Immortals In the Mire

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the lead singer for kicks was ab was actually more famous for teaching other hair bands how to sing than he ever was for his own music but that song don't close your eyes hit number one on the charts for a while i remember i'm a i'm an 80s kid so i remember old kicks not many people do but the opening of my live videos is going to be a lot of those throwbacks like that because i can't really hit you with what i want to hit you with all right let's see here i'm not going to do a full roll call i'm sorry i'm just not too many youtube channels are doing that and i see that a good 20 to 25 percent of their material in a video is covered just doing introductions which they do every week or twice a week or three times a week i do not want to i don't want to bog down your time my time is valuable and i know that your time is probably valuable too so i'm going to take it under consideration that you guys know i'm here and i know you're there and you know each other's there because you can see each other's comments so these roll calls and these introductions to me when i watch some of these videos to me it's just filler it's just filler these guys really don't have a lot to talk about but they want to do a show and i get that and i applaud them for that but they don't they don't have enough to fill the time that they're allotting for themselves so they do these roll calls i'm not gonna do it i'm sorry i do recognize many of your names and well i know these places too some of you texans out there keep dropping these towns but uh we got some serious things to discuss tonight and i'd rather do them in a video than answer 414 emails so let's uh those of you who send me emails though you can attest i answer them i do answer them i'll sp i'll take a day or two out of my week managers answer messages emails uh right now i have been preparing all kinds of posts and i emailed the post to to matt and matt postmo on archaics i have not abandoned archaics facebook has kicked me out i mean they left my account there but they're not letting me access it they're not letting any security protocols work uh it's pretty clever they're really making it look like it's just something i'm dumb ass and i don't know what i'm doing but i've tried everything on my phone on my tablet and on my computer and nothing they generate codes they send to me but the codes don't don't access anything they don't open anything so i'm fed up with it i'm done it's uh yeah it's just it's not it's not worth my energy and i also know that when these incidents go in my life and i come across these hurdles i'm meant to be moving in another direction and i need to take that into consideration things that pop up in my life do not pop up randomly there they pop up for a reason and i have become hypersensitive to that uh in this last 10 12 years on my journey i have noticed that even even in prison sweeping a cell block and i just get the inclination to go to a different cell block and go sweep the second run skip the first run i'm not worried about three row something just i just want to go to two row and i do it and i find an old book published 300 something years ago that some [\h__\h] is using to hold up his coffee pot has no idea what treasures he actually has in his possession it is willing to trade me a pack uh that whole book for a pack of kool-aid and i oblige you so these little incidents have been have popped up since i began my journey man these incidents are everywhere it's like the similar chrome knits all these experiences for me for me to to acquire the very things that i am searching for they are written into my existence they are coded in there because i am a walking informed field and that informed field is reaching out and touching all potentialities around me and this is what happens it brings me into contact with people who are like-minded it brings me into contact with people who are who either possess the data i'm searching for or are searching for the data i possess this is a this is how reality knits experiences force this is why you're on my channel so let's look at some of these comments because i'm not gonna miss any questions let me roll back here i'm sorry uh nicholas burnett i do not know what lfg means i know it's an acronym sure hope's not vulgar but we got people listening from the netherlands california texas australia okay okay south australia i'm sorry i don't want to offend anybody in australia south australia i know australia is a big place got a lot of aussies on my channel now and some of you think that me having a lot of australians on my channel was because of the santos bonacci podcast but those of you from australia know i've had australians on my channel quite a few way before that even as far back as two years ago i had noticed that there was a lot of australians on my channel i thought that was really interesting canadians too let's see how you crystal shaman hey how you doing you were just wondering when i was going to do my next live i didn't know i was going to do it live until i woke up this morning and i woke up this morning with notifications showing me that i had 7 000 subscribers i've climbed higher since this morning but i thought that was pretty neat that was pretty neat that's a good thing to wake up to on a saturday morning no doubt las vegas man i've been there one time but i was too young to enjoy myself yeah i'm an 80s kid too class of 81 in phoenix wow talk about synchronicity on that teresa be kind yeah facebook sucks i don't even care about it no more they can go ahead and let me accident but the ceo of facebook could contact me right now and i would tell them the same thing look since you let me back in my deal just go ahead and delete the account i don't care i'm done i'm done with it i'm glad i made a lot of friends on facebook i'm glad i've directed a lot of people to the facebook group i did interact i was answering comments on a daily basis on facebook but the truth is is we already know the origins of facebook we know what we already know that zuckerberg is a front man and he is very well protected by the people who who use facebook for alternative reasons yes it is social media but in addition to social media it is the largest intelligence gathering apparatus this world has ever seen and uh i don't care about being on it no more they can lock me out i don't care i don't even care facebook means nothing to me yeah i do oh and uh yeah by no means misinterpret what i'm saying i am very very grateful to bonnachi santos monachi uh he did he did give my boo he gave my channel the boost you guys know that i have not i haven't monetized my channel i haven't gone out of my way to advertising anywhere the entire time i was on facebook the only group at all that i was a member of was archaic the group that i was posting it i did not post my my material in other groups so i i mean i'm kind of weird about that i have some strong i don't know where this ethical fabric comes from but i'm not going to i'm going to bring into your order you did not invite so i had my little domain carved out it's archaics and i post everything in there if people like it they come to it they don't like it that's fine some people tried to post you know material that wasn't relative or it was subpar i mean we were very strict in our we're very strict in our kegs and they still are stephen walls are still running a tight ship matthew devereaux margaret uh she's been going through some things but she's still she's still running a tight ship and i hope to see that grow more and i will continue to provide materials to matt and to stephen for them for them to upload into our case i am not abandoning that platform i am only not in direct uh contact with it anymore and i'm cool with that uk in the house oh uk in the house i know steven wallsworth if you're not there you're gonna be listening to this later i already know you are don't hide if you there say hi michigan okay toronto canada all right can't read all these names yes it is i'm not going to repeat what you said chris calver but they can look at they can look in the comments you are absolutely correct 100 remember war by deception and that's that's that's that's what's really sad about it most people don't even realize you're on facebook navigating doing things looking at posts you're in the middle of a battlefield there is a war being being waged and there are people all over facebook trolling basically taking notes along with the ai algorithm to determine on what side of the line of demarcation you're on just got your book well dorell g i have a lot of books as a matter of fact i lose track and for those of you who are interested i talked to my publisher for the first time paul tyson a while we didn't touch base in a while and and i wanted to tell him that i was releasing new videos about booktree booktree books my next video was going to be another presentation about some very rare very intriguing excuse me books that are still available for those of you that have the money to buy them for those of you who have the tenacity to search for free pdfs for them because they are free free pdfs are almost everywhere of every book uh if that's how you want to you get your material i'm going to tell you now my next video is going to be a book tree book tree presentation like my other one on the powers of the mind but my next one is about rare out of print very old books about the real history of the world that were fantastic books were by which i derived my own education and they are all advertised and reprinted in the book tree catalog and i'm going to give a dissertation in a video about these books basically what they talk about but that video is not is not going to give those books the actual attention they deserve was these books are fantastic that's my next video it's basically an advertisement for book tree but it's also educating the public that there are still gems to be had that the establishment has not deleted yet there are still books that can be read that will just blow your mind about the ancient world and when i say ancient world i'm talking all the way up to the renaissance medieval period too some of these books are fantastic 68 people listening that's good i'm i must be doing something right must be doing something right i remember i gave a few lives where i was only five six seven people on the entire life and i still did two hours but you know what that's cause i like to run my mouth all right i haven't seen any questions in here just a bunch of comments and all that and that's fine this wasn't a q a session really but it can be yeah you know what donations have never really moved me i don't know how to pronounce your name bulkera precision don't get me wrong donations are the reason why i've been putting out more material lately my donations have increased it doesn't matter if it's five dollars ten dollars twenty dollars i'm gonna tell you now jay if you're listening right now your very significant donation yesterday uh that that that's going to allow me to get a lot done the more donations i have the more material i can put out the more material i can present i'm also working on my chronic when i'm not working when i'm not doing youtube videos i'm working on chronicling because i have to get this finished but um i'm putting i am presently uploading all my materials on the flash drives the the flash drive that's that's ready right now is my phoenix and i've already sent like 30 of them out you know some of y'all many of you listening right now i know you've ordered them uh you'll be getting these in the mail with this with this the only thing is a flash drive but the flash drive is absolutely packed those of you have ordered my flash drive there's a commercial at the end of my every end of my video that directs you to the links with this drive is necessary i actually feel a lot more comfortable now now that over 30 of you are in possession of something anything happens to me anything happens on my channel i don't care man if i get rated if you never see me again whatever happens i can live with the fact that now there's at least 30 of you who are going who possess this material it's already it's already in the wind so there's 40 phoenix videos on here i advertised 39 but i was wrong i miscounted there are 40 phoenix videos all every single video i've ever done about phoenix uh three or four of them are live videos but these are all about the phoenix 212 charts illustrations and diagrams some of them are some of them are large high resolution color pdf so you can you know print them up into posters if that's what you want to do but uh this also has two timelines one archaic timeline of the ancient world that covers 5240 years of history all the way to one bc and the other timeline is just the 138 year phoenix timeline so you can be educated to know what happened each 138 years and remember 18 years from now is the next 138 year multiple may 15th may 16th 2040. that's all on this one drive that i just mailed out to a bunch of people if you want them you know you know how to order i just dropped something but yeah you can't see it right now but i have multiple drives out i had to go buy a uh i don't know what it's called but i've got six flash drives in it at the same time and i copy one flash drive and i upload six at a time but that's how i'm doing this my next drive once i'm done with the once i'm once i'm satisfied that i've mailed enough of the phoenix ones out my next drive is going to be the uh the anunnaki the anunna history and it even it has even more this one doesn't just have videos it has all the articles all the transcripts all the posts from from archaics uh and a whole bunch of charts that are not in the phoenix chart over 200 charts that are only relative to ananaki and nana but that's my next one i feel good about having all that out because once all my data is spread out all over the world man believe me be fearless be fearless don't care anymore so having said all that let's get to the subject matter of tonight's presentation and let me get one scroll to scroll through real quick hmm hey got somebody on here from ukraine wow okay concerning you guys have to know that there is a power that is operative within the human psyche it's fearless i'm telling you now that there is a force dynamic operative within your being that when you act as if you are you will be when you act as if you are the similar commits the necessary circumstances in your life to make what it is your acting like come to pass in our everyday lives we always live out the fictions until they become fact we do this this is exactly why the media is the way it is remember i've said this in past videos critics are raving what the movie hasn't even come out yet but critics are raving hasn't happened it's a fiction but it's probably but it's about to be perpetuated as fact over and over and over the media saturates us with absolute deceit deceptions we accept this herd mentality it's reflected back into the holospheres fact all of a sudden that product has a million sales they do it to us all the time but you can do the exact same thing that's done in the collective in the personal in the personal we have great power to knit circumstances out of nothing ex nihilo there is a quantum aspect to the human psyche that is not well recognized many people have touched upon it in the law of attraction videos law of attraction books the book of the book the secret and all that but there's more than just mentalism involved there's more than the intent