Jason Live: Raw & Uncut...Q&A

From Archaix Wiki

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evening guys let me know right now in the comments if you can hear me pretty good before i need to adjust my audio or anything see monica said okay yes all right good well i've had a really stressful past three days and it's not because of anything going on bad in my life it's that when i come in contact with new information that puts a lot of other things that i had loose ends that were not in proper perspective data sets that had not been attached to anything else that were just free floating in different files my latest video didn't just put the anal numini calendar into perspective and allow me to compartmentalize it with all the other calendars that i have studied that were cataclysm protocol calendars that's interesting but what it's really done for me is make me go back into my files go back into my books and my notes because now that i have this awareness it changes many many many fundamentals in my research nothing i've ever published is wrong i'm actually i can actually add a lot more to it now i'm uh i'll probably have to release a series of videos on uh you know there's a lot there's a lot of theories out there about you know i i did one video on the flamenco the missing 1000 years that people keep talking about i am not on board with that because phoenix is keeper of the calendar and we can document every phoenix episode but i am on board with the fact that we have missing events we have a lot of them whole gaps in our history are just gone but the archaeological record is rife with building city structures aqueducts canal systems all kinds of things that don't make any sense because according to the historical record there were no civilizations living in those times or at that or at those locations so now that i have seen the systemic cover-up about the annual dominion calendar and how it was specifically designed to do away with the phoenix calendar of 552 years this this is going to put me back to work this is the stuff i live for i mean don't get me wrong i'm a nerd i'm a nerd to the core i mean i'm all about the mystery machine so i love scooby-doo when i was a kid i was raised on him i always prided myself for being able to figure out who done it before they told me let me see these comments what's going on here excuse me i've already down my second cup of coffee that's enough hello monica pharaoh you're always in it top three top four elisa i i see i saw you in facebook a minute ago too matter of fact how are you doing christy444 i see that on facebook a lot or is it uh the youtube comment is that a reference to a chapter and verse or something because it is a golden proportion number 444. i see some new names here i'm not familiar with and that's okay i mean i have i have received in the past i think 13 or 14 days i have received 2 000 new subscribers that's a lot of people trying to catch up now the majority of you don't need to catch up you've you've pretty much been on board since the beginning and you know the complexity of the material is something you just can't take in fast i couldn't produce it fast i couldn't research it fast it took many years so don't expect to get on my youtube channel start absorbing videos and get everything the first pass it's just not going to happen many people send me emails and they pretty much tell me that they miss a lot on the first pass of videos and it's only a video later on that brings clarity or substance to something that they were already wondering about you know every video and they'll go back and listen to the prior video and they'll understand and that's there's you're you're not at fault for that i mean i did the videos and i still have to go back and listen to them so i mean that has a lot to do with inspiration as well you guys think that that uh it's instant recall identic memory uh mnemonic enhancements i don't know i i seriously doubt that i enjoy any of those things but i do know that there is a there is a force a there is a forced dynamic at operative when i'm speaking and i know that i have an audience i am able to pull these facts together and and they're not wrong i can just i can cite many many books chapters but you know what in my normal normal daily life i'm just a good old southern boy and these things are i'm not really citing anything it's uh i don't know what happens it's just it's just something that overcomes me and i'm able to call it all this data and pull all these facts out like i can right now i'm pretty confident whatever questions you have right now i'll be able to answer so let me get to them see good evening guys uh this might be a long session we might do two two and a half maybe even three hours it's not really advisable to go past two and a half to three hours because the upload time but uh lower class citizen now that's a hell of a moniker yeah wow southern oregon okay naomi reimer all right let's see uh greetings from south australia i have a lot of australian listeners i don't know where this came from eastwood 37 i haven't seen you in a while i haven't seen you in a minute matter of fact hello fedo michael wilbanks you are a new name to me good evening from central texas oh you must be very close to me we ought to do coffee sometime talk about weird things and have everybody in starbucks looking at us crazy so uh all right halfway through your videos i thank you for all your hard work well i appreciate it i need that thanks every once in a see truth be told though it wouldn't change anything i'm still gonna do the videos i'm uh i'm compelled to i'll work on a flagstone project or i did a bunch of woodwork this week it doesn't matter i'm i have videos going through my mind actually information i don't have videos going through mom i have information going through my mind how best to present it and put it together crowmagnon i have seen some of your comments i've even answered a few let's see i have a hard time fathoming that i am a product of the anunnaki well i'm really sorry you have a problem fathoming that but i do not subscribe to the zechariah sitchin model of anunnaki everything i have found is that the entire human race is descended from the anunnaki at different stages of development i have not and the anunnaki is actually a mythical term for an older factual race that were regarded as the anunna andanaki is strictly babylonian and by the time the babylonians were even talking about the anona and calling the manonaki about 50 percent of the material was already lost redacted uh the babylonian priesthoods completely contorted the earlier summary and records for their own gain in the exact same way that the roman papacy has contorted all the historical events for their own gain there is no distinction to be made there's no difference rome is babylon today there is no doubt and it has many satellite cities like london london is called the city for those of you who don't know to capture operation for a long time for centuries now london has been ruling the world and it's not the british people that are co that are there in control london is a uh that's i don't want to get into that we're gonna go into bolsheviks and all that i don't want to talk about it in this video we already did that my last live presentation i spent too much time talking about bolsheviks so let's see jason what do you make of all the inflation you previously suggested the us is headed for some type of isolated economic wealth do you still foresee this absolutely listen guys i know some of you accuse me of being drunk on kool-aid but i'm telling you now i have never read a q post i don't know anything about that movement i don't know where to find that as a matter of fact when it comes to navigating the netscape i'm pretty [\h__\h] i just don't i i just don't like googling i don't trust internet sources never have now i do i do google things time to time i need to know the weather my area for me and my employees i i google things to verify that i have done something correct or to find the location of a pdf of an older book that i need to find because i'm always reading older books that's how i released my last video i take nothing back i have not released any new trump videos because they're not really the spirit of my message but i take nothing back i promise you they're going to remove an american president in 2022 this year and i promise you you know in november you are going to see in a complete change of guard in an about-face and faster than biden implemented all his policies you're going to see an incomplete upheaval of all that right back to the old trump policies quick yeah you're going to see the isometric parallels are so profound it's a you have to take in consideration i made many many many predictions about supreme court justice being nominated this is before any of them came up uh the opposition even came up go back to some of those videos some of those videos are 14 and 15 months old where i made those predictions about 2021 and 2022. one of them was that in the first quarter of 2022 the whole coveted narrative was going to collapse now i understand there's a few isolated areas in the world where it's still an issue and a problem but here in texas in the united states i don't even talk about it it's not even mentioned on mainstream media no more it's uh they've already moved on and all those companies that we're trying to force in all that's dead here it's all it's all done here i haven't seen anybody wearing a mask in months so but i made many many predictions those of you in australia know you guys know that when australia was dry and going through a semi drought i was predicting it was about to have its wettest season ever look what you're going through right now i made predictions about the dominican republic i made predictions about thailand i have people that are living in thailand and sending me emails telling me that my thailand video we nailed it what they're going through riots food shortages anarchy yeah when i made these videos this wasn't occurring in thailand a year ago so i stand 100 by my isometric projections my office software which is under construction right now uh dealing with some glitches and as well as my date sequence prediction predictive analytics i i stand by i haven't taken any of those videos down so if you want if you're interested in my trump videos and my uh republican conservative videos about the wave of change that's about to go over the united states go back and watch those videos because i haven't deviated from that i just don't there's no it makes no sense to me to just get to get on a hill and proclaim the exact same thing over and over and over you notice that when it comes to my phoenix videos if i don't have new phoenix data i don't just release a video it has to be a new way of looking at something it has to be new evidence new source materials new discoveries i don't just release a phoenix video and then go back and do us another phoenix video basically just rehashing the same stuff you have never seen me do that i can't i'm not going to waste my life i'm not going to waste your time if i release a video it's because there's new content there's new information i have found something else so and for those of you i know that some of you are are you like to read like i do i am not an audible learner but for those of you who really like to read into you can go to the archaic's facebook group and i post a lot of the fragments of my research but i'm going to upload on gumroad my anu my noona files but the anunna files i'm uploading on gumroad are not just transcripts of the 30 annunaki videos it's also about 70 to 80 pack pages full of data of everything i have ever posted about the anunna and anunnaki on the facebook on the facebook group as well as transcripts from any other videos that are about the anunnaki that are not in the anunna files videos on my channel we're talking about something huge it's bigger than it's a i mean it's a huge book worth of information i'm probably gonna sell it for four or five bucks make it as cheap as possible i'm gonna put it on gumroad you can just download it and a high resolution pdf to your to your device so you can read it at whatever but i'm not just doing that for the anunna files uh because i think i think that people will need to have access to shareable pdfs that they can send it from once you buy it for me i don't care what you do it you made a hundred copies and sent it to all your friends i don't even down that's still it doesn't matter to me i'm not uh i'm not into this i'm not in this for capitalism all i want to do in my life is put the material out that i need to put out before i'm unable to do that and i need to be able to pay my bills that's it i'm not trying to get rich the uh but i need to do the same thing for the phoenix the phoenix uh material um that's going to be something because i have a lot of the archaic data um on the phoenix phenomenon the facebook page has a tremendous amount of material i'm gonna have to i'm gonna have to i gotta put that in in order and then i have to get everything off the facebook group which i have i already have copies of all that in my files then the transcript for each phoenix video that's a lot but i need to do that one too and provide it on gumroad i don't know why i want to entertain that tangent i don't know what somebody said and maybe say all that let's see let me read these deal 1755 lisbon earthquake with the tsunami may be a phoenix event absolutely not i have studied that event over and over and over and lisbon is just one city of hundreds that were affected by that earthquake so uh i will do a video about that because it is connected it is connected uh to other events that are on a timeline which is very interesting but it's not the phoenix holography it's not the phoenix timeline at all phoenix is very unique you have to understand it involves darkening the sun with a dust veil we're talking about an object that brings so much dust every time it comes into the inner system that it blocks out the sun and through the light filtration it makes the moon look like red red blood then red sand red mud red dust red rains blanket the earth sometimes a couple inches thick we have instances where entire cities were buried