Esoteric Knights of Malta Podcast with Archaix: Broadcast at Sea

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[Music] now then helping guys and cows the hybrid age that we're talking about right now is something that happened once before uh you know when jesus in matthew 24 says as it was in the days of noah he's talking about when there was once a hybrid age there is going to at the end times be another hybrid age that will be similar in which humanity as it was designed by god will be corrupted and so will animals and life all of which we're seeing happening all over the world right now transgenic food genetically modifies organisms human animal chimeras not just at the embryonic level by the way now being uh promoted by the chinese government and others to be raised to full maturity for the purposes of argus harvesting organs xenotransplantation mr cowboy why is so serious your best losers always whine about that best winners go home and [\h__\h] the prom queen so you're telling me there's a chance i must come here to chew bubble gum and kick ass in the morning all unauthorized citizens must stay indoors every second that ticks by the future is running out [Applause] you've got that friday feeling yet i have but you know what happens eh we always say oh we just go for a couple of beers after work with a few friends you know make sure i'm home early to see miguel for and then someone says come on let's do a couple of jagerbombs now a couple turns into about 12 which turns into the tequila so [Laughter] the extinguishing of the olympic flight let's do the job you want answers i think i'm entitled you want answers in this film we'll discover how magnificent drugs really are despite appearances i'm just i think from manchester which is one of the driest places on the planet these are the scab lands where geezers kick off at a moment's notice making it the most violent place in the solar system so it's either death or whiskey but i'm lucky enough to escape i've come to one of earth's natural wonders to do something that i've always wanted to do i'm about to get incredibly high you only really need three things but first of all you need copious amounts of crack secondly you need the most amazing white lines bang bang bang literally hoover it up and thirdly you need some kind of assault i think absolutely wonderful soon after the first line of speed you sniff a lot because your nose becomes uh and makes you feel like you've had a few drinks but then you mentioned this i got english [\h__\h] do you speak it it is quite incredibly beautiful that's why i love physics but as you head towards the light you enter a realm of giants it's beginning to come to the end of the world i lost it very quickly i suppose that's pretty much what most people expect eventually though i had the most devastating calm down now i'm significantly denser and 50 times wetter than ever and that is one of the wonders of the solar system wax on right hand backs off left hand works on you you can't handle the truth welcome it's friday and it is econ friday and i'm really pleased to say today tonight we have um a revelation in what i've you know since i've come across this guy and his knowledge um sublime really real next level like final boss level glance i would say maybe um but yeah anyway so let's introduce our guest he has the website his name is jason brashears so as i'm just uh getting ready sort of introducing our guests um i'm just gonna send them a link and yeah honestly guys i'm just gonna share my screen and you can see that yeah rkx i can't remember what it stands for now but we're going to cover a i a i a a a i x x is known in the scientific community as an unknown factor so aix chase and coin this term and the number one three eight 138 years it's very relevant to what we're going to be discussing tonight and also rkx sorry the phoenix sorry this is a fascinating subject so while i'm just i might be able to pause the recording actually i'm just gonna copy the link and send it to jason so yeah i am really excited to have jason on i'm just gonna send them a link right now and yeah we're going to it's going to be very deep tonight okay so um i'm turning it off yeah it's very deep tonight what we're talking about um so just a second let me pause the recording so i have sent the link to jason i am really excited about the chats tonight i must get my notepad as i have made notes for tonight so yeah it's um the sun's just going down so i'm kind of fighting the light coming through the boat as we are always recording and creating usually live from a pirate ship uh my boat is 88 years old as well it's very old soul so anyway i'm just going to share the screen again and while we're waiting for our guest where's the button gone uh oh that's gonna move that sorry yeah why is it why is the control right controls have just changed for some reason what's going on there we go right so i can close all this up as well telegram yeah um i'm just checking the sentence so you should be able to see yeah the screen jason bush's um he will be with us in a minute or two um and we'll get going but we have many i'm not going to show you them all now but we are i've added some slides to the presentation i did a while ago on the rise above live show the hybrid age this is the presentation here it's very in-depth and anyway yeah while waiting for our guests let me just oh my god there we go yeah um it is going to be interesting today really we've got many so i've got 15 questions for jason so and i'm going to pause the recording while we're waiting for jason oh so let's introduce our guests uh jason brashears from welcome how you doing brother man i'm doing good glad to talk to you yeah good excellent i was just saying just just previously i've been watching some of your stuff and like what i was talking about i think you shared one of my episodes last night and that was about a month ago that's before i even discovered you and i was already thinking just intuitively about like is every reset uh is it like a new a new ai program essentially you know and then i find your work and it's just your your work your next level absolutely connecting a lot of dots for people i think but yeah yeah i don't think it though uh i used to believe that it was a total systemic deal but now now with all the data that i've gone through and the perspectives i've heard from other people i see more that it's a lot more sophisticated than i thought and it's it's more like editing it's introducing and removing material very cleverly under under the guise of cataclysmic natural disasters but as soon as the disaster is over there's all kinds of new things in the world that there's no precedence for and many of the old things have simply vanished for which we have not a clue what happened to them yeah definitely and it it it's a term you you it's your turn isn't it um similar similar crime similar similar crime sorry it's actually a very very old world word that came it fell out of this use and then the oxford english dictionary brought it back after i mean the word is like six seven hundred years old and uh there's different ways to pronounce it somalicum i'm just uh i'm i'm an east texas country boy and i'm going to say words the way i want to say them it's simple as that we we say aluminium you say aluminum that's right yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah i've actually got family in there west texas okay katie you know the time katie katie i've been there yes yeah i've got family i've been family over there um you know katie is actually west of houston but it's pretty pretty much central texas yeah yeah yeah sorry houston actually what's west houston yeah right sorry but yeah it's it's a beautiful state in the us texas um baby back ribs and steaks definitely the place to go for those two things so yeah so yeah so do you want um i don't know how really to start this but i've actually got a few questions for you as well but we can probably do them in a little bit um i'd say well i'll just share my i'll just share myself sorry what's that actually jason i said whenever whatever you want yeah well maybe you could tell us a little bit about about your fear about about not your theory about your knowledge and um yeah indeed this this simulation that that i was sort of it was so common to me a while ago just you know this is yeah just i think it was watching the movie free guy watching free guy then i was like wow it's like you know that triggered a lot of things but yeah um if you wanna okay well i guess i the best way i could start in order in order to really get down to the fundamentals about anything that we want to know about it's it's most important for us to basically research things to find out what they're not once we can isolate particulars and find out what something isn't and we can put that to the side it leaves us with the things that we need to pay attention to and there are many historians see researchers today they're not they're not using the methods that were employed a hundred years ago people think sherlock holmes and the deductive reason reasoning and all that is really profound when they watch these things on television but when sir arthur conan doyle was writing these these things this was ordinary police work this deductive method of reasoning that rene descartes also talked about these methods are not being used today in research people today our scientific paradigm is basically fostered upon us by individuals who have these academic credentials that they research these things and in order to publish the findings they have to cherry pick the data whatever data supports what they're trying to promote is what they publish but all the all the contrary information is ignored and set to the side so it basically it basically basically our public education system is is operating off the procedure of deception by omission this is this is the learning this is the learning that we have amassed today and it's completely an error so what basically what i've brought to the table is researching myself out of paradigms i find a novel concept i think it's true i research it and find out now well that can't be true because of all this and i set it to the side finally in setting to the side almost every single thing that i have ever formally believed it came to the point where there is there is an idea floating around out there i didn't invent it it's been going since the days of pdl spinski over 100 years ago authors have been have been toying with the idea that you know what maybe a reality isn't real at all maybe this is some type of construct before we had computer technology we had petey ospinski talking in these terms we had we had authors like a gergie we had even further now we had the dream time of the australian aborigines we had the gnostic version of the construct that was controlled by the evil demiurge we have the ancient hindu versions of a false reality the maya this world of illusion we've had many different ways to express the idea that perhaps this rhea this reality only feels real but it's not real at all so this is where my research led it didn't start that way i sure didn't i sure didn't intend on to go in that direction it just becomes a point where hell when you document enough facts the truth just falls into your lap and this is basically what happened to me if i can't i can't go in any one direction anymore because it seems like i'm living in a hollow ground and that everything is true but nothing can be proven i was listening to one of your podcasts just um just before we came on and it was talking about you talking about npcs and how npcs aren't always humans and how exactly what you're talking about with the constructed reality let's say the construct this ai this ai ai overlay you know and i totally understand what what you mean about how it's how how it's sort of um it sort of dug its way into our reality and tried to create a new yeah it distracts us doesn't it going back to npc's is what i'm getting at is it's like how you're going to do something and the bird might come down and flap in your face and you won't do that anymore do you know what i mean it's how the ai sort of interjects and alters edits our reality it's nice in your situation right now you're you are you are broadcasting on a boat right okay well in your situation you could be you could be at the key i mean you could be a uh uh at the at the front of the ship and oh messing with the sails messing with yard arms i don't know what you do you could be messing with something maybe fishing i don't know but there is something very interesting that you could learn something from maybe maybe north by northwest and if you were just to look in that direction then you would probably say man i need to put all this stuff up and go in that direction that person over there may need help and it might be somebody you really need to come in contact with but all of a sudden this rainbow colored badass speed boat beautiful got these beautiful women on it goes by distracts your attention and you watch it while the other thing you should be paying attention to is now beyond your reach has move has moved on and you lost your train of thought whereas that that beautiful speed but with those people may not have existed at all and if you tried to tell that story to somebody else who was in the harbor with you they would think you were lying because they never saw that speedboat or those women these npcs and npc phenomena they only happen to errands there's no use to do them there's no reason why the living dead should ever experience these things they're already corralled into reality tunnels they're already perfectly controlled that's why we can't reach them that's why they don't understand what we're talking about when we try to communicate these things to them this is why they feel that we're weird we're uneducated we're stupid we're alienated from from the truth and they feel sorry for us they have no idea so these these living dead these hus these people that are a part of the collective they never suffer these things like deja vu and mandela effect there's no reason for that there's no edits that happen for them they're perfectly controlled if you experience npcs and mandela effect coincidence synchronicity deja vu if these are your experiences it's because aix is trying to control you trying to keep you separated from the collective because it doesn't need you to contaminate them with knowledge um that that that's brilliant and it's it's so true um and it's like this battle like i could share the script i'll show this do you mind if i share the screen i've got i've made some slides to go with my questions for you yeah i'll show you now um but it's like it's like this battle with a.i we have and um i'll just share the screen first here we go this is part of the presentation um so can you see the powerpoint presentation yes i can yeah i'm just gonna find the zoom i don't know where we've gone just a sec um just a second i don't know where where i am we've gone on camera are we am i on screen yeah it says archaic break free or die trying 138 artificial intelligence yeah i got a big old picture of the phoenix in the middle cool yeah this is this is the opening so a second no i'm just looking for the zoom um for for me and you on the screen i can't seem to find it somehow it's going oh i can see you i can do it that's cool am i on screen yes yeah cool cool just as i'm talking that's all cool right so yeah this is the this is what is it this is a huge presentation that i made um i'm not gonna get into it now it's way too much to show but i've made a few slides to go with your to go for you to with this interview um awesome yeah and it says well the first one this is just a brief opening page really but we could talk