or the desire many people have desired to have a million dollars and they're dead broke many people have emotionally pled their hearts out to god to deliver them from diseases and maladies and they died in the hospital it's because they're leaving out an element that the similacrum requires to take a fiction and turn it into a fact oh my god even a soundproof studio can't knock that out i got a guy that lives about a quarter of a mile from me when he when he when he comes near my property he's got he's got like 18 inch speakers in this truck is crazy i don't know i can't i can't sit in the cab of a truck with that type of noise i will chew my teeth out oh i can't do it and i love music but i just can't that's just too loud as an informed field your mind is the only thing that's really real about you all the rest of this is just carrying on carrying your mind away and your brain is housing housing it's the center of activity it's the brain is where the central nervous system jacks into the actual mind the mind is the soul the spirit so you when you actually do something it's because the mind has sent out the appropriate signals to make the hands and the feet and your body follow through on something that is information that is being sent out of the brain case into the rest of the body the central nervous system is conveying this information the similar chrome is a very very receptive field we're talking we're talking about 200 years ago they described it the metaphysicians described it as the ether a-e-t-h-e-r the ether being this operative field around us that accepts signals and then modifies reality the ether is a pretty good deal i see it a little bit differently i do see it as a smiler from i see it as a holography i see it as a sentient living biogram that we are immersed within and there is an interactive field between those of us that are within this biogram and the biogram itself it feels us it can anticipate us but it cannot read our thoughts because our brain doesn't really think thought generates all kinds of uh chemical activities in the brain and it's the brain that produces the endorphins in the in the cortisol and all the hormonal hormonal reactions to whatever is being thought but the actual thoughts are not in the brain they're in your real your real personality your real soul your immortal hood that's where they that's where they if there's something in your life that you're aiming to possess then you have to create the informed field to possess it you can't continue to live your life as if you don't have it because the similar crime on a daily basis as you go to sleep and you're jacked back into the holography and you're going through your next uploads because every time you go to sleep you receive all the potential for the next day the next awake period potentia is all the myriads of timelines that you could be living but even the sumilicum doesn't know which because the similacrum is a fixed holography and it knows what what the collective is going to experience and on what dates in the future it's going to experience because the holography is absolutely fixed in the collective but nothing is fixed in the personal nothing at all this is why all hell could be bro breaking loose around you in your immediate environment but the still calm cool and collective mind will be untouched by it all you're not you're not receiving this information from somebody who is a theoretician theoretician i'm not i'm telling you a fact that i have lived and i i have i have experienced over and over and over i have been on cell blocks where there's no escape it's concrete and bars i have been within five feet of men that were getting steel pushed into their bodies i have been in the middle of riots i have been in racial riots i have been chased with a knife across wreck yard and i don't know where in the hell i got the strength and stamina that i got to stay away but let me tell you the informed feels that you carry with you every day allow you to insulate yourself from everything that the collective goes through because in the jesus said it perfectly you are gods there is no doubt about it but that applies only to each individual in the personal because there are two u's which one of those use you want to be entirely depends on you you can be the you that's a part of the herd and the collective and you have been many times in your past and so have i the feeling of being neutralized just going with the crowd unable to speak up unable to do anything just frozen in stasis experiencing the reality tunnels of others because you're trapped inside them we've all been there but there's another every single one of us alive except the npc's they're not really alive but every single one of us there's another one of us there's another personality that is absolutely brimming with potentiality and potentiality in the quantum in the quantum parlance potentiality is potentia it means a force that is capable of doing anything and every time you go to sleep every time you go to sleep you are jacked back into the smell or from back into the through the central nervous system you are shut down completely as myriads of reality tunnels are analyzed and those that you will probably follow the person you will be tomorrow is basically all laid out for you you don't have to follow it i have a video about breaking pattern and what it does and how the similar chrome is actually throwed off how you can fool the smellochrome and how you can induce the simulacrum itself to create new circumstances for you totally different than anything you've ever experienced before and it's because you break pattern go back and watch that video it's called breaking pattern but that video has a very profound secret about basically fooling reality because we're living inside a very advanced biogram in our vernacular we call it artificial intelligence we call it ai we are living inside that it is not a god it is not all pervasive it's not omnipotent it can't even read your thoughts but it can surmise what you're thinking because it can read your endorphin levels it can read your cortisol levels it can read your your physicality it can read your eye twitches it can measure every aspect of your central nervous system and pretty much guesstimate where you are at an emotional level any time in your life but you are an immortal being trapped within a similar chrome that just can't it can't peel back the brain and look into it it can't look into your mind because it's the only thing that's absolutely separate from the submillicum itself this is why when you go to sleep you are absolutely unconscious you're gone you're you're completely gone the submilligram cannot cannot overcome the individual immortal soul i tell you all the time we are more than we suppose ourselves to be and i'm not just trying to give you a pep talk you have no idea how powerful you are i'm telling you now i have done things with my hands that would shock people in a cinema watching a movie you think the x-men are bad i have done things in prison that blew my mind just because i had no other or no other alternative nothing i've ever trained for in my life prepared me for some of the experiences in texas prison none i was on maximum security most of the time i was there and most of the time i was there i was trying to mind my business but there are always demons on every cell block and they look just like me they're human and they just won't let you won't leave you alone no matter what and i had important work to do people people would try to interfere with that and i had a zero tolerance policy i'm not going to be interfered with i have an agenda i've got to get it done and when people got in the way it caused problems and sometimes those problems got out of hand and then sometimes i saw i saw me doing things that i would have never imagined and every single one of you listening to my voice would definitely have the exact same powers because we're all tapped into we're all empowered by the exact same force i'm no different than you and none of you listening to to me right now are any different from each other we are we are all immortals trapped in the mire we are all from somewhere else now living out a temporal existence within a containment field that containment field does its best to convince us that we're just flesh pot humans going through a life to death cycle and when we're dead we're gone it does its best to put us down but it's an information war we're not just in a cultural information war right now in the year 2022 we're in an ancient information war where paradigms have been forced upon us that aren't really true whole entire social religious systems have been forced upon us that have absolutely no precedent in history they're fictions and the more the media and the more religions keep keep putting out this data keep putting all it it creates realities for us that's what the crusades were the crusades were the result of long-term conditioning of christians against muslims and muslims against christians and the roman catholic church taking advantage of this you have to understand the roman catholic church at the time and the agents of the of the papacy they were the media of the time and the media of the time were working in tandem with the royalty of europe and they saw that look all we have to do is wire up all this hatred between christians and muslims and and we're going to benefit history history makes sense from the perspective of understanding that the players have always been the same they just were different disguises through in different time periods at that time the roman the roman catholic agents the media spread spread the news from all over europe and wired up the crusades seven different crusades and this was the way the church and the state work together to to get enriched the same way the church and state worked together today to get enriched back then it was sending all the males to die on muslim battle battlefields which left young widows back who were landowners who had livestock some of them had slaves they had great wealth and with hundreds of thousands spread across europe of women defenseless what do you think happened it's called the burning times they were accused of witchcraft their estates were taken from them and the church in the state split the money today the exact same same thing is going on with the media the church and state work in tandem to deceive the public except it's gotten more complicated it's not just the church anymore the church basically science has taken place of the church and the church has become a relic to become antiquated it's not it's no longer really of use anymore but uh it's the same principle applies back to you and back to me in order in order to make an induced reality to pay attention to us to respond to us instead of forcing us to be in a reactive mode where we are reacting to outward conditions you have to understand the concept of an informed field an informed field is an actual construct it is a mathematical it is a bio mathematical construct that is real and you create it by thinking about something and then wishing for it to come to pass and then actually doing something in the physical medium of this military because that's the only thing it responds to a person in a hospital bed who is staring at a television day after day wishing they could walk won't walk again it's not going to happen but a person who sits up from their bed and tries to move their legs and tries to do it after a period of time you know it could very well happen i'm not going to say it's going to happen every in every instance there are instances in our lives where we're so beaten down there is no recovery but most of us aren't there yet most of us are still within the realm of being able to produce informed fields that this middle chrome will respond to we get beat up when we start wearing this baggage that we can never do anything again we break our leg and we feel that we can never again have full mobility of that leg that suspicion knits creates an informed field that inform field will carry forth the information into the next day of whatever empowered that informed field the day before that's how simple it is and if the negativity is produced in that way the next day based off the negativity that was existing the present day then the inverse is also true if you were to positively believe that something was going to happen for you tomorrow or in the near future true belief creates an informed field and that informed field is empowered because true belief modifies behavior you can't say that you truly believe something if you physic in the physical world you have not done any follow-throughs you understand where i'm going with this you can create informed fields but in order to empower them to get the similar crime to knit into a physical reality you've got to do a follow-through now i'm not a christian and there's reasons for that but there's nothing in the teachings of jesus i disagree with nothing and one of the things that i was very very very interested in is over and over and over he was very very clear you have to understand many times in in the new testament christians today all talk about faith faith faith this and faith that and faith have you know what faith ain't [\h__\h] according to jesus because he specifically said faith without works is dead he could have easily said the an informed field without a follow-through is dead but he couldn't have spoke to the people that way at that time they did not have any frames of reference for what an informed field is an informed field is a ghost protocol it is a mathematical construct packed full of the information of what something should be like what should feel like what something should look like that's what an informed field is it hasn't actually happened in actuality but there is so much belief in the generator of that informed field that that informed field will come to pass that the generator himself or herself actually starts doing physical acts as if it is already true and because those physical actions are also the generation of more informed fields that reinforce the ghost protocol in form field the similacrum can't discern the difference we are immortal beings suspended within an information hologram the sumilicum responds to informed fields does not respond to emotion does not respond to intent does not respond to to wishes it responds to what is happening inside of it remember it can't read your thoughts it can read your cortisol levels it can read your endorphin levels and if all of a sudden it's readings endorphin spikes and in the similar chrome the language of the similar informed fields not your your vocabulary there's nothing out of your mouth in any language in the world that can cause this miligram to do anything nothing there is no emotion that you can feel that can make it do anything but if you build a picture of your mind because your mind is immortal it is ancient and it is powerful and it is immersed in saturn completely surrounded by this military and if that mind is building a picture this milochrom can feel it it can anticipate it knows something is being built if it starts reading the endorphin levels then it understands that oh well something is happening something must be true because this immortal here is excited is happy is confident then this militant interprets what you're doing physically whatever you're doing physically it reads as a language it knows what your intent is it it can make thousands thousands of calculations guesses interpolations guesstimations within a