Jason- Outside Looking In- LIVE 6/7/21

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guess my music turned off by itself didn't it that's terrible so much for a 80 bluetooth canon it's all right hey guys i might have done better if i turn on the air conditioner for a while this texas weather is absolutely maddening especially considering what i do for a living but it gives me more time to get on the uh the center net and say what i want to until they take me off luckily my four dogs are being quiet right now nobody's nobody's sawing trees or i hear no chainsaws i live pretty far in the country and uh you never know what you're gonna hear around here let me close this door see what's going on this chat who we have here today all right kim stadler hello you're the first one you get the door prize oh i'm apologizing in advance because i'm actually catching you live and i have questions that's okay i have answers and if i don't have the answers i'm going to tell you because i'm just not driven to invent them let's see hey shanta did you get first prize last time or was that monica i believe it was monica from louisiana patrick hey man what's going on what's going on yeah youtube does a terrible job i don't even know if people are getting my notifications i have no idea i'll put the little posts out i'll put the little post out and say hey i'm going live i normally do it an hour two hours sometimes two and a half hours before i've only done like three or four lives anyway should have been doing that a long time ago you would think somebody who had done 165 upload videos would have had the presence of mine to go and start going live so i can grow my channel strange i am uh i'm an oxymoron a prodigious amount of effort to disseminate information and yet i totally ignore all the ways to do it all right patrick what's up y'all patrick where are you from man i know you're not a texan lois barker it's a new name welcome welcome let's see uh hello lisa lisa johnson moonshine girl wow yeah i would have guessed tennessee yeah matt's a great guy matt's a great guy for somebody who has spent a protest amount of his life in intelligence he has totally flipped straight white hat now let's say hello from australia down under the dream time continent well what y'all y'all know about the dream time those aborigines could teach us a little something about the dream time because long before we educated westerners came up with simulation theory uh the dream time was already they were already on top of it i'm still looking at this chat i'm looking for a question because i really have absolutely nothing on my mind i came i came to do this live presentation with a a blank slate basically because it's been what well a week over a week since i've done one i know i released about six videos on different things that were on my mind and i really have about five or six videos prepared right now to release its uh timing uh you all know it you all have lives of your own life just gets in the way um i have life in dogs so oh now australia is far away one of these days i'm going to australia i'm also going to the great pyramid but they'll probably escort me out the egyptians don't want to they don't want to eat they don't want to listen to me talk period yeah zoe hollis will have me escorted right out the premises let's see oh no oh no patrick a moonshine girl from east tennessee is somebody who just left the message on right here i don't know where oh you're from illinois okay for now mount carmel wow okay you live mount carmel usa kim i got one yeah well go ahead and type let me get that you know what i'm on the wrong chat they have options for for me top chat or live chat i may as well maybe maybe i should go with live chat because top check keeps fading out on me or maybe it's in my youtube settings like i said i'm still kind of new with this guys all my comments fade out if i take my finger off the screen i do my youtube videos on a tablet i i really rarely do them i rarely do them i can't do live on a phone i'm just not not and see the comments you see i'm already wearing glasses i am without my glasses i am literally i'm not blind i just can't see small things but i really can't read it it's just a blur just a total blur uh let's see i was interested in the moon what is it really a base a viewing station well naomi river or reber i have never been to the moon but i have a deep suspicion that many of our our oldest records in the world that were describing astronomical phenomena never mentioned the moon the moon was very late in a preliterate period just before writing exploded across the third millennium bc there were several records that were preserved about astronomy and they're just not there's no mention of the moon the moon is very late in uh coming i personally believe it was 4039 bc in the month of may that the moon appeared but that i i believe that for for reasons that are in my immunophiles and in my phoenix series videos i believe the moon came from the same system that earth came from i believe one hundred percent in the titus bode theory that which shows a mathematical distribution of the planets from the surface of the sun which shows that mars if you if you take the distance from mercury to the sun and multiply it by three is where you find venus and if you continue that formula all the way to neptune it stays true the only problem is earth isn't in that formula earth is an intruder and this is why the intruder worlds come so close to us all the time phoenix the nemesis eggs object uh our lunar body the moon which is a dead world raped of its atmosphere rape raped of its it's outer uh uh basically basically it's it topography totally ripped away into space and whatever space is because you have to understand i am a simulationist i believe that all this is simulated i believe that we are living in a universe that is an actual copy of a real universe and that somebody maybe humans are trying to figure out something and that's why all this is going on the moon the moon is very unique uh i do know that the russians and and verified by the americans in the 1950s and 60s were studying their telescopes on the moon and it was noticed that many craters mayor alumni i can't remember all the names of them but many craters in the moon were opening and i was like an iris an iris type door that would open and black dots were seen coming in and going in and out not white light black dots were seen going in and out in the light behind inside the iris when it when the when the when these doors blast doors whatever they are that were hidden in craters opened it was a blue light blue illumination on the inside very well documented very well documented you probably google and come up a bunch but stuff now you have to understand about 95 of all the data that i have ever divulged you on my channel came from old books came from you know even like uh hold on i gotta turn this off yeah my my ac unit my ac unit will totally drown me out but like this 1953 edition of webster's new world dictionary i read very old books it's uh many of the things that i have researched and recorded in chronicling i can't find any reference to on the internet but i find him in pre-world war ii books all the time i i've beaten this issue of i've i've mentioned this in my videos many times it's all our histories are being scrubbed and the internet is a fascinating awesome source for real-time information and some historical information but there's just not a lot there i mean even guys like hans horberger in 1901 1902 and 1903 were that were releasing books about the origin of the moon and how our most distant ancestors never knew about it it was something new that it appeared even his material has been has been completely edited out i don't know who's buying up all these old books and destroying them they're just almost hard difficult they're very difficult to find so many editions were printed of many of the classical books and and the the scientific reports and books like from the source book project uh a whole series of reports from last scientific reports from the last 300 years and i don't i look for them i try to find vendors who are selling these old books and so i don't know some i i halfway want to believe although i have no no evidence other than suspicion that somebody some rich billionaires or something are buying up everything they can these old books and they're making sure they're going to incinerators it's just it doesn't make any sense we should have old libraries everywhere that have preserved these books literature and the preservation of of paper physical knowledge with chain with chains of custody going certificates crammed into the papers this was this was a very uh it was a very prominent practice for at least 3 000 years in the middle ages you couldn't just share a book you had to show the chain of custody you had to show certificates and letters letters from court marquise you had to show all this that show that demonstrated man this book is not fictitious it wasn't just uh written and even a translation from like french to german had to come with some authenticities and we're not finding that anymore the internet has completely completely erased whole whole whole eons of our history because it's just not mentioned and when 99.9 percent of the world is now getting all their information from this venue but this venue is completely edited out by omission then of course then it's just like a computer program every single author on this planet is putting out material but their output is corrupted it has to be corrupted because their input wasn't wasn't intact so those of you who are who i mean those of you who follow computer coding and from problem believe me you understand what i'm saying if there is a slight error in your input your output will can be disastrously off it is the same way with history it's the same way with the acquisition of data and data sets and especially like my specialty is chronology and i didn't start out that way i was just very interested i mean i started off as a southern baptist christian i wanted to know everything about what we had in the secular history in the archaeological monographs i wanted to know what would confirm the bible and what wouldn't unfortunately i mean first 40 years of my life i read that bible back and forth i have the notice to prove it and i just can't i just can't stand by it anymore it's just um i've really offended a lot of my christian listeners and and uh uh i i have been attacked with him and like any of you can go to my to my amazon and you will see i'm not selling any books although i have some reviews on each of my books where people are saying oh my god this is astounding i have never seen anybody put all these series of facts together the bibliographies are fantastic oh my god there's a thousand sources in this book how come people don't know this guy you will see those type of reviews on my books on amazon but equally you will also see some very venomous vehement attacks i don't know who these people are i don't even know i mean according to amazon they've purchased the book because they're verified to verify these are verified reviews but oh my god the venom that's in some of those uh deals it completely killed myself i sell no books no more i don't even look forward to the amazon royalty checks number i have eight published non-fiction books i don't make any sales and you know what it really doesn't