Julia's Advanced Class Questions for Archaix Answered

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[Music] well thank you so much for doing this with me jason i'm so honored and humbled that you would do this with me with all your 40 000 plus subscribers so thank you so much well it's it's you know what the amount of subscribers doesn't even matter and so you took the initiative to start your own channel and basically analyze and analyze and bring more depth to material that i was providing so people could understand you know that that's that uh it deserves you know some type of recognition so i have no problem drawing traffic to to what you're doing there's a lot of people who are who like your delivery and that's cool that's all we'll see we'll see if we can get some uh i mean i'll post it on my channel today and tell everybody i think you got what 10 or 11 12 videos yeah 11 so far 11 videos that are all all basically uh simplifying the archaic concepts is basically what you're doing right right yeah okay i'm pretty i'm pretty sure that you know uh as soon as i draw attention to it post this video on my channel i'm pretty sure you're going to get a tremendous amount of traffic because there are a lot of new people who want who want the concept simplified so and i'm not saying i'm not capable but it's just i don't know what i it's a it's you do a better job of simplification than i do because i'm going to stray i'm going to entertain tangents i'm going to end up getting more complex as i go so just wait i can't only imagine to come from your perspective because you're just so excited about having all this stuff to share with everyone and you just you know it so well that you know it's so easy to go off on those tangents with details because you know you just know the material so well they're so it's so layered and so involved so i get that totally wow so one of the one of the things i've been wanting to ask you for a while and you mentioned it yesterday and then you said that you know in 2040 that you would be 67 i think and that you'd probably died not too long after that but isn't there a chance isn't there a chance that if you survived till 2040 that with the uh dna upgrades and all that that you could potentially live have you know your life gets extended and you can even live all the way to the end of the similar chrome uh you know what i really like i really like the idea of what you're saying and i would love to entertain the fantasy but i've already explained in prior presentations that the titans didn't have the benefit when the vapor canopy collapsed humans were of titanic size there but when it collapsed now they're slower it's more difficult to breathe they died out rather fast it was easy to overcome them and this is why in in the most ancient traditions about titans and giants the giants prevailed because this is what had happened humans were of large size the vapor can't be collapsed now we have a temper atmosphere there is no longer the intense atmospheric pressure that created the world that the titans were used to and the oxygen oxygen dense atmosphere and all these things were really good for the size of the flora and fauna of the time that's why everything in the ancient world was so gigantic but when that vapor canopy collapsed that world was over now the the gene the genome of the titans didn't change at all from the collapse it was their children when they had children after the after the collapse of the vapor canopy it was those children that had all all the genetic modifications and changes due to a new biosphere then it was the children of the giants and sometimes the children like nimrod who was amar udack of the of the ancient sumerian records later in acted he was merreldack in babylon he was marduk and the jews called him nimrod this is the same individual this individual was a little different uh he's also remembered as bilgamesh in his youth later later later mistranslated as gilgamesh in the epic of gilgamesh his his upbringing was slightly different he wasn't born to parents of of uh that were giants who were who were the sons and daughters of titans who would survive from the vapor canopy world his was a little different he was the son of a giant and he was the son of a giant and he was the son of a titanist that was a little different so he was much larger than the other giants and became known as a giant killer in ancient times the mighty hunter before the lord was not a rare in genesis is not a reference to hunting animals in the in the in the ancient near eastern text it was a reference to hunting giants that's what he did so this is what the castration of of uranus was all about was to stop the titan line from producing any more threatening threatening sized people now i'm telling you all this because it answers the question you just asked i'll be 67 when the vapor canopy returns but my genome is already set i might have some latent genes that are activated but what it's really going to do is the children of the world at that time who who are pre pre-pubescent they're going to have some major modifications in the genome and it'll it'll be almost instantly their genome's not set until puberty so but all the children that will be being born are going to be different of different vintage and this is what we see in the prophecies of second esdras we see this in the apocalypse there's a new type of humanity that emerges now second ezra's doesn't go into the vapor canopy but but i'm uh that's not surprising because by the time the second edges was written the vapor canopy had already collapsed almost 2000 years earlier so they didn't have a lot of references to it but i don't believe that 67 years old my genome is going to change or anybody else who's already well set in their age no we're going to be living in a new biosphere and it's a it's probably going to benefit us health-wise i mean an atmosphere with a lot more oxygen is going to uh allow us to do more things it might it might prolong my life a few more extra years but i'll already be 67 with the benefits of the vapor canopy world and the creation of longevity and uh basically the rapid healing and all that this is going to benefit youth this is going to benefit the younger people more and and those infants just being born into their world it's not really going to benefit a whole lot people who are already in of advanced age okay and so um that kind of goes into this question that victoria had about um what's the point of the 2040 phoenix saying saving certain people is six years later nemesis x comes along and kills off a vast number of the phoenix survivors yeah that's a good question but it's it's also it also attaches more significance to the events than that are actually there let me give you an example the tsunami was that 2010 was it 2011 the tsunami that took out a whole lot of the japanese coast killed a bunch of people we saw footage of we saw footage on the news of entire ships rolling through neighborhoods you remember that right yes okay well that was very very devastating to japan but not all of japan suffered it was very devastating for the people who went through it but not all of asia even cared because it was so far away the phoenix the phoenix phenomenon after all these 138 year multiples occurring at that time is uh it's only going to affect parts of asia now now don't get me wrong there's going to be cities you know coastal cities around the world are also going to be affected but it's not going to be to be some worldwide cataclysm like like a hollywood style no it's it's it's it's actually what i'm what i see is a infrastructure collapse meaning we're not even gonna be told what happened to asia they'll be over there doing their thing and there might be it might be it might take six months to two or three two or three years for rumors to to filter over because you gotta understand in may 2040 it's it's full systemic collapse the infrastructure is gone there's no more telecommunications there's no more people on cell phones calling each other getting news updates that's over with the world is going to be returned to a neolithic state as far as people are basically stuck in their geographical areas like they have been for thousands of years unless they migrate you're good a lot of technologies are going to be are going to be modified a lot of technologies are going to be modified because this this systemic collapse and i believe this is one thing the elite are preparing for this is why they're steadily pushing green energy they're steadily pushing these solar panels they're steadily pushing wind turbines now i'm in texas and i see wind turbines on a daily basis i see gigantic truck convoys with these wind turbines it takes an entire truck with an ext 52 a 53 foot long truck is not long enough it takes a second flatbed behind it just to move one of the one of the blades on these giant turbines and they're coming off from the houston ship channel all the time and i'm seeing them going up going north going north look this is all setting setting civilization up for failure because i believe the elite know the vapor canopy's about to return i i also believe that they thought the vapor canopy might return in 1902 and when it didn't it changed all their plans they realized they had another 138 years and they've been taking advantage of that so i think uh uh when the vapor canopy returns wind turbines will be a thing of the past they will not generate any any uh electricity the the hydromancy that's over with the there will be no more rain but the water but the world will be very humid there's a uh with the vapor can't be returned solar solar panels will be a thing of the past so this uh i believe that the oil refineries and and and uh we have we have so much technology that's being taken underground i believe that's what your leader preparing for they're they're preparing for full systemic collapse and because a lot of them are no good pieces of [\h__\h] uh they want to make sure that when they emerge back from the underworld after the series of cataclysmic events