nanosecond it's way ahead of us but the similacrum is not going to be a liar if something is assumed to be true by an immortal immersed within it and that immortal creates an informed field by basically fantasizing it into a very elaborate picture in their mind then that immortal must follow through on that informed field and act this is what jesus meant faith without works is dead all the faith in the world will never save you never save your kids will never save anyone you've got to follow through and that follow through must be something in the physical world it can't be mental because all you're doing is adding to the informed field we live in a quantum universe and the similacrum is based off quantum physical principles those quantum principles mandate for an informed field to actually produce something in the physical world there must be what is called quantum collapse quantum collapse is the generation of an informed field and then a physical act that follows the submilligram instantly understands that there is a trajectory happening it may not know how far or what direction you're going or what you're actually trying to accomplish but there's a momentum there's a trajectory and a reality tunnel is instantly knit into existence and you're in it you have now created something now it can die a minute later by doubt by you not moving in a certain direction anymore it can but in reality tunnel's death is an instant it's like a it's like a ghost protocol it hangs around for a while at least until the next time you're jacked into the smellicum through the central nervous system and you go into rem sleep and while you're in while you're in sleep that's when this the similar crime can go in go in your mind and read your brain read re all all your your neural pathways it can explore and try to figure out what's going on with you and knit the necessary reality tunnels that will be existing in your life the next day it doesn't know which ones you're going to choose it just knows that these are your options based off your past acts this is how in prison i acquired some of the most some of the oldest difficult rare rare to find books if i was free i could have never found these books it's because they were brought to me people who were free who just talked to somebody who knew me it was a pen pal of mine and then all of a sudden they just had had the thought that well you know i got these old books in my in my library let me send them a list right here and then six months later that person remembers that i was in prison and sends me the list the uncanny it is so uncanny informed fields that are acted on they'll last for a long time but when quantum collapse occurs they manifest to your reality instantly that's what quantum collapse is we create informed fields every single day every moment of every day and we create multiple timelines fractured timelines and reality tunnels every single day this is why every single moment of our existence is pregnant with possibility you feel this when you get out of your car and you walk into a supermarket you feel it it's on the edge of your mind that something different could happen this time while you walk down the aisles you may see someone or experience something different but there's always that nagging that you've done this 2000 times before in your life and nothing's ever going to change when that depression that sits in that monotony sets in that reality reality tunnel is reinforced quantum collapse has happened to for you so many times and there's been no change that it continues that it's called stasis stasis is exactly where the similacrum tries to drive everyone it requires more energy output to try to figure out what an immortal is trying to do within it than it does guiding the hive-minded guiding the collective those of us who are thinkers those of us who are doers live totally different dynamic lives than the rest of us those around us the similar crime is always knitting new and interesting experiences trying to corral us into some type of definable existence one that can be controlled or anticipated remember i have a video called breaking pattern i'm giving you the secret in that video what you have to do it doesn't matter what your life is the selfless act of an instant can undo an entire lifetime of guilt the reason is not because this the one selfless act is so selfless that it undoes a whole lifetime of evil that's not what's happening here we're dealing with that's what we're dealing with if a person has done bad all their life at the very end of their life if they just make a conscience conscious decision hey man you know what this didn't work out for me i was a piece of [\h__\h] i was no good and i heard all these people i have not done anything in my life that admission if it is genuine if it is sincere and not predicated on a fear of what's going to happen on in the afterlife believe me deathbed conversions are real but the only deathbed conversions are real are those where the individual isn't worried about the consequences of what's going to happen on the other side they're genuinely distressed about the life they've lived in those situations one person can create an informed field emotionally charged so powerful that they yes they can undo an entire life lifetime of guilt now i don't i don't know i don't know what that does what that does for them on the other side but i'm not a religionist anymore so i don't believe that this grand scale exists so it's gonna that ways uh that way i don't believe that i don't believe that the true oversoul measures people by the amount of bad and good i just don't see that to me that is very it is very adolescent it is very immature way of looking at true spirituality because i believe with true spirituality we have to tread through dark places to find the light and in treading through those dark places i believe the over stall oversoul has taken into consideration that we're going to adopt the language of that darkness as we make that journey if i'm going to cross the river styx i have to talk i have to talk to the ferryman death in a language that he will understand in order for me to get to the other side i don't believe the oversoul is the religionist concept that has been that has been foisted upon me all of my life i'm through believing that my life is not unfolded in that way and as a southern baptist christian all my life i know for a fact that that did not work for me prayer and fasting and i now know the truth and the truth for me as an immortal individual is that the prayer of desperation will always create an informed field that will perpetuate whatever is being prayed against that's powerful that is dynamic and it is dangerous and it tells me that the church is an enemy because they promote that and over and over in my life i have seen that the prayer of desperation only continues what people are being desperate about i have never seen otherwise what i have seen are people who have been fed up and decided you know what i'm done i'm done with that i'm gonna do things my way i'm gonna do things my way cuss god out i've seen this i've done it myself believe me i have called god everything but a child of god i have gone off i have been in a prison cell i have rage and i just poured my heart out our heart out to god and i'm telling you now it wasn't a prayer i could not say the things on youtube that i said to god and after that i felt such a cleansing i felt such a closeness with the oversoul i felt things that i had never felt when i was a christian i know that god is so so vast that 10 000 different opinions about him can all be right and not one of them be contrary to another we're talking about something that is undefinable an oversoul that has created a universe that is so beautiful and so perfect that it requires us to live through a series of false universes in order in order for us to build the architecture of our eternal personalities before we're given the chance to enter it this is the god that i have come to realize as a student of the gnosis i realize that god is unknown inside the construct and that is why inside this construct we only approach the idea of the oversoul through parables through similes never directly the greatest teachings are in parables because parables are images of truth they're not the truth they're copies of it just like the similar quran is a copy of our of a real universe one that we yet cannot attain but we're building our personalities in order to basically be admitted into that citizenship because the oversoul is patient does not matter how much you have done while you traded through the swamps of darkness in this life because it understands that in going through the garbage you're going to collect a lot of it in eschatology there is fires of purification that's not to burn you up into hellfire that's to burn away all the dross that the similar queen is attached to you because the oversoul is understanding and it knows in order for you to trek through a jungle you're gonna get dirty it's as simple as that and while you're doing it though you have great latitude great latitude to decide your own fate in the personal no matter what the collective is going through some of you are really distressed about the phoenix phenomenon it was never my intent to be a fear monger but i have to present the information as i have it it is harrowing but it's harrowing for the collective the individual is not subject to anything the individual does not want to be subject to in every single vicious atrocity the invasion of the huns genghis khan the invasion of iran by the khans the invasion of europe by by the huns these atrocities the battle of tutaburg force between the north between the fight well basically the germans and the romans these great epic battles like the battle of kuriksata in 1879 bc the east against the west one of the last battles that giants were actually involved in yes i'll do a video on the bat i already know some of y'all are interested y'all want that video on the battle of kuriksata it's it's the great war of ancient times and it was the last war in recorded history where giants were directly involved on both sides who you are has everything to do with your ability to insulate yourself from the chaos around you you don't have to suffer with the collective suffering you don't have to go through anything the collective goes through it's a personal choice it always has been you don't only create informed fields you are an informed field you are an informed field that absorbed that has absorbed every single thing that you have ever accepted is true since you were since you basically were aware one years old two years old three years old four years old every phenomena that you have come in contact with has molded your personality your memory you are absolutely packed with information you may not think you are but you are you are flowing with information it is emanating from you it is it is basically your auric field that this otic force that's encapsulated around you it is your spiritual armor and the similar queen responds to it and if it's dark then the similar crime has control over you it can put you in stasis to where you're living every single day in a reactive mode controlled not only by what the masses do but controlled by the similar crime to follow to follow what the masses do you're among the living dead i don't believe any of you listening to my voice right now are among the living dead or you wouldn't be on this channel there's no reason for any of them to be listening to me because the informed field that i built as i'm speaking in in your listening to me right now is so antithetical to anything that would comprehend that they would instantly link onto a different youtube channel something about baking cookies or or video games wouldn't be listening to me because is a completely different type of information than anything anything that they're ready to absorb because their informed fields are polarized totally against the truth or anything that this military does not want them to know if you have already overcome this polarity then you have bypassed what you know of as cognitive dissonance but even that is not enough doubt is a very powerful force it's induced by the similar crime but you don't have to entertain it but if you do it's being absorbed into your informed field and it will it will cause a decay of your thought construct but it doesn't even matter because if your thought construct doesn't have any force behind it and force is only created in physicality you've got to remember jesus had the key faith without works is dead and by works he's not talk he's not talking about anything complicated he's talking about any physical follow-through speaking is a physical follow-through walking ten feet turning left and looking up at the sky is a physical follow-through it doesn't matter whatever whatever supports your informed and this is the secret to sympathetic magic this is the secret to ritualism they go they're in tandem every witch will tell you the same thing rituals are the creation of informed fields for which the universe responds if you follow it with a physical act in the from the perspective of magic and ritual the physical act is is just that it's an act a follow through going through the motions performing a ritual because a ritual is actually a copy of a real act like voodoo somebody wants to hurt the person so they stick a needle in a doll is the doll real no but the miller crumb takes fantasy and forges it into fact that's what informed fields are they're fantasies they do not exist in the similacrum's reality they have not been they have not been knit mathematically into the similar groups protocols or subroutines they're not there they belong to the individual immortal who who imagine them because imagination is not cerebral imagination is 100 a spiritual phenomenon just like intuition which is not produced by the brain imagination intuition and empathy these are what make make you spiritual these qualities denote that you are far more than a human you are something else the human is only the physical part of the informed field for which the immortal soul produced to put it here inside this military by putting it here inside this milochrom it made it subject to its laws you must obey the constructs protocols and those protocols mandate that if you want something to physically appear in your reality then you have to imagine it which is spiritual then you have to do a follow through the informed field must be backed up with something physical in the world doesn't matter if it's a ritual as a matter of behavior behavior is physical but it has to be something that will show the submillicum that whatever it is that is imagined is real the entire operation is by inverse proportion to assume something that exists that does not yet exist basically the immortal soul is taught by this miligram to lie you must lie to yourself in order for the sumilicum to return it as truth we live in a copy of a real universe negative default programming saturates this entire world it's why it's so hard to maintain a positive mind everything about this beautiful construct is the exact opposite of what it should be we are immortals trapped in the mire and when i say meijer i'm talking about the similar from because it's not the real universe it is a copy so now if we are so powerful that from within the construct we can make the construct obey our will what do you think we're gonna be like when when he comes to set the captives free what do you think we're going to be like when we are no