bother me i'm not worried about any of these little these little minutia in my life i don't really care money money doesn't move me it's uh it's just not something i spent entirely too much time on the moon uh i do know that matthew devereaux on the facebook group published a lot of my articles if you were to uh go on that group and just i guess you use the search bar i'm not on facebook i guess you use a search bar because some other people have told me how they found a lot of my stuff you use the search bar and and look up the moon it's going to pull up all the stuff because i know i've given that man box after box after box he's my backup in the event that anything ever happens to me that man has copies of all of my research every single thing and uh even backups on flash drives handwritten notes from prison uh whole charts i haven't even released yet uh i am a perfectionist in the end that is a fault because it keeps me from moving forward and doing and and progressing and keeps me from doing a lot of things because i'm so self-critical and i don't like to release things until i'm absolutely satisfied and by that time people have either lost interest or they have moved on it's just uh it is it has been it's been it's it's been one of my one of my flaws no doubt i don't have to be too perfect uh maybe maybe it's i don't know some some embedded uh psychosocial uh i don't know it's character flaw it's what it is could be from insecurities i don't know i just have to have it has to meet my standard before i can release it for others to review and my standard is kind of high i still have unpublished books that i'm not i mean my website shows several unpublished books i haven't even released yet i'll get around to it the moon is very interesting but if you really want to know naomi about the moon you're going to have to take things into consideration they're going to disturb you and one of them is the lunar wave theory you cannot have any appreciation for an identity of that object in the sky without first entertaining things and anomalies like lunar wave theory lunar wave 3 is very real yes many people try to debunk it many people are talking about about but they do that about every truth so just use your own discernment i believe it's a hologram hiding something else i also believe there's a weapon in the sky that is that is very well hidden but i don't believe it's the moon i believe the moon is observing us how the moon moves how it's just it's like a giant observatory and it might not be one in the physical sense uh we live in a simulation so when we talk about physical things it's it's it can be confusing because they're physical to us only because we're jacked by the central nervous system into this similar crime that makes us believe we see we hear we smell we touch we taste but it's all deceitful we are just as real as the things around us but but when we scrutinize them they basically resolve into oscillating fields and now i want to get off into the particulars of quantum mechanics or non-locality because that's where we're going to go with that but uh when it comes to the moon the thing that thing it doesn't even act like a planet it's way too big to be this close to us without crashing into us the newtonian laws of inertia entropy and gravity cannot be real if the moon is real so you need to take your pick which one which ones you want to believe in so i have ignored a lot let me see let me see uh that will nail me really interested in the moon i ju patrick i just watched raya and last dragon on disney oh i haven't watched anything on disney in years hell i think it was the 80s with my kids and there are phoenix references galore really wow i wouldn't doubt it it's time to start it's time to start for the you know them to muddle the water uh moonshiner girl have you heard of kim gogin gogin i don't know how to pronounce that name but no i've never heard this person north toronto hey basic yes kim kim says i grew up a hardcore christian snapped out of it three years ago studied the bible most of my life i started seeing inklings of the anunnaki all throughout i have no noticed you think eel was enoch yes well using that's pretty much right i do believe that yeah yeah yeah inky you could have said inky or yeah the same thing of course yeah they have the exact same life but we're talking about when you when you say kim stadler that he that i believe that is enoch i i need to we need to draw a distinction here i actually believe enoch was inky that's not confusing hear me out what we have in the historical record concerning enki is at least 2 000 years older than any historical reference to enoch enoch is very late in history it is a jewish version of ancient records they did not understand in babylon when the jews were taken into captivity over 130 years after the ancient israelite tribes their enemies were taken by the assyrians the assyrian empire had fallen the israelite nations had started spreading out and we know exactly who they became today this is this this is this is i'm doing future videos with videos on that but the jews who were the israelites enemies took many of their books and scrolls and without without being able to defend the integrity of their scriptures the jews redacted and rewrote ancient israelite which were hurrying amorite scrolls in in biblical materials and they rewrote these and they put jewish authors jewish prophets in it and they made up a lot of things the jews interpolated this is what the scholars say i'm this isn't me talking i have read the scholarly monographs i have read so many different very few i'm talking about an extreme minority of biblical scholars or christians they don't believe because they know these things they have read the redacted materials they see the interpolations they have studied deep on the text and they see that the jews spent a a huge amount of time rewriting scriptures ex post facto prophetic texts that were written to make it look like that they were predicting things but they actually wrote them 150 to 250 years after the events they described and then and then they passed these these texts off onto the people as being ancient this is why in the old testament two different stories in the old testament one during the days of ezra nehemiah one day's one during the days of uh josiah i believe it's josiah both times it says that the entire old testament record had been lost the first time a copy had been found in the wall and the jews brought it out to the people and and oh they had the bible and everything was all right but scholars say it's a fiction did not happen it said it was a whole collection of books that the jews had composed to pass off to the people that put them in a light as children of god superior to all other races everybody must give ties to them the jew first gentile last now in the days of ezra and nehemiah nehemiah was a politician israel was a priest they got together and it's even admitted in the apocrypha this is why the apocryphal books are not in the bible the full story of how they rewrote the entire old testament during the days of ezra is not unknown to scholarship they all know about it do some google do some googling on on ezra and nehemiah and the writing of the old testament you will find they didn't rewrite anything they composed it and they did it using texts that were from the old babylonian libraries the adamu were an ancient ra ancient description in babylon for a race of people who are wiped out by the phoenix and there are many records of the atomo and i go into detail about this in my phoenix videos and maybe even some of my nunophiles but the jews didn't understand that and they turned adamu into adam and they gave him a wife kava kava you know of his eve then they introduced the interpreter who was nahash but the jews referred to nahash as a snake so they entered they put a snake in the story there isn't a serpent in the original story so anyway yes i believe 100 percent that enki and enoch are the same person but enoch is 2000 it is introduced as a jewish redaction of older records concerning only enoch i mean excuse me concerning only the sumerian enki so yes you're right and you're kind of you're kind of kind of wrong that's all right i forgive you let's see i was interested in moon i lost that thread again let me find this thread again y'all have to bear with me i am not i am not an expert going live on youtube i'm just not i have no studio this is all done on an android tab 6 tablet grew up hardcore christian kim stadler again oh man why ask why'd you ask about jesus why okay i'm gonna entertain that at the risk of at the risk of offending some okay many of you know from my past videos hardcore christian i used to argue against muslims i used to enter debates i used to even do like in the prison version of ted talks we have those in there very very heated there are guys in prison that will surprise you with their intellect let's do all that then i read this then i read a series of books by john waite uh charles excuse me i'm sorry charles waite put out in the 1880s i read gerald massey's lectures from the 1870s and 1880s and i had absolutely no idea that this research had been conducted and it cited over 400 different historical texts and it just blew my mind when i started reading all these texts from passion and taste and and test this in jerome and i really already i had already read augustus but i had no idea that scholars had broken down and analyzed all of our augusta stuff and showed over over 200 forgeries in his books and and showed the proof where the where this material came from ancient sources but he changed the authors and the dates so all right man what is this i can't believe this and there was a complete breakdown of matthew mark luke and john and all the historical documents that were in existence in the 1st century bc the 1st century a.d the 2nd century a.d in the 3rd century 80 a full itemization of every single document that had ever been translated from the latin and the greek that existed in those times that have been discovered by archaeologists and historians in in secret libraries and vatican archives and all that and the this book i'm talking about is over 600 page pages it's called the first 200 years of christianity and it is by it is by charles waite and when i read about it it shocked me it shows proof after proof after proof after proof meant that the story of jesus was absolutely unknown everything about the miracle worker and all that stuff was a man named apollonius of tyanna and he was well known and he was a greek and he did travel and he did speak in parables and he and he did do some healings and stuff like that but he was 100 percent not jewish and the story seems to have taken on a life of its own now he might have been the christ and we might have it all wrong apollonius and tyanna was was when he went by any historical record 300 years later the church had matthew mark luke and john but before matthew mark and luke john there is a cue document that cue document according to scholars is the mysterious source material from which matthew mark and luke came from john did not john came from an alternate source it is a gnostic text like like many of the nag hamadi library texts the book of john is unlike matthew mark and luke it doesn't have parallels with matthew matthew mark and luke it is it is almost all it is it is almost all in symbols of the gnosis which was a very strong religious