they want to have technology that's intact while everybody on the surface world is in a neolithic state like a steampunk society it's basically using engines and anything they can to work um but they don't have an infrastructure to support it so we're going to see a wide diversity of applications in engineering and imagination and we're going to see some really weird things being developed during the vapor canopy because uh people are people people are smart and we have intelligent people in every community and we have engineers in every community and they're going to be coming up with all kinds of innovative ways to build new technologies and there will be new scientific discoveries during the vapor canopy as well because we already have evidence of ancient architecture of technolithic manufacture that we can't replicate today but they were built during the vapor canopy so evidently the vapor canopy it may it may bring new phenomena that can be harnessed into new scientific scientific uh ways or for i mean new applications in engineering so we just really don't know but we know they flew we know they had they had technological devices that could they could they could uh synthesize stone from base materials and add a geopolymers to it and then construct it in a way that would look like to people with an untrained eye who are not using a microscope that it was actual corey rock that was being used when it's not i'm uh her this victoria victoria this is probably victoria z of the uk isn't it yeah she's very inquisitive and that's good but i don't think that that oh the nemesis x object in 2046 is gonna wipe out everything i've never i've never put that out they're just gonna wipe out the entire world it's all as a matter of fact the most that that it will wipe out is uh 50 of humanity and that's and that's prophetic that's in the book of revelation it's all and this is how we get to that math it's that arithmetic is very easy to figure out because the phoenix by the by the by the time the phoenix uh event occurs it's the sixth seal but it's preparatory to the apocalypse it's not yet the apocalypse it's the introduction of the apocalyptic period all seven seals have to be broken before the apocalypse can begin but in the breaking of those seals it specifically says in the book of revelation one-fourth of the entire world's population will perish that that still leaves 75 of humanity untouched now i'm convinced from many of the many of the things i've released in prior presentations that asia is getting is going to get the worst in the east is going to get the worst of the phoenix phenomenon and the west is going to basically get a pass with the loss of the loss of coastal cities only major populations in the west are basically going to be unscathed but because of the centrifugal motion of the stellosphere it will reveal the 2040 event is going to reveal for all governments and all people where the safe area is because the the center of motion is the safest place to be in a world that is no longer stable and if the world moves 30 degrees and shifts it doesn't matter if you believe in a flat plane it's still a 30 degree shift it doesn't matter if you believe in a sphere with a 23.5 degree obliquity from the ecliptic it's still going to be a 30 degree shift it doesn't matter what your paradigm is in your interpretation of the world you live in it's still a 30 degree shift when all the continents move and if the continents don't move the stellosphere will make it look like they do because the actual movement is in the sky the whole stellosphere will shift 30 degrees no matter what it is it's going to send a panic out to everyone because they're going to see the tsunamis they're gonna they're gonna experience the tsunamis the volcanism the earthquakes and they're gonna realize that the further you get away from the great pyramid in the israel egypt area the greater the destruction or potential for destruction was 2040 is going to wake up the west and there's going to be mass migrations to the mediterranean there's going to be carnival cruise lines ships are getting appropriated oil tankers yachts cessnas uh municipal aircraft military aircraft aircraft carriers full of military personnel and government you're gonna there's going to be massive migration nostradamus even mentions all this this huge migration from the west back to the east in the middle of these two apocalyptic events this is when when the whole western world will die but by that time significant amount of the surviving populations of the americas will have already re-entered europe in the mediterranean by [\h__\h] by shipping by by um by plane so in twin twin nemesis x object appears which i believe is a super construction not an intruder planet and i also believe it will collide into north america it will be whatever it is suspending in the sky that we call nemesis x object that does these horrible things to our world every 792 years it's going to it's going to end it's it's also inhabited this is also attached to the hopi prophecies of the blue kachina which according to them is also peopled with gods or demigods or demons or spirits but it's going to crash to earth and it's not just a it's not just a bolide hitting north america it is an actual suspended super construction that's hidden in our sky that will no longer be hidden for whatever reason it will no longer have a power source either and it will just plunge through the atmosphere and hit north america but by that time most of north america will have will have been emptied so the reason we get the 50 loss of life is because the seven s at the end of the seven seals it says one-fourth of the world's population will perish during this during these events okay that leaves 75 percent of the population surviving but 6.6 years later we have the wormwood event of the second trumpet the blue kachina the nemesis x object it appears now when did it when it appears when it appears and it collides with the earth it says now we have one third of the entire human race perishes this is this is we're given the arithmetic at first it's one-fourth then it's one-third but it's not one-third of a whole it's one-third of the 75 percent that survived so now we're closer to 50 percent of the entire world's population perishing in 6.5 years between two different events that are 6.5 years apart now that's where we get the 50 as far as the death toll but even 50 percent by that time will still leave over five six or seven billion people in the world so it's not a total end by any stretch of the imagination and she also had another question of asking how the dimensions of the pyramid capstone been worked out um you know what i can do i can do that on a calculator i can do that on a calculator really fast if i can find a calculator she was saying that there may be further encoding clues about our holography to be found within the measurements oh there's no doubt i mean there's no doubt i mean i don't really only mention in one or two videos but the the apple film for the great pyramid is the greatest key to the chronology it's all the okay you know the pyramid has four faces now i already understand that some people want to be overly technical and say now it's actually octahedral it's got eight i understand that but for thousands of years ever believed people believed it only had four faces and this is because in order to see the actual small declavity on all four faces that truly makes it octahedral you can't see that with the naked eye unless someone has a laser pointer and is looking straight down or they use a computer to enhance the graphics so you can see you can't see with the naked eye but it is octa octahedral by by a few feet on each side so it's very intriguing it's very interesting but it doesn't matter because the slant itself whether it's whether it's four-sided or eight-sided the slant the slope is called the sloping distance the sloping distance itself from the base to the top is seven thousand three hundred and forty-four inches and these are not these are not standard inches like you and i you this is where people get confused about the pyramid edge the pyramid inch is a unit of measurement that researchers 150 something years ago found that the great pyramid was you it's the base unit of measurement in the great pyramid and it comes from a very small little area called the granite leaf in the ante chamber and it seems like the great pyramid is self-referencing its own measurement system that one little unit is the unit that everything is measured in the great pyramid is fascinating they called it the pyramid edge it is entirely coincidental or maybe it's not but it's entirely coincidental that the british inch is like .0025 uh difference between the the inch which which is interesting because in all the measurements of the great pyramid that variance between the british inch which is based off the megalithic yard from ancient times and the pyramid inch are the exact same throughout all measurements in the great pyramid because it would take measurements of miles in order for the difference the microscopic difference in the in those size of those inches to make a difference but there are no measurements in the great pyramid that go that that that for that for that long so the pyramid edge is not is not an inch as we know but it happens to be almost exactly exactly to it so anyway seven oh seven thousand three hundred and forty four uh pyramid inches being the sloping distance the appleton is uh it's very interesting because the entire chronology that i put out in chronicling is the exact same too it's the entire chronology 5239 bc began the annunaki nurse system of 600 year periods but the whole calendar ends on 2106 a.d which is the sixth thousandth year of the annis movie calendar now uh the six thousand years didn't begin in creation it began with year one of the vapor canopy world year one of the anti-delivery pre-flood world it's year one of the 16 56 years in the book of genesis very simple very simple it's very simple to calculate that but the year 2106 return of the