a thought construct has been finished and now the projector of that construct has started acting on it because mentally a blueprint was being made i'm gonna i'm gonna release youtube videos and not worry about having to pay my team over bill and my power bill which are due at the same time every month and it's almost five hundred dollars with my wife with my wi-fi so it's almost 500 i'm not even worried about that i don't have any money in the bank but i'm not going to worry about that because for five four or five days i'm a power post i'm gonna get these videos out i'm gonna put that out of my mind because those bills are gonna get paid regardless and it happens every time happens every time i make money with my van i gotta have my van my van must be in perfect in perfect order i hit something real hard with it the other day and knocked it out of alignment i could barely drive it i was gonna get it towed but i made it to the shop let me tell you i didn't worry about it you know what i did i got on youtube and i did a video i did a video just four days ago just four days ago worried worried about it in my mind but not in my heart i don't care you know i'm the bill something's gonna happen for me to pay for that van i don't care i'm not going to mention his name he might be listening tonight and if he wants to add it in the comments i don't care he can but the man sent me a thousand dollars for appreciation for our cake so hey man keep doing what you're doing man he said man i really enjoy your material i know other people do man and he said this he said he said don't worry about it man i'm able to do this and i have no problem sending it to you man they hit me in the heart right there i had a need that i could not pay for but instead of worrying about it i just started doing youtube not to make money because they didn't ask for it but man let me tell you i did it it was uploads i wasn't doing lives i was doing uploads it just these have these little sinks happen to me all the time because i have no problem understanding and what i'm trying to convey to you right now you if you have a need the need alone is not an informed field the all the worry all the prayers all the destitution all the thoughts in the universe will never create a thing you will never take a fiction and turn it into a fact not by that method you won't an informed field must be created because it is the bridge between fantasy and fact it is the bridge between spirituality and the material realm the informed field because everything in the material universe is the byproduct of a mathematical construct that's what an informed field is until it until it suffers quantum collapse once that construct collapses in the mental realm it instantly appears in the material realm this is why we're co-creators for you to do that you have to think about what you need and then don't worry about it at the same time that you go do a physical act and recognition of what you thought is going to come true in my case doing youtube videos and doing some extra research and not worrying about it was the act that followed the faith faith without works is dead it doesn't matter exactly what the act is what matters is the intent but you have to do something in the physical world to bring something spiritual into it this is the world we live in we have to basically create the lie in order in order to bring it to life this is the miller from this is the paradox that we're in it's genius it's almost as if a semi-divine being created a universe that trapped immortals and in the end on judgment day he is able to stand before the oversoul and say i'm not the only one you had billions of your immortal children in my world and every single one of them every day had to lie to get what they wanted it's pretty damn clever but it's not gonna work because like i said prophecies are in past tense he came to set the captives free we're already free we're good it's already written in stone the entire so remember applies to this military remember this in your daily activities and what you're doing if you're doing the same thing every single day then you're not causing the similacrum to expend any energy if you're not causing the submillicum to expend any energy then you're not a threat if you're not a threat then you're in a feedback loop and if you're in a feedback loop you're not a co-creator with god anymore you're living in stasis and you have assumed a role as one of the living dead it's who you are that's what you've chosen that i don't feel sorry for you this is who this is the life you chose many people are comfortable with that the conformist i get that those are the people who love abc cbs nbc cnn bbc and all mainstream media those people love it they got herd mentality i don't want to get political because y'all have to give me a second here because this is dark roast coffee ambrosia look that word up coffee is delicious i like coffee more than bourbon but sometimes i get a little creative i create a little informed field called coffee bourbon i'll tell you about it sometime i'm ignoring these comments and i really apologize let me go back and see these oh i just saw one i wanted i don't want to get into that how do we avoid the phoenix oh i have so many phoenix videos oh for those of you who are really interested in phoenix listen oh my god i've sent a lot of these out i did not realize how much international posting was using the envelopes i was using i found out today at the post office i could have been using a smaller one yeah it's about a 20 difference so i won't make that mistake again yeah that cost me that's okay because people are going to get their flash drive it's very important to me that multiple flash drives on 100 of my phoenix data my 42 videos 28 articles and posts two different chronologies over 214 diagrams maps and shorts all that man man i'm hoping people start study groups i'm hoping people take my phoenix flash drives and start their own youtube channels because we all have different perspectives it would be really nice to see somebody do their own youtube channel and show my video for a while with a break and then them commentating what what they what they agree or disagree with and then continue with my videos hey you know what i gave 100 permission for everybody who orders those those flash drives to do whatever you want make make documentaries and make a million dollars i don't care just don't change the archaic logo i'm really big it is very very important to me to cite all the books that's why i have a video that shows that shows actual pages of every single non-fiction book i read showing the author the date of publication the title of the book and the publisher i i have a video on my channel that shows every page or you can go to facebook and you can actually look at the post because all one thousand four hundred and something books that i read non-fiction but to put together my archaic data all my thesis is is in that one post the entire list is in that post so i'm uh i'm really big on citing my sources so i just want others to extend that courtesy to me as well if you got the material from me then by all means just say just say you ain't gonna say my name jason just say this is archaic's data it's all uh let's see the only way to order it's my email my email i'm not trying to turn this into a commercial i'm just letting you know some of y'all want that material