movement at the time before christianity even exploded onto the scene it's the fundamental tenet of the gnosis that we live do live in an artificial reality and that it is controlled by an evil being called the demiurge and that there is a savior sasha on he is coming uh christianity borrowed many of these and they came from the the uh the uh zinda vesta or some kind of ancient iranian prophecies but those were just older israelite prophecies because that's where they got them from and when the israelites ran captive and they brought those elements of their belief systems with them concerning jesus is very interesting the breakdown of all these scholars and all these ancient records would you even see them in christian literature today they don't even talk about these these major scholarly projects that were undergoing 1870s 1880s 1890s and early 19 or 20th century but they proved beyond a shadow of a doubt that matthew mark and luke came from a cue document and they have identified that cue document it's called the gospel of markion markion was a turkish navigator in the days when jesus was supposed to have lived and he came into possession of a story about a man and he began the story begins when the man is 30 years old and for three years he had the most fascinating teachings he spoke in parables he he didn't claim to have come from any anywhere extraordinary but the jews were at war with him they did not like him their problems with him were racial not doctrinal they kept accusing him saying hey man you're not one of us you're not one of us how can you teach us you can't come to the temple and teach man you're a samaritan the jews racially identified themselves as totally separate from jesus in the gospel of markeon interestingly in the gospel of markion there is no virgin birth that is the old that's pretty much the old pagan sun god 25 different pre-christian gods were all said to be born on on on december 25th and it is star and the three kings and the three magi these are all elements borrowed from the old babylonian system but in the gospel of marchionne there's none of that it's a pure spiritual documents pure spiritual parables and teachings and it's phenomenal it's everything you read basically in the book of mark in the book of matthew and in the book of luke minus the virgin birth minus a single miracle minus the mythological overtones minus the sun darkening phoenix episode which they borrowed from other historical tastes because it didn't happen in 33 phoenix wasn't even here anywhere near the time of 33. it wouldn't even appear for 70 more years but they borrowed it from old phoenix records that were very popular in the fir in the 1st century a.d thanks to pliny 100 years before that the gospel of markion has no crucifixion no judas episode all of those elements were added by the church later when they composed the book of mark and then using by adding all these elements in the book of mark they then embellished more when they wrote the book of matthew and then from matthew was born the book of luke a hundred years later they presented them to the public as three separate gospels and they totally eliminated all references to the gospel of marchionne john was a gnostic doc composition just like it was probably came from the nag hamadi collection itself but it was highly rewritten in many different places i don't believe that our version of jesus is true because god doesn't need to do all those things to save save humanity nor do i believe that humanity needs saving i do not believe anymore that humanity in the collective is guilty of anything i believe that we are victims and i have mentioned this many times in my videos and i even itemize those reasons why i don't believe in sin doctrine i don't believe in any of that all these self-imposed dictates and religious little they are absolutely fascinating in in studying them with their control mechanisms they're designed to control you and if you if you fall prey to them like i did for 40 years of my life that's fine it doesn't really change who you are spiritually i don't believe that there's any type of eternal ramifications that are going to attach to us for falling prey to the deceptions because this entire sibilicum is a deception of the demiurge this entire predator versus prey equal sphere that we live in and we think that a creator built is not it's a false reality with all kinds of modifications like the predator versus prey where animals tear into other animals while they're screaming in agony to to drink their blood lick their blood eat their eat their flesh and then feed it to their young that says in the real universe these things aren't these types of sustenance isn't necessary it isn't even this is this is all a part of the god of this world the demiurge the evil one calling the adversary calling satan calling whatever you want i don't need a jesus to be spiritual being and that's what i take out of that i am fascinated with the gospel of mark yon i'm fascinated with with when i read matthew mark luke and i do i go back and i read matthew mark luke and john now i do it and i see it and i gain from it because the parables are very spiritual the real creator cannot communicate to us things in frames of reference that have anything to do with this physical world which is a product of the evil one the demiurge instead he speaks to us through intuition flashes of imagination through parables metaphors similes coincidence even mandela effect these are the ways that the true creator this great spirit communicates to us and we feel them all the time there are many times we feel our spirits soar and we can't we can't do anything wrong we're not worried about anything in the world those are those are times when when our spirit is vibrating in tune with things that are beyond this similar chrome beyond this world because this world is saturated with 100 pure negativity and it takes a lot it takes a powerful soul to maintain a positive attitude when the default programming of our existence is negative i mean i try to get up every single morning and have a really good attitude but i i will admit to you now i have problems i have issues 100 and i recognize them i anger way too way too easily and normally when people are around me they think i'm mad at them or say it has nothing i'm not even angry about anything going on in my in my immediate environment i would be angry about things going on somewhere else and how i couldn't couldn't couldn't influence an outcome or whatever it's just uh we all have our issues and it's in our issues are all a problem because we are really we are really spiritual beings and we truly are trapped at the intersect at the crossroads between two infinities and we are pulled one way but we are tugged another and we feel this and it's very difficult to separate ourselves from the saturation of negativity this default programming of our temporal existence because we're jacked into it through the central nervous system it's very hard to divorce ourselves from the very world that we are halfway a part of but there's another half of us this this eternal spirit this immortal that lies within us that we know that we are more than we suppose ourselves to be that we know we have vast capabilities that have been switched off in our palindromes our dna palindromic sequences have been switched off and they call it trash dna but it's not those are the signatures of your immortality they've just been turned off temporarily right now and because everything is coding and programming this is why resurrection is absolutely possible the chief message of jesus was resurrection that i don't believe in jesus and that he was just an aspect of the unseen the amen the creator invisible the one we do not know not the god of this world but jesus is just an expression of the true creator anything good in this world came from outside this melodrama to influence us all the negativity inside this existence is to detract us is to make us stumble to blind us from what's going on because every day we have evidence that we are watched that we are loved that we are guarded and every single day the world fights back and tries to convince us we're insane this is just this is just life it's not even fascinating to me anymore i just live it i just know i understand i catch myself going through moons all the time and i change my frequency as soon as i change my attitude and i'm emanating something totally different i know that the auric field that follows me everywhere and you all have one everybody maintains an energy and that energy signature is very unique to you because everything you have ever believed ever accomplished ever doubted ever thought maybe is still with you today you haven't left that now there are some people who take it to even more metaphysical uh i don't know how i would say it but they called the akashic record i really i'm not really following the akashic whole deal but it's okay some people do because they're right and they're wrong i believe that we live in a hologram and in a hologram everything is about perspective you and i can be sitting right next to each other living in the same world but we're totally in different universes it happens all the time i walk into stores and i know and i can see i can feel who i'm vibrating with sometimes i strike up conversations and other types of just observe people and sometimes i swear up and down that people that i'm looking at are not even real and i'll even act on that and i'll just walk toward them and i'll look and something happens something distracts me they go behind another aisle or something and i just can't find them i have searched whole stores i know you think i'm mad but i've done it i study everything that's not a lie in one day's time i might be working i might be doing flagstone i might be driving i'm doing but while i'm doing it my mind does not rest my mind is that pendulum i'm going forward and backward in time i'm i very rarely very rarely get unfocused it's just just it's just who i am 47 years old i still act like i'm 17 years old sometimes but you know what intellectually i'm about 200 years old and i can think that to texas i think texas prison for that but uh i won't get too far into jesus i do have posts on jesus if you have not seen my videos i do believe i have three videos on jesus now i have three videos too on the old testament and that's pissing people off but it's okay uh i stand vindicated because in those three videos i cite every single verse you can look it up yourself i have many people man that try to argue with me about about how evil this god yahweh was who did not appear to mankind as a light in heaven or jesus or a descended god he appeared as a burning bush in the middle of a desert should have gave your first clue and i got three videos on that but they have highly take people off yeah you would not believe and some of some of my really bad reviews on amazon are about that yeah there's some people man that cognitive dissonance has kicked them in the ass and they and they take it out on me that's okay oh let me get some of these let me get some of these questions in all right i haven't heard of kim cosmic agency revealed that there are three arcs and i know nothing about it basic i don't i've never heard of cosmic agency and not sure maybe i don't know uh if you're if you're referring to arcs from 2239 bc the month of may in the great flood uh i don't believe that noah had