chief cornerstone is the six thousandth year but it's also the 7344th year from the beginning of the annonacy timeline of 5239 bc and i've got many many charts that show this whole thing so over and over and over i've shown that the distances in the pyramid that lead up to the to the cornerstone are also calendars all over just like 1902 being being the final last day's countdown to the return of the chief cornerstone when he comes to set the captives free those of us who are trapped in this military all of this was laid out in ancient times but in 1902 we have something very interesting now we have every single layer of stone going up to great pyramids 7 344 inches now it's 203 levels of gigantic blocks that lead all the way up to an empty platform where the 204th will will descend it's the 204th level of blocks but it's a very unique block it's the largest block in the entire pyramid it's not there yet it's a flat platform on the top of the pyramid so that block is going to be huge and we know this because of the apple them because of the sloping distance the angle is 51.51 degrees when you take 51 degrees times four sides you get 204. the the chiefs the chief cornerstone that will descend on the monument of man at the top of the pyramid is the 204th level remember 1902 ended into the major amazing like the stonehenge chronolithic system which i have one video on 1902 ends there but 1902 begins the last days with 203 levels of the pyramid to the platform which is the 204th those 203 levels are years from 1903 1904 1905 1906 1907 all the way up past 2022 2023 2024 2025 and many great pyramid features are very unique at certain key years in this history all the way up to 2105 a.d 20 2105 a.d is at the very end of the apocalyptic period it is the 599th year of the annis movie system we're missing a year you know so this whole calendar system only ends right there at the at the at the platform but it's fulfilled in the year 2106 with the chief cornerstone when the chief cornerstone comes down it's the 204th this is in second eddress and it's mentioned that the holy angels in ancient times wrote all the secrets of the past the present and the future and they hid them in 204 books those books are the levels of the great pyramid leading up to the descent of the chief cornerstone just like the 51 degrees times four of the four of the four uh sides of the pyramid is 204. so we have the great pyramid as self-referencing over and over and over in feet inch in feet inches and in in calendrical years all throughout history but to answer her question absolutely specifically it's where it's very simple the flat top pyramid the very top of the platform that's there today is exactly 5448 inches high off the off the the giza plateau today that's where it's at when you divide that by feet you have the great pyramid stands at 454 feet today and anybody can anybody can google it and you know see all this but that's fine that's 454 feet that's how high the great pyramid is people don't realize how gigantic it is 203 levels of block going all the way up but geometricians since the days of napoleon all the way up until today it's been published in many many books that the apple theme is 7 34 inches well if we have 51.51 degrees going up but we have the height is 454 feet it's very simple to calculate how tall the great pyramid is when the chief cornerstone is there once we once we factor that in we find out that the great pyramid is 5814 inches high as soon as the the uh capstone is in place easily ascertained by by measuring it geometrically so we divide that by feet the great pyramid will be 484.5 feet when the when the capstone is in place but here's here's how you do it super simple all you have to do is subtract 5814 inches minus the present height of 5448 inches and you find out a very intriguing number from the ancient world attached to enoch 366 inches is the full height of the chief cornerstone this is the number of enoch in the book of enoch enoch wrote 366 books these aren't actual books enoch wrote the geometry of the great pyramid enoch is the architect of the pyramid he wasn't called enoch back then he was called inky enoch is just a later jewish rabbinical memory of a more ancient per person all the data from the ancient world when it's put together all points to inky and enoch as being the principal architects of this monument hope that answers the question yeah and speaking of inky and eating doctor pretty sure i heard you say that the similar chrome was designed to and that there were phoenix events before the pyramid was built when um enoch activated the pyramid what was he activating was it just the end of aix okay oh well first let me show you something i didn't answer victoria's question all the way i need to show this this is 366 inches divided by a feet so this answer question the height of the of the chief cornerstone at the top of the pyramid must be 30 30.5 feet high do you have any idea a 30 foot front we're talking about 30 feet 30 30 and one half foot high block a single block a single block with four sides we're talking about something that looks like the bin bin stone in ancient egypt the a block that size that's a little over well it's over 30 feet high we don't have a crane today that can lift a block of solid granite or limestone that's that high to that height that is that is massive it's a massive height you're taking consideration we're talking about a stone that is angled at 51 degrees on each side 30 feet angled out at 50 to 51 degrees on one side the capstone is truly heroic in size it's huge it's the largest stone of the entire structure and it will be at the top so oh yeah it's it's it's something else it's huge you know i don't it's not going to be humans that put that stone there no i don't believe that at all but anyway go ahead and carry on i just wanted to add that because that she did ask how how high it was going to be yeah so this question is that i've heard you say this a milligram was designed to and that um there were phoenix events before the pyramid was built so how does inky's activation of the pyramid fit in with that okay okay that's easy that's easy to answer those who those who have who have studied my book law scriptures of giza and my my videos where i show the chronometry the great pyramid is self-referencing where i show all the ancient records and in the different dates and how we conclude that the great pyramid took 90 years which was 1080 months to build and it was finished in the year 1080 annex mundi which is 1080 years of the vapor canopy world when it was finished it was 666 years to the great flood the collapse of the vapor canopy this year was 2815 bc it was it was a very very i'm talking about it was within it was within a generation of the beginning of the nephilim dynasty before the flood when things started really falling apart and the sumerian pintopolis was was the the dynasty of the seven kings of sumer had had had just uh basically taken over so this um enki was a member of basically the ruling elite over all the neolithic peoples and the and the anunna were basically the only power structure they had taken over all the matriarchal power structures the noodle were patriarchal so there was a lot of contention back then until the power was finally secured and these cities were these these massive cities were built we know of as the uh pentopolis one of them was bad to bureau which was a metallurgy a city of metallurgy and then larack was a major port uh shura pak we know that that uh the traditions of the ancient near east say the flood survivor uh zasudra uh we know we know him as noah was a was a uh was a ruling member of the city of sugar pack before the flood but the traditions of the phoenix were far more ancient than the building of the great pyramid the phoenix had totally devastated the world in 3895 bc this is the genesis one one account of the fiery flaming sword the the creation of a new heavens and new earth you know we are raised to believe as you know as christians and and and fundamentalists that this and even even in the judaic faith that this incident in genesis was a good thing and that god created the earth in seven days and uh basically you all know the creation story i have so many videos on i want to beat it up but the creation story is a reset story it's harrowing what happened it was turned into a creation event because the destruction was so catastrophic that the few survivors actually believed that they were now living in a new heavens and a new earth and it wasn't a positive event as religionists have conveyed where god created the world denial it was a renovation and this is where a lot of scholars are at too because of the difference between genesis 1 1 and genesis 1 2. in genesis 1 1 god created the heavens and the earth it's all encompassing it's it's seven hebrew words it's like four it's like 49 syllables in hebrew it's a it's all encompassing it's total it's a total conclusive statement but the very next verse is very different now the world is covered in darkness it's in hebrew it's and this means it is desolate and void and the only other place in the entire bible we find that language is in the book of jeremiah chapter four where we find the world is tohu the birds have fled in the cities of the world are laid waste so remember um it's it's very important when you're interpreting scripture to use scripture to interpret it it's a it's a self-referencing cipher this is why my dark scriptures play list uh goes into extreme detail like in my my videos on yahweh the god of murder and on the serpent code these are it's very important to use the scriptural records to interpret the scripture because this is the the this is the main defense religionists will always have if you bring in outside material to to to try to interpret their holy scriptures the bible it says they're not going to accept it i mean a lot of people don't accept my videos anyway and those three videos cite nothing but scripture but you know people get triggered i mean i cognitive dissonance i i get it i was a religionist