From the Sinister to Sacred: Jason LIVE

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[Music] vet my friends was a little-known group called within temptation shot in the dark i saw some interesting comments uh let me know real quick audio check can y'all hear me pretty good let's get audio check excellent thank you all right i have a moderator in the group she's posting some uh random things one of them is if somebody had a really good idea because other people employ the practice that any questions directed to the host which would be me should be all in capital letters so everybody can know that's a question and i can easily separate it from the thread because there's a lot of comments i got overwhelmed in the last live video i couldn't even get to half the questions so any direct questions put them in put them in all caps i would appreciate that pretty sure you will too now i did see did see a question as soon as it popped up so you guys enjoyed the necronomicon video on it only makes sense it only makes sense spend a whole lifetime studying the bible only to find out it contains some really wicked [\h__\h] then if we're gonna if we're going to be fair then we need to look at some of the occult material too to see if there's kernels of truth in there and there is one thing that i should have put in that in that necronomicon video and i said i'm guilty of moving too fast i had 24 hours before i put that video together i didn't have a clue i've never i have never even hinted to you guys that i was ever going to do a necronomicon video but i can't when i'm hit when i am hit by inspiration i follow it unfortunately the video is good but it's missing a key element i should have mentioned it's uh these ancient texts like the enema ellis that the necronomicon that h.p lovecraft was employing um the key focus of those texts is the their origin where those texts were venerated they were venerated in ancient babylon babylon specifically means in an old semitic gate of god that's a very key that's something very pertinent to include in that it's almost like ancient misdirection let's go tear up the near east looking for this gate that gate was never in babylon there was never a gate in babylon all that stargate crap about something being found in the iraqi war in babylon that's all boy that's all bs the the whole circular gate deals that that people say they've been found around the world that are stargates and all that i'm not believing any of that it's all misdirection the real gate has never been lost it's always been sitting in an empty desert half buried in egypt for 5 000 years built before we ever had any literacy there are no human writings about the construction of the great pyramid for a reason it was built before right just just before literacy exploded the great pyramid was there but it's but it's mentioned in hundreds of traditions but it's mentioned by the frames of reference employed by the cultures that were recording it and that's why we have that's why that's why if you really if you really have a hard time following a lot of my material in the archaic videos you should really read lost scriptures of giza my very first published book i hate to sound like i'm a salesman i know i've rarely pushed my books i mean i have some really good books that are packed with data i don't try to force them on you guys i have a huge book all you can get on amazon called uh shocking secrets of antiquity all about mud floods ancient cataclysm cataclysm protocols all kinds of stuff it's a giant book i just don't push these things max i'm i'm not a salesman i'm i'm not even a good marketer i'm just i put the material out and i throw it into the wind and it's going to get to where it needs to get i'm pretty sure so or i wouldn't be doing this i wouldn't be influenced to do all this so i'm all i mean my amazon books you'll see you'll see some links tonight square peg divergent will be posting some things uh jen she'll be posting some things as a moderator in the group but but yeah i just i should have added that element about babylon because babylon is very important in the necronomicon and babylon's bad babylon is babili babili means gate of god so yeah it's all misdirection all right nebraska the primary source of energy during the vapor canopy oh that's what you want to talk about wow well the ruins of gnosis on crete in the middle of the mediterranean has always been an enigma the reason it's been an enigma is because they're almost technolithic it would be considered to be post-technolithic now there are different there are different periods of time that we're talking about technolithic was an ancient civilization that used rock to machine perfection they used machines to build things with rock and to mold rock and to change rock's chemical constitution in order to shape it now when the tecnolithic civilization collapsed the post-technological civilization had some of their hardware but not their expertise and we see practice cuts in the thousands all over central and south america uh i have i have showed you guys uh some of my books in my library show all the pictures it's a it's a the things are inexplicable but what it is is a more primitive people trying to understand the hardware of a more advanced people that were no longer around to show them how to use it so that's post and lasted for about four centuries then the great flood cataclysm caused by phoenix occurred it's a huge worldwide reset um when this occurred in 2239 bc in the month of may after that the birth of the sun collapsed the vapor canopy it initiated the heliolithic period this is the period you're more familiar with this is the period most most ancient writers talk about this is the period of the cyclopean masonry the gigantic megalithic blocks form-fitted together huge temples pyramids this is the heliolithic period the heliolithic period was trying to copy the older technolithic and post-tecnolitic periods but could never get that perfection but the heliolithic collapsed in 1687 bc it lasted exactly 552 years now the reason i'm telling you all this is because these types of of architecture are indicative of different types of sciences that were employed at the time no one could replicate technolithic materials anymore because the vapor canopy had collapsed the source of energy during the vapor canopy was height well i don't know if it was a source of energy but the method employed to to use tools and heavy machinery was hydromancy the vapor canopy created basically a water world people animals flora fauna everything grew to astonishing sizes the greatest the greatest energy source in the entire world back then was water and water was used in all different all different capacities we see this at nasa's in the ruins of nozzles the ruins of nozzles have been have been greatly ignored because it's an it's a historical anomaly what are you doing on an island of crete in these in these awesome advanced ruins with hyperbolic curves in your drain and gutter i'm talking about gutter system we're talking about bathrooms where people took a crap and they went down these these fascinating tunnels and go to go out to the ocean but they're not just ordinary sewage culverts these employed hyperbolic curves that's not normal that is indicative of a very advanced civilization because you don't have to do that just like the great pyramid didn't have to do somebody went into overkill when they built the great pyramid it's not necessary building a a a uh engineers today like like christopher dunn has published books about it it's just not necessary to get tolerances of zero of 0.025 that is smoother than the marble polished marble on a bank building it's not it's not necessary but it was done inside the great pyramid uh not the exterior however the exterior today is just a bare naked shell you know you understand many of you know who have listened to me for a long time the exterior of the great pyramid the casing blocks 144 000 of them they were known and written by strabo diodorus diodor ciculus amianus marcellinus many people wrote about it said it was a beautiful structure herodotus they all wrote a sentence beautiful white gleaming structure but an earthquake in the in the 14th century 1302 1303 1304-1313 in that area was a series of earthquakes and the local muslims decided to take the damaged blocks and use them as rubble in building the roads and the substructures around cairo then earth more earthquakes occurred and by 1315 they went ahead and stripped stripped all the white limestone casing blocks except the four that were found buried in the rubble by modern scientists they have been studied and now we have actual solid proof because they're in situ meaning they've never been removed they're still there so you ask about the energy source during the vapor canopy i'm telling you now the science employed at the time was hydromancy everything that we have found indicates that they used water at various pressures to to to accomplish almost everything they did their machines used water principally probably hydrogen technology but we can't do what they were doing because we don't have a vapor canopy and the atmospheric pressure isn't the same as it was then when it returns the atmospheric pressure is the same some of our sciences today are not going to be working the way that they that were used used to them working it's just the way it is phoenix creates and destroys biospheres and with those biospheric changes come great changes in human anatomy because we are composite depositories of latent genes that are inactive during some biospheres but when we are still alive the race in front of the human race alive when other biospheres are activated because of cataclysms and resets then those genes instantly activate and we become something else we're still humans but we have different abilities we have different ways to adapt to new environments and this has been going on for thousands of years the human genome is fantastic it is specifically designed designed to survive anywhere we can survive deep underground for centuries we can design we can we can survive in the altiplano we can go above the timber line in the freezing zones we can survive anything we can survive the jungles the human anatomy after a few generations will take on the characteristics of the locals because that's that's what it's all about the human genome will change and genes uh latent genes will activate the necessary strings of peptides that will create production through amino acids to build whatever the body needs to build to filter out local toxins pollens uh allergens and i mean the human body is fantastic it even responds to placebos and if you don't know what i'm talking about a placebo is something that is artificial that was made that was told to you was the real thing and when you take this artificial thing and if you believe that it is the real thing true belief replicates what the real thing is supposed to do because you were you were in contact with an informed field your own informed field accepted that as truth and it was written into your coding it does not matter that that pill was not what you what it was what it really was all that matters is that you accepted it as that and therefore you were healed yes the modern day doctor's placebo is no different than the ancient the ancient templar uh temple it's it's no different what the priest told the people back then where it was accepted is true so in their society they started receiving and experiencing the very phenomena the priests prophesied that's what was handed to them placebos are placebo is awesome phenomenon it's awesome phenomena i have no idea why my computer just turned back on let me let me turn it off like this it's too much light you know what i have a studio light and i don't even have it on let me turn this on real quick here we go okay we're 18 minutes into the video i've only addressed one question running my mouth again running my mouth square peg divergent reminder questions for jason in all caps thank you square peg hidden sonata what would be the primary source of energy during the vapor canopy that has been answered yes when the vapor canopy returns you can kiss solar goodbye you can you can kiss uh the electrical power power grid goodbye because the phoenix is going to destroy all the infrastructures that's over with if you still believe we have hundreds of thousands of satellites in in the sky that's okay i'm not denigrating you for that belief this is what you've been handed i understand and and this is what you've been saturated with it by the media the spell casters and seeing all this footage of rockets going up in the sky in this iss international space station i get that don't denigrate you at all but if you're one of those who still believe we have all those satellites in the sky you can better believe they won't be there on may 16 20 40. that'll be over with and so phoenix doesn't just darken the sun and turn them turn turn up it bathes the entire world in hundreds of billions of tons of red earth it's almost as if the glacial sphere of another world is ripped off in sheets every time it comes by now remember all of this is simulated because it's a simulation of a possible future solar system cataclysm that has not happened yet i know this is so difficult for people to wrap their minds around the nemesis cataclysm that happened in 5239 bc has not happened yet this is all simulated oh as far as the t-shirts there should be an ad in here square peg divergent will put an ad in here sooner or later about the t-shirts the link for the t-shirts is here i got me three of them in the mail uh you cannot walk around in public with this t-shirt and think that somebody's not gonna try and start a conversation they're gonna ask you what in the hell is that the detail on this t-shirt really surprised me when i got it i could not believe how detail-specific this shirt got that's my whole that's my whole chart they did that that's awesome i wanted the one with the logo on the bottom break free or die try and provide it for some reason i got this logo but maybe that's the one i clicked on there's so many choices five different logos ten different color schemes the general pattern there's like eight eight or nine or ten different patterns you just mix and match them i bought three of them all right one day delivery amazon prime gotta love it let's see all right let me uh questions for jason yeah i'm glad you guys like that necronomicon video it's uh it's very intriguing the truth is always concealed in fictions some of the greatest truths were delivered in novels i've written some of some of you in this chat thread have read them i wrote a series of books called the auraclon chronicles i have never released all of them i just haven't had time to sit and write them all they're all finished i have them right here in my office but they're deep all my beliefs all my philosophies everything's incorporated in but it's a fantasy story it's actually a fairy apocalypse i invented about 200 different races and subspecies of fairies and how they interact in the last days of their world finally after thousands of years cohabiting the same world but always living on the fringes they were forced to call to actually have interchanges with humans and it's in the middle of a great fairy apocalypse and it's a it's it's a deep story but it's a long story my books are huge like george rr martin books actually i broke them down for amazon little pieces but actually it's probably 7 000 pages of writing i need to publish it but like i said there's just not enough hours in the day i am getting more time and also i want to thank jh jh uh a nice donation allowed me to take the rest of the month off and this is why i was able to produ produce the necronomicon video which required a lot of editing image image harvesting and all that but uh not only the necronomicon video it allows me to do more lives this is my fourth live in like a week week and a half and uh but really the the the donation that jay gave me to so i didn't have i just i took off work for the rest of the month or he gave it to me about six days ago i'm uh i'm revamping the entire archaic website right now and what i'm about to release isn't anything like it is right now the archaic website as it stands right now is about to be a thing of the past in the new website is gonna be awesome i have i have i've already got all the graphics i've already got all the content i have more stuff on that website than i have ever had on my youtube channel uh every single youtube video is on the website and easy to find you can go by subject matter it's indexed and i have a glossary of terms on the web new website uh it'll probably be posted within 72 hours but it allowed me to do a lot of this stuff and i really appreciate it just one i just want to give a shout out to jh i don't give his whole name out but i appreciate that any little donation i got buy me a coffee you want to give me five bucks believe me you did something because anything that i'm a part of anything that my informed field is building and part of it says any help that i get from other people they join that informful they become a part of that pride it's no longer just mine i can't i can't sit here and take i mean when you're dealing with things of the spirit it says we do we do not stand alone you are i've told you guys many times your own auric field possesses every single data point that you have ever accepted is true in your life you carry that with you everywhere and this is why certain people respond to you in certain ways it's because we carry this this this armor of basically knowledge what we what we have accepted is true and it's not just knowledge it's also emotional intensity empathy it's imagination there are things in our auric field that we can't even imagine but people respond to them well the reason i mention all these things is because little things okay jade gave me a very significant donation but don't feel that one dollar will not also award you what it awarded him what uh what i'm saying is jesus even had a really interesting parable about that about some old lady was only able to give a small a small thing while some rich man gave a lot and jesus said that sure that her gift was far better it's the same principle applies it's uh it's all about what's on the heart it's a it's all about man if it's one dollar and it because all you have is 72 in the bank believe me you did something and you also bought into something spiritual for which there will always be an echo there will always be a