in moments so uh now remember to me all of this is simulated it's simulated for instruction we're we are living within a copy of a real universe not actually an actual cosmos but all this simulation is for our instruction is for us to study and uh i know it's a difficult concept for people to to understand and it's not something i came up i came up with overnight it's a it took a lot a lot for me to switch over to this belief that we are living inside a very sophisticated biogram and that nothing here is actually consequential very all our pain all our discomfort this entire historical narrative we're living in is all temporal and as soon as we exit this holography we're debriefed or we we re-enter the sim cycle until the holography is totally collapsed what i'm telling you right now may may only this whole video might only take up one one one fractal of a nanosecond our entire lifetime could be two hours and fifteen minutes in it in a cerebral interface holography headset on the outside of the smaller pump but when we come in here time is very different we live out the whole life it's the ultimate video game it's it's the experience where we can develop our immortal personalities without any consequences or threat of cross-contamination from this artificial universe and back into the real one but we'll get it off that later 1755 i mean let's see i need to go back in here i'm sorry guys the print is real small the print is real small on this deal and i don't know how to make it bigger and i'm scared to touch any buttons or i might mess something up so uh oh well eastwood answer to your question about what do i make of all this inflation i have already said in my video i'm very i'm pretty confident the inflation goes in tandem with the trucker convoys those trucker convoys yeah one or two of them might have been for patriotic reasons and stuff but we were seeing them pass through texas they normalized the activity of seeing whole convoys of truckers for a very short period of time at the same time the shelves of america were kind of light i mean and inflation is going on so massive amounts of products are here the ships way out on the coast have been they've been letting them in so why aren't these why aren't the shelves packed because they're sending them to underground facilities they're they're filling up their commissaries they're filling up their underground warehouses they're doing all that i don't know if the government is on board i don't know if the government's on board or the governments of the world are on board with the exact timing of the phoenix or if they're going to stage a false apocalypse before that but i do know that they're searching for answers it's uh you guys remember i did the switzerland video i thought i did the switzerland video for somebody who was who was genuine they gave me some weird story about why they wanted the information and i only charged i only been charging one hundred dollars to do predictions people i want to do predictions on dominican public 100 bucks on on thailand australia it was a hundred dollars it literally takes me about two days to collate all this data to produce these videos i still have to do one on the uk i still have to do one on uh on a ukraine i have to do one i've been asked to do one on russia um i'm gonna do them too i'm probably gonna sit down for about a three day period and and catch up on all those but the switzerland one the guy paid me a thousand dollars he sent it paypal but the paypal name what he was a frenchman he had he had a french name but the paypal name which was caught by stephen wallsworth archaic's admin because i had told him how weird the experience was the guy spent two hours he paid me a thousand dollars to do a predictions report for switzerland gave me permission to put it on youtube i sent the paypal receipt to stephen wallsworth to show him this ain't a french name this is a russian name on the paypal the person that paid a thousand bucks then the man after that called me back when he called me back we spent two and a half hours we didn't mention switzerland one single time the man held up a stack of charts and showed me all my phoenix charts all my 337 sharp packs the chart pack from gumroad he had printed them all up he had made notations he was sitting in a very small very institutional looking room it was just a desk a computer and a door that's it and it didn't have a doorknob like most residences it was like an office building it was a latch like a school or something i thought it was very weird the whole time he got up and left the room and come back it was just very small cubicle type room he was in he wasn't at home you know his whole story about uh him and his wife traveling and doing it just didn't make sense i believe that he was an intelligence operative as a matter of fact i wasn't even the one that made that it was stephen wallsworth brought that to my attention man you probably just had your first brush with intelligence they outright paid you a thousand dollars you didn't even ask for it didn't turn around they weren't even interested in switching stuff anyway but they kind of were because they weren't just interested in switzerland they specifically wanted predictions on the world economic uh forum on klaus schwab and uh on davos so i provided those and i put them in the switch for the video but the man was only interested in phoenix that's all he wanted to talk about and i thought it was very interesting so i don't know where they are maybe they're learning this maybe they haven't canceled my channel for the simple fact is they know they can learn if they just leave me alone because i'm going to continue to release these videos so i don't know i just can't i i can't imagine which which lead which which i can't imagine that somebody in control would allow me to run my mouth and show all this material i just can't imagine it unless my theory is true in that this worldwide cryptocracy isn't in control of everything there is opposition and i've mentioned this many times especially in my trump videos there is opposition because if there wasn't mainstream media would be running everything but they're not they have lost so much ratings the only thing keeping them afloat now is not money from commercials but money from ngos that's the only thing keeping abc nbc cbs and cnn afloat because nobody watches them anymore except the brainwashed living dead damn i did all that off one more question let's spread this around let's see if it's god or simulation it's all intelligent design lower class citizen you're absolutely correct now i do have an opinion about that i do not believe that the actual creator has much to do with what's going on inside the simulation he or she has kind of taken a back seat to let the demi urge do what they want to because a point is being proven here but in the proving of this point there's no real collateral consequences because it's all stimulated and i know i know it doesn't feel like that to a person being burned at the stake because their central nervous system has got you jacked in believing you're feeling that fire so i get it i get it i understand when i get that blank look on people's faces man about simulation theory to get where i'm at you have to have made all the cognitive leaps that i have made you have had to have come to every passing bridge that i have made i know it's not easy that's why i'm releasing so much content on facebook and on uh youtube it's up to you in your own search for reality to determine what is right and what is wrong i can't impose that on you all i can do is tell you what i have found what i have come to accept is true that's all i can do i'm not obligated to convince you of anything oh there's my buddy jesse saw jesse saltzman that man has influenced some videos oh jesse yeah you made somebody mad in our kegs yesterday i heard about it this morning and we need to talk after this video anyway we got things to do jesse christie444 that's gonna kill me until i know exactly what that 444 is i swear i am idiosyncratic about that you're gonna have to tell me what that means because now that i see it all all the time i'm about i'ma bug you about it we love your nerdiness yeah yeah i'm a nerd hi from peppa florida i wasn't planning on doing a roll call but let me see these all right lower classic donna fletch has a new name j hart new name hi from tampa florida ray lynn blakely i don't think that's a new name i think i've seen your name quite a few times or recently a lot loud and clear hello elisa all the marketing strategies elisa chastain thank you for your offer of uh helping me develop my marketing strategies unfortunately i have not had a single moment to sit down outside of work or video preparation and all that i fully intend to call you so we can talk about that just bounce my ideas back and forth but uh yeah i have not ignored you as a matter of fact i've got a lot of people kind of angry with me right now because i'm not returning emails like i normally do i normally answer all my emails i try to answer all the comments or say something or at least give a like on uh if i like what you said in the youtube comments but this past week has been chaotic because i've been working toward the end of the month all my bills are due all my bill on the first on the first at least at least 1200 comes out of my pocket on the first every month that's got to get paid so toward the end of the month i'll take a job and i need to cover that so let's see oh and don't be shy about those donation links guys i don't i don't have a big following so i don't get a lot of donations but when i do i really appreciate it because i put it to put it to work as a matter of fact it was donations that carried me jesse saltzman i'll thank you right here now uh it was donations that carried me this past seven eight days while i was working because you if you noticed i released a video almost every single day for seven or eight days so donations help me do that don't matter if it's five dollars you can buy me a coffee for five bucks some people send 20 or 25 on paypal uh yeah it's i really do appreciate it because it goes a long way you'll be surprised rebel spirit i think i seen your name your name before there's a guy there's a guy sean who's saying that switzerland is the home base and in charge of this [\h__\h] and they come from the pharaohs okay i don't know if they come from the pharaohs i don't know how anybody would be able to prove that since we have no idea exactly who the pharaohs were except for a few of the dynasties like the nubian dynasty we know that there were there were nubians as a matter of fact the nubian dynasty the 26th dynasty of egypt was the only dynasty in recorded history that we have any evidence that black men sat on the throne of egypt it was called the 26th dynasty it was also the last dynasty before egypt totally collapsed and became basically subservient to persia then then macedonia then the ptolemies which were descended to the macedonians then the romans you all know the tragic story 31 bc of queen cleopatra committing suicide if it really was a suicide so we do know that the hixos were were the hixos were actually uh westerners they were a muru and these are basically caucasians that were their base of operations was mari m-a-r-i in the kingdom of matani and they are the amorites of the old testament and the jews didn't couldn't stand them they demonized them but they actually they they they conquered babylonia and uh they established the fifth dynasty of babylon which was the which was the uh amorite dynasty and man these people here ruled egypt as the hicks off they were called higgs was which is a derogatory term because the egyptians couldn't stand shepherds so they call them shepherd kings but uh the shepherd kings were actually like like abraham well there was no abraham that was a jewish fiction but there wasn't abram but it depends on geographically where you're referring to because these old stories are based in history but they're not from the jewish context they're from the sanskrit and the vedic almost all the stories of the of the book of genesis they come straight out of vedic literature abram is none other than brahma and sarah his wife is none other than sarah swati the wife of brahma so and there's a lot of other coordinates as well but when the jews were in babylon in the fifth century they just went to copy and everything they went in those libraries and they plagiarized everything and they put together this book in the third century bc yeah third century bc we're talking about 15 centuries after the events they depict they wrote this narrative and they called it genesis which means generations uh don't get me don't get me started on that man i already had somebody call me anti-semitic on the uh in the uh comments hey there are comments you guys probably don't see unless you see them before i do but there are comments you guys don't see i remove them uh negative negative poisonous toxic personalities if it's coming out in your comments matter i remove you i don't know if youtube blocks you from my channel but there has been many instances where i read somebody's comment i'm not feeling what they're saying i don't like the direction they're going and i do not like the catch words they're using i have caught people in the comments section this is why i'm in the comment section every day though every single night i'm in the youtube comment section i'm policing the comments and what i mean by that is there are real professional trolls out there in social media and they will ask questions and include three or four catch phrases that they know and they are trained to know will automatically youtube algorithms and bring my channel up under more scrutiny yeah i'm not trying to hear it i remove them i remove them i'm very strict with the archaics facebook group as well i know you guys know that you all of you and facebook know that i have removed hundreds of people i'm and i just have zero tolerance because if i'm going to spend my life in all my free time and make the sacrifices i made to make sure that you have accurate information information that you can you couldn't possibly drive on your own because you you've been living your life and you've been paying your bills and