for a very long time and i totally understand why is how this stuff gets burned into your mind and heart and you're going to defend it to the to the t even when you see 100 proven evidence that it's all falsified so i i get it so i'm not even frustrated with those people or their comments when they when they get triggered about it it's okay but concerning the phoenix the phoenix that obliterated everything in 38.95 but 414 years before that in 4309 bc the phoenix chronology began with obliterating a 930 year old civilization so we have we have the incidences and traditions of the of the phoenix before the the the building of the great pyramid with the with the building of the great pyramid we have something very unique we have a lot of data a lot of traditions a lot you know a lot of historical records about about uh like sumerian and babylonian ideas and concepts about it um but we don't have we don't have a single record from the from the ancient world that explains why it was built or basically who the who the architects really were so but what we do have and it's it's something that i have brought to the table that that's never been mentioned in any in any research that i have ever come across is is that despite hundreds of books all citing the same things about the fibonacci series the golden mean golden proportion of pi you know pi phi and curvature equations found in the great pyramid all this geodetic markers and cardinal information that is found in the uh in the great pyramid this has been mentioned for 250 almost 300 years in multiple books i've read them i've read books going all the way back to norton and uh uh in the 17th century and and john taylor in the 18th century robert menzies and the engineer david davidson in the 1920s i've read some adam rutherford not a lot because i wasn't impressed and then um but these these all the all these men they they wrote about the great pyramids so so did uh raymond cap captain and so many others i'm not mentioning but uh charles piazzi smith and and sir flinders petrie so these men these men have been documenting these physics constants that are found throughout the entire great pyramid but it's my message in archaics in my own playlist on the great pyramid that this is all necessary all that had to be in there in order to do what the great pyramid did what's happening here is we live in a construct that's that's operative by these very physics constants that are recorded in the great pyramid so they were necessary in order to create an interface between the gigantic lithic structure of the great pyramid and the outer reality our holosphere there had to be an interface created so in stone these physics constants were all mimicked and they're all put in there but those are only only there to create the interface the true purpose of the great pyramid lies somewhere else and this has never been published because no one had ever put together the phoenix phenomenon before once i had a 138-year phoenix phenomenon and able to show anybody who watches the videos reads my books look all these events happen 138 years apart it's all the same unit but it's all different geographical areas where we're tapped into a phenomenon look at these traditions that all say things that happen every 138 years look at these pyramids in ancient america america they have 138 dragon heads look at all these pyramids that are they're spaced out in units of 138 according to the units of measurement employed by those cultures so i'm drawing attention to this 138 everywhere it's everywhere and i find it in the great pyramid not in a pyramid but not one single pyramid researcher has ever has ever published any of this but i show it anybody can see it anybody can do what i do that's why i provide 350 charts anybody can use a calculator and see that i have never had to change any of the dates in the archaic research never once i had the accurate chronology of the history of the world and i knew exactly what year we're in it's very easy after that now you take the measurements of the great pyramid is so simple and divide them all by 138 and you keep seeing all these phoenix phoenix timelines all these events have been all recorded in a pyramid multiple dimensions it's self-referencing so what i brought to the table was that the great pyramid evidently had so it's function at the time when it was activated had something to do with this 138 eight atar sequencing now i have to put two independent data sets together one of them is is i know for a fact from all my studies and what i've shown is that the phoenix phenomenon anti-dates the construction of the great therefore the great pyramid did not cause the phoenix phenomenon at all a second data set i have to put with that is that a benefactor in ancient times was said was said to have done something created uh created a way for humanity like a savior kind of individual and he lived by example and when he was done with his work he vanished he disappeared into the heavens which is a metaphor for he escaped this milocrane he did exactly what he intended to do for all humanity he did it he lived by his life was an example so i have enough so i put together all the traditions of enki and i put together all the traditions of enoch and couldn't believe that they that they go together perfectly absolutely perfectly outside of those in those in those playlists as well so we have we have this benefactor who suddenly appeared in in the ancient world who is very different from the very people that he was a part of the anunna the anunnaki he was different and he did something different i believe that he fooled his own people because he needed he needed to make sure that when the great pyramid was activated during the vapor canopy no one would be able to stop what it was going to do and it probably only needed two to three seconds to do what it was going to do it interfaced with the simulacrum itself and it uploaded a total all new programming but that new programming has everything to do with the phoenix that's my conclusion because the great pyramid was built way after the phoenix phenomenon began and i mean even even the gnostic tri trimorphic protein i in the uh on the origin of the universe these tanks of the uh egyptian nagomati christian library they're very specific about the role of the phoenix they're very specific that even before our own creation event when the new heavens and new earth appeared the phoenix had appeared in wrecked destruction throughout the cosmos that was before the adam and eve story that was it remember remember i show evidence that a 930 year old civilization was wiped out by the phoenix before the genesis story begins this taps into all the narratives and all the pieces and fragments of evidence that we find from scholars that are that mentioned that there there is evidence of a pre-atomic world it's uh what we have what we have here is as a historian and as a chronologist it's necessary to pull all these pieces from from disparate parts and put them together but only if they fit can't just make up i just can't take something from another culture and throw it in there and say that's what happened there has to be corroborating evidence such as like enoch we know enoch ruled 130 uh kings and princes this is the book of jasher for those who have not read the book of jasher a lot of my information from ina about enoch comes from the book of jasher he was a very unique personality he was an architect he was a mathematician he was a chronologist he was many different things he was the one that pulled this stunt off now i don't believe that artificial intelligence ace can read the human mind i do i believe it can be fooled but the sumilicum received an informed field in the in the in the form of a gigantic um what is it you know what well i was saying that in a foreign field in the form of a gigantic lithic basically hardware system that's the great pyramid is but while i was saying all that it dawned on me you're not recording this are you uh it's going live but it records too i think no you have to you have to actually push record i think we just i think we've been talking a long time just to each other there's no we're not recording anything i think we are because i did this yesterday i can go check on my uh cause uh i know every time i use zoom it gives me the option to record or not and as soon as i press record it notifies the other person on zoom that you are being recorded i never receive that notification on here we're live i'm checking my channel now 63 you're watching okay that's good that's good so we're live on your channel right now yes excellent all right cool that'll work yeah you know what it's 2022 these things should be user friendly but they're not i really i've got a full subscription to zoom but i really don't like it you know i used to have skype but i took skype off my computer because it was it was overriding some of my other apps i would be i would do something i would be doing something on one app and all of a sudden skype would just pop in and take over and disrupt everything i was doing i just got off my computer skype is like aix huh i believe skype is owned by intelligence agencies and i think they're recording all that i think scott i think skype is a two-way interface where third parties can come in and just watch you and listen to you and record things they can come all on your computer and check out your desktop and all that what did what exactly did inky um flash burn into this the millichrome just he changed he changed the programming okay okay check this out remember remember i'm always i'm always i'm always telling you guys that the similar chrome is not aix the sumilacrum is in a neutral field it receives information and then projects into reality the very the very things that that we as builders construct in our minds and by our activity it it actually helps us it's a beautiful construct but it's totally neutral it's it's not good it's not evil and it has no no investment whatsoever on success or failure it's a neutral field but in order to tap into it you need