longer bogged down and immersed in this containment field we're going to be very very powerful and this is the reason why the oversoul has been so patient as to allow us to live through hundreds maybe thousands of life sims to receive an internal inheritance that is so profound that that we are going to be given so much power necessitates an eternal maturity and eternal personality that will use that power favorably somebody made a mistake in antiquity and that mistake is not going to be replicated that's why we're going through what we're going through now this is for our internal development this is for our growth that's why we're doing this it's why we're here yes we're here to solve problems those problems may have already been solved the future has already happened multiple times there have been mistakes in the past had to be rewritten the past had to be restarted we whole systems had to be rebooted while we were inside the system for whatever reason but to us on the inside interpret this as a reset we interpret this as a cataclysm we interpret this as the phoenix phenomenon but on the outside it was programming that was rebooted it was changed the entire reality tunnel dynamic of the holosphere was altered all trajectories were altered for whatever reason perhaps those on the outside figured out what they were trying to figure out because reality is far more complex than than we are led to believe from the religious perspective i believe outside this avatar of jason the real personality which is assumed the avatar jason when it returns because it's dormant out there right now because it's experiencing everything in here but when it returns out there it's going to remember who he was who or he or who he or she was i believe i have been female i believe that i have been black i have been asian i have been many because the only way that the oversoul can guarantee that i'm going to be very very mature in my spirituality is to make sure that i have lived so many different types of so many different types of lives that my perspectives will be many because remember the three spiritual qualities empathy absolutely mandates that you feel what others have felt and the only way you're truly gonna feel what others have felt is if you were those others at different periods of time this is what i believe you can call reincarnation you can call it whatever you want to i call it life sims because as soon as i exit this one i don't believe that uh instantly be reborn into an up now i believe there's a debriefing period i believe i go back to where i really am i may i may go i may go to dinner with somebody i don't know i might uh uh take off my cerebral interfa interface holography headset put it off to the side think about what i went through damn i was jason i did 26 years in prison oh my god i was a knucklehead i said but i had a pretty good youtube channel uh everything was pretty neat that was really really weird life that's pretty interesting uh but the entire thing episode may have lasted 2.5 hours in the real universe everything here is entirely subjective and we can't measure the physics and the because remember this is all based off quantum principles and under in quantum principles we can have a timeline within a timeline within a timeline within another timeline the quantum universe is not like the newtonian universe the quantum universe is a multiverse it's a multiverse of activity and this is the real this is the real type of structuring that the similacrum is based off of because the remember the submilligram is a copy copy implies there's a real one somewhere we're inside we're inside a copy inside a real universe we may be inside multiple copies i'm not really sure yet i don't have all the answers i got a bunch got a bunch of them though but when it comes to but when it comes to like like i said i'm real critical of the law of attraction i've already explained that in other videos because there's there's things are just they're not following through it's not all about thinking it's not all about feeling hope they're all about thinking and feeling but you know what when it comes to the law of attraction the only ones getting really rich are the ones that are promoting law of attraction their followers aren't getting rich but uh or at least they're not leaving comments on those channels saying they are so it's a feedback loop so the ones putting out the information are the ones receiving from everybody else about it so but when it comes to when it comes to your own immortal hood you have to realize that everything around you is the exact opposite of what it should be it says we are living within a copy of the universe we have to invent which is a lie look call it what it is i mean some of you might be morally offended about my statement about about 20 minutes ago but that's what the similar crime does it takes immortals beings our thoughts and for us to create reality it really makes us lie there's no other way around it to imagine something that has not yet happened in our life and yet have faith that it's happening in our life and then act as if it did happen in my life is a lie there's no way around that it's an absolute deception we are forced in the sumilicum to deceive ourselves and yet believe that deceit in order for the programming to be effective to help a catalyst that is negative default programming let me look at some of these comments some of y'all might be cussing me out by now i need to catch that i'm already out of coffee ruth i really like playing some more music i hope i'm not boring you guys no worries jason let her rip i don't want to talk about the jab guys i see y'all i see some comments about that i don't want to talk about it i got a good friend of mine he's got he took it twice his wife his wife talked him into it and he's had medical problems ever since i only want to talk about it good buddy of mine listen those of you who get overwhelmed i have a lot of new i have a lot of new uh listeners don't get discouraged i get i see i'm reading every single comment i don't care how many hundreds of comments appear every day i read them all on the youtube channel do not get discouraged when you see a you have to understand i can't compress thousands of years of history in a 15-minute presentation this is why i've got almost 250 videos i may have more now i don't know um it's it you have to you have to understand this you guys ask me questions some of you new people you ask me questions for which the answer has already been provided in many previous presentations that's why i'm patient with you i don't talk i don't i don't denigrate anybody in the comments section but i'd like to i'd like you to point out that many times you see a video and you get triggered and that's a good thing because it means you're interested you want to know but man you have no idea how much information i've covered in my videos i've answered almost every question that pops up on the in the comments section now those now those of you you know if if i see if i see questions that are new you know that should i respond to the emails or or in the comment section many of you send emails i i email you back it's it's that we live in it we live in a programming uh we live in absolute programming and who is this right here all right jay hart oh i recognize that name you're one of my new favorite people thank you jay listen the very phenomena of mandela effect doesn't matter if you believe it or not it's happened to many people the very the very fact of synchronicities little things that happen in your life all the time coincidence and i know many of you have experienced deja vu these four phenomena are not metaphysical these are all direct evidence that you are living in a programmed illusion and that sometimes the submilligram finds itself in the position of having to edit material for you to perceive sometimes the similar chrome gets it wrong it assumes you didn't perceive something and then it edited and then and then it finds out damn he did see that or she did see that this is what mandela effect coincidence deja vu and synchronicity synchronicity is these are edits by the sumilicon the similar is always trying to distract you if you're seeing the same number over and over and over again i don't care what those other youtube channels tell you i don't care about it's i'm telling you now if you're seeing these little sinks it's because you are starting to create reality tunnel for yourself that is very dangerous for the similar chrome and when i mean dangerous the similacrum operates off quantum principles but it also operates off the the second law of thermodynamics and off entropy the law of conservation of energy is absolutely critical to the similar because it is not an infinite power source there have been times in history where the power source failed in a certain area and people actually saw reality for what it was there are places where the submillicums power source fades out because the holography is dimensionally overlapping something else one of those places is off the sea of japan it's called the devil's triangle another one is in the bermuda area it's called the bermuda triangle a third one is in mexico i have a post about it it's also a triangle but uh if it's a desert in mexico where really odd phenomenon should happen but this this this this uh collapse of power has been observed in modern times pilots have actually seen the bermuda triangle just a haze appear out of a blue sky and in that haze all of a sudden the sky itself looked like it's just started corkscrewing and pilots were just like what the hell the radio went in and it's just it's so bizarre it's like it's like the sky is actually a huge mechanisms of machinery with giant reservoirs and vaults that contain all kinds of things that range down on us from time to time and i've done many videos about all the strange things reigns of fish frogs alligator gar rains of larvae that are frozen holes whole rivers of insects that were frozen solid that fell out of a blue sky many things have been recorded throughout throughout history of all the strange things that fell out the sky 1347 a.d nothing like it the great black death plague we are told from our historians an absolute lie total [\h__\h] that rats on ships from asia spread the bubonic plague and it killed one-third of the entire world's population absolute horseshit because the historians of the time have left their records and i cite them i cite them in my published books i cite them in my youtube videos but the people at the time told us what happened they said cigar-shaped fangs appeared in the sky and just after that dead carcasses of deer moose fox squirrel rabbit cats possums with their bodies torn apart and decayed as if they were in they were in chambers for days just rotting and decaying putrid all these pieces and body parts of forest animals fell out the sky and and the putrid smell spread the plague and within three years one third of the entire world's population was dead it wasn't rats some of the infected areas were so far in the country away from coasts and trade and trade routes and all that it's inexplicable it had to have come from the sky which is why in the medieval times it was understood that when great sicknesses occurred and happened to a lot of people at the same time after the appearance of a comet it was always called influenza influenza is spanish for influence and it's inferred that it means influence from the stars a little a little a little antidote there i hope you enjoyed that but you have to remain absolutely fearless because being fearless needs programming for you that overrides everyone's information fields around them being fearless is such an absolutely powerful temporal phenomenon that it affects every aura that you come in contact with the informed field of the individual who fears nothing is instantly perceived in the informed fields of others and they react to it and they respond to it you create such a powerful powerful auric dynamic field that everyone around you either sinks which are other fearless individuals and they respond to you with interest or they flip their polarity and they respond to you even if they don't do it outwardly they respond to you in fear fearlessness is understood by by the similar crime because fearlessness creates endorphins endorphin readings your hormone your hormonal readings spike up the submillicum can analyze all that and know what's going on and then when whatever you do you walk with pride you act with pride uh you speak with confidence whatever it is you do is an act remember what jesus said faith without works is dead and remember how this what this middle class responds to fictions become fact you have nothing to be confident for but the emanating of confidence creates an informed field that polarizes the entire environment around you and everyone responds they either sync with you or they are repelled by you which is called fear intimidation the silicone then weaves reality tunnels right there and there that comport with what you're doing just like that to being fearless is an actual is actually a type of faith you don't have to be a big badass dude you can be a 95 pound 87 year old woman and you can be absolutely fearless and you're going to be really surprised what the similar was going to do for you we've all seen the movies where that one little old lady walks across the street and they're in a single car that hits her you understand in the personal we can knit our own existence but in the collective we cannot i get this question all the time in the comments because people are having a try having a hard time understanding we live in multiple different universes at the same time this is why in the personal jason brashears is immune there's no one going to kill me i'm not going to get assassinated i'm not going to i'm not going to die on my motorcycle although i should many times i said i'm not going to have an accident in my van i'm not going to uh piss off the wrong person and get knifed in the gut i'm not doing any of those things at all this is who i am i am going to put out a message until i am no longer relevant i'm going to continue to do it does not matter what's going on around me it doesn't matter if the police are kicking indoors all around me whatever happens to me is 100 dependent on me i don't care what the world's going through this is why i've never really i don't respond on archaic's facebook group when i was when i was on facebook i just didn't respond to all the fear-mongering people sending me all these posts and people making all these comments about oh my god the uh this is going to happen this is going to you know i'm just i just don't respond to it it's not a part of my existence what you resist persists that is a spiritual law it is a mechanism that's a military if you resist something you are creating the informed feel that there's a resistance and the submilligram is going to create that resistance for you faith without works is dead if i believe opposition exists then opposition will appear as simple as that because we live in we live in a universe of negative default programming a copy of a real universe we have to create lies we have to lie to reality in order for reality to return it back in quantum collapse as fact it's that simple we have to wrap our heads around the very fact that everything in this universe is backwards from what it should be we are spiritually intuitive beings and we know this is all wrong but in order to play the game while we're here that's what we have to do will the oversoul punish