you've been raising a family and you've been taking care of you've been getting educated you've been doing the things you need to do what everybody does in the normal life you didn't have the advantage of sitting in a prison cell for 26 years i get that so i freely provide all this information so i promise you i will freely exit your ass out of my group if i find any negativity or any any derogatory statements or if i find that you're using catchphrases to trigger facebook or youtube algorithms zero tolerance i'm not trying to hear it i have room i have removed people from the archaic facebook group simply because they invited four or five people into the group and all four or five people didn't do anything but go on the attack and start dropping those catch phrases to start being derogatory and causing problems yeah i'm gonna cut the head off the snake it's it's like a it's like a hydra you can cut the individual heads off but they're gonna keep coming back so just remove the whole body so so i just life's too short to deal with that bs so i'm not doing it i'm not doing it when i go when i lay my head down every night to go to sleep i'm absolutely satisfied man that i did god's work that day whoever or whatever god is all right let's move on i'm meandering oh the intro song was all that remains the group all that remains i love that song what if i was nothing it's awesome song all right let's see let's move down these comments because they're y'all comments michael wilbanks all right central texas my email my email is below any of you in my local area you know there's been several people from out of state that have come we went to the chili's or we went to uh these mexican restaurants there's a lot of them in my area uh you in the area starbucks hey my tree just let me know when and i live for anybody you want to look on a map uh i live north of conroe but south of huntsville in in about four miles off of interstate 45 i live on the sticks oh see hello jason halfway through your videos i thank you for all your hard work that's rhonda ells eiser i've never seen you before but i'm glad you're here filo four thousand okay which phylo would you be because there was two of them in the historical record that left us a lot of reading materials loud and clear okay good i'm coming i'm coming across loud and clear all right guys i've always had a deep voice even when i was a kid i was i was in a christian choir i was raised in a christian choir and my voice wasn't deep in until i hit about 14 or 15 years old and it caused me a lot of problems but but uh i don't hear me the way you hear it's a lot it's a long story i mean it was an accident but i got into a fight the fight was not an accidental at all but i got into a fight and a guy hit me in the throat and he hit me dead on in the throat and uh i have not sounded quite the same scent and uh as a matter of fact i couldn't talk for like six weeks after that happened uh it was bad it was bad i swelled up uh my trachea was bruised it was terrible but um there are protocols there are some things you just can't do he got disciplined he got disciplined for that by his by his uh boys but yeah there's even in prison there are rules there are rules on fighting you do some underhanded dirty [\h__\h] and other people are going to look at you but yeah he hit me in the throat until this day i think it was an accident nobody wants to do that on purpose because you can kill somebody and nobody and nobody wants to spend the rest of their life in the joint just because they accidentally hit you in the throat or whatever let's see rebel spirit i would not doubt is it paradigm shifts are powerful and i hope it strengthens your timelines yes yeah i get that so who created this god or anunnaki there you go crowmagnon asking those deep questions i cover all this in the in the videos zechariah 6 i have such a deep and abiding problem talking about the andernake i do not like the topic i don't like the subject because i have to work through your filters i can't start from a place where i am at and then bring you up to my level of understanding i can't i have to go to yours and i understand that and i'm not being denigrating i'm not denigrating you at all but zechariah sitchin played the field and he got everybody accepting so many different things that are considered as norms when it comes to annunaki research and i have to wrestle through all that because if i tell if i answer questions about the anunna straight out i'm gonna get met with that blank look because it goes totally against with zechariah because it is not what zechariah's sitchin proved to you but what he told you it's totally different my friend cro-magnon there is no evidence whatsoever that the anunna or the anunnaki are gods at all the evidence is that this is a major ancient fourth millennium bc cargo cult situation if you're not familiar with cargo cults i'm just going to give you a 15 second rundown a cargo cult is a very primitive people man that come into contact with an advanced people and they watch their airplanes come in they watch their apc they watch the parachute drops of all the cargo coming from the sky and they find out that inside these boxes that are dropped from the sky are beautiful things like cigars and cigarettes and mres and food and magazines things they have never seen before matches simple things t-shirts and then when the war is over the technologically advanced civilization departs and goes back to the lands of their nativity and they they abandon the isles and the runways stay empty the airplanes don't come anymore the boats don't come anymore so the natives employing the employing sympathetic magic build replicas of the airplanes they build replicas of the runways they build replicas of the airports they build replicas of the boxes and then they perform rituals to induce the gods these technologically advanced humans to come back this is the story of the nazca lines those giant effigies in the ground that are all facing the sky these are offerings to the gods to come back the cern giant is an effigy in the united kingdom there are many of them all around the world this is cargo cult phenomenon the anunna were bearded humans that suddenly appeared after a cataclysm with their infrastructure torn with their technology intact in waves of arcs they appeared in the near east and they totally overwhelmed the primitive neolithic neolithic matriarchal people who were basically living on the principles of sympathetic magic and i don't want to say sorcery but it was a different lifestyle they got a lot done doing levitating giant boulders through songs and chants and people they weren't using technology if they were the technology it was a different paradigm a totally different world the matriarchal the matriarchal societies are fascinating and they're far older than the patriarchal ones that appeared later with technology there's no evidence there were gods and before you try to rely on the argument that the sumerian records say they came from the sky and all that you'll have to produce that translation brother because there are no no sumerian scholars maureen gallery kovac samuel noah kramer lederman and so many they're not going to agree with that there are no sumerian records saying that they came from the sky but there are traditions from sumer where they came out of a mountain or they arrived by ships from the sea just like ancient egypt says their gods derived the neteroo from the sea on a ship all right paradigm ships all right jesse saltzman there's your name again seeking truth okay me too but that's that's what you go by i share your post man i appreciate it uh louis abroad lewis a bro a brave that's french it's friend your name is french from what i see can't pronounce it which is really odd because my name is brashears and uh i should be able to pronounce a french name a brew a bro a bray i don't know i see the videos three to six times to get it all connected yeah man i get that forget that i started this journey after an nde age 9 seeking truth okay well i started my journey long before i had my nde but i had a near-death experience i'm not going to get into it now it's motorcycle accident most beautiful experiment experienced my life for about four minutes let's see all right lynn bb from kentucky all right a little horse there all right i'm somehow went back question how will the phoenix and nemesis x affect australia okay monica mundell you must not have seen my my video where i where i explain that because of the geography the location of australia south of the equator on the opposite side of the world from the americas australia is probably going to be prime real estate in 2041. australia is going to move 30 degrees north to the area of indonesia china indonesia southeast asia and china japan are going to move 30 degrees north straight into the cold cold belt russia is going to slip right into the ice fields but on the other side of the world canada is going to go 30 degrees south to the present location of the united states the united states is going to move 30 degrees degrees south and about a fourth of it's going straight under the gulf of mexico because when we have lithospheric displacement the oceans don't move it's the continent slipping underneath them it takes weeks for water to catch up and this is where the tsunamis come from this is why many episodes from the ancient past describe that before a cataclysm occurred like alexandria in the year 365 people were on the beach and at the wharfs hundreds of ships were out there in the bays and quays and off the docks and suddenly they hit the dirt because the water suddenly just left people watched the horizon go down whales dolphin octopi everything was just flailing around the water had receded and for about an hour and a half people went out and they collected the fish and the oysters and the and they they slaughtered whales as they were as they were out there it's crazy but when the water came back it was at 450 miles per hour and an 80 foot high wall there was no escape hundreds of thousands of people perished in 365 a.d it's going to be worse in 2040 depending upon where you are but we know from the writings of nostradamus and others and from isometric analysis of phoenix dates we know that new york city and uh new york city london rome they're all going to be destroyed in the 2040 deal let's see and i have all that in my published books i show i show how we derive that data yeah but aussies were in lockdown so long we had plenty of reading time you too yeah you did nail me i hope it hopefully getting lighter on the restrictions over there did the vatican get control stronghold chokehold not really sure what you mean here but yes the vatican the vatican is pretty much the reason why the world is the way it is today yes the material is very challenging for new learners even with the for dummies videos i got i get it i get it nearly drowning as a kid i saw a tunnel yeah knew we were here for a purpose krypto starling that's a hell of a name you were on santos channel he's australian that's probably why why oh why all the new australians okay i did not know that santos monaci was australian thank you for educating me on that i like the guy i like him i thought he was from mexico or mexico i thought he was uh i thought we were that's confusing to me because his channel says something about mexico city i can't remember i'll go look at it uh i'm supposed to be on bonacci podcast saturday night i believe it's seven o'clock i don't know they'll send me an email if they want me back on uh how can i tell the simulations my how can i tell the simulation to my advantage columba rose okay i have a playlist called law of attraction playlist it's not really about the law of attraction it's about our immortal it's about how we can influence the holography to work in our favor might want to go check out some of those videos i really need to change that name from law of attraction i just didn't know what what really to call it okay what is your take on the petrified titan phenomenon there seems to be petrification phenomena associated with the phoenix phenomena there is 100 but i don't know what you mean by petrified titans because i've seen some of the pictures floating around facebook and i'm not i'm not buying that i'm not buying it there's somebody's 300 foot long rock outcrops and all that are actual giant's bodies i'm not trying i'm just you can't there's no way i uh there is no way our world could could sustain creatures that large there's just no way i mean what the hell they what the hell would they eat um nah i believe that giants existed in the past i had several videos on the difference between titans and giants and it all has everything to do with vapor canopy ecology and vapor canopy isn't something i made up at all back when i was a christian i used to i used to research i used to devour the scientific reports from the institute of creation research is the icr has some amazing things and vapor canopy well mesosphere the they stuck with the biblical terminology which was firmament they're always calling it the firmament that's cool because that's what it's called in genesis but the vapor canopy is something that they have a lot of scientific data for and that's where i got a lot of my my ideas my material and i understand and i interpreted all these ancient american traditions now because i understand what they're talking about the dark the dark purple lights light time uh when the matriarchal cultures were that they had traditions that there was a dark purple light there was no sun no one even heard a sun as a matter of fact it took a cataclysm known as the grey flood which in other cultures was the day the sky fell the collapse of the vapor canopy was when the sun calendars were born it's called in ancient america from the zapotecs and the olmecs cliche the maya they all the toltec they all said the same thing the birth of the sun the four began the four sun ages well those four sun ages were all 552 years apart each one of them was a cataclysm that's all in my book when the sun darkens let's see so okay so santos is australian now i know let's see everyone feeling the x-class the x-class flare i don't know i don't i just don't believe the sun's 93 million miles away