you need to build an informed field the similar chrome does read your mind it does understand your intentions you got to build that informed field the similar crime feeds you on a daily basis the very activity you did the day before unless you break pattern so artificial intelligence x is something different artificial intelligence x does not read the mind it's an agitator though it's able it's able to i mean it's been doing this for thousands of years so it's very very good at ascertaining where you're at uh mentally and emotionally and spiritually because like it reads your hormone cortisol levels dopamine levels it understands by what you're doing but what's on your mind but you can trick it you can trick it you can build an informed field that contains within it deception that artificial intelligence x won't be able to to know inky could have been the architect of this gigantic monument which is nothing but a computer hardware it's just upgrading it's just upgrading flash through the flash burn the explosion that happened in the king's chamber that we know for a fact happened it's a you could put in order to interface with the similar crime itself the similar crime must understand the program and it did because inky made sure that all the physics protocols everything from obliquity and entropy and uh the law of diminishing returns everything from from a pie phi curvature equations or every every single physics constants that that's actual that's real in the world all the measurement all the measurements of the holy sphere itself they're all recorded in the great pyramid and that's why these guys can steadily put out videos and books that isolate all these they find a new discovery oh i found pie right here in the queen's chamber when you measure this this look at this look at this circle right here cut it in half look at the radius all the diameter also the diameter is fine the radii is pi look at this it's amazing and they'll put a whole video out they're absolutely correct but it's distraction you're looking at the interface program the sumilicum needed to understand the interface in order to allow the interface to upload something into it now the similar chrome doesn't care aix would have been watching this this construction project with interest because right after this happened then we receive a veiled threat in the form of traditions it's the tower of battle story i don't think it ever happened i believe it's a veiled threat introduced by aix it doesn't fit on nemesis x the tower of babel story does not fit on the nemesis x uh a timeline of 792 years going all the way back to the vapor canopy it doesn't fit on the 138 year protocol it is one of those weird weird events in history that doesn't seem to be lined up with a whole lot however it is perfectly lined up with the dark satellite but every time the dark satellite appears there are huge edits in our holography and we'll get to that later but the uh uh the veiled threat of the tower of babel was if humanity comes together again to build another super construction in order to invade heaven or you know attack this military or change the holography or uh try to escape this milligram that's the veiled thread of the tower of babel story then we're going to divide them even more we're going to cause earthquakes destructions we're going to do everything we can to stop them from doing that project this is the story of the tower of babel it was the story of humanity coming together because they understood that that they were in a construct they built an ar architectural monument that was sufficient enough to do something but later later was simplified by frames of reference to a tower where they that could go all the way to heaven well we know the sky is very high and humans will never be able to build any type of construction that will go all the way up into the sky it's a it was nothing but a simple frame of reference the true the true story behind the tower of babel was that humans had become advanced they understood their situation they wanted to undo it they wanted to escape escape this this holography and they were almost successful they and according to the story they would have done it if the gods aka overseers had not had not implemented a strategy to right then and there blast the architectural monument to pieces uh scatter everybody kill one third of the architects and builders and scatter the other the other 66.6 percent out to all four four cardinal directions of the earth so i don't believe the event ever happened scattered the languages ability to communicate all that i don't believe it happened i believe it's a failed threat that's been inserted into the historical record so i could be wrong but either way the either way it still explains to us more about what aix fears it's this great pyramid because it ever it already fell prey to it once so when inky activated the great pyramid the similar crime understood the programming and understood because it understood everything about this gigantic architect everything all the physics constants were there it could read it easily what was hidden inside of it were all these measurements which were historical measurements in the past present and future concerning 138-year intervals that are all it's only connected to the and this is another reason why in ancient traditions like my very first chapter when the sun darkens i revealed that traditions were attached to enoch that he was from pahanak which means the house of enoch which was the mansion of the phoenix where they housed the bin bin even the traditions from ancient alexandria about about enoch refer to the great pyramid in the bin bin the bin bin stone which is the cornerstone or a representation of it you still with me yep still here okay okay all right yeah thanks and how here's another question how have you determined the exact location where the most devastating damage will be caused by the next phoenix event is it a myriad event well oh you're talking about oh you talking about asia again china china and asia and all the way to the to india is that what you're talking about right and you said like above the 35th parallel i guess okay that's in north america yeah when i when i'm discussing the 30 to the 33rd the parallel that's in the united states that's it that's in america um see let me show you so i'm gonna i'm gonna draw i'm gonna draw something for you real fast real fast okay let's say this is really primitive though i really should do this on a white i really should do this on the map of the world but then i'm gonna get people triggered if i use it if i use a if i use a standard map it's gonna yeah i mean it doesn't matter what map i choose now there's always going to be people offended can't even illustrate a point using geography anymore without offending somebody using maps people who get triggered easily these days it gets ridiculous it really does so basically inky reprogrammed the similar chrome to end well the end was already programmed in but he programmed it that's where i'm confused i thought initially that programmed in the phoenix the final phoenix event but that was already programmed in no no no no no no no you're talking about listen listen listen the phoenix phenomenon pre-exists the appearance of the innuna when they appeared in the 35th century bc and laid out the whole infrastructure when they started the sumerian sumerian uh king list when they started the 12 centuries before the flood excuse me during the vapor canopy yeah and then uh all those ancient calendars started in the during the reign of enoch enoch was an emperor for a while but all these ancient calendars they started when enoch was alive you know and all those calendars all end in our generation coming up 2040 2046 2061 2070 oh it's amazing but no the phoenix phenomenon pre-exists even the appearance of the anunna and it was the anunna that built the great pyramid giza complex the principal architect would have been inky but inky didn't really reveal exactly what it was for he couldn't because if one person ever ever said anything then it would have been known to aix it instantly it probably put it out that it was going to be some type of free energy or pump station or because that's what it's designed as but we know we know a lot of machinery was employed in the building of it we've already seen the evidence of this but there was machinery on the inside as well the grand gallery had some type of mechanism that used those niches that went up and down it man went up and down the grand gallery at high velocity i don't know you know the fetus phenomenon totally anti-dates by a long period of time the building of the great pyramid so what happened was i believe that the the total cessation a program was uploaded into the silicon that was going to stop the phoenix phenomenon because it would be no longer needed in a far distant future date would just no longer be needed i also believe that there were modifications added to the phoenix phenomenon making it of lesser effect making it more discreet discriminatory and what it destroys i believe the phoenix protocol was basically hijacked by a benefactor and this is why we have such really anomalous ambiguous data about the phoenix phenomena sometimes it seems very good positive sometimes it's bad whatever it is it's an unknown however however the great pyramid was focused on the on the great on uh the 138-year phoenix holography and that's that's not even questionable no more anybody who has seen all my charts and and verified it themselves with a calculator and look you will see all these measurements everyone they're all they're all have everything to do with multiples of 138 and that is beyond coincidence remember too many coincidences exhibits no coincidence at all it's the pattern it's the reason why so yeah it's whatever inky did enoch uh he modified he modified 100 the phoenix protocol because the the two appearances before that were absolutely destructive terribly destructive and it seems that over time is diminished it's gotten less and less destructive because the