an ark all right there was somebody named manure or no other he has many names with many cultures and even in ancient america they remember bokika getting on a boat and saving animals and his wife and all that in a great flood i don't doubt the story my problem is is that in my own research i didn't find an ark i find i found whole fleets of ships full of caucasians leaving north america which was completely destroyed by cataclysm in in the third and arriving on the shores on the persian gulf among the ube ube ubed culture and the beginnings of the sumerian people and i i'm my videos going to that we're going to go into that here but uh the ark story i believe was probably hundreds of ships not just one hey crystal shaman hi jason see oliver turtleman tournament i don't believe other i've said i've seen you on her before but appreciate it see i've seen footage of things coming and going up there on the moon from amateur footage and yes our history is being scrubbed uh we have to keep our books phil schneider what do you think of him i've never i've never really watched him i don't know too much about i know the name and i'm basically familiar with the fundamentals of his research through other people but i have to apologize now i do not have the time to research anybody but me but what i'm doing you guys don't i literally have thousands of pages of notes i haven't even got to i have produced so much material i'm steady i'm steadily handling handing uh edited notes and putting them in the format i want to matthew and matthew poseum and he does a great job and you know what i just have too much material i can't i just can't i can't listen to other youtube videos it's just i'm sorry you got many of you have sent me all kinds of links not even patrick patrick i want to thank you right now you had a really good idea about selling my pdf files and all that it's just i hit this wall because i'm not gonna do fundraisers i'm not i'm not gonna sit here i i i've even quit taking money i just i just uh i don't know man i'm so i'm so ambiguous about it if i ever had a benefactor just gave me what 20 30 grand and i could just hire somebody and we could just put out all this material make it free to the public i would be happy i'm just i have this i have i i have this psychological barrier it's i am offended by just selling my material now when i when i was really sick in january and hospitalized twice and almost died in the ambulance yes i did sell my charts and many of you helped me out by sending them you know what i got the exact amount of money from selling my charts that i needed to cover my rent my motorcycle payment and my van payment man i never even told you guys that i really i really appreciate you i had no income during that period of time texas had frozen over and completely killed my occupation and as soon as the weather was getting right and i was stacking bids to go do jobs oh my god i know some of you don't believe in covet and all that i don't want to argue with that man but i'm telling you i was perfectly healthy no cold symptoms no flu symptoms nothing somebody else tested positive for covid many of you know him in the archaic group because he's a man he's a member his name is jonathan harrison he got covered pretty bad but it was only for five days or so i took him some medicine he asked me to go get some 1 000 packs of vitamin c some some stuff and i took it to him i didn't even touch him i was just in and out but he had had cover for four or five days and tested positive i didn't even believe in coving four days later i'm flopping around like a fish i can't even breathe perfectly healthy nothing wrong good appetite i'm eating real good i go to the hospital and i just dread i was just filled with drip and they told me hey man you got covered i knew right then and there that something was wrong because i don't get sick i don't they let me go home with a bunch of medicines seven days later seven days later i was in the ambulance again pulmonary shut down my organs were failing no oxygen was turning blue uh my my i showed i showed a video with my medical records and because i mentioned a certain medicine that the doctors had told me about youtube took my video completely off so i have two i have two covered videos the second one where i mentioned the details and show actual footage inside the hospital when i was in icu i took that video off it is my only of 165 videos is the only video that youtube has completely taken off it's crazy but yeah that's uh so yeah i don't know oh don't get me wrong i would love to take some money i just morally offends me and to take these small sums and then try to stack it up and do anything it's a believe me if the time comes where it's necessary this great creator that's outside the similar chrome has deemed it necessary hey man we're going to release all the json stuff right now but he's going to put on somebody's heart to go and make that happen i'm not going to do it by sitting here trying to beg for scraps i'm not going to monetize my channel i am not going to interrupt my content i think it's too important i have seen other people's videos and to me it's just trash you know i get into it i'm listening to them they have my undivided attention and then i gotta hear about herbal patches that you got to stick on your damn chest to get all these benefits and the commercial just goes on and on and on and on by the time i've lost interest because i have a short tension span even if it's things that interest me if you can't maintain my interest i i'm gone god just i just especially on a screen i'm different in person i can actually run my mouth all day long to the same person uh it's unbelievable i see you would get tired of listening to me if we were sitting side by side sharing some bourbon or something i'm not going to shut up not until you make me until you get your keys get your keys get your truck leave but uh but when it comes on the screen like this just can't let's get to it getting through these deals i'm looking for more questions guys that's what this is about questions and answers and like i said if i don't have the answer i'm gonna let you know i just don't know i have no idea but for those of you who are interested in my other topic that i was talking about the book i have a really good memory for any books that i have read i'm telling you so it's like 600 pages you're not going to believe how detailed this is about the gospel of marchionne the research that was conducted in later by all the christian establishments and academic seminaries and how they have blackballed this book it's by charles wait it's the first 200 years of christianity it's fascinating book absolutely boring if you're not interested in that but you know when you're sitting in a prison cell almost every book you read is very interesting well that's true crystal would you say yeah there was a book i wanted that was supposed to have actual truth in it about what happened to the native americans it was quite pricey but i was going to get it no sooner than i saw it oh believe me crystal i already know that book disappeared yeah yeah it was gone yep i believe that i have found books people have brought me books that they had no idea i was looking for years priorly and that i had shelved those research program projects until i could find find certain i have since i've been out of prison i have visited every local bookstore in harris county montgomery county san jacinto county walker county uh anything i could anytime anything i can find on the internet where these old bookstores and i have bought many because that's what i do but it's just so there's there i there's my i had access to better literature in prison than i have since i've been out unless i mean i didn't have access to the internet i take that i take that back i got i'm no saint i got caught with a cell phone like four times all right i had more than that i used to get cell phones all the time in prison i didn't care i mean when you keep a man from 17 years old and put him in an environment full of adults who were trying to do stuff to him they said of course i'm gonna i'm gonna retaliate i'm a man i'm not fixing to be somebody's mice so yeah i stab somebody you know what in retrospect i'm really sorry that had to happen but right now i am telling you that i would have to do it again or i wouldn't be jason i would be janine or something and i'm not i'm not going to tolerate that and i don't mean to say that you know with humor but it's absolutely true they gave me more prison time for things that happened in prison when i was only 17 year old kid thrust in there with a bunch of adults so i still have anger issues about that oh i'm gonna have issues the rest of my life that's who i am but i'm uh i've already left it in the past the only time i even feel anything about my past is when i'm relating it to someone i don't wake up in the morning thinking god lame i spent 26 years and 42 days in prison i my whole 20s my whole 30s half my 40s in prison i missed all that i don't have that attitude as a matter of fact i didn't even get out of prison and hit the ground running to me it was like i was studying the world around me even the day they let me out it had been the first time that i had sat in the back seat or front seat of any car in over a quarter of a century i and i remember just thinking oh my god i'm moving fast why would anybody want to drive i'm going way too fast i'm steady trying to watch the trees i'm leaving huntsville going toward the woodlands because the first 14 months that i was released from prison i was a part of a re-entry program called the texas violent offenders re-entry program and i'm not proud of that but the only times that i have ever been violent when i was in defending myself even the offense that put me in prison i didn't hurt anybody it wasn't violent but the presence of a weapon makes everything in texas a 3g affirmative finding so it's considered a violent offense if you have a weapon in the commission of a crime even if you use it or brandish it or or anything i i got out of prison and everything was a study to me i went to walmart the very first store i went to right there off 242 in i-45 in the heart of the woodland and i just walked around i was living with my dad i don't live with him anymore i don't live with family i moved out as soon as they took the ankle monitor off my ankle i was gone i just very strange reliving those memories but i spent that first 14 months learning everything i needed to learn about just re-entering society i was on house arrest until i could graduate the program i was on a monitor believe me gps or they knew everywhere i went so it was just i did a lot of reading very strange to be released from prison you think you'd hit the ground running get on some dating dating apps websites i didn't care didn't know that uh hell i hooked up with a woman from aa because they were making me go to aaa so if i if i was going to be forced to go to alcoholics anonymous when alcohol has absolutely no bearing on my imprisonment my incarceration i have never been caught drinking either that hooch or alcohol in prison it's just something they wanted me to do so i'd better reintegrate with society so i figured if i'm going to go to alcoholics anonymous and i'm gonna listen these people talk about all these problems they have and i really can't identify with them because i'm not alcoholic i do not have an addictive