Kickin' It with EKoM: A Journey Through the Past

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begun the clone war has now then now then guys and cows the hybrid age that we're talking about right now is something that happened once before uh you know when jesus in matthew 24 says as it was in the days of noah he's talking about when there was once a hybrid age there is going to at the end times be another hybrid age that will be similar in which humanity as it was designed by god will be corrupted and so will animals and life all of which we're seeing happening all over the world right now transgenic food genetically modified organisms human animal chimeras not just at the embryonic level by the way now being uh promoted by the chinese government and others to be raised to full maturity for the purposes of argus harvesting organ xenotransplantation [Music] do you really think you have a chance against us mr cowboy your best losers always whine about their best winners go home and [\h__\h] the prom queen so you're telling me there's a chance i have come here to chew bubblegum and kick kick-ass curfew the future is running out [Applause] hello welcome it's uh econ friday although this might grow on a sunday but we have rkx jason bushes number two this evening i have been planning this episode for a couple of weeks um titans wells titans king arthur dragons britain albion alba scotland we're going to have a real look at some megalithic sites we're going to look into um the edge of europe over to anatolia um yeah my voice is a bit hoarse today so excuse the voice i've been working 13 hours today shouting on the motorway and yeah anyway so i'm going to send jason a link and i'll ping it over to him there we go jason will join us shortly although i will stop this in a minute as i'm rambling anyway um yeah sit back enjoy it's gonna be a couple hours i think um we've got a lot to talk about so yeah it's esoteric night of malta and jason brashears what an event so welcome jason how are we how's america oh it's pretty good but uh yesterday was the first day we had temperatures below 95 degrees good what we're getting in the uk is i call it tripocalypto weather where you got this really low blanket cloud really low um and it's hot and windy and it's weird it's just you know we're not getting to that but we we know what it is you know so yeah um so today what we're going to talk about we're going to talk about albion britain and maybe titans i've also been doing well quite a lot of research today on king arthur arthur i mean uh yeah it's an interesting it did you know it reminded me i'll i did some research today and the end of the summation i got to it sounds very like it was in the story of nimrod in a way it's like it's like the bible it's like the it's an it was written by um a great gregory of monmouth uh the the story um but then he when gregory of monmouth died he he left a note saying that was all bs pretty much so we don't know we don't know it's very interesting um i've done a lot i've even been looking into merlin and the magician wizard um fascinating it was great great story but how much of it is fiction i don't know but it's interesting yeah yes well historian reagan britaini is a book that i studied i was very intrigued by that book you know it was very obvious when i first read the book that's the history of the kings of britain by jeffrey of monmouth the very text you're talking about when i read it yeah yeah the titles in latin it's a historian regan britaini and it's a really good book but yes it's very obvious that this is a christian redaction of older histories and that that becomes a problem because now we have to wait fact and fiction we have to figure out what christianized parts of it of that history were introduced oh and pretty much overlaid an actual summation of history that it happened because this is what a lot of christian writers did they took or they took original traditions and beliefs about a certain geographical area in an order to make them more plausible for the people and introduce christianity at the same time they rewrote those works christianized them but the only way the only reason it was successful is because the common folk already knew these stories meaning that there are elements to truth to historia regal britain i and many other texts from from britain and ireland scotland cornwall wales isle of man they have they're very rich in tradition but you have to remove the christian dressings before to get to the actual details yeah it's funny you mentioned that book because that's one one of the most obvious ones from british children the the book you're talking about i did hear that the history of the british kings i think kings of britain i heard that book mentioned in the research that i was doing on king arthur today and i'm going to play is it's about it's about two minutes long video okay it's not copyright and it's a guy it's a book wizard he's a bit of a book uh bookworm and you'll love this book as well you might have read it i'm not sure um i'll play do you mind if i play it because it is it's going to give us a lot of stuff to talk about i go ahead it's very good um i was watching the video and i was like this is a really good video to watch to actually talk about so yeah i'll i'll share my screen i'll put the link to this guy's channel in my in the description on my channel but yeah i'll um share sound there we go right i'll play the clip okay a bit it's two minutes long the travels of john mandeville despite posing as a guidebook is actually just a sort of combination of many 11th and 12th century sources mandeville ripped pieces from one source bits from another and put them together in a big melting pot in one continuous narrative a storyteller at heart mandeville quickly leaves the guidebook behind and starts spinning tails he tells us of princesses that have been turned into dragons hills of gold guarded by giant ants the skeletons of ancient giants with ribs 40 feet long having passed through egypt he mentions the pyramids but he passes them off as the barn silos of joseph that allowed the egyptians to survive the seven years of famine once he's passed the holy land mandeville really lets the guidebook go and just starts telling stories he tells of all sorts of races of races with a single giant foot that they can hold over their heads to shade them from the sun of races with animal heads rather than human heads of races with no heads at all and their face simply in the middle of their chest as he continues east he meets with the great khan and describes his lands and continuing further east still meets with the mythical king prestor john himself and describes his realm as well continuing even further east he reaches the borders of earthly paradise the garden of eden itself although he says he did not actually make it into the garden as mandeville writes of paradise i cannot properly speak for i was not there it was far beyond and i think i was not worthy to go there but i have heard wise men talk of it and will tell you what i know with a good will the land of paradise is the highest earthly place in the world it is so high that it almost touches the circle of the moon it is so high that noah's flood might not reach it but cover all the world paradise is enclosed all about with a wall that men know not where it is for it is covered all with moss which makes it seem like a wall of nature the wall stretches from the south to the north and has but one gateway that is closed by burning fire so that no mortal man dare enter having gone as far east as he can go mandeville turns around and heads home so who was john mandeville we can piece together a rough biography of his life from information in his book he says that he was born in saint albans in english town and that in 1332 or 1322 depending on the manuscript you're looking at he set out on his world travels he finished writing the book 34 years later in 1366 or 1356 depending on the manuscript now there was a tomb of mandeville in liege belgium that said he was a practitioner of medicine who died on november 17 1372. the tomb itself was destroyed during the french revolution but we do have records of its existence so was he built i thought that was a great way to start the episode because he really goes into have you heard about john mandeville i'm sure you have yeah but to me he's science fiction fiction yeah he's he's he's like yeah i've come across mandeville and dismissed him almost immediately very highly imaginative um i don't believe he visited the places he he said to have visited because that's not those aren't the things he would have saw there oh yeah i just thought it was interest what he talked about it was a bit it is very sci-fi almost for the time period it was in books like that were very common john mandeville's book is only one of many that survived from the time that uh 13 i mean when he was writing now the reason another reason why it's fiction is we have we have definitive records from that time period of what was going on in the world at that time and his was like a lot of creative license was employed to basically people people didn't mind reading that material because they knew it was fantastic they knew it was probably bs but the world was a very dark place at that time that no matter where you traveled you had people you had survivors burying people who were dying from bubonic plague during the entire life of man of mandeville the bubonic plague was basically decimating the world the plague kept popping up in different places all over that whole period was was was traumatic in the human experience and no matter where he traveled he would have come across plague yeah yeah it's a crazy time it was a crazy time i'm i'm just gonna share um well that's not the right one oh sorry i'm trying sorry i'm trying to share a picture um but i've got the wrong window oh john manville but yeah it was just an interesting i just yeah what he's talking about it was the 40 foot um it was a 40-foot rib bone of the giants and that could lead leaders on to what what you mentioned you know that the titans were from that mesospheric period the mesosphere the vapor canopy and the the really i was thinking about this in my head there isn't really such a thing as a giant is that they they are just oh they are just men of a different era from you know i mean going down in size well a rob being gigantic is purely a matter of perspective uh let me give you an example the um the basic the basic racial stock of europe and the the emerald isles the ten isles the uh the isles of albion whatever you want to call by whatever ancient name ancient britain um uh in irene which was um i mean we have we have the records of aristotle 24 centuries ago he he had called them uh brittany britney aaron and i can't remember i can't remember the other one but aristotle had three different names for for that area you know what it was uh aristotle said it was the britannic albion and iron those are the three main groups of of ireland and like the isle of man but uh in aristotle's time it was widely known from the uh well actually just right yeah right around the life of aristotle or pasadena's uh the navigator he was well he