about the next slide um there we go right this rising phoenix and um yeah i'm going to go i shall find the next slide to go with this jason are you familiar with um london 2012 the olympics and the opening ceremony oh somebody sent me an email but they didn't go into details they just said i should look into it well yeah i think that well here we go you can see on the screen now okay i took us out today because i'm very familiar with it and um it's really annoying me that i can't see the zoom camera i can see the olympic i can see your olympic picture london 2012 right here yeah yeah cool coco cool so yeah so this is the this is opening ceremony and yeah i remember watching it i just got back from australia 2012. um way before i've only been awake two years but i've had a very very very quick in the in-depth uh i just got i just keep researching can't stop anyway bro the links to what you're saying you said as well before about being an errand maybe am i i am very intuitive and like somebody asked you if you watched a movie i i started watching movies a little while ago but for the first year and a half of my awakening i didn't watch one movie just documentaries but anyway going back to london 2012 this yeah the opening so i remember watching it i remember watching it and i was like this is so strange because we also had the blonde guy look like a clown in a hospital bed and he had all the all the nurses dancing around and i remember watching it like what is this all about go with 2020. we we know what it's all about but yeah but just going back to the phoenix here and how it's rising from the ashes and yeah exactly what you you know jason you know with uh what it means and it's just interesting isn't it was it the start of the yeah a lot of a lot of the ceremonies that are that are shown to the public like this are absolutely very very elaborate rituals that they're performing and the the very fact that they've got multitudes of people involved as observers they're borrowing their energy to empower the ritual yeah yeah no definitely so yeah it was just it was just interesting it felt like it was the start of a like you say going back to the reset i mean i've got a question here for you actually i've got quite a few questions but yeah i mean we'll talk about the phoenix well the angel of death um the angel of death is the phoenix isn't it i think yes the association was made in very old records yes yeah and even going back to actually i'll bring i'll bring the slideshow back on because um i don't mean to keep dropping sharon's share screen on and off but i found in the last couple episodes i was showing my screen too much too long and we went on camera so anyway but um i'm just going to show you how that's why all right um i've made a few slides on the titans because i i i know a bit about the nephilim and the anakim the refugee etc what i want to do what i want to do yeah i mean these are some of my old slides um giants fallen angels and i've looked into megafauna and these giant animals etc um watch the movie king arthur uh king arthur legend of the sword 2017. you see all this in it it's brilliant um okay but yeah just look at jason so we've got we talk about titans and the vapor canopy and how big were they that was my question to you jake uh jason okay well the uh there has been i i wrote a book like 10 years ago uh i met i hardly ever talk about it but it's a it's called giants on ancient earth it's one of my books on amazon and uh it's about 350 pages absolutely packed with bibliographic citations i just took the basically everything i had ever found about giants and i put it in one book and these i could not believe that the common denominator through all these ancient epics now i'm not talking about old texts there's different common denominators just for the oldest writings in the world but for the oldest epics in the world epic traditions that have been found in cuneiform in in the rash in the rashamrich libraries that are their tablet right libraries the ugaritic texts which were in uniform uh all throughout the near east like the gilgamesh el impos the uh the actra hasta samples well we when we just look at the oldest epics in the world all the way up to modern times like the beowulf epic the common denominator is always gigantic humans or gigantic humanoid beings that were a former race that our heroes in our time had to finally vanquish and there were colonies of these giants that existed in in albion which is ancient england and yeah i know this yeah england there were colonies in ancient ireland there were colonies in the valley of raphael in canaan there was colonies in bashing northern syria and these cities i have a video about bashing the city and it's not it's not one of my one i don't know why that video is ignored so much but uh one of one of my videos is about the giant cities of bachchan and i show the original books that were published over a hundred years ago where archaeologists were absolutely baffled to find these nine and a half foot tall doors mantels lentils steps everything in the in in these in these uh mountainous cities in northern syria you couldn't have lived in these unless you were at least eight and a half to nine and a half foot tall oh yeah those are very interesting but the vapor canopy is the reason why we had gigantic titanic sized people but once the collapse of the vapor canopy occurred the that that vital sphere was over people could not grow to tighten size but their offspring the first second and maybe third generation offspring of titans were who were people who lived under the vapor canopy after the vapor canopy their sons and daughters were giants and in old times they were called the gigantes but about a hundred years later the offspring of the giants were normal-sized humans so because the titans lived for four or five centuries and the giants lived for two or three hundred years normal humans were originally living for 140 to 110 years so within 150 years after the collapse of the vapor canopy we literally have a short time period in history that is very very common in the in the epics of the world when titans giants and normal people all lived on the planet at the exact same time it's fascinating isn't it i mean even if we think about even if you think about what you're just talking about you know the even these titans and some of the so some of those pictures of the giant look like petrified animals now some of them take with a pinch of salt i don't know how we can't back any of these up um unless we go there but there are there are some there are there are examples um but you can imagine like you know how what the world must have been like with a giant maybe four or five hundred feet tall where maybe it's fighting a maybe it's fighting a giant rat or you know some animal snake and little humans we are the ants well the offspring would be wouldn't it it would be right we would definitely be uh we would definitely be very small now in in my perspective i see the giants as being about nine and a half sometimes ten foot tall there were many many documented records of that the smithsonian has done a great job in concealing uh the micro fish from the 1830s 40s 50s 60s all the way to the 1930s is rife with hundreds of newspaper reports with photos showing all the things that were found when the united states was expanding westward and our infrastructures were expanding and we were digging down and we were finding all these all these all this evidence throughout the the north america in canada that man there was another civilization here and these people were heroic in size now these were the giants not the titans yeah the titans were the titans were much taller much bigger but they were strictly under the vapor canopy species of humans growing to phenomenal sizes which is very interesting because we've got a vapor canopy coming back so there's going to be if there are people listening to my voice right now what you bought once you broadcast this that are going to see these things again they may be young right now but they're going to be living in a world where people are again growing to astonishing sizes i've actually got here just to back up exactly well what you're what you're talking about sorry i'm just showing my screen again a lot of this presentation i did about six months ago is pretty much what i've learned personally over the last two years and but a lot of texts i'm sure you probably know about this about the days of noah and how they talk about the red light the red sky didn't they how everything was bigger etc do you know about this yeah well it was a dark purple well the the sky that was described in the traditions was a dark purple light during the daytime but at night time it was clear black because but the sky was full of bright stars that were magnified by the missile sphere the missile sphere acted like a lens uh it's a several miles thick of water droplet droplets suspended in the air we still have a missile sphere today it's still there it's just high enough well it's it's so extend out all the moisture that's what the great blood was the total collapse of the of the mesosphere which we call a vapor canopy fell in a two or three day period and it was just caused flash flooding all over the world did the world ever flood to everybody had to go hide on mountains absolutely not the biblical version of the great flood is hyperbole it is it is actually exaggerated far beyond what really happened but uh it was flash flooding all the way around the world every community got wet and got drenched but it wasn't a flood to where oh the entire world's population died there were colonies of survivors everywhere in the story of noah's ark noah's ark was also based it was basically reduced to its lowest common denominator but the truth of the matter is there were there were survivors on arcs the entire event was predicted uh we have traditions of that of that of of of different cultures had predicting the exact timing of the coming of this collapse of the vapor canopy and they had basically built communities in these huge structures that were designed to float it's almost like a water world's scenario but there were fleets there were fleets of arks and survivors landing in different areas of the world after the destruction was over with it was the story of noah is basically an oversimplification of what really happened um yeah did he and talking about again going back to the days of noah or well well that's debatable but it's like um let me just bring that back up have you watched them the mud fossil university roger the mudfast i have a lot of people telling me about roger and all that and i need to look into that i just haven't had time but yet i'm just going to show you this one picture here right and this is for some of roger's work um i watched this not too long ago um but he's picking up on he's picking up um on the landscape and how how this here you see the mouse just the cursor this is like a monster fish well supposed to be he's in it could be a huge fish and up here there's a dragon and it's like the dragon's legs here the dragon's tail and the back going up and the head down here the heads bite and the fish it's just very strange isn't it and that's it that's north north africa that's where that is but it made me think about the phoenix and what you talk about what that's very hard to say but is the phoenix a giant dragon just a thought you know what do you think jason well well it's uh well the phoenix in the in the orient was called the thing and it's connected to the sculpting of the land called feng shui it's a it's an oriental science where they s where they where they create terraces and they actually maximize their usage of the geography yes well this this thing's chewy tradition came from the fact that every time phoenix appeared in the sky it appeared as a dragon form when it appeared and feng shui was in recognition of the fact that when phoenix appeared the mandate in heaven would change with the change of the mandate in heaven it would also alter geography so things showing was a way to rebuild after the phoenix and because that's what the concept of phoenix is burning the world and then building even better after the ashes i mean you know out of the ashes so the ancient oriental concept is no different than the western world the western world thought of phoenix as a great fiery red dragon that appeared in the sky and caused all kinds of mayhem and and uh cataclysms and the only people that were immune to that were the chosen the elect the faithful those who didn't fear it in all the traditions it's always those who believed in the phoenix that were immune to it it's those who didn't believe in the phoenix or were fearing the phoenix were the ones that got pretty much aired out they're the ones that it went for there's the one that suffered the reset they suffered the mud floods they suffered the liquid faction they suffered the huge earthquakes vibrating sinking into the ground horn blast from the sky meteor fallout volcanoes flux tube activity which we call vitrification or giant plasma bolts or lightning bolts from the sky melt architecture and you know the phoenix is a harrowing it is absolutely terrifying what it will do to a civilization that fears it or a civilization that it feels is not living the way it's supposed to be living but for those who don't fear it and those who and yeah all the traditions we have is is it's really easy to be immune from all this but but that's on a personal level a community could never make that choice it's individuals yeah it's like it's like why what why we are here what do we live in it's hard to find out but especially why we're here and it's like it's like it's like it's like the best ai physical video game ever created but we're trapped in it and maybe we're here to learn like you say you know and try yeah take some information out of the truck out of the out of the matrix well yeah i agree i mean uh i have uh i have a really wide perspective because of all the all the possible scenarios that i've been able to eliminate like sherlock likes her author conan doyle says once you eliminate all the impossible whatever is left however improbable is the truth so i have been able to eliminate all these scenarios that i know now that that can't be can't be the truth so i'm not surprised at my at my own admission that okay i can't i can't accept anything other than the fact that i'm in some type of construct it's the only thing that makes sense like you say roger of mud fossils material if the man has truly documented so much evidence of gigantic bio biological life forms that have petrified well i can see the pros and cons in that one one of the pros is is that i have documented myself the existence of fossilized plankton fossilized earthworms fossilized ferns petrified jellyfish i have actually in my collection of data i have whole fish turned solid stone in the middle of swallowing another fish so so what i'm what what the reason i'm mentioning these things is because there could have been a stimulation run in this construct of the smellochrome long before humans were added later and in that construct animal forms could have been the size of buildings they could have been the side because the frames of reference humans had not been introduced into the construct yet therefore there could have been all kinds of giga it could be the original of why we have coal seams all over the world we know that that we know that that is basically basically mulchified ecosystems that have been compacted and buried and under intense pressure they become cold sometimes diamonds are formed formed but oftentimes when they break into those coal seams they find human fossils they find architecture they find in all throughout america they find