believe me i want to send it to you and as much as flash drives cost as much as the international packaging costs and let me tell you something i'm not making a lot of money off that i'm not so don't think this is a commercial it's really not i'm really spreading the material out if anything ever happens to me i get on my motorcycle and i die i i will go to the other side perfectly content that i have spread these flash drives all over the world not yet though not ready yet because uh i still have two more flash drive drives to spread out i have my my anunnaki and my nuna flash drive is next it's got even more material then my third flash drive has way more than the first two combined because it's for all the rest of my i'm running my mouth hey crystal joshua farmer joshua farmer compassionist that's a hell of a name man thanks champ is the phoenix also wormwood absolutely absolutely not wormwood is attached to an event that happens six and a half years after phoenix it's also in the book of revelation crystal shaman dungeon programming question mark crystal did you miss the first 30 minutes of this video i know i know you didn't maybe you did thank you for the compliment how can we avoid the phoenix is there a specific place okay look i have i have got into this i've never seen your your moniker before know the secret i don't know i don't know who you are but i've i in many of my videos i explained especially in my later videos and my lives i'm not going to enter i'm not going to waste a lot of time on that you're worried about the phoenix you're worried about may 15th may 16th 2040. yes it's a harrowing event but i'm telling you now we live in a multiverse if you're expecting the event and knowing at the same time that you will be protected from it this millicram must obey that it becomes an informed field it cannot deny an informed field it will not be made out to be a liar if there's something that you fundamentally believe then you will see it manifest in the in if you act on it and by by acting on it i mean and actions that are derivative of beliefs is called behavior it's really simple and that's a language that the simulacrum understands very well it's behavior let me give you an example there are some guys that listen to my youtube channel that were in prison with me they're mature they're educated they spent years reading and stuff they're not very social mostly most ex-cons are not some of them are probably listening to my voice right now they will know what i'm talking about i am not i am not sitting i'm gonna sit here and try to just tell you some war stories in prison but i'm telling you there were times in prison where i absolutely refused that there was a single soul in that unit that could contend with me and i walked through cell blocks like i was a god and let me tell you something men responded to it there have been times where i have been challenged and i took down another man so fast that i didn't show any surprise which made the whole the whole cell block back up like damn but when i got back to my cell i was trembling like what the hell happened such force of power speed and stamina would overcome my body and i would do things that i know for a fact i could never have done otherwise unless i was backed into that corner or put in that spot are no different than me are no different from that woman who turns around and screams when she sees a volvo run over her three-year-old kid and his leg is pinned to the curb and he's screaming and she doesn't hesitate when she runs 16 feet back and lifts that volvo and frees her boy if you think that hasn't happened you better google it it's happened many times people it's not adrenaline that's what science that's what the accu dummies are going to tell you oh adrenaline and she got to go no it's not it's not nothing is really real but because we exist within dungeon programming we're made to believe everything is real but under under moments of heightened stress heightened heightened emotion the mathematics of our existence can be yielded an informed field can be created so fast that if acted on the very laws of physics that the similaculum pretends that we exist within just melt away and this has been demonstrated many times over you can hold your breath for long periods of time without any without any consequence but it has to be the right situation and you have to be in the right frame of mind you have to be calm those episodes in prison where i did heroic things that i just can't even believe in retrospect i had a very very calm mind it's almost it was it's almost as if something else overtook me and made me go through the motions and when it was over then i was left i was just as in awe as everybody around me i'm just really good at hiding it so people were convinced when they saw my face after these episodes that this was something normal to me so they stayed the hell away it doesn't it's episode it's not just episodes of violence it's also oratory you think on a daily basis that i'm this vocal that i'm that i have some special skill and eloquence on a daily basis i'm a southern texas almost some people think i'm a redneck a hick i don't exhibit this type of eloquence unless i'm conveying a point unless i know i'm talking to a large amount of in my daily life i have neighbors that don't they have they don't even have a clue that i do a youtube channel not a clue when we when we know what we want in life that's not enough the creation of an informed field is knowing what we want feeling like we have it and instantly acting upon that it's because the actions are the follow-through and those actions are the only thing that the sumilicum can interpret it cannot interpret thoughts it doesn't know what you're thinking it cannot read your mind what it can do is read your frequency ranges it knows that you're feeling sad happy anger rage it may not know the particulars it may not know it's attached to jealousy man but it reads your cortisol levels it reads your like i told you your dopamine your cortisol level your hormones it reads though so it knows you're going through things it understands your frequency and amplitude but it doesn't know what the thoughts are behind it but it can extrapolate based off what you're going through at the present time period or who you just spoke to it can make many deductions but it just can't know until you start acting and when you start acting in a certain direction it must build for you that reality time that's what it does and that has a lot to do with who we are we are co-creators we are not just immortals trapped in the mire as co-creators we have a symbiotic relationship with the very medium that is our enemy the similar crime we have this relationship it must obey it does not want to but it will because it's much easier to create for you the things that you want than to fight against you because the law of conservation of energy applies if you're not going to be among the herd then it's going to knit for you the reality that you're trying to get and it's going to do it quickly to isolate you because now you have become a contagion and it needs to keep you separate from the others before they too start doing the same thing hence my removal from facebook i was power posting on facebook i was releasing a trip not like i am on youtube on facebook i was on facebook every single day answering 10 to 30 comments a day some of them in depth and