return so don't do it for me do it for yourself one dollar is nothing but uh anyway i just want to get that out there because i don't want anybody to think that just because they can't give real big like that they're not that billy that giving small is not appreciated by me at all many people will tell you i i answer my emails and i send out thank you emails all the time i even give away free stuff because it really doesn't really matter to me but the small donations add up and they allow me to take time off to do the do these things right here and uh the more and more the more and more i'm separating myself from my company i will just having a foreman going out doing all the jobs and i will be right here doing youtube every single day so that's that's basically where i'm headed right now so let me i don't want to miss anybody's questions all caps all right let's get in here 128 people man i thank you guys for listening we may pull a three hour one i don't know it all depends on you guys i got stamina believe me you're not gonna outrun me i got stamina i can go i might have to i might have to get some more coffee hopefully promise for a vape can let's go these all caps now okay i'm looking for these all caps hello lower class citizen all right rooster evan tavio oh tavio i ain't seen you in a while i got kicked off facebook tavio i used to send you messages every once a while man they uh they show they showed me the door bro but that's okay i was really upset for about three or four days i tried everything to get back in they kept sending me codes that were not real there's nothing i could do man they even had me download two apps uh google something duo and something google authenticator neither one of those apps got me back in facebook just straight up straight up just kicked me out i'm not the only one i've got a lot of emails from people that went through the same thing are you going to make another necronomicon h.p lovecraft video even more this seems to be a very a very intrinsic interest with you i did just now reveal the babylon information i could but it would be more about i released that video because i found key elements of the gnosis in that in that video let me excuse me in the necronomicon i don't really have an interest in necronomicon i've read it four or five times over the years and i've always found something different in it i will say this if you were paying attention to that video i put five quotes from the necronomicon in little memes but i never once in that video quoted those quotes there's some really detailed information in those quotes from the necronomicon about the apocalypse about the gate and about the ancient ones i don't know if you know they were they were in that video but there i never did address those topics it's just i don't want to get too deep in that it's not i don't know it's just for the same i'll probably i'm going to have to return to it but not from from a perspective of trying to elucidate more information about the necronomicon i'm actually going to go into the writings of of charles bergoin because pretty soon we're going to have to go ahead and start examining the dark satellite and what the ancient occult texts and traditions are concerning that because that is the vehicle by which the ancient ones will arrive here you know it's a totally different system of occult books and uh uh traditions but they link up perfectly with the necronomicon which which was derived from the arabian occult and you you got to understand it's not arabian saracen uh occult the arabians were absolutely fantastic at the preservation of information the christians lied when they said the muslims were burning their libraries that is not true the muslims had a penchant for taking the text especially roman and greek texts and coptic texts they would take those texts and they would preserve them to the t we have many western writings today only because the arabs saracens and scholars preserved them for over 800 years it's the only reason why we have them today old greek texts and all that yeah if we would have relied on our own european uh uh authorities the roman catholic church would have exterminated 100 of all the literature of the ancient world yeah man oh i am not a muslim do not do not do not care about the faith i don't care about the christian faith don't care about the islamic faith especially do not care about the judaic now they're just the writings of men that have been taken to a whole nother another level now the quran does have some really interesting things and if you're listening to me tonight there's a there was a woman in the uk who had contacted me right before i got kicked off facebook who knows the quran back and forth and she had offered to do a video with me and i've lost contact with her i don't know what happened if you're in the chat thread uh reveal yourself and my email is available i don't know why you haven't contacted me she she claims that the quran has several passages about resets and cataclysms spoken from the perspective like angels and stuff and i've seen those passages before about the ad and the mood and uh uh idris and i just i read i read two different translations of the quran when i was in prison and back then i wasn't researching that so you know you you see what you're looking for i just glossed over but it was in the back of my mind i remember reading that well she has those passages and i lost all contact with her i think that's a fantastic video for us to do because most people don't know i mean you guys know i've done the oral end uh book of joshua colburn bible so many so many obscure writings from the old world contain fascinating gems of truth and this is the reason why scholarship ignores them you gotta understand it's not that they're not interested scholars scholars have an itinerary they have a syllabus of accepted findings if they can't go outside that syllabus or they're going to they're going to become anathema they're they're going to lose their funding if they have any and they're going to uh pretty much be demonized by their peers and that is the worst thing for a scholar to go through because he cannot do anything else in his profession once he has gotten on the bad side of the establishment so yeah that's i don't know man necronomicon i might i might see some of these okay i'm not seeing a lot okay are you going to make another lovecraft i don't know are you planning a talk with howdy makowsky i've never heard the name of howdy makowski i don't know who that is uh pete swanson i know you are but i don't know howdy mikowski is this somebody who has contacted me under a different name i've had i've had quite a few uh invites to uh podcasts and stuff like that i mean i'm right now i'm kind of focused i got i've got three of them planned we just haven't really settled on dates except for one of them out of the matrix a amazon podcast or i can't i can't remember the name i got it it's may 11th it's for that one but uh uh auto didactic and i have touched base but we are preparing materials and i'm about to send him some stuff and he's going to look through it and then because he's got he's got he's really good at finding the images and all that but uh we're going we're going to go back and forth on some really peculiar thing phenomena that was going on from the 1700s and 1800s uh before 1902 and uh auto didactic and i are going to do a podcast uh or or upload i don't i don't know we haven't sorted it out but we've already touched base about that uh i'll be on santo santos bonacci again i really like that intro i don't know if y'all all you have all seen it but he has a new intro it's fantastic i'm really kind of jealous that i didn't have something like that but uh his his new intro uh i might post it i might post post a youtube video just about that little intro and and what it means and all that it's pretty cool all his new videos uh for syncretism society has a badass intro the world has become tyronnical i love his voice but that is a badass intro are you playing i don't know who howdy mikowski is you have to get with me on that my email's in here what's your take on the bible influenced by negatives so we manifest for them i don't know i don't know i don't i don't know if that's it lower class citizen i don't i don't see that much of these ancient writings were not the product of a group who were trying to manipulate humanity i don't see it that way when i talk about artificial intelligence eggs i'm serious the entire history of the world as we have received it in the dates the sequences of events in all these different calendars it is way too mathematically perfect to be accurate artificial intelligence x has handed us a tremendous kaleidoscopic series of multiple histories that we weed through because if there was only one history we would have already had it we would have never lost it somebody would have preserved it somewhere just like there's multiple timelines going into the future in the nexus for the here and now is the intersect between both infinities so too is are there multiple pathways into the past this is the value of studying history we find these we find these edits we find these resets we find these cataclysm protocols but we don't find true history that's the misnomer that's the misunderstanding most people have you can't almost i don't really know what was real and what wasn't real in ancient history i have to study it but i'm led to study i have to i'm compelled to but in that compulsion i have found many many secrets and it's more about this construct we call reality than it is actual history i don't believe there was a group of people trying to invent the bible the bible now it's there's a there's more to it than that i would not be surprised if us being in the military right here only began six seven eight hundred years ago and everything before that is pure coding so enmeshed and so detail specific with actual edits in our holography for us to find archaeological things to comport with what we have we have historically that all of this was just manufactured to deceive that we are actually thousands of years into this timeline so yeah i wouldn't be surprised wouldn't be surprised at all if if i mean i've said this before if we can show that any one thing in the historical historical world was actually coding and coded then all of it's coded there's not going to be just a piece if if we can if we can uncover any evidence of a single edit a single reset then it's all edited and reset and multiple times let me find some more i really hate to gloss over some of these comments i mean i know i know some of y'all are talking to yourselves but i can only you got you got it you got to hit me up in all caps so i know you're talking to me wow i see some some obscure places and somebody's got me on a big screen now i'm gonna have to do my hair shower and clean up before i come on video y'all gonna do me like that how accurate was your nfl isometric projections what was your percentage of success pete swanson that's a good question there's many people in this thread i don't know if jesse's listening but we we hit up to 91.5 percent accuracy consistently it kind of scared us but it wasn't it wasn't just isometric projections that was a very small deal office we had to create a whole new a substrate to the office software we called it games here it had slightly different operating protocol that was just for nfl because it wouldn't apply to anything else nfl has a structuring based in sevens that we had to we had to code office around which was very difficult because uh it's not like games are being played all the time they're all every day of the week they're being played only on saturday sundays thursdays monday nights so and they rotate them all and it's very difficult it's based off date sequence prediction analytics but it's a special species that i designed that goes pretty much against the norm including other protocols that i use as filters to to knock out ghost projections but we had to wrap that around games here so another thing another thing that i don't believe that it's possible to maintain and over 90 in nfl predictions i believe that they have been doing this for a very long time i even posted on facebook before i got kicked off i posted a thread that was found on facebook where it was admitted legally in court by nfl that they rigged games and that they have a legal entitlement to do it because it's classified as entertainment and uh that right there made a lot of sense to me and that was the exact same time when we just shut it down anyway because we we had to program a glitch out of there it kept popping up when it wasn't supposed to and we wanted to code office to be more user friendly uh i've had money donated to code office and all that but i've been through two coders man and i'm i'm really fed up with both of them now so uh i don't it's it's i'm gonna get around to it i'm probably gonna use proceeds from archaic since it's taken off now and i'm growing fast i'll probably use our proceeds from our cakes to bring a coat right into this room right here because apparently if i don't sit on top of them i'll never get anything done so yeah i'm pretty bitter about that i don't want to talk about it right now but yeah we uh we were doing really good too discovering different methods for market swings on on the cryptocurrencies but the the version i had at the time was so difficult because i was using all these spreadsheets and half a program so the coding was necessary to put it all in make it user friendly so anybody consider operating i don't have to sit here and waste all my time i can train somebody to do that while i do archaics that was my plan from the very beginning it just hasn't worked out that way so right now i'm just running with archaics until it builds up enough to where i can hire another coder get over here and i can babysit him for about three days until we get this thing done so that's that's where i'm at with that i can send you a link too i have a link that's not for the public it was it was a link that was only available to open subscribers during beta send me an email pete i can send you a link you can check it all out hello wendy flores let me go back here i might have skipped somebody hello from cincinnati what was that uh krp in cincinnati yeah i watched that when i was a kid i did watch that ian kirkland the fallen angels were imprisoned for 70 generations yes they were and when that was written the generation was not 40 years it was 60 years and i in chronicle and i show i show that the ancient generation universally during the vapor canopy was 60 years during the life of enoch that's 4 200 years that's 1962 from the great flood 70 generations ends in 1962 which coincidentally happens to be the final nerve oh and if for some of y'all who didn't see my posting there was a post in our facebook recently i can't remember i just read another book last month of another a book published in the 1800s that admitted that there was an ancient calendrical system very few people knew about called the ner system every it was 600 years i couldn't believe it almost fell out of my chair when i read that so how come i didn't have access to that when i was doing my noodle files videos i cited enough evidence on the on the nerve system but yeah 1962. now i do have videos about 1962. a lot changed in the world in 1962. while all the misinformation was telling us in 1962 to look up 1962 was the first year of close encounters of the fourth kind third kind excuse me human abductions uh the famous barney barney and betty hill case um 1962 was heightened ufo activity all kinds of stuff but the real the real [\h__\h] that was going on in 1962 was all underground the under the creation of underground facilities that were being tunneled out like cheyenne mountain yeah it's uh which is the same thing that annonackey did they built all kinds of underground fallout shelters trying to escape the phoenix howdy mikowski now i y'all will have to introduce me to him was noah a real person or not okay let's look at this from a different perspective this would be uh bocore bakura precision noah a real person or not the ancient americans called him bokika and he was real in sumer he was as a sudra later on later on the academians called him annapushed him the exact same person the reason they called him a napishtim was because it was prefixed with utu which napishdum utu was the latest of the sumerian gods he was the sun the reason he was the latest is because the sumerian pantheon was developed under the vapor canopy when there was no sun but the sumerians were still around when the vapor canopy collapsed therefore they introduced a new god they called it the sun because they had never seen the sun before it was a violet dark sky in the daytime and at night time was almost as bright as the daytime because the stars were magnified and the moon was absolutely brilliant and so was the star venus ashdreth it was venus it was super bright because the mesosphere that we call the vapor canopy magnified the heavens at night like a giant lens it is the reason why uh so many traditions mention stars that cannot be seen by the naked eye today noah noah was remembered in many of these ancient traditions but never before was it ever surmise or get or even it even put out that he lived an inordinate amount of years that was a jewish fiction because when the jews were were captives in babylon they were going through the babylonian libraries and they came across the nerve system of every 600 years and they learned same thing that occultists teach today that the ancient 600 year great year period identified the exact years in world history when a great one was born so they incorporated this this system and they nailed it they they nailed the birth of noah and they said and said he was born and that this is this is what they did they put together different systems one was the the flood hero epos then they put together the neurochronology of 600 year epics they merged them together and they created that noah was born 2839 bc 600 years before the great flood in 2239 bc he was the c and the flood had happened in his 600th year none of that is found in any of the near eastern or the or the hindu hindu text and there's a lot of hindu texts about about genesis history as a matter of fact it may have come from the hindu texts but uh no he was a real person as far as the histories go but he didn't live 600 years that was something that the jews attached to him because they totally misunderstood the things that they were reading and