Hidden Below a More Ancient Mediterranean: Part I of Giza Secrets Revealed

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welcome to part 1 of the Giza Secrets Revealed hidden below a more ancient Mediterranean this presentation will show evidence that the Great Pyramid complex of Egypt was at one time underwater for a few centuries and that this was known in antiquity this being underwater submerged beneath a new Mediterranean Sea resolves many of the anomalies and mysteries that scientists and geologists have discovered at the site such as seashells and salt and crustaceans and sea life petrol from petrified forms that have been found around and on top of stones of the Great Pyramid as well as the weathering of the Sphinx itself the calendrical significance of the Great Pyramid involves the cycles of Phoenix destructions which is covered in several of my other videos and my books when the Sun darkens and Nostradamus and the planets of Apocalypse further this presentation will also reveal more about the Phoenix in parts 2 or 3 as is revealed within the chronometry of the Great Pyramid itself especially in the video the Great Pyramid holographic blueprint of world destructions but these knowledge 'iz were hidden there is an engineering function some anciently powerful technological purpose for the physical structure of the Great Pyramid that much misdirection was employed to conceal it let us look deeper into these layering layering these of mysteries and see what we find Upper Egypt was settled and developed after the great diluvian flood cataclysm of 22:39 bc which has been dated many times over but independent sources at the time when everything north of Abydos was underwater beneath the Mediterranean Red Sea which were conjoined there were people living in deeper Africa which became ancient Egypt but they had absolutely no connection to the pyramid sites that were built later to the north bordering the present Mediterranean this is why the Red Sea Mariner kingdoms of maghen had forests they controlled traffic and trade from the upper sea to the lower sea the great quake of 1899 BC uplifted the North African plate in the seas were separated dry land appearing magan's vanished in the days of means also called norma who was a royal officer of Sumer named ennum there are more posts on annamund means in the future he was a very prominent historical personage and his story is quite unique Magon vanished in the days of means the Egyptian civilization from 20 to 39 to 1899 BC was three hundred and forty years this was all pre-dynastic and all situated in Upper Egypt which was southern Egypt in the site of Abydos Thebes Karnak Luxor Hara kanopolis and info there are no megalithic pre-dynastic architectural ruins in all of Upper Egypt and most importantly these earliest of Egyptian settlements in all of Upper Egypt contain no pyramids in all the reference works by Egyptologists these deceitful scholars gloss convene conveniently over the fact that all of Egypt's over 70 pyramids are 300 miles north of the ancient cities of Upper Egypt all located in Lower Egypt at Giza a barrage Saqqara dahshur and Hawara the textbooks describe pyramids quote as far south as Hawara unquote knowing the readers will probably never look at a map and see that Hawara is in the north far away from the Egyptian cities of Upper Egypt awara is 50 miles south of the Great Pyramid and 290 miles northwest of Upper Egypt ancient capital cities and Thebes and Karnak wasit there is no ancient evidence from Thebes Luxor Karnak or anywhere in Upper Egypt that they knew of the Great Pyramid in Sphinx of Giza because all of Lower Egypt was underneath Mediterranean when upper egypt was settled in fact will heart in the genesis race a book notes that the egyptians nowhere left any records of having built the Sphinx or the Great Pyramid of Giza the complete absence of records concerning the origin and construction of pyramids in Egypt is what led zecharia sitchin to conclude there is nothing left to contradict our content our contention that these pyramids were built by the gods on the contrary everything about them suggests that they were not conceived by men for men's use standard establishment Egyptology these books are packed with disinformation and deliberately an example Gordon C Baldwin's ridiculous statement in the pyramids of the new world on page 17 he says inside the Great Pyramid as in other pyramids there is a network of passageways and shaft and subterranean chambers within a room called the King's Chamber near the center of the pyramid unquote everything in this statement is true about the Great Pyramid of Giza but the inclusion of as in other pyramids is a deliberate lie that is foisted upon the public by Egyptologists the Great Pyramid of Egypt is the only pyramid in the entire world with an ascendant passage Grand Gallery and King's Chamber the long cramped descending and ascending passages and the Great Pyramid one