collapse of the vapor canopy what you know of is the great flood the day the sky fell that was pretty destructive 552 years later which is 138 times 4 was the ogaijian deluge which was 16 1687 bc and this too has been historically and scientifically documented as the day that all bronze age civilizations collapsed out of there it was terribly destructive as well and we have not yet had another destruction near as bad as that one although we've had we've had the phoenix phenomenon appear every 138 years very well documented in my material but it's never been it's never been worldwide like that except one time one time out of 20-something visits all of a sudden it was bad and in his in the roman catholic church has done a fantastic job of covering it up but i have you seen my video on that on that on the on the root on the true reason the annual domini calendar was created by the roman catholic church and how they hid the phoenix uh event of 522 a.d which was almost well was a temporary return of the vapor canopy but anyway this this this picture here it's real simple all throughout the traditions of the ancient world the holy mountain mount meru the altar of agony in my book the law scriptures of giza i give so my whole chapter on nothing but all the traditions that some holy mountain important to the important to the saving of humanity built by the gods was at the center of the earth at the middle of the earth in the in the old testament it's called mount zion it was never in israel or jerusalem the great pyramid in the center is the center of motion during every pole shift the great pyramid doesn't move that sight only turns the further away you get from the center way over here in north america everything's going down 30 degrees way over here in the east in china in australia everything's going up china takes all china takes the place of siberia australia takes the the place of china over here where i'm at texas is going to take the place of central central america canada is going to take the place of the united states way down here more than half of south america is going to get shoved straight into the to the torrid zone freezing temperature zones whole world like a disc spins 30 degrees great pyramid is the center the center of motion it is the safest area israel egypt libya uh ethiopia greece the aegean that's the safest area in the world in a pole shift all that now i'm talking about inland nowhere is safe in the world and during a pole shift near the coasts because the oceans do become tumultuous and the reason for this is because when a land in lithospheric displacement when a land mass moves bodies of water can't keep up therefore you could be on dry land you know 250 miles inland and you think you're safe because you're 200 feet above sea level then all of a sudden the sea itself just begins to rise rise the sea isn't moving it's the land mass that you're on that's getting getting pushed into it so to you optically you don't realize you're moving in the ocean the ocean is still and the land mass is going into it this is lithospheric displacement this is what would happen it takes days if not weeks for the water to stabilize and and to catch up with with the new basins new land masses because pole shifts are not as simple as just lithospheric displacement during lithospheric displacement we have the phenomenon of upheaval and subsidence and this is why we have so many archaeological discoveries of cities that are in places they could have never been built like teohuanako pumapunka uh uh machu picchu these cities could have never been built at 12 000 foot elevation and it had thriving populations that were surviving it's impossible but the andes mountains were never at that level before and the reason we know this is because archaeologists have since 1890s have found many ancient docks and quays and fossilized coastlands that are at 11 500 to 12 000 feet elevation in the andes meaning all those south american cities of technolithic and heliolithic design that we have found around lake titicaca and cusco they were elevated because those mountains were pushed up but they were done rapidly didn't take billions of years at all so lake titicaca also has it's a freshwater lake but everything that's in it is from the saltwater oceans and they developed and they basically adapted to the basically what happened was lake titicaca was just like an ocean it was salt water but in the upheaval it trapped that salt water up there at the top well it probably took a few hundred years for desalination and during that period all those animals are sharks in there it's twelve thousand foot elevation and there are sharks in lake titicaca so they're uh what it was was those marine life forms adapted over a period of time because it didn't it didn't the salt the salt mineral content of the water they were used to took a long time for the ph balance and all that to change into fresh water took a long time so they adapted and probably many species probably died but lake titicaca has some of the most unique freshwater uh marine marine biology you know biological creatures in the world because of that but uh oh yeah the center of motion is the great pyramid it is the area of the greatest safety because it's the less amount of motion just like being on a merry-go-round the closer you are to america around the less movement you feel you're just turning the further you go to the edge the more the more movement and motion that you're experiencing all you have to do is translate that simple analogy to a worldwide scale you can imagine the destruction that made sense so i remember you said once the the anunna that were in north america i think it was at the collapse of the vapor canopy that they wrote their own simulation so are we actually in a simulation within a simulation um okay i don't want to mix the two i don't want to mix the two i'm going to answer them separately one of them is yes i believe we're in a simulation within a simulation but i don't believe it goes at infinitum i believe it was done for security reasons so so there wouldn't be cross-pollination so there wouldn't be a contamination of the actual experiments that were being run as far as the anunna coming from north america and doing their own uh simulations when i made that reference i was referring to them as a scientific very technologically advanced civilization at that time not what they became later when when they lost their infrastructure and all that when they were an advanced civilization they were running their own computer simulations just like we do just like just like our government agencies do when they're trying to predict different phenomena and different different events uh maybe how maybe they were doing it in the same way that this this uh looking glass project that i hear a lot about was doing i don't know but i believe when i say that there were running simulations i'm i meant like more like star trek holodeck simulations within the context of their civilization they were running simulations to figure out how to get out of this one you know i don't i didn't mean that in that in that one that they were running whole news military because i believe a silicone is very unique i believe that there are many milograms but we don't have the ability to build these these are constructs of something much greater than us we have great ability to be co-creators inside the simulacrum because that's what it's designed to we can interface with this military and build great things in the personal and the collective but the actual submilligram itself this great neutral field this holography there may be tens of thousands of these in existence and we may be traveling through multiple ones and i do and i have documented that there's been cross-contamination between military where things just don't make sense but as far as the anunna or humans today building us a military i don't believe it's possible these are constructs of the oversoul or the overseers this isn't something we can do it's uh not not from within it not from within it on the outside i believe we can and you know you know it's my position that the gods on the outside the origin of the anunna are humans just 100 humans just like us their avatars might be different to be more conducive to whatever biosphere they're in but remember my position my position is that dna is ancient it is fantastic and it is still being studied today not by our scientists and not by our biologists now they'll never crack dna i'm talking about outside this military dna is like holy it is still being try they're trying to still trying to figure it out and what we've been told about dna and rna and the double helix triple helix deals it may be all distraction and misinformation we don't know not one person listening to my voice has ever looked through through a microscope and saw a dna strand we don't know we take a lot of these things on faith but i believe what makes up the human avatar is is so fantastic that these biospheres are necessary to understand its capabilities and this is where we're at on the outside of the construct we're trying to find it might be some some huge transgenics project on the outside i don't know but we have a lot of evidence on the inside of this silicon all throughout the things that we have found in archaeology that there's been many different types of human species in this world that and and we also know from traditions and from archaeology that there's been several different biospheres that we've lived in so when you put all this together it seems like somebody is experimenting somebody is is is basically taking notes and learning from all these things i don't believe it's anybody inside the construct i believe it's those on the outside where we came from yeah so why do you think that we have avatars outside the similar chrome and that we're not just some kind of etheric energies well i mean this this kind of this is kind of realm of opinion but if i was to base my opinion off of eschatology well the focus of eschatology is that we are in perishable husks we're