wasn't really a navigator he was a passenger on a ship that went way up into northern europe they believe uh historians believe that he wrote about the temple of the hyper hyperboreans he they believe he wrote about stonehenge uh the people of norway denmark and sweden he traveled real far his name was pulcidinius and he wrote all his travels from the ancient greeks and uh uh it's a very popular it was a very popular uh record but this uh this this uh name i'll be on that aristotle used was actually far more ancient you know albion was an isle of giants so are you still with me yeah sorry mate you know what i'm doing i i had loads of photos and but my i'm opening them to try and share them as you're talking but i'll just stop um it was a photo of stonehenge but yeah yeah i'll i mean there are there are mythological attachments to it that we would never be able to prove such as the fact that it is said that albion was an actual giant who came to occupy the area and that he was the son of neptune himself now there's no way to verify that there's no records that go back to a family where neptune was a participant we just have a lot of legends but neptune but but uh neptune was one of the gods and in the god and the giants were descended from gods and this is a common motif in civilizations all over but the matter of perspective is is the racial stock of that area of the world before others moved in was iberian the iberic racial stock is widely known these people were four foot eight to five foot two so when six foot seven and seven foot five invaders got off these dragon ships these huge ships that got eyeballs painted on them and these sails that got faces on them and dragons and wings and serpents and these serpent people called tech don house of dawn or house of dan whatever however you want to call them later known as [\h__\h] the day daniel or people of the goddess danu they when they when they landed on these ancient shores there was a recognition that these people had been here before this is what a lot a lot of the christian writers gloss over in the all in in ireland's own own traditions the two after they dane and when they landed in ancient ireland and they and they uh they gave they made war with the fairbogs which were giants this was a return of an ancient people who had left ireland and now came back but by the time they came back somebody else had come to occupy the area they were called fear bolts but they were probably kin because even in irish traditions like the the annals of claw magnolia the cycle of kings uh the annals of clown magnois or the irish book of invasions it's it's acknowledged that they still could communicate meaning they spoke the same language they were merely centuries apart now so this uh to say the same story is told of britain i mean britain britain had the fomori and ireland had the fear bugs but there was intermarrying among them and the common denominator was they were gigantic and heroic of size now we i mean we can always go back to the to to the old newspaper articles of the sixteen hundred 1700s and 1800s and early 1900s and you will find that giants have been excavated everywhere throughout throughout ireland and in england and it's just like in the united states when the united states was doing all the expansionism when he was doing all its excavations what happened every single time somebody found something they reported to the smithsonian institute smithsonian institution wherever you want to call it today and and they disappeared the bones disappeared but in europe it was slightly different in europe it was a different situation because in britain and in ireland we had we had the city we had the cultural situation of a very ancient belief that the bones of giants contained ancient magics and although the although christianity has pretty much watered this down and covered it up all the way up until world war ii it was very common for different types of brews and concoctions to be made in britain and ireland and if anybody could bring a local witch or a herbalist anything that they even said was from the from the bones of giants so that they had marrow in it they had the life force of the ancient giants it was quickly used up they even dug up tombs if they were rumored to be of gigantic people the locals would dig up tombs because they believed that the bones of giants maintained medicinal properties so it is a very old tradition going back many many centuries that giants bones never lasted anywhere because locals were using them up the locals used them for medicinal product they believed they had healing properties so they didn't care about preserving the giants balls but but we'll get to that look at that look at that there are books and like i said when i when i when i when i edit this video i'm going to throw these book titles in there there are books that are from the united kingdom authors from the united kingdom that i've studied that have blown my mind with such irritation the the amalgamation from so many different sources and one of them is by catherine briggs her book is called the encyclopedia of fairies sprites bogeys elves trolls dwarfs she she her title actually names about nine different uh uh like like offshoots of nephilim or offshoots of giants what the giants have become the hags and then the hags would become the fairies elves all that wait wait it's katherine briggs the encyclopedia fairies she gives a very fantastic rundown of ancient of ancient uk uh traditions and histories and sites all all these books that you wouldn't even realize that have survived from the 11th 12th 13th 14th 15th century obscure books that uh she has visited libraries of the nobility who share their libraries with her man it's just really fascinating reading it's like a 700 page book but it's worth it it's the size of the encyclopedia but uh catherine b briggs encyclopedia fairies i would definitely i would definitely encourage people to read that she gets a lot of information about the furbolgs and the fomorians the two different races now like i said it's a matter of perspective if you're a member of an iberic stock people that don't get over five foot two and your giants among your own culture might make it to five foot five but that would be very very rare and then you see 215 long ships with oars that look like many hands this giant dragon floating on the water and it just belches forth 45 men and each one of these men is gigantic and full but battle regalia they got iron helms that go up even higher and they're brandishing weapons around they take they take the skins off the side of the dragon which are round shields that are all put together on the side of these phoenician-like ships with these dragon heads painted on this would terrify you yeah is this a tribe of dan you're talking about or could it sounds in ireland they were technon they were they were twitterday danan and these are the exact same people who sailed through the pages of homer's iliad during the war that myself had laid they had laid siege to all the cities of illium they were trying to secure the black sea trade in the mediterranean this series of events is what initiated the the mediterranean dark age for 300 years it's a yeah we'll get to that in a minute but this these people have went by many names throughout ancient times and their their landmarks always have dndin like denmark oh the dane mark the uh then uh dinland uh these people these people surveyed all of europe but they basically settled in in ireland in ancient ireland which is interesting because about 800 years before that they had come from the exact area of the world i don't know if they had left for client cataclysm reasons or whatever but they left they left everything behind and the only people that were that were in ireland for about a four or five hundred year period were the people of iberic stock the and these people were all over europe and the mediterranean these are these are all these are very i iberian people they're just swarthy skin they they wrinkle really fast oh they don't have long lives um the vikings called them scralings but uh uh the norse the norse would call them scralings but they were found all throughout europe uh before there were any any uh other cultures that moved into the area so it's uh there was a third group go ahead okay can you see the screen i'm sharing my screen i've got i got it yeah you know what that is um just talking about ireland and this this place is fascinating okay um i'm just gonna drop another picture in because during my research in ticking off today base i've got sherman screening and some weirds going on with my media player um but um new grange silvery hill but that's i just found out this this today about silvery hill um i've got here we go so you see the picture on screen um that's silvery hill and i was watching a documentary on king arthur and they were talking about what might be buried within silvery hill i didn't know this and was it the the god of the the god the king of the son or the god of the son i'm not sure um but i yeah there seems to be something inside silvery hill what do you know about that jason well the uh this is silvery hill stonehenge karnak like durrington walls um new grange these are all the relics of an infrastructure that existed during the vapor canopy these are far more ancient than the history that we were discussing in this video about the giants and so yes this this is a this is a technolithic era it is much older it's it's vapor canopy period like a nuclear new grange stone ends basically have the same start dates about 3163 bc this is this is stonehenge one and new and the very first monuments that are erected at newgrange well this uh these this megalithic all these all these these anomalies don't really make sense to us astronomically because it was vapor canopy period now these megalithic these huge megalithic sites recorded like where the sun would rise and where it would sit at certain types of year but you couldn't really see the sun you could just see a light area of the sky during the vapor canopy but it's a this this this period was really before any historical we don't have any his we don't have any writings other than reference references like the books of pharaoh and now you have people have to people have to have to they got to let me make it i can't pronounce all these names but the books of pharaoh were the ancient druidic histories of the world before the flood according to according to the druidic you know the druidic faith uh what they taught what they taught the ancient celts so we don't have any actual writings from the united kingdom that go before the flood but there's a lot of evidence that what we call of is the day the sky fell the great flood the vapor canopy we have a lot of evidence that that it didn't really affect the united kingdom area like it affected me united kingdom area australia uh uh parts of south america they just weren't affected by the great flood like like uh the rest of the world was and you have to understand i don't i don't subscribe to a whole world was flooded everybody died only eight survivors i don't i don't subscribe to the mythological christianized version i just don't the