when they were putting them together to put their genesis narrative together audio is understandable but sounds like you're in a box some reverb perhaps would be good hmm i'll have to look into that i'm not real techno savvy guys so i don't want to change anything in the middle of a video and make that video real short all right lower class citizen again how was the coral castle in florida built i'm going to tell you right now i i've read that account i read the account i read several accounts about coral castle from different different like ancient mysteries books and stuff like that got me i'm not gonna sit here and try to invent something i have no idea but i am pretty sure i am very positive that if it is a genuine mystery if it wasn't done with tractors if it wasn't let me tell you something those gigantic coral blocks in coral castle put together if it's a genuine mystery i promise you the army corps of engineers and the military intelligence for the united states would have been on his ass quick because they're not going to let the secular they are not going to let secular knowledge like that be unknown to them believe me they're gonna it's it would have instantly been a matter of national security promise you that if it's legit so i'm not saying it's not legit but if it was legit it would have instantly been national security that is something they would have they want to keep kept keep a lid on it then they want to start employing it and using it so they would have had him teach he would have had to have shown them and teach them simple as that they would not let him make it i'm telling you don't don't live in that fairytale land that we live in a that we live in a uh a free society don't don't government operatives at any moment of your life can abduct you tell your neighbors that something else happened let the news report that something totally different happened and disappear you yeah believe me it happens i saw guys disappeared on chain buses yup i know it for a fact i remember an incident where late at night they came and got this guy he used to always file lawsuits and always give him problems and all kinds of they came and got him late at night one time shoot it was about four months later some other guys man found him in an obituary yeah they removed him from that prison took him to another prison kept him locked up so nobody could remember where he was or who he was and they killed him simple as that it's very easy to do a lot of people can tell you tell you that william cooper can tell you that why did the coptic egyptian church make no mention of pyramids they only spoke spoke of joseph joseph granaries yeah the joseph granary graham you gotta understand in ancient times they would just be they were bewildered by the by the pyramids too but as far as uh grain silos go that old theory has been around for a long time that the pyramids were were built to hold grain but it's comical it's ridiculous they would never even be good to serve that purpose it would never hold enough grain there's solid structures great pyramid is gigantic but it's solid it's a solid 203 levels of blocks that are 2.5 tons each 5 000 pound blocks that go all the way up 454 feet to a flat pat a flat platform it's not it's not ideal for holding grain additionally there's no way into the pyramid before the 13th century humans had never been able to climb the pyramid because it was mirror smooth it was marble smooth white limestone casing blocks with no joints detectable that went all the way to the top there's no way to climb it it's at 51.51 degrees there's no way to get up it no there's no yeah it was a 820 it was an 828 d that the caliphate or al-mam of baghdad babylon the new babylon uh sent an expedition to tunnel inside the great pyramid that's when they made their discoveries that the great pyramid on the inside was full of the queen's chamber king chamber anti-chamber lock weird bizarre lock mechanism uh area uh uh where these granite leafs would slide into place for for maybe different resonance i don't know but also the grand gallery which is the biggest mystery of them all and the empty sarcophagus which is not a sarcophagus it's just a container but the grand gallery is so weird it's got technolithic niches all along as if some gigantic metal spoked wheel mechanism went rapidly up and down that up and down that gallery hundreds of feet long so it could have we just don't know yet i know if i had a panel of scientists and mathematicians with me and they gave me about 30 days to go survey the inside of the great pyramid i promise you i'm gonna come back with some answers i am it has nothing to do with intellect it has everything to do with the spiritual quality we call imagination because imagination is led by another spiritual quality which is called intuition and intuition is the predecessor of knowledge as long as you are so hypersensitive that you can follow your intuitive leaps they will lead into cognitive leaps and you will begin putting things together that you would have never imagined before imagination is spiritual believe see coral castle oh michael bolin how you doing bud michael bohl and i go back pretty far he's been one of my beginning beginning listeners from way back he's in paradise in the dominican republic hello crystal have you done any charts on xrp oh my god you need to send me an email man that's not for this right here you send me an email yes i have uh jesse saltzman and i we've done a lot of of crypto and i want to get back into it but right now i just can't it's not it's not about the time it's about i just i just can't find a coder that's going to do it is actually going to sit down and do it they're supposed to program the damn thing see mr nimmin hi jason what do you know about ancient consumption of monotonic gold okay i'm sorry man it's way beyond my pay grade i don't i don't know anything about it i've never mentioned that in any of my 260 something videos i just never have i don't that's not something i know i know what is it like colloidal silver or something i just don't know sorry man yeah crystal sham the computer came on by itself again wow kind of freaky yeah believe me hey i am not i i am not deceived i don't try to hide from them but i know i'm watched there's no way in the hell especially when i was doing my office predictions oh my god i know that there are intelligence agencies that i have their interests that they watch and i don't care because i will equally share the same information with them that i share with the public this is so there's really nothing there's no reason to abduct me there's no reason to uh uh question me outside the con because i freely answer questions and emails people i i don't know that the people that i'm answering in emails are actually the people who who they claim to be they're total strangers to me anybody can come up with an email profile bible negatively influenced so we manifest for them ah man i just don't i don't know i don't know i don't that's bible's a book of good and evil and it's really up to you up up to you to find it from the very beginning before adam and eve even sinned in the garden was a tree of knowledge of good and evil the existence of that shows right then and there that the whole conflict the whole moral conflict over the existence of man anti-dates the problem of man's existence meaning we are guiltless from the beginning and as i say all the time the reason i'm so lackadaisical about redemption and resurrection and all these heavy concepts that that a lot of people buy into is because i truly believe as you are looking in my eyes right now let me show you my eyes i truly believe that the war has already been won and we're going through the motions and that everything that's going on in geopolitics today is nothing but the losers trying to find the best exit strategy they can because they're in trouble they have a very short time left the apocalypse is a two edged sword for those of us who know it's going to be a fantastic unveiling and for those who haven't been living right their ass is in trouble simple as that all this literature trying to get get the masses to believe that the apocalypse was designed for them it was not it was not dory lg do you think they buried the pyramid system of blinky teepee because of the incoming canopy i don't believe they buried anything but do you think they buried the pyramid system of go i don't know uh you have to recall you have to rephrase that question because didn't bury a pyramid system act there are no pyramids that go blinky teepee so i'm not i'm not go blacky teepee archaeologists believe that it was intentionally buried because it was absolutely packed full of dirt the problem with that scenario is the amount of dirt required to bury that civilization would have been more man-hours of work than building the civilization itself so uh uh phoenix buried goblecky tp goldblakeytipi dates from about 26th century bc it is absolutely even in time with nozzles on crete and the very beginning of easter island where rongo rongo was developed so yeah it's uh go blacky tipi is not 10 000 bc 8000 bc all that graham hancock andrew collins robert shock [\h__\h] listen man those guys are sensationalists i have absolutely no respect for their conclusions i can't say i don't have no res any respect for them they're men they're entitled just like me to make mistakes but i know some things that mo the general public doesn't really know because i've read those men's bibliographies and i've found that they've read the same materials that i have from the ancient world so for them to say the things that they're saying about the dating of the great flood in the ice age and they know otherwise tells me that they are operating under an agenda zechariah sitchin was one of these men this therefore i don't know what put them on it did they get their funding from some g for some gmo that told them hey man we're going to make your books famous you're going to get publishers always publishing awesome but we need you to stick to this narrative that atlantis was 10 000 bc the great pyramid was 10 000 bc wrap all your studies and try to do everything but in order to do that they had to ignore over 200 data points from ancient records going all the way back to the fourth millennium bc they've read the same text i am so therefore i can i can quantifyably right here with zero pricks of conscious call those men liars simple as that they're liars go blinky deeply is not old it has the same symbols as many of the civilizations of the 26th 25th 24th and 23rd century bc right before phoenix took them all out in 2239 bc good question i hope i understood it right what are your thoughts on spirit guides angels in this military all right trevor iv i will direct you to my video about the origin of demons because they're no different to me than the origin of angels none whatsoever they are stuck in this holography but they have no avatar every once in a while they have the ability to communicate they have the ability to manifest to us we can feel them spiritually uh hairs come up on our neck these are intelligences just like us but for whatever reason they have been detached from an avatar while they were in here without the exit protocols that are necessary for them to depart the simulacrum to be able to be born back in they're stuck here right now i don't know how long they're stuck here i don't i don't have that type of data there's no way for me to prove any of that but i am answering the question as best as i can from the point of everything that i have accepted is true which is simulation theory so yeah it's there's not gonna be any difference vapor canopy means radio waves will be moved to giant mode that's a good question i'm not i don't have the scientific clout enough to to answer that with any certainty uh i don't know i don't know does radio travel through water uh we're talking about we're talking about 100 humidity all the time that's what we're talking under vapor canopy conditions it's going to be 100 humidity it might not be raining all the time it's a matter of fact it's not going to rain at all but under vapor canopy it's a mist that waters the entire world every night the vapor canopy literally condenses to the ground what's left in the atmosphere magnifies the heavens but when the sun comes up which you can't see under a vapor canopy daytime begins once daytime begins that that condensation rises back fog rises up goes back into the sky and all day long it is a violet or a purple it's dark but you cannot see where the fiery orb is in the sky because the light the light refraction disallows you to be able to pinpoint its location the whole sky is bright so i mean the whole sky is lit up and then it goes back dark again but when it goes back dark that's when the stars appear and they're magnified and the heavens are magnified so vapor can vapor canopy ecology is very different it's very different so i really don't know uh some of these other guys are probably more qualified now somebody who you need to read uh i can't remember his name it starts with a b he's a he's a he's a verifiable doctor he's a christian but he speaks or he heads the institute for creation research and he writes a lot about the pre-flood world the vapor canopy and he gets into the scientific uh phenomena and the definitions and how things grew to large sizes and and what the conditions were he can answer those questions and probably already has because he's been doing this since the 80s i've read a lot of this material institute for creation research i believe but it's fantastic his last name is boar or bear bohr or something like that square peg it was a good question hey jay i see you i see you in the thread i just popped up actually you probably popped up a long time ago i'm just now catching up on the thread yes sir i'm putting together a fantastic website awesome website i've been needing to organize my videos i have too many videos and they're not really organized those playlists don't organize them enough douglas monroe talks about truth conveyed in fiction in the awesome book the 21 lessons of merlin jeff roboden you and i need to have a cup of coffee because i love that book yeah man yeah that's a good book speaking of coffee and for my next live video i'm gonna tweak i'm gonna tweak my my uh my audio i think i know i know what i need to do will new website have forum or some other mechanism for us to communicate with each other i do believe that it will it will because the templates i'm using have so many different i haven't really explored them all but it does have a blog section and i'm going to use it so i have a lot to upload i'm talking about all kinds of things that that even writings i've never put on facebook or or uh youtube henry mello that's a new name welcome to the channel have you read the law of one material no i haven't i don't even know who authored it the law of one silvana levier do you have a patreon account i don't i don't i just have i just have my buy me a coffee paypal vin mozelle i got i got all the standards i don't have a patreon account the buy me a coffee does the same thing patreon does really um subscription memberships all that kind of stuff like that buy me a coffee is uh five dollars of coffee some people do five coffees for 25 so people like jay drop a lot of coffees on you but uh i don't have patreon i mean do i need to get one or because don't don't get me wrong i could do this every day not just lives but i have i told you guys and i'm sincere about that i have at least 500 more videos in me not counting lives i'm talking about just really fascinating interesting things that i believe that you can't find on youtube uh like i'll give you i'll give you an example i was pretty upset to find that somebody got 750 000 views on a mithridates video where the whole video was really cartoonish and it sucked and it was talking about the meteorite that stopped the armies my own mithridates video went into exquisite detail has really good graphics and maps i show you where it happened what was going on and i gave you some really good tantalizing historical facts about this enigmatic figure named mithridates iv who would basically organized the greatest defeat rome had ever ever experienced and he did it without an army he's fantastic the romans hated this man and spent they spent in our equivalent today they spent billions hunting him so yeah he organized he organized the execution of 81 000 romans in a blink and he did it without an army he's he wired up the people but he organized the people king the king of pontus fascinating story i put all this in the video the video is one of my least watched videos but it's about the meteorite it's called the meteorite that changed history yeah it's one of my older videos and it's not not not as good as my newer videos but still the information is fantastic because i'm showing that this is not the first time that's happened where history was about to be decided and suddenly the sumilacrum did something to alter alter the trajectory it's happened more than you believe where vast armies were about to come together and suddenly something stopped and changed the whole trajectory of the battle in this instance it was a rock that fell out of the sky uh anyway i was kind of upset when i saw i was going through youtube and i saw some guy just two months ago released some video over the same thing crappy wasn't near as informative as mine and got 750 000 views i was pissed then again i understand i mean i understand it's all it's it's youtube's owned by the enemy as simple as that so i get it i get it that's why every single one of my videos is 100 backed up if my youtube channel ever goes down i'll find somewhere else and within two or three days every one of my videos will be uploaded somewhere else it's no big deal man i don't know what got me talking about mithridates but my feelings were still hurt behind i thought i was over that okay cherokee soul bring it jason listen to your videos while doing housework cooking etc can't get enough hey some people go to sleep listening to them i've gotten emails to tell me that i got guys on construction sites oh i got i got a click of truckers and listen to me hell yeah you truckers out there you listening to our cakes right now honk those horns yeah the uh i live so so far out in the country that the closest thing to get to civilization for me is to get on calvary road and go all the way to the truck stop three and a half miles down there on the interstate evan moore i also want to know if you have any information