From Dragon Kings of China to Sumerian King-List: Part 15 ANUNNA Files

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chinese historians date the founding of the dynasty of the dragon kings at the year 2852 bc this was the first dynasty of china known as the five monarchs in which there are actually nine rulers a dynasty enduring 646 years to the year 2206 bc when it ended in a flood this is 24 years variance from the sumerian king list which shows the anunnaki dynasty of seven kings other versions ten kings began 670 years before the great flooded 2239 bc this demonstrates that the chinese tradition is the same as the sumerian version chinese dragons strangely are bearded the beard was the chief trait of foreigners who ruled over them the dragons were ancient rulers and later in chinese history it was the rulers of their own people that were linked to these ancient strangers who brought them civilization the chinese emperor was believed to have dragon blood emperor yao was called dragonfaced which was not a description of reptilian visage but of a human face with a beard chinese traditions linked the dragon with the development of man and his instructions in the arts and art of agriculture the chinese story of bearded anunnaki anunnaki people bringing civilization is the same as the sumerian there are no differences the early sumerian was was a pictographic just like the early chinese and egyptian uh scripts many books and reports have been published demonstrating the uncanny similarities between the pictographs of all three peoples now in 2909 bc a nuna king should begin 670 years before the flood which was 241 200 shares or days turnings of the stars around all alpha dr kronas to the year of the flood 2239 bc the annunaki dynasty began at irudu with two kings lasting 180 years to 2729 bc irudu is the irad of genesis text sumerian kingless reads that kingship was first lowered from heaven to the city of iredu this place in genesis called irad from the root meaning to descend is also found in the biblical name of jared enoch's father a completely made up jewish invention the original text concerned the descent of inky but the jewish scribes in babylon rendered it enoch descended from jared over 120 years ago ignatius donnelly wrote the early history of china indicates contact with an advanced race fuji regarded as a demigod founded the chinese empire in 2852 bc he introduced cattle and taught the arts of writing some synologists believe that the chinese culture originated in mesopotamia in the middle east the sumerian language stands alone for it is agglutinative in this respect belonging to the same group as the chinese even today the chinese syllabary is based on signs fundamentally similar to the old sumerian pictographs in structure proto-sumerian resembles chinese and turkish but in vocabulary it resembles no known languages living or dead in 2729 bc the anunnaki abandoned iradu biblical irad moving kingship to bantamira this dynasty of three kings would last 300 years now if you remember we saw that enakian dynasty lasted 300 years as well this is 108 000 days to the year 40 49 bc in 2357 bc tiku sun yao ascends the throne of china thus beginning the historical period in 2349 bc the anunna moved kingship from larack to sapar a dynasty of one king lasting 58.33 years 21 000 days on a 360 day calendar to 2290 bc in 2309 bc wilkins and mysteries of ancient south america wrote concerning this year it is disturbing coincidence that ancient myths stress that the catastrophes the coming flood of thousands of years ago were preceded by gigantic wars and that men wandered forth warning of the wrath to come of which these wars were but premonitions in 2290 bc anunna moved their kingship from sapar to shuripak a dynasty of one king lasting 51.66 years or 18 600 days to the great flood itself in 2239 bc shura pak is mentioned in many near eastern texas being one of the last great metropolis cities before the flood in 2297 bc this is a variant dating for the chinese flood of yao it is 58 years off from 2239 bc 2239 bc the flood occurred a phoenix reset in the reign of yao of china this would have been the 118th year of yao not unreasonable in the chinese chronology that the that that has shin long reigning 164 years in fuji reigning 140 years but what's really interesting is that the chinese recorded it was the 118th year of the reign of a very popular emperor yao remember the flood traditions in the near east were all attached to a 120 year warning period now chinese flood tradition actually reads the pillars of heaven were broken the earth shook to its very foundations the heavens sunk lower toward the north the sun the moon and the stars changed their emotions the earth fell to pieces and the waters enclosed within its bosom burst forth with violence the sun was darkened the planets altered their course ancient chinese legends recount a great flood in which eight people the same number is mentioned in genesis with noah and his family survive the flood on a on a vessel in 2239 bc the great flood we have this reference here from a from a jesuit mission commissioner 17th century a very rare latin volume titled history of china this like 300 years ago wrote that before the great catastrophe occurred four seasons succeeded succeeded each other regularly and without confusion there were no excessive rains the sun and moon without ever being clouded furnished a light purer and brighter than today the five planets kept on their course without any inequality nothing harmed man nor did he harm anything then the second heaven now wilkins equates the second son of the the second son of the american traditions to the second heaven with a second mandate of heaven of the ancient chinese the pillars of heaven were suddenly broken the earth shook to its foundations the sky sank lower towards the north the sun the moon and stars change their emotions all of these from ancient chinese texts describing this this terrible cataclysm when the earth fell to pieces and the waters in its bosom up rushed with violence and overflowed when the sun darkened now the final 646 years of the chinese dragon king chronology is unmistakably aligned with the 670 years of the sumerian anunnaki king list to the flood both of these chronologies end with the flood cataclysm both of them concern bearded anunna and dragon kings bearded rulers over a non-uh bearded a smooth-skinned race of people now the sumerians were in the lower tigress and the chinese were in the yellow river yancey but the most ancient chinese and oriental traditions all concern the anu in the ancient nordic aryans that had existed in those countries in a pre in a pretty much in a primordial time a prehistorical period a history that unfolded in a preliterate period this is all very intriguing and it's absolute evidence that the chinese and the sumerians actually came from the same region and they just transferred their traditions with them in their migrations in some of my anunna videos here you have seen a chart that shows the the early pictographs of china and sumer being almost identical when when the when the language not when the language but when the scripts were being initially developed and while the sumerians prided themselves as being the blackheaded people they were no different than the ancient chinese also a blackheaded people of smooth skin unable to grow facial hair in a coming video we will see that this phenomenon is not isolated we're not isolating the particulars of the past we're going to show how the same traditions also developed or actually carried into or remembered by melanesia micronesia polynesia the south pacific on isolated islands in the middle of the pacific thousands of miles away from any continental coastlines and yet those people so isolated still remember the exact same histories of the dragon kings or the anunnaki or the bearded white-skinned gemstone-eyed people that came and brought them civilization