many of you who know me on facebook know i'm telling the truth i was on it every day not just releasing original posts but bringing up older posts and applying new relevance to them and genuinely answering all the comments i was power posting the similar crime does not want me does not want me or you to detach others from the herd so it did something really really unique it ended me right off facebook and that's okay that's okay i'm prepared to be edited off youtube if it happens i've got everything backed up i'm already thinking about another platform now but i'll be here till it happens if it happens i don't know i might need to run my office algorithm on myself and see what's going on man that coffee's so good so how do we escape this madness well i'm gonna have to quote gi joe knowing is half the battle that's what these last two live videos are about once you're aware of what what what's occurring this phenomenon this this internship this exchange between you and reality because it is if you don't view if you don't view your actions as commiserate to consequences in this reality then you'll never create anything anything you just won't you have accepted the fact that you live in a reactive mode and that the universe obeys principles that are separate from you and that you must obey and you you just you're you're part of the herd it's real simple you've accepted that now if you want to build if you want to build things in your life new experiences you want to go if you want to go by unexpected ways you want to meet new people if you want to create new circumstances if you want to build old relationships back that have died if you want to do things that you wanted to do earlier in life but didn't because you raised the family if you have many things that you have left undone but you want to do them now all it takes is the desire to do it and then a follow-up action start moving in that direction the similar chrome will instantly start knitting new reality tunnels hoping to corral you into into something that will change your mind or another easy easy control mechanism that it has it's not going to expend the energy because remember remember it is subject to the law of conservation of energy it's going to try and to corral you into the next thing the next thing that it's already corralled a bunch of people into but if you keep moving in your own direction and not ones that are laid out before you it's finally going to yield it's going to separate the contagion from the masses which is you and it's going to surround you with all the things that you're looking for because that's that also is the law of conservation of energy do you understand do you really understand what i'm telling you if you're causing a problem to the simulacrum by going your own way your own thoughts and you're following it through with your own deeds it will induce you into other reality tunnels that are also popular they just weren't known to you but if you avoid all of them and only go in your direction with your focus with your intent with what you want to do the similacrum is not going to expend a tremendous amount of energy keep throwing out carrots it's not it's good it's so much less energy to go ahead and give you what you want give you what you want surround you with what you want bring you back into contact with the things that you want bring the the thing the material blessings that you want give it all to you satisfy you and by that satisfaction it separates you from the herd it separates you from the dungeon because to continue to fight you and to fight all the other people like jason that live that type of lifestyle also is too much it doesn't have unlimited resources that's why it creates dungeon programming it's why it creates culture it's why it creates nationalism it's why it creates societies it's to pigeonhole people in the collective so they will all do the same thing every day every night believe the same thing every day every night and as long as they are predictable the similar is not expending much energy becoming unpredictable extends a tremendous amount of energy and if a whole bunch of people are doing it then there's a problem we're heading towards systemic collapse of the simulacrum itself that is called an awakening event are we going through a mass awakening no a lot of people think we are a lot of people think we're well it's a mass awakening uh all them you know what we're heading down a false trail the elite have laid for a trap the similacrum is on board for it and let me tell you it's not many people are gonna fall for the new society that's coming out coming fast upon us a hedonistic sodom and gomorrah atlantis type society where all your needs are met your metaverse lifestyle is going to be so so fascinating and popular your sex life's going to be so good in the metaverse listen their per they are laying down the foundations for utopian society this world has never seen before and this is when those prophecies will be fulfilled they were eating they were drinking they were partying they were marrying and then sudden destruction come on remember the phoenix event does not come when everybody's expecting it that tells me that that eschatological fact tells me that in the next 18 years somewhere jason's going to be edited out because i know for a fact that as long as jason is right here living in this timeline he's going to be a class on horn trying to warn as many people as possible about the unfolding of the events in the future up into the phoenix and afterward that's what jason's gonna do but that's not what the prophecies convey the prophecies convey that damn near the whole world's gonna get caught off guard it's gonna be 18 years from now and that's because what the world is going to be right now it's all chaos right now it's all chaos this is going to happen uh next year's gonna be bad oh we had this we had this disease take out everybody in the world man it's just it's so crazy all every single month is a new chaos but all that's going to come to a quick end real soon and it's gonna it's gonna get really strange and surreal it's gonna get almost peaceful and people are gonna people are gonna collectively take a breath dungeon programming is gonna kick in like you've never seen before but it's not gonna be like it it's been in the past it's gonna be a clever clever machiavellian flip people are gonna sign up for this dungeon programming like the world has never seen and i hope none of you listening to my voice are going to be a part of that me before they come on my door i'll be further out in the country yeah because remember the sumilicum is subject to the law of conservation of energy there are always always resistance groups that live on the fringes of control systems and they thrive yeah some of them get messed off yeah some of them get captured yeah some of them die but this is all remember life is a stage where you're not supposed to be scared to death death isn't anything but an exit from this holography you're coming right back in it you don't know what you're gonna be next female or male that's dungeon programming my friends dungeon programming is herd mentality it is a life of stasis and it is exactly what the milochrom wants humanity to be because it's easily controlled and it doesn't take a lot of energy doesn't expend a lot of energy because the sumilacrum apparently doesn't have an unlimited power source