so i don't so if the sun is actually a highly local object and it's been shown in many videos to be very local then i don't understand how i don't i just know i'm just not buying all this x flare and and all this stuff i just don't know so it's to me everything in the sky is simulated and i don't if something's going to happen it's going to be technologically induced so i don't know it's a psyop with lots of truth you pick up on the right things brother okay child of truth yeah all life is a psy up there is no doubt about that okay i'm back to 1755 lisbon earthquake i'm gonna have to do a video on that to explain how unique that was in history and what it was connected to it was not connected to phoenix at all 1755 was 11 years before or no excuse me it was nine years before the phoenix episode so it could have it could have been caused by its approach in the smilochrom um because the smilochrom does mimic a real universe a real cosmos uh electromagnetism and mimics that so even with the solar flares in the expert it would mimic that as well where the confusion comes from is that we are told by academia that the sun is 93 million miles away but it operates mathematically as something that's very very close to us so i don't know what the solar flare activity would be unless it's just 100 simulated as well but but i i don't it gets confusing even for me because the similar crime obeys fixed laws and fixed protocols it normally doesn't bend the rules to fool us that's something i need to look into i don't have the answers for everything praise god is the phoenix us breaking the sim basically well i released i released i tied together the 2178 holography collapse from my the archaic paradox video i tied that with the phoenix because it is on the phoenix chronology 100 so it tells me that the phoenix is a part of the simulation the from the very beginning phoenix was keeper of the calendar it doesn't matter how many times how many civilizations dictators and rulers altered events and altered time keeping systems to throw off the people the people would always know exactly where they were in the in the divine chronology because when the phoenix came it didn't deviate and the proof of this is that in 713 bc the year changed from 360 days to 365.25 days the phoenix could never appear every 138 after that it would be altered to 136.5 years 137 years 137.5 it would change but we don't get that change that means we're dealing with different coding protocols that are running simultaneously even though in a real universe they couldn't operate in tandem it's impossible the phoenix should not be reappearing in the month of may every damn 138 years it's not possible if the days of the year change by 5.25 days a year it's impossible they would run out of sink you would get a calculator you get a calculator and you add it all up and you'll see that after after four or five passes of the phoenix you're way off it tells me that the phoenix is a benefactor i know this is hard to understand but it's a benefactor protocol yes it causes horrific [\h__\h] yes it causes all kinds of things but i'm i'm really starting to wonder if it's not specifically designed just to take out the elite make sure that the ruling families can never just get totally out of control anyway let's move on okay all right i got me some notifications here says show or hide show or hide so evidently youtube's trying to say somebody's saying things i shouldn't say i study vedic astrology i got you as the virgo ascendant uttara falguni falguni nakshatra ascended i don't know what any of that means my brother i have no idea flocco 437 don't know how does the phoenix play into the collapse of the financial system i don't know if it does i have no idea if it does it's uh we have 18 more years to the phoenix event and i've already predicted that we're going to endure a false apocalypse before then but it all depends on what part of the world you're in as well i believe there's going to be some hellacious times coming from the middle east but not for america not for a lot of western cultures uh civilizations they're going to go into a more sodom and gomorrah hedonistic styles a style of civilization have you seen the card counter movie no i haven't seen it he wanted to go back to prison because he liked the free time listen i your hey you you put a little laugh out loud deal right here it's sad man it's sad but i have felt that as well i have felt that is what i felt i had felt sometimes that hey this rat race man me working my ass off man doing flag snow and doing all that i'm 48 years old what the hell i was freer in prison i used to wake up excited about what i was gonna learn and i was going to write down all this stuff and record it and put it in my notes and every every night i would just collapse from exhaustion from mental exhaustion because i've been thinking all day i miss that euphoria i miss that high so i get it that somebody would come out to this [\h__\h] out here and then want to go back i get it i do so yeah i'm not laughing out loud about i have thought many times but i also know no i don't want to go back what i want is is the the free time for the learning and for the expression to get that out but uh yeah that's crazy you struck a chord with me on that on that statement jason what is your take on antarctica why the secrecy admiral beard why the elites go there okay naomi one i don't know if the elites go there or not i don't know i just don't believe everything i hear on uh what's broadcast on these youtube channels facebook it's not something i can research i don't know anything about about admiral beards uh i don't know if there's a book that he wrote uh who he talks about or for other people talking about it i remember looking into it not finding much of substance the whole thing could be true it is an ice barrier wall it could be all that i don't know the game of thrones may have may have borrowed off of that you know the cinematic cinematic you know intel reveals i don't know i just it's something that's so beyond me i don't know i do know this that there are islands near antarctica where scientific expeditionary expeditionary ships man have uncovered whole tropical like jungle style deals buried under the ice i do know that i'm glad i found you before i have ever heard of sitchin love transcends okay love transcends shandy i know who you are let's see child of the truth special skill to be able to teach i never had the words to help others see like you do well my gift really comes from being locked up with a bunch of knuckleheads and you have to communicate to them in a very certain manner so that either one they don't get offended or two they're actually able to absorb what you're trying to deliver i will say this from a very young age though i uh i was i was in the books very few families in the 80s in the late 70s forced their children to check out two books a week from the from the local library and then ask them weekly before they turn the books in what we learn from those books so maybe i was raised for this i don't know that but that is an actual fact from my childhood i used to get excited about going to the library all right i bought a bunch of books from your book tree video okay good yeah paul tyce paul tyson he and i are not really close he's my publisher i wrote him from prison and i send him a manuscript and i didn't hear from him for six months and i wrote it off six months later he sends me a publishing contract and tells me that the lost scriptures of giza is one of the best books he's ever read and uh he published me because my bibliography was extensive and uh since then he's published five or six of my books and i really need to get i really want to repay him matter of fact i'm going to do another video another book tree video and share a lot more different materials that's in their catalog and i hope some of you guys order their books all right patrick resendez yeah man patrick mercendez i want to thank you because you're the one that educated me on gum road uh i don't get a lot but you know uh gumroad i like gumroad because it's like a donation it's like somebody donates to me but instead they get value back i have a lot of stuff on gumroad you know patrick is the one that told me about gumroad and it allowed me to upload all these manuscripts and books and charts that weren't doing any good for anybody people say they go to my archaics.com website and they can't see because the chart resolution is not very good but on the pdf files it's fantastic you can blow it up and look at all the charts so gumroad's awesome because you only pay a few dollars to me it's a donation because i'm not doing any work all the materials were sent out by gumroad so patrick did that thank you patrick glad to see you tonight all right pete swanson i have seen your name 2178 in strong's concordance the hebrew lexicon is matched to the hebrew word zan the seventh oh the hebrew letter uh seventh letter in the hebrew alphabet zan means oh man you went too far with that man yeah i almost said that out loud zan means penis change 2178 to our alphabet you spell bog ba which means enclosed garden all right i'll buy that for a dollar how confident are you in the dating methods used to date things like ancient text documents or objects i've done some research on this and curious as to your thoughts thanks shannon well i'm not confident i'm very confident in my chronic because in my chronic which you can either get from gumroad which is highly organized into different pdfs or you can get it for free go to archaics.com and you will go to my link chronicon and it's a bunch of pdfs you have to download but it's all there if you want to go through it uh chronicling is free it's 510 pages history of the world assimilating 41 different ancient calendrical systems all into one cohesive format with about 7 000 data points that's uh there are there isn't another book like chronicling in the world that i know of or i'd have it but it took me about 16 years to put together and i'm still not done i need to do a final chronic on you know when i'm when i'm doing my channel full-time when i am no longer going out contracting and doing that i will rewrite chronic on and i will put every all i have you guys just don't even know not just paper files but even even flash drives and not just me not just me these are just my copies these are all flash drives y'all can't see them i got some i got so many flash drives this ain't even all of them i got a whole bunch of them just fell down i got so many flash drives this is this is just my copy then i got buddies like barry matthew they got they got copies of all their flash drives anything ever happens to me don't worry about it somebody else can release all this data i got to spread out too far too much i need to put all these back up these are just copies but i went to walmart one day and i bought 30 thumb drives all of them 16 gigabytes and uh i just went to copy and made sure that my material was spread out so i don't have a lot of reliance that's why in chronicle and i'm showing how we date how we date sometimes they get it right sometimes they're very accurate other times they're not they have to be corrected and the correct information has to be shown so i don't know which which records you're really referring to but the beauty of the beauty of the phoenix phenomenon is that it's every 138 years and this 138 year period was very well known in antiquity and published star wars ad hunger games yeah you're right yeah play hollywood does play us for fools y'all remember luke skywalker's home world the very first scene in the very first movie it has two sons remember that that's how chronic on starts the nemesis cataclysm began the anunnaki neurochronology of 600 year periods the nemesis cataclysm began with the collapse of a binary to one to one star instead of two this this sub nova explosion hurled our world away from nemesis to where it is now soul which completely disrupted the titus bold law because the planets in this system were perfect until earth got here once once you put earth into the equation it messes up the arithmetic so and this isn't my discovery these are uh johannes bone somebody named tyshas i can't remember his name they came up with this theory together and when they realized that there was a mathematical symmetry of all all the worlds in this solar system but earth didn't fit and phoenix doesn't fit and nemesis x object doesn't fit and luna our moon doesn't fit and electra didn't fit and that's all you see the pieces of electron now that's called the asteroid belt and lastly the dark satellite doesn't fit because they're all moving on the nemesis ecliptic not souls ecliptic this is why this is why earth's movement is so erratic remember again this is all in the simulation which is to instruct us the reason why i believe that not only we're in a simulation but the simulate the the reason for the simulation itself is is the nemesis cataclysm we're trying to figure out the best way to survive and once we've run thousands and thousands of data sets and and and simulations once we achieve certain areas of history once we get there it all stops they initiate a reset all this is all this is recorded we know how to get to this point we've already got to a b c d e f okay we're having a problem with f we just can't get to g we've run thousands of protocols to get to g and every time we ended these badass resets we bad at things things aren't working we can't see a future beyond g we don't know so they change protocols we see this as mandela effect synchronicity deja vu coincidence from the inside of the construct these are very mysterious to us on the outside of the construct the programming is being edited because we've gotten to a certain threshold that we can live we we we can we can live with this retro we can do that this attrition rate is okay but we got to get this point so we also inside we suffer these resets on the outside they are basically plotting our survival through the nemesis through the nemesis cataclysm this is what is happening nasa is never going to tell you that oh wendy flores hello wendy jason can you please talk about the effects of living under a vapor canopy for humans okay wendy the only reason i can talk about that is