judeo-christian version there's too much evidence of survivors the very fact that we have flood traditions by different cultures different blood types all over the all over the world in different geographical areas is is evidence to me that there were many survivors it was just it was flooding all over the world but it wasn't that the whole world flooded big distinction big distinction but i'm just um i didn't quite have time i've got i've got so many photos for what we're going to talk about but they're in no order and at some weirdly mommy yeah it's just some some some technotronic gremlins i think but um i just did a picture on screen before this one um funny jason you were talking about how people this is um nimroot in turkey by the way um it's on top of a mountain huge mound um i'll put that picture on now this one here you see in the background and there's apparently um is that the the burial of nimrod apparently under there i'm not sure i don't know i'm not sure but it's something you're talking about and when i spoke to you last time um you were talking about how everybody will seem to sort of migrate back to this area around egypt turkey maybe um so guess i'm leaving the uk in in about three four weeks on my boat and i guess where i'm going i'm going to that part of the world mate so yeah i'm sailing there so what's up we're going to have two and then uh are you going to the ancient sites in turkey well yeah well i will be yeah i i'm going to start another documentary channel um i'm just i'm actually in youtube jail right now uh the i'm out of jail tomorrow um but yeah i'm gonna i'm gonna sail my boat there um i did scuba diving so i'm gonna go get gopro i'm gonna do some underwater filming um because there's a lot apparently there's a lot i do scuba right and apparently you can't you're not allowed to scuba dive on your own uh without a turkish scuba diving a company accompanying you because of people taking stuff off the sea floor artifacts and stuff so yeah i'll be heading to like um malta turkey egypt um even like north syria as well probably a little bit so it's going to be an interesting time over the next year i just thought i'd mention that yeah i would love to go to turkey they got the turkey has turkey is absolutely rich in archaeological material it's it's uh yeah it's it's but i mean everything is going to be restricted since the days of ron wyatt ron wyatt who who did a bunch of excavations in turkey and all that they're just they've hammered down on that you're not gonna go in there and do any digging exploring you're gonna be escorted everywhere you go and that tells me they have a lot to hide they're not just trying to preserve the uh ancient relics and turkish relics and all that and they're not but so the area the area has been go ahead it's interesting you mentioned that because i've talked to the rise above crew um you must go on their show as well i sort of work with a another youtube channel right above they do a friday a weekly show every friday nine o'clock it's really good um but they were talking about we were talking about conflict zones all over the world and how a lot of conflict zones are in very interesting countries where they contain a lot of artifacts you know syria babylon um all over all down that region iraq iran there's a lot of historic sites there you know it was really it was really interesting to me to find out just how much the us military was involved in the removal of iraqi artifacts it was like it was like since when does a military operation go to secure all that before before you even secure the city before you've done anything you've gone in there and sent actual force extraction units in there to take out artifacts that was shocking to me when i found that out i i also looked in i know i know a bit about this actually it was a museum in baghdad wasn't it the museum of antiquities or something of um and then about 5000 items went missing and i think i can't the number i don't know exactly it was about 3180 something were returned so there was like 17 1800 items just not returned you know like you say they they were looking for something i even had a bit about you you know the story about the the navy seal team that was in a they got trapped in a cave in afghanistan by a giant apparently um i've had this story anyway and yeah they sent another team in this is 2003 i think and yeah the the first team apparently were killed uh this giant could move so quickly six fingered six-toed red head apparently um and then the second seal team went and they did eventually take him down but apparently they they they took the giant there's several whistleblower accounts from one of the seal teams um talking about it and how they apparently took the giant away and how it apparently woke up on the plane is that fiction or not we don't know you know it's interesting oh how it woke up on the plane i don't know see i mean this is all this is misinformation i don't know well i don't i can't call it misinformation i can't say that it didn't happen i can't i mean the world is a very mysterious place and it's compartmentalized there are there are things that exist below us for the underworld that for which we don't have a lot of course they could all be human they could be human hybrids they could be genetic genetic modified humans i don't know but i do know that from the historical record we have many many incidents of red-haired giants and six finger giants i even have in my in my own book i have an unpublished book on giant i have a published book on giants but then i also have an unpublished book on giants and i reference all these things my unpublished book on giants is called forgotten earth and it's on uh it's on gum road i should have published it a long time ago i just there's just not enough hours in a day i got too many irons in the fire i think i got like 11 unpublished books on there one of these days i just need to get them all out edit them and get them all out but my published book giants on nation earth i i discussed that like in 1999 or 2000 uh there were excavations going on here in the united states and all of a sudden they found they found a bunch of burials with textiles that were very very advanced we're talking about the thread count was astonishing and the archaeologists were trying to figure out how in the hell could they make clothes like this this long ago and they had six fingers on their hands and six toes on their feet and they were red-headed well mummified giants found right here in texas you know or colorado excuse me colorado somewhere here in the united states you know i have all the sources some uh backed up in the book but it's very interesting so it was such a mystery to find we're talking about seven and a half to eight foot tall humans that had these brilliant textiles and they didn't they weren't found with weaponry they weren't found with any of that they were found with art so and andy's clothing but when when the when the proper authorities were contacted universities were contacted hey man we found some way of a genuine find all that other scientists and archaeologists are not who showed up the fbi showed up with the state department and did a shakedown and they they shook down their vehicles their cars they strip searched everybody they uh they made them sign nda's non-disclosure agreements man escorted them off the premises and no one knows what happens to any of that [\h__\h] all all the artifacts and the mummies all the relics everything is gone now well i believe this happens we just had a whistleblower tell us the whole story on that one so we don't we don't really know how many times this happens we don't really know how many times oil field executives decide decide not to report discoveries because they already know subject to united states law if you report anything of archaeological nature it shuts down all your operations while archaeologists come in and do an investigation which may shut down things for two to two to ten years so they just don't report anything anymore they don't want the government in their business and anybody who finds something that's anomalous like that because i believe things are found in the oil and gas industry all the time but it's such a hush hush and it's easier to pay somebody 50 000 cash to tell them to shut the hell up and uh uh so they don't have to they don't have to be stalled in any of their drilling programs or fracking or or or laying down pipes so just when you mention giants on the ground this was a this is apparently um this is a cardiff giant um i was i've been looking into britain and megaliths and whatnot but this is from early 19th century early 20th century um but just interest it is real it's a real photo i think but that yeah it looks like a stone statue i'm not sure what it is but talking about giants um yeah i also um heard about silvery hill and silvery hill um its largest artificial mound in europe actually i heard that today that this is i believe it's 130 feet tall yeah because silver silvery hill is supposed to be like 130 feet tall something like that yeah so maybe it's 130 feet across i can't remember yeah yeah yeah it's interesting it really is um fascinating it's funny like when we do our research you know um this yeah i can't even when we do a research i'll just uh sort um when we do a research can you see a screen yeah i can see it is it a load of photos like gilgamesh oh no all i can see is a donut with a like a dolmen with a needle rock yeah yeah so this is i'll just my photos are not going well tonight i'm sorry sorry about it i'm sorry about um but this photo on screen right so when you search for gilgamesh um this is what you get you know and it's how they make computer games a lot of computer games say when nimrod um a lot of ancient deities as soon as you search for them this is what you get you know it's very difficult sometimes to actually it will try and wage your way through the through all the stuff you know but anyway so yeah but um what else is going to talk about um yeah londinium what do you know about londinium and the romans name of that yeah maybe uh a different name yeah it's the same place later it was later named uh london or londinium i don't remember londinium sounds very sound that's what the romans named it yeah that was interesting but um um i was reading up about pythius did you know much about him pythius has fourth century no sixth sixth sixth century bc he was a bit of explorer um he was from the cilla yeah yeah the theists of musilla yeah yeah and he went out and found the arctic sort of the arctic circle and whatnot but yeah what what what were some of the books you were talking about that we wrote from britain actually just talking about books just before we start yeah i watched your um uh backbone of a giant was that the giants yeah is that the name of it yeah yeah yeah you mentioned about your old bible um i've got i've got an awesome i was a christmas present for my parents saint james by it's in james's bible it's actually um can you see it's blind yeah it's nice nice bite really nice it's it's 1858 but it's really it's really quite old it's um yeah 1858 that's older than mine mine's 1893. yeah so i've always kept i've always kept