artifacts there are several books not not just william cordless not not just barry phil uh uh not just forbidden archaeology the micro fish going back 200 years for all all the different discoveries that have been publicized in newspapers all over north america and europe are absolute proof that we have found all these things in coal scenes so well so i haven't reviewed roger's material i don't know anything about him other than many people want me to to uh look at his data which is fine but it wouldn't really matter because if he found a if he is if roger has isolated a fundamental and his data sets show that yes man it's it's we have too many coincidences exhibits no coincidence at all therefore to me i can accept the fact that one of those segments of the epochs that the similar crime has gone through was a biosphere that was only belonging to gigantic life forms and gigantic plant and plant forms and i can accept that because i've already isolated other biospheres that we're doing or other things so if anything is true in one biosphere because it's all programming then by necessity every everything else could be true as well if somebody is on the outside of the construct experimenting with biospheres then it would make perfect sense to find these gigantic life forms petrified in different areas because those life forms didn't just die and turn to stone all the evidence from every sin that was collapsed it shows petrification and fossils and those fossils are all from different time periods that we find humans fossilized that we find jellyfish fossilized which is impossible to turn an invertebrate to stone and yet we find actual anatomy fossilized not just bones we find whole creatures in the fossil record for which even their internal organs can be identified in in the fossil the very fact that this happens means that when a stem is is stopped everything absolutely freezes in stasis once it's frozen in stasis and the sin is recontinued all that mineralizes into this into the silica of the of the new simulation that's that's being run some of these are overlaid right the tail is overlaid right over the beginning of the next one so we have these epics in time that are isolated but this isn't us doing it it's whoever's controlling the construct on the outside they're the ones that are creating these biosphere excuse me these biospheres like all desert worlds like the vapor canopy was a biosphere like today the temperate world we live in now with with polar extremities being frozen solid this two is a biosphere there are many different there are many different uh biospheres that we have lived under in human history and this is why our genetics are the way they are we have the peptides the rna and the genetic ability to live in any biosphere all it takes is two or three years exposure to the new biosphere and our kids will be grown with the genetic modifications necessary to live in that climate in that temperature at that longitude at that latitude just fine so it's all simulated to me there's no no one can surprise me with new data it's just i i can see the constructs through the past how they've played out you know that definitely so so you don't believe in darwinism jason absolutely not i'm not vegetarianism uniformitarianism is joke yeah yeah it's polish yeah and i'm upset with the scientific community for not even citing darwin because charles darwin's one of his greatest quotes is one of his greatest actually supports catastrophism and totally does away with everything he ever theorized about natural selection so it really wasn't char charles darwin is the figurehead that they the scientific community puts up but actually the legwork for deception was all done by charles lyle he's the one that really he's the one that set the whole motion in for theory of evolution and natural selection and all that and and totally misquoted darwin over and over and over so yeah i'm uh yeah i'm not yeah yeah i know this jason brashears didn't come from no damn monkey i know that now i also know i also know that in order to survive in this in these biospheres chimpanzee dna was used to make the avatars by which we exist in that tells me because there is there is there is chimpanzee dna in the human avatar in our human body it's in our genome just a little bit not much but but it's enough to give us two arms today but this one tells me because there's no human dna in a chimpanzee but there's chimpanzee in a human we have we have a revelation here this means that before the avatars for humans were designed to live in these constructs and biospheres the animal kingdom was already in place and in motion and the and the animals had already been experiencing experience this is why this is why we are developed from placentals were not developed from marsupials marsupials are from an entirely different biosphere and some of them survived and they thrive today but only in one little area of the world that's where the marsupials are highly concentrated in australia north vienna so uh yeah so that we have chimpanzees chimpanzee dna only means that it was necessary in order to finish the finish this biological avatar that we inhabit but that chimpanzees don't have human dna means that means that this was done intentionally we do not we did not come monkeys but monkey dna was absolutely used in the building of our avatar now definitely um now that this is is a good point and it's also like um i was looking at my questions um also just let me change topical not topic but what i want to ask you was in the the dark satellite i i read your average syllabus um you know syllabus what the dark satellite when it talks about let me just bring it up on screen just just a second um it talks about people coming back that was a dark archons coming back and i just wanted to want you to i'll i'll be down um where is it yeah dark satellite mentioned in occult traditions as a prison of powerful beings that hate humans that has periodically visited humanity and will return in 2052 ce dark archons and it in a way just i i used to look at space stuff about a year ago reptilians all that stuff i'm not really sure but i think it's just distraction at the moment i'm not too sure when i was researching the reptilians there is a lot of talk about sofia ai and how apparently the reptilians worship an ai they're covered in nanites etc i take space and solar stuff as i don't really look into it anymore much but just reading the dark satellite and how they're going to return it just reminded me of that reptilian story let's say you know okay well okay so this is how this happened i haven't revealed any any videos on the dark satellite yet i've been kind of waiting for that because i needed to get all my data sets published on 2040 and 2046 before i move to a an event that happens in the apocalypse in the heat of the apocalypse in 2052 an event that uh and it's really hard to talk talk about it because i don't have the data right here available to me but there's a certain amount of steps that lead up 168 steps lead up to the statue of liberty these steps are just like the steps of the great pyramid are you familiar with my giza course countdown where i show from 1902 every level of masonry in the great pyramid is a year every single course of block represents the year to the countdown of the return of the chief cornerstone that lands on the top of the pyramid i show this well okay this is a holy countdown this is a benefactor countdown but there's an unholy countdown too and it was masked in the statue of liberty which was built in france taken in pieces by ship to united states and erected in new york harbor now the phoenix is going to totally wipe out and destroy new york this is in the arithmetic of new york city itself and how it was bought bought from the by it was bought by the dutch in 1623 from the manhattan indians 1626 was a phoenix year that is the absolute year it was 1626 1764-1902 okay well manhattan island was bought from the manhattan indians in 1626 by the dutch the dutch turned it into new york city by 1764 it was thriving as new york city or appeared in new york city as of our first one in the world it was 21 stories high it's built like a triangle it's called that it was called the edmond buller building at first but it's it's uh it's famous you know exactly what building i'm talking about it's the famous building shown in all black and white photos of new york it's a giant cheese wedge in between fifth avenue and all oh yeah yeah i know i know it looks a bit tartarian a little bit yeah it was it was built in 1902 and it's a famous building it's the very first skyscraper it's 21 stories high that was in 1902 after that they started building higher higher higher buildings but that was the one that started the skyscraper movement uh in 1902 in 1902 as a phoenix year now 2040 2040 new york's getting wiped off the map it's going in the water uh this is the subject matter of another one of my videos on the interpretations of nostradamus's prophecies and the interpretations of his date index done by mario reading has nothing to do with me but the date is 2040 for the for the end of new york city in his work as well totally independent data says totally independent research same conclusion so the dark satellite the unholy countdown is the erection of the statue of liberty when it was dedicated you count all 168 steps to the top those 168 steps are a countdown of 168 years until liberty is taken from the earth the statue of liberty is a lithic prophecy that basically man or remain free in his democracies freed his communism free and friends is his republics freeing his ideologies freeing his religion and all that are you still with me yeah i just stopped the video just like my internet was going real down so i just stopped it for a second is back now just my internet was saying it was unstable so i just stopped it for sex okay yep it's okay yeah so what was going to share with you actually with them that you heard um talking about the statue of liberty and about how it was um there was a 168 steps and that's 168 years until until all right we're starting with 1884 if you start on the first step since 1884 when it was finalized and dedicated those the statue of liberty the very first step is 1885 then 1886 in 1887 by the time you get to the 168th step you get to you get to the year 2052 2052 in this lithic prophecy that is the statue of liberty is when liberty is taken from mankind this is in the apocalypse this is when this is when i don't know i want to call them personalities i don't really know what to call them but these dark archons are are basically in absolute 100 percent control of the collective there's there's even there's no freedom whatsoever to collect i'm not talking about the errands because the book of revelation has totally different messages for the redeemed for the elect for the chosen for those who are not in a fear-based reality those those men the meek inherit the earth all that the book of revelation was written to convey the message that when these things start happening these protocols are going to be exacted against the kings of the earth the rulers of the earth the elite the the armies of the elite those who support the elite those who believe in the elite these that's what these that's what the apocalypse is for now the apocalypse is not for those who are not participating in that empowering of of of the elite and their agendas totally different this is why the phoenix is very discriminating the phoenix is going to take out a lot of people in 2040 centrally located in asia where the highest populations are right there but the western world is going to get a pass except for new york city london and and rome they're not going to get a pass all in 2040 they will come to an end that is the that is the final year for all three of those places now coming in 2041 2042 2043 2044 2045 there's going to be a mass migration of people basically that are all all vibrating on the same frequency they've all woken up they understand the times they see what's going they're going to be leaving europe and the americas and going back to the lands of their ancestors nativities they're going back to egypt they're going back to israel they're going back to to that area because it's going to be shown that when 2040 happens south america going straight south by 30 degrees and with china mongolia and australia going straight north we have the center of this rotation and it works on a globe equally the same because the center of motion is the great pyramid and in the whole world moves like in a circle around it but this movement rivers flooding earthquakes volcanoes the phoenix phenomenon is going to terrorize asia and all this good all while this is happening the survivors are going to migrate they're going to be coming in carnival cruise ships they're going to be coming in sailboats they're going to be coming in cessna's and and planes every way that they can to get over to get over the pacific in the atlantic they're going to to get back to the lands of their nativity it's going to be a six year process this mass migration nostradamus saw it as well he saw he saw that everybody will be fleeing the west because in 2046 the next big event nemesis x object nostradamus is very clear in the book of revelation is clear as well with the second trumpet the entire western world will die but it's not going to be the people that migrated they're going to be safe they're going to be in the mediterranean they're going to be in the area of the least motion there's no more motion because the closer you are to the great pyramid which was in the ancient world the axis mundi the reason they called it the axis mundi is because they knew it's the axis of the world the closer you are to egypt the higher your your survival percentage is going to be because the closer you are to egypt the less the world is going to be moving around you so the further you are from egypt the greater the greater of ark you're going to be traveling you don't want to be on you don't want to be standing in texas when texas in a two-hour period is going to get shoved 30 degrees north because that means you're going to be enduring 100 mile an hour winds during an earthquake during meteoric fallout during red month mud red mud that's falling from the sky during a horn blast from the sky that vibrates the ground with such intensity you can't run you just sink into the ground like quicksand so you don't want to be in that environment the further you are away from egypt the greater the intensity and magnitude of this event will be yeah that definitely is is it's very interesting it really is um just when you mentioned about something about the land moving it made me think of something i'd written down well one of your terms in syllabus is technolithic and it made me thinks about it made me think about how volcanoes could have been like how volcanoes could have been and it could have been an ancient mine in the times of titans or giants and stuff like that and how it's a volca volcano now but because it was dug out so much i don't know just a weird one absent it's all cut yeah there is a lot there's a lot of evidence of strip mining throughout antiquity that was done by machines this is where the term see i'm not the originator of this concept as a matter of fact i'm going to be honest with you i'm not the originator of almost 100 of the data that i divulge all i'm really doing is bringing to the table all these old concepts that scientifica has basically showed and i'm pulling them out i'm pulling them back out for people to see because this is what i have found in all these old books and i have found that these things have already been thought for they have already been researched they have already been well documented all i do on my