because humans used to live under a vapor canopy and when we lived under that vapor canopy evidence of this is like there are some archaeological mysteries that don't make sense one of them is there is a species of oyster that's only found like 200 feet deep and deeper they can't survive in shallow water and yet from the vapor canopy period from the fourth and third and half of the half of the third millennium bc we have oyster we have these huge shoal oyster beds where it's obvious that humans were harvesting these which meant either they were technologically advanced or they were able to hold their breath for very long periods of time and swim all the way down there under an entirely different atmospheric pressure and harvest these and then come back up now today i don't know if i don't know if there's a single human they can they can swim 200 feet deep without his eardrums busting out i don't know i don't know if they can because we're made of liquid and oxygen i don't know if they can swim that deep instead and be able to bring a bunch of those up i don't know but this was a main staple in diet at the time and it's just not reasonable if uh if people won't be able to hold their breath for long periods of time but under the vapor canopy we know we have like uh margaret ellsbeth recently shared a post from somebody else that showed these gigantic petrified mushrooms all over the world well under the vapor canopy mushrooms would grow it's nothing for a mushroom to grow 12 to 14 feet that's not that's not a problem rabbits were 90 pounds wolves were 400 pounds under the vapor canopy animals oh they were gigantic this whole ice age scenario where we have ice age creatures they call them megafauna this giant woolly mammoth and all that well the science now is showing us that those creatures did not live in arctic conditions the woolly mammoth's hair actually cooled the woolly mammoth they were creatures that were living in a temperate environment that's not arctic the slaw the sloths and a whole bunch a whole bunch of different different uh facts are coming out right now about the megafauna how the whole ice age narrative is collapsing it's just about the younger driest period yes there were cold snaps in history man but there's not it's not the story that we've been told it's bs with like the institute of creation research has a lot of information about this ico i think it's icr.com i don't know i read all their books uh dr bear abor vohr i can't remember but he's fascinating and he explains all this what humans go through how cuts how cuts heal in seconds deep internal wounds heal in minutes the immune system is absolutely so fantastic under under the atmospheric pressure and the enriched oxygen of a vapor canopy the ambient radiation is totally different than the harmful radiation by ambient radiation i mean the same thing that happened under the phoenix episode of 1902 when the volcano of martinique blew up and killed 30 000 people in saint pierre the only survivor on the entire island was an inmate who was condemned to die he was in a cellar under the jail it's the only reason he survived because this volcanic eruption wasn't just a lava flow it was an actual explosion and an incinerating gas cloud enveloped the entire town and incinerated all 30 000 people in seconds it's the only reason he survived he was underground beneath the effects of the blast radius when scientific expeditions arrived arrived weeks later they stayed for months and they studied the volcano and its effects in the four months that these scientists in 1902 were at uh martinique the island of martinique they grew two and a half inches these scientists were in their 60s this is vapor this is vapor canopy ecology because under the vapor canopy ambient radiation which comes from volcanoes actually benefits the human gene you know it creates we have things within us it might it might it might create like uh an overdrive for peptide production peptides are the building blocks they use amino acids they can replicate medicines a human body is fantastic human body can do all kinds of things but under different conditions it can do even more remember they say about 30 percent of our dna is junk dna but it's only junk because we're not living under a different biosphere right now when we're living under a different biosphere in the future after 2040 i promise you people are going to think that they are immortal and that's not good because of what follows patrick i've been reading rudolph steiner yes i read him for for a few years and there's a lot of parallels to what he talks about and vapor canopy matriarchal societies that you're educating me on maybe i didn't read that book by steiner never clicked until i heard jason talk about it i might need to go revisit snyder i was reading his deeply philosophical books i went through a philosophy phase i spent about two years just reading reading them all ancient and modern why do egyptians have things like anubis a dog head with a human body well the sphinx was never a lion the original sphinx the the if you notice on the sphinx today we're talking about a statue 240 feet long 66 feet high largest statue in the entire world for long for most of the world's history but the head is disproportionately small why because the head was never a human face before it was a human face somebody carved it into a lion's face it wasn't a lion either originally the sphinx was a dog the hindquarters of the sphinx in the tail arrangement are not of a feline they're of a canine it was a dog dogs are symbols of what domestication i'm going to leave it at that but when you say when you when you call my attention to egypt it's hard for me there's two egypts there's really three egypts but it's it's just there's no standard egyptian civilization that's why i need to get that out right now we have a civilization that was centered in northern egypt that has nothing to do with southern egypt and yet southern egypt is where the pharaohs were southern egypt is where the valley of the kings were where pharaohs were were interred southern egypt is where thebes was karnak was wasset traditional egyptian civilization 700 miles south over all the pyramids are southern egypt does not have pyramids northern egypt is way older it has pyramids but it has no hieroglyphs you understand you see where i'm going you need to watch my giza secrets revealed playlist you're talking about two different egypts at two different times only in late history did egypt become known as one and even then they still called it upper egypt in lower egypt yeah we're talking about two different civilizations the traditional egyptian civilization did not build pyramids well i mean they did but they built them a thousand years after the great pyramid they were trying to copy it and that's why all the pyramids look like crap they're not even as good they're not nowhere near as good as the ones in ancient america all right let's see here guys i hope i'm not boring you how much time what's on this video here how long have how long have i been running my mouth and why is there not a timer on this app oh there it is it's right here okay i got 61 likes on this already man you guys you guys are my pals i like you guys let's see rudolph steiner we got that all right big boy four dick honestly i'm going to have to watch tomorrow because my internet is crazy man it's a story of my life cammy let's move on down tim toddles anubis is a depiction of the dog star serious there you go i've never heard a forever conscious research channel no i haven't i'm gonna have to make an apology right i get emails i get i see i see your messages on youtube and in or in in facebook there are several people that have directed me to hey man you need to go check out um such and such you know different people like john levy um uh auto didactic uh i get a lot of emails to hey man you need to check these guys out listen i am not denigrating any of these guys research i have all four outside outside of the box thinkers but i'm not really free to do that i might my the hours of my day are already counted before i spend them it's i don't have the free time to watch other people's youtube channels i have too much content of my own now these guys want to do a collaboration want to do a deal you know what i i have no problem with that that is that's a that's a very constructive way to spend my time but to sit and just watch some other guys videos and all that i i could be releasing my own i still have i told you guys i have 500 more videos in me and maybe more i wasn't exaggerating i i have that much data i just got to put it together but uh i just don't have time to go see that now what i do have time to do is if you were to send me an email giving me like a bullet point presentation of what their points are because if i see something that's really interesting to me i'm going to contact that person hey man check this out i don't know i don't know [\h__\h] about what you're talking about but how about you educating me on a live podcast or something i'm not going to sit here no matter how much i disagree with you i'm not gonna sit here and and and do that you know out loud and try to clown you or anything like that i'm all for outside of the box thinkers this is how we put good information together and believe me there has been times even on my own channel where i have admitted to you guys that i was wrong about something and i had changed my mind but uh but i have to see the evidence you go i have to i have to i have to i cannot be persuaded of anything but i can see the material and i can collate it and i can make my own assessment so i don't have time i'm really sorry i would love to look at all these guys you are talking about i just i just don't have i don't have the time i don't have the free time right now seeking truth boy shannon ann that's an oh oh square pig divergent i almost missed you brother so when you leave in texas yeah i got 18 more years to think about uh i'm i'm i'm pretty much i'm here i'm here i'm where i want to be i'm at the location of where i want to be i'm with who i want to be with right now um got three dogs too and i just not i'm not i don't have that wonderlust it's been purged for me i'm i'm just i'm good i'm good i'm good what i need is a millionaire benefactor to go ahead and just fund archaics so we can really get some awesome awesome professional productions done but you know what i'm gonna make not while i got it quantum paradox i've always liked that will hyperborea reappear wow hyperborea 3rd century bc greek writers were writing about hyperborean and hyperboreans and there was a very famous account i believe it was pineas p-i-n-e-a-s anybody y'all can correct me but then again don't hold me to it it's in my chronic on but he documented a sea voyage that could have only meant that from greece he sailed all the way around europe all the way into denmark sweden area to the islands off the coast of russia it's a fantastic narrative man it's my ancient greek writer was mentioning that and he was describing the hyperboreans and he described a temple complex 300 years bc that's identical to stonehenge he was probably there in the united kingdom okay i did see that video jason but the slippage info is what i wanted to know about thank you for answering my question okay jeffro jeff robodean i know that's not the real jeff robodeen there's a type of magic that allows you to have direct conversation with yourself outside of this milochrom this sir i cannot contend but you would have to demonstrate that to me believe me you're not going to get an argument out of me because i have been in contact with some really odd phenomena from our perspective but it wouldn't be for there okay will we be okay in texas okay i don't know where you are raylynn blakely i don't know where you are in texas but if the united states is going to move 30 degrees south in the lithospheric displacement that means much of texas central east texas where i'm located is going to be plunged straight underneath the gulf of mexico and it's going to take days before the gulf of mexico drains off of it by that time there will be nothing left of houston galveston the coastal the coastal cities corpus christi there'll be no all that's be gone louisiana all of the entire bowl all the way to the tip of florida is going underwater no i don't know where you are but if you're as far north as dallas fort worth corsicana you'll be absolutely fine but you'll now be on a coast and canada will be located in the bread basket of the usa today so california washington oregon gone california will be washington oregon yeah yeah because uh i have maps somewhere i don't remember where i posted them but west of the rockies you're in trouble east of the appalachians you're in trouble the bread basket of the united states all the way south to dallas fort worth is the perfect place to be in canada canada is the perfect place to be because it's going to be taking place in the united states you can get to canada to do it you can get to australia you do it that'll be prime real estate okay jason what has the vatican locked up in their vaults that we're not allowed to have access to i couldn't answer that i couldn't answer that i did read the arco volume and in the arco volume a man pretended in 1890s to be researching something that was approved by the papacy and they trusted this guy and he went in there and and he recorded what he was sent to go in and do but they weren't really watching him while he was in the vatican libraries which is underground when his research project project was over he released the material my publisher paul tice book tree press in san diego publishes the book it's called the arco volume and in that arco volume we've got some really neat [\h__\h] that was found only in vatican archives and one of them is a full of count of values particulars values the equestrian nobility after 16 years of roman military duty he was going home and when he was passing through in the year 31 a.d he was passing through judea he came across crowds of people who were astonished at the doctrine of a man that was that was doing all kinds of teaching all stuff the man scared vice he even said in a direct quote that i would be more he says i would be more terrified of jesus