good care of it well i remember when you showed yours i thought oh my my forgot about my bible so um yeah it's just nice to have old things isn't it i've got i've got a lot of old books man somebody just sent me a whole box a box of books from the 1800s i have them on my floor right here i haven't got i uh i i was trying to get a bunch done yesterday and i just something drew me to open one of them up and it was about naples past and present it was written in the 1800s i opened it up to the page where it talks about kids were playing in 1853 and one of them fell into a hole and both kids thought it was so cool so they just made the hole bigger and next thing you know they're they're they're in an ancient room from a church they didn't even know it was buried under the hill but uh in naples so yeah it's uh uh come to find out it was it was one of the areas that was buried by vesuvius in 79 a.d pompeii the book even admitted in 1853 something that archaeologists only found in the 20th century but the book admitted that vesuvius and pompeii i mean uh pompei and herculadium they weren't the only victim cities those were built on top of other cities that people had already forgotten about that had also been buried alive by mount vesuvius and that this is in uh it's now been proven in the 20th century that that indeed did happen in 1687 bc it's called the avelino eruption so there were cities already there they were totally entombed built over new new uh top soil blue in uh trees grass plant you know here it is almost almost 17 centuries later here are two new cities pompeii and herculaneum don't have a clue that they're existing on top of a civilization that had already suffered the exact same fate that they were about to it's crazy yeah no i was watching them talking about sort of cataclysmic events and whatnot i'm just going to share my screen one more time uh but this is very interesting i was watching to do you know the channel do you know the he's very mark he's a bit of an expert now um brian foster i'm sure you know him yeah one of his books i did a video about about his uh what's up south american technological stuff yeah well i i've been to machu picchu and all the peruvian ones uh i've traveled south central america but but peru is my favorite country out of 16 countries um absolutely fabulous place even when i sat at machu picchu i i felt an energy just sitting there i really really felt an energy um an award but um these two statues the this is an um memnon in egypt do you know these jason they they're they're 720 ton uh they stand 65 feet tall um it's made in the image of um ammon hotep the third i think but what was to point out i was watching brian foster um it's one of his episodes and he's he's filming these statues he's walking around okay and when i was watching the episode it made me think of you because so you see all the damage is on predominantly on the front and the sides and what brian pointed out was there's no damage on the back and this got me thinking about i thought of you straight away i thought about the direction of maybe the phoenix event or cataclysm did you know what i mean so i'll just go back again but there's a little bit of damage on the corner of the back one end of the the shoulder and the arms missing there then there's there's no other damage on the back of either one um but you go to the front and they're in pieces they're really really quite broken it's just interesting what do you think about that hey there jason i don't know anything about it i'm all i think i just i just thought i'd show you yeah i don't i don't know anything about the the memnon they're big okay yeah i'm not i'm not yeah i just don't i don't know anything uh i never found any particular interest in in any post-high egyptian in the in the post-occupation egypt uh i just to me it's almost all all rewritten bs it's uh after the hixos departed egypt was basically floundering uh at kenneth and kenneth and was uh trying trying to we don't really know much about a kenneth and uh i mean we we know that a lot of the moses narrative was invented from the history of the chemistry but it's uh it's it because his egyptian history was in chaos and so after the excel slip the hixos had had the area under stability um uh the hixos were the foreign kings they were amorites there were there were people anciently called the muru and in egypt they were called the tamahu they were very tall bearded caucasians and they were in control of lower egypt the mansion of the phoenix the ben ben area the giza the giza area but they never controlled upper egypt which is the egypt that hollywood promotes hollywood does not promote the the lower egypt they they for whatever reasons they won't but um the upper egypt is carnac and wasat and thebes thieves the valley of the kings ancient egyptian mummies from upper egypt were always interred in the valley of the kings you know like king tut but but lower egypt where the great pyramid was and where were where the very sophisticated city of heliopolis which we know of is on in memphis these cities were nothing like the the the city 700 miles away in the interior of africa that we know of as traditional egypt so when the hixos left all of it started falling apart and this is a kenneth and kenneth even moved his kingdom to the middle of egypt no one had ever occupied that area of the world before there's nothing there there's no pyramids there there's no temples there it's an empty wasteland desert and all of a sudden he builds his capital city there and it only lasted for his lifetime then it collapsed but uh that's the story of the kenneth it's a it's basically a kenneth story is the story of a fantastic egyptian uh empire in decline because basically they had overrun the the people that were that were doing the administrative you know having everything facilitated all the international trade and all that all that was done through uh lower egypt but when those people the umuru the tamahu when they decided to leave and they'd left they went back to maury matani they went back to to the uh no the syria antioch the holy city which in the old testament which was rewritten by jewish redacters uh it's called jerusalem over and over and over but the original holy city in the ancient world was not jerusalem jerusalem is a very small insignificant city that doesn't factor anywhere in the history the histories of all other nations but there is a city that was called the holy city that's nearby that does factor in it's mentioned in the uniform writings of almost every civilization surrounding it it was an israelite city it was called the city of kadesh and kadesh is where great wars and battles were decided between the hittites and the egyptians and it is one of the greatest the greatest seats of the umuru the amorites the term israelite is totally his total biblical invention of but it's actually an invention just a name that identifies an actual people and those people were basically syrians but those syrians were of an ethnic group that had basically taken over the entire near east from babylon hatusas in anatolia they were the ethnicity of the of the foreign shepherd kings the hixos that were in in lower egypt only not upper egypt which is 700 miles away so uh this that's why i'm not really interested in anything post texas in egypt because egypt doesn't do anything but decline instantly it declines into the reign of signocti and then from signocti signocti the first he's he's complaining about everything falling apart and all his records and then all of a sudden the phoenix appears in the in the in the worlds in the sky the sky turns red earthquake tsunamis and signocti says that the that the universe was basically attacking egypt because there's a cataclysm going on in the very last record of signocti the world is falling apart and the sky is red so but sagnaki disappears and all of a sudden ramesses the second is ruling the very first thing ramesses ii records is that the sky is falling apart it's all red there's tsunamis earthquakes and a new people the sea kings the sea peoples which i call the sea kings are now invading invading egypt invading uh cyprus invading old mice uh old greek canaan areas they're coming in they're they're occupying creek they've taken over the destroyed minoan area of nozzles uh uh on thera so these people come in but that's why nothing about memnon in that little area even interests me about the most the the fourth and uh it just doesn't interest me because egypt is now falling apart and for and for like 350 years that's all it did was decline decline decline decline they're not it's not like uh nefertiti and had so the queen has had ships who had funded a whole fleet in egyptian fleets lefty z and gibber and they left the mediterranean and sailed all the way around the horn of africa and some research researchers actually believe that the fleets of of uh hit ships had also made it to the americas to do trade and stuff but after the after um after the uh the whole incident with amarna amarno was the capital city in the middle of egypt that just fell apart uh uh after the hixos left when when i kenneth had just had just basically ruined egypt it's it's just it's just egypt from decline and egypt was in decline until it was taken over because the persians took it over the assyrians took it over the uh uh um the greeks took it over the macedonians took it over later later the macedonians renamed themselves ptolemies because now they were a part of the egyptian society but they still spoke macedonian in greek they were the ptolemies then the romans took them over after the romans took them over egypt just was steadily in decline and then oh egyptian civilization to basically become cosmopolitan it was mediterranean civilization now and then the muslims took it over the saracens and the moors and egypt has never been the egypt that we know of from its glory period uh uh uh once the hixos were removed once the hexose left egypt just fell apart it's never been the same and this is why but by the days of napoleon egypt was already underground this is why egyptology all of a sudden exploded in the 1800s and 1900s and there's not much of a trace of it in the 15th 16th and 1700s because it was all underground it napoleon took thousands of people engineers and all the whole military and they just dug up temples and dug up pyramids and it was the very first scientific mathematical analysis of egypt that had been done since you know since the roman days um probably before that it was i mean 15 centuries of sand had to be removed just to find egypt it's also like egypt like the sphinx um there's a lot of evidence isn't there that that that the atmosphere used to be tropical there as i think gregory and hancock sensated a lot of uh is it water that had some sort of effect on sphinx but anyway yes i i would agree with that i mean i'm not going to agree with grant hamcock and robert bobel when they talk about the sphinx um uh yeah i'm not gonna agree with those guys at all when when we're talking about the weathering patterns on the sphinx and why the sphinx uh shows that it's been damaged by water so much more than the great pyramids i'm not gonna agree with those guys at all