Ice Age Technics, Vapor Canopy & How Graham Hancock Threatens Establishment Science

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foreign [Music] hey guys this has been a really crazy 17 hours uh Texas doesn't get cold like this it's it got down to 10 degrees last night and to make matters worse I guess they chose us for the rolling blackouts first they're not calling it that but there's nothing wrong with our infrastructure in this part of Texas I was at the truck stop this is the closest thing to me as a truck stop several miles away and uh I found out that everybody in my area slept in their cars last night if they didn't have generators I have a generator it's a pretty good one and it's providing power to two buildings uh but I've got four heaters going one of them's for my dogs and uh the other ones are all in the shop because I've been spending all my time got a nice couch out there laid out in this in the wood shop and it's just I have I wasn't going to use this this building at all but for the video today so we're gonna get to this video I'm doing good I'm doing great generator saved my ass but uh I had to I had to uh move around get some supplies I wasn't I had to go buy a lot more hay and Cedar for my dogs and this was this is crazy this is insane it's absolutely insane how cold it got last night wind came in and how the the power's been out for like 17 or 17 to 19 hours right 7 30 last night the power went out it's two o'clock right now so how ironic that I'm doing an Ice Age video the only Ice Age video I've ever done at this time in my life when I'm freezing my ass off it's crazy so anyway I mean I've got like 11 of these all dispersed as well and for those of you don't know these old guy these old oil lamps they provide a lot of heat so I'm okay when you get this video done Ice Age Technics Vapor canopy and how Graham Hancock has threatened establishment science yeah there's a lot of opposition against Graham Hancock and uh I am too but only only the chronological material I've told you guys in the past there's a lot of stuff about Hancock's books I do like and we are in agreement on many things but not the chronological material so listen for over 200 years artifacts buried cities underground relics submerged Forest uh traditions of our ancestors surviving texts of the old world these all this combination of data from so many different sources resulted in an accepted world view that the world was repeatedly destroyed this was accepted by science that there were cycles and epicycles in resets and cataclysms the writings of Plato and Herodotus Pliny strabo diador siculus tacitus live you know I've read all these I've cited them many times Augustus arnobius I'm be honest marcelonis and there are so many others but they left us whole descriptions of these terrific destructions so of Marcus varro's another good one so the the history of the world you know it was known to all scientist Anne Layman as a catastrophist model there was no other opposing theories it was understood the history of the world was one of earthquakes like lucretius said it was periodic destructions and because Christianity and its ideals were in Vogue you know during this period of time uh the idea and concept of God was often attached to these destructions the 15th 16th and 17th centuries they were basically molded in part by these beliefs then the 18th century came around as scientists began entertaining new ideas uniformitarianism was a slow Construction in one fraught with deception manipulation and outright lies you guys remember pilt down man that's just one of the frauds that they perpetuated to to push evolution so the development of the theories of natural selection and evolution of Lyle and Darwin they contributed to a false interpretation of reality and it's a major contributor to the Ice Age deception Our Story begins here it begins in the Swiss Alps it is the year 1744. so Pierre Martel he's an engineer and geographer uh he is all living in Geneva he reports that the inhabitants of the Alps attributed the dispersal of erratic boulders to Glaciers he and basically he said that oh oh that these glaciers that deposited these giant Boulders in weird places all throughout the Swiss Alps that uh they did this over different periods of time this is a this was a novel idea but it explained because in the Swiss Alps there are there are gigantic Boulders that are out of place they are made of different materials than the native Rock so in 1815 uh Jean-Pierre I can't listen guys I cannot pronounce this guy's name uh pirodin he explained I guess Joan Pierre Pierre Roden but he explained to ratty Boulders in the uh the valade Magnus in the Swiss Canton of valet as being due to Glaciers previously extending further you guys have to oh I apologize we just have to deal with I got dogs barking in the background there's people in the neighborhood walking around sharing cables and and hot water and coffee and and uh yeah I got a my I don't know if you can hear the drum of my generator it's on the outside of this wall at about 40 feet away but uh it's the only way right away I got my computer going right now so there's there's a little bit of background noise but uh he had believed that these glaciers extended in the past a lot further than they do today but not all the way to the equator and in 1818 the Swedish botanist Goron waldenburg published his theory of a glaciation of the Scandinavian Peninsula but he regarded this glaciation as a regional phenomenon not something that had happened worldwide in the same year of 1818 a lake damned by a glacier burst through and and geologists for the first time were