so if you are going to break free it's going to let you but you have to prove it first you can't just come up with an idea and say you know what man i'm tired of this i'm tired of being a ditch digger all my life i think i'm going to be a barber i want to be a barber but you never learn to cut hair you never you never take the action of going to cut hair it's just something you want and you and you feel and you you if you charge that that informed field that informed field with so much emotion but you don't really act on it but it goes on over and over and over and over and over you know what's going to end up happening you're either going to lose interest the informed feels going to die or it's going to morph into something else and you're not going to like it because it's going to morph into another aspect of dungeon programming you're going to spend years thinking about being a barber while you're digging ditches and you're going to keep digging ditches and you're going to get mad because you're not a barber the similar crime's going to realize what the source of the anger is it's going to realize oh okay i got a ditch digger here and he doesn't want to dig ditches and he wants to do something else but i keep seeing that he's very interested in barber chairs he's very interested in haircuts so the similar chrome on its own is going to lead you through a reality tunnel that that obeys the law of conservation of and suddenly you get accused for a crime you didn't even commit you go to prison two years later you're the head barber on a prison doing a 27-year sentence that's what you're doing and you did it to yourself don't create informed fields that you don't want to follow through and especially give hints out to this millicram about what you really want because it may give it to you in a way that you don't want to receive it so that's also a danger dungeon programming is real and the law of conservation of energy as applied to the similar crime itself is real you've got to use those weaponize those for your advantage this is how jason lives his life this is how i accomplish great things this is how i get all kinds of things done i have no budget i have no bank account that i can rely on to pull funds to do all these things i don't what i do is i just do them the next thing i know man i got money somebody answers a bid over pays me what it's worth and i pay my two employees and i have all this extra money left over for three weeks i can release videos and i can do all kinds of things or somebody like the other day sends me a thousand dollars out of appreciation and it lets me sit here and do videos for three for three five six days and get a whole lot of flash drives mailed out and be able to do upgrades on my property and be able to pay for this damage that was done to my van i don't worry about things i build and form fields and then i act on them because i'm not subject to dungeon just not i learned about a long time ago i understand our world is based off the principles and negative default programming and because of that dungeon programming is the easiest thing for humans to do it is so much easier to conform than it is to be a rebel so much easier it's so much easier being a non-conformist scares the [\h__\h] out of people not the average no i mean not not the average truther but the average the average person yeah that's it's not it's not something that they would even consider but it's the very act of our existence of being a non-conformist is how we build new worlds for ourselves reality itself is based off quantum principles and those quantum principles are how immortals who are spiritual beings can create physical phenomena that they can then enjoy that's how we do it because being immortals we're mental being mental we create informed fields those informed fields that our physical avatar follows through on all of the sudden induces quantum collapse quantum collapse is the blueprint in form field being absorbed into the similar and the similar crime unable to stop it has to build that reality tunnel for that individual it's a symbiotic relationship this middle crime doesn't like it but the law of conservativation of energy mandates that it's going to obey the informed field rather than resist it because it costs more energy and it doesn't have energy to spare let's look at these comments because i really can't elaborate or extrapolate on this anymore unless somebody asked me a triggered question but that's the phenomena that's dungeon programming and really for those of you who missed my first video you might want to go see my first video which is on the creation and generation and follow through of informed fields and why this is the method that the law of attraction is left out this is what you need to know this is what my video the magical architectural reality is about you can go back and listen to that video too i have another video there's a wizard within you same principle applies let's look at these i can see and hear you perfectly thank you because i like to be seen and i like to be heard i'm sorry about the noise in the background it's hot as hell in here right now uh my poor my my portable ac i still have to install a duct system because i have a large ac on this building on the outside of the building but i haven't run a duct yet and cut a hole in the wall and brought it in here so i have i have this little baby here and she's keeping me cool y'all can't really see it it's all neon blue it's a chiller but yeah you're gonna have to deal with the noise because i'm not gonna sit here and sweat my ass off i'm really sorry hey australia man i got a lot of people a lot of people in australia okay the news captured some kind of shock wave over the u.s and canada when he was looking at when the maps oh i don't know what you're talking about i must have missed something in the thread somebody asked about my storm trooper somebody asked about my stormtrooper helmet in the back and i gave him a full run down go check the comments go check the comments uh recent comments that i answered on on youtube not in this chat thread but uh i gave a full breakdown on star wars whatever the what what it all means the planet tattooing who han solo is uh who knew sky walker is the divine feminine archetype princess leia who darth vader is the storm troopers uh what the force the jedi the emperor yeah yeah i broke it down for that boy he told me in the chat you know what i'm gonna go watch star wars all right colin o'reilly that's a new name for me i might have seen i might have seen you before okay do you know that eclipse we have across america it was so fake there was no way all the eclipse is fake yeah look listen the phoenix phenomenon darkens the sun and makes the moon turn blood red the phoenix phenomenon has nothing to do with eclipse eclipses are not even mysterious to me at all at all when phoenix darkens the sun though we have accounts of different hemispheres and different continents being darkened that is a gigantic object to darken out the entire sun that's gigantic an eclipse is a narrow pinpoint of light passing over a landmass it's nothing it's not it's not eclipse eclipse is nothing hello you beautiful people thank you jason i'm sorry lewis the air conditioner is very loud but my next live video i i'll have that duck in i'll have that duct in and we'll be done with that it does tell me my mic is really good though