channel is really bringing bring them out now the added flavor that i also add bring to my research is the fact that i mathematically construct all my theories i show them how how they you know the the cycles and the epicycles that that is new i did bring that to the table but i kind of didn't invent that either i mean the references are clear the angel of death appears every 138 years an eight-year-old kid can study history and find all the events in history that line up with every 138 years and see that they're all similar so i haven't really brought anything new to the table it's this concept of technolithic was in was coined by a researcher named james o'conn technolithic though is basically the recognition that we have archaeological artifacts made of stone and stone materials that are so precise that only a more sophisticated engineering and technology could have produced them this is what technolithic infers and we do have we have pumapunka in south america we have play we have placements i'm just going to bring up a picture jason i'm just going to bring up a picture because i've been here right and it was before um can you see my chip oh no it's wrong screen sorry can you see my shoulder yeah so i i was here about five six i was here a while ago and it was way before i was awake right but i sat i sat it was almost it was the most energetic and special place i've ever sat in my life ever visited but i was sat up here and i was i started two out two and a half hours and i was thinking you know i was looking at it and like i'm trying to get a close-up of some stones um but the brickwork like you say it's been it was like it would i think the well the the the the stone masonry was so let me just put it in actually sorry it was so so close the the the joints you can't even put a piece of paper down down there the joint in between let me tell you let me tell you since you've been there let me tell you something that you probably didn't take any consideration while you were there now you're 12 000 miles i mean excuse me you're 12 000 feet did you have any difficulty breathing it was thinner because it was it's all quite high up as well but yeah i i it rings a bell it was some number of years ago but yeah well actually actually i'll be honest actually climbing up climbing up yeah everybody well i was out of breath a bit yeah a little bit well the reason is is the archaeologists have long known they have long known the anomaly that this that this city is here just traveling to the city archaeologists are short of breath and they can't imagine the actual labor involved to build the city how would anybody carry a stone by themselves much less the stones are that size and not run out of breath how could they have built it but the answer is clear machine picchu is a very unique and very ancient place but under a vapor canopy with enriched oxygen there would have been no problem building cities at 12 and 14 000 foot altitude there's no there's no problem with it it's a totally different atmospheric pressure even stones wouldn't have been near as heavy as they are now in addition to that the people who were who were actually constructing this were not only larger but they were far stronger giants probably or definitely bigger humans anyway let's see um just one sec chase i'm just gonna and we're back so yeah let's continue jason actually just while the sun is shining through the hatch on my boat what have you have you noticed a change in the sun recently in the last six months to a year i think i have the color of it well i don't know i don't i don't really study it don't really pay attention it's like one of the one of those every things i take for granted i have noticed i have noticed and i've never seen this in my life uh the moon i noticed that the moon was traveling an arc of the sky i had never seen it in before and i know i'm 30 degrees north latitude north of the equator so i know exactly where the plane of the ecliptic is in the sky i can go outside any night look at the plane of the ecliptic and i can basically find mars and venus i can this is easy to do been been able to do this since i was a kid and i know that the path of the moon will always be in a 5 to 10 degree path near near mars and venus this is the way it's been for thousands of years in the simulation i don't know why it would change well i saw it on the opposite end of the sky passing over and i thought it was so weird i said but this is this isn't even right you know i even i got i got my girlfriend involved got my neighbors involved like look at this man this is this is this isn't normal and everybody agreed yeah you know what i don't think i've ever seen the moon pass past that far or over either but i mean it was just an isolated incident it didn't happen again and then uh everything's continued on just one blood moon just once it was like that yeah and i was like it's just so weird it was so weird you know i don't normally pay attention to those things because to me the entire sky is simulated and yeah but when the simulation itself starts breaking down i try to find signs of entropy if there's something going on that i need to know about or need to be aware about with a sign of entropy this is the reason why like like prophets like jesus told us that in the last days you're going to see signs in the sun and the moon and the stars well that's an easy thing to predict because the last days mean right before the similar crime is going to collapse jesus would have known that we're in a simulation jesus would have known that right before control systems collapse they're going to begin behaving erratically they would have known that so it's easy to predict signs in the sun and the moon so if you're seeing anomalies in the moon and anomalies in the sun then that's just evident of where we are in the calendar yeah it's like when you're talking about anomalies or editing let's say it's one of my questions i didn't actually have it written down but have you ever seen some pictures or video actually video of somebody just random like industry and they'll be filming a bird and the bird has frozen in the sky have you seen this before it's like an edit i did see something very strange where people were showing a video of a street cam in china and it showed a guy and a girl on a bicycle going by and the bicycle wasn't in the they were in the air floating yesterday you could tell they're on a bicycle because they were holding handlebars and the little baby was in a basket in the back of the bicycle and uh you could see them peddling and all that but there was no bicycle in the footage and it made big they made a big deal about it in china i saw that but uh pretty interesting deal but i know i understand yeah that's weird to see a bird like that but these these glitches in the matrix have happened many many times i just want to share i'm just going to share my screen again i've i've got a couple more a couple more slides to show you actually as well but um it is fascinating it's like we talk about artificial intelligence personally i think nothing artificial about it is a false word it shouldn't be called oh it should be foreign intelligence or you can elaborate if you like jacob but yeah but it's um some slides here about ai and but also actually jason going back to 1902 and i picked out i've not asked you yet but there's this site was this was it have you heard of plus ultra society and it is apparently nikola tesla thomas edison walt disney a few others as well um we're involved in this in this i'll show you now in this secret society it kind of it kind of evolved from the league of extraordinary gentlemen let's say now it could be fiction or not i'm not sure but there is there is a there is a bit there is a i i always talk about tomorrowland and it's kind of like where our money goes i'll just put that slide back on like you know close schwab etc i don't know if you've looked into um well disney disney world or what what another theory from uh will win um that we all watch um the theory about greater earth and his theory goes it kind of links to you in a way because he talks about he talks about another slide sorry he talks about parasitic synthetic parasite and his theory kind of goes along lines of it comes from the ben ben stone maybe it was in the ark of the covenant we don't really know what it is you know it was definitely it's been it's been it's it's entered our reality you know and created this aix or it's just fascinating you know but um i just wanted to know what you thought about well i've gone on a few topics there but um tomorrowland and let's just go back up to another slide where is it i can't find in there um but yeah but about these characters nikola tesla um oh sorry 1902 and jules fern that's where i was before sorry let's go back to that and it was what i want to know your opinion on jules verne and what he may have found underground if i can find the slide here we go yeah but we're about to find because that was about 1874. um he wrote a journey to the center of the earth right here uh from the earth to the moon well this is second book yeah i don't know much about that yeah yeah see that this third book jules verne from the earth to the moon in 1902 in 1902 the very first motion picture science fiction movie was from the earth to the moon it was in 1902 it actually shows oh you can google this issue the the the black and white is actually kind of creepy but it shows that mankind mankind has a voyage to the moon man on the moon and all that stuff but oh that was 1902 that that that science fiction debuted with uh a trip to the moon that's the name of the movie a trip to the moon based on the jules verne uh deal i thought that was pretty interesting that it was 1902 than when that happened yeah well it's like this 19 so i'm just going back way too many slides click i'm clicking on way too many slices mark zuckerberg has always looked so weird to me uh he's he's an android he looks androgynous he absolutely his whole bone structure facial structure here i am not yeah he's got to be a clone he's got to be some and i'm not really into all the conspiracy stuff i don't even talk about that on my videos but about about you know what but but to me it's almost it's almost obvious with uh mark zuckerberg that that uh there may be two three or four mark zuckerberg all in operation switching them out at different times and yeah cause cause sometimes when he's being grilled by the senate or congressional hearings and stuff when he's being grilled he's got this glassy look over his face like he really doesn't know the script he doesn't know what he's supposed to how he's supposed to answer or and and then and then all of a sudden it's like he receives a download and then he just flows but his facial expressions don't match what he's saying you know yeah he's so weird to me he was actually changed quite a lot mark zuckerberg he looked he he looked a lot different he looked a lot more human maybe a few years ago and it's like all these characters um a bit bit off topic but but a lot a lot of them seem to come back looking like an android with these black dark eyes so if you noticed these dark eyes and people like like your president i don't know but it's like this like it's like the subject on screen right now black goo and black goo ai and i've again looked into this again um and the bill black goo ai it it for me it it may link to so i'm just finding the slide in the black ai maybe whims theory also is so the ben ben stone i don't know what you know about the ben benson that was another question but the ben benstone the black ai it is that the invasion of this synthetic i don't know i don't know so what what do you think about that well i don't know but i i know the the stone is an ancient recognition of the capstone that is missing off of the great pyramid because huge platform on top of the great pyramid is it a reckoning yeah it's a recognition and what's interesting is in in heliopolis in the heliopolis in the ancient city of anu which was a-n-n-u was the original name the greeks later called it on a n and then it was later in macedonian times called heliopolis it's all the same deal but the temple where the bin bin stone was was kept was in the mansion of the phoenix and this is mentioned in many history books really because it was in the mountain of the phoenix it was the bin bin stone and the bin bin stone which is a miniature period pyramid is extremely integral to the function and use of the of the larger structure that's missing it's been been the pyramid you also notice that bending stones have a always have a carving on them of an effigy of the phoenix yeah you can see we can see it yeah you can see it there oops yeah you can see i just got moved the screen over um a sec there we go there we go you can see the carving here yeah the the phoenix yeah i see it yeah i tell you what jj i must send you i'll send it to you by email um and i'll put the link to his channel in this uh in this also as well um because i must send you the channel the the is it's called um got god give lambsta it's a strange spelling but i'll send you a link to it because a lot of his work like with this synthetic ai and it talks about the ben ben's stone being the energetic center of our reality and how his theory goes every time they move it around um it causes a reset or some there's something to it i don't know but it's a fascinating watch yeah you know it's weird someone you might be interested in yeah yeah it's like ai again like like the whole concept yeah let's i'll just close this stupid shirt actually mixed up there we go is your video on js yes oh it's it's not showing up on your video just black screen oh okay well let me let me figure out why yeah that's fine that's fine i'll go i'll continue there you go that that's better yeah let's get back yeah okay i don't know i don't know why so i just turned it off and turned it back on i don't know what yeah well right this is another theory for you okay to dig dig your brains a bit and i was thinking about this about the metaverse about this death verse and what i'm thinking about if they know this phoenix thing is coming i so are a few of them are the arc ones maybe are they trying to get so many souls energetically trapped into this metaverse so when this reset happens they're gonna try i don't know if they're gonna try and go somewhere or it just makes me think about this metaverse and how how and why they want people in it it's what's your thoughts on the metaverse and what they're trying to do well in a in a prior video i addressed the metaverse as basically being the new sodom and gomorrah type situation that we have it's like an archetype it's get get billions of people involved on it in it and it becomes so addictive because the only time they return to their shanty reality is when they actually see what their body looks like and the filth that they're now living in they're not taking care of themselves oh their entire existence is in between visitations into the metaverse because in the metaverse they can do what they want to do they can experience every pleasure they want to experience and they get they have all their friends all their acquaintances all their goals and everything has now been transported into the metaverse they no longer give a damn about reality so in reality their body begins to debilitate they're basically just a battery now and oh they stink they're not taking baths and showers like they supposed to they're just absolutely addicted to putting that visor back on and sometimes they even sleep with the visor on and and it's just uh i see i see a whole lot of people getting enamored with something like this because life sucks and it's boring and we're we want to we want to experience all kinds of things that we