because those guys are specifically omitting information that any eighth grader knows when they read about these topics and that's why it tells me that graham hamcock is being deliberately deceptive and i have no problem calling him out on that and what i'm talking about is is it's widely known from antiquity from the days of diode sickness from the days of of um of strabo and all the muslims that used to write records about the giza complex we have many historical records of the great pyramid covered in 144 thousand 100 inch thick casing blocks these casing blocks were gigantic they were 20 tons a piece and they were entirely theoretical they were theoretical until the rubble was removed from the great pyramid and lo and behold four casing blocks were found in situ we now have proof those casing blocks were there the story in history is that in 1301 to 1307 a series of earthquakes dislodged a bunch of the casing blocks once the local muslim engineers of cairo realized hey we got all we got unlimited building material right here here's all the ballasts we need below our streets here's everything we can line our sewers in here's everything we can put below our buildings to make our foundation stronger and there are many researchers who believe that that the mosque of sultan sultan dossan was was actually built from that white limestone that used to used to be on the great pyramid they had four they had four faces of the pyramid covered in this stuff it probably took over a century to remove all that but they didn't have to remove the the casing blocks uh uh in big pieces all they had to do was send people as high as they could with chisels and hammers and break it all up once the earthquake had broken a bunch of it up it just took humans to break up the rest and just and just that's why the great pyramid looks so damaged today it's just we're talking about thousands of men thousands of men for a year are just breaking up all the outer white limestone leaving the brown the brown limestone blocks in place that's what you see today the interior of the great pyramid and they're steady dropping them they let them roll down the pyramid roll down the pyramid you know they probably hey you know probably yell down there hey man look out here it comes and the next wave everybody everybody rolls theirs and then they move down with the hill and they roll theirs as other workers are moving their way up on a different area of the pyramid to get even higher to start chiseling that this went on for a year the muslims removed all that all that but we now have proof that was graham hancock has read the same historical records i have he knows those white limestone casing blocks protected the great pyramid from any weather any tropics any vapor canopy any flooding or or being submerged in the mediterranean which is what i have discovered i have cited the sources on my channel that show that ancient egypt used to be called the raised land because half of egypt what we call lower egypt what the great pyramid was was known to be underneath the mediterranean and then it raised up during an earthquake one time when it raised up that's when they found the sphinx and they found the great in the three great pyramids they were buried in sand the reason the sphinx is so damaged is because the 340 years from 2239 bc to 1899 bc when that whole area of the north african plate had been pushed down and the mediterranean had filled in the gap during that whole 340 40 year period the sphinx did not have limestone casing blocks it didn't have protective outer wear like the great pyramid did it was just soft limestone so the current for 340 years while it was on the bottom of the mediterranean on the north african plate where there was no egyptian delta and the actual coastline was all the way back to abydos so this is the ancient coastline this is why seashells are all over north america this was very recent in history so it's so recent in history that it's remembered it's remembered in the traditional records they remembered that northern egypt was under water this is why the depictions of of the three or the two holy mountains at the middle of the earth in many traditions around the world always have it that you have to get in a boat to get to them because when that area was under under the mediterranean the tops of the two big pyramids could still be seen so from from a great distance while people were on ships they could sail right next to the great pyramids and they knew the traditions that this was the sunken land like atlantis this was we are now sailing over an ancient civilization what they didn't know is that years later another earthquake would raise the north african plate right back up and it would drain the mediterranean out and when it drained the mediterranean out it left all those oceanic fossils and shells that were very abundant there in the days of napoleon and the explorer norton who grew pictures of he said sea shells were everywhere they're not there no more they've combed that area of around the great pyramid to remove all evidence that this place was under water but before egyptology took root and began censoring all this information this was a widely known i mean you can't really find the books anymore but there are pdfs roaming around that that were no that basically cite everything that norton found in the 1700s like 1736 that norton his name was frederick lewis norton he actually surveyed that area one of the first europeans in the area to sit there and research the great pyramid after almost 600 years of muslim exploration of the area because the muslims preserved a lot of very good stuff about the great pyramid complex and um graham hancock robert bobel all those guys that are publishing these modern books they know exactly what i'm telling you but they're not putting this in their books instead they're trying to tell you that this area they're trying to tell you that the sphinx is 10 000 bc they're trying to tell you that there was a tropical area a climate but there was it's called the vapor canopy they're just not calling it that they're not in they might not eat graham hancock and bauble they might not even know anything about the vapor canopy they might not know all the traditions and all the research that i've conducted but they do know the late historical uh texts that i've read all about the casing blocks so they know that the water damage to the sphinx is not because the sphinx is older the water damage to the sphinx is because the sphinx is not tall like the great pyramids the sphinx was under water the whole 340 years between the two earthquakes the sphinx suffered all that water damage of that salt water in the mediterranean this is why the salt the salt count is so high at giza it was in under the mediterranean for for over three centuries graham hancock and all them know that the great pyramids were covered casing blocks of very highly polished white limestone that were 100 inches thick that's why the great pyramids look so much younger than the sphinx but they were made at the exact same time that's really interesting that i i think about that also i was going to mention but you mentioned anyway how the pyramids would have looked i've got a picture i think it's from some sort of computer game but it's like really futuristic and you see the three pyramids um but they're covered in a polished white and they they do look it looks really futuristic did you know i mean you can imagine how good they'd look but just if it just maybe we'll start talking about the vapor canopy and uh maybe a bit of britain but um when you mentioned about sea shells right i i was digging with my digger a few weeks ago and we were about seven meters deep yeah and we had we hit this layer of shells just it smelled like the beach um or all these sea shells it was it was just soil it was just earth all the way down and then it in the earth we hit this layer maybe like a foot foot and a half uh high and thick and it was just seashells and it made me it makes you think about i don't know mud floods cataclysms different different times doesn't it you know yeah it's very interesting well the whole foss the whole fossilization process isn't what you think it is i mean it takes the right conditions it doesn't take millions of years so i agree yeah yeah i mean there's been there have been fossils found at giza i've seen pictures of them i have one somewhere on my desktop hidden in one of these files uh some like a mollusk like a sponge or something that was fossilized they just dug in the sound and found it there but that's what would happen when you take this saltwater area that's been under water for over three centuries and all of a sudden in one day the water drains out because the whole entire area was elevated by earthquake it's upheaval first it suffered subsidence it flooded stayed flooded three three almost three and a half centuries this three and a half century period is admitted to by scholars not that the area was flooded they're more sophisticated than that the egyptologists will never admit uh these little things like this instead they're there very cleverly call it the second intermediate period which is a recognition that there was no civilization in egypt that was doing anything it's just a 300 year period where it was almost like total stasis no written records no ossuaries no tombs we have no no chronological data we have no no we have no uh no coffin text no pyramid text it's that's why they call it intermediate period it's a very sophisticated way of saying something just cataclysm cataclysmically wiped egypt off the map and it didn't survive i mean it didn't even revive it didn't resurface for three centuries so yeah egypt has a few of these uh intermediary intermediate periods i've i've heard a bit about the caribbean as well about um i i used to listen to steve quayle quite a bit and he talked well this is a bit there's no books on this i'm pretty sure but they talk about planet rehab and that being lucifer's planet apparently wherever you want to think about that but how that crashed into earth um 4.4 billion years ago and it crashed around the caribbean that that's why that's what i've heard do you know anything about that oh no but i have seen i've seen the references to rahab uh i believe i believe it's a reference to the color red in hebrew or rahab oh that would be a phoenix reference to me it would be yeah i i know who steve quayle is i believe i've written him before i believe i've written him like 10 years ago yes his material is very good uh he he he does lean on scripture a whole lot i don't think he would very i don't think he would very much appreciate my my interpretation of the old testament new testament i believe much of it is just pure jewish fiction uh but i mean i'm not alone in that i mean even academian scholars can produce much material and have uh showing the origin of all these stories um if i give you an example i mean we have this huge mediterranean dark age in 1135 b that starts in 11 35 bc which is a phoenix episode which happens to correspond with uh the second battle of moichira when the twitter day danan are again trying to take ancient ireland from the fair bowls because they got their