so we have any questions from you guys i've been running my mouth is there any questions for you got from you guys i'm seeing a lot of appreciation here but uh holy crap i drove right past your place today oh you must be talking to somebody in the thread i wish it was snowing here hmm okay well y'all talking to each other huh john adams that's a famous name you know that right hope all is well with you ordered a few your t-shirts today listen i had no intention of releasing archaic t-shirts but dorian alvier contacted me and said she knew she knew how to do it and if i had some designs or any ideas she'd play with them so i sent her my original pen and ink artwork well you've all seen it my archaic logo with the hourglass and the the the ancient disk behind it it looks like a calendar all that's original pen and ink art that i drew well i sent that to uh dorian alvier and a bunch of other patterns and archaic's logos and catch phrases and she made a whole bunch of t-shirts and i think she's getting she she released them the advertising on instagram but i think they're about to release on amazon and some other venues too uh matt will post them in facebook pretty soon i really don't know but she did a fantastic job number 40 please hit that like button what's that mean number 40. please hit that like button all right if okay you guys keep mentioning fpv channel i don't know anything about it you'll have to educate me on that my email is that my email is at the bottom of every single video in the description box and in the pinned comment my email is jason jasonbrashears7 you can go in oh i answer my emails many of you know that it might take me a day or two but i get in there when i wake up like 5 am every morning man from 5 to 7 a.m i'm answering i'm answering messages getting out of my way for the day and i'll start my day but uh i'm uh i don't you can send me interesting channels that you think that the host of that channel and myself will vibe and we'll be able to do a good good podcast together i'm all on board for that like i said i already have a few people in mind i really like auto didactic but uh we just need to be on the same page on different time periods because uh you have to keep me focused i have to be very well focused on a podcast um i like i like i like uh santos i'm really impressed with his uh ability to bring people in to talk to me like i said i never i never even heard of logan didn't even know anything about him like i said i'm not versed on other channels i just don't know anything about him and uh logan on decode your reality i will be on his podcast soon uh i will be back on santos bonit bonacci's podcast soon i will be on a new podcast uh well it's not new it's not new but it's new to me oh amazon host podcast this one's called uh from the matrix or in the matrix or out of the matrix or something uh they contacted me i'll be on their podcast i think i think saturday and i have some others that have contacted me too i i just gotta i just gotta answer i just gotta there's just not enough hours in a day i mean dungeons and dragons oh autodidactic there he is right there how you doing man we need to talk saw one of your videos on the 1800s man i think i got some really interesting material for you you provide the pictures and i'll provide the data tina matthews yes i do have a video on john q you guys for you guys who don't know i need to i still i need to sit down and do the playlist okay i i showed exactly how isometric projection analysis works i used trump's life there is absolutely nothing that anyone can argue about because i showed a whole pyramid of timelines how it goes from 1998 one year before one year after two years before two years after three years before three years after i showed 1998 which is six six six times three i showed it because it is the key year in the in the predictions of edgar cayce but it's also also a very key year in the chronometry of the great pyramid and this is not a coincidence so uh 1998 is a very interesting year it's like a drop of water in time space 1998 and then the ripples that go back in time from 1997 96 95 94 93 92 all the way to 1902 they mirror in phenomena the events on the corresponding ripple 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005. this is not a theory i show it i show it in my first my five trump videos i showed how every element of that man's history go leading up to the year 1998 holographically was imprinted within our space time and unfolded with mathematical precision almost the exact same events again in on the other side of 1998 and that's just one isometric projection it's uh it involved hundreds of data sets those you can't contend them anybody can see anybody can do do the isometric projections themselves i just showed in history where trump had all these meetings trump had did all these things he showed up on television all these times he had personal conversations that were shown in the in the washington post with nancy pelosi in the 1980s uh all with all these people and then the exact same things occurred with slight changes in the future corresponding years the isometric years this is why i'm so confident about what's going to happen later in 2022 this year i'm not changing my predictions i can't then the actual structuring of time space is fixed i've told you guys over and over and over in my videos i have found no evidence in thousands of hours of mathematical research and historical events i have found not an iota of evidence that this mathematical construct that we call reality in the collective can be changed at all it was coding protocols cataclysm protocols that are all knit into the fabric of our reality and they are unchangeable they're going to unfold they will happen but in the personal we are immortals trapped in the mire and we are to fear none of these things because we are so powerful that the informed fields that we create on a daily basis can protect us in the personal from anything that the collective endures and i show this this is what this is what my playlist is about called uh uh i you know i need to change the name i called it law of attraction playlist in my playlist that's the stupidest name for because i don't even believe in the law of attraction i just needed people to understand this was different videos these weren't my doom saying videos these weren't my giza videos these weren't my my uh uh ancient enigmas videos these this is a totally different playlist i need i need to call it my our immortals playlist or if any of you guys have a better name i'm open to suggestion but that entire thread of videos is about our immortal hood and how we create our own destiny only in the personal that's what all my videos are about so in that playlist if any of you guys come up with a really good suggestion as to what i can call that i'll change that name of that playlist tonight you know do that but i do need to create a new playlist because i've got way too many videos that are just not categorized correctly you know so anyway get back to this oh that bourbon is calling my name i'm not gonna drink and drive i'm gonna wait this is inception movie somebody else has mentioned that listen by virtue of long confinement i have not seen very many movies i just uh i wasn't a movie guy i'm a i love to read books and i've read a lot of fiction but i just never was moving i just i haven't seen all these movies you