than of a whole host of armies nowhere in his writings was jesus performing miracles raising dead he wasn't doing that it was his teachings and his following and his following values particulars also says that the local jews were enraged and it was a controversy but he stayed out of it which most romans always stayed out of those they didn't care about what the provincial problems were rome was all about administration and he went home and to this day i've always wondered why the vatican would hide this text oh by the way via's particulars has been has been has been uh uh it has been confirmed through other ancient sources that it was known that vaios particulates had left a record and no one knew where the record was no one's ever been able to cite it but ancient sources mentioned that there was a record and then it's found in the vatican in the 1890s it's crazy [Music] it's called the arco volume it's got many other interesting things in there too it's a cheap paperback book i'd be surprised if it was more than 15 bucks uh abraxas now that's an interesting name you didn't just make that one up pharaoh and templar are the scourge of this world of course they are michelle p i found you through santos all right thank you santos oh santos moved from australia to mexico okay i get it yeah i saw something about mexico on his channel when he invited me on this channel i went to investigate his channel and check it out because i had to make sure that i mean you got to be careful it's just you got to be careful when you're doing what i'm doing i got to be careful because i could be invited into somebody's forum where it's a complete setup now woe into the individual who thinks they can set me up and stump me because i'm going to go straight on the attack i'm a fighter by nature there's no doubt with that don't i i keep a lot in but if specifically attack especially especially an ambush where somebody invites me onto a podcast or a deal now i didn't suspect this but i still have to investigate people and find to make sure that we're on the same page and i like his material i like i like his delivery but then again i'm i'm a southern boy with a with an old southern accent so i'm kind of taking in with those people with the british or the australian uh accents european accents when they're speaking english to me to me you sound more sophisticated and i envy you for that but whoa into the woe into the platform that calls me onto their channel and with with the intent of an ambush and an academic ambush because uh then you're gonna see the real jason come out and i'm gonna be spitting data faster than they can process it but hopefully that doesn't happen but if it does i'm ready i would never do that to anybody else because i don't fear the disclosure i don't i do not fear scrutiny as a matter of fact i i want academia to entertain my my phoenix thesis there's nothing to hide you can't say that i made anything up i'm using nothing but scientific measurements of the great pyramid to show that a historical historical record show a 138 year periodosity when you put the two together they work in tandem that tells me that the great pyramid is a holographic template of our time space holography that is something that cannot be argued against because i can show it and i really like somebody like graham hancock or robert shock or robert bobble you know i could befriend those men but they're going to accurately assess the material they're not going to do research like they published because i am not i am not impressed at all let's see can we travel to the moon or not well i'm not saying we can't travel to the moon but you might have a hard time stepping on it so i don't know mexico and west texas having quakes yeah that's all i don't know what that is 100 i'll show nicholas burnett not familiar with that name what about melted buildings okay mountains being melted red brick buildings from a previous reset what about them it doesn't have anything to do with the phoenix that i know of but what what it does have something to do with it's called flux tube phenomena and i've documented a lot of that the tower of babel incident is not on the phoenix timeline and it was a lot of flux tube phenomena 713 bc 185 000 of syrian soldiers wearing iron helms iron i wear holding iron spears iron shields iron iron clasps on on their boots belt buckles they were vaporized in seconds by a lightning blast called a thunderbolt which is science is called a flux tube which which happens when any two gigantic magnetic bodies come too close to each other there will be an exchange of energy in the old testament we have the story of the 185 000 assyrians that were vaporized out on their way to jerusalem uh that was the flux to 1994 a flux tube destroyed comet swift tuttle as it was approaching jupiter and broken into 21 21 uh pieces but a flux tube phenomena happened all over the ancient world on the 10th year of the great war uh you know this great war of you know this great war it's the it's the it's the invasion of the sea peoples but you know this great war in the traditional sense it's called the fall of troy it is the trojan war it is when the empire of ilium collapsed into mycenaea the new the new mediterranean power but the mycenaeans had help that help came from the sky hundreds of thousands of lightning bolts have completely melted all the star forts of the united kingdom all the way all the fortresses and castles all across europe uh in in a single hour the empire of the hittites in anatolia from hatusas and all the surrounding cities and forts and garrisons were melted from lightning bolts from the sky this is technology it has nothing to do with natural phenomena at all it was too perfect it was a great reset as a matter of fact it started 400 year dark dark age uh throughout the world and i've documented that in chronic on as well it was not a phoenix phenomenon deal we have a whole series of disasters and resets from the ancient world that are not on the phoenix finale they're on it they're on a totally different timeline and i'll get to that i believe i'll release videos on it just like i will release video on the dark satellite y'all got to hear about it the only reason i don't really talk about it too much is because it doesn't even factor into our existence until 2052 and to me that's just i have been publishing 2040 and 2046 since the year 2003 way before the 2012 scare way before the 2016-2017-2018 madness about nibiru so i have been publishing all that but 2052 just seems so far away it's like who cares uh i'll get to it the earth is so vast and big that we can't begin to see the curve in it okay it is so big that we exist on the flat plane of the very tip top i think and then it curves into surrounded by waters below i don't know that's unite divide i don't know i don't know i just don't really care i really don't give a damn if the earth is flat or globe i don't care it makes no difference to me because it's all simulated anyway square peg divergent are you building an ark my brother i don't even have the money to build a shed for my my motorcycle how am i going to build an ark i'm going to go through whatever i got to go through because believe me if something was meant to be i'd have it quantum paradox could cern or dwave throw off the factors of the smeller crumb with what they are doing well i don't know because i really don't know what they're doing and when when it comes to coding and coding protocols it's really difficult for me to conceive of any set of variables that would allow the subject which is the human race to be able to alter anything that it was confined inside of i just don't see it possible i don't all right katrina refugee boy you've been yeah if you're in the if you're in louisiana you've been a refugee several times all right hey jason it's forest from conroe about to drive back from houston on i-45 so glad i caught this all right forest conroe texas portugal almost 2 a.m here love this channel thank you nature simplicity all right i've seen your name a few all right so i just hit something and just my god this chat threat is is massive you guys are really on it tonight i might have to do another live just to finish these questions that's crazy tobacco is really easy to grow and and prolific cedar well did you know tobacco's been found in tombs all over from ancient china all the way to egypt supposed to be only american but tales almighty yeah you still have mass mandates in quebec so annoying yeah canada i can't wait for y'all to get get rid of trudeau and it's coming believe me it's coming dude i did a video about that did a video about that genvin got a friend in idaho yes i do yes i do quicksand the quicksand zone i don't know anything about square peg divergent i don't know anything about the the quicksand zone you have to educate me will london uk be safe in 2039 you better get as far away from london as possible and that's not just coming from me that's also coming from nostradamus better get the hell away from the city do you believe people that claim to do remote viewing well no i don't remote viewing implies the ability to divorce yourself from an avatar that you are cerebrally jacked into through the central nervous system the central nervous system mores you to this this husk this this body that we have because that's not who you are this is nothing but a flesh puppet but i don't i don't agree with the with the i don't believe it's it's as simple as they say can we see fragments of the future like a kaleidoscope holographically maybe but it's not that's not true astral projection that's not transconditional meditation which is what you're asking me here that's something else that's cerebral can you actually leave your avatar and travel everywhere and do all these things and there's some silvery cord still attached to you i don't know i don't see any evidence for it because if it was real then there would be absolutely no need for intelligence a operatives intelligence agencies all that would be a thing of the past so i don't i don't know i just i'm not buying it i'm not buying it i do see that it's an excellent way to to build a platform and a following and not and not have the responsibility of having to cover your source materials that's an excellent way because you have pretty much gotten everybody to suspend to suspend their disbelief and in suspending their disbelief you don't owe them source materials so yeah i'm not yeah i can't do it can't do it canada is dealing with communism right now yes yes you are but it's going to be temporal short-lived you can take that to the bank democrat craziness seems like a good way to relocate people they are making their cities unlivable yes they are my state texas may become its own country i don't know we have the people for it and now we have millions more man we got so many new people in texas is crazy they've come from all these states that are collapsing but i can also see a federation building i can see a federation building between canada and the united states and uh some states fracturing off becoming something else uh like ghetto slum state uh like a dystopian steampunk type societies while other ones like texas uh texas would lead would lead like a coalition you you could have a whole civil war scenario where a whole confederacy could could pop up overnight led by texas and as long as the military didn't take sides in the civil dispute they would just go with texas say hell you know they don't care jesus was an outsider gin then jesus was an outsider i have released that in videos and in my published books christians gloss over this all the time because they're brainwashed to believe from the church the church teaches jesus was jewish he was far from it as a four times in the gospels the jews accuse him of not being jewish they will not accept his teachings he cannot teach in the temple he cannot tell the pharisees anything because he's got a land and they said this four different times now it's easy to gloss over when you say well the jews live in galilee too no they didn't the galileans were descendants of two people macedonians macedonians culturally but racially they were people of galuta which was gaul the golem these were israelites who had gone through the assyrian deportations it's really interesting that in the days of jesus the decopolis the the cities of samaria galilei they were they were populated by the descendants of israelites not jews big difference this is why paul wrote all these letters to the lost sheep of the house of israel he did not write them his letters to jews and then when you when you look at the addresses on the 13 letters of paul it's always greek cities yeah there's a whole man new testament it's fascinating it's awesome in his historical details it's the it's the jewish filters you have to remove to understand what was really happening jackson scotus not nominee can't define what the word woman means because she's not a bias i i saw something about that earlier too we can heal ourselves yeah i got that let's go how about the telescope called lucifer the vatican had on a on a sacred native indian mountain you know anything about this as a matter of fact i do because when the vatican when the vatican funded the building of that telescope uh what 12 13 years ago it shocked me because i wanted to know what the hell the vatican would want to know about space and why not build it in rome yeah i i had thought about all that back then i thought that was really interesting but then again the vatican's not about religion it's about population control kim kim espy i would enjoy seeing someone ambush you you probably would because uh like i said it's it's a negative character trait 100 it is i am aggressive and i am violent by nature and i keep that in check but you will see that come out with an explosion an explosion of acuity if anybody er ever put me into that position i promise you they would never do it again that's funny jason it's exciting to see you presenting live just found your work last week watched many hours truth warrior all right listen i've done four or five maybe six live videos before but i didn't have really a lot of people it was it was ten of us i don't mean to sound selfish and all that but i ha i have to i have i have to strike a balance