asses kicked in the first battle of moitura they couldn't take ireland back so they come back and then they land their ships but this time they planned it with what they knew was or suspected was going to happen from their own traditional astronomical records which was the sun was going to darken and there was going to be some some earthquakes from about two to six hours and this is something that was that happened routinely in the old bronze age every 138 years this happened and it was and it was uh basically attributed to this giant kraken in the sky and some cultures called it the kraken others called it the the the phoenix others called it typhon north fink fenris they had all these different names in the bronze age for that for this thing that appeared in the sky and it appeared to eat the sun and then vomit it back up so they timed it with that and in the second battle of moichiro which is the battle for the field of towers the tuathade danan did that in the local furbolgs were terrified because the the two athade danian shamans or priests or druids whoever they were were performing rituals making it look like they were the ones that were darkening the sun and causing the earthquakes this terrified the giants which were called furbolgs and the [\h__\h] they dana were able to take on take the island from the furbolgs and uh this is this is the story of the uh irish invasion how the irish came uh the irish consider themselves um descendant of the descendants of the 12th day danny they are the descendants of tech dawn so this is uh this is how they came to the island but there are there are there are some pretty convincing references in some of these old old books that this was a return to an original homeland this was not an actual original invasion this was retaking a homeland from a usurper from somebody else who had come in in their absence and taken over yeah these were the furballs it's interesting i'll just mention them i'll just share my screen because i've got some pictures we'll talk about king arthur a little bit if you want um let's bring up a picture uh but during my research today um so let me move the screen around um during my research um so we look at king arthur and let me just share the screen there we go right you can you see the picture that's an as well as yeah it's a nice high definition picture of the king apparently but the story of king arthur um arthur um as arthur begins with you pendragon yeah pin dragon here um and even even the subject dragons i what maybe we want to talk about dragons as well a little bit um but it's fascinating but i'll just um skip through some photos here um this is just some medieval um paintings but they've been probably redone but um yeah so silvery hill popped in because it's linked um it links okay i can't actually remember i've worked really i was really busy in work today while i was researching it but um but this here okay talking about seafaring races and how they come to britain and in in my research with king arthur today they so the castle is based down in cornwall um or apparently um and it's surrounded by cliffs but they talk about cornwall and a lot of cornish myths stories um it's a beautiful part of the country as well it's the best part of britain actually but they they talk about the natural beauty the natural cliffs and how they protect they they protect um it is literally like that down in cornwall how they how they protected britain from invasions you know i i in the last episode you mentioned the tribe of dan and they they did come they they they came to britain didn't they try with them i think for a battle well i'm not sure i don't they're the twice a day danan didn't didn't invade britain and the britannic island they didn't they didn't they they invaded uh uh ireland but um totally it's totally different area uh yeah it's a part of the uk but in ancient times it was much more distant meaning meaning today it's not it's no problem to get on a plane and just on a boat and just go over there but you know it's they're fundamentally different cultures back then even their traditions are different and it's uh here's the here's what's interesting in homer's iliad king agamemnon of mycenaea uses danan fleets to help take over to help take you know uh the trojans of ilium well the descendants of troy according to the old there's the brutus stone yeah the descendants of troy actually the descendants of troy actually believed that uh well the people of ancient britain actually believe that they are the descendants of the people that came with cornell's and brutus two different fleets that fled their loss at troy they were defeated at troy by the danan and the mycenaeans so oh we have this coming around in history where both groups were there fighting in the trojan war but the trojan war wasn't as simple as we've been led to believe the trojan war was a multi-national multicultural war over basically the dominance of the black sea gate who was going to control black seed trade through the darted nellies so this huge trade war erupted and started involving more and more cultures and people and it was a 10-year long affair the danan were only passing through the area and they wanted to go further but they made a deal with with with uh king agamemnon of missinea in the fleet and then they went to war with with a king agamemnon defeated troy with king agamemnon then the dated danan continued sailing right out of the mediterranean they appeared right after the trojan war on the shores of ancient ireland invaded and got their asses kicked by the furbolgs they weren't expecting that type of opposition so they regrouped and they regrouped in 1135 bc and that's when they took the island during a phoenix cataclysm during a phoenix phoenix event one that's very well recorded you know throughout the mediterranean and in my chronicle and i showed many many historical references it was it was noted in egypt it was noted uh uh in babylon it was noted all throughout the levant it was noted in the mediterranean uh and it was noted in the second battle of moichira with the sundar matter of fact it's a book it's a book called this by an archaeologist who studies ancient megaliths it's uh his name is john wu and the book is called the stone angle uh page matter of fact page 45 talks about the second battle of moichiro the field of towers and how the [\h__\h] the day danan won the battle right when the sun was the sun darkened during earthquakes and stuff now john wu in his book the stone angle john woo didn't know anything about the phoenix episodes he didn't know anything about that i'm the i'm the one that that i'm the one that put that together with the phoenix chronology most of the most of all the historical references to phoenix and ancient times weren't called phoenix it was just the sun dark and it was a major earthquake but it depends on what year it happened if it's a phoenix episode or not and the very fact that traditional records show that the invasion took place in the month of may and the phoenix phenomenon only occurs in the month of may so it's uh this is what i do as a chronologist i put all these different sources together and it's amazing how easy it is it's amazing how how you find so much i mean when you find something that's true and that's real it's not surprising to you at all when you the more the more ancient texts that you read are traditions and you find out they're saying the exact same thing well of course they are because it happens every 138 years it just you just have to get through all the different frames of references and all the different calendrical systems and and and uh it's just to me it's not astonishing anymore yeah i must say i must say like generally speaking a lot of people in in our community everybody everybody's amazed by you jason and they're the guys that rise above like lance who have picked up the rise above they they they call you like final boss level you know what what we're all learning about these resets et cetera et cetera but yeah it's really it's it's it's really impressive um what you've put together it really is so yeah for thanks for me as well but yeah it's um it's fascinating it really is um and it's kind of like i often think about since discovering your work it's how they they really don't want the public knowing about the 138 years because they they that normies would freak out wouldn't they they oh when i first started publishing all about the phoenix phenomena i do i believe that in my first manuscript which was finally published in 2009 but i was writing articles and i had i had email campaigns and posters that were being circulated in 2004 in 2005 yeah that was my opinion that the elite the establishment they don't want anybody to know but no one's ever shut me up i mean my first book was published in 2009 then my set my second one on the phoenix was published in 2011 then another one in 2013 um that was three books on the phoenix right there and then uh oh on facebook i just unleashed like 200 articles that i had written all the mathematical evidence putting all the stuff i stopped citing the sources i just the archaic book now i will say this facebook did kick me off there's no doubt i i'm locked out of facebook but but who cares i really don't care about facebook but here i am on youtube i've been putting all this material out so you you say that they don't want the material out i don't know i don't know i do know this i only have i don't even have 100 000 subs so i'm not complaining that that i have 40 42 000 so i'm this is not a complaint don't interpret it that way what i'm saying is i in the youtube universe i'm not even a blip on the radar so maybe maybe i won't even get their attention until i have a hundred thousand subs i don't know but uh it is funny you mentioned that so i i did an episode with dustin broadberry he's an invested investor to give a journalist can't say that word and we were talking about counter insurgency that sort of stuff i'm not going to get into it and the the episode was removed and we were very careful with our words the episode was removed last week so i've been in jail for a week so what were you talking about we were talking about psyops psyops and counterinsurgency talking about um life log darpa et cetera et cetera you know that that sort of stuff um and yeah it was taken down i i i i've only got i i've got 4 000 subs um so if you do want to sub to my channel go to esoteric night of malta because i would love some more but anyway but but yeah but it's funny how i even i've only started a year and a half ago um but the first year i i must have had eight or nine videos deleted and doing them on the wrong subject really a lot a lot um i've only had one video removed from all my videos i've only heard i i well i was learning a bit as well so i know there's certain subjects you just don't talk about you know so i'm not going to mention them so yeah yeah yeah but it's um yeah it's interesting one more question while i remember and so when we see a lot of when we start see a lot of artifacts actually this bible so 1858 i and your bible because they're both old so i was thinking thinking last week you know yeah so these items survive because of the 1902 