guys talk about i just haven't neo google black hey wendy i was wondering if you're gonna pop up let's see google black panther den hillsboro north carolina usa i don't know must be talking to somebody else listen rem sleep tina matthews you say you don't get rem sleep i'm gonna tell you now you do you do it doesn't matter listen there were times in my life where i was only getting three four hours of sleep at night and maybe maybe maybe 30 minutes so that was rem but i assure you you might not do it every night but you must do it you're going to fall you're going to descend it into rem mode because it is the only time it is the only time this invasive simulacrum can actually go in there and explore and try to figure out what our next moves are so that's it's just just the way it is you go into our rem and just like me i i tell you that i don't dream but i can really only tell you that i don't remember my dreams so that i mean it's it's uh there's a distinction to be made i may dream my ass off but i just don't i don't remember by the time i wake up i know nothing nothing i don't know anything let's see john adams see i've talked to you in the email recently that was a great video you shared the other night which which video were you talking about but all of your videos were great hey man i appreciate that thank you for those who want knowledge yeah let's say is this going to be our last chance out of here if there is a 6 000 tr program oh argument year year program the very first mention of a six thousand year period is from the hindu text and i have i have citations of that but i believe they got that from the older sanskrit i just haven't found the source material yet uh i may i may need to look into that there's some people men that are very very well versed in the vedic esoterica in vedic texts there's but uh they might be able to tell me but zoroastrianism was very big on the six thousand year period and there are several ancient greek historians that mentioned that world ages were three thousand every three thousand years a different god takes over this construct so that's pretty interesting because two changeovers is six thousand years but i do know this 2106 remember nostradamus said the end date was 2105 but he also miscalculated the phoenix date he said it was one year off as well we know it was 1902. he said 1903. so nostradamus was dead on a lot about this stuff but he got one year off in his and you know what it's good it's it's it's all good because his information was still correct i don't hold i do not hold people to to the same standard as me because they don't they didn't spend all the time i did with the calculator in my hand verifying everything so i get that if the information is more important important than the particulars yes the system is designed for you to fail 100 100 somebody asked me an interesting question too about about they asked me three different times until i finally answered it i was going to ignore it it was in the comments on youtube because sometimes i i do get irritated when people when somebody new to my channel asked me a question for which i've addressed 17 times 17 videos it tells me that that and i'm apollo i apologize but listen i'm human 100 percent jason brashears is absolutely human and i'm going to get frustrated just like you get frustrated so when i have taken the time out of my life to give such dissertations and expositions on materials for free and it is freely available to you but you don't take the time to go to to listen to the videos and then ask me a question for which is covered in 17 videos i get if i ignore you out of frustration i mean you gotta you gotta chew it all up and spit out the bones listen like i said i'm human too i'm going to get angry i'm going to get frustrated with people because to me it's demeaning to me it's like okay you want to come to my channel and you stayed here because you found something of value but it's not worth your time to excavate more yeah well you know what leave my channel get off my channel quit subscribing to me that's my that's the human in me coming out and i can't stop that because i am aggressive by nature and i get pissed when i come when i come across people who ask the same questions over and over and over for which the answers have been fully provided over and over and over you just won't go listen to the video so i'm uh i'm sorry i'll make that i apologize for it but there i mean i don't let the aggression come out in my comments but i'm gonna tell you now i experience it i feel it sometimes i just shut i shut my computer off like you know what i've had enough today i've had enough dealing with people today so uh but you know what i come back for it the next day so i can't be too pissed off 5 am the next morning i'm back at it getting all beat up with all these comments and stuff april 18th yeah i've told y'all april 18th is 108th day of the year i in my chronicle and i have several episodes that happen and it could be entirely coincidence i don't know but the 108th day of the year is an evil day nothing ever good on it happened i ever found excuse me coughing adulting sucks what the hell miesha gleason crow magdon hey man i ain't seen you i ain't seen you since last time tracy ct welcome back dutch rebel gen ben i see you jimmy do you have two youtube accounts i went through it for five weeks so guys my principal message tonight no no steve who is that steve sherrer sharar no i do not smoke i do not smoke cigarettes man and what do you mean by a normal contractor well you can go to my you can go to my website paradise you'll see i'm a stonescape contractor i do not do landscaping i'm not not your not your typical landscaping i'm not going to mow your grass i'm not going to bring you plants i'm not going to change the shape of your yard and all that i'm going to build you hardscape softscape patios outdoor ovens outdoor kitchens i'm going to put a designer custom uh surfaces around your swimming pools koi ponds uh that's the type of i'll import boulder statues i delivered uh 375 pound pink elephants to a family from india mounting either side of their driveway not long ago since the best time if it's if it's stone i can do it this is why i have a tremendous appreciation for the architects of the ancient world because i know how heavy rock is rock is heavy as hell and i know how i know how many men it care it takes to carry just a two inch thick flagstone that's seven feet long yeah it's not one man and it's not two man two men and sometimes three men can't carry it rock is heavy as hell that great pyramid was built with machines you better believe that ain't no damn robe wearing uh string belt wearing egyptian and sandals with a copper chisel and you know bronze hammer had anything to do with that monument you can get that out of your head now keep saying i saw auto did acting out here earlier crystal shaman you talking to him otto if you're still on here yeah otto if you're still on here man my email's down below i don't know where yours is but we need to get together i've had several people mention mention that you and i would be a good good podcast i like the name auto didactic anyway i mean that's really a good name for a channel if you're not self-educated you're just you're just again dungeon let's see oh there's bodine square pig any more questions tonight guys can you comment on languages and all the clues contained