not made for men to traverse they are too small the MU the movie through the structure is tedious always stooped over and crawling these passages perform some other function Strabo described his entry into the interior of the Great Pyramid 21 centuries ago through the North Face of the structure passing through a cleverly hidden hinged stone which we have found now he passed down a long descending passage to reach the subterranean chamber and well pit that's in the bedrock even as late as the 1st century BC the Egyptians still knew nothing about the secret ascended passage system the Grand Gallery cleans in King's Chamber and shafts not even Herodotus 400 years earlier mentioned anything about them the great the three Giza pyramids contain hard as one accordin nearly 600 miles to the south mink are pyramid or the third pyramid the smallest of the three at Giza was built using granite not limestone like the other two great pyramids which have only this granite in their interiors the granite blocks of Mancari are inferior are of inferior masonry a lack of skill they're much less precision with a limestone quarry right across the Nile why go to the trouble of quarry moving and dressing granite unless it's dense crystalline structure was needed for a very specific purpose the Egyptian chronology is contorted due to the obvious high antiquity of the techno lithic architecture claiming all artifacts as Egyptian scholars erroneously stretched true Egyptian civilization 12 centuries backward into a homo a newness techno lytic civilization which was 3439 through 2647 BC because scientific data demonstrates that the Giza complexes temples Sphinx in the great pyramids date to 2900 to 2800 BC Egyptologists arbitrarily stretched Egypt's first dynasty to circa 3100 BC also assuming lesser pyramids to impossible anachronistic dates as with ulcers stepped pyramid imagined scholar is trying to claim that the Spanish culture of Central America dates back 12 centuries as proven by the presence of pyramids in the jungle ruins as the Spanish language has fully spread throughout North Central and South America this contact was initiated not even 5.5 centuries ago all over the world people have settled in previously occupied lands containing old ruins erected by unrelated cultures the Egyptologist claiming that all relics in North Africa being egyptian or Libyan in origin is simply ridiculous academia is not bereft of morons zou sir step pyramid was an improvisation of Imhotep who built a master bunion constructed a succession of master was over it one over another still the structure is only slightly above 200 feet to the establishment archaeologist this is evidence that the stepped pyramid of Saqqara is older than the Giza pyramids a formative period of learning how to build however this is actually proof that buys ulcers time architects in Egypt did not have any clue how to replicate the pyramids they saw that my dome architects attempted to construct a 52 degree angle pyramid like the slope of the Great Pyramid but the structure collapsed and not sure the news of the collapse led architects to correct their sloping angle to 43 degrees resulting in the famous bent pyramid the third pyramid attributed to snap through also at dahshur a forty three point five degrees led to the first classical pyramid Sneferu is dated at the fourth dynasty which was not circa 2600 BC as his so popularly Todd Egyptologists have grafted standard Egyptian history onto a much older non Egyptian civilization that dated before the Cataclysm of 20 to 39 BC which is popularly known as the Great Flood the Great Pyramid complex at Giza was built from 2905 228 15 BC a total of 90 years of construction and all other pyramids in Egypt were constructed after 1899 BC when the quake drained the Mediterranean Sea off off creating the Delta the appearance of means a foreigner and his rule was from 1898 to about 1875 BC and this dating is demonstrated in micronic on and will be proven in a later video concerning the identity of this most famous person from Sumer the Great Pyramid of Giza is the largest megalithic structure in the entire world a few other structures also pyramids do have more mass but they are not true constructions these structures in the Americas are filled with rubble and debris from earlier structures filled in no true pyramids not true pyramids but more like mounds faced with stones to make the matter even more mysterious the Great Pyramid of Giza was not built on a plain flat foundation of natural bedrock but it taught a small limestone mound which bears most of its immense weight it's lower courses were shaped onto this mound allowing the gigantic artificial mountain to resonate with the natural energies and vibrations coursing through the bedrock of our world this mound is mentioned in the ED fruit text of Egypt concerning the seven sages quote divine beings who knew how the temples were to be created they who initiated construction