personality but hell i'm gonna make it worth my while so i saw a woman that was in there and i befriended her and later on we were an item and that was the first thing out of prison i did and uh but it was but it was all a study to me it's like because reality was so surreal in prison i did not have the frames of reference that i do now because i did not realize that the things that i was researching in the conclusions that i was making in prison were already conclusions that other people from other other basically avenues of research were also coming across but i didn't know anything about simulation theory all i knew is i totally agree with with this with the students of the gnosis who believe that reality is an artificial construct and they borrowed that from the older vatican sanskrit records where reality itself was maya it was an illusion and the aboriginal dream time because my study of history led me to many conclusions that this is not right it can't be because i study history through the lens of mathematics every time i'm reading history books i have a calculator in my hand oh yeah i used to be the prison nerd and don't get me wrong i'm six foot 220 covered in tattoos from my necks and tops of my feet and i used to be a brawler and got the scars to prove it nobody would just make fun of me but i was known behind my back they talked about me i'm the ultra right republican conservative southern texan white boy stuck in a prison surrounded by a whole bunch of liberals and and most of them don't like me and that's fine but i was always on every cell block reading a book with a calculator in my hand and i knew damn well from all my notes that the history of the world all these ancient clinical systems all the events that happened they could not have happened the way they did without there being some type of construct protocols that they were following for the same events to occur in the same year in two different hemispheres on two different cultures and two different timelines it's beyond coincidence and then to find find examples of this over and over and over and over and everywhere it's just it doesn't make sense it's all coding and i realized this without even knowing anything about assuming i get out of prison all of a sudden i'm bombarded with all these theories and i realize oh this is what i believe i just didn't know i was a simulationist so let me get back to these comments those of you who have watched my live videos before you already know i'm going to ramble i'm going to i'm going to i'm going to entertain tangents and then sometimes those tangents will take a life of their own all right let's see crystal i am not on facebook either well that's about to change for me crystal i'm probably i'm probably about to get on facebook i i mean i'm tired of sitting in matt's office and going through his stuff so yes i have seen way to move oh yeah crystal shaman you've seen the uh lunar wave theory it's very interesting oh it's one of my puppies one of my puppies getting aggressive okay kim go gin says she took over marduk's job all right moonshine girl i'm sorry i just don't i don't follow i don't i don't know what marduk's job is if it's a reference to anything that zechariah suting has ever put out i'ma i apologize i'm just not a follower i i do not have respect for the man's research i do have respect for the man he spent a prodigious amount of his life doing all this research but he was also financially connected his theory didn't just blow up and he didn't become a multi-millionaire because he wrote a fascinating thesis he was putting out material because he was paid to if you do some research on who on the foundation that supported zechariah city and put his research there is a definitive reason why they wanted his citizens research out there now i am not a citronite i totally disagree with almost every premise that he has ever put out the good value i find in sitchin though is his archaeological stuff i love reading about eric and er and abraham and all that but his chronology is so contorted is so terribly off and in my videos i show how to how to correct it and where those references are and what they are i'm just not a situnite especially with his theory that the great pyramid the sarcophagus was built to imprison marduk it's not what's built for it all and actually my pyramid videos show the 138 year protocol that is that is definitively shown i really wish i could get some some academics some professional scholars to debate about the great pyramid because we would lay some rules down i will answer anything they ask but they have to answer what i ask as well and one of the main things i'm going to ask is are you in agreement that sir flinders petrie's measurements of the great pyramid of these are still scientifically accurate today when they were done to a thousandth of an inch and they're gonna have to say yes because it's in every single egyptological reference the only measurements accepted by egyptology are sir flinders petri and when you do that and when you take sir thunderf00t i'm not having trouble trying to say his name and i have even started on my bourbon tonight i'm uh there is no getting around the fact that almost every rectilinear measurement of the great pyramid is divisible perfectly not in decimal form perfectly in 138 year increments into two-dimensional everywhere it's it's fascinating it must be examined no scholar no academic can claim not to know it if they do then they're not even supposed to be a part of the dialogue this is this is something that must be answered before we consider what that monument is and for those of you who will follow my videos you already know i believe it was a machine i believe the carrier mechanism that went forward and backward in the grand gallery has been removed but it can be reassembled i would love to i would love to be a part of a project i don't have to lead anything but i would love to be a part of a project a think tank where 10 12 of us get together we pull our resources we pour in somebody could fund that and we would absolutely confront the scientific world with our findings on the great pyramid because we'd shock them because i don't believe any scientists or academics are watching my channel i'm nobody i'm jason brashears you're not i'm just not going to demo urge himself is going to make to make sure that my material man is only going to reach those who not only can absorb it but those who themselves are not going to be able to propagate it it's just the way it's just the way it is i'm fully accepted that i'm never going to be widely known and i don't want to because they're going to take me out and i have given mr devereaux everything it's because when that day comes i'm not worried about it it's just a simulation i'm going to wake up and take off my vr headset and i'm gonna say man it was a hell of a ride y'all had me play a really interesting character and my personality will remain intact but all this baggage that i've caught since i've been here will remain behind because that's what the simulacrum is about the simulation was originally designed so we could solve a problem the and while we're solving that problem we could actually suffer the things that we needed to suffer in order to spiritually grow but once we've grown we can leave it behind without consequence because nothing that's ever happened here is real that's my belief how'd y'all like that taking my glasses off to accentuate a point i might have to try that more often because last time somebody charles brook as a matter of fact said that i did something very genius in my last video man using a pickle as a prop never thought i just like pickles i'm addicted to them i had no idea that it was thought it was a prop i might have to return to that pickle though i love pickles let's see my work my work uh like i said i have no addictive i do like beer and i do like pickles and there's a reason for that i work hard i'm in really good physical condition and it's because i do flagstone and i have never seen a flagstone yet that was light they're all heavy as hell and so was the concrete you sold the polymeric sand everything that all my tools were heavy so hell my tem i got a one ton van uh polymeric sanded buckets of dirt and wheelbarrows full of materials everything in my toolbox everything's heavy and this is what i deal with every single day i also lose all the nutrients and salts because i sweat profusely when i work something about pickles and something about beer makes me feel alive when i come in from work that's like i said it's not addictive personality it's the salts and the beers the salt and the vinegar and pickles just every day man it's a pickling beer i gotta have it when i come when i come in see i'm not on facebook either hello everyone from southeastern louisiana monica farrell you know there ain't nobody else from louisiana in here but you uh southeastern you know what i have to pick on you southeastern louisiana now look texas is big i can get a way of saying we're saying in east texas i can get away with saying north texas south texas west texas but when you look on a map can you really get away with with dividing louisiana in any in any cardinal direction can you really get away with i'm just teasing i've passed through louisiana a couple times in my life i need to get on my motorcycle and i need to just hit the highway and do videos at people's houses and go meet and go meet people i lost my thread louisiana that's funny crystal shaman hi monica hi crystal monica farrell thank you kim for asking about jesus i've been wanting an in-depth explanation from jason now i have videos monica i do have me i had to have videos i tell you what i did not go in depth in this video i sanitized it because i can go in depth that's what y'all want me to do i can pull out my notes and we can do a live session just on jesus as long as nobody asks me questions that could take me other directions we can do that um it's not all bad i mean just because i don't believe the man ever the walked does not mean that i don't find value in the message of jesus you have to understand the creator is outside the simulation he didn't construct this this was a this was a a modification of a real reality it is a construct by the dimers this experiment evidently there was a challenge somewhere in the realms of the divine and that challenge was allowed and we're living in it right now i believe humans are the architects of this of the similar crime i believe that i believe humans are the ones that built all this i believe that something else changed it and trapped humans in here into a in a loop some of y'all call it rear mud floods and resets and phoenix phenomenon it's a loop it doesn't matter how that loop manifests because a computer program can make something happen at certain intervals all the time and change the perimeters of the phenomena so you would think it's something else when it's all part of the same phenomena now this is what i believe also believe there's a there that we have entered a state of entropy the submilligram is falling apart events are not making sense like they used to make sense even the physics protocols are weather phenomena so many things are just really unraveling and i believe like the first the first reality tunnel collapse will be 2040 in the second one 2046 and then 2070 and then 2106 is the 6000th year was was the world created 6 000 years ago hell no i don't believe any of