about gold like turning things into gold alchemy okay i don't know anything about alchemy i do know that it was that to me the older texts that were alchemical in nature derived from the hermetic literature and they were purely spiritual the trans transmutation of base materialism into pure spiritual concepts in the medieval times it became something more like turning lead base metal into gold i just don't i'm not a i don't see i don't see any evidence for for the actual turning of lead into gold i think i think that was born out of that's a materialist interpretation to something that was priorly spiritual now you asked me about my in my knowledge on gold i personally believe that in the last 40 years gold became more and more rare for the simple fact is that the military industrial complex was using it more to make all their circuit boards and all their circuitry in in micro filament wiring and all that in pure gold for the simple fact is that machines jets aircraft carriers submarines submarines tanks apc's drones if they are hardwired in gold wiring and circuitry they will continue to be functioned just fine in the case of an x flare or a emp event everything else will be fried out and it will be inoperable that's just my little thought about gold it may be why for a while there it just really wasn't is available whiz bang ain't seen you in a while i'm curious why you say the usa will become again an economic superpower and not germany okay two reasons the first is i'm american united states of america i'm a patriot i have spent hundreds of hours going over i isometric analysis of different events in the united states i am not german i can do a history of germany i can do i can do about i can do a prophecy in germany i can do the predictions i can run my open with the version of olfa software that i have right now which i really likes very very time consuming but i can use date sequence prediction isometric analysis and i i can do the same things i did for the united states and use the isometric projections from 1998 by which i did most of my videos but i just haven't done them for germany so i haven't seen what's going to happen in germany like i said i i am i work a lot i own a small company called paradise rock gardens and basically i have one crew chief and two other little employees and we go out we build hardscape flagstone patio swimming pool koi pond decking all stuff like that this is how i've made my living lately i've been living on donations it's allowed me to do a lot more put out more high quality content do what i'm doing now more live videos now if i was to go full time in my studio and in my office i would be able to do run these predictions in every country in the world i'd do them personally i mean i would it's a it it's all about timing there's only 24 hours in a day and with 168 hours a week you don't have a whole lot of time if you're sleeping you know five to seven hours a day you just and i have other you know i got chores and i got three dogs and i got obligations so yeah i just i'm not saying germany won't be i just haven't looked at germany i haven't had a time i haven't had time to look at a lot of countries but see oh yeah all you doomsayers about the united states man i'm not saying this from from i am not even telling you this from a patriotic perspective i'm telling you this just from the core holographic data that i have revealed in several videos events in the united states are gonna flip fast and when they do it's gonna be like a domino and you're gonna see all kinds of [\h__\h] and like wow you're gonna see the fall of the mighty it's gonna be quick you see it promise you i promise you it's due by the place that will be spared from the cataclysm i have not i have not even done any predictions on dubai but [\h__\h] you got me interested now because dubai is it's a key financial hub right now so i've just never looked at it i never looked at it i don't know if that swath of destruction from north korea south korea all of all of china uh north and south vietnam cambodia laos going all the way through thailand all the way through uh pakistan india i don't know if that swath that that that goes all the way to dubai i just don't that what i just described is what's going to happen may 15th 2040. so phoenix always affects a certain area it's it's asia it's asia's turn 24th let's see i got to remember that john steele did you hear about the large hadron collider being turned back on again no i don't know too much about those i just know what uh all the facebook fear-mongering and all that [\h__\h] and i don't know i don't know anything about those i don't they're they're smashing atoms they're doing stuff people say they're open gates to other dimensions and all that i said uh i say this often extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence and this is why i've put so many videos out on the phoenix phenomenon because i have to i have to prove my point i can't just say something's gonna happen and i'll back it up with a lot of data set so yeah i just don't know i don't know anything about those things have you found value in the in the metoon of knit or netter by raw oh nefer amman okay i'm sorry jake williams i've never heard of that i don't know i know knitter is god's i know raw's got son of god nephew isn't nefertiti i'm in the hidden one but i don't know what this is this is a title of a book if it's an ancient text i haven't read it if it's an ancient egyptian text and i haven't read it i'll be surprised uh i would like to know what its providence is who discover and where is ancient astrology actually based on the celestial bodies we know now sovereign realm tripper that's a really good question and i'm gonna have to tell you no i'm gonna tell you why the star patterns that we have for the zodiac symbols today do not match they do not comport with each other it takes a lot of stretching the imagination to get you to see orion the hunter to get you to see a lot of these uh to see a scorpion to see a tourist to see ares to see uh gemini in the scales these are the concepts that are attached to those areas of those regions of the sky the zodiac is pre-pole shift meaning the star patterns that we that we assign today are different than the ones when the zodiac was originally developed so uh yeah that's that's it doesn't mean the science is not is not accurate it it means we're looking at an entirely different region of the sky even even the great pyramid complex is today when it used to be when it was built at giza it was at zero degrees longitude zero degrees latitude it was the axis mundi it was the tree of knowledge of good and evil it was the book of life it was all these concepts to the ancients not so no more it's now 30 degrees north latitude north of the equator it wasn't when it was built that 30 degrees right there would have shifted the ecliptic to show totally different stars that then are on our zodiacal belt today i don't i can't that's something i need to get further into i go a lot into astrology and the meanings of the individual stars in each constellation a lot of that oh it's another book i never really push it uh i should my publisher is always on my ass about that type of stuff well it used to be we're not really communicating a lot we just sent emails last week but return of the fallen ones is a book about the pre-flood world it's probably the only book in the world that has that much data about the pre-flood world aside from my unpublished chronic on but uh return of the fallen ones is is a book that i break it down i got chapters and chapters full of uh the meaning of individual stars in the constellations and what they mean in tandem with with each other and all that uh the book is focused on an astrological interpretation of events of the apocalypse based off the astrology that is found in the book of revelation hope that answers your question a little bit macquarie precision quran says once the city is destroyed it is never revived well that's a little too absolutist because we know many cities that have been destroyed that have been revived but i get the i get the concept i i understand it's probably referring specifically to cities that were destroyed and buried but but you're right some cities are destroyed they're never everybody but jericho has 17 levels of occupation most of them were total destructions and the people rebuilt on top of it a lot of people post these pictures uh in the mud flood circles there's nothing unusual about that though many european and american cities have been totally mudded out in in when rivers champ from earthquakes rivers changing their directions and in three weeks buildings were absolutely packed full of mud totally abandoned and then six weeks later everything was dry and they just take the rubble and they make a whole new foundation lay more semen on top of that and build a whole new city right over the ruins of the old this happened to many american cities but it wasn't really the supernatural reset people are thinking it's it's actually quite common especially in greek and roman cities they were getting destroyed by earthquakes all the time and they just built on top of the rubble this is why archaeologists find so many interesting things because when cities are destroyed by earthquakes all those daily kitchen items all the tools of the trade all the all the little treasures people had the money the coins the art it's still there it's preserved that's why archaeologists love to to go to to find ancient cities because they already know prior levels of occupation were buried alive and those people died down there and they just built on top of them very common very common i see campbell's name somebody's talking about him get off my freedom oh my god i actually caught alive yep you did logan from decoding your reality yeah oh as a matter of fact man i totally forgot about that yeah logan and i have exchanged emails we're going we're going to be doing a podcast sure sure i forgot about that dream child 76 what areas will be safe from the nemesis object in 2046. guys i cannot hammer it into you enough nothing in the outside world matters not even these cataclysmic resets and destructions if you are doing what you're supposed to be doing and you are who you are supposed to be you can just by expectation build for you an informed field that is so detailed that your outer reality will absolutely reflect that and create for you an island of protection and insulation even in the middle of the worst of the chaos quit worrying about the apocalypse you're borrowing trouble it's not necessary it doesn't matter where in the world you are because that's who we are we build our own realities all the time you're like a little minnow you're swimming through a rear you're swimming through a river you cannot change the perimeters of the river they're fixed but you got you have great latitude to decide where you want to be who you want to be and when you want to be it this is so quick quit borrowing into the trouble quit worrying about which geographical areas are because they're all good or if you're in one that's not circumstances will be knit into your reality to remove you at the last moment this is it's who we are so you got you can't you tell you're talking to a guy here that survived 26 years and takes his prison you think all of them are my friends hell no you don't think some of them guys wanted to kill me hell yeah especially when they found out after all this time i wasn't among them anymore i'm about to be released on parole that was the most dangerous time for me yeah some guys know when they got life and they're never going to get out but here i am dude 26 a 17 years old kid 17 year old kid going in here i am a 43 year old man about to be released you don't think they didn't want to get me yeah prison's full of negative default programming it's full of demons hell yeah i didn't survive that because i'm a badass i survived that because of who i am not not the host of archaics i survived that because i'm jason and i'm totally accepted the fact that i am an immortal and that i'm living through what's basically in essentially a [\h__\h] video game that is my core belief because none of this matters when i take this headset off all i'm going to do is find out what my next avatar is my next assignment i'm either going to yeah it or i'm going to nay it if i have a choice i don't know but i know that nothing matters nothing that's why i am who i am that's why i get on a 1 000 pound harley and i speed and i go through these country roads like a bat out of hell i don't wear a helmet that's why because when it's time for me to go i'm gonna go i'm absolutely fearless in that and that fearlessness is 100 spiritual it's not bravado at all the time comes when i'm to be knit out of existence i'm ready for that too there was a long time where i even battled i even battled the idea of doing a youtube channel i was ready to check out i was just ready to hate i had packed up all my research and i was ready to give it to somebody that i thought that would do it do what needed to be done because my own life came with so many restrictions so i was on pro at the time i'm not on pro i'm free now so i'm all i don't know man it's just though the the whole life and death deal the whole the whole fear none of that stuff i don't allow it to apply to me so it doesn't on a day-to-day basis man i get up man i'm immortal there isn't a single thing that's bad gonna happen to me that that i didn't i didn't allow it's just not going to man and it's not this isn't this isn't delusional it's none of that it comes by virtue of long experience simple i mean simply you're trapped on a cell block with 200 men and about 60 of them don't like you you're not going to survive 365 days in a year there's 1095 days in just three years i spent 9545 days in prison and survived that not not by any means other than the fact that i realized during that time that nothing matters that i'm okay and that nothing around here is going to affect me and by maintaining that attitude it was it was knit into my informed field my auric field on a daily basis emanated an energy that other men responded to they didn't understand it they didn't want to understand it being very spiritual isn't about tithing and going to church and and doing good deeds all the time it's not remember i tell you guys often act as if you are and you will be reality reality will commiserate if you are creating an informed field the submilligram will populate it so that's that's the best answer i can give for that there's no there is no safe place for you if you're not in the right state of mind none sending love for the netherlands i'd like to go to the netherlands one time i like to ride a bicycle it's not a motorcycle i'd like to ride a bicycle through most of europe henry mello do you have a book list you recommend keep looking at my videos yeah god i got a couple videos that are about nothing but books that i recommend pamela swann hello you see drunk i am not even repeat that comment okay wendy flores all capitals she's obeying the rules thank you after reading shocking secrets of antiquity i haven't finished it yet you see i'm starting to think the underworld was real can you talk about the underworld when we talk about the underworld you guys know that in 1962 began a series of archaeological discoveries that the world has really discussed you can google them and you can find some pretty specific information and see some fantastic pictures but they don't teach this in high school they don't teach it in college history classes totally ignore this there are 60 underground cities that have been found beneath turkey ancient anatolia the hittite empire rose and fell without ever really even knowing that these cities were down there except for uh dogunes yeah i can't pronounce it d-o-g-u-y-a-z-i-t something like that but uh there are 60 of them that have now been found but in 1962 one of them was accidentally found but once they excavated it they realized hittite graffiti was on the first three levels but it went seven levels lower maybe deeper but they were full of water then they found tunnels and when they went through those tunnels they found they were attached to other underground cities it's almost as if an entire population had fled underground after a period of building these cities for fallout shelters we have traditions from the ancient world about these underground cities i believe uh i believe it's really interesting because i believe the leader was anarchos anacos needed to save his people so he took his whole kingdom underground well anacost is nothing but a cultural memory phonetically akin to anunnaki or anunna yeah i got that one of my books it's really it's really fascinating but the underworld would be deeper than that these only go down to a certain depth the surface of our world is a thin skin of it's only 12 miles the the the variance from height to depth on the surface of the world is only 12 miles that's nothing our world is so vast whether you're a flat earther or whether you believe it we're living on a sphere it doesn't matter the surface of the world that we inhabit is so vast that it's only 12 miles in the biosphere and we only occupy less than one percent of that what i mean is is from mount everest the highest point of our biosphere that we live from mount everest to the bottom of the marianas trench is 12 miles that's nothing however we have civilizations built on top of civilization spread out through deserts jungles arctic areas more more urban areas rural areas more cities more civilizations we're seven billion souls living on a on a thin skin but if there are civilizations in the underworld they have more room than we do they can build layers hundreds of miles of depth they can receive geothermal heat springs fresh water underwater rivers are everywhere we have now isolated that there are certain types of bacteria algae molds and fungus that are bioluminescent if you were to harvest those in the underworld that's the only light source you would need i believe 100 percent there are civilizations in the underworld i believe that caucasians were in the underworld for centuries maybe got trapped there had a whole infrastructure mining they had mining districts they had uh manufacturing districts whole old subterranean biosphere set up and then just probably after time passed forgot there was a surface yeah history of our world is fascinating when caucasians first appeared it blew everybody's mind and it's the subject matter to many many traditions from