able to see and research one of these things and they learned quite a bit about the phenomenon itself this underwater glacial Lake had just built up from melt water it burst through flooded a whole bunch of area and it depositive alone and gravel and boulders and they were able to see this firsthand what it did in the Rhone Valley and it made sense of all the all the weird uh the weird geology geography they had they had seen all throughout the Rhone Valley in the Alps in Europe Europe so this gave rise to the first glaciologist glaciology began with ironically a disaster in 1818. now John day charpentier I believe that's how you pronounce his name in a man named ignatz Vin uh Venice these guys in 1821 theorize that these glaciers were the were the actually the things that were depositing these Boulders further south from the North Pole so in 1824 the Danish Norwegian geologist his name is Jens esmark he argued for a sequence of worldwide ice ages in a paper published in that year of 1824. as Mark proposed changes in climate as the cause of those glaciations he attempted to show that they originated from changes in the Earth's orbit now you have to understand at this period of time there were many scientists that proposed papers that were equally fascinating but they were ignored by scientifica because they promoted the catastrophist ideas in theory that it was a comment that there was some type of bolide that uh there was a maybe a solar flare a great flood major earthquakes volcanism anything that even promoted an idea that a natural disaster or a cataclysm occurred and it is the result of why the world is the way it is today was ignored at this time by the scientist Community but they promoted this guy because he was talking about climate change which promotes uniformitarianism the very slow processes by which our world was supposedly created so in 1834 charpentier he submitted his glacial Theory to a Convention of scientists at Geneva and the reaction was hostile instantly this is the scientific Community these glaciologists they they hit a wall so and he was also met with derision and Scorn he remained steadfast though and but he invited he and challenged the scientific Community all his critics he said okay won't you come out here to these sites and come see what I'm talking about I will show you what I'm talking about and somebody took him up on it in 1835 one year later Carl shimper was studying mosses which were growing on erratic Boulders and he had made some excursions into the Bavarian Alps and also saw some Boulders erratic Boulders well shimper came to the conclusion that ice must have been the means of Transport for the boulders to the Alpine Uplands so in 1835 Carl schmper began a series of lectures explaining how glaciers carried Rock debris and in these dissertations he began theorizing that these cold episodes that formed glaciers must have been a global phenomenon and so the following year in 1836 shimper and Louis Agassiz took sharpened tears offer his Challenge and he they visited the sites for themselves and he gave them a tour to see the glacial evidence that was cited two years earlier in Geneva aghazis took that research and the observations of charpentier and vinette and shimper and a theory was developed of a sequence of glaciations but it wasn't a gases theory he took all this data from all his predecessors and the Very men who showed it to him and in 1837 early in the year shimper coined the term Ice Age 1837 the term Ice Age was invented now up until this time no concept of ice age at all the the history of the world worked just fine according to the historical records ice ages weren't needed to promote anything but in 1837 the gases presented their synthesis before the annual meeting of a Convention of scientists this is 1837. the audience was very critical and they even opposed the new Theory because it contradicted the established opinions on climate history most of the Contemporary scientists of the day thought that Earth had been gradually cooling since its birth as a molten globe rejected a gas is set out set out in the field to gather more evidence he was going to get his own geological evidence independent of the three men's data that he basically stole in 1840 Louis Agassiz published all the research in his book studies on glaciers the book received some attention and charpenter was offended because he too Was preparing a scientific book on glaciers and it was he who introduced glaciology to a gases and shared with him his data so to add insult to injury a gases had omitted all references to shimper as well from whom he had received a lot of the information on glaciation Lewis Agassiz who went on to basically to appropriate the ideas as his own much to shimpers and sharpened tears dismay undeservedly received most of the credit for their origination and here is where the matter lied for a quarter of a century glacial Theory percolated but it did not catch on the idea of Ice Age was in the back of the scientific minds but the theory did not Advance because any promotion of Ice Age equally promoted a catastrophist model of History until the mid-1870s in 1875 James Kroll published climate and time in their geological relations which provided a credible explanation for the causes of ice ages that was totally in line with the new models of natural selection and evolution his model explained that these ice ages happened over vast periods of time only now did the scientific Community get on board so understand what's Happening Here the scientific Community didn't get on board because James Crowell provided new data he provided a new interpretation of the old