us for it hell no no pun intended but no because it's assumed and it's understood that in traversing through the dark you're gonna get your feet scraped it's understood the oversoul the oversoul has never attached all the baggage religions have man has attached all these ideas and concepts to god that do not exist they are entirely man-made and created back to the numbers you've seen the same numbers everywhere you see if you're seeing all these things listen this is a very common question that people ask across facebook and youtube i'm glad to address it here i don't know which comment triggered that but uh you're attaching way too much significance to a distraction and over and over and over again then you're the hunter who just fell for the duck decoy and what i mean by that is that you're on the brink of something great and this the milochrom is going to do everything it can to keep you from that because if it can get you fascinated with these little sinks then you're not going to look where you're supposed to be looking because if you're looking for external stimuli and trying to attach significance to it then you're never going to look within because that's where the true power is the true power is knowing you have that power remember act as if you are and you will be you will be safe you will be healthy you will be you will be happy you will be with plenty of acquaintances and friends will you be rich i don't know do you believe you will be and can you follow that up with physical works that will head you into that direction and fool the simulacrum into believing that you have a lot of money rituals are very powerful things i don't condone them because they can be they could they can be abused but i will tell you that i have performed one i'm going to tell you right now exactly wow i have exactly what i did right here i'm going to tell you a ritual i presume performed when i was at my at my lowest shocked the hell out of me but i'm going to tell you exactly what happened let me grab this real quick a friend of mine gave me a dozen old oil lamps right here this is one of my favorites i got i got them on the shelves everywhere believe me power ever goes out i got i got plenty of oil got my wig got a whole bunch of wicks let me tell you what i did this is absolutely a true story i'm not gonna lie i'm not gonna embellish i don't i don't have i don't i don't get off on any of that crap i'm gonna tell you that because you'll know this is the truth because it's actually it's embarrassing after 26 years in prison i got out with a hundred dollars that's all texas gives you is one hundred dollars don't get me wrong i love my state i'm i'm also i was the only conservative republican bastard in the entire prison but uh if there were others they didn't speak up about it i'm uh i went through a dark time when i first got out didn't really understand how i was gonna get on my feet and how i mean i have come very far from where i was when i got out and uh really i only know i'm telling you all this i really shouldn't even miss doing this but i did it understanding understand having read several books like uh a bremel in the mage sacred magic of a brimline mage so many different so many different grim wars from the uh 14th 15th 16th century i read all that in prison and i took a lot of notes i have them now i also read a book called library chaos one of the most fascinating books i have ever read libra chaos absolutely explains how magic is the bridge between science and the quantum field it's awesome in this instance i was absolutely broke i had no money my bank account had nothing in it at all wasn't on facebook i was on craigslist and i po i had posted previously on craigslist you know uh uh this is before i started my company paradise rock gardens this is before i became very successful at creating stonescape this is what got me started this got me started on that i was so low didn't know what to do i was homeless i was living at a friend's abandoned house i was living on my motorcycle i got a really nice motorcycle but at that time my motorcycle was all i had to my name in a backpack with it with a tablet and a phone in it and about two two changes to close didn't really know how i was gonna get my life started or whatever and in that abandoned house that was owned by a buddy of mine i was just staying in one of the rooms until i can get on my feet i don't have any furniture i have i pulled out this lamp which he had given me these 12 lamps and uh i pulled out this lamp and i got a piece of paper out and i wrote down exactly how much money that i wanted and that i think i thought i might need to start just just to start the domino effect because i've always been a very hard worker i just i was just at my i was at the lowest so i put twelve hundred dollars on a piece of paper i said that's what i need right now i can't remember exactly what the ritual was i i that i spoke but i spoke out the ritual i said i said within 24 hours so i'm gonna get a job somebody's gonna contact me my phone's gonna ring i went through all the motions of answering the phone i pretended like i was talking to somebody i pretended to be excited pretend all that i took the piece of paper that had twelve hundred dollars on it and i and i spoke and i said hey this 1200 this 1200 uh is already coming to me so i don't need this paper anymore i appreciate it thank you very much i tore it up and i threw it in the candle flame made sure it burned up that was my ritual to induce quantum collapse that was my ritual to induce that was my physical act to make a thought construct come true and i even spoke the words like hey man uh since all this is over with and it's already become fact blowing this candle out because i don't need it no more i blew out my flame i put it back up and i still went to i still went to sleep depressed i remember that i remember because this was this was before i started my youtube channel and i remember going to sleep twelve hundred dollars i woke up the next morning and a woman in uh called cold caldwell county i can't remember the test such a small town but it's really close to livingston texas a woman answered my craigslist ad while i was asleep i woke up shocked looked in there i contacted her she gave me her number contact she told me she that she had a huge pile of rocks that she needed to move it just happened to be rocks she she wanted to she wanted to make the little rock gardens around her her uh double wide trailer she had a lot of land animals all stuff i went out there on my motorcycle showed up i don't have any tools i don't have anything i show i show up on on a 2018 brand new fat boy that's all i own and uh this huge sterling silver silver horse and i'm in work boots work clothes and all that and i show up and i know i look odd to her and i just told her straight out that hey i just uh i i just went through some stuff and it's gonna be a while before i can get back on my feet again so i'm just doing these odd jobs and she put me to work before we even started she said she was gonna pay me half uh half half and we agreed on twelve hundred dollars and it was a lot of work don't get me wrong it was a lot but what shocked me was i had taken took a break about 11 30 in the morning and when i drove down 945 is the name of the his name of the texas highway i went down 945 to this old barbecue place that was nearby and i'm tired i go in there and i use the bathroom i watch my face now and i don't know when i went back out i looked at my phone i looked at my paypal and she had sent me six hundred dollars twice and didn't even know it she had no idea that she had actually she sent it twice to me it was twelve hundred dollars in my my paypal account it's one of those one of those events in my life where it was so surreal that i was not surprised i just i was living in a dream state all that day i got all the work done i did everything and she invited me back to do some more work some fencing and all that but she tried to pay me another six hundred dollars which would have been 1800 bucks don't get me wrong don't get me wrong i worked my ass so i did the work of like four men that day that day but i did so much that she was very happy about paying twelve hundred dollars she was trying to pay me 600 more and i stopped her and i showed her i said you already sent me that money and you already sent me she said it was total accident she didn't mean to and you know it was all good i mean i made another 200 offer the next day doing some fencing for but the main thing she wanted was all that rocky she's just too old couldn't move it was a four yards of rock and one for what it took like it took me at least six hours to move all that rock and then it took me another four hours i was there like 11 hours a day so anyway i was exhausted came back the next day i'm just telling you that i performed a ritual all right i'm not surprised by what happened but i was at my lowest but i was it was heartfelt i just went through the motions of the submillichrome absorbed every little action i'm doing and the things i'm saying as i'm doing it admitted that into my reality as a fact because i presented it as such just like the media presents to you that things are factual when they're not because they need the collective to assume it's factual in order for it to be a fact the media is genius at what they do because they understand whoever controls the media understands the operating protocols of the simulacrum they have to this is why if you're a truther and you're awake the media pisses you off because you are not resonating with the deceit if you are interested in mainstream media and you listen to the narratives and the stories that means you're in resonance with it and if you're in resonance with that then that means you're a true child of the sumilicone but if it angers you then you're something else and you need to be proud about that i really wish i could read all these comments let me go back and look look at some of them well hope i hope i gave you guys some value i mean i'm all oh oh and also something i wanted to say because i have received a few donations listen in one real large one listen i need need you guys know if you make a donation to me paypal doesn't tell me what your email is buy me a coffee sometime doesn't send me a a response link the best thing you can do is send me an email i answer my emails many of you know that they're in this thread i recognize some of your names i said send me an email and tell me hey man i did that because that gives me the opportunity because i have a special section set to the side where i have all kinds of pdfs and i'm always just clicking onto a pdf and shoving it into an email giving people things for free well it's not a free it's not well i do give things for free but if you if you're donating it allow me to give something back in value something you may not have i have some really nice charts really interesting stuff also chronologies timelines i even give out whole entire pdf books that i have written books that are a paperback paperback books that you can read i'll give them away for free i just uh it'll allow me to provide some value back i understand you i understand you like the videos and you like the presentations but there's there need there needs to be some exchange of equal value some of you give some really healthy donations and later on in the day i'm like man i really wish that person would have sent me an email i mean i don't like not being able to say thank you because because a lot of your you paid like i said paypal and buy me a coffee they don't always provide that link where i can where i can do that i don't know why paypal does that it's weird you would think that i would have access to everybody's emails i don't i don't maybe you have to put your email into paper i don't know i don't know but yeah i'd like to i'd like to say thank you i'd like to contact people especially you know sometimes i see you guys room texas hell if you're within motorcycle range i'll meet you halfway silent underdog there's a guy on youtube who has been who has de-googled phones oh i don't know anything about that you're not going to get me wrapped up in any type of subterfuge my my brother i'm not interested 144 people on that is a golden proportion number it is in the fibonacci series it is a prime number in the golden mean 144. as soon as i said it was quantum collapse because it dropped 143. let's see here well we got some netherlands in here got some netherlands yes crystal shaman are peeps in chat able to ask you questions if they need to yes now last time i did a live video crystal i've been doing crystal champion for a while we've done private uh video conversations uh phone phone uh we've been on the phone um email exchange is one of them we've been in communication before now look uh my last my last video was pure questions and yeah uh questions and answers this one was not but i'm done with my little rant i'm done with my rant about the similacrum about uh negative default programming all that i'm done with that right now you want to ask questions ask away we should we still got another 30 minutes we might go for another hour but if you got questions go ahead and do it bakara precision you pronounce my name right which is rare okay makara precision don't know what that means got a very unusual name hey tam tam jason what do you think about them wait a minute what do you think about the movement of the pole and what will happen in about 11 months when when they're supposed to meet i really don't know what you're talking about i really don't i mean i do know that for thousands of years magnetic north of all has always been in between 9.5 and 11.5 variants from true north this has always been standard and we know this because we have many many magnetite readings from rocks crystalline structures all around the world and we know uh because when volcanic rock cools all the magnetite microscopic magnetite crystals that are inside the volcanic rock rock have a chance to turn toward magnetic north before the lava hardens this has been known for almost 50 years and and magnetite crystals under electron microscopes man have always been we've always been able to document where where the magnetic pole was when a certain area had been like a cataclysm of volcanic resurfacing or something like that the pole being so different and yeah all i'm seeing is magnetic variance between magnetic north and true north is due to the approach of a very large object another magnetosphere is approaching us now you have to understand when i'm speaking like this i'm speaking of the perspective of the similacrums coding protocols that is trying to keep us in the deception that we're in a real solar system when we're not it's all programming but that programming is following fixed protocols one of those fixed protocols is that in 18 years from now the phoenix will return and however it manifests is entirely up to the similar from how it's going to knit the whatever whatever our the collective frames of reference are at the time if it's intruder planet if it's i don't know another dome on an island floating through space that's gonna collide into us i don't know because the phoenix phenomenon has always operated by collective frames of reference so i don't know i'm not i'm not buying though i'm not buying anything truly devastating happening in the next 18 years just like in 2003 when i first began publishing my phoenix material i did not buy into all the hype that they were talking about in 2012 those man i know some of you be honest with