feel that right now we can't experience oh i can see people getting involved in that and then instantly getting addicted to it when they see how real the virtual reality is but this should be a lesson to errands this should be a lesson to people who are awake because if if the state of our technology when just 200 years ago we're at horse and buggy if the state of our technology is now the development of ai not ai but virtual reality systems that are so real that we can actually simulate sexual activities and endorphins and all uh endorphin-like type activities and get addicted to those sensations in the in the vr world that's pretty scary that's dangerous yeah you need to look at the reality that you're in now maybe it's simulated too yeah yeah that's that's a brilliant show that's and it's just i heard in the news last week the first the first court case of an apparent rape i'm not going to say on this platform um has been committed in the metaverse how about that i've heard about stories about um an older player an older male player in there with a young character and they're talking and he goes dude do you want to come in my room and he opens up a portal and it takes her away and they can have sex wherever this is just bad [\h__\h] crazy you know it's dangerous you know i think we all agree um i will never be using vr you know um it's just wild you're receiving you're receiving digitized information optically and audio auto and through your audio however however what else is in that visor are they also emanating some type of brainwave technology to make you more elected to it heighten the experience like a better like better brainwave that's the alphabet so they can the headset can also can also do that in addition to that it's long been known it has long been known since the 1950s that subliminal subliminal implantation by bursting a single a single image in a video that unless you stop the frames of the video and watch each frame you won't know that image is in there but the human eye catches it and it registers and you think about it and through through video feeds they can have all kinds of subliminal messages in there putting putting it in i mean that's what makes vr even more dangerous if it was successful in the 50s and 60s and 70s in commercials on black and white television think about it what's it going to be how how successful is it gonna be in a vr video to implant implant thoughts in your head that are not your own commands key triggers all kinds of things oh that will set you in motion it would be it would take no time at all to download into your brain a set of commands then it would take no time at all to send the trigger to you to go have you do things that you think are your own thoughts but they're not it's funny i i heard you were on a podcast a couple of days ago wasn't that alpha cast and it was the one after that with the american guy i think uh or maybe it's someone else i actually know but unindoctrinated with jeffrey daugherty yeah that was a guy i enjoy both podcasts are great um but there was one guest here there was one guest you were talking to he watched topkin top gun maybe it wasn't here for someone else yeah i watched top gun i watched top gun last night right it's actually quite good i don't watch movies much anymore but it was all right but there's a thing about i want to talk about mk ultra programming because i was and i saw i suddenly got really emotional right they were flying planes and i i i know why i don't know why but i saw tom cruise was in this maverick helmet and i got emotional a big wave of like emotion i was like why do i feel like i need to cry all of a sudden it's like what you know and but it was an emotional film but that moment right there it's like it it it's like it re it's like it re-brought back that movie from a long time ago with the emotional attachment to it top gun that's it they're genius at what they yeah hollywood all of hollywood is a psyops you start learning about the rise of of spielberg you know what i mean and all all these jewish articles josh lucas yes once you once you you research their back histories and you find out how they came up i mean the stories that they give like spielberg's story is absolute [\h__\h] about about oh his comeuppance in hollywood i mean these men these men were handed these assignments they believe me they have handlers they know exactly what they're doing these movies have an agenda there's no doubt not for sure and it's like it's like um it's a strange strange question now actually well not a strange question but it's like when i used to watch kerry cassidy don't watch her anymore at all like all the reptilian stuff the the alien the space space psyop and i've just totally i cannot i i'm not vibrating with her anymore i was a year ago but now no i just i think it's distraction personally um but it's like it's like when kerry cassidy interviewed is it will it work william tompkins the ex x secret space sort of guy and he talked about all the clouds being like star wars and how if all the ships in the sky turned the cloaking devices off it would be like something like star wars now i used to believe that but i mean it's just [\h__\h] now personally but um it's interesting all these psyops isn't it it's like you say it's it it's actually like ai it's like aix is again the the space high up there there's there's several even the antarctica one which is one of my personal favorites yeah what's down there and i don't know it's is the amount of the amount it's like a matrix within a matrix within another couple of matrixes isn't it yeah i see the i see most of most hollywood hollywood is absolutely doing the agenda of the elite the elite are doing the agenda of our controllers now our controllers want us desperately to look up they want all human abductions the mass vanishing vanishings of of men and materials villages um all this weird ufo phenomena of erratic objects going through our sky that defy physics that change their shape change their velocities change their opacity all this they want us these are all distractions because where we're supposed to be looking is down there is foreign there's far more real estate underneath us than there is on the surface of the world they said we live in a thin skin i said this in other videos we live in a very thin skin there's only about a two mile two mile habitable range that humans can live in that thin biosphere is nothing compared to everything underground we can we can go hundreds of miles down and build build ten cities and have them completely spanned out ten separate infrastructures with their own geothermal heat their own springs their own fresh water and completely locked away from each other without any contact and those 10 civilizations underneath us would never even know the other nine existing that's how much room that's how much room is down there yeah i i totally agree i've actually done a bit of digging into i did actually drive back hose i'm a backhoe driver or backhoe operator but um but yeah but i i have looked into what algorithm and what's underground et cetera and so some some of the caverns i mean i've looked into well if we take the the data from antarctica to be true then apparently there's there's 91 volcanoes under the ground um and the all these things create geothermal caverns which apparently was a reception it might be bad it might work itself out i need a drink actually yeah i can hear you good now i mean i missed the whole last 30 seconds sorry i'll start again we're just talking about underground and um what what what may be on the ground and how big some of these caverns may be um i was talking about antarctica and how if we believe the data then there's apparently 91 91 volcanoes underneath the ice sheet if we look into base 211 noise schwab and land and the german um travels there with the u boats etc you know i've looked into all of that and it it it may be it may very well be real um but but like you say what's underground how big some of these caverns are they are absolutely huge like the space underground is just immense yeah yeah so we could have there could be there could be biospheres there bioluminescent organics crops agriculture and technology that would blow our minds if we knew about it um they're so well guarded and so deep that you'd have to go through layers of security to reach those areas you know i'm actually getting a job jason i'm actually going to drop just because you mentioned that um when i was talking about jules verne earlier i'm actually going to make a note of the time stamp now so what i'm going to do i'm going to drop in i've got a trailer for a jules verne movie and it goes it's quite a modern it's not the old one it's a modern movie um but the camera it's all cgi and they go underground and there's dinosaurs there's thermos there's atmospheres so i'm going to drop that in now just to show people because it's okay it's totally very real all this stuff about he even if you look at admiral byrd he wasn't he was a mason um but like he talked about the there are a lot of stories about what some you know i mean even some of the fossils and some of the caves people get lost down and disappear and national parks as well you know so yeah well another another question for you jason is what so after each reset so say there's a well so the kings let's let's say let's say the kings of that time so they go underground and say they survive so do do they keep carrying on their information do they keep do they keep their records okay that's a good question because it needs to be understood that it's not every 138 years that phoenix has feared at all at all it's there are there are there that that's just a that's that's that's really like an epicycle the big cycles are the ones the elite fear in 2040 falls on that big cycle it's uh it's huge but it's uh it's not the 100 every 138 years the phoenix phenomenon does not affect entire world in my presentation though i chose oh definitive definitive evidence over and over and it's very discriminating it only affects us a certain area of geography edits that it's appeared in world history recorded history in those 44 times only four times did phoenix ever totally reset the entire world in a couple times it was only one civilization or one little geographical area at a time it it's very discriminating in its net but believe me if it would have been resetting the whole world every 138 years we would have never recovered from that we would or at least steam engine technology it's uh this um uh this time though this is the end of the simulation this is everything everything that's been independent in the past like like the periodicity of the dark satellite and what happens when it comes close to earth every 394.5 years going all the way back and the things that's caused in ancient times that that is independent of the nemesis x object every 792 years what it does to our world that's independent of the phoenix phenomenon which occurs every 138 years in different parts of the world that's independent of the things that have been going on during the 144 000 day factions of the mayan long count this is also independent of other cataclysm protocols that that that uh i have published in my anunnaki homeworld book different different groups of objects that seem to be visiting our world at the highly specific times now what we're having what's happening now is all these independent series of phenomena are now basically coagulating and visiting earth and rapid fire one two three four five six back to back 20 40 20 46 2052 2061 2070 2106 it's all in rapid fire we've never had that before these have always been spread out they've been spread out and but now it's not this is what the apocalypse is it's a concentration of all the timelines where finally mathematically they're all unfolding basically the exact same series of events this is what's going on so this is the one they fear all right yeah yeah this is the big one this is the one they fear the one they're gonna hide from this is why they're building all their underground facilities and they're getting ready to stock all their commissaries because i have me i have made it clear in my videos they're not going to go down in 2040 the elite are going to have all everybody jacked into this did not it's going to be called something else it's not going to be called the metaverse that was just how to introduce the idea but by the time it's working and fully functional it's going to be called something else and they're going to have a large amount of the world's population neutralized doing that and living in an alternate ultimate mental paradigm where when they go in 2037 or in 2038 they're gonna be safe and they're gonna go long before the phoenix comes and they're going to go as deep as they can and they're going to spread out because they already know the phoenix is going to hunt them out okay when it does a lot of the abilities are going to be destroyed a lot of those facilities are not going to make it so the elite are going to spread themselves out now some of them are going to make but they're not coming up after 2040 the facilities that they're preparing are designed for them to be down there 15 or 20 years they're going to try and ride this whole period out and they're going to stay down there and then they're going to come up and this is what mother shipton saw as well she saw all these people the kings of the earth and the elite hiding from from the two dragons that come back to back and destroy she even timed it she said that the first dragon will arrive to destroy the world 100 years after a second world poem you can't get more specific than that that's 20 40. so the second dragon comes in 2046 it's the same thing nostradamus says and he and it's dated by mario reading it in nostradamus's hidden date index for his quatrains all these destructions nostradamus talks about are dated in two ways and they produce 2040 and they produce 2046. this isn't me saying that i just published it when i read it from mario readings on books so oh and nostradamus also mentions the phoenix except he mentions 1903 instead of 1902 which is really interesting because he's also off one year on the end the six thousandth year is 2106 but nostradamus called it 2105. so somewhere nostradamus got off by a year but that's fine it's still assigned to the bull's-eye so the elite are going to go under the elite the leader going to go underground they're going to hide they're going to do all that but they're not coming up after 2040 they're going to stay down there for a very long period of time and many of them are going to be wiped out underground it's the survivors that will come up during the middle of the apocalypse during the beast kingdom part and then but even for them it's too late because then the dark archons will be here and they don't need the elite they never did the elite have always the elite have always been a substitute while the dark archons are gone but since the imprisonment in the containment of the dark archons in the in the dark satellite the elite has been basically the buffer between the controllers and the controlled humanity but like i said the leader no longer necessary once 2052 comes they have they have a lot of bad times coming and i think they know it i think they know it yeah for sure i i think and i think i i i something i i realized uh i realized just in the last week to myself and i think i think all the work we're doing our community i i think it is making a difference and it is like like if we look at davos like a week or two ago that that mean didn't really go everybody was laughing at them everybody was laughing at what they were saying i was even watching some of the live streams from davos and there was there was 30 people watching so the internet