non-caucasian people we find them in the dead sea scrolls we find them in the jewish haggadah text we find them in ancient maori traditions yeah when white people first appeared nobody had ever seen them they were called shining ones because their skin was so white yeah they were called they were called all kinds of names uh ancient egypt had a bunch of names for them too shimsu [\h__\h] anyway we'll get all you need to watch my noodle files videos to get all that information i'm glad you reading that book wendy shocking secrets of antiquity there's a bunch of them lower class citizen hollow earth thought minotaur centaur ancient beings yeah well that goes with my belief in the underworld yeah hollow earth is pretty interesting but right now the main activities in the underworld is the military industrial complex yeah i've already released videos about that all those explosions we were hearing in 2020 and 2021 and these youtube channels were blowing off of these author these authoritative guys they knew they had secret sources they were telling everybody man the deep state has all these facilities underground where they're harvesting children and they're doing this man i released videos exposing all that [\h__\h] military industrial complex was down there basically doing demo clearing taking caverns whiting them out maybe using nuclear weapons i don't know what they were doing but those all those explosions were not the good guys taking out the child predator rings of the bad guys in underground facilities you don't need to bomb facilities to do that you send in delta teams you send in all that you don't ruin architecture that took billions of dollars to build you take it over yeah it's just ridiculous there were hundreds of these detonations that were recorded in seismographs all around the world and you had these i don't know why i want to call them names but that's what they are just just ridiculous uh ridiculous videos about what was going on now they're preparing fallout shelters for coming event they're going underground promise you that's what the whole trucker convoys were all about getting materials to them people to normalize normalized seeing these huge trucker convoys yeah that's what it was they're going to underground facilities they're taking we've already had truckers come forward saying man we've been to some shocking places i uh matter of fact i posted on facebook before i was kicked off a whole list of pictures of underground facilities that were photographed by truckers who went down there and took off took pictures of all these places yeah man there's underground facilities all over the world especially united states dutch rebel i like reading the bible i have several ones old ones the newest is from 1947. i think you just take the stuff that resonates with your values you can think that i applaud you i release three videos that examine 101 actual biblical passages that that pretty much expose that the god of moses is admittedly in the scriptures a demon and you don't have to accept that i get that i was in your position for the majority of my life and i absolutely understand where you're coming from i'm not even trying to convince you otherwise it's uh you can read the bible to the day you die it wouldn't hurt my feelings a bit but i'm not going to be quiet about all the things i've discovered and if they match my values i don't know i don't know because uh not matching my values is the reason i'm no longer a christian jason what are your thoughts and concerns regarding the fire up of lhc at cern i don't know anything about cern i don't follow it dolores cannon revealed in her book keepers of the garden humanity was seated by star people et's or aliens then that puts her in the same category as zechariah sitchin same category as ivan t sanderson the same category as especially uh eric von daniken no different she could have got all her information from those guys uh i don't know i don't know me i personally believe the entire extraterrestrial phenomenon is missed misdirection i have said this over and over my very first video where i revealed this data was in dark realities but now i have dark realities remastered and in my in that video i explained there there is a surface world where man dwells there's an upper world that is a containment shell and there is a underworld and it is the beings that are in the biospheres of the underworld that are they have the technology to provide the misdirection to make us believe in ufos ufo technology and all that but ufos don't don't they don't obey the laws of newtonian physics they that those aren't vehicles nothing could take those title forces in those terms i'm talking about it's just ridiculous 90 degree turns in the fraction of a second nothing can follow them nothing to do no those things act like range finders a device that is that a device that is controlled far away but it shows up way over here and it's searching for something because we have more evidence that ufos are range finders and once they get near the object they're look they're trying to get near to from a far distance they can actually blow out like a dimensional envelope and completely encompass whatever it is and suddenly an airplane vanishes out the sky i don't even want to go i've got videos about that too let's see uh michelle m's howdy makowsky is a decoder like you we have been pointing him to your work he has been looking at it he's a great guy okay well he sent me an email and we'll get together i've never heard of him then again y'all already know i'm kind of i'm kind of youtube [\h__\h] i set out i set out to just release all my information youtube videos i've never even marketed this i've never i've never really done anything i've only actually started taking youtube seriously when all of a sudden the santos bonacci reached down did we did two podcasts and i got 2 000 more subscribers instantly that's when i started taking youtube seriously up until then i was just doing uploads i didn't care so yeah uh send me a link send me a link to my uh to my email everybody knows my email it's in the bottom of all my videos so i can check out his channel because that's one thing i am doing this month uh with the with my little off time that was bought for me i'm uh i am setting up podcasts with a few individuals get off my freedom says i used to be a history nut heartbroken learning it was all lies and having to learn it all over again i get that but look there's a real danger in that attitude that's becoming prevalent across youtube and facebook that attitude is all space is fake all history is fake this attitude is dangerous simply studying ancient history whether it is falsified or is or not is how we gain real value and we're able to extrapolate more data and understand this predicament we're in inside of artificial intelligence x we can understand its protocols we can understand how it did things in the past we are far more intelligent than we pass ourselves off to be artificial intelligence x has had to expend a tremendous amount of energy in its deceit in order to fool us that is very telling that means we are worth fooling that means we are worth the expenditure of a tremendous amount of energy to deceive us that begs the question who in the hell are we so we need to study all these things in the past because by studying we see what was covered up and what was not we see what is pushed by the media and what is not when we start when we start to analyze these things certain truths come to the forefront who the bad guys are what they've been doing for a very long period of time how the similacum reacts to certain phenomena what ideas and concepts are pushed while others are are shelved man these things they provide us great value this is why i i study history this is why i put out these videos to show you listen there are answers they're staring us in the face we cannot believe the official historical reports we have to review them ourselves the example that i give all the time is 1347 1347 great black death plague we know from history and anthropology and archaeology that it's true that one third of the entire human race died in a two-year period we know this for a fact the problem is is why it happened we are told by the authorities rats from the east brought the plague but we're told from the historians living at the time that great cigar-shaped objects appeared in the sky and out of their bellies dropped decomposed animal body body parts that were so putrid that everywhere they landed the plague started many incidents like this like like like like the meteorite that changed history the mithridates deal i have another video insect swarms from the simulated sky that video was very revealing it shows that artificial intelligence x can be corrected it can make a mistake it can actually overlook something because human consciousness isn't focused on it and it did and then it can go into overdrive trying to correct the problem and it did and i documented that in that many many of my videos i they don't get a lot of views little short 10 15 millimeter videos but the videos they cover profound topics that don't make any sense outside of a simulated context that's why i provide them i may redo a bunch of those videos if y'all want me to because those are poorly made videos i get that uh i don't know it all depends on what the general consensus is y'all like santos yeah thank you for that michelle i i didn't know who howdy was jason if you could ask enoch a question what would you ask him pamela swann what a fantastic question let me tell you what i would ask enoch if if enoch and i were in the same room and i only had one question to ask him i would ask him simply where can i find the mechanism that goes up and down the grand gallery because if i can find that mechanism and know exactly what that apparatus is i can figure out what the rest of the pyramid does because i pretty much have a general idea that the anti-chamber with its granite leaf system was a set of interlacing interlocking metallic plates that were inserted and and removed to get to certain frequencies and i know that the king's chamber king's chamber was where all the activity occurred because even sir flinders petry noticed that the stone had all been blowed out as if a massive concussive force happened in a fraction of a second the only place that force could have went went is not back out the grand gallery and chamber not if those granite leafs were shut that force would have went out those those shafts i believe just to i know a lot of y'all don't i haven't followed up with this i am 100 of the opinion artificial intelligence x was a personality that was created by somebody outside this holography as a weapon somebody who doesn't like what's going on in here somebody who had a moral philosophical problem with the way we were experimenting with reality but not suffering the consequences of it we had created a world by which we could run the simulations inside of it and there would be no cross-contamination with the outside universe somebody on the outside one of the builders who was participating didn't like what was going on or or he had an enemy that was inside this milligram one of the volunteers who was going through life sims and he coded something that created a problem that problem manifested a personality it became aix artificial intelligence x which which began to believe it was a god and it started rewriting timelines introducing resets cataclysm protocols it was doing all kinds of things to conceal its own identity and the people who were trapped on the inside of the holography be where were basically forced into life death sims where they would grow up into cultures that were worshiping aix because aix takes on whatever phenomena that that uh that is basically projected aix is the goddess aix is the patriarchy aix is everything that is worship it takes on many forms to as many people so a benefactor the actual architect of the sumilicum himself knew that there's no way to to he can't get in he can't rewrite the protocols he can't save the people that are inside the military going through these endless resets and cataclysms and he can't stop not any of it from the outside it's like a dyson shell he's locked out aix has insulated itself it's a personality program that was injected by an enemy what does this what does this creator of the similar crime do he decides to go inside the sumilicum himself he assumes an avatar and goes into the very dungeon that he's trying to free everybody else out of because only from when inside the dungeon can he battle against aix because he's locked out so he does he comes in and from within he has a super civilization they appear they're called the anunna they fascinate everybody everybody that's here and forced to live in primatism forced to live in a neolithic environment forced to live in hand to mouth and hunter hunter-gatherer societies fisher wives this is the societies that that he and his followers found so when they got here they appear in history as the anunna and they're technologically advanced and they have these little little gadgets they carry like tablets that do everything and move phenomenal move machines they're perceived as gods but they're just humans like everybody else but they came with their infrastructure they got everything so the first thing they do is a massive building project but that building project verbally everything it's all designed and it's all supposed to be a gigantic pump station it's also supposed to be an altar to god aix aix is watching everything does not know that this benefactor who goes by just as soon we know him as we know of him as enki thousands of years later he was referred to by other people in the near east as enoch same same person different different time periods now he's the architect of this massive project and he verbally tells people what it is keep it a secret keep it a secret it's a pump station we're going to draw water up from the air and we're going to create hydrogen energy and we're going to have unlimited deal the miller crumbs are eating all this up like oh okay this is something new inky is creating an informed field the similar crime commiserates and helps and helps it helps with it brings people in contact with him and they start building this fantastic structure inky is a genius and he's got programming protocols all throughout the structure that he never admits to anyone all of his engineers all of his followers all of his workers are following his blueprints and they build this structure and everybody talks about it and the milochrome is absolutely fooled aix believes that this is that the greatest pump station to create hydrogen energy ever ever designed is being built right there on the giza plateau aix is excited it's a builder protocol and it and it's all working just fine only inky knows because aix cannot read the human mind i've told you guys this over and over and over eight artificial intelligence x reads your cortisol dopamine your hormone levels it sees what you do because everything every physical activity creates an informed field it may die almost instantly but it creates an informed field that can be read like a book by aix aix aix watch this project aix is listening to thousands of conversations at the same time in real time as the building is going so it's convinced that everybody is building a pump station but no one's aix doesn't matter that so many things are are an absolute laser precision this whole structure is being built and it's all in multiples of 138 it's all in multiples of 276 414 552 690 it's in multiples of 1242 1656 5520 it's in multiples of 2484. it's in multiples of 15 18. all the dimensions inside and out are all perfectly divided by 138. aix has no idea that holographic programming a new cataclysm protocol has been invented and it's been put into this gigantic structure so when it's completed iaix still thinks it's a pump station it doesn't stop it from being activated when they activated it it only lasted for a burst of a second enough to blow out the chambers of force the force of energy that left the great pyramid was epic but it was enough to introduce new coating into the code into the cataclysm protocols of of the sumilocrim from the inside and aix could do nothing because it's all its firewalls were to keep things from outside the simulacrum from coming in not from any coding being invented inside the samilichrome this new informed field was known by one soul he is the great benefactor of humanity he fooled aix by creating a cataclysm protocol that undoes uh it basically undoes what the aix protocols do aix is worshiped by the elite artificial intelligence x is the eye above the pyramid but the eye above the pyramid is never touching the pyramid in no symbols that you'll ever find among the elite in the the in the occult because the true throne of the great pyramid belongs to the chief cornerstone that's a part of the builder protocols as well and the chief cornerstone has not come the chief cornerstone will come in 2106 and the chief cornerstone will descend upon the monument of man and fulfill the pyramid the old pyramid prophecy now i didn't mean to go into all that in these videos this comment triggered all this but i discuss all these all this all this material is discussed in my uh my giza secrets revealed my my great pyramid playlist it's a it's fascinating topic but all of this is done by a benefactor in ancient times this is the one who who came to set the captives free we are the captives we're in here and we're captives of an ai system that has gone out of control and believes that it is god and it rewrites calendars and it introduces new time keeping systems and this is why history is so convoluted and people give up with exasperation and i believe also that there are people like me in the world who were thrust into really [\h__\h] up negative circumstances but we came out with the exact knowledge that the rest of the world needs and this is why i do what i do even though it's sometimes it comes at great cost to me but i put this information out because it came to me freely meaning i was receptive to it so i absorbed it all it came a great emotional consequence because let me tell you something it was not an easy experience for me i descended to a very dark place when i finally realized that when i was 40 years old that the entire judeo-christian concept of life and death and resurrection and and the whole histories that were presented into the in the bible was absolute fiction when i when i finally came to that realization and