imperishable bodies this is the religious eschatological perspective we're living in husks our biological bodies don't mean anything because the promise is that we're going to receive divine bodies we're going to we're going to eternal life we're going to be given a white robe in through the mystery cults the the cult mystery schools and even in the book of revelation the white robe is very is is emblematic of a new garment and this is in the hermetic literature a lot about about our garment our garments of light or our garment i believe that our whole experience in here here isn't even anything to worry about that we're here for the development of an immortal personality and all these things that we have discovered about history listen it's very easy to manufacture a universe if you just create enough variables you could throw in all kinds of mysterious stuff we build virtual reality universes today where people interact with each other with avatars this is already in within the realm of our present technology therefore it's not a stretch of imagination for me to assume to assume that i'm living in a vr vr reality now it's the only thing that would historically make sense from all the anomalies that we've documented now i can't i can't imagine experiencing a physical body right now with my immortal soul jacked into it via the sensitivity of the central nervous system i'm jacked into this this this seemingly physical body nothing's physical around us but the central nervous system makes our spirit believe it is so it's a beautiful construct it's very it's hyper advanced so a lot of people just can't even make make the cognitive leap they just can't imagine that what everything around us is actually programming and but this programming is so sophisticated it makes us believe in the very physicality of all of all this around us it's a central nervous system it's a filter it makes us it makes us uh perceive these things as such so i'm cool with the fact that i'm living in a in a seemingly physical body in a seemingly physical universe that that most of the time is very convincing that it's a physical world although it does have its moments where it kind of gives us clues that it's not i can't imagine it going through this experience and then returning to a pure ethereal spiritual state for which i will never have these experiences again for what the development of the immortal soul living in in numerous avatars all these life sims is to develop a personality to me to receive a final avatar for which that personnel that personality would be able to make great utility of what i mean is i am 100 convinced that the white road scenario of the ancient text the the the new garment that's given to us in the in the future once we are escaped remember he comes to set the captives free that means we're not free right now and freedom go is a lot more than just our perceived physicality we're not free in spirit we're not free and what we can do we're not free to our ability to to travel outside the similar room we're in a contained environment we are in a world that according to the construct was built by an artificial god remember the true god is on the outside even in the christian scriptures even in the not even in the gnosis we have an artificial god that has taken over we have the dimmer urge we have yelled about we have yahweh remember yahweh comes from a burning bush yeah he didn't come from heaven this is it was a desert demon this is yellow life this is the duma urge this is the artificial god over an artificial reality this is according to to the new testament christian records the god of this world that's a very heavy statement because the god of this world is the adversary not the true oversoul so enter enter artificial intelligence x so i believe that these immortal avatars are already prepared but not just anyone can inhabit one you have to earn it and the opportunity to earn it has come in the fact that you've lived multiple life sims over and over and over and over during the duration of this military now i've also shown the collapse of this middle problem 70 to 72 years after the return of the chief cornerstone who comes to set the captives free there's a 72 year period where we're basically shown the real way to rule real government because remember prophecies are attached to the idea of government the gold empire the civil silver empire the um all these different cultures all these different attachments to ancient records and prophecy is always kingdoms and empires remember nebuchadnezzar the empire of gold babylon then persia of cyrus amido persia followed by greed followed by the greeks of the achaeans mycedonians the ptolemies of egypt they were all the greek empire then uh followed by the romans which were the legs of iron which split in two different areas which they did rome did split into west eastern orthodox and western rome roman catholic church so we had this this idea throughout history that we're also here to learn better ways to govern this is like a test this is like this is like a screening of school because the avatar that i believe i'm going to inherit is one that's going to be godlike it's going to be so powerful that the oversoul has to make sure that the divine personality that's going to inherit that avatar is not only worthy but trustworthy and that's different remember there's another series of prophecies we have to take into consideration that we are going to be divine envoys divine kings and priests not talking about a present world because that hasn't happened yet it's talking about one we will we will inherit remember the creation is not an event it's not a singularity the creation is ongoing and i have to i have to i have to believe that because if i believe the oversoul is eternal then there is nothing that the oversoul did in that past that it's not doing today therefore the the incessant creation of new worlds and cosmoses necessitates a body politic that's all that understands the oversoul that is very much kin or a part of the oversoul and can be trusted by the oversoul to oversee those other similar crimes to oversee those other areas of its creation that's what this is all about this isn't the first shamilical it's not going to be the last the creation could have been a very very very very very long time ago because we're talking about things from an eternal perspective there may not have ever been a beginning a true a true eternal being would have never had a start this is finite thinking caused by the central nervous systems filters were not able to process that much that amount of data but when we're given an avatar that's not like this flesh and blood one but one that can remember we're build we're learning how to build and form fields mentally here that's just spiritual you do that spiritually and then use our avatar to follow through to induce the similar crime to build for us imagine once we've mastered this and we receive an avatar that can do far greater things imagine what we'll be like i believe that i'll be sent to similar crimes in the future to teach future civilizations you don't even know that inky enoch loki whatever you want to call him is the same figure could have been just one of these individuals that was talking about these things in a similar room 500 000 years ago and finally he received his avatar in his his immortal avatar and was accepted into the family of the oversoul and was given his own similar chrome and it happened to be this one and he came in to set the captives free this is this this story it has too many elements from the ancient world that all fit together like a tapestry when you put it all together so my own personal from from from my amount of research which i have been doing almost my entire well all my adult life but almost my entire life because remember i've told you i told you guys my childhood my child i was raised in libraries this is where this is what my family did although it was puritanical southern baptist and and but i was still i was still learning at a very young age and then i went through my rebellious phase and i was on the streets for two years and then i became a criminal and you know it's just you guys know the story so my learning didn't begin when i went to prison it began in my childhood so i just believe from a lifetime of learning that that the this is basically called the closest approximate approximation to the truth that we can get that fits all the facts of all the different enigmas from the ancient modern world that we are in a construct but that the end has already been provided for in the beginning however we've been convinced there's a struggle so so we engage in it you know i don't know how many tangents i entered i entertained answering that question i hope you got something yeah that that's great i've always wondered about that um and how does nature really fit in because so many people have a hard time going this can't be a simulation just look at nature how magnificent nature is a lot of the errands like to commune with nature and they just can't really fit in that whole thing that's kind of hard for me to to process because the at the absolute beauty of nature is evidence for the similar crime not evidence against it this is we don't it's uh yeah nature nature is beautiful but it's background it's it could be all entirely programming reptiles and amphibians fish avians that could all be programming now we have something subtly different with mammals mammal mammals remember the creation the creation has never stopped we do not know where our spiritual journeys began we don't but it could have begun begun as a wolf it could have begun begun as something not in a human avatar it could have it could have begun to learn multiple perspectives because remember i have always said that when we finally receive our final avatar the one that we have inherited that's when we will get because remember nothing is lost in a hologram everything we've ever experienced and learned is a part of our informed field and a hologram does not lose information from your perspective from