went a bit chase and i'm just going to put you back on i'm just going to check the internet the internet the internet has gone a bit crap i can't hear you so yeah just a sec just one sec chase um wait a sec all right i've just switched i've just switched my internet again but back to them let me tell you about davos real quick yeah yeah sure all right okay over a year ago i see i really i release prediction videos i have a lot of prediction videos about different things because because i'm very confident in my method my method and i'm also confident in the risks i take because it's backed up with very very good research if i'm wrong that's fine when you make hundreds of predictions and publicize them it's okay to be wrong a couple times so i've never feared to do that and in one of my predictions videos i specifically mentioned that the w the the world economic forum is either over and they will not re uh again reconvene in davos or if they do reconvene in devils they're going to come back with a different structuring they're going to move in a different direction and they may have different leadership though i specifically stated if they do come back there will be a fundamental change in the wef and the world will notice this every bit of that prediction came true i have friends that sent me emails that they cannot believe the new direction the wef is going it's totally against everything they did with their 2030 agenda it's totally against all their whole focus has now changed but you're also right they have become a laughing stock and i'm wondering if if they if they themselves have become a captured operation yeah i i know well something that i'm glad you mentioned that because it's like the it's like that five-letter word i'm not gonna say it they're big as the queue you know the patriot movement that's kind of what woke me up that's that actually is what woke me up to to begin my awakening um but it's like you say um it's like it's like they say something else that five letter words it sounds like you but they say something else you you're watching a movie it's exactly it did me i just thought before we came on tonight i was going to ask you about this what your opinion on it was because there is something in that in that patriotic movement that you know whatever you think about them and i i'm not a massive fan and definitely of trump um but but there is something in it because one it has woken up a hell of a lot of people yeah like you say you wonder if people have been captured and this and they're reading the script because they have to you know yeah well i mean if you were to watch uh the way the news was reported like the last couple of months of trump's administration while he was still in office if you were to listen to the tone and why and how news was reported and compared with the way the news is reported today you're going to see fundamental differences now you're not going to see the differences gradually because these changes are incremental but if you were to just take slices of the news from two years ago and then watch the news today you're gonna see two different two different paradigms you're gonna see news news anchors and newscasters not acting with that bravado and that assurance and that condescension that they had two years ago there has been a fundamental change there's a the the very fear that the media is always pumping out for the last 50 years to get the population to vibrate on a certain frequency seems to be the very thing that's now affecting the media themselves not only the media but even government officials yes we have a benefactor yes there is there is a a basically uh there is a nationalist movement that is worldwide it's not just the us military it's worldwide i've made predictions about china the the collapse of the communist party of china is on the horizon they're having problems right now and one of the things the media does to detract from that is promote ideas and theories and false information that there's going to be a chinese invasion of the west coast of the united states in canada all of that is total bs every bit the truth is right now is that the chinese nationalists are in uprising against the chinese communist government i was hearing this also yes this is what's really happening in china the the reason taiwan is not even on china's radar right now is because to attack taiwan the communist government is basically going to open itself up to the communi to the to the chinese nationalists the chinese nationalists want their country back they're tired of these communist bastards running their country and there's more of them in the communists and they're more outspoken there's going to be another tn square uh incident it may not be there at the square but it's building it's about to happen china is about to blow up but it's not going to be a threat to anybody but china yeah i i i heard this also well i actually watched some videos um from somewhere in him it wasn't it wasn't a city in china it was a rural part but it was it was a nationalists um they were yeah they were they were they were marching around and yeah like you say i i i i heard similar i had some more no what about it yes yeah look it's a fun thing here in the united states in the united states it is the nationalists those who are american patriots who are fed up with the government what the beauty of it is is in the last year since the biden administration we've had more democrats and more leftists jump ship now now reporting they're going to vote republican that there is no other way for me to perceive what's happening other than the very deliberate long game of the collapse of the democratic party it is absolutely by design i believe they know it they've seen it coming they have fleeced america for all this money and all these budgets but i don't believe for a second at all that this guy we have in office is going to survive out the year in the isometric projections he is the perfect holographic counterpart to the president that we had removed in 1974. nixon i see 100 that this whole reality is unfolding again this time it's going to be biden being removed it's probably going to be his own party that does that and also in the 70s it wasn't the vice president that took over to finish out the presidency in the 70s rockefeller was the vice president and he specifically made it known that he had no intention of fulfilling that office and he left office so we had some very unique things unfolding here here uh before the end of 2022 and in november of this year just like i just like i have predicted for australia australia was getting tired of being strangled by liberals and these socialists that have taken over their country and no one in australia was believing me but i put out a video predicting australia was going to completely overturn all the seats of all the liberals and all the all these cloth socialists that are running their country and they're going to get nationalists and conservatives in office and they did that in the polls canada is going to do it too they're going to remove trudeau and his administration and the canadians are going to have nationalists in place the next big sweeping movement around the entire world is going to be nationalists taking back their governments from all these socialist that are masquerading as democrats because this is this isn't just america in australia this is worldwide these people are being taken out and taken down and uh the dominoes already started falling but i think it's going to gain an immense amount of momentum come november yeah no i i think similar it's like it's like all the governments they the the people that well people at the top of the government are literally they are criminals max masquerading as government they they're not looking out for anybody's best wishes are they worldwide pretty much you know um did you just look at sri lanka um there's some stories coming out there today again but yeah i totally agree it's um it's fully nuts it's uh it's weird because i you know i've i've only been awake a couple of years but in a way it's been the most exciting time of my life learning all the stuff you know and it is fascinating to to to learn all the stuff yeah it is it's also weird the way we're whether that society is splitting isn't it you know we we're losing all our old friends but we will but we're creating new communities you know that's true that's true but you know the the uh you say you've only been awake for two years but really really there isn't and the element of time doesn't attach to being awake once you're awake you get it you may not have all all the knowledge that other people who have been seeing these things still but being awake is a whole lot more than just understanding that you've been deceived and being awake is the full realization that you're no longer asleep and that's a fundamental change and you can't attach time to that so people are gonna are gonna get the right details but none of us have all the answers none of us have all the data have all the information and we probably never will it's the very fact of of just acknowledging that hey man i woke up i'm no longer asleep i get it now i'm awake because just to be able to make that self-admission is an admission that you're vibrating on a totally different frequency than those around you than the collective the cl the establishment and that's a hell of an accomplishment you don't have to be awake two years you can be awake two months and you've done something that ninety percent of the rest of the world has not been able to do yeah no for sure it's nuts it's um yeah it's not outside yeah also one more quest one more question um yeah y'all de boeth what what is the aldebaran or who who is yalda birth can you tell me a bit about that just yonder both was probably just a another facet or an avatar of yahweh the desert demon that goes in the old testament by by the epithet of yahweh uh that gave the uh the jews the covenant of death which he calls the covenant of law uh is totally different than the abrahamic covenant see that the covenant of abraham was to all peoples and it's only found in the book of genesis but starting with the book of exodus we have a different covenant by a different entity to a different people and it's all yeah exodus is a totally different story than than than uh jesus genesis already secured all the truth all the elements of the covenant the covenant between the creator the benefactor and hu and the human race all the elements of that of those promises are found in the book of genesis it is between basically elohim the godhead and abram and abram was to be the father of many nations and his offspring were to bless all peoples of all creeds all blood now exodus is different exodus is a racial document exodus is a racial god exodus is a god that promotes genocide against other races if you read the elements of exodus and the promises to the jews from yahweh you will find a god that basically blesses you for taking the babies of your enemies and dashing their heads on stone for for killing the sons and daughters of your enemies because they're not jewish for selling people selling your enemies as property and cattle because they're not jewish and they don't want to serve you if they don't want to serve you you have my permission to invade their cities and sell off their wives that says this is the god of exodus it's not the god of genesis this is why in my video presentations i try to make people understand that listen there are two books you need to take you need to pay attention to they are the alpha and the omega of the written word and everything in between them is a construct of the digimi urge y'all dubai y'all the boy wrote and constructed exodus all the way to jude the old and new testament is a product of a false god in a false reality if you want to get to the core fundamentals of of the relationship between human race and the human race's creator then you only need to pay attention to genesis and revelation the alpha and omega text are the only texts that are really compatible this is why the symbols in revelation are very unusual all these images and symbols in revelation don't really make sense unless you compare them to the stories of genesis because you won't find the same symbols in exodus leviticus numbers deuteronomy joshua judges all first and second samuel chronicles all the way through the old testament those symbols are not revisited the book of revelation is very unique but it has ciphers those ciphers and codes are are basically understood when comparing them to the subject matter where those same symbols were found in genesis yeah well it is sorry it's interesting you just mentioned cipher and this is something that i wanted it just dawned on me now so we talk about lucifer and we talk about lou cypher and we talk about lucifer the bearer of light we talk about lucifer sorry and we talk about light being knowledge don't we what what are your thoughts on lucifer and have have you heard about that character um on on the world wide web called lou cipher it's lu lou hyphen cipher with a y have you heard about that it's an integer no i haven't i i haven't i don't know anything about him but uh he's probably probably just a man i'm not i'm not buying into him being the actual lucifer but at all oh no it's not same person i'm it was just a sorry it was a it was a more sorry to didn't really finish but the the but the lucifer the lou cipher online they were claiming to be an ai bot and max eigen was talking to them from the um and that was what i was saying years ago but it just linked to that whole ai um there's one other character actually i'm go it's my final question to you but um but yeah but just does that lucifer thing in the in the bearer of light and all the stuff it is yeah just interesting well i mean the the whole concept behind lucifer was that uh he was the light bearer and that he had a responsibility in in ancient times and he took on he took on more power than he was supposed to and basically challenged the architect of the construct the construct being this reality that we find ourselves in now the story of lucifer as reinterpreted through simulation theory i can tell you about but as far as lucifer in the ancient traditions in ancient worlds to me it's just a bunch of frames of reference trying to describe a story that they had heard from even older times that were technological so if i was to if i was to explain the lucifer mythos in simulation term theories we are confronted with something very simple we are confronted with a similar chrome that was designed exactly like the one we live in however a lucifer whoever he was stepped up and told the architect that he was wrong that if you want to really find out how people are going to respond to different stigmata in a simulated context then you need to introduce evil you need to introduce pain you can't run a simulation unless there are things to be fearful for you need to simulate death now this is from the context of beings that are immortal because i believe that you me and everybody listening to my voice are actually immortals going through a very temporary experience we're trapped in a simulation we did this to ourselves now i believe it's temporary i believe it's temporary now lucifer is a personality in the in the ancient world that was technologically advanced that still exists on the outside of the smell room and he basically introduced the idea look man your your plan to develop all these systems and just to learn about how how humans are going to create new philosophies and new sciences and maybe solve the problems we can't solve because we're stuck in our own paradigms this is why the simulate the silicone was designed if we let them go i said are they really going to benefit