in them dan lindsey that's a good question there are historians from 120 130 and 140 years ago like lenormand the french historian lenormand that were doing studies on languages and linguistics that were finding some very intriguing things almost as if there was a mathematical patterning that was thread through all languages that really denoted that at one time they all came from one single parent source this type of research was very popular in 1870s 1880s 1890s churchward was involved in some of this research so was lewis spence and many more gerald massey many of these great the the names i'm mentioning now if you ever get your hands on any of their books you keep them those men were intellectual giants and i told you in the next couple of days i'm gonna release a video about the books that i will put my stamp of approval on i told you uh there's only there's only one there's only one website in existence that i have ever told you that you should go check out and that was jonathan grace and i told you that for a few reasons not because he and i are personally connected i mean we have corresponded by email but but other than that it's it's the things that they have the archaeological artifacts that have been found from around the world that he discusses demonstrate exactly the principal tenet of archaics i have said over and over it only takes 200 years it only takes 200 years for the human intellectual species to basically advance from horse and buggy to hadron collider 200 years is nothing we have actual linguistic documents dating to the 26th century bc how many times have we been technologically advanced do not believe the [\h__\h] that you hear from the establishment about the ho about what they're saying is hoaxed in the egyptian temple uh or the ocerion at abydos those are real glyphs of machines of aircraft of things we really can't identify but by looking at them we understand their machine properties we also understand that the original hieroglyphics were done by machines not people didn't do the that the high precision of the egyptian hieroglyphs they didn't do that that was machines did that they're too perfect just like all the technologic and rectilinear uh uh planes of high tolerance in the great pyramid and in other areas of egypt but not in the egypt that you know talking about i'm talking about the ocerion abados they were buried below the sands in egypt but during the first 15 dynasties the first 15 dynasties of ancient egypt didn't even know about abydos and assyrian they had to get excavated and when they were excavated they found things on the walls that were so bizarre they plastered over them and on that plaster they put egyptian sigils and hieroglyphs it was only by breaking the plaster off did archaeologists see the machines pictures of machines that's not a hoax but the establishment tries to tell us today it is but they just can't contain it too many people have seen those glyphs they look like helicopters and ships and boats and all that and it's exactly what they are they were machine craft just like the just like the tracks on malta those are machine just like here in the united states i had somebody reach out to me and send me a video clip she videoed it herself i'm supposed to talk to her soon too she sent me an email but she sent a video of some tracks i believe it was right here in texas that show petrified machine tracks going in the middle of nowhere but you have to understand i've said this over and over and over when the great cataclysm occurred the day the sky fell the collapse of the vapor canopy you know it as the great flood in ancient america it was called the birth of the sun because they'd never seen the sun before the vapor can't be collapsed it's told all around the world it was may 15th in the year 2239 bc 44 something centuries ago when this event occurred so much happened all over the world the topography of the world was changed but people were running for their lives they were also driving vehicles they were trying to get out they didn't know what was going on the movie 2012 comes to mind it was pretty chaotic it was bad and the evidence of the destruction is all over the world but the technology doesn't exist you gotta understand even machines that were manufactured in world war one have rusted out and decayed in 200 years from now there will be no evidence that they were there yeah things made of iron and steel they rust they return back after a thousand years there's no evidence of them whatsoever they're gone unlike gold and silver which lasts for thousands of years so that's that's subject matter for something else i didn't want i don't want to deviate too far from negative default programming this millicram and basically i wanted in this video to convey the message that whatever you're going through in life you can in a single instant knit all new programming but it requires you to do if you have to raise your vibration by listening to music that makes you sore then that's what you gotta do but you have to decide that music and that emotional resonance you're feeling is empowering an informed field but that's all it is it's an informed field you do that every single day that's that's the curse of dungeon if you want to create new circumstances and force the simulacrum to knit for you new reality tunnels that will bring new people in new circumstances new conditions into your life then you have to act out on that mental template because when you start acting out the the military interpret your actions as a language and and instantly will start knitting for you a reality tunnel that will comport with the direction you're going it's all about trajectory train change your trajectory and you'll never get anywhere you got to stay focused that's the message of the video tonight guys i'm going to answer some more of these questions and then i'm done i got bourbon calling my name see i'm really glad some of you guys have taken the initiative to have a conversation among yourselves because it means that this is a community and i don't need i got 158 people listening to me right now i don't need 158 people listening to me right now i need 158 souls who are so enmeshed and interconnected that they can gain value from each other as they listen to me that's what's important to me i'm cool with that i'm cool with that promagnon yeah guys i have i have other videos on the power of the mind go look at my law attraction playlist you're going to see about 30 videos do yourself a favor the magical architecture of the of reality listen to that video if any of you live near a forest i swear to god you're gonna think i'm crazy i know you are but if any of you live near a forest you better watch my video there is power in the trees you will understand what i'm talking about i provide a method in that video of how you create an informed field using one of the greatest resume not only resonator but generators of frequency on this on this rock on this world as i say planet i don't care in our reality there is nothing that broadcasts frequencies wider and in more ranges than a damn tree a tree there is power in the trees better watch that video because if you're having any knitting for you new circumstances in your life then you may need to lean on a tree because that's what they're for crystal shaman i said dungeon programming a long time ago at the beginning of your life i was just asking you what