between what's worth it to me in my time if i can produce really good presentations uploads i'll just do that but yeah i can definitely do some lives 100 percent yeah jason you're smart for checking out who you deal with yeah believe me i'm not trying to walk into a trap crap i gotta gotta investigate everything that's this is about right here it's the myth y'all remember the mystery machine they went everywhere in that van solving mysteries scooby doo spitting data faster than eminem raps wow you know what i'm a metal head i will not play for you a lot of the music that i like like machine head the song locus is there anybody out there dead set society gemini syndrome i love those groups i listen to them five finger death punch ad elitist way in this moment within temptation a lot of goddess bands not lizzie hell but you know what i like country music too love country music too i do not like rap and hip-hop but there's one artist that i love almost all his songs uh and what's crazy is his little jewish guy he goes by nf nathan fierstein my god he's got some bad [\h__\h] rap rap songs but he's actually rapping about some real [\h__\h] if you listen to it it's badass it doesn't go off like those gangster rappers do i don't know how i found this channel oh ai yeah algorithm let's see seeking truth is i'm living proof too at 60 and i lived hard yeah man rebel spirit that's that's what life's about i have no problem with hard work if i feel good by the end of the day i'm good with it keeps me in shape santos is genuine watched him for years he sent me to you will you tell santos i appreciate it or i'll tell him saturday when we're on podcast yes graham hancock and company are gatekeepers yup listen if i ever have graham hancock on my show i'm not going to give him any mercy none at all i got a lot of questions for him because the data that he published in his fingerprints of the of the gods the real data can be found in other ancient sources that are in his bibliography so he knew the truth but published otherwise anyway i'm not trying to hear it trying to know that stuff he's got to say nothing probably banned from the moon what's all this stuff about lizard people you know what that almost sounded like one of my neighbors hey man i wear stuff about littering people yep i don't know dude i have no idea i don't i don't subscribe to it y'all saw the show v in the 80s oh my god i was raised on that show maybe the underworld is full of lizard people shape changers maybe maybe the dead sea scrolls text there is a dead sea scrolls fragment it's just one small passage where it describes fallen angels looking like lizards so maybe maybe it's true who knows maybe they filter all that maybe maybe there are some shape changers running the world who's that guy man that's real popular everybody says he's crazy insane but he's he's got some really good spiritual stuff man what's that guy british british accent y'all know who i'm talking about i can't believe my brain is seizing up right now i can memorize thousands of data sets from antiquity but but modern cultural names and pronouns i lose them all the lizards huh yes flicks to nicholas burnett like the fastest yep plasma rock melts ain't your bedrock of safes yes see i had often entertained putting together like a consortium uh maybe other youtubers have already done this i don't know it seems to me that a lot of the content creators on youtube researchers are very compartmentalized and they like me they are uh they just keep to themselves and every once while they'll talk to somebody else but i was really entertaining the idea maybe getting four or five of these other guys that are closest to my research and doing these doing these these badass think tank deals for all five or six of us for round table discussions we disagree on many points but it's the commonalities that we're going to be learning from i'm still thinking about that i have a list i have a list of guys that i would problem is i'm so small most people won't take me seriously right now but uh but that's okay that's okay i'm not gonna stay i'm not gonna stay small my subscriptions will go up it's uh one thing i have never done is traded subscriptions i have been offered many times many people many people have subscribed to me thinking that i can go and subscribe to them and that's a way to boost your subscriptions but for the first year i had a channel some of y'all know like patrick you know man it too it took me almost two and a half years to get a thousand subscribers then it took me about six months to get the next 500 and another six months to get about 500 then another six months to get about 500 because my channel is growing by word of mouth youtube has not been sharing my content it was not until i owe santos bonacci a debt there's no doubt about it i will repay that debt in any way that he asked in a reasonable way i'll do podcasts or whatever but uh i owe him a debt because in less than eight nine days i got two thousand subscribers since that podcast with monachi and i appreciate that but it doesn't change anything it does not change how i will release videos and will not change the content that i release none of that it's just more people that are exposed to the material but i when i when i have tens of thousands of subscribers i might put that together but right now i really don't have much to offer those other guys i only have 6 000 subscribers so but i'm seriously thinking about it because i do believe that four or five or six of us in a round table discussion doing doing that about once a week we may start putting things together faster together than we could have ever done independently uh i'm i am willing i am willing to say that i have been wrong about some things i'm not wrong about things like 138-year periodosity more than 792-year periodicity of nemesis x those aren't the things i'm wrong with the chronology i could be wrong in other elements of my research and i'm willing to entertain that if you show me the evidence love ffdp i'm sorry christie have no idea pantera i know that one do you think humanity has any type of help from spirit guides angels ascended masters dragons et's or inner earth beings okay nicholas anderson ah nicholas i recognize you from facebook i do believe we do have that help i do believe that there are independent intelligences that are floating through this holography that are not barred by time space they are able to move forward and backward in time and to change geographical positions instantaneously they are attached to our personalities they are not attached to our avatars i believe they do guide and they do instruct us they influence us they are i believe just 100 percent they have manifested in many ways this is why some people can see an elf a sprite a fairy a pixie while other other people are not vibrating on that frequency and they can't see that i do not believe that schizophrenic people are any different than anybody else other than the fact that their filters have been damaged we need those those central nervous system filters because we would go stark raving mad if we actually saw multiple different vibrational spectrums at the same time we need to compartmentalize data as we intake it or we would go mad there's too much there we only see optically 5.5 of the electromagnetic spectrum but if we were to see 17 to 25 percent of it we will see other floating entities all around us that are going to be getting in our way trevor james constable has released two books about these entities he's photographed them in ultraviolet uh you can't see them when he takes the picture but when he develops the film under ultraviolet light they're there he's he's got some fantastic pictures that's so yes nicholas i do 100 man you have spirit guys that are attached to you i don't know if there are individual intelligences that are attached just specifically to you or if they move about and they only show up when they're needed i don't know that's not something i can i can answer wouldn't even pretend to know that what year was it to leave london by 2036 yeah at 100 i believe that around 2035 2036 they're gonna find some way to go ahead and lock down the world i believe that because they don't need anybody moving and doing all that stuff while they've well they're sealed in their in their underground vaults and cities and all that we're going to ride out the storm the elite and all these military is not they're going to be underground for a decade or more they're not going to go right before 2040 no they're going to go before that and they're going to stay then they're not going to come out after 2040 because 6.5 months laters is something way to way worse it's nemesis x and nemesis x object has always always after it left departed leaving us a plague that destroys one third of the world's population and it's a nasty plague it happened in 522 and it happened again in 1314 the great black death that lasted to 1347 if the historical records were true uh it also happened in uh 3439 bc and 1915 bc every time that damn thing appeared it leaves his play they're not coming up for that that's why mother shipton says what she does in her prophecies it's after these apocalyptic events that men of like unknown will ascend from the mountains and underground habitations and they will have their seeds and tools and they will teach a primitive ignorant humanity how to rebuild their civilizations yeah mother shipton said that illiterate woman couldn't read or write but 500 years ago she released a series of prophecies that was hauntingly accurate liz taylor nemesis x obvious okay okay here's something you guys got to know because you carry the filters you carry this isn't all of you it's the majority of you i refuse to call the object nibiru because zechariah sitchin and his ilk and all the authors that have followed him have always they have attached all these ideas and concepts to nibiru that do not belong to it i call it nemesis x object for many different reasons one because it was nemesis that started this entire simulation to begin with so you hear me say nemesis x object i'm talking about nibiru will i call it nibiru no because i don't need you attaching stigmata to it man that you borrowed from somewhere else but you didn't get from me i hope that clarifies something yeah hancock will never talk to you he's full of bs well you never know you never know about you know if i if i end up getting 250 000 subscribers and they're sending him a thousand emails a day calling him a coward because he won't he won't accept the challenge he just might come out of the woodwork believe that yeah and you have to understand too that if i'm invited onto another platform there is every there is every chance that they're going to control the narrative 100 percent or they at least have a plan to control the narrative also they might not want to do a live podcast they might want to do something that's going to be an upload so they can edit it and then make me sound really really stupid you know i mean totally edit out all my my statements yes believe me you know how the media works i don't have to educate you on i still haven't read the emerald tablets i'm sorry and the only reason is uh nicholas has been trying to get me to read the emerald tablets it's not that i don't want to i don't have time right now i just don't so i have no free time uh i want to to be able to answer the questions but i can say with with uh relative confidence that i can recall of no instance in my past in any of my research where i ever found an ancient writer mention the emerald tablets so to me it must be something of late convention but i'm willing to check them out i just need the time just need the time some people are saying we're heading into a mini ice age grand solar minimum with five to ten years i don't know anything about the grand solar minimum because i don't believe the sun is anything more than a projector i bel i believe it is the convex it is the convex form of an angle of something of something like a battery source it is it is empowering uh it is empowering this holography i don't believe the sun is what you think it is i don't believe in solar flare x-flare activity none of that it's uh yeah i don't believe anything in the sky much less the moon i'm sure okay david ikey thank you thank you that's who i was just trying david ike everybody's a reptile so hey you know what i got much respect for the man he's been under attack all of his life man he any hey takes it like a champ but i've also read some of the spiritual material and that's where i'm going to measure the man i'm not going to measure the man in all these unusual theories about he has about the bushes about and all that might be true i don't know i measure the man in the quality of the spiritual uh associations what he says about the human spirit is fantastic that's what that's and that's how i'm going to judge david eike are you a machine head big boy four oh yes i am locus is there anybody out there yeah yeah you can't miss me on metal head but machine head is my group all right david i could david i could david david i could david i can't i know this i know i know when all these were written what part of the conversation introverts run the world all right ikey yeah like he sounds like mike russell brand russell brand oh i know that name i don't know i don't know why i know that okay this thing just jumped on me i guess that means more people trevor james oh his name is uh trevor james constable his books are fantastic about what he is and there's actual photos of the things he's he's taking pictures of believe me we're not the only life forms have you seen this and till the telescope photos no i haven't oh you said telescope yeah i'm not i'm not i'm not i'm just not i'm not interested not that you don't have anything of value to tell me i'm not interested in any optics they're from the sky i'm just not i mean until they can show me parallax i don't even want to hear about stars being actual stars and suns i don't want to hear about it since the days of charles fort in the 1890s man it's long been known that our world if our world is 93 million miles from the sun then that means it's 186.5 million miles to the other side of the sun and if we take pictures from four different