if we don't also introduce the darker aspects of our reality so this is the story of lucifer so lucifer was not allowed to contaminate the real world he was only allowed to build his own simulacrum and when he built his own similacrum he introduced aix and aix is the factor that doesn't originally belong aix is the satan adversary factor that wasn't supposed to be a part of the program but became part of the program so because this became a parasite program that started to believe itself as a god it required a redeemer to come into the the program itself and set the captives free but that that freedom that redemption come came at a price that individual could do it from the outside of this miligram he had to come in himself and be contained here as well and he's the one that instigated the building of the great pyramid project because it was the flash burn programming for the explosion in the king's chamber that imprinted this new coating into the holography that aix cannot defend against which is the collapse protocols that will bring the whole house down because in bringing the collapse of the milicron it will automatically free free those that are confined within it and this is why in the prophetic narratives it says that the chief cornerstone comes to set the cactus fury that's that's pretty much the whole mythos in a nutshell well that's good i'm just gonna bring up i'm just bringing i'm sorry i'm just bringing up this screen jason and it's from a website called earth 2050. um i think you probably you probably saw a little bit of it um if you watched my other um if you watched the episode shed and was this about ai gods and um did are you aware about this he did he's here the a.i got gods i see ai gods new religions will rise and their followers will worship artificial intelligent god i see it yeah it's just crazy it's just an example but it's going back to aix and like if you if you read it you know humans will look for advice and guidance from a better informed higher entity with more wisdom and knowledge than the entire human race wow you know who put the number 2040 over here by cell paolo so this is the website created by kaspersky it's called earth 2050. um that's a time so you've got matt p i'll show you it's a really interesting website uh jason but it's it's it's extremely dystopian but you've got all these cities you can click on them like human free zones etc hg wells dream about world brain wow it's just uh ev every city has a different has different sort of uh yeah just is it it's just a panic fear-based written map of the world of a future world let's but it's full crazy it's it's called m2050 dot earth and it is i'll just go into another one right there here's barcelona 3d printing ecosystem in space future of bio data and genetic dating it's just watch it's just not uh oceanic farms an asteroid base is just wow you know it's not oh a new era of oh crap we must have went offline hey yeah well look when you when you start showing me audio and when you start showing me pictures your audio dies was it slow down [\h__\h] oh sorry sorry mate and i i i can i can scrub it anyway or whatever video yeah when you edit the video you can just voice over those parts yeah yeah i i i okay i'll jig it around but yeah but i did but did you see the ai gods thing i do i solve it yeah yeah it's not so i'll just i'll not bring it up again because it's actually sorry that that website does actually use quite a bit of bandwidth but i am going to share i'm just going to share that i think are we going to finish up so soonish or something sure you can keep going it don't matter we we we we can keep going for a bit um yeah i've got work early in the morning but we're all good um this is actually a map i'll just share my screen sorry you can't see it yeah that website i was using as well it uses up a lot of bandwidth that earth 2050 2050. earth can you see the map on the screen oh i see a i see ancient a.i that's my other screen shouldn't say like zoom zoom change the let me see that should be right can you see this can you see the map now it's like black and white i see a chalkboard with a bunch of words on it yeah that's what i think this is it's something i created but this is about maybe six six nine months ago but it's just how everything sort of links up and stuff yet this is also from this film this movie can you can you see the elephant on screen at the moment no i did i can and it's got a pyramid on the back obviously but but but that's from um that that's from actually i'll put a link to the episode in this in the episode um i've done an episode on um that movie but it can't go on youtube uh because of copyright but it's quite good and it goes into all the goes into all the giant animals and stuff you know but it's feel crazy it's also like i'm just trying to find this this is quite interesting as well so if you go into wim's work i'll send you the link to his channel but he talks and it kind of links to what you're saying about the the these people that came into our reality um a long time ago and i think they came in with beards but it's like who are these people and i guess this slide kind of goes into a little bit but um it all goes back to symbols you know that yeah all these templars crosses and stuff but um it's fascinating okay can i get a bit off topic but but yeah but um it's like oh yes like this this is jason like this i think this is real but it's like a lot of these rocks and it's like the mud fossil university how he looks at it and he can see blood in the rock that's why i was kind of said that saying like like trying to get blood from a stone what do you think about yeah i don't know i yeah i can't really make make an opinion on an image i don't really need to go visit on location yeah figure out i i i know you mean so yeah but um i think i'm chilling oh yeah i've got this as well actually it's like dragons and um do you think dr do you think dragons have been on this happen in this reality at some other point well oh i haven't i have yet to see a fossil of a dragon that i can call a dragon but but there are giant reptiles and amphibians that looks so draconic i can definitely see how the idea or the tradition developed oh i mean we you know we have effigies in the americas and in the near east of like cave drawings of giant winged birds that are picking humans up and carrying them off this is the megafauna of the vapor canopy period but we have found petroglyphs so that this was definitely feared in ancient times because it's not easy to make a petroglyph especially to make one that's going to last for thousands of years but we have found at least two of them in opposite hemispheres showing giant birds basically picking up humans and flying off with them so that would definitely give rise to a dragon good dragon idea but um well it is exactly what you just said if you watch the movie if you do if you watch that movie called king arthur um that that bat you see on screen right now um it does actually pick humans up but um it's like it's like sorry this go back to this other picture so so the photo in the middle here is it it looks like a gorilla to me what is it what about you the door the door it doesn't it's big it does look like a gorilla yeah it's crazy yeah but it's like it's like um it's like talking about the phoenix as well i i guess i'll tell you where we it's it's like your story with um how you came across all those old books is it when whenever i try and buy a book i always go on ebay and try look for old ones you know the the older the better and it's like the phoenix in in secret societies and in in the in in in the masonic societies they they worship the phoenix don't they they it's a resurrection you know and it it makes me think about it makes me think about some of the masonic libraries and what and what what what content what old books they have in there you know you notice that um in my videos i show that the the symbol the the 33rd degree the rituals for the 33rd degree have never been published openly so albert pike in his book in the 1880s in morals and dogma he published the rituals for the first 32 degrees but the 33rd degree is nothing but a fly lead it's a simple page that says 33rd degree and it has an image of the phoenix on it but there's no text yup really strange girls yeah it's quite fascinating i i heard a really interesting story i'm not going to tell it because i actually had a live stream taken down when i was telling the story no sorry a podcast on podbean um but i was telling a story about there's a story about john d rockefeller and how he was wheeled into um a a well one of those lodges i've got to be careful with my words talking about the masonic builders um but he was wheeled in and a couple people in this in their audience in in the lodge in attendance so they could literally feel the air got colder when this guy was wheeled in he was like out by albino skin uh looked on death's door you know but it's like it's like these dot it's like what's the word there's another analogy it's like this net it's like it's like what you talked about with all auric fields and the aura and it's like when we talk about the best analogy is when when so you go around your friend's house and you walk in a room and you see a friend and a husband or a wife and the the you they say you could cut that you could cut the air with a knife because of the negative energy and it's probably because it just had a big argument you know and the thing about negative energy and how it is very real in the ether people do put off those org fields man you you wear your past you wear your information everything you've ever learned you wear it basically as an informed field everywhere you go people come in contact with it you don't have to speak to somebody you can pretty much gauge somebody by basically off intuition your your your gut instinct about somebody is usually 100 right yeah yeah yeah yeah i i totally agree it it it it's it's it's one of my favorite skills being being quite intuitive i really do enjoy it it's good i like it um yeah i'm just going to share my screen one more time because i want to sort of finish well there's a couple things actually there's one more thing there's a character i'm not sure i'll be i'm really interested and i know a lot of my viewers uh people watching paul um wants to know um what what do do you know a character called janice i a e a or a i do you know did you know he he he's a two-faced or three-faced god from a roman period yeah it's a moment he's looking he's two-faced one looks in the past one looks in the future yeah oh basically basically the origin of the month of january the face looks past over the past year and one face looks toward the new year yeah because i i i've got a friend with a channel i'll send you his channel it's very interesting he he's very well researched in this um especially in etymology and stuff but but um he's done a lot of work on this character called janice and his original name was ia which is obviously the inverse for a.i and it is quite an interesting it's quite an interesting um is his research seems to find janus everywhere like everywhere and it's just i just want to tell you i've read i've read the gnostic books of books of yao and uh ia is in there it's just another variant of j-e-o and it's the books of yah uh i a is just grecian form to the old semitic yah which would be like yahweh oh yeah yeah yes uh ia is found uh the um it would even go back to the 14th century bc when the ancient israelites escaping egypt were worshiping uh yah which was uh i a and then i o from the io was an ancient egyptian goddess of cow goddess also called the thor this is the origin of the word ionians the ancient greek nations called the ionians in asia minor this is because this io this is because they were descendants of israelites that were worshiping uh basically yo which was io which was the the memory of the cow of sephora of ancient egypt this is also where the jews got their yah from you know it was ia he's absolutely correct i never would have associated that to janus but then again i never really had much by the time the romans came on the scene all the gods were old all they this is why there's no original roman gods the romans copied everything from the greeks and you trust them yeah i i've heard some things about the roman empire and how i i i remember i remember when i was young in school get go go into a roman four and that's the only one for miles and i thought to myself where where where are all the other roman fought there's only one but i've heard lately a lot of things about about how about just how big the the roman empire was how how big was it or yeah what's your opinion on it i thought well it's quite a strange one i don't know if there's a lot of mystery there because when you're dealing with empires they use their they use the outer provinces as bastions against a good against perceived even more distant enemies so we you don't have a lot of roman architecture the further away you get from rome but but the actual city of rome in different roman cities in italy and uh uh sardinia and and uh yeah those those cities are fantastic we're talking miles and miles and miles and miles of of our architecture is can you hear me yeah i just put my i just put my light on that's right yeah okay so yeah oh i mean we have the we have the the red we have the remains of hadrian's wall but it wasn't even occupied very long before they abandoned that oh there was no there was no real way the romans were ever going to keep back the tides of celts pigs britons ain't uh the descendants of the angles the jukes and the saxons they were all in britain and given given the romans hell that little wall that hadrian built really wasn't what was inadequate it was more symbol than anything else so yeah i i just don't see a lot of roman you don't see a lot of roman architecture too far away from rome you see a lot you see a lot of the barrack and in the gungeon that the gothic architecture oh these were these were the uh uh i mean i don't know why people are really fixated on roman architecture when the german architecture was so much better the byzantine architecture of the uh greek orthodox the byzantine that you've seen moscow what moscow looks at how moscow looks that's the orthodox architecture that's the byzantine architecture it's it's the closest thing to what what is being promoted of the tartarian architecture is the byzantine style the mix of the barrack and the mix of the topic yeah so i mean we don't we don't have a lot of examples from from the old world earthquakes have done away with so much of it so i really don't i really don't know architecture is not really my thing it's a it's a unless the architecture was employed somehow chronologically like uh the render you've heard of renee uh the rennes chateau in france yeah there's uh there's so many different mysteries uh so many different castles i still don't even have a map i have a map started somewhere in my studio of i've got like 60 of them done the locations of all all the castles that are absolutely known to have existed before the 16th century so i need to find that map because i need to add to it it's just i'm really wary about trying to google those sources because i really don't know how authentic they are but uh yeah this that would be a study that i would like to do uh just to find out just how just how many actual fortifications are still found throughout europe that date before the 16th century well i don't know something i need to get into so i i heard you comment um on just a recent video about i i've been there to the amazon and it's how all this um all this grand penetration grant penetrating radar is finding all these huge civilizations and cities under the amazon i think you know