work at the great primeval mound unquote the ed foo building takes preserved the only references to the seven sages from ancient Egypt these being the same as the seven sages of the Sumerian text who were admitted to be the Anunnaki as shown numerous times in my book Anunnaki homeworld the orbit of Nibiru is exactly 792 years this is shown by many historical records the contact period before the flood was 34:39 through 26 47 BC a total of seven hundred ninety two years before homo a nuna or while they were on earth before most of them departed this 792 years was the distance in time between two different orbital appearances of Nibiru perhaps coincidentally or not the same unit of measurement employed in the Great Pyramid was also used in designing the Sphinx the Sphinx stands at 66 feet high or 792 inches in 22:39 BC the entire valley system now submerged below the waters of the Mediterranean was flooded by the Atlantic Ocean when the land bridge at Gibraltar broke apart this caused this caused by subsidence of the entire North African plate it is a fault line and it is known well in geology today the Giza complex with its pyramids and temples sink about 600 feet deep inland is far as Giza so that only the upper half of the two great pyramids could be seen for a while before they too sank there was no Egyptian Delta or nine BOS region from 22:39 to 1899 BC exactly three hundred and forty years the pyramids were underwater and the coast of the newly created Mediterranean that had flooded hundreds of pre-flood communities and stone cities which have been found below the Mediterranean now located but the note in the Aegean area was during this time almost two Abydos where the Osirian line the coastline was all the way hundreds of miles inland from where it is today this is the reason why ancient Egyptian civilization was settled if thieves were lost at Karnak Abydos and in those areas because the cardinal orientation of the Great Pyramids four sides with north south east and west is still accurate today in 2020 we conclude that there has not occurred any little spirit displacement permanently altering the poles since this date for forty eight point three centuries the polar axis has been stable several times during this period the planet has moved erratically in temporary pole shifts stabilizing back within hours even the duration of the solar year has changed from 360 days to 365.25 in 1899 BC the Giza complex emerged out of the sea by quake to be found by men after it was submerged 340 years in a strange parallel in 1899 ad the enormous underground labyrinth I labyrinth and galleries under the Great Pyramid complex was rediscovered by Professor Emery this is definitely evidence for simulation theory Joseph Joe Rahman wrote that when the pyramid was first entered their result in crustaceans an inch thick analysis in modern times showed that some of the salt had a mineral content consistent with salt from the scene he also wrote that the medieval historian biruni writing in his treatise the chronology of ancient nations noticed the traces of water of the deluging effects of the waves are still visible on these pyramids halfway up above which the water did not rise here we have a clearer picture of what occurred in 20 to 39 BC the North African plate was submerged in only people from ships could see the two mountains so renowned in the traditions of the old world this also answers for us why so many archaic traditions concerning the holy mountain at the centre of the world was once surrounded completely by water even half submerged for three hundred and forty years from the deluge in 20 to 39 BC to the quake of 1899 BC that drained the Delta into the nine bones we know today the two great pyramids would still have been about two hundred and forty feet above the water and impossible to ascend only ships could get near them and the fifty 1.51 degree angled slopes of glass smooth casing blocks were absolutely uncommon there was no way anybody could ascend to the top it would have been a mystery what was what was up there it would have been some divine techno lifting technologically looking looking mountain to a more primitive people who had lost their infrastructure I say lost their infrastructure because there is a widespread belief in teaching for the past 17 to 18 centuries especially put forth by Christianity that the world the pre-flood world was some primitive goat herding society that didn't didn't evolved beyond making maybe make putting wheels on wagons but this is absolutely true the evidence from archeology is astounding the technology that they had is was mind-blowing what they could achieve and what we were finding from an ancient records concerning aviation and all the different Sciences that we experienced today it's a these will be discussed in further posts but wait for part 2 of the Giza Secrets Revealed you're gonna learn a whole lot more about the Great Pyramid this is rkx calm you