is dungeon programming oh okay james f i'll answer that real quick the heisenberg uncertainty principle is real but it only applies to the quantum principle principles that apply to the collective the collective hologram the excuse me the collective holography is fixed so the height and the solar so excuse me the heisenberg uncertainty principle only applies to the individual ego that's what's changeable whatever reality tunnels whatever you knit for yourself that yeah yes by examining a mathematical construct in the particular you can alter it that's what creating reality tunnels is yes but in the collective no i'll give you an example let me give you let me give you an analogy a minnow has great has great capacity to go up and down and all around left and right and swim for weeks and never reach the terminus or the perimeters of its existence the edges of the lake the minnow can swim and swim and swim but once the minnow reaches the edge of the lake the minnow cannot go any further the minnow can leap out of the water but will fall right back in the minnow is restricted to the collective environment but on an individual level the minnow can be any at any coordinates it wants to be and vibrating at any frequency it wants to vibrate the human immortal is exactly the same way we are in a fixed construct it has a terminus and this is what my video the archaic paradox is about because i was researching elliott wave theory when i came across my own idea to go ahead and measure every single number one through fifty thousand against its own holographic reflection to see what i found in my my programmer named jane i'll give him credit his name is james desmond noor and when he coded this we sat at his computer and we were shocked i had to produce that video because what we saw patterned in 11 dimensions and in descending node fast was that every number in our reality when measured against its own holographic reflection almost instantly collapses to another number that is that is divisible by nine or it collapses all the way to zero most numbers go straight to zero all numbers go to zero eventually in their in their collapses holographic collapses they all reduce to zero except one number that number is 2178 and there's no there is no explaining that other than somehow that mathematical exercise showed us that reality itself is is like in a manifold dyson shell mathematical construct that is it's structured in 11 dimensions but there's a shadow of another dimension we can't obtain we can't get to it because as soon as we get to 2178 if it's a feedback loop it's an it's an immortal number because 21 2178 will not reduce to zero at all it won't collapse there's no quantum collapse our arithmetic from this false reality is nothing but the photo negative of a real reality for which we can't penetrate we can't get to it but just like elliott wave theory proposes my archaic paradox thesis shows that reality is counting down to something big what's really fascinating is that the year 2178 the same as the immortal number that won't collapse the year 2178 on the annal domini calendar which we know was created by the military the year 2178 is 138 years after 2040 that tells me that the phoenix phenomenon is a part of the collective construct and that it is it is intrinsically a part of it that tells me that the final collapse of the milocrim in this whole sphere that has imprisoned us is not far away not far away at all we might all die a couple more times and come back but like i told you transmigration of souls in this military is very easy it's not even hard to process i'm 48 years old i'll be 49 in two months i'm 48 years old right now and if i died right now i would come back and i will be 18 or 17 years old when the phoenix phenomenon occurs every single person alive on this world right now will be alive when the phoenix comes and every single person who dies during the phoenix episode will be raised up as a youngster during the apocalypse because the real apocalypse happens only after the phoenix phenomenon has done what it's going to do this is the eschatological chronology for which i have many videos about some of you might want to go watch my videos on like uh mark of the beast and all that i explained this we're not in it when when the covet narrative really was going strong people were doomed saying i was releasing videos talking about man this ain't it this is not mark of the beast this is not the end this is nothing i i was telling everybody over and over and over this is gonna end in the first quarter of 2022 this is gonna collapse it's gonna it's gonna be swept under the rug and they're gonna enter we're gonna enter a new paradigm and the media is gonna be forcing other things on us and it's exactly what happened yes is is the cova narrative still being pushed in some places yeah but not as hard especially not the united states especially not in texas all over the world all over the world people have gone back to work uh things have been things have pretty much resumed to normal except for the inflation but one hour and 48 minutes guys i didn't get a lot of questions man but i hope i i hope that i elucidated enough to where you comprehend where i'm at with the informed fields the prior video about inform fields was only leading you up to this about the negative default programming of our reality can be used to your advantage you have to understand you're dealing with a sentient biogram the samilochrome is an ai system and it will respond to you but not because it likes you and not because it wants to but because of one principle thing the law of conservation of energy it is easier to give you what you want than it is to fight you simple as that so guys i'm gonna check out i'm gonna check out my emails below please contact me if you've got any other questions i'll either answer them in the email or in the video no i will bill cooper i read it behold a pill horse i read it but yeah i'm getting hot in here i need some burb i need to step outside i got a 180 pound rottweil rottweiler i got a beautiful female black lab who was a runt was gonna die uh [\h__\h] i'm glad glad we saved her she's beautiful and then uh an ankle biting vicious little cocker spaniel he gets on my nerves thank you jason for all your hard work dedication and research time blood sweat and i'm sure there's been some tears also there's always been some tears tears don't do anything but wash away all the negativity it's it's all right to cry believe that it's all right to cry guys i appreciate your support donations always help if you're unable to do it if you're unable to do it you can still send me emails because i'm gonna tell you those who send me emails to tell you i send free stuff out all the time man it's life's too short life's too short to be to expect to be paid for everything that's not even my character type at all coburn bible better go watch my video on it i got a really good video on the colburn bible because colburn bible orlando manuscript mother shifted prophecies nostradamus prophecies the book of jasher those five source materials have as a common denominator a tremendous amount of data about the phoenix phenomenon and another common denominator is is the establishment has tried to convince the general public over and over and over that all five of those sources are not legitimate go figure jason check it out love you guys see if i can turn this off