yourselves how many of you fell for that 2012 crap i published a book that 2012 was total [\h__\h] before 2012 and that the math was wrong no one ever paid attention to me and that's fine let's understand that book is still available people still read that book anonacci homeworld where i was was showing that the the arithmetic the scholars did in 1952 was totally wrong and yet no one had ever thought to check it and everybody since then had always i mean all these popular authors that are still selling books today you know who they are and andrew collins and graham hancock and that whole little click right there they were all on the 2012 bandwagon two but you know what 2012 came and went why well 2003 i was telling everybody 20 the mayan loan count was not in 2012 it was in 2046. just like today i'm telling you based off a lifetime of research looking at history mathematically there's nothing serious going to happen on a worldwide cataclysm scale in the next 18 years nothing what we what we might have and what i'm banking on having is having some isolated incidents of great destruction but they're going to be highly localized not like 911 was highly local i meant terrible tragedy two thousand something people died whatever terrible tragedy but it was very very localized because if you were looking at a map of the united states all that destruction happened at one little single pinpoint way over in new york same thing as oklahoma city city bonnie same thing as what happens every single year when a typhoon hits bangladesh when a typhoon hits bangladesh 10 000 people 275 000 people wiped off the map they don't care they clean up the mess keep on going and it happens again the next year i don't buy into the hype i don't buy into all this facebook facebook is rife with all those predicting everything is about to happen all this crap i'm just not trying to hear it i i don't know i don't know i'm i just see reality to me is just so it's so fundamentally different if i can't see it isometrically it's just not gonna happen simple as that just like just like last year i was telling everybody last year and it's so hard to to even refer back to it because it really has no relevance today like in texas the coca deal is dead nobody talks about it nobody wears masks nobody does but last year it was everywhere it shut [\h__\h] down people were dying everybody all the messages all across facebook all the emails i got comments in my in my videos everybody wants to talk about well no no this is agenda 2030. this is going to go on for this is the new norm remember everybody said it was the new norm i'm the only one producing videos talking about in the first quarter of 2022 it's gonna collapse the whole narrative is going to die and they're going to move on to the next paradigm but nobody believed me i got so many negative comments about saying that time i mean you're delusional you don't know what you're talking about he said this is the new normal this is it man this is how they're this is how the new order is going to start this is how they're going to take over so you know i just can't i just can't i can't entertain i cannot entertain all this stuff if i can't see it in date sequence prediction if i can't see it using my old facade room and if i cannot see it using isometric analysis i've already told you the next big thing is going to be a false apocalypse i don't see anything big now when i say big i'm talking about worldwide cattle cataclysms because i do predict a nuclear event this year i said that last year i am predicting that i'm also predicting this year israel will be at war i don't know i don't know the details but i'm predicting that based off what i've seen although several middle middle eastern nations will be at war i do predict some type of major false flag event is going to occur this year that is going to set a lot of events in motion but i said that last year that's in many of my videos i'm about to i'm about to do a new playlist because many of you are unfamiliar you just you guys just called on my trump videos because trump was the focus i showed how trump's life from his grandfather and his father and all the elements of trump's life led to his presidency i show whole flow charts forward and backward in time when he was on oprah when he wasn't doing diff when he talked to nancy pelosi with with clinton and everything that happened from 1998 and then all the way to him becoming president i showed this palindromic nature no one can contend that i have fully documented the palindromic history of donald j trump and him becoming president i showed all that and then based off that following through on that i also showed how donald j trump was going to continue a political career in america unlike other presidents who were no longer in office other presidents were no longer in office retired they're done not president trump he's been rallying ever since yeah they shut down my whole my whole area behind one of his rallies hair security everywhere anyway uh long story short i don't buy into i don't bind all the narratives yeah yeah there's gonna be a nuclear incident yeah there's gonna be a false flag incident but these things barely affect 0.01 percent of the entire population of the world that's not a cataclysm phoenix is going to kill 25 percent of the entire world's population and 6.5 years later nemesis x object is going to kill 50 percent of that mathematically if you take 100 percent and reduce it by by 25 you're left with 75 percent if you take that 75 and reduce that by 50 percent then that means at the end of that 6.5 year period 30 30 percent of the world's population is killed dead so it's that's it's proof orders left alive excuse me left alive the war nemesis x object is far worse than phoenix it's far worse i don't even really talk about it much all the changes are going to come in the world but then again i don't want to fear monger i don't want i don't want to give you elaborate paintings and pictures and stuff why if you're an immortal being there's absolutely nothing to fear about the future there's nothing to fear about the elite there's nothing to fear about the here and now if you're truly an immortal then you are supposed to be looking at your life as if you are a conscious observer on a stage just like the gospel because the gospel was a stage play this is why so many events in matthew mark luke and john are compressed within a three-hour period it was designed to be watched in an amphitheater it's not true history and it never was and for those who are interested in that you need to watch my videos in my playlist the dark scriptures i explain exactly how all this came to be how the story of jesus was taken from apollonius of tyanna and how the entire thing was basically created by the church and turned into real history according to the church over 300 years after the events they depict all the world is a stage and if you observe everything around you objectively that objectiveness creates a new form field that informed field radiates the information that you are invincible untouchable immortal and not concerned with what goes on this informed field is empowered by your behavior which is remember faith without works is dead behavior is works the similacrum which can't read your mind but it can read your cortisol and endorphin levels and it can interpret all your behavior automatically assumes this true whatever you're purporting truth to be the submilligram knits the necessary reality tunnel to make sure that in the particular you are absolutely right but in the collective all hell may be going on around you we are we are way more powerful than we give ourselves credit for we see evidence of it in our personal lives all the time and we and we instantly because because the nature of reality is negative default programming we instantly dismiss it and we think you know yeah it happened yeah i did that i did that but you know what nobody saw it four or five hours later you have already minimized the importance of what you experienced because the similar comes good at that it's going to bring you back down it needs to the more and more that you divorce yourself from the protocols of the similar crime the more it will suffer from the law of diminishing returns in the law of diminishing returns the submillicum will quit trying to because it's spending too much energy remember it also has to abide by another law the law of conservation of energy it's not going to expend energy on something that's going to waste its time remember the similar crime knows our true identities it knows we are immortals it can't read our thoughts and it's always suspicious it's being deceived so we have to be careful but in that care we have to also be absolutely fearless because fear is a power fear by his fears could be being fearless that confidence this milocrim doesn't know what to do with that so any time an operating system is confronted with a contagion what does it do it's go it's going to confine it what what's the best way that an operating system like the similar crime can do to confine an immortal that is not controlled distract it put that carrot out there give it a distraction doesn't matter what that distraction is if that immortal mind will follow that distraction then the simulacrum is back in control that distraction can be anything it can be a beautiful woman walking through walmart you totally forgot why you were trying to buy ketchup you know it's happened to me so look you see that number whatever that number is you need to start ignoring it because you're going to be really surprised what you come into contact with as soon as you you start ignoring the sinks because the simulacrum is going to react it's going to realize holy [\h__\h] this person is no longer paying attention to these sinks this deja vu this mandela effect the synchronicity all these little distractions that is trying to send you out because you're on the verge of something great and it knows it and it will do everything to distract you from that so quit paying attention to them quit quit giving power to something that is a phantom those those little numbers you keep seeing that popping up and if you give if you give them significance then the similacrum will comport with that and it will start providing you the significance you seek and in that behavior you're in a feedback loop every day you wake up you're looking on youtube for basically confirmation bias don't fall into that trap my brothers and sisters those numbers don't mean anything see what some of these questions are oh it hurts my feeling i'm out of coffee i'm not fixing to stop this video though if i'm not mistaken tim tam if i'm not mistaken was your 36 sub yeah you know what you might have been the 36 sub i know your name from a long way back way back people come and go i've seen you quite consistently then again i haven't been real consistent either i've taken some weeks off and then come back and then release 17 videos in a 10 day period you never know about me the i will say the donations have have definitely definitely been a reason why i've been releasing more more videos and doing more live videos straight busy just be truthful with you the donations keep me from having to go out and do bids simple as that uh no i'm not an odyssey but i heard about it i need to look into it jason what is your thoughts on the black knight satellite several people have asked that i have not really researched it i don't know i do know this it's not the dark satellite the dark satellite is an object for which i have not released any videos yet i have mentioned it in one of my videos on uh i think it was the gate of yakshak the information that i took out from the necronomicon but i don't remember i don't really remember i will do videos on the dark satellite it's just not relative right now okay jay saw the santos presentation the month july august september october november yep that's jason the first letter spells jason i have that in one of my videos yeah i believe i believe i'll call all the archaics members argonauts booking fast hard hey jason just wondering if you can write out how you do some of the math algorithms especially how you find what the inverse reflection of a number is that's not hard as a matter of fact i thought i had some my vo my uh archaic paradox video shows how you find the holographic reflection for a number shows how the number 2178 is the only one that will not collapse into to a zero it's an immortal number but yeah it's booking fast hard have you watched my uh your bio numeric life video i go into some details about that but you know what i do need i do need to let me dig through my materials man because i have your email i need i need to dig through my materials man and find some sharks for you to keep you busy because believe me you you will stay busy all right question you talk of the phoenix event 2040 but when does the pole shift happen okay look this this is another pole ship question i'm really sorry i'm just not buying into it if hold on my phone just sure but first you'll have to oh my god there goes my phone oh wait google's always spying on us i know i understand the whole poll ship narrative it's all over facebook just like the whole nibiru narrative was exploded across facebook in 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 uh i think it kind of died for no it was it was pretty much alive in 2020 2021 and it's still going strong never never was gonna be here tomorrow so i don't i just don't buy it i'm just not any pole shift is going to be simulated just like 1917 the fatima apparition in the sky so no i just i don't see it i don't see it i do see some type of extraterrestrial some news maybe nasa comes out and makes world news for claiming that maybe an extraterrestrial civilization found our satellite that we sent out in 1973 or 74 whatever it was i can't remember see what does the real universe look like outside the simulator with any thoughts that's a good question i'm not thinking it looks a lot different than the one we're in now and i i believe that the entire skyscape that you see right now is a multi-tiered hologram full of nodal apertures and variable stars that produce phenomena optically but they're not real stars however the sumilicon similacrum is a real word in the oxford oxford english dictionary it just means a copy of something else and this is what i call reality similar it is similar it is a copy of a real universe i believe that the creator has never stopped creating there was no creation event ever god is eternal and with so many with with creation ongoing it's going to require a whole race of envoys emissaries bible call the bible calls us kings and priests in the future to go through all these other civilizations in it and they don't have to go through what we went through but then again they haven't been given the eternal inheritances that we we're going to get there's a reason for all this it's playing out for our edification it's playing out to build our eternal personalities it's also contained so every evil that is experienced among the sons of men you like my little bible speech every evil experienced by the sons of men every evil created by people it's contained it's not going there's no cross-contamination with the outside real universe it's all right here and when all and when he comes to set the captives free there will be an exodus the exodus is all the immortal souls who've been living all these sim cycles will be removed from the construct leaving nothing but the construct when the construct goes straight into the