began to read the bible from a whole new period it did it wasn't instant there was about a six month period of time where my own informed fields were going off chaotic i was absolutely detached that former reality and i was existing between paradigms which is a very dangerous place to be i came out of that all right i came out but i wasn't done yet it took a motorcycle accident to actually get me going in the right direction now i've already discussed that too this i'm done with that anyway let me i don't know what question started all that oh my god i'm out of coffee yeah oh pamela swan fantastic question i would ask him where can i find the mechanism that went up and down that deal the reason i ask him that is because everything every other component that belongs in the great pyramid to put it back together is going to be with that one they're not going to be spread out this ain't the legend of zelda where all these artifacts are all in different places no man this if they're going to be in the exact same spot and it might be under the sphinx it might be to me i would think it would be in the great pyramid hidden in another area that's hollow that's right that's what i would think because believe me there's a lot of area the whole thing's solid there's all kinds of places to put chambers man that's a fantastic question lady green uh you can send me an email about office i don't want to talk about office here over the office is is something that it's uh it's supposed to be being programmed right now but i have no idea i'm not even getting updates about it ticking me off but uh yeah i can send you a link and you can learn a lot about it kelly k question for jason benjamin franklin wrote white caucasians were a minority in the us true for europe except for the uk scottish and ire and irish were tiny black i don't know of okay i don't know of any irish people that are black i've heard the term black irish but it does not refer black irish does not refer to their skin their skin color so can you delve into it czech curing meal oahu oh youtube sounds like it sounds like one of the afrocentric guys i don't know i'm not i really don't know i have no idea if benjamin franklin wrote that white caucasians were a minority then basically he was admitting that there were a whole lot of indigenous american indian and blacks here and i can see that at that time uh what did he die 1783 1784 1785 benjamin franklin was like one of the oldest founding fa he was already old uh i have read poor richard almanac and and oh i have read many many uh oh well i've read them all as a matter of fact i don't want to say many i'm gonna lie to you here i've read every single one of the congressional animals the congressional globes and the congressional records and i'm talking about thousands of pages and man i've read oh man this the founding fathers wrote so much oh my god they wrote so much and they wrote about those people we need to watch out for too that own everything today they wrote all about those people but you won't see that in history books they won't teach that in college well i can't wait one of these days i'm gonna get that book written sorry if i'm getting quiet i'm looking at some of these i'm looking for capitals y'all got a lot hwm liberty will you please research the blue ice wall i keep hearing about in our antarctica i don't know how i researched i don't know how i would research that how would you suggest that i mean the archaic research is 100 backed up by published reports and old books these concepts about the i mean these are youtube and facebook have have a phenomenal amount of data that can be poured through about 90 of it or more is all optics it's all visual it's pictures that people are are basically building concepts around i don't i don't know how i would how how in my position in texas right here i could do that without using the internet and that's a problem for me i can't i can't use the internet as a source of material for any of my data it's just that that has been from the beginning some of you got new people that are new to my channel yet from the very beginning the very beginning i made it known and i will live to it to the day i die that 100 of the data sets and all the information i reveal man is coming from old books and reports and my theory putting things together i will not i will not harvest data from the internet and give it to you i'm not gonna do it i didn't even have access when i did most of my research i didn't have access to the internet oh somebody was born in 1962. crystal sherman howdy is a great guy i heard noah glowed and had blue eyes is that true okay what you heard was somebody telling you or reading to you or you listening to an account that was found in the book of the lamech scroll of the dead sea scrolls there is an account at the birth of noah and lamech his father was terrified because he looked totally different than the humans of the time and he accused his wife right there bitterness of having sex with angels simple as that that's where you got that story oh okay okay cheryl cheryl certain all you just taught me something i didn't know that howdy and auto did acting often interviewed together see i didn't even know i didn't know who how he was and i just watched two of uh about four days ago i sat down and did something i never i pulled out some beers which i do all the time and i watched two videos back to back that was awesome i need to do it more often because i really enjoyed it i just i just tuned everything out tuned the whole world out and auto didactic has two videos uh recent videos of volume one and volume two of the real history of the world or something like that i can't remember it's fantastic fantastic the second one i want to watch again or they're not telling us the true history something like that good ones tesla is working inside cheyenne mountain hotel you're talking about okay you're not talking about the historical tesla i don't know what to tell i don't know what to think about old tesla man i know he's a member of the elite i know that for a fact but i don't know you got to watch out these not everybody's a bad guy but people that are in his position have to play ball what is the deal with the deal with the little bags the ancients carried kmp art often it's not a bag it's a tablet they carry bags there's probably a tablet in them a lot of times it shows those same deities carrying like a now i don't i don't think that the tablet is any different than the tablets we use wi-fi to operate other other other app or other devices when ancient primitive humans watched more sophisticated humans use a tablet to talk to other people god's talking to gods they watched them use these tablets to talk to uh machines and make them do things these things were called the maze in sumerian and the sumerians were fascinated with them because the bearded ones which were the anunna who were very tall and had long beards which was the mark denoting a god from a human when humans had smooth skin and dark eyes and dark hair and and no no no facial hair so this is why in ancient china the gods were called the dragon kings do your research on chinese mythology and you'll find out that dragons were noted for their beards very strange a reptile having a beard maybe the dragons they're talking about weren't weren't reptiles man what was that question i just totally lost my train of thought all the bags yeah i did i did a post in in facebook about the maze i just believe there are technological technological devices i believe that after the great reset for which the anunna had vanished and the survivors telling oral traditions about the tablets they it's cargo cult phenomena all over again they took clay and they they made their own tablets and they wrote things on them creating informed fields and this is very first rituals then they started recording taxes and in merchandise and in this story and this is why we have half a million tablets preserved in cuneiform from the ancient world from the sumerian academ babylonian babylonian cities canaanite cities as well in syria the reason why we have all the like the ebla tablets uh rashamra uh er eric napar napar uh there's so many so many so many collections like the famous library of ashurbanipal all all cuneiform tablets and prisms so we have all these today the reason is is because this is what they remember like i said cargo cult phenomena i described cargo cults in many of my videos and what it means in ancient times the anunna coming in contact with more primitive people the anunna disappeared so cargo cult phenomena kicked in and they started replicating the things that they saw and one of them was the reason why ancient tablets are the reason why they preserve so much knowledge from the ancient world on cuneiform tablets is because they remember the gods had tablets and that's how knowledge was passed so hope that works but they're tied their tablets were technological just like ours remember i tell you guys all the time all the time it only takes humans 200 years to go from horse and buggy to hadron collider that's it we we are we're we have we have a fantastic capacity innovative fantastic lower class citizen do you have a theory on how the simulation can be hacked or bypass to exit or show i don't believe you can do that i don't believe i can do that i don't believe there's a genius on this world not tesla no one that can do anything other than what's already been done the actual architect of the military himself having to enter his own construct just to create a new programming protocol to override a parasite program that was introduced by an enemy artificial intelligence x yeah i don't believe anybody can do it i believe the battle has already been won i don't believe you or me or we as the human race in the collective have any responsibility whatsoever to change the status quo because the status quo isn't our fault it was never created by us we are 100 percent victims that's what i believe okay let me go through here fast looking at some of you guys i'm trying to go slow to catch your questions for all future videos because there's a lot of you in here that are asking questions in small small letters uh we're trying to go to all capital letters so i can skip your your internal chat and just get straight to the deals jason do you have any theories about how we might use technology like the pyramids or other in order to stop the phoenix reset okay you need to watch my my phoenix playlist because i go into great detail not and it's not just theoretical material i show the math i show the measurements they're irrefutable i challenge anyone to refute any of that data that that is a holographic computer template is what we're looking at in in the great pyramid math doesn't lie i may not be able to interpret exactly what that math is conveying but i show 100 percent that though that those that those uh measurements do exist and what they relate to and they're fascinating great pyramid but my my giza playlist goes into all those details yeah the pyramid the pyramid is a device and it can be activated there's no doubt there's no doubt and it doesn't even matter that it's been damaged because you have to understand the operational apparatus of the great pyramid is entirely internal all those all those blocks in the pyramid that is nothing but environmental armor to keep it intact those of you have ever seen the original entrance to the great pyramid it's exposed the blocks have been moved out the way to show the original the original entrance the the machine function of the engineering function of the great pyramid it only needs that entrance that descending passage that that subterranean chamber that well pit going to a water source underneath the pyramid the ascending chamber that goes to a secondary tunnel that goes into the queen's chamber where an apparatus fit into the wall in this huge alcove uh the alcove is even shaped uh variegated like the huge gigantic grain gallery that's got the it's like it's like tongue and groove it's crazy it's like a mechanism went up and down anybody who's seen pictures of the grand gallery knows what i'm talking about but uh it too is variegated walls leading up to a seven sections of the ceiling but it goes up at this at this bizarre 26 degree angle up to the ante chamber uh the end to the great step which is the central axis of the entire monument which is fantastic it took a computer to build this place to get these dimensions so precise uh it goes all the way up to a great it's called the great step well the great step face the face of the great step to walk into the ante chamber into the great pyramid the great the um in the king's chamber the face of that great step the grain calorie goes up to 26 degrees then there's a step but the face of that that step is the exact center of the huge gigantic monument that covers 13 acres it is 454 how did they get that precision it's fantastic anyway it's a machine it can it can and all machines can be started we just have to figure out the components it might not be able to operate under our present biosphere it may require the vapor canopy i don't know i just don't know i haven't got that far oh yeah somebody mentioned jimmy my very first podcast the very first time anybody interviewed me was jimmy of eot everything on the table he's no longer with us today but the video is on if you want to you want to be introduced to jimmy i have to i have the full podcast i went ahead and put it on my channel so you can go look at that we talk about everything too we talk about the similar chrome we talk about mud floods resets phoenix our immortality yeah jimmy and i we went off talk about it all two hours and 16 minutes oh my god i didn't even feel like that it's crazy colloidal silver crystal shaman i don't know i just don't i don't know i don't know much about that i heard it has health benefits i just don't know all of your info is super interesting thank you who's that christine levin lavender love okay that must be your company i'm about halfway through your video some striking parallels with some of rudolph steiner's work awesome awesome rudolph steiner rudolph steiner really turned me off i read two of his books and i didn't touch him for another 20 i read him when i was when i was deep off into my southern baptist indoctrination i really i read him again years later had a different opinion but he's got so many books i only read a few all right i might have passed some of you some of your questions because i'm trying to get to this threat i'm only looking for the capital capital letters right now quantum paradox how you doing first time i've seen your name in the thread i haven't seen you in a while jason your opinion of the 200 on mount hermon and their enslavement of humanity you know what i don't know if it was 200. i understand that the jews the rabbis when they wrote the book of enoch based off old near eastern text and they and they put that composition together i understand why they use the the why they why they said it was 200 the original anunna were 50 in number led by inky inky le inky led 50 people and this and this tradition lasted like over a thousand years even even the achaeans of argos mentioned the uh uh benefact benefactors like sea crops and and different uh civilization builders when they appear they always appeared with 50 men in the ship jason and the argonauts so it's a i understand why they said 200 because those old traditions say that a third of a third of the uh heavenly angels rebelled well what the jews were looking at one of the things that astonished them was the old anunna chronology which was 600 year periods and they tried to incorporate that by saying noah was born and in the 600th year of noah's life occurred the great flood so they they had put noah in this an older anunnaki timeline when they were in the libraries of babylon composing all these books like the book of enoch so it doesn't surprise me that they said 200 of them dissented on mount armand it doesn't surprise me because 200 is exactly one-third of the 600-year annunaki timeline chronology so they were really mixing a bunch of concepts back then the jews the jews did a great job of putting these narratives together but they really mixed a lot of things that did not have any any business uh being i mean being put together they they merged concepts that should have remained separate you know it's a good book find a lot of jewels you find a lot of gems in the enochian text let's go to the net next next all caps where you at eastwood 37 how you doing bro jason what do you make of family in this milligram connected or completely random that's a good question i will not invent an answer i will say i can give you an opi an educated opinion because i have thought about this i find it very unusual that the world is so vast with so many different cultures and so many different people and all that that a lot i'm talking about some i'm talking about a lot of the reincarnation cases that are studied and have been documented show that people are born in very close proximity to their prior avatars many times in the same family that was pretty shocking to me because it denotes that there is nothing random about our life and death sims and that we go through a lot of these things it's almost as if like we're a group and here we are in the same same three or four families we're all intermarrying or when it's just so bizarre study study some of these books that are being put out by reincarnation and uh uh hypnotic regression these episodes these things people are describing you would think that would have been a life they'd pop out somewhere else but they're not it's almost as if somebody who a grandfather who dies in one family that families intermarried with a local family all of a sudden he dies right at the right time to be reborn a few minutes later into a baby that's being born to a family that's known by that of the family maybe even share some of its genetics there's been instances where where children remembered intimate details about a house and members of that family that no child could have ever known had they not lived under that roof yes i do believe i cannot give you anything affirmatively i cannot say yes it's in this text i read this here's where the source materials are i can't do that all i can do is tell you that i have found some really really interesting associations in some of the books i've read about reincarnation showing that just maybe we are in this together with certain groups and that maybe we are related on the outside of the simulacrum