your vantage point when you change positions you change what what you're what you're what you're exposed to like a kaleidoscope if you barely turn the kaleidoscope everything is still there but now you're seeing different perspectives of it it's very different so when we receive our final avatar that avatar is able to receive all the memories from every life sim you've ever lived it may have may have been begun began as a moose in the mountains of colorado i don't know i don't know the difference between the souls of animals and the spirits of humans i'm just i'm just a chronologist i'm just a human just like you are i don't have the answers to a lot of these all-encompass ones and it shouldn't be expected of me either because these are very profound deep mysteries that that i don't want to sit here and invent answers for i just want to give you my opinion in my opinion is there's something very special about mammals i don't know about marsupials maybe so but man but mammals marsupials are a type of mammal they're a proto mammal but placentals like we like like humans are placentals uh there is something very special there are emotional and spiritual connections between humans and their pets so i don't i believe that that's a that's more than just programming there's something there so it begs the question in the creation are the only beings in existence that are like humanoid have spirits i don't think so i think i think there are many animals that do but not reptiles not amphibians not avians which are descended from lizards but uh yeah it's uh when it comes to mammals there is something very very different and they may have been put in the similar corn for a very definitive reason because we are also judged by how we treat our animals and how we treat our pets yeah it's uh animals animals do show that they dream and they also show show i don't know about empathy they might but they get sad they have the whole gamut of of of imagination now we can remove intuition from from from animals um and just call it instinct or maybe they do intuit things i don't know i don't know these are far beyond far beyond the scope of of chronology and eschatology and arithmetic right and i've seen one of my dogs seems to have empathy if another dog gets hurt she goes over and tries to see where the wound is or whatever so well maybe they and that was a question is whether or not animals can have immortal personalities too so yeah i think here's a strange coincidence come here my puppy my puppy just walked in here my puppy just walked in here right we're talking about animals and dogs what are you doing girl girl what's her name angel angel perfect yeah i bet she has an immortal personality yeah dogs are the best i have four and i know you have five so so um somebody wanted to know how the lives of children are affected by the manifestation law of correspondence are children's life's 100 percent subjected to the laws of the collective simulation rather than the individual's own manifested simulation are children's lives affected by their parents and the main influencers in their lives and they said very young children aren't able to manifest so can parents etc manifest for them well i mean i i really don't know you're asking me yeah i really don't this isn't something that i would really know about i do know i do know that it's very the whole pre-pubescent period is very mysterious so there's a all the greatest development in a child is pre-pubescent so it seems there seems to be there seems to be a calcification in the mental processes once once uh puberty is hit and uh the personality the basic fundamentals of a human personality are forged at puberty and they seem to maintain those patterns unless there's significant develop beyond that but uh i don't know these are these are again these are questions that are beyond the scope of archaics uh i can give you my uh educated guess i can give you an opinion children are magnificent in imaginative capacity which is entirely spiritual remember empathy intuition and imagination are are the three fundamentals of the human spirit that makes us different from everything else in the world so these three in combination imagination seems to be where children are at their greatest i don't know it seems like like a prepubescent the empathy seems to be lacking children haven't developed that yet not not to the degree that adults have the empathy i don't know about intuition because kids do not have the frames of reference by which to communicate their suspicions to us so i don't know like i said this is really beyond the scope i believe children are guarded i believe the benefactor basically protects them now there are also there are also incidents of this being a very cruel and and terrible world so i don't know this is i believe that we have life sims and many times like in the scriptures we have the references that when children die or when when people are taken out of the world before their time according to other people that is to keep them from the evil to come we may have not seen where their future was heading their reality tunnels but the oversoul did and removed them and and i believe put them in another avatar like like i say over and over and over i have to believe in reincarnation i have no choice anymore because when i find any one thing is true of an individual i must accept that it could be true for all so now that i'm now that i have been exposed to the fact that there are scientists who have who have interviewed children and found out that they have definitive memories of living in another family and though and those facts checked out then i refuse to believe that reincarnation exists for one individual and not the many i can't i can't so it has to be something we're all going through but by virtue of the central nervous system which is a filter we don't have those memories we're not going to have all of our memories restored from all of our past avatars until we have a single avatar that's capable of maintaining that i believe the future avatar that we'll get in the future will remember every time we've been a child every experience from every life scene we've ever had but right now our brain capacity would be an overload we couldn't we couldn't uh uh specific retention is lost because we're just our avatars were very weak and uh i just believe the memory wipe is necessary for the for the maturation and the development of the immortal soul it needs to experience all these things because if you truly remembered everybody that you have been in the past as you were living this life right now you would process information and you would develop totally different than the way you're developing now so yeah i believe the memory wipe is necessary and that involves children children when children are introduced into the world they retain many of the memories from a former life and this is why many of the things that come out of their mouth or they try to communicate or do communicate once they learn how to speak are so alien to their parents and are often dismissed as just a highly active and often times when those people are interviewed it's found out that they're they're remembering things that are very provable yeah that's that's about it as far as i can go with that i don't i don't i don't need to be known on youtube to somebody who's just gonna do a bunch of speculation on things like i really have no direct knowledge of right but i'm glad you brought up the part about uh memory wipes during reincarnation because that's a big debate whether that's beneficial or not so i agree with you on that one some people are saying some people some people say that the vapor canopy is already developing now is that a possibility yes it is a possibility there's yeah when you're talking about a substantive atmospheric change uh like the vapor canopy yes it takes a while uh but it would but it would all be within somebody's lifetime easily i mean in 1687 bc it returned for 25 years it even created a new age of heroes where people were growing to astonishing sizes all over again then it collapsed 25 years later it didn't have the power to sustain it reappeared again in 522 and lasted about 20 years but it never fully it never fully uh came back because the sun was still seen it was just very very very very uh they could just see the circle of the sun in the sky they couldn't see any brightness whatsoever uh in 522 all the way to about five five thirty eight five thirty nine so some say 540. so yeah one catalyst that started those short vapor canopies was a phoenix it was every time it was phoenix it was phoenix look phoenix and other tr and other cultures is called vulcan uh uh if vulcan is from volcanism this is what phoenix does phoenix causes massive amounts of when it appears massive amounts of volcanoes and they just basically volcanic ash and atmospheric red dust from phoenix blankets the upper missile sphere the mesosphere is a layer of water droplets that catch all this stuff and when there's too much volcanic volcanic uh outgassing and ashes spewed up into the atmosphere when there's too much of that from different places in the world the mesosphere gets packed with that with that volcanic ash then that volcano that that wet ash suspended in the mesosphere begins to catch all this dust that rains on our world every year it rains on our world every single year lately like in 2020 19 2020 2021 there's been a lot of red dust fall out the media always says it's sahara sand it always says it's all straight australian desert sand but uh they're gonna they're gonna blame it on every any desert in that area just to just to satisfy the the public i don't believe in any of that i don't believe in meteorite meteorology i don't believe whether men predict accurate weather none of that we have we have way stations set up all over the world and it's very it's very easy to say if we know that it's already guys i guess this is over because jason froze up and i'll end it now and hopefully we can finish it up another day thanks if everybody's still here and y'all can hear me