it's nuts yes we're not you know we can't but it's a totally different architectural style too than the roman the authoritarian the of the yeah the goth the gothic architecture totally different style it's very unique to the americas but uh they it does have some pretty strong phoenician elements as if the architects had been stranded here from from the from the mediterranean and we do have traditions i don't know if they're familiar with this but we have traditions of entire fleets leaving libya during different persecutions and they left libya just full of egyptians jews and and and libyans and they just disappeared into the americas at the same time we have traditions of the mighty toltecs taking in new blood building all these cities and what's strange is the aztecs even admit that their that their ancestors built all those cities the aztecs did not the the ancestors of the aztecs were the toltecs the tolteca are the ones that built these fascinating pyramids in pyramid cities all throughout mexico megalithic architecture some of its heliolithic i don't know if it's technolithic but it is pretty precise but what's fascinating about it is the aztecs were very willing to come off the information that the toltecs were taller and they were bearded that is something that native americans are not but at the same time the toltec empire was being built this is when all these massive fleets from the mediterranean were vanishing they were escaping uh persecutions from egypt and rome and they just uh not only them but the moratarians did the same very few people know the stories of king juba and how he took on the romans but he lost but a lot of the people of mauritania in northern africa they just got in their ships and they just disappeared from history then i believe and so do other other researchers like barry phil and david hatcher childress we believe that the evidence shows very clearly from all the artifacts that have been found in north america and then in mexico that all these people from the mediterranean reappeared in the americas yeah i i i heard a story i think it's in the utah i think it's in utah mountains um about the vik is it maybe utah some other utah nevada i'm not sure um but the story of a viking ship being found in a cliff face you know like like what's that doing there you know it's i wouldn't know what's it there has been oh there has been a wooden ship found in death valley and native american indians would lead tourists to that place it's in death valley it's inexplicable it's a wooden ship don't know what it's doing there but it's not the only one in peru underneath a mountain in peru has been found a very unusual ship with skeletons still chained to the galley galley slaves were rowers it's like a tri-ring it's been found another one was found right out right outside of burns switzerland in the mountains inside of a mountain about 400 foot depth in a cavern a totally perfectly preserved wooden ship laying on its side with human skeletons and symbols that we can't translate ships have been found many times inside or underneath mountains but it's not unusual to find things under a mountain the calaveras skull and the skeletons of eight foot tall people were found in california everywhere in the area of calaveras you know it's a famous find the calaveras skull but mountains aren't i mean it's only mysterious if you accept the uniformitarian view of history but if you're a catastrophist like me and you understand that whole continents can can be lifted out of the water in minutes none of this is a mysterious because this one during phoenix episodes that's exactly what has happened kiowanako lake has marine life forms that are not found anywhere else in the world but at one po but marine biologists can identify where they all came from because there's sharks in that water it's a freshwater lake but it used to be a part of an ocean those oceanic creatures had time to adapt to fresh water because it still stayed at salt water and what i'm referring to is the fact that in 1687 bc that entire shelf of the andes rose 12 000 feet above sea level the reason we know this is because a lot of those ancient cities archaeologists have found the quays they have found the wharfs they have found the fossilized encrustations of of a former coastline all through the andes at the same elevation and they knew that at one time this was sea level but the fact that there's human architecture like like the lucar lucra mata pyramid and and the pyramid and the gate of the sun in the city of taiwanako the reason this architecture is there is because during a cataclysm that entire area was shoved 12 000 feet into the sky at the same time that a huge pacific continent some and only the highest points remain visible above the pacific which is eastern island or melanesia yes hawaii micronesia melanesia polynesia and easter island all throughout oceania are the highest points of the former continent the rest of it went straight underwater more evidence that that continent exists is the island of yap the island of the island of yap has gigantic city structure that has long been known to archaeologists and there are hundreds of pictures and many different books about about the island of yap it's called the city of metallic no one knows who built it it's built out of gigantic basalt columns it's very sophisticated it had aqueducts and canals and it was a huge sprawling city but only part of that city is known today and it's and it's slanted like like the whole area just broke up and upheaval and most of it's under the pacific now but some of it is still extending above the coast and archaeologists have been able to to to uh to uh check it out it's very interesting i learned about it in the books of lost city series by david hector childress but then i then i found out that other books had also been talking about uh the island of yap in the ancient city of metallic this whole pacific continent just sank this is where all these island chains came from that's why these island chains have megalithic and heliolithic architecture that could have never been built at those locations if they had been islands from the beginning because it requires sophisticated land-based land locked infrastructure to build these type of structures like on easter island but we don't have that today today they're surrounded by water with no forests it's definitely a good point about easter island um it's that is it's how you explained it about it it makes perfect sense it really does makes perfect sense you know it is it's how how those weird statues go on that island you know it explains when those statues were being quarried they weren't statues excuse me when they when those statues were being quarried that wasn't an island it was a landmass it was a concept yeah yeah yes it was uh the common denomination see archaeologists had noticed real real i mean early on that the workshops where there are still of those statues in situ that have not been removed from the basement lava rock those the workshops were abandoned rapidly hammers and chisels were laid out as if men dropped them right where they were and then ran for their lives this is very interesting because the same thing has been found at bailbeck this in lebanon the same thing has been found in all the copper mines of michigan michigan and ohio the great lakes area have extensive copper mines where copper is found in nature bay on the surface whole cave systems have been carved out well all the workshops were found and all their hammers and chisels and all their stuff was just laid out like they just ran for cover there's i've isolated my published books about six or maybe seven different areas of the ancient world that archaeologists have found the that in the middle of building these places all of a sudden all the workshops were terminated everybody just disappeared all the tools and everything is still laying out for archaeologists to examine it's crazy it's great i know what happened it was the year 1687 and it was it was a phoenix episode and there is there are many historians like w.j perry almost a hundred years ago wrote a 500 page book just about this one year in history when all the old brain all the old bronze age civilizations collapsed and collapsed at the exact same time it was 1687 bc yeah he yeah um i'm just going to read out a quote i think um i'm going to have to go with things i've got to get up for work in the morning quite early but it's a quote from plato um again i i i it's one question for you jason quickly did do should should we believe or all these greek philosophers and what they say or or not is it just scripted i found a whole lot of value i found a lot of value in and actually annex amanda of dailies of my leaders diadora circular strabo i've read them all and i found great value in there i mean they are relating the world as they knew it from the frames of references that they had back then oh yeah these people were alive they're our ancestors i think they they provided great value but i also think that the majority of their writings have been censored and lost we have we have references not just not just to plato and and what he says about solon we don't have any writings from salon everything we have from salon is straight from plato so uh uh aristotle yeah so i am yeah sometimes he exhibited signs of genius uh pulsidanius yeah these men i've read is krantor a chronologist man uh there's just there's so much value to be derived from them but no you can't you can't say that these men knew the truth they just knew the truth as it was presented or perceived by them at that time but we do have evidence from that time period especially from like heraclitus the obscure heraclitus was so advanced in his theories and that the rest of the greek world did not know how to take it other greek researchers and philosophers left him alone in fact in fact socrates around 600 bc was asked by by his own students what do you think about the writings of heraclitus the obscure which is interesting because it dates heraclitus to an even earlier period it dates heraclitus to a period where you would think there wasn't anything technologically advanced or anything advanced at all but solan answered and he said i don't understand uh heraclitus's writings everywhere when i read them but what i do understand is so excellent that what i don't understand i have faith is equally good that's a profound compliment from salon to heraclitus to have so much faith in this guy's research that what you don't even comprehend about his research you're pretty much guaranteed as right you just don't understand it so yeah this is a uh yes there are men among the greeks man i have a lot of respect for these people were original thinkers and i think that that method of thinking began to die out with rene descartes after renee to start man people just weren't thinking on that level anymore they weren't producing the literary works i mean we have a scientific document that is 7 350 lines of poetry and people today don't even know it it was written two thousand one hundred years ago by lucretius i wrote i read the whole thing luke christmas in 55 bc published uh on the nature of the universe that poem is awesome got phoenix episodes in there it talks about earthquakes being happening in mathematical cycles it's a yes this is a poem that was written by a greek scientist so when i when i read people today when they when they when they try to denigrate the the greeks and say all that's [\h__\h] that's deal that's coming from the perspective of somebody who hasn't read anything you haven't read these with these words if you haven't read ovid's metamorphosis you don't know what ancient science is if you haven't read lucretius pliny the elders natural history is a scientific document it is fantastic and then the the men that came after them oh they owe their irritation to these men tacitus intation and plotness and incessaro of these men i've read them all and if you can't i mean for these guys in modern youtube channels that are denigrating the ancient greeks and these early roman writers it tells me that you haven't read them because if you did you would be astonished at the concepts that you accept today is true they already derive these conclusions the even the idea that we're living in a false reality was something that greeks beat up they they used to they used to oh they used to have debates about this yeah this uh there is there i have nothing but the highest respect for the early and the mid-greek writers nothing but the highest respect for them you'll never hear you'll never hear me denigrate him on my journey yeah yeah not for sure okay girl um i i i was out there there is one quote i was actually trying to find it we'll we'll have to finish up in a minute but um there was a quote by a greek philosopher i can't remember exactly but i'm paraphrasing but it's like so the the closer you get to the end of a civilization the the crazier the laws get and that's where we're getting to now isn't it it really rings true to me that quote yeah that uh i i don't i can't pledge that one it's something basically it's absolutely true it is true oh i can't place who would have said that or yeah what car remember probably i probably have it in my notes that's the problem yeah i have i have an abundance of data it's not that i'm lacking anything i have too much and i get bogged down because as soon as i start data mining my own files to do a video and pull something out one piece of information that i come across has nothing to do with what i'm looking for and it sends me down another five hour venture through other files and that's why my videos are so sporadic i don't really maintain the time i just grow through jason i i totally understand i i i'm very like that my my brain works very quick and like he just said i can be talking about i can be talking about nephilim and i'll go into underground and then end up in somewhere in an auric field of you know it you go it's this is a problem we we just go everywhere with it don't we yeah so jason um i want to say thank you for coming on i would really we really enjoyed this chat with you it's really been awesome thanks and getting guys yeah i will do i will certainly do and thanks to all of you is watching um you can check jason's workout at the the the link to the website will be in the description below and to his channel as well and thanks for sharing my stuff as well jason i really appreciate it but yeah it's been an absolute pleasure so we have we will end it there so thanks jason all right we'll do it again has mutated there's one way in they know we're coming so follow me what you saw was a place where the best and the brightest people in the world came abandoned us 126 years ago it began there's one way if you discovered a secret place you can keep it to yourself and what about it what non-microsoft browsers were you concerned about in january of 1996 what is it about the word concern that you don't understand the matrix is a system deal i'm not sure what you mean by it that system is our innovator when the justice department is charged microsoft with engaging in anti-competitive and exclusionary practices designed to maintain its monopoly in personal computer operating systems the best and the brightest people in the world came together to actually change we've been looking for someone like you for a very long time why did something happen over there something bad all the people you want me a new corona virus spreads the description box and the comment section below you will find my personal email ask me any questions you have video ideas i'd like to hear them and if you want to donate all those buttons are accessible below playlists and everything you might need access to the gate slip to my website