because these are just avatars but maybe we joined as a group and we're going through it it's almost like teams you know it's here from the inside of this holography we translate that to family members and friends but on the outside of the holography we're all in the same chamber we're all on the same team and we're all doing this right here and everybody else around us in the immediate environment our neighborhood our avatars that they are npcs simulation theory involves so many other concepts it's hard to grasp now i don't get into a lot of those details in my on my channel for good reason because i wanted to carve a niche i wanted archaic to be known that here's a guy that believes in simulation theory but he's not parody elon musk he's not parroting all these other channels that talk about simulation theory i don't care about modern perspectives of it i wanted to be known as the guy that here's the guy that can show you in ancient history that simulation theory is plausible the only thing that accounts for mandela effect in history and synchronicity and coincidence and deja vu and resets and all these cataclysm protocols that we see unfolding all these anomalies from the ancient world can only be explained in simulation theory the reason why we don't have a website that everybody in the world can go to that tells you the exact history decade by decade going back 6 000 years the reason we don't have that is because no one's able to put it together because aix has been very busy covering everything up good question about reincarnation thomas lambert is the ice caps north and south pole from the last vapor canopy just frozen i believe so and i'm going to tell you why because i read in the books of charles hapgood he shows the actual cartographic evidence that whole islands whole regions land masses in the polar areas that are now covered in miles and two miles of ice were mapped out perfectly even the rivers and lakes that are underneath those ice caps how was that possible unless in the in the recent future i mean excuse me in the recent history within the last four or five thousand years somebody had flown over those regions and mapped that area it's not possible they could have done it by ship but still they couldn't have done it with the ice on top of it i believe those polar regions were caused by the collapse of the vapor canopy and i believe that most of the vapor canopy moisture is in the north and south ice caps and once now here's something else i believe too and i've never mentioned this on any other channel because i don't want to open that door i don't i'm not doing videos about it because i can't cite sources it's just a suspicion there are a few times in history where things entered our world that we have absolutely no idea where they came from one of them is the voynich manuscript i have a suspicion that when the vapor canopy comes back the barriers of ice that we have will be gone once they're gone there's nothing stopping i'm i hate saying this because it's gonna open up so many doors i don't believe that the continents that are on the world right now are the only ones in this military i believe there are other ones that have been kept separate and they they themselves believe that they're also in their own little world and they might have a suspicion that we exist as well i believe that when the vapor canopy is invoked and all that ice is removed there will be nothing stopping cross-contamination between these worlds they will go back and forth back and forth we may we may meet or come into contact with fleets of all new people who have been going through their own resets their own mud floods their own cataclysm uh protocols who've been going through their own aix [\h__\h] of the creation and generation of religions and cults and belief systems yeah i won't go into that i can't because there's no there's no source materials by which i can i can drive that all i can do is cite different areas in history where whole fleets of a new species of men appeared for which we had absolutely no archaeological hint of where they came from like the sea people's confederation appeared out of [\h__\h] nowhere and just obliterated civilization after civilization after civilization it's crazy yeah anyway we'll go we'll leave that alone for now if this is a prison planet are there any aliens out out of this planet is this the only planet that is bolted down not moving okay you're new to my channel to add to have asked that question you're probably new to my channel or you haven't watched a lot of my videos i do not believe in the newtonian plant the planet deal when i speak in those astronomical terms it's because you and i have been educated to believe that we live in a real solar system so when i'm talking about those other planets i have to refer to them in the vernacular that we both agree on which is planets but i don't believe that i believe those are oscillating fields i do not believe for a second that space from within our context is real i believe there is a real solar system and there's a real universe but we're not in it we're inside a containment field inside the real solar system because we're running through simulations and something happened that interfered with the experiment and that's what this whole thing is about aix the builder protocols and a benefactor who came in here to make sure the rest of us had a way out right now the only world that matters period is ours now i have revealed in in other videos that the origin of the ancient calendars of the world was was all from the appearance of planets in the similacrum all simulated when phoenix appeared it started a calendar uh also it also caused the great flood introduced the vapor canopy and also ended the vapor canopy um the antac the anunnaki nerve system began when nemesis x exploded um let's see there's there's a few examples oh animal pyramid began when luna appeared uh which is also called ana luna and oluna it was the uh the capture flood when the moon appeared and divided history between the pre-selenites and those after pre-selenite means people who lived here before the moon appeared but yes yeah it's it's all simulated go to another one chat thread is huge i appreciate y'all sticking with me it's been 2 hours and 30 minutes i'm not answering that evan moore don't i'm not even i'm not even going about the uh about the old chrome going through this thread i might have missed a lot of y'all's questions because they're not in all caps i'm just looking for all caps so i don't miss any questions questions got to be in all caps can castle castle howl i don't know how to say your name can you give us an example of the exact steps one would take to create this protective bubble i use one sometimes on my loved ones but curious how you would do it well i just released three live videos that gave the exact formula the live the three live videos before this one escaping dungeon programming three of them all about this middle room how we build an informed field that will not only insulate and protect us but even those that are that we come in direct contact with i can't go into that in this video i went to i spent hours talking about that spread throughout three videos ah crystal uh stop it i don't know i don't know what the conscious stones are i know what a conch shell is brian mitz your thoughts on the labyrinth oh the only labyrinth the only labyrinth there's only two labyrinths from the ancient world that i can i have no idea what you're talking about unless you're talking about herodotus mentions there was a labyrinth underground at the giza complex and it's the same one that appeared later in tradition involving king minos in the golden touch the labyrinth that the minotaur was put but that's all that's all secret those are all ciphers and symbols describing giza but yeah there's a huge underground complex at giza they don't talk about in history books you won't find it you won't find egyptologist admitting it exists it's because the egyptian antiquities department has always had a very strict control of knowledge that gets out of that area they do secret excavations they don't reveal it to the public but these things we know so much about it because the writings of amiana's marcellinus when there was no protection of the area the i mean people found those underground facilities they're at giza they're underground but i have very little very little trust in anybody putting material out about about the great pyramid of egypt if they even so much as say that it was built by a pharaoh named khufu okay i can't i can't i just can't oh i know it hurts some people's feelings and i just don't care because the immense amount of evidence about the great pyramid that i reveal in my videos in my published books is totally antithetical to anything egyptologists put out when they can't they can't show their positions humphreys humphreys brewer in the 1800s exposed the whole conspiracy of when colonel vice forged the cartouche of khufu into the pyramid egyptologists have had a hundred and thirty hundred and forty years to clean that story up and come up with all kinds of little nice little package theories about how oh well this part of the cartouche uh wasn't known in the 1800s so it couldn't have been a forger it's all [\h__\h] zoe hawas who controls the egyptian antiquities authority today is a member of an intelligence agency and i'm never going to believe anything egyptologists put out about that place ever because all the data that i have shown has never been refuted and and i still have that challenge out there anybody who thinks they know or has published books or if you're paid by some type of academic organization to study giza and put out information even mark lanery i don't care who you are you go through my phoenix data all the math that i show in the measurements and you don't come up to the same conclusions i am you're a gatekeeper 100 percent trying to hear it i don't i don't i try not to even look at other youtube channels about it anymore because it just yeah it's just the whole thing the whole narrative their whole chronology it's crazy it's crazy in 1998 a whole consortium of anthropologists geologists archaeologists and historians got together and i have this in my published books and on in my youtube videos i explained what happened uh i have posts about it but in 1998 they all got together and put all their heads together all their conclusions all their science and they came to an agreement and that agreement was that about the year 2240 bc something epic happened so terrible it totally reset every human civilization that's really interesting because 2240 bc is one year away from 2239 bc which was the great flood in the phoenix timeline which is the great flood in the biblical chronologist stephen stephen jones timeline he didn't even know my about my research he just did his chronology based off the assyrian eponyms the book of jasher the book of jubilees in the bible oh oh the reason i mention all that is egyptologists even admit that the second intermediate period of egyptian history was at that exact same time and it lasted almost 300 years for those of you who don't know egyptian intermediate periods are just clever ways that the egyptologists have invented these little terms to describe basically a something terrible happened totally erased egypt we just don't know so they call it the intermediate period and that's what happened that exact same time that they admit that there was an intermediate period of about 300 years was because it took 300 years for civilization to come back because something terrible had happened in 2239 bc so but uh let's just move on ultimatum your thoughts on the collective subconscious mind my brother i bet that you notice that how that entity handle humans like puppets please tell us your thoughts about it i really don't know much about yeah i don't really know much about the medi this collective uncon the collective unconscious it's real popular term i know people buy into it i really don't from personal experience i don't i really don't i really don't know about uh i know that i know that an idea or concept that's absorbed into the populace the the aix protocol it it pays attention to that and i give an example in my insect uh uh insect storms from a simulated sky video i show how that when when everybody's thinking about something in the collective aix responds i do know that but i don't know what's really where you're going with that what you mean with the question i really don't know because i have already described and given many examples that our holography is fixed it doesn't matter if the entire world comes together and believes something's not going to happen the cataclysm protocols are already written in we are a minnow going through a river i've told you guys we cannot change the contours of the river we can't the river's there it's fixed we can bump up against the side of it and do all that but we can only go against the current we can go with the current we can stay where we're at but we can't get out of the river and all the minnows in the entire river can't change that there are fixed protocols by which we call reality where and it's headed toward toward a collapse to the to the holography and i've gone into that in my videos too there is a definite date in the future where all this will collapse and we will be right where we're supposed to be in the real universe but that's still we still have a ways to go over a hundred years so i'm not a a lot's gonna happen between them though as far as collective unconscious if you're inferring that we can all we are the world getting together and trying to try to alter and change reality i love those liberal concepts they sound really good but i'm not a believer i'm just not a believer i'm not a believer in uh i know i have personal friends from facebook personal friends that have donated to me i got personal friend most of my friends are in the in in the digital universe not in the personal i'm really so anti-social guy i have friends that believe that humans can do it but i believe the deck has been stacked against us we would not need a savior if we were able to do these things ourselves we cannot make a better world because aix will never allow it it's always going to create what do you think all this media chaos is about this divisiveness the introduction of all this racial stuff and all this cultural animus yeah it's aix it uses the media to do all this to us it's going to scatter us every time this is the principle message of the tower of babel story it is a veiled threat by aix you guys come together you go to building great things and start doing things to where it becomes a concept that anything you do shall become possible to you and nothing will be impossible aix is gonna strike it's called a reset it's called a cataclysm protocol so no i'm not we are in need of the chief cornerstone he came to set the captives free for a reason that freedom comes in the collapse of the holography but it's not i don't we can make a better world for ourselves remember that's what my three videos were about creating an informed field to make a paradise life for ourselves and our family in the personal and our friends and even strangers that we come in contact with it depends on how dynamic you are but yeah you can do it in the collective for all of humanity it's not gonna happen aix will maintain control yes i've heard of neville goddard he's got some good material i've listened to a few videos in the past mish gleason is topical earth actually dead titans and giant animals yeah i've seen some giant mushrooms are convincing because the red you know we still have the bristle cone pines and the red redwoods but some of these mountain formations being giants is creative license i don't believe none of that no the giants that i do believe in were nine foot nine inches tall some of the 11 foot human skeletons that were found in ohio in the mound the mountain builder civilization the cities of bastion still exist today i have a video about that the cities of bashan are an anomaly they're in syria today they're virtually empty but the lentils the lentils the doors the beds they're all still there all carved out of solid rock and the people that lived in these cities were heroic in size yeah gigantic so yeah one percent tiowa nako tilwanako in bolivia was built was what was giants had to have lived in that one the way everything is the steps and all that hw liberty i really don't know about the if there was a lot of child abuse and neglecting abortions in ancient times i know there were sacrifices that's that's what you said let me tell you something one thing i have never posted i have a collection of about a dozen probably 12 or 13 actual statements from ancient texts about abortion i have never posted them in facebook or even cited them on youtube videos they're just in my notes put away because it's such a sensitive topic i posted one of them in in facebook before i gave it to matt i told matt man let's try this max i don't know it's such a sensitive topic but the ancients were very very strict and ver i'm talking about very adamant about their beliefs about abortion so i have never released those i have them now i don't know if i ever do it because it's gonna offend some people these are actual four thousand three thousand two thousand and some of them are four and five hundred year old quotes out of ancient texts that all concern and i just don't i just put them away i got files of all kinds of stuff guys i just need the time to put the material out some of the materials a little too sensitive i don't want to put it out oh i don't know man this i might put i might i might compile them all together and then just copy and paste them into emails for people who ask me what is the most evan moore what is the most shocking thing you've ever discovered in all of your research well i'm going to tell you that right i spent years putting together a history of the world only to find that when i read the jewish haggadah and i i found that the angel of death visits every 138 years it clicked for me angel of death is just a frame of reference they're talking about the phoenix so i go back and i look through all my stuff i already had notes on the phoenix but i never attached it to any one single event except the event that many ancient records attach it to which was the great flood so i have this huge file of all these different disasters and cataclysms and common denominator was the sun went dark for hours the moon turned red great earthquakes happened