phoenix etc these items survive either by being taken underground or or they survive by being in an area or it you know on on earth um that doesn't get affected by the phoenix do you agree yeah 100 percent listen listen the 190 the 1902 phenomena that i documented what's profound is that we were able to document so much material what's not profound is that all these things happen what i'm getting at is that oh a lot of people on my channel they're still they're still baffled sometimes they leave these comments saying well if all this happened in 1902 how come this how come this alcohol missed and you don't get it the whole purpose of me revealing five different videos on 1902 is to show you how cleverly these resets are covered up while people are experiencing all this phenomena they don't even know what's going on it takes 10 to 15 to 20 years later people are looking back going hey man i remember this wait a minute what about this well wait a minute when i pull up these micro fish this is everything that happened but how come i don't have any memory of it i was there so these resets are very very sophisticated and that's exactly what you'll find if you're living inside of a simulated context but but uh the 1902 reset was not bad it was bad for the people of martinique 30 to 40 000 people were incinerated in a five minute period when mount pele exploded so i'm a yeah it's it's very it was very cataclysmic for them but that's a highly localized field of effect phoenix is always very highly localized over just small different areas and it's very traumatic to those people who experience it however however there's been several times when it was almost hemispheric when whole countries were all going through it at the same time and four times in history it was worldwide those were the bad ones but it's uh and that's what i believe i believe we're gonna have a hemispheric one in 2040. in 2040 i believe it's going to be hemispheric 2178 is the final year of this milocran and it's going to be phoenix effect worldwide but that's what that's what that's going to be the final one that's going that's what phoenix is going to do what it what it's it's it's always done only in pieces it's going to do it in full in 2178 but by that time all the redeem the elect the errants everybody's going to be removed from the equation because it's not all that's that's far in the future that's 138 years after 2040. that's 72 years after the calendar is over in the year 6000 which is not 6 000 since the creation but 6 000 since the calendar began in 3895 bc the annas mundi calendar 2106 is when the great pyramid is completed the great pyramid has never been finished it was always put there but it was never completed and 2106 will be completed with the with the addition of the chief cornerstone and that's going to have an effect remember the great pyramid is a machine it was designed for a machine purpose but uh it has an engineering function so i mean we don't we may we may not be able to figure it out right now but i promise you we're going to figure it out when the vapor canopy returns because as soon as the vapor canopy returns we're going to have new applications for old technologies that people can't even imagine right now because humans are smart people are going to figure out things within within two or three months of the vapor camping here you're gonna have teenagers that are gonna be figuring out new ways to do this to power this or hey i got all this over here but we just need a power source so they're gonna come up with new ways to do the power to do that power source and then older people are gonna realize we can empower a whole community up using that system and then you know within a 10-year period we're going to have all new very very weird like mad max steampunk type engineering electrical new new just whole new infrastructures but they're all going to be in micro economies there's not going to be a worldwide community anymore people are going to be in survival mode so it's all yeah that's what's going to happen after after that but but yeah this this uh great pyramid however that technology is to be invoked we'll know during the vapor canopy because during the vapor canopy our maya instantly remember this uh necessity is the mother of invention right now we don't have the necessity to know what the great pyramid does we really can't figure it out because right now we don't have a barrel pointing to our head but in the vapor canopy we will everything will be made we'll understand everything it just takes it just takes a different biosphere because i mean it's not just it's not just the environment that changes humans are always a reflection of the environment they live in this is why there's different races with different traits and different uh that's why their bodies are so fundamentally different so when humans pass over that threshold from the present temperate biosphere to the vapor to a new forming vapor canopy biosphere human bodies are going to change necessarily too and those changes are not just going to be physical they're going to be all the way down to the dna level they're going to be mental cognition is going to increase we're going to have heightened senses of awareness uh increased atmospheric pressure ambient radiation these are going to activate latent genes we're going to be doing things at great va at greater aptitudes so this is the story we get from the ancient world when all people were mass mathematicians where all people did not need the written word because all they had to do was say something one times and they committed it to memory this is the origin of the ancient bardic faiths when one man would cite the entire history of his people and have it down pat we're going to be going back to those days no one's going to need a pe a pad and pi a pen and pad of paper anymore no one's going to need a keyboard anymore because just open communication between two individuals will be committed to memory we'll all will almost all have instant recall yes awesome yeah it's interesting i i really enjoyed your episode with max as well max sagan he's awesome he's very much a leader um in our community so yeah i think a lot of people enjoyed that chat with you uh oh max and i are going to talk again we're waiting for him to receive because he's in mexico yeah and although mexico is close to texas we have two fundamentally different postal systems i i sent max i sent max one of my flash drives i got one i now provide 100 of all the archaic's research in flash draw in these little flash drives these aren't videos my other flash drives have videos that people order because they want the whole playlist they don't want the commercials and all that i get that but my super pac has thousands and thousands of images charts pages of that raw data articles published unpublished books because people don't want to order all this stuff individually from gumroad then have to go to a website to find more so i just provided all on the on this flash drive and i sent max a copy so i'm waiting for max to get that flash drive and for him to go through it once he goes through it oh he's going to have unlimited material too yeah we'll he'll be bouncing questions off me and i you know what we'll just start we'll just we'll probably do a series of videos based off that because uh uh i'm i'm eager for max i like i like max's mind i'm eager for him to go through the flash drive because the drive has all my source materials you can go in there and see the actual books i've read the authors the publishers the date of publication he's able to go in there and pull out some really good stuff you know trying to try to run me through the meal i'm not worried about i'm not worried about anybody trying to grill me you know what i mean because that's how we learn things i mean if if i haven't answered certain questions yet it's because people haven't asked them i believe all the answers are accessible and if i don't have an answer immediately believe me that night it's going to bother me i'm going to go i'm going to search for it i'm going to find it like i said there's answers for everything we just got to look yeah definitely um yeah it's interesting it's also um talking about huge animals it's like it's like what you talked about earlier about perspective and you know yeah it's like it's like if you're if you're a descendant of a titan then you know if you're next to if you've got a cow that that cow is going to be massive if we see that cow it's like it's nice perspective isn't it but i mean that's exactly what we find what's your what's your the image that you just invoked is exactly what we find in the historical archaeological record first of all among native americans what are their chief traditions but at one time the animals were larger now where do we find the archaeological record we find megafauna what are megafauna they're exact duplicates of the animals that are existing today and except their body mass is much larger we'll talk about horses pigs cows raccoons possums even marsupials that were gigantic compared to day-to-day standards nothing unusual now some of those megafauna have died out for whatever purposes like uh for whatever reasons like like like a three-toed sloth giant sloths some of them like the uh what are they um the mastodons wow i said mastodon you showed me a rock out probably i've just shown no i i just just when you mention megafauna i've got i've got a lot of photos i mean some of the i'm not saying these are real um some of them are interesting though and like this one this to me looks looks like a giant it looks like a a giant's face doesn't it and that looks pretty real but it's just interesting how quite a lot of these how a lot of rock seems to be that looks pretty real but it's weird isn't it strange it's an interesting i didn't mean to i mean they're you know i just you already know my position i can't i can't i can't go by optics there are no images that i will ever accept as evidence of anything i just can't i do i do agree with you that they're very interesting i do it is not uncommon in ancient cultures to take rocks and to look at them in aesthetically cr basically accentuate the features they already had to create that zebra effect to create that trunk of that of that animal this was a very common practice very long ago to take rock out crops and accentuate their features carve them into what you imagined them to be so i'm not surprised to see faces in stone i'm not surprised to see because it could have very well been done four 000 years ago by by a 17 year old kid who didn't have nothing to do for two months but chisel rock so i mean uh are the evidence of gigantic life forms and all that i don't know i just don't know it's too hard to say it it's like um it's like that channel um roger at the mud fossil university and how he's looking at all these rocks pretty much and it is very interesting i've been watching him and he's picking out he compares a big rock to a heart and you can see all the veins and everything they do they do seem to match up it's very interesting isn't it it's like it's like petrification like what you talk about with fossilization and it certainly doesn't take as long it's