data one that was in line with the direction the scientific Community was trying to go that's not science but that's what we're told is exactly what happened March 15th in the in the year 2021 just last year the University of Vermont scientists found Frozen plant fossils preserved under a mile of ice in Greenland now this was this was promoted Sensational it was a sensationalist claim but there's nothing Sensational about it it made a lot a lot of Headway a lot of news but this has been going on for a very long time you just don't know about it because you're not you know you're not buried in the old books the discovery it helps to confirm a new and troubling understanding that the Greenland ice sheet has melted entirely during a recent warm periods in Earth's history that a mass flash freeze happened is evidence in both hemispheres Frozen flora and fauna in North America Alaska Siberia the Arctic they've all been excavated from the permafrost and below the ice guys you can't make this up mammoths bison sloths all froze solid instantly some of them with undigested plants still on their tongues some of them in the 1800s were being thawed out in locals in Siberia were still eating the meat since 1910 fossils have been found in Antarctica recently a Petrified Forest was found in Antarctica under the ice sheet the island of spitburgen is in the Arctic Ocean it's north of Norway it is 12 miles excuse me it is 12 degrees south of the North Pole fossils of tropical fruits have been found in coal deposits at spitsburgen listen spitsbergen 12 degrees away from the North Pole and yet under the ice are 95 species of trees including used Hazel's Elders Beach lime trees Magnolia and others there were 11 species of palm trees under the ice just south of that in Switzerland and swamp Cypress tulip trees liquid Amber sweet gum fig tree cinnamon trees and fruit trees of the cherry plum and almond species all under the ice in spitsburg in our Willows that are only found in southern Europe 12 degrees away from the North Pole this data is in the 1885 book the prehistoric World vanished Races by EA Allen but he's only citing an earlier archaeological research book published over 900 pages of scientific data was published in What's called the manual of geology that was compiled by James Denna 1800s listen the myocene the eocene the Holo scene the police still seen the driest the younger driest these are all fictions created by scientists as new data sets are accepted as true but the information doesn't comport with the accepted model so a new period was added this is how they put all these together and thus the chronology is expanded to even further further back in history and every bit of it that scientists love it because it helps promote natural selection and evolution a massive amount of research discoveries fossils excavations reports books all having been filtered through the uniformitarian view of History meaning that the data had to be interpreted and presented as if it takes hundreds of thousands and millions of years for Earth changes to occur but then every bit of it could be abbreviated to a very short period of time if we didn't use that uniformitarian filter the collapse of the vapor canopy not only produces the necessary humidity needed in the polar extremities for the Abundant snowfall but as it but it was all at once meaning the collapse of the Vape of the watery mesosphere created the ice caps almost instantly when the world froze when the megafauna giant bison Mammoth huge Schloss the marsupials vast Forest force of the Antarctic and Arctic they were all rapidly buried under thousands of feet of snow frozen solid the moisture of the mesosphere became the Snows of the ice cap once the vapor canopy was gone the sun ruled the sky the necessary humidity in the polar regions was no longer present most of the canopy now Frozen in packed ice from the weight of the accruing snow within a century the Arctic and Antarctic then enjoyed only two to three inches of snow every year and this tiny amount of snowfall seen by scientists today who are trained to think only in the uniformitarian terms makes them push back the ice ages to Impossible dates far beyond when they actually happened because they refuse to entertain the catastrophist model that shows that these ice caps could have been formed in weeks or months not ten thousand years we get the bogus theories of ice ages in the myocene eel scene and the police still scene in the driest the average thickness of the Antarctic ice cap is 1.34 miles but for simple math we'll say 1.5 miles we'll give it some 1.5 miles that's 7920 feet this is 95 095 045 inches at an inch a day of snowfall just one inch a day of snowfall this would have taken 260 years to reach 1.5 miles that's not 10 000 years that's just 260 years but you also have to note there is no snowfall in Antarctica today more than two inches a year because it's too cold in cold air doesn't hold moisture this isn't Jason telling you this any scientific book will tell you why there are so many anomalies about the Arctic and Antarctica how the ice caps were formed is one of the greatest controversies of science that lay laymen don't even know is Raging in scientifica let me explain this is the danger of uniformitarianism to claim that the two inches of snowfall today is the way that it has always been the belief that the snowfall has been consistent with 10 000 years has also corrupted the interpretation of the ice core data their models are uniformitarian so their conclusions are that long periods had passed scientists abhor a knowledge vacuum this means that they will promote any Theory or model of