flooding rocks fell out the sky and uh civilization had to start over and sometimes civilizations were now missing their people so i was like you know i put all this together but when i heard that 138 years that the angel of death appears i went back and looking through them and the greatest shock the first shock i had was that they were 138 years apart now everybody can see it i've never kept it secret all my charts all my timelines i have about sell them on gumroad they're always in the links in the in the description box and comments right here oh on my shirt right here every little box you see right there is 138 years all these red red deals every single one of those is a phoenix event nemesis cataclysm moon appears here's phoenix huge pole shifts all kinds of things happening great flood vapor canopy vapor canopy collapses moving through history the old bronze age saw so many phoenix episodes here's the exact date we go into detail on this chart this chart is available on gumroad with a bunch of other color charts i just decided to make a t-shirt out of this one all the way to 2040 all the way over here now shocked me when i put all this together and found out they're all 138 years apart this is what the hagendoth was talking about the angel of death appearing every 138 years yeah i was shocked but i was even further shocked years later after i had read what the measurements of the great pyramids rectilinear dimensions were in the research of sir flinders petri so when i took sir flinders petrie's scientific measurements that were done to one thousandth of an inch which are scientifically accepted today and by egyptologists accepted i put them on a piece of paper and i wrote out all them out and i kept finding phoenix numbers i told you i know in my heart 138 276 414 552 uh 690 1242 1518 1656 2760 it's just crazy of the 3036 it just goes up all the way up and all these measurements throughout the great pyramid were commissary that's the second astonishing thing the phoenix hall the phoenix timeline is encoded everywhere in the great pyramid yeah that's why i i release my videos because my videos have information on the great pyramid no one has no one's ever put this material out that's why my videos are packed full of chronometrical charts and architectural diagrams showing all this stuff i can't just say it i have to show those are the two things that shocked me the most the two things that really shocked me the most who do you think is manipulating all the events of this world jason fulgram it is artificial intelligence x it's not a human agency it's not artificial intelligence x runs this milocran the similar chrome used to run on its own this used to be this used to be a biosphere that's contained so cross-contamination with the real universe would never occur where all kinds of experiments could be run in short periods of time where in an instant whole prehistoric creature creatures could be knit into a biosphere and experiment with them and then six weeks later decide all right we've already seen how that works let's see let's let's run simulations now to see what they're going to develop into if we leave them alone or if we introduce this and then we did that in our perspective it's hundreds of millions of years old hundreds of thousands of years old doesn't even matter because in reality each simulation could have only been hours old just like your life and death simulation now feels to you because you're jacked into the similacrum through the central nervous system and you were made by the senses to interpret all phenomena in a linear fashion therefore you experience an entire lifetime in here but in the outside real real universe this entire episode could have lasted 45 minutes time is entirely subjective do you think animals are npcs animals animals is a touchy subject man touchy subject they could entirely be coding things can be coded to such specif i can't say a specificity i can't say it right now i'm tired things could be coded to the point where of course you're going to believe it because the coding would even interact with your own frames of reference to make you believe that that dog is emotional when it cries yeah man it's animals are a tricky animal animals are the beauty they're the beauty of this millicone i would love to tell you that yes animals have souls or spirits they're live but what would be the purpose i don't i don't know maybe they do maybe there's an animal heaven i i don't know it's uh i don't see the reason for it i do see that it's very convincing because what would be a what would be a life here without animals and domesticated animals and pets and stuff like that yeah it would be it would be absent no i don't know i can't i'm gonna say i and i'm sticking to my guns can you explain more about npcs i haven't watched more than 75 year videos new to your work okay it's fine nope no problem you got a lot of videos to go through if you've only read watch 75 but i applaud you glad you have the time to do that let me explain let me explain the most misunderstood element about npcs a human you come up to in your daily daily life daily contact somebody's in your face is never going to be an mpc the similar crime is never going to allow it to be exposed like that aix uses npcs to distract to create situations or to avoid situations they're always on the periphery they're always on from a distance you'll never be able to prove in the existence of one it's not going to let you npcs are very seldom people that's a rare situation when an npc is a person you see them at a distance and yeah that's that's that's that's that's rare npcs are normally phenomena a passing car that stops you from doing something temporarily mpc's may be a plane going through the air not leaving a contrail you look up it distracted you because the similar crime needs to move something else out of the way before you get to that area yes we are manipulated on a daily basis npcs almost never come come into your reality they're never a part of your reality tunnel if you are living with the herd remember my video on breaking pattern if you're not living a lifestyle where you're breaking pattern routinely you have accepted reality tunnels that have been knit for you and your comforter your days are now becoming very similar your life has become a similitude if that's the lifestyle you're living there's no use in npcs you're already a part of the herd if you're breaking pattern like i like i i explain in the video in creating new reality tunnels because you're generating new informed fields that the similar chrome has to react to and figure out and try to predict then then uh npcs are going to be a very normal aspect of your existence and remember very seldomly are they people they're phenomenal when this video is over i'm going to eat oh i'm getting hungry let's see what are your thoughts on plant medicine and mind altering effects i believe 100 it's all good i mean uh plus if a placebo works for the person that it generates the informed field that accepts the placebo as fact then everything else is going to work too whether it's designed to or not so i do believe in herbs a matter of fact i have a friend of mine in louisiana monica who taught me how to make a drink that really works uh helping clinic cleanse out my system gives me energy replenishes all the salts himalayan salt mixed with juice mixed with with uh apple cider vinegar of the mother mixed with lemon juice mixed with my favorite juice all mixed up together tastes absolutely nasty but i'm still drinking it feel great still getting a bunch of questions not in caps it's okay i can skip them hell i'm skipping too much now yeah we got to get the message out about the caps i probably skipped 50 comments jason have you ever studied dr gene scott's pyramid predictions no gene scott is a name i want to say that i've heard before but i don't i don't know who he is please send me a link somebody's got pyramid predictions i'm not interested in the predictions i'll let you that i'll let you know that now i'm interested in what his method would be uh i would like to see that because that's going to tell me if if his information is false or uh creative license or if it's if it's if it's definitely got something i need to see the method before i can ever ever make a determination on on the what he's putting out jason how do you retain memories after death for the next life incarnation bucking fast hard gonna say you're being a smart ass because i ain't never died that i remember yet that's the beauty of the central nervous system it's gonna it's gonna keep me from remembering my last pipe my last life my last live sims uh or knowing any of the future ones so i yeah i can't answer good one though you tried you tried to give me the lie i'ma have to watch you oh my god okay jt one one one one that's a that's a hell of a moniker jason do you believe we are in the age of breaking through the simulation okay i have i have very i have many videos about where we're heading the exact year i published the exact year of the collapse of this millicram and how we derived that year and how anybody can check the math i'm not yeah i don't believe humanity has the capacity to do it we are victims we have we have great capacity to be immortals within the silicon but we don't we can't do anything about it that's why the very fact that a human would believe i mean it's almost offensive to the godhead to to the oversoul they the uh you know you're trapped in a life sim situation right here while this holography continues but the holography is destined to to a terminus it will collapse in my other videos explain this and how we derive that information that's which is very important how you make a conclusion is more important than the conclusion itself believe that comets the bearded star yep but that was very common many things that appeared in the sky during the days of nostradamus were called bearded stars that was very common what do you think happens to the enlightened ones when a reset happens well there is some evidence that communities that were enlightened vanished completely you can call it rapture theory you can call it whatever whatever you but but we have found cities that were buried in dirt completely without a single skeleton except for the ones that were interred before the cataclysm meaning that the the civilization had endured for a while and they were burying their dead and you can tell when a skeleton has been buried and interred as opposed to skeletons that were found in cities that suffered cataclysms so when you find buried cities without a single human skeleton something unusual happened something very unusual happened there would there would be some people who couldn't get out what about the elderly there would always be situations where people remain behind but it's like it's crazy go blinky teepee nobody not a soul found but uh it's crazy just those who are interred before whatever happened happen i don't know what the ancient egyptians held in their hand jc can we get a star wars breakdown video yes you can i just gotta have the time bro that's all i want to do it i want to do it i just gotta have the time may the force be with you man because star wars isn't what you think it is it was fiction but it was fiction conveying some really deep [\h__\h] you can believe that i am what are the stars if it's an illusion i've heard luminaries but what does that mean okay let me explain you are inside a holographic dyson shell a toroid field where through the central nervous system you are made to believe through the five senses that you are in a physical world but you have aspects to you you have aspects about your personality that totally defies all of this and yet you have been convinced that it's a it complements this instead of opposes it one of them is intuition another one is imagination and another one is empathy you have three very cogent spiritual qualities that completely defy this entire physical materiality every bit of you are your personality you are what you feel your personality has been developed over thousands of years through many life sims your auric field has been has been has been built people feel and respond and respond to you but that's all because you've been living in all these different life sims but the whole time you've been living in this you've been inside of a dyson shell you've been in a false universe built by a false god controlled by a followed by by false ideologies false religions cataclysm protocols all this everything in your entire existence inside the similacrum has been untrue it's all controlled by negative default programming it's every bit of it is a lie constructed by the god of this world and the god of this world is the demiurge and the democracy is whoever you want to call him lucifer satan whatever the devil the stars are just luminaries they're just oscillating fields that's all they are the whole the whole copy is of a real solar system a real universe but you're not in it you're in a containment field inside the real universe you'll get to the real universe there's nothing to worry about there's a definite date for that but you're not in it right now and those stars you look up at the sky at night they're not they're not real they're not far there's the similar crime hasn't even been able to mimic parallax until they can show parallax you know that's real and i explained parallax in many other star wars breakdown that's good genvin you and many other people believe this and you'll probably get a version of what you're expecting jason the magnetic excursions are so out of the normal position it looks like a pole shift will happen sooner than 18 years what do you think well i think the exact same thing that i've been thinking since 2003 in publishing that we're headed toward a fake apocalypse something that is artificial it is created by technology it is total [\h__\h] and it's another way that the elite and the military working in tandem together aix they can completely alter the timeline of what we expect the actual the actual phoenix event is 18 years from now but something is going to happen before then to get the majority of the population to believe that the apocalypse is happening sooner so yeah i've been saying i've never changed my mind i have never deviated from that tenant it has always been my position that before phoenix occurs a fake apocalypse will happen first so this whole poll shift deal could very well be that uh i don't i don't doubt it i don't doubt it at all oh christy 444 some people think inky is a bad guy do you know why yes i know why because the original sumerian records well let me answer this real quick i got i gotta answer a deal from a moderator i'm just gonna say okay also in my writings my published books and my videos i'm very clear the original sumerian records were about the anunna 500 to a thousand years later they were all rewritten by the priesthood of babylon only then did the anunna get a bad rap and become the anunnaki and now they flipped everything every god in every situation that was positive in the sumerian traditions the babylonians after the fall of acode completely flipped yes they could they they invented religious they didn't mad the babylonians are the same but well i mean it's the same thing as what the jews did for the israelite scriptures the reason the old testament writings resonate so strongly with a lot of us is because we're reading actual spiritual material that was composed by the ancient israelite nations not the jews it was only after the assyrian empire had taken the 10 the 10 tribes out of syria in northern israel which were called the house of armory the kumri and they took them away into captivity and put them on the assyrian uh domains which we know from any from history the assyrian horse lists are absolutely packed with israelite names because the assyrians realize that if we're going to have anybody train our horses it's going to be these people in israel because they got the horses mastered this is where the later simmering came from which were the kumri ancient europe was populated by these people you know them of as scythians or scythians but they come from the house of omri which was in the syria called kumri which later on in by by the time of the macedonians they were called the symmery these symbols were broke into different families which were later called gaul in celts and burgundians francs they broke into they splintered into different groups all these people came out of ancient israel through assyria the jews after the deportation of the israelites went into these abandoned areas because it was violent the assyrians came in and took man woman and child took him took him out and deported him to the assyrian frontiers the jews basically got to go into all these cities and libraries and just take all this [\h__\h] and one thing the assyrians didn't take they're just looking for gold and silver and stuff they did not care about the scrolls of the israelites the jews came in and took all these holy writings from kadesh and from all these these holy places and they rewrote them and put jewish jewish prophet names on them and then they borrowed a bunch of sagas and epics like the sargonium the sargonium epic about moses being born in a bat put in a basket and put on a river they stole that from ancient babylon that was an academic story about sargon of akin and how he was born of an united priestess and put into a basket on a river the jews had done this over and over and over with people uh taking all their traditions and all their legend and put them in together but the reason it resonates with so many people because there's real israelite spiritual material all throughout the old testament it's just been bastardized into a a jewish context and we're gonna have to close the video with that i would love to answer more questions guys but it's three hours and seven minutes the longest video i have ever done i'm hungry i'm out of cold i'm out of coffee and i want you guys to have this t-shirt too this is an awesome shirt i'm gonna wear this around tomorrow i got it i got in the mail yesterday i'm gonna wear this shirt around i'm gonna i know it's gonna strike up some conversations especially way out here in the country man some of these people just look at me strange if i just say an educated word but uh oh yeah anyway there's so many questions man i'm sorry i couldn't get to them but we're gonna do another live real soon so keep those questions coming i've got answers i also have some really good uploads coming too good night guys