Flat Earth: False Interpretation of a Simulated World

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well i just passed on three books it took me a while to read uh to a friend who's very interested in the topic i wanted to make this video to make it clear to you that i am not a flat earther in fact i am going to show you why flat earthers are absolutely correct in this video in their demonstrations and in many oftentimes in their scientific experiments and then i'm going to conclude at the end in this video showing you why the flat earth model is wrong now i have read eric dubai's 200 proof that earth is not a globe i have read the 1860s book by gleason that the world the earth is not a globe uh the bible i can't remember the exact title it's a huge book just finished it about maybe six months ago it was the first of the three that i read uh synthetic astronomy i also read uh found that quite quite intriguing now i have many friends that are flat earthers i have many who are not but the experiments that they're they're showing are fascinating they're not being refuted except accepting two points that i'm going to show in this video in their incontrovertible enjoy it short presentation i'm going to show the evidence i'm going to prove that flat earth experimentation shows that we are living on a flat plain but we're not living on flat earth jason from archaics.com enjoy the presentation in the 1860s the flat earth model came under serious scientific investigation but we're not going to get into that in this video there are many forums that carry on that research what is interesting here is that at the malta at the yalta conference in 1945 we have a depiction of the flat earth model on the back wall of the conference interestingly the next 50 to 60 years of world history was mapped out at that con at that conference one of the very first books put out also in the 1800s that contained irrefutable evidence that we live on a flat plain was a synthetic astronomy earth is not a globe robotham is probably the number one cited author uh concerning the flat earth theory his research and experiments are absolutely fascinating admiral byrd is another topic of discussion among the flat earth theorists interesting in an interview with admiral byrd you see a flat earth map on the back depictions of flat earth uh they abound here's 1897 new york journal published this one uh it wasn't even uh it wasn't even as controversial then so many people especially uh christians the christian world was still believing many of them that the earth was flat many u.s and international operations like the 1947 46 operation high jump the discovery of the ice wall operation deep freeze in 1955 which discovered the firmament a hard surface a a domed ceiling that we cannot penetrate nasa is then founded in 1958 to perpetuate the fiction that we are leaving this controlled environment which so much nasa evidence has been uncovered it has really strengthened the flat earth model even though it shouldn't because a lot of this a lot of the theatrics that have been shown as just what they are theatrics by nasa do not does not prove a flat earth that actually proves something far more sinister after top elite military officials and and international scientists were convinced by the evidences that we were in a containment field in 1959 the antarctic treaty established military protection of the ice wall to keep civilians from finding out in 1962 a series of military operations were carried out one of them called operation fishbowl or where the u.s government actually sent atomic weapons as high as they could in halo orbits and detonate them against the the firmament what is seen in those videos is astonishing many times those videos are uploaded onto different forms and almost immediately taken down and in 1969 the apollo 11 emission is is then perpetuated to it's a hoax to hide the firmament to hide from not only the american people but the entire world that we're living in a containment field that we have a hard shell over our existence and it's impenetrable and that we cannot escape it for over a hundred years secret and civilian scientific experimentation has absolutely proven that the earth is still and that all the motion that occurs occurs in the sky in the vault of the heavens that is what astrophysicists physicists and astronomers use as their predicates for measurement this is what they base their observation on the earth is moving because the sky does very convincing evidences have been brought forth in different venues around the world organizations have have been created and funded by private citizens who measure bridges and lakes and services of water in areas the mexic the the salt flax salt flats of utah or new mexico wherever they're at it's these these these experiments have conclusively shown that the earth is not curved there isn't there is no curvature things that are uh telescopically magnified on the horizon magnified enough you can still see the entire structure or the entire pillar or the entire yardstick there is no curvature other evidence the flat earthers use as the perpetuation of the deceit that has been forced upon the people is the gps systems the the transatlantic cables that are underwater it's a if satellites were truly broadcasting signals then the flat earthers are absolutely correct er rural areas would receive the same signal strengths as urban areas it would be uniform but that's not what we find the farther you drive in the country away from a population center the weaker your signal gets because you're getting farther and farther away from the broadcast towers why this is relevant is because the myth of satellites in that governments and nasa are continually sending rockets up up into space allegedly which is exactly what they are not doing in the flat we are we are told and led to believe and perhaps it's true within this within this simulated context that we are surrounded by an ice wall or an entire landmass of ice it rings around there is no continent of antarctica it too is a part of the deceit further many experiments show how a localized sun could actually account for the phenomena that we perceive well at least most of the phenomena because that is exactly what the point we're going to make in this archaic video for whatever reasons the authorities that govern our lives have opted not to tell us what they have found although we have seen enough evidence to know that they have found it even in the perpetuation of a vast hoax of space exploration which is not occurring now we're not going to get into the particulars of the flat earth theory because i don't care and you shouldn't care either after you see this than what i'm about to show you it is very fascinating because it uncovers many elements of simulation theory evidence the flat earthers are finding real phenomena they are recording it these observations are absolutely factual however their conclusions deviate from the facts our world is simulated and that is the point of this video that will be our core conclusion and here's for a little flat earth humor when i saw this meme almost fell out of my chair and by by no means interpret this as disrespect i have the utmost respect for out-of-the-box box thinkers like flat you guys have put out some phenomenal material i too i'm gonna put theories to the test like you do so hear me out in what i had found a few years ago when i was working as a longitudinal fin machine it said the vulcan facility is oil and gas i had made an observation and daily i went out as i drank my morning coffee and i went out to our hangar bay before the the shipping receiving office opened and i would photograph the sunrise and i did this 50 or 60 times here are four of those photographs right here for you to see at sunrise that have absolutely proven to me that the flat earth model cannot be real it cannot be cannot exist you are finding absolutely accurate information in delineating your facts and coming up with the conclusion that we're living on a flat plain but you cannot carry that conclusion over to that we are living on a flat earth there is a fundamental difference the flat earth model cannot account for what you're seeing in these pictures these pictures show visual evidence that sunlight is reflecting off the bottom of clouds before the sun comes up in the flat earth cosmology there is no way a sun can come up it only approaches and gets closer there is no sunrise because there is no planet or earth for the sun to come around the second reason i believe the flat earth model is wrong is because on a flat earth model the southern hemisphere the continents of the south america southern africa and australia the telescopes would be able to see polaris the northern circumpolar star area uh and the pole star but this is not what we find you cannot below the 45th parallel south uh actually see polaris it's impossible you can't do it but on the flat earth model it would have to be possible there would be no obstruction it would be a perfect visual field those of you who advance the idea and theory of flat earth are out of the box thinkers and i applaud you for that but it's time for you to move beyond your experiments and your conclusions and see that there is an entirely new field of research to be explored this is what the archaic's research is this is why this is our 87th video in the archaic research advanced research a chronological history of artificial intelligence x we show definitive evidences and proof that you live in a simulation and that many of your experiences that show flat earth actually prove flat plain we are in a simulated environment this is why there is no escape beyond the dome there is no escape beyond the vault of the sky this is why nasa perpetuates so many fictions they have already made these conclusions they just didn't let the public know this in a simulated environment it is very difficult to separate fact from fiction and this is because everything is in accordance to the observer we live in a very sentient biogram that allows for you to see the things that you are looking for and this is why you can prove so many tenets of your belief and that the earth is flat however if you were to entertain simulation theory then you would understand why there is a reflection underneath the clouds when flat earth can't account for that then you would understand why the pole star itself can be seen in the center of the map but it disappears the closer you get to the perimeter this is archaics.com my name is jason i am the host i hope that you will divorce yourself from where you are at and entering a whole new field of research you