June Breakout!

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[Music] hey guys real quick message i know you realize that i started started the month of june pretty strong doing podcasts last night was with uh decode your reality and logan that's already been uploaded to the channel as you can see the alpha vedic podcast for today will be uploaded later tonight giving him some more play time on their own channel i will be back on both channels in the near future um uh just to give you a heads up friday tomorrow uh at uh 9 pm i'll be on with uh jeffrey daughery i believe that's unindoctrinated uh youtube channel and rockfin or some other some other some other platform as well i'm not really sure but i don't really have anything planned for saturday but that's good because tomorrow and saturday i'm going to catch up on all my flash drives oh i just sent another package out this morning one two days ago i've got another one oh i have i have a lot of domestics to send out i've sent all the internet nationals out i got some of you asking for tracking numbers i need to sit down and be able to send all this out i need oh i'm gonna take a little break from my channel and uh i'll get all this administrative stuff done but anybody interested while i'm doing it right now one's a phoenix drive one one's the annonacci drive they are both absolutely packed ask people in the comments section that received them already i'll tell you it's uh i'm just happy to get this stuff all the way around the world uh saturday and sunday i'm i'm probably just gonna i'm probably just gonna work on on some awesome personal stuff and maybe some uploads but as far as podcasts go i'm starting strong monday again so monday morning which is the evening time in australia i'll be back on with my buddy campbell you know auto didactic so uh we're gonna do that uh monday morning 7 a.m texas central time i you know you know i'm just telling y'all i'm just i'm just letting you know in in a video i just want to release a little something give y'all some a heads up but i'm gonna post it before before you know i'm gonna post it in the post in the in the uh youtube community but that's in the morning oh i don't know if howdy's gonna be on there yet i haven't heard yet the uh but the same day monday 8 p.m that night i'll be on with the knights of malta podcast it's a new one for me uh i don't know about tuesday but wednesday i'm i'm back on with waters above crypto i know a lot of you on my channel know who he is so that's at 12 noon on wednesday i do have two or three others i haven't really got back to them they've already sent me emails but that's another thing saturday and sunday i'm going to catch up on my emails several of you have sent me emails i've archived them i put them to the side uh don't think because you haven't received your response yet that you uh that's what i'm basically going to spend the weekend doing catching up on everything excuse me oh i needed that oh i got a i got a fourth dog i got a puppy it's a rescue i don't know where she is she's around her somewhere but uh anyway i'm i'm i'm dealing with that too puppy found in a bad way i'll sit also i'll put all i'll post pictures matter of fact somebody wanted to see i had a huge dog house i got a homemade custom dog house now it's for four dogs but i can't throw she's too young she's six weeks old she i can't throw her in there with the big dogs not yet so anyway let give y'all a heads up that you got some really fascinating uploads on the way really these videos have already been researched i just have to actually record them and but let's get all these podcasts out the way for these first all the way to the eighth and then from the ninth on forward i'm about to release all new material i'm not talking about phoenix material i'm not talking about nemesis x i'm talking about we're going deeper we're going harder i said we got to keep pushing forward we got a lot of data to get through so those of you that uh if i missed any i try to respond to those who give buy me a coffee you know a little five dollars 10 15 25 bucks i try to respond in the app sometimes the app doesn't give me the option to to write a note but uh those of you who have done it you know i i thank you and i do appreciate it and sometimes i i and when you when you send me emails and you tell me you've done it i always throw in real free stuff i'll send it to you it's a i don't know why that app is so it's so discretionary like that it gives me the opportunity to thank people sometimes but not all the time so anyway though this is new news update keep this short as possible uh the alpha vetic video will be uploaded later on this evening uh several of you been blowing up my email asking me about that i mean you can go to alphabetics alphabetics uh if you don't want to wait you can go to alphabetics uh uh channel and go watch it right now but uh as far as that on my calendar i just want to let you know jeffrey dottery tomorrow saturday and sunday i'm taking off from podcast i'm taking care and catching up on all my emails uh also catching up on another side project um i'm starting to do office again but we're but but particularly games here we're not looking at nfl this year we're looking at major league baseball uh another thing monday two podcasts wednesday a podcast anything else i'm gonna let y'all know