Genesis Syllabus Mystery

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this is my baby right here milwaukee 114 harley davidson 2018 fat boy and she's the reason why my voice is so messed off right now going down the freeway thinking it's just legal 80 miles an hour with my mouth wide open now my voice is all messed off i'm just hearing me and my dog kicking back central east texas i'm going to do this video anyway but this is about a syllabus that a mariner race three thousand five hundred to three thousand seven hundred years ago passed all the way around the world ancient ports they received these ships full of bearded men these bearded men taught them things and that syllabus is known today as the book of genesis the traditions they all wear cultural garb belonging to the peoples that receive them but the five stories in this video are known all around the world i promise by the time i do my next video i will not have spent so much time on my my baby the book of genesis prefixing our old testament narrative stands alone from the rest of the entire biblical record until the final entry of the new testament the book of revelation strangely the beginning text and end book the alpha omega scripture contain imagery motifs concepts and narratives that belong to all peoples whereas the second book the book of exodus all the way to the second to last work the book of jude seemed to be hebraicized writings attempting to brainwash all people that they are inferior to the people of jewish origin genesis contains five major themes grouped together in a single text that happened to be found remembered in the legends and traditions all over the world from the near east to the ancient americas these five elements in genesis are found they are spread everywhere in the archaeological historical and traditional records a a garden paradise with a serpent dragon and a divine tree b a hero taken up into heaven c gods descended to earth to father giants d a great flood judgment and a surviving patriarch with family e confusion of languages and scattering once the population swelled these individual stories that made their way into the book of generations what we call genesis were popularly accepted histories of babylon and assyria three thousand five hundred years ago they were a syllabus and acad and sumer in elam matani arartu biblos ugarit anatolia and all the branches of the indo-aryan semitic cultures of the second millennium bc knew these stories these stories were a syllabus taught in schools and temples and found their way into the ancient texts we have preserved today like in murkar and the lord of arata the karsai tablet the enema elish the atrahasis epic the epic of gilgamesh in many vedic texts besides but these once ubiquitous stories are unknown in exodus leviticus deuteronomy numbers the whole of the old testament record outside of genesis does not ever mention these stories the truth seems to be recorded in the beginning genesis and the end revelation and nowhere in between someone else seems to have been responsible for exodus and afterward the deceiver of the burning bush the serpent staff worship and the law of death we have three videos concerning this impostor this demon disguised as a deity all three videos cite only the scriptures and what you'll find is astonishing the alpha and omega is the only thing that's true the middle is filled with soul corrupting poison hey links to all three of these videos are in the comments section check them out you're not going to believe what the bible truly says about this god called yahweh leave a comment and subscribe if you haven't already done so