history that advances uniformitarianism as long as the catastrophis model is ignored and never taken seriously it is my opinion that the criticism and resistance Graham Hancock has suffered recently with his Netflix series ancient apocalypse is because of two items that uniformitarians stringently oppose Hancock and his followers are of the opinion that the scientific Community is so opposed to the idea of an advanced civilization in the Ice Age but that's not their true issue by dating the civilization at the younger driest Hancock has brought worldwide attention to a period that scientists have really tried to pass off as fact without having their data reviewed upon closer scrutiny you see what is not popularly known is that there are over 60 different theories as to how ice ages could even be possible it's a fact that the issue is one that has never been agreed upon by all of Academia yeah this has been there there have been many scientific papers and they're diabolically opposed to each other because older older temperatures are less able to hold water vapor the amount of rain or snow would be reduced not increased this single fact has been a real problem for Ice Age Theory when a phenomenon cannot be explained by existing data the theories multiply this is what has happened with the Ice Age idea the 60 plus theories that have been published as to the cause of the ice ages actually serves a nefarious purpose the focus has shifted from hey you guys still haven't made your case for the ice ages to the modern hey you guys still can't figure out how the ice ages happened the latter is designed to infer that ice ages are absolute truth and only their causes are unknown the other great threat to the official model that Hancock has brought attention to is the idea that it was a cataclysm that ended this this period of the Ice Age which brings against the long-censored catastrophist interpretation of the data sets that we have been told only lead to uniformitarian chronology Graham Hancock's proposition calls into question all over again what took establishment scientists A Century to bury the fact that the catastrophis model actually does answer all the data sets and that uniformitarianism is a false interpretation of History the evidence of this is that there are 60 different theories as to why or how ice ages could happen but in catastrophist model only one Theory exists and it's the right one all promote the ice ages but they are widely variant in their beliefs as to how these were even possible and this is because the humidity conditions that the polls required to create the ice caps could never have happened because of worldwide Cooling let me repeat this scientists assert that the world the world cooling would not create ice caps because the colder temperatures does away with the requisite humidity it requires immense humidity to create the snowfall necessary to build up the ice caps and the collapse of the vapor canopy in 2239 BC answers for this mystery and what this means for you in the archaics research is that an ice age is certainly possible but it was within the last five thousand years and the mechanism for its Inception was the collapse of the vapor canopy it was the day the sky fell you know this as the great flood another indicator that the ice caps we have today are relatively new is the existence of the orons finays 1534 world map that shows an ice-free Antarctica and of course the more famous piriris map the Turkish Navigator depicted in Charles have Good's maps of the ancient sea Kings two ancient maps showing Antarctica free of ice this means that within the last two thousand years or so someone had navigated and explored the region and mapped it out when there were no ice sheets to embed them so how is this possible actually it's simple in 2239 BC The Vapor canopy collapsed and provided us ice caps from the Abundant water vapor turned snow over a few thousand years Glacier glaciation deposited Boulders and Topsoils further from the poles and the ice caps almost disappeared allowing for navigation and cartography then in 522 A.D the Phoenix phenomenon returned and there was a 25-year Darkness the sun dimmed and a new Vapor canopy formed but it didn't didn't stay it almost instantly collapsed after a quarter of the century and this again provided the necessary humidity to again bury the poles in snow only the catastrophis model answers for the enigmas and data sets and Graham Hancock has inadvertently drawn attention back to a major hole in scientific theory it's the fictitious younger driest period I have many problems with graham Hancock's chronological dating of different things and especially using the Atlantis narrative to promote a 9 500 or 10 000 BC civilization but outside of that I do agree with him in many many aspects of his research but uh this is my this is my my presentation on on the Ice Age we could actually do probably five or six videos on this topic but it wouldn't produce any new outcomes all it would do is go over more and more data so I tried to keep this as abbreviated as possible I didn't want this to go over 30 minutes excuse me but I got to get back to my dogs I gotta spread out some more hay and some cedar oh they got a heater and I I attended cage but I got to insulate that because I can't have them burning when it's when it's 22 degrees tonight or whatever it's going to be yeah I'm doing good guys I just this this this cold snap caught me off guard simply because uh we just lost power about 19 19 hours ago and it still ain't up so hope you guys enjoyed this presentation and our next live will be episode 2 q a uh the day after Christmas thank you