lake of fire annihilation it's not needed anymore that negative default programming universe the similar chrome and everything the side of it that refused to change or real it's gonna get burned up and destroyed so it does not contaminate the real i don't know what just happened my screen just said i'm live i hope that doesn't mean that for a while i have not been live was there a break oh my god this is the longest chat i've ever seen maybe it's because my video is too long hour and 54 minutes you've been live all right cool some glitch just to skip hello christy 44 overprotected yes i believe oh douglas voigt yes i have checked into douglas voigt you have to understand my data sets that show the year 2046 are not at all what douglas voigt did the uh die bold foundation their research on 2046 i looked into that because other people told me that i'm not the only one talking about 2046 being an event involving the earth and the sun my data sets involve ancient history and showing mathematical patterns that show an orbital periodicity of an object that comes every 792 years and it's going to be here in 2046. a lot of people call it nibiru the zechariah sitchin totally full bored that whole term so i call it nemesis x object because i don't need other people uh attributing that baggage that sitchin created to to the object that i'm i'm referring to because the object i'm referring to is supporting the historical record the nibiru of zechariah ascension is not not based off zechariah's citizen data so the dibold foundation the he got his year 2046 from a single reference in the scripture for which he interpreted through gematria that's a very different type of deduction than i have done my deduction comes from multiple different sources multiple different mathematical vantage points so i can take his data and i can i can bring it you know into the fold of my own and i can cite him as as a a very interesting tangent but i could never cite him as a because i can't accept the gematria as we have having any type of historical relevance gematria to me is very interesting there are many geometrical mysteries that i've come in contact with in my research gematria is fascinating but just like there's a there's there's gematria in the bible such as in the book of isaiah in the book of isaiah is a very obscure pact passage that could only concern the great pyramid of egypt all the details are there as a physical location and all that it concerns the great pyramid and researchers 200 years ago isolated that passage in isaiah as referring to the great pyramid of egypt and the great pyramid of egypt is 5449 pyramid inches tall that passage that refers to the great pyramid is it has a geometrical value in hebrew of five thousand four hundred and forty nine so yeah there's many geometrical mysteries that are very interesting and there and i was interviewed i was interviewed by a guy uh decode your reality i can't remember his name uh i don't even have a way to contact him i left him comment on one of his deals i was i was really wanting to send him a list of terms to look up and we would do a show together or something but you know what i can't even i can't figure out how to contact with him i'm not going to waste time trying to but uh i wanted to send him because he's a really knowledgeable guy when it comes to gematria and i wanted to send him terms like phoenix and typhon typhonius and all these uh similar chrome holosphere all these different that are relative to my research and see what he came up with to see if i can find any type of derivative information that he may not know so yeah that's not gonna happen it's he's got too much going on so gematria does have its value i don't i don't i don't really i can't go with the die bold deal because that's the soul that's the sole conclusion of the diebold foundation based off a single geometrical passage about 2046. i was really hoping when i looked into it that they're gonna have all kinds of scientific information or some type of historical chronology i could i could look up that i was unaware of and i was really upset by not finding anything worth i could really i could use oh logan that was his name that's that guy's name yeah i really like that guy yeah logan that's right yeah i was wondering i was trying to get in contact with him i gave up because his contact information on any of his videos it's not on his youtube channel i couldn't figure out so i left a little comment i'm not gonna i'm not gonna chase carriage forever yeah i thought he would i thought that would be very valuable even if we didn't do a show he can do a show by itself i just want to provide him a bunch of terms for him to look up geometrically because when he provides me what those geometrical values are those numbers may have significant meaning in the phoenix holography that i would be able to then contribute and explain i think i think that would be really interesting but uh hey you know what it is what it is believe me i got a full plate too lower class citizen you crack me up every time i see that name 418. there's another one asking me about 418 guys listen to me april 18th is the 108th day of the year i'm not making this up in my chronic on i have several events documented evil no good no good events false flags all that stuff on the 108th day of the year april 18th there's nothing good about that day i don't know why i'm not into the satanism not into researching all that stuff maybe maybe somebody else can tell me why but i do know that the 108th day of the year which is april 18th is a day of infamy and and throughout history it's just terrible day so i don't know i don't know why and i don't know if that means anything bad is going to happen this april 18th because because not everything not every year does something bad happen on april 18th so i can't i can't conclusively say that i just noticed it enough to mention it in my chronic on so i really don't know i hear people talking about it but everybody who's talking about it i've never seen anybody actually tell you that it was the 108th day but 108 is a very unique number in eastern mysticism remember there's beads on a buddhist rosary for a reason let's see some glitch some glitch thank you teresa it broke for like five seconds okay you're alive the whole time cool i don't know what's going to happen at april 18th guys you're worried about 2040 and 2046 which you ought to be worried about is this coming utopia that is planned see people are worried about agenda 2030 the elite are going to do this let me tell you what's in store for us and i've said this in other videos and again it's just like my prediction on the covet it's just like my prediction about msm i'm not getting anybody coming behind me and and i really wish i had somebody come behind me go through all my videos my predictions put out a list and just objectively say well okay damn you're right abc nbc cbs did lose ratings you're right cnn is almost going offline i mean i have so many predictions you're right australia got their asses flooded out you're right there are food riots in thailand look i don't know i just i even i even kind of slowed down all the predictions videos because really i really kind of get the impression people don't appreciate them because when the things come to pass that i said i don't i don't i don't see that appreciation i don't see hey man i really appreciate that's pretty awesome but i don't need i don't need the pat on the back what i need you to understand is that the exact same methods of analysis by which i have derived all of my data from ancient history are the same by which i i use on mundane secular current events there is no difference the uh it would be awesome if somebody would come behind me i do not have the time but i have i'm gonna put a playlist together of all my predictions videos for 2021 2022 and 2023. wait just give me a few days i'm gonna put that playlist out and you can all see i have a lot of videos that uh some of them don't some of them you can't tell by reading the title but but uh there are predictions videos about all the things to expect these day in this little two two and a half two and a half year period so a lot of things are going to happen this year and and a lot of things have already come to pass already come to pass and but they unfold so slowly people don't realize it now okay you know you understand mainstream media was at a power of strength on january 7th and january 8th of 2021 you know when all when the socialists took over the united states and donald trump stepped down and all that man the mainstream media oh they were telling the story they're they're here they're telling a story there's no opposition doomsayers were everywhere and across the entire youtube spectrum we had everybody talking about how this is the end of june 20 this is how they're going to take over you got one guy me producing all these videos telling you the exact opposite now man this is not the end this is what's going to happen this is how it's going to unfold this is what's going on behind the scenes and i'm going moving an entirely different direction than everybody else because i cannot watch other youtube videos and and just pair the same material if i cannot see it in the date sequence prediction and the isometric projections i then it's not happening yeah i'm going to stick with my guns and that's why i don't take any videos down they're still there so oh i got them i got a mad hungry dog so let me read some more of these i'm just not into the fear you guys what's being prepared for you is not what you think what's being prepared for you is a sodom gamora society where people are going to fall for it they're going to fall for it because life is going to get real real good and easy and that is the best way to fulfill the eschatology that says right before the phoenix appears that people will be eating partying marrying giving in marriage buying houses they'll be doing all these things when sudden destruction comes upon them by the time the phoenix comes by the time all this all this happens people aren't going to be prepared for it i don't know where i'm going to be in 2036 2037 and 2038 because i know the powers that be are not going to let me do what i'm doing right now what i'm doing right now doesn't make much of a difference because i don't even have 10 000 subs this is why i'm also producing and and categorizing all these i got a whole bunch of them over here all these little symbols mean something each one of these drives has a different collection of data some of it's all andonaki and nike history and nike videos and acupulse so one of these is all great pyramid giza one of these is our immortal hood i got like 30 videos on here that is nothing but descriptive of our immortal hood uh this this video here is going to be added to this one because it's about you know the power of our mind who we are our eternal our eternal destiny yeah i'm really serious about getting rid of these flash drives it serves two purposes one i sell them cheap enough to people can afford them and it spreads my information on every continent i now have flash drives on the phoenix going in so many different directions i'm not worried about the phoenix no more now i gotta release some for on the annunaki i gotta release some on the great pyramid because i have detailed information about the great pyramid structure and my theories on how to activate it what we need and what the missing components are that's gonna i i was probably never meant to be on that project but my data is gonna be used by someone who's gonna be on that project they're gonna they're gonna reactivate that that that monument it is a technolithic machine i promise you that but uh let me move on oh looking glass yeah i i still don't know much about looking glass i would like to put my system up against theirs i have had one brush with intelligence there's no doubt in my mind that i had an intelligence operative grill me for about two hours and 15 minutes about the phoenix phenomenon paid me real good to do it too on a false pretext i thought i told you all about that in a prior video francis bacon have you seen evidence in the older books of alchemists living longer than they should like francis bacon okay that is a really good question uh craig if you're the craig i know or a stranger it doesn't matter i'm going to answer this question many of you have heard of the comp saint-germain i would like to tell you that it's fiction i would like to tell you that i have done enough research to determine that the story is [\h__\h] but i can't because the more i've looked into that story the european records comport with every every fact that is itemized in those accounts there seems to be a figure that has gone by various names but history has recorded him as saint-germain or compt saint-germain but there's over a 350-year period of european history where this man visited all the courts of europe spoke every single european dialect perfectly his vocabulary was flawless he charmed the ladies but he never aged any and he would visit courts it was so strange he's like he knew which courts to go to where people just wouldn't recognize him from 35 years earlier or 50 years earlier and but he did get recognized he got recognized a few times by old women who remember seeing him when they went when they were young girls he got overconfident and revisited courts before everybody had expired it's a very very interesting we don't know who the comp sergeant st jermaine was but he's probably the greatest intelligence operative europe has ever seen he may have he may have forged much of european history he may have been the devil himself i don't know i'm not an expert on the comp saint germain i'm not but i'm telling you i'm just answering your question that yes there is evidence because he was an alchemist he he thoroughly he was thoroughly uh educated on uh dark aging and middle-aged alchemy alchemy systems so i don't know i'm not i am not saying you do not have the archaic stamp of approval for believing in the cops saying your man it's it's it's out of the sphere of my research but have but am i am i aware of it yes i have read i have read the material you can even read books about the comp st germain in the book tree catalog that's a 1 800 700 tree it's in my uh in my links i have a book tree uh deal that's my publisher site so let's see oh let's see window 419 to 5 1 is a window for all big sacrifice ritual okc bombing was on 419. uh 419 might have well i don't know if there's a leap year or not was it a leap year lower class citizen hey jason do you think it is enough of this came together and concentrated okay okay i get that question like man i'm so glad you asked that we need to get this out right now you got you've got to understand this took me a long time to to accept this because i wanted to believe what lower class citizen is implying right now and i no longer believe this i wanted to man it was within my desire if enough people become aware of something and decide that it's not going to happen can we change it stop it from happening if that's the case they would have never built the great pyramid in ancient times and to be activated by us uh they would have never provided such an immense architectural project to stop the phoenix phenomenon to activate that machine in the particular we are immortals and we we can knit our own reality tunnels but in the collective we are on a fixed paradigm with a fixed dimensional architecture it is mathematically precise it cannot be altered events in the collective cannot be