locations on earth in june then we take pictures from those same four different locations on earth in december and the stars have not moved at there's no parallax i'm not trying to hear it we're not looking into a real heavens we're looking into a simulated holography because in the real heavens we would be in a 3d a 3d holography where stars are going to change their positions just minuscule according to your vantage point and if the earth is right here excuse me if the sun is right here and we take pictures 93 million miles away here and then it goes all the way over here and we take those same photos but the stars that we're taking pictures of have not moved in juxtaposition to each other then that means there there's no parallax by no parallax that means we're looking at the inside of a dyson shell like construct where the stars are fixed and there's no distances between them the distance is an optical illusion so i'm can't do it can't entertain space guys i'm not a flat earther but space is [\h__\h] you're looking at programming you can teach a course at santos mystery school i have to look into that because i don't know anything about it yet yes v was creepy yeah well that's a creepy show crew crew it was a creepy show population i i appreciate you guys hanging with me tonight i'm gonna go a little bit longer this building cage let's see five finger death punch sorry yeah you know i love five death punch jason how do i get the devil off my back please a barking dog will only bark at you for so long if you're if you're not creating a reactive situation there's no reason for it to expend any more energy this goes with everything in the world what you entertain well well basically what you resist persists it's the same thing with with demons devils or spirits poltergeist whatever if you're not giving it if you're not feeding it the energy of your attention it will go find the energy of someone else's attention you're wasting its time it will leave yeah you can quit worrying about it man roll with the punches and totally ignore whatever you're going through in life treat life as objectively as possible like it's a video game that's unfolding all around you and your problems will melt away but i see it all the time i live it all the time information flows through the ether if you can tune into it genvin that's true there is a russian physicist named ishaq bintov he might be jewish i don't know but ish his name is ishaq bintov wrote stalking the wild pendulum and a brief tour tour of higher consciousness you see how i pulled those two titles out of my head just like that information is already in the holography surrounding us jinvin you're absolutely correct we can we can tap into that through intent through will and through altruism the very act of wanting to benefit another soul trapped in this holography grants you temporal powers to do that benefit i see it all the time but you're absolutely correct you pull information out of the air the brain is the brain is a capacitor it doesn't house anything it doesn't house the spirit it doesn't house the soul what the brain does is emotions like empathy emotes sadness anger these are spiritual qualities uh intuition imagination none of those have anything to do with the brain that's all spiritual qualities what the brain does is it processes what what it's receiving in the ether the information from the the immortal spirit and it's translating that into cortisols and dopamines and chemicals that the brain produces so the avatar will respond in kind it's just the opposite of what psychologists are telling you but then again the establishment's always telling you the opposite of the truth hobby love i need help jason man we all need help but listen the very the very act of requiring help from somebody else is an admission that you cannot help yourself this needs to be changed you are a lot more powerful than you think you are jason what's your take on hollow earth never been down there but i'm pretty sure that there's a lot going on down there and has been for a very long time we live on a thin skin of surface area but the underworld has ways to build down further and further and further through basement rock that is hundreds of miles in thickness realistically there's more livable space in the underworld than there is on the surface dr stephen greer has also documented these entities i know that name he explains they are from higher states of consciousness okay oh that that may be true i believe that they are they are intelligences just like we are they are no different than us for some reason they are bereft of their avatars but that's okay because that is not a fundamental difference it's only a difference in degree and i'm cool with abraxas let them bury themselves okay i know if you were talking trevor james constable remember his name is constable that's what his name is if you're interested in those books hey those books are available by my publisher too don't just get them off amazon or anything do my publisher a favor 1 800 700 tree trevor james constable books they're all they're all in the book tree book tree publishes those books praxis jason you have a strong saturn and mercury listen i don't know anything about astrology i really don't because i believe it's all coding protocols uh i am i am i read a book it's also it was written like a hundred years ago but it's also in the book tree catalog my publisher he publishes old books and reprints them that's what he does the book is called secrets of the zodiac it's only like 90 pages but when i read when i read gemini i was floored because it nailed me to a t born 1201 in the afternoon on june 9th 1973 that book nailed me to a t now i'm not just i'm not you know you know me i'm going to be real critical about something so i just opened it up to look at libra and look at virgo look at capricorn different days i couldn't find anything that applied to me not like that book that book is awesome yeah it's uh as a matter of fact other people ask me what that book was and i posted that book just in the facebook archaic group use the search bar and put zodiac that books gonna pop up i posted the book that book for everybody to know i believe in a copy of that entire book is in pdf form i'm almost confident of it in the files of archaic's facebook group that's how that's how much that book really really shocked me all right let's see jason what's your take on hollow earth i've already read that one all right trevor james constable how do i keep how do i keep re-reading the same i'm steady going down but i'm re-reading the same thread over did you ever notice some of your graphic charts resemble some crop circles the crop circles that have pie or five birds oh my god ashnandoa harmonic act okay that's a really unique handle my book published in 2011 called anunnaki homeworld is about the year 2046. i have two chapters about the mayan long count in there because i needed i needed to publish uh data about the mayan loan count before 2012 because while hundreds of books were all claiming that something bad was going to happen in 2012 because it was the end of the mayan lawn count i showed in two chapters that the arithmetic is wrong and the scholars in 1952 when they calculated that didn't know what they were talking about but nobody ever follows up on arithmetic and they just automatically assume that books published before them are correct well i corrected the arithmetic and show that it's 2046 and i show that there were many crop circles in 1996 1997 and 1998 that appeared that geometrically all form the number 2046. some of these crop circles even have little symbols in them that could be nothing other than comets it's very interesting so uh that's all published in my book internaching homeworld i did i have two chapters on nothing but crop circles and how to interpret them because they're all arithmetic every single one emerges mathematical constructs something is trying to communicate with us and i know there's a lot of people close friends of mine believe that all crop circles are man-made but i also know that the establishment has paid many people to come forward and say that they built these crop circles in different local areas and all that but there are fantastic books that i have read where they show the chemical analysis on many of these crop circles no men ever made these things some of them have 408 independent interlocking circles there is no way humans could have made these they were made as cessnas were flying over the fields and they watch strange lights do hole patterns and in moments yeah the crop circle phenomenon is really interesting because of all the establishment [\h__\h] all the stuff they're putting out talking about uh humans are doing it and and believe me hundreds of people have been caught building crop circles but they didn't build the ones that i published about always trying to muddle the water you know what youtube is stopping a lot of your comments if you're mentioning things like transhumanism or if you're mentioning anything about the facts cove and all that stuff and i'm just going to go ahead and let let them hide it they're showing it to me but they're hiding it from the message i'm not trying these catch words man leave them off my channel i'm not we do not live in a free society anymore and youtube is owned by the enemy so don't don't don't yeah don't leave them on my channel i am glad they're showing them to me because if their search algorithms are catching these yeah some of you yeah some of you putting some really specific [\h__\h] here you don't need that i don't need that here that's not what i'm about i recognize the truth just like you do so we don't need to share it here not that type of stuff listen uh you know jason you get out of your phone or your computer read the emerald tablets to you you know jason you get out of your phone or your computer okay i know i understand what you're trying to tell me yeah i see glitches in the simulation do you yes i have i have i have seen a couple really shocked me i i i mentioned okay look this actually happened in the middle of doing a van vlog some of you remember this i've never forgot it but i was heading to leggett texas i was on the freeway and i was just talking to you guys i don't remember what the video was about but my camera caught something that i saw but i did not mention to you guys but other viewers did see it and they mentioned it in the comments i passed up in the middle of nowhere in central east texas on highway 59 going north out of splindora texas there's nothing out there but forest i never saw any vehicles and all of a sudden i drive by this skinny black guy looks like he's 20 years old walking on the side of the freeway i am nice summertime too it's hot i felt sorry for him but i got people behind me trucks behind me it's narrow i'm gone i keep going in my van i don't think nothing of it my camera caught it i didn't think nothing of it until about five minutes later i was talking still talking on that van vlog and this time i was shocked and the camera even saw the shock in my face and the and the camera also saw the person walking on the side of the road this is real it's caught in my video i saw the exact same black kid skinny in the middle of nowhere five more miles up the road as i was talking on the video that's not a glitch i don't know if it was a glitch or not or if the simulacrum was trying to get me to pick this kid up or pick up this pick up this this this program or whatever and it it might have thought because i ignored it that i didn't see it so it put it back out there again but my camera caught it twice and uh it's just crazy it's crazy little things like that happen to me an incident at walmart an incident at walmart where i saw a girl that was absolutely beautiful and something just told me she wasn't real and she was like 60 feet away from me and something just i was heading towards a certain grad to stop you know sometimes i'm impulsive i don't give a damn i'll talk to people anybody anywhere and i just decided and it just shocked me man that as soon as i had made the decision to turn around and go that way just to head that way she disappeared then disappeared again and i never saw her again man i walked through the storm and i was like man this is why i even had the suspicion the entire time that i had pursued that i had the suspicion of dealing with something that wasn't real my intuition was firing at me so it was so weird i i'm not even going there because these are things that are unprovable these are things that happen to me they're entirely subjective they have no bearing on your existence nor can i prove them to you so i don't really entertain the metaphysical it's not it's never been my habit crop circles are we being harvested for our life force energy by lower energy beings michelle m's i don't believe the matrix version of the holography i don't i don't subscribe to it it's something if hollywood is putting that version out then that version is probably not true now i don't think so i don't see it i'm a silver liner i see a lot of i see a lot of positivity even though we live in a world of negative default programming i don't i see the opposite i see the opposite at but guys it is two hours and 13 minutes i'm going to close this video but i'm going to promise that we're going to do another live video very very soon i will announce it in a post on youtube and i will announce it in the facebook group and i will appreciate any donations you guys give me i don't care if it's a dollar and many people who have donated to me will tell you that i i get if you send me an email which is also in the links below i often send free stuff to people it's no it's it doesn't cost me anything i have many things on pdf file i can just send you just an appreciation for donations but uh we'll do another live chat and if you if you like this live chat there's other topics you want put them in the facebook archives group do a post in our case say hey man we like to talk about these things right here so we can come with our guns loaded next time we do a live one which might be tomorrow or two days from now or three days from now i don't know it all depends on what kind of feedback i get so this is jason varquez and you guys have a good night