that that's an old christian misinterpretation from older documents there was a very definitive timeline begun 6 000 years ago it was a new heavens and new earth because the old heavens new earth under the adamu had completely been wiped out by the phoenix and start again this is why the first chapter of genesis isn't a creation story at all it's two different creation stories that say totally opposite things go read genesis the very beginning of genesis is not a single creation story and every biblical scholar can tell you that there are two creation stories there are two pre-flood genealogies and they're different some of them have crossover names but they're different and there's for a reason for that many of the old testament stories they're bifurcated there are two different versions of the same events and they often have totally different conclusions all throughout the old testament but we can do that later we can do it we can do a jesus one it's not all it's not all bad i believe i believe that the creator communicates to us in parables in imagery in things that are unreal in this world but in the spiritual realm take on new meanings when we entertain them the gospel is fantastic there has never been written a more spiritually powerful collection of parables and teachings as what you find in the new testament but the older versions of the same story the gospel of marchionne predating anything it's the reason why the church fathers never mentioned it he's the reason why the apostle paul all the letters of the apostle paul he doesn't mention a single miracle in jesus did you know that in all the all the letters of the apostle paul in the new testament not one reference can be found to mary and joseph nowhere paul it's almost it's almost like the apostle paul who wrote most of the new testament didn't even know jesus but let me tell you what he knew the apostle paul he knew christ and he knew christ risen and he understood that the christos was a belief in the resurrection in the collapse of this evil world which he mentions over and over because he mentions the god of this world and he even makes the distinction that it's not the creator paul knew paul was a student of the gnosis that's why his writings are so fundamentally different than what you find in matthew mark luke and john we can go into depth on this top topic i'm not anti-christian i just i can add more information than most people readily know about what happened no jesus wasn't really there and every man there was pontius pilate never never executed there was never a crucifix crucifixion those are the old pagan elements that were reintroduced into a new story and they're over there's so many gods from from the 3rd 4th 5th 6th all the way to the 19th century bc that all had a life just like jesus in the new testament in matthew mark luke and john but the gospel of markian is just jesus doing teachings saying the most spiritually profound things and having a bunch of arguments with the jews that's all the gospel of marketing was somebody later wrote matthew mark luke and john using the gospel of mark young before they trashed it and in that new version they added all the pagan sun god elements the virgin birth all these things they added it's just it's ridiculous but we can go into depth we can do it because jesus doesn't have to be the christ does not have to be real as far as somebody who is physically here in this world to be meaningful to us at all so let's let's move on let's move around some of y'all don't want to hear that so but for those who do we need to do a video on it south southeastern louisiana i need to look at a map of louisiana i got to make sure it's even got a south let's see um oh thank you kim for asking moonshiner i heard jesus was really a man named rydebeer that's pretty i never heard that one although there's there's a lot of references to apollonius of tyanna now he was a miracle worker samaritan answered my questions your best what's that kim oh i am glad so glad uh so glad i asked about jesus you were confirming my suspicions about the book of john oh yeah the book of john is fascinating but it was it was a gnostic document oh for those for those who don't know the gnostics were very very venerated uh uh two thousand years ago sirenthis had a collection of prophecies from the the stewards who had got them from the old delphic oracle in the other oracles in ancient greece they collected their prophecies some of them had given been given to rome in the roman senate used to consult them they were called the sibling books the sibling oracles well cerinthis had a special collection that had been guarded in a cave sirenthis finally brought them to light the early church stole them those records became the book of revelation true story do some research on ceranthus the story is that john a prisoner on the isle of patmos received the deal and that could be true but the writings pre-exist john and they were given to him by god they're given to him by sirenthus very old greek prophecies that's what the book of revelation is uh oh busy busy okay my name is becky have your studies ever taken taken in the serpent mountains of ohio yes yes uh becky i do have a video my video is on the mountain builders you might want to go check that out i do i do have pictures and i do mention the serpent mound the serpent eating the cosmic egg because it's not just a native american symbol it was a very old neolithic symbol with the ancient serpent eating a cosmic egg it's a reference to a serpent dragon in the stars that was eating a plant really now let's see yeah we got one stirring up the pot see crystal shaman jason i know what you mean about some peeps not seeming real i notice things when i'm out in public too oh yes there's 100 there are gremlins out there guys and there are also not shadow people but there are also somebody else told me a really good good term npcs non-player characters like a video game yeah they're not in the game they're like uh bots they're bots they're there to fulfill a role and that role is to populate the world around you and make things make things seem normal if if a crowd of people are all doing the same thing not talking to each other minding their business seemingly random movements here and there stuff you need to pay attention because you might be one of the only real people in the room this happens a lot see we live in the simulation it's very easy to simulate other human behaviors people aren't even there it's very easy these are done to distract us when i'm out in public too and not to get you back on the jesus subject yeah you're stirring up the pot kim and not to get you back on the jesus subject but i do find it interesting that his aramaic name was yeshua yeah yahshua yeshua yeah jesus was fascinated there's no doubt about it what's your view on the on the book black root science it talks about jacob and the secret history of the blacks i don't know i haven't read that book oh cyanide mon touch i have not read that book i have read the entire book of black scholar i can't deop you know who i'm talking about believe me cyanide i know damn well you know who i'm talking about his name is diop he's a scholar he is basically put out a huge book it's almost it's like a bible uh breaking down all the anime ellis the sumerian atrocious epic all the sumerian records uh he's actually way better than sichu way better than zechariah sitchin uh he's a black scholar named deop from africa i can't remember his name put it put his name here in the comments if you if you know you know who i'm talking about i just can't remember but i haven't read the uh the black root science star knight oh see anything catastrophic okay do you see anything catastrophic happening in the days ahead right now i am embarking on a study with matthew may not matthew devereaux but matt matt may and i are doing an analysis of 2021 and 2022 we're using isometric projections and other elements of the ofus algorithm that is still being developed we're seeing some very unusual things we're seeing some really interesting things i still stand 100 behind my three my three uh future of america videos i did about trump and the future of america and also i still stand behind those 100 things haven't quite unfolded in the same way but then again 2021 is is still it's only halfway over we have a lot of time left i'm gonna do a video another i have to do another video all the things that we're finding and matthew may and i next weekend are doing we're gonna do a live video you're going to watch matthew may and i in real time do isometric projections and map out the next year what the events are going to unfold so we're doing that we've already discussed it on the phone we're both pretty excited about it see naomi river i know you're busy i'm up to the third faylorn book return of the thorn maiden are you now now you're like the only person i know is reading my books the reason i asked about phil is because he talks about the inner earth wars which is a major feature of your books naomi don't give up too many secrets around here yes i wrote i wrote the phelon they're all published on amazon i wrote the failover books because i believe that that for the same exact reason why the story of jesus is very spiritually beneficial to us it's i don't know i really wish you wouldn't mention that sometimes the best way to bring people to the truth is through lies and i know that sounds sinister but it happens every single day every single day that you're alive you automatically edit out information that that's around you because it came to you too straightforward but when it comes to you as deceit when elements are brought to you and you realize well this is bs that's not happening you instantly come to the truth by some type of analytical procedure that you that you yourself engaged in so yes naomi i did i wrote a series of fantasy books and you can say you tell people in the comment section if you like them or not uh they passed them around the prison like it was number one new york times bestseller uh i'm all i don't get any reviews for those books i don't get like i said my books are on amazon i'm under attack i believe it's probably the same group of people but they're leaving a lot of negative reviews and they don't even mean the reviews don't even have anything to do with the actual book that they would put a review on so i'm uh i'm seriously considering either removing all my books from amazon and just i might take patrick's advice and render them into pdf files make them either free to the public or i don't know charge a nominal fee just something i don't know i don't know what i'm gonna do i have so much to do it's just uh i get bogged down so but yeah i wanted to write a series of books in fiction it's a fantasy world but it's a dark fantasy world it's a race of fairies that are going through some really really unusual usual times and all the inner relationships of all the different types of fairies and as you know naomi i saw you're on the third book so you already know they have a very rich history and i spent a lot of time building a world that's very similar to ours and what i reveal in the fiction books i can never get in trouble for so i'll just leave it at that my god the thread thread the threads growing i appreciate it guys i know you were busy let's see yes yes kim it's wrong 100 percent of the coffee is 90 bs false positives 100 percent i'm still in disbelief that i