changed events in the particular can be altered and modified in accordance to in accordance to whatever degree of change that you envision and you follow through for yourself know take and i know that many think that we are the world and we can all come together and we can all pray about it and we can all we can make this change if if 50 million of us decide affirmatively the phoenix phenomenon is not going to happen let me tell you what's going to happen there's going to be 50 million survivors who didn't get touched by the phoenix phenomenon while other people got eradicated mud floods flux tube phenomena vitrification volcanic resurfacing tsunamis sweeping people out screaming straight off the coast into the ocean with no one to rescue them the phoenix phenomenon is going to happen it's happened multiple times it's happened so horrifically in the past that there was a single historical record from the event we have some of those in the ancient americas we have a whole 400 to 500 year period in the americas for which destructions are evident in the archaeological record but there's not a single historical text that has survived it's crazy amen we're immortals in the mire there's nothing you cannot survive there's nothing there's nothing you cannot knit for yourself the similar crumbs gonna respond to you in the personal but in the collective events are fixed you will never get me to say otherwise from my very first video i have always explained that there's a huge difference in the dimensional architecture between reality tunnels for the collective and those for the individual on an individual on an individual level we have great capacity to choose where we're going to be when we're going to be there who we're going to be with who we're going to protect with us we have a spiritual aegis and aegis is a is an aura of protection it doesn't just protect you at all when i walk into a room full of a bunch of people i don't have to meet everybody eye to eye for others to be aware of my presence and you don't either because our auric fields extend from us and come into contact and create interference patterns with the informed fields that others carry this happens every single day we become aware of others this is why two complete strangers who have never come into contact can at the exact same time turn and look at each other and and staring to each other's eyes their entire lives they have never known each other but when they walk into the same room at the same time they they look at this happens to us all the time all the time we have auric fields that extend from us and communicate to others of our presence they also communicate to others on a subconscious level of the depth of our personalities because we're entirely spiritual beings we're just having a physical experience and in that physicality everything that we create for us is in the temple and in the local but not in the collective just can't i wish i could tell you otherwise i wish you i wish we could be like the 80s and all hold hands and see we are the world and change things but it's that's a dream man we are on a fixed dimensional arithmetic and it's not going to change for the square peg divergent i have a spreadsheet of your predictions and the follow-up notes when they happen or seem to be happy oh send me an email man let's get together send me an email may have to do youtube video with you i'm just reporting i hear you hwm liberty i'm just reporting hey you sound like herodotus herodotus in 440 bc released a book called the histories it is fantastic i probably read it six times it was not exaggerating i didn't have anything else to read i was in prison i was bored so at that time i had read herodotus put it away kept it for a while read it again went back took my notes out read it again and i keep learning new things every time herodotus is this thick it's huge huge book written 440 years bc and in that book he claims many things i mean he's all he's his story and he's traveled the ancient world he's fascinating but he's very clear he says uh i report what people say but i am by no means bound to believe it you sound just like herodotus i'm just reporting i like herodotus we are co-creators maggie pie yes we hey maggie hey how you doing i hope you're doing better out there in new mexico i hope things have gone good for you girl it really saddens me that i can't talk to you on directly on uh on facebook but you're right good to see you on here tonight appreciation will receive all desire go create i'm not seeing any questions i'm seeing a bunch of statements archaics yes sounds like he was definitely a fed yeah he was there's no doubt in my mind hey yeah that was that was a while back but yeah i only charge a hundred dollars a hundred dollars is not a lot for everything that i have to do like when somebody wants me to do predictions on oh no i i still have to release i have to release predictions on uk on india i have a list right here somewhere um and i'm about to do them in the next couple days i have i have several it's like six of them on the list a hundred dollars is not a lot considering what i have to do it literally takes me all day long to look at the isometric relationships between 2022 and 2023 and all historical events that have happened since 1902 all the way up to the present to see what isometric relationships were there also to study the 1998 phenomenon of edgar casey and how it relates to the year 1974 the holographic reflection of 2022. i have to analyze that that takes hours then i have to run it through my office software and i have to make sure that i'm not i'm not i'm not getting out the wrong output and then i call it all the data to produce my my predictions on what's going to happen so for two days worth of work on my computer yeah 100 bucks is isn't isn't much but uh i'm about to release a bunch of those it's probably going to be four four four different countries all in one video but it's gonna be a good video and i'm gonna i'm gonna release it pretty quick right after the uh my next video is gonna be on the book tree books i'm talking about some really interesting books y'all wanna hear about these aren't power of the mind books these are these are these are the history books history occult mysticism these are the books that i'll put my name on i will recommend that you read and i'll be proud that other people said hey man that dude jason of archaics he told me that this is a good book i'd be proud if you were to pass that information on these are the books that i put my stamp of approval on these are books that educated me i may not agree with everything in those books but then again but then again every single book that i have read has given me something of value these books happen to have given me a lot of value that's my next video some a book list for you guys and the one the one publisher who publishes all of these old old reprints because these books have been out of print for hundreds of years you know well most of them some of them just 60 70 80 years so the uh wendy flores what would you say to someone that said they worry about dying before it's over coming back and having to figure it all out again okay time is entirely subjective and the central nervous system makes us interpret all phenomena that we come in contact with in a linear fashion but that's only subjectively that's inside the construct on the outside of the construct when i take that cerebral interface holography headset off and i look at my superiors and they say hey man everything how'd you do what's going to say man you know what i learned this i learned that i learned this i had to go through this i did all that man and then i look at the clock on the wall i'm telling you now our reality is a copy of a real reality that means everything you see right now is a copy of something else that means there there's uh the other universe has the same things in same needs they need light so they have lamps they need conveyances so they have type they have vehicles we need to write so they have some type of writing writing apparatus pins and stuff like that where it's not fundamentally different or it wouldn't be a similar chrome it wouldn't be a copy death is an exit of an avatar it's as simple as that there's no more meaning to be attributed to it when wendy flores appears outside the inside the construct everybody has has experienced the passing of wendy flores she has died but that was just her avatar that was just her programming the real immortal within who was using wendy flores as an avatar has now exited and is returned to her loved ones and her friends where she explains where she goes through the explanation hey i was this person i was wendy flores i did this but you've only been gone three and a half hours but inside the construct which is programming you were made to feel like it was 49 years or 71 years however long your avatar existed inside the construct outside the we may be remember i've told you guys several times in other videos the why of the i believe 100 that the reason the construct it was created initially was to figure out how we were going to survive the nemesis a series of protocols now if we're on a planet hurling through a real universe between stars that means the surface of our world is frozen solid and the only way to survive would be in deep earth biospheres where human populations are going to get bored real fast because it's going to take us 900 and something years to get to the next star to start orbiting it and maybe and maybe then have a life we don't know what the state of our technology is on the outside of the construct but it must be pretty high in order to have built the similar chrome which is nothing but a computer program that is so advanced that spiritual beings through the interface of the central nervous system can enjoy a physical experience in so death is nothing but an exit of the avatar from inside the construct yeah we're sad because we are stuck with the baggage of perceptions from inside the construct that life and death really have significant meaning when they don't they don't do we come back hell yeah have has an old man ever died and then a six-year-old kid right down the street six years later all of a sudden have all kinds of memories that for which no one would have known but that old man yes reincarnation is absolute transmigration of souls is absolutely scientifically documented so i'm not i'm not even surprised by death i'm not i don't fear death i know that if i died tomorrow i will be a 16 17 or 18 year old kid when the phoenix phenomenon occurs i know that you got to be right here wendy two hours and 24 minutes i ran my mouth that long oh my god i hadn't had any pizza no salad i haven't drunk i haven't drunk a modelo i've had nothing but coffee in all this time jason can you please explain what you meant that the pyramid makers had had no mathematics or knowledge of geometry i'm sorry i don't know what you're referring to because they absolutely there is no way the great pyramid of egypt could have ever been constructed without an advanced advanced knowledge of mathematics so i don't know where you got that statement from the entire pyramid is nothing but geometrical principles yeah i've got over 30 videos on a great pyramid but my videos are very different you're going to find many youtube channels that have pure that have videos about the great pyramid and you're going to find 280 000 views on some of these videos and you're going to watch those videos and you're going to be impressed by the graphics you're going to be impressed by the narration you're going to be impressed by these beautiful pictures and these mysteries that they talk about but there's nothing in any pyramid video on youtube that i have ever watched that ever touched anything that i'm discussing in my 30 videos in the great pyramid the 138 138-year uh periodicity of the phoenix as imprinted in the rectilinear dimensions of the great pyramid is a thesis for which cannot be assailed i have challenged people i challenge people right now if you have any doubts whatsoever about my unique findings about the great pyramid then find a hero somebody you think is qualified to assess that data and invite them onto my channel so i can score them up because i'm ready i'm all i'm you got i'm combative by nature i'm ready for that i'm ready for that battle yeah that's the that was my main message tonight is many of you have labeled me a doomsayer but you must be skipping my most profound videos because i'm telling you now the same thing jesus told you you are god telling you that now with absolute conflict confidence because i'm i'm fearless about it i'm fearless in all my videos when a man listen when a man is absolutely confident in his material his material he will be fearless and unassailable and i am because i know that i have never ever tried to record a video with the intent to deceive all i want to do is expound upon what i have found and what i have accepted is true and because i have accepted these is true i have been able to basically memorize my material and because my material is memorized there is no one i fear at all who wants to critique it i don't need to bring notebooks i don't need to bring anything i'm just going to bring my mouth because the truth will always prevail i don't care what your theory is it will and you got to be like i said you got to be fearless about it and everything else will follow everything will follow because being fearless creates an informed field and that informed field brings with it all kinds of other powers you know so that's my message for tonight no matter what no matter what i predict is going to happen on 2040 and 2046 it's only going to pertain to you and yours if you wanted to if you allow that fear to come in because we're immortals and the divine inheritance of immortals is to insulate themselves and theirs but if you choose not to the similar chrome will will believe me it will reciprocate if you don't choose to protect yourself this sumilicum has no problem editing you out just like i'm about to edit out this video i love you guys man but i gotta go i'm getting tired i got two more flash drives i'm gonna copy i'm gonna mail out some more in the morning if you guys want to preserve the phoenix information i'm talking about it's a lot of data and you want it for your own personal computers your own personal tablets your own phones if there is ever anything going down with my channel or youtube itself if something happens you will have this data and with with the flash drives i'm giving out 100 permissions i don't care what you do with it if you want to sit here and post on social media all the stuff you learn if you want to start your own youtube channel as a commentary for the phoenix phenomenon by all means do it you can upload every one of these videos on your own channel and you can provide your own commentary but don't be surprised if i show up start making some comments because uh i'm known to do it but anyway that's uh that's me i'm signing out for tonight thank you all for it's two hours and 30 minutes 182 people still on 1445 likes i really appreciate it i was tired i really didn't know i was going to do this but you know what it was a good one i really wish i could have addressed all these comments i'll keep reading them but i need to close this video it's been too long i got a lot of hearts in here i love you guys too we'll do another live one real real soon but my next one tomorrow is going to be these books i've been wanting to tell you all about these are books that i will put my name on