got it but 10 percent of the time legitimate weapon yeah i got that too it is it did enough damage to actually be passed off as a false pandemic that's what it did buck wild gone man you're a new one buck wild gone you sound like somebody i've been drinking with i recently ran up on your channel and have been watching your videos and the recordings of your lives i'm barely into your library and your knowledge is amazing thank you man hey man i get beat down a lot man i need to hear that every once in a while i get beat down a lot of people beat me up i'm telling they take all these little sucker punches on on youtube i delete a lot of y'all don't see them i get notifications as soon as i give a deal i'm not gonna entertain that i'm not gonna allow those comments to stay on if anybody disagrees with me that's fine i do not edit those you will see those in the youtube comments i'm not gonna i'm never gonna punish somebody for disagreeing with me but if you get stupid i'm gonna remove your comment i do it all the time i got some people that really attack me on youtube i'm trying to hear it it's not it's not your platform it's mine i buy old books too let's see i appreciate that buck wild thanks oh jason there's crystal i would never get tired of listening to you and i'm sure others would agree with me well i appreciate it right now there's only 14 of y'all listening to me but i'm not doing it for i'm not doing it for the here and now because i already know that youtube is going to upload it's going to upload this as an upload after the live show is over and people will be able to watch it that's that's the real value i'm glad enough you're on to ask questions to keep my mouth running but uh even if nobody was on tonight i was still gonna do a video let's see [\h__\h] wow crystal kimstad i have another one haha oh you got another question all right what's your thoughts on the pit of zoya el aryan okay that's got to have another name it is interesting when comparing to the book of enoch i don't know what picture referring referring to but the islamic records are very similar to the apocryphal records in that there is a bottomless pit in egypt somewhere below altar now if you read the book of jasher and the books of enoch you will find that an altar was built in the land of egypt egypt for adam by god or an altar was built for the atomo in commemoration of an entire species that was wiped out by the phoenix this altar is the same as the altar in ancient indian vedic text called the altar of agony which had 10 800 blocks remember the great pyramid in my videos was built in 90 years which is 1080 months but it was also built in the annas mundi year 1080 after 90 years so it's all the same place it's a great pyramid in egypt and i don't wanna i don't wanna beat that up too much i have a whole i have so many videos on great pyramid but yes the great pyramid was built specifically over like a bottomless pit it even has the architecture to prove it there is a subterranean tunnel that goes all the way down to a subterranean chamber in the subterranean chamber the length of the ceiling is 552 inches the width i mean the height of this from floor to ceiling in the subterranean chamber is 138. these are phoenix numbers 138 is the orbit of phoenix and 552 is 138 times 4. so and then from the baseline all the way up to the great step which is the same the central most prominent feature of the entire great pyramid according to every archaeologist who studied it is 1656 inches which is also divisible by 138. i don't want to go into that there's so many there's so many there's so many that's divisible by 138 the great the great pyramid is the altar in the ancient world that was built over a bottomless pit which does contain an imprisoned being that will not be released until the year of the deep in the year of the deep is known as 2046 it's in the book of revelation it is an invasion of something that might not be human but they have man-like faces oh i buy old books too i know that in the future the hard copies of books we have may be all that are left yes crystal shaman you're hitting on a point i'm 47 years old today we have 19 more years until the serious reset between in may of 2040 and three published books over 60 posts articles uh like 30-something videos i mean there's uh what more can i tell the world i mean about the phoenix i have more that i've never even published i have so many notes on the phoenix i've never even shared because it just becomes redundant i'm saying the same thing over and over she's a different civilization different culture different calendar now oh but it's my passion before i die i is my single most hope to have a single book published that's about 700 pages thick it's going to have like silver or gold gold trim it'll be leather bound it will come with a box with you're able to lock and i want to produce thousands of these and that book is simply going to be chronicon you've seen my pdf files it's just a rough draft compared to what i want to do i have the notes to do it and finish it now i just don't have the time that's not the time i'm just i struggle to pay my bills and that's just the way life is but if it's going to come to pass if if if god almighty wants this to be done to preserve a record of our world through these these coming destructions then it's going to be done that's why i'm just not worried about it it's going to come to pass it might not even be me who doesn't i can't imagine anybody else is going to take up the torch but but still it might not be my there might be some eight-year-old kid today right now who 12 years from now does this he takes all my stuff and does it better than me and produces a chronic con i don't know i don't worry about these things they are in the back of my mind though it is it is it's my it's my dream because everything can be put in one i i am a master of abbreviation to make things con you know as concise as possible and still convey your point that's what i need to do with chronic on i'm basically talking about a book that sums up every video i've ever done all my articles all my published books all in one one book it's very well well built protected it might be a little expensive might be 40 or 50 bucks but uh it'd be worth it and then distribute them all around the world so that's my goal that's the one thing i want to do before i die let's see here uh star knight welcome to the channel haven't seen you before oh you're doing something very important about teaching and relating information that the schools failed to teach us thank you you're very you're uh hey you're welcome i believe that can't i couldn't stay in school absolutely it's absolutely mind-boggling that i failed math in two different years of my life i had to go to summer school and yet all my research is now predicated on mathematics walking anomaly patrick rescindes if you had gotten out early would you still have the knowledge and wisdom you do today i don't know if i'm wise but i would not have the knowledge yeah i'm not it's shitty you were in there so long regardless i'm thankful for listen man don't feel sorry for me don't feel sorry for me at all i was preserved in there man there were times when i had walked on a cell block and instantly knew that i did not belong there and i just walked off you know prisons aren't unless you're on lockdown you got a lot of mobility so i would just tell the guard hey man go back and go back out and i go back to out i'll go back out into the main hall where all the security booths are and i just start walking and the next thing i know i'd hear it somebody's getting stabbed something's going on they gotta pepper spray the whole the whole cell block just to contain just contain the violence and this happened to me over and over and over i just had the sixth sense i had this guardian that used to just watch over me and there's been times when i've been beat up pretty bad but i've never been killed i mean and there's been times where on a moral issue or sticking up for somebody else uh i had beat somebody up and exhibited a vehemency of violence that i didn't think i was capable of and it's just it's a very strange world but i survived it so don't feel sorry for me because most of the time i was in prison i wasn't even there because when i read a book patrick i'm there i'm in the past i'm living it i'm watching those cobblers in ancient rome do their craft while i'm listening to poets talk about comics that destroyed prior civilizations i'm there man i'm reading pliny i'm with pliny i'm lit i'm with him when mount vesuvius ashes completely buried him in his ship but he was never seen again i was with his son when he was talking about all the different conspiracies that were collapsing rome a hundred years later it's just man i was i was there i'm in the books that i read in prison took me to those times called me a time traveler i was there by the agency of imagination my imagination is so potent that i'm not only enjoying what i read but as i read i am mathematically just figuring out okay this happened here this is in juxtaposition with this this right here was parallel this is a cross clinical parallel this is isometric related to this event here i'm going to get my calculator out man because i do believe this is probably 792 years after that last time that it happened and i look and it will be confirmed and i have tens of thousands of pages of notes talking about somebody i know somebody who was deep off into intelligence analysis in the past let me tell you something when he saw my notes he like got freaky happy he had something to do right now you know it just i didn't realize how many notes i had taken in person you understand i was reading so many books and i was dating mining all these texts but a prisoner is not allowed to have a lot of property so my family would visit once sometimes twice a month the entire time i was in prison they would take turns different family members would come and i always give them a bag full and they always took it and they put it in the storage and they put it in the storage and they put it in the storage when i got out of prison i was overwhelmed everything it's like it's like divinely touched every single thing i had ever given my family when they come to visit me they had kept it it wasn't important to them they didn't even care they never even opened up the bags they're called chain sacks and uh they're just red they're red like potato sack chain sacks but they're important to me because every sack was a six month period of my life where i was just data mining collecting notes putting these things together it took me weeks to go through all that material when i got out so feel sorry for me i was i have been given i have been given my my recompense for that time that i spent in prison i have been rewarded for that i take nothing back i do it over again 100 do it over again because i can't imagine a me that does not know the things i know now i can't imagine that person i don't even want to be that person see do you have any predictions for gold and or economy for the next 12 months shantometer you you and two other people have asked me that in emails about that and i'm gonna i'm gonna entertain that yes i'm not gonna do it on this video like this but uh yes uh i have been looking at the markets uh you have to understand the office algorithm is is actually like 65 coded even though it's maintaining an 85 accuracy and we've tested it on sports and we've published the post we've we've published the videos the proof we've done spacex predictions absolute 100 accurate accuracy i have even admitted in my trump videos that some of the output was corrupted because of my biases as a ultra-right conservative republican now a ma but the office algorithm was 100 right i just interpreted it wrong and that's why i put that new video out on 2021 and i'm about to put another one out soon but yes the markets are something i'm very interested in because the markets the markets are not they're not what you think it's uh they're highly manipulated they're highly volatile and they're not the result of you know spikes and and and decreases they're not the result of what they're telling you they are but uh we're gonna uh i'm also i don't know if you studied this chantha but you might want to look into elliott wave theory too man because it has a lot of legitimacy star knight uh you should be on facebook or bit shooter rumble need to share your knowledge oh believe me uh matt does enough of that uh star knight you need to go to the facebook archaics page a-r-c-h-a-i-x anybody in the comments section y'all can help around center link i don't know how you'll do that in your uh but uh yeah you go to facebook and just look up the group archaics oh everything every single one of my videos is on that arcade still and i know i know there's a lot of articles a lot of other stuff too and i know other people are posting in there too and i i mean uh i don't i don't know there's got a lot of stuff in that in that group i really don't have to come to facebook if i come to facebook it's because i'm being nosy sitchin is a paid gatekeeper yes he is nothing else needs to be said 777 youtube channel had shown a while back a video of a wave going across the moon yes yes lunar wave i can only describe it as looking almost at some kind of distortion that's the word that comes to mind okay what you're looking at crystal i don't i don't really subscribe to their whole belief about what they're saying because to me the similar chrome has an energy source it has to be rebooted changes in the similar come like seven times a second faster than we can really recognize them unless we're going through a period of hyperlucidity a car is about to hit you or you're about to have an accident and the entire world in simulation slows down as you go enter into a phase of hyper awareness where all your senses are heightened when those endorphins and adrenaline is pumping through your system that fast time will slow down for you you will be able to perceive things better and this is how we have better reaction times when we're scared or when we when we're shocked and all that but the same thing with with the moon it is a phase it is a reboot it's happening every seven seconds or so it's a reboot where reality itself is re-knitting this is how the everything moves it moves it's it's it's way way way way way and during those waves everything's moving it's just like the old movie reels it's it's really no different the the this vast hologram we live in has to reboot multiple times a second just to just to continue and that wave you're seeing is the slight changes that are being made with each edit beer and pickles that's good stuff fort worth brett's easy life forward texas man man i used to hang out in cal town in the 80s fort worth is a lot smaller in 80s see see i'm in the heart of the hive mind washington i need a trip to texas to hang out with you in the matthews oh yeah man both mats are awesome washington you're in dc oh wow hi of mine in washington are you talking about washington state or washington dc do you think the simulation is a test i think many simulations are all a part of an experiment where like i said humans either in the future or from the past or really doesn't matter are trying to figure something out and that we are here believing that we are isolated from the real reality we're really we're just we're not really suffering any consequences for what we do so when uh when we die we we exit portal we exit you take your you take your goggles off and it's just a simile you take your goggles off and you're in the real world and you might be debriefed and they may ask you questions about what's going on but you'll remember who you are where you came from what you're doing here and all that but while you're here you don't remember any of those things this right this is like a cerebral interface holography that has edited out our real past to allow us to enjoy an artificial present cheers the wine is mine yeah the wine is yours i just oh my god i just cannot i cannot i don't know what it is about wine i'm just an uncouth bastard i just don't like it my favorite drink in the world is blended whiskey no rocks no nothing drink it straight don't even want cold but i'm not a drunk i i rarely i rarely indulge see i do like the books that's why i'm reading them i will put up reviews once i'm finished thank you i've done one review i'll do more okay i need to get it back down there and look chris uh well naomi i haven't looked at the reviews on amazon for a while because i was so discouraged when somebody when a good friend of mine brought it to my attention uh he was on he was on my amazon page he was looking and he's like hey man uh you got some people really scaring you up man this looks like a concerted attack so i went and i looked and i said oh my god i'd never got reviews like this before and now and now i had several i'll see it's just crazy it is what it is no you'd have to educate me crystal on the toss ta uss tunnels you have to educate me on that i have never heard of those at all what star knight who are you how do you know about my birthday i haven't put my birthday anywhere on my channel i've never told anybody i don't think i don't think i've ever mentioned my birthday on a video star night all right you gave yourself up you evidently know me yes i want a copy of your leather book too yeah well that's got to get done first crystal oh hello mauricion i never i never could tell it's like french to me i really don't know your name marie chantel ascelin no i have no idea please come to facebook oh my god i was gonna uh see i'm gonna come to texas but my aunt told you in the grain oh that's right the grange text has been there yeah auto accident on 5 17 oh my god it was killed immediately my heart hurts well i mean we have i've had a family member die since i've been out of prison and i just my whole taking debt on death is just so it's just hard it's hard for me to process i i don't want to sound someone human to you because you guys i believe i feel deeper than other people and i know that's not true because you all feel the exact same we all have these same emotional capacities but but i have to be honest i mean sometimes i think i just feel i feel deeper than other people i know i don't so it's not i'm not social i'm not a sociopath but i don't grieve about death i used to think it was bad and now there's just there's this there's a suspicion i have i can't get rid of it that death isn't nothing it's not great it's a return to who we are it's an exit simulation before we come right back as somebody else because that's what i believe reincarnation is when these young children are giving up definitive information about another personality and that information is confirmed and they knew things that a five-year-old kid could have never known that's because there is residual memory in that soul that was sent back into the simulation that wasn't completely edited out it's not a perfect system this remember the submilligram is modified by an enemy it's not the original system just like this isn't the original universe anyway uh buckwild what are your thoughts on tesla's work and what could have been if he allowed to proceed with his research well as you know i mean you already know the story of tesla man was a genius you just to better to better answer your question i would have to go off into the very very detailed histories of the rockefellers and the oil barons and everybody who was already in power when tesla basically revealed that he was going to collapse that whole that whole infrastructure yeah man it's just nothing i believe 100 that he did the things that he did and that's published i mean there's no doubt i mean hell the man almost took down the san francisco bridge by tapping on with a with a watch hammer a little bitty tiny hammer just sitting there until he got he built up resonance and then he had to create dissonance when the cord started snapping the bridge started started shaking and they're gonna take him to jail but uh yeah it's the man was just a genius shantometer have i read anything from thomas burgoyne i marked up the light of ancient egypt volume one in volume two so bad i had to order the books again man i love thomas burgoyne anybody wants to read some really good stuff 1880 thomas burgoyne didn't think i'd remember that did you crystal 1880 thomas burgoyne like ancient egypt books are fat fantastic books are fantastic alba rose how you doing how you doing man what happened to the louisiana girl where'd you disappear to i know you had a question tonight washington state spokane okay kim stout our spokane washington yeah i have i have i have a lot of family in like berlin scenario the white mountains of california northern california north of sacramento i even have an uncle wait a minute is it washington or is it oregon that's directly north of california whichever one is directly borders california is where my uncle lives my uncle larry yeah well people are attacking you via reviews and you're doing something right they don't think so i agree although uh meter the the pyramid photos were fantastic they were delivered to matthew devereaux uh he told me he posted them i haven't seen him yet but they were posted in an article i believe i did a video on it but the but the article version was with the pictures you know the video was just me me talking but the uh those pictures are fantastic they're awesome i don't know who the guy is there's a guy looks like he's getting out of the sarcophagus in the king's chamber i don't know who that is but uh it doesn't matter those are fantastic pictures it's uh i'm fascinated with the grand gallery i'm fascinated with the grand gallery because because my machinist perspective shows me i mean it's 100 technolithic it's uh those grooves along the floor are for a geared mechanism to go up and down up and down up and down that guy there's no there's no doubt in my mind something heavy and something maybe metallic went up and down that that deal and created pressure something i can think of maybe resonance i don't really know but it's it's fascinating those pictures were awesome one hour and 39 minutes and 47 seconds oh my god guys we have to stop this video or it will never we'll be here till jesus comes back waiting for this video to unload it's a little humor but i love you guys thank you for watching uh i need to upload this video right now before it gets entirely too long and i promise you we'll be doing lives more often if any of you want to contact me privately but any questions that you didn't want to put in the comments i understand that it says uh my email will be in the description box or in the pin comment below whichever one i can get to that's it i don't even stop this video guys i have no idea how to stop this video i'm learning every day