about the pressure isn't it about the pressure and the the circumstances where the these gigantic creatures that uh roger and other people are are asserting you existed and they're saying that these rock outcrops listen the only way that could be possible is the very scenario that i've documented the vapor canopy there's no way creatures can live that size if there wasn't a vapor canopy because the vapor canopy the first thing it does is increase on the oxygen level there's a lot more air to breathe so it's uh the plants are larger the during during the increa i mean because it's an increased um atmospheric pressure all the oxygen all the i mean all the plants are putting out massive amounts of oxygen it's getting trapped in these uh green light but basically these greenhouse gases under the canopy and this is what's described in the old records i've cited this on my channel a few times i cite the actual traditions and where you can find them that the ancients truly believed that the world of of their forefathers in ancient times had large gigantic animals the plants were bigger the sky was always dark like a dark purple light and yet it was hotter than it is today this is vapor canopy this is basically the conditions of a vapor canopy you so how how do most scholars and scientists in in current times um is that if you mention a vapor canopy does anybody even talk about it probably yeah well yeah i do have a i do have a i do have a one video that cites a book from the 1920s another book from the 1930s another book from the 1950s another book from the 1960s and two books from the 1970s all all done by by very serious researchers and scientists our world having an ancient vapor canopy citing all the traditions remember yet understand the vapor canopy of history is not exclusive to the archaic data it's not it is borrowed this is 100 borrowed information from other other sources that that that uh i have found in just different studies but it's also been replicated this isn't something that you just find out of a book there are there are christian scientists in texas at glen rose who actually built a functioning biosphere they created a world within our world and they and they modified it and created a basically a dark environment super high humidity they increased the atmospheric pressure they pumped oxygen in it and what happened in that in that ultraviolet that dark in that dark area was fruit flies cockroaches earthworms all grew three times their present sizes today they also lived three times longer and this was just a 60 foot long steel biosphere it's just a small one imagine that on a worldwide scale when the entire sky has an ocean above the first thing that's going to happen is a lot of our oceans are going to empty out a lot of our oceans because i just did a video i just posted a video this morning that i did with kelly and autodidactic where i showed maps of the world what they would have looked like during under the vapor canopy when when the sea levels would have been so much lower because the water was backwards supposed to be in the sky in the mesosphere today yeah a really good example of that a couple questions on that um but it's like the example of me going to turkey okay and like i've literally read on the turkish government website already you can't dive on your own because people are taking artifacts um but it's interesting because it you know it's like what you're talking about when when when the vapor cannot be it so the vapor canopy contains so much water and the water's going to leave our oceans and go up to that and it goes back to same around the same around the caribbean as well and i think there's a lot of underground antiquity um or today it's got a great channel he's really really good so it's killing what did you say antiquatech well in the in the caribbean antiquated huh let me write that one down did did you you must know that word and tick would take is not a word that i have ever used or heard let me write it yeah i think i think john levi mentions i think i'm not sure but um but it's like what you're talking about we're likely to think about turkey with all these ruins on this evening i wrote that down yeah i wrote that down like that i don't want to steal it from anybody either to take it use it sell it take it chase um but yeah but just my point about turkey and how there's so many there's so much civilization on the sea floor you know what does that tell you is it's obvious that the oceans were empty yeah well when you say sea floor the comedy the common image that appears in people's mind is they see this vast ocean and sea basin but that's not the truth we have just like there are different elevations on every continent in our way in our world there's also different depths there's plateaus and escarpments and mountain ranges and valleys so underwater civilizations in cities are not a surprise to me that so many of them have been drowned out because in that single year of the of the day the sky fell which we know of is the great flood uh the appearance of the sun the collapse of the vapor canopy when that happened i can imagine how many coastal cities of the world just vanished in that one day because because when the when when the vapor canopy collapsed all the ocean levels went up not only the ocean levels went up but but the polar extremities frozen and now they're pop two miles highest excuse me snow and ice so uh or the north pole whatever whatever your model is i mean i don't believe i personally don't believe that we will ever have a reconciliation between flat earthers and and those who believe in the heliocentric globe model i can't this is why i can't call myself either one yeah i'm the same yeah i look at you and say hey man i believe that we're on a planet going through the i don't i don't i can't say i'm a flat earther because you attach so many stigma and other other concepts to flat earth and i can't agree with that either so it's like what max says um yeah it's like what max is about it doesn't no no nobody knows the truth and that that's a bloody truth you know and what what does it actually where we are right now in the world what does it actually matter um we all want the same thing you know i'm trying to bring communities in the uk together to different groups um etc etc but yeah okay carry on jason sorry but yeah it's interesting i just don't believe there's ever going to be a reconciliation between the two it's all it's always going to be a matter of division and so that's why i don't really like the entertainment i really don't like to entertain it at all it's just uh it's it's it's sad really it's sad both groups will always be able to produce evidence and proofs that they are right because things are a matter of perspective but because i believe that we're 100 within a simulated context i can agree that we live in a flat plain i can i can agree with my flat earth brothers 100 hey man you know what i have read synthetic astronomy i have read gleason i have read dubai and i have watched a few very convincing youtube videos and i just can't get past the lasers going over 25 miles of of water flight i can't get over because i know a laser has to be straight yeah so so i can't get past that i can't get past the flat plane videos also all the evidence of all the videos of the moonwalk showing bubbles in the background that all this was filmed underwater i mean i can't get past all that so i agree okay we're living on a flat plane i get that so but what i get tripped up is is i have a pretty good camera and i know i've taken pictures and shown them on my channel now flat earthers don't accept my evidence and i get that you you can't if you're going to continue to maintain your position but my photos have convinced me we're in a simulation because if i'm on a flat plane and the sun is so far away there's no way that early in the morning i should get up at 7 15 a.m put my camera on my tripod and take pictures of of sunlight being reflected off the bottom of clouds before the sun even comes over the horizon on a flat plain i should never see that now i'm told that it's a matter of perspective but that can't be true because no perspective in the world would put that sun underneath those clouds no matter how far the sun is away it should be above those clouds but it's not early in the morning sunlight can be photographed before the sun even appears reflecting right off the bottom of clouds in the evening time i get even more beautiful pictures showing sunlight illuminating the bottom of clouds you can see valleys in the clouds where the light can't touch but where the light's touching the clouds you see it it tells me the sunlight is is hitting the bottom of the clouds but it's not because the sun is so far away because no matter how far away if we're on a flat plane the sun would still be at the same elevation so i agree with the flat earthers we're on a flat plain but i have to but i cannot i cannot accept the visual evidence of what i'm seeing unless it's coming from a simulated context meaning this simulation that we're in right now is absolutely so perfect that it can modify optical phenomena from my perspective and make me believe i'm looking at curvature when there's no curvature there it's making me see that so i cannot argue against flat earthers until you're dead wrong because what i am seeing is for me this is an egocentric universe it's called jason brashears and if i if i if i'm john levy then he's living in an egocentric universe it's called john levy you understand yeah i like john levy i really do i've already watched several of his videos i didn't bounce messages but it's uh what i'm saying is is every single one of us is a singularity of perspective and we're going to interpret phenomena in this beautiful samilochrom that we live in is going to feed us the very things it needs to feed us to perpetuate the fiction of where we are now this is a this is this is why i can't that's why i won't have a flat earth debate this is why i won't have a flat earth a pro flat earth video i won't there's no reason it's too technical yes it's just too toxic it's just it it's when you're coming from a simulated context and i have to because i have hundreds of videos that document things that could never be real in a newtonian universe they could never be real outside the fact that we're in a mathematical construct none of the doc documentation that i have for archaics can be true if the world is truly a physical solid object and events are not scripted it can't be chosen to mathematically perfect so if if history can be seen mathematically if you can predict events if you can do all this then optically it can also be manipulated as well so there's no reason to engage in the controversy there's no reason there's no reason to even argue about the nature of the world anymore because it's it's it's just a dead end it's all it is it's like some it's like some of the glitches we see in this in this reality um the one like you see a bird like just in the air like it's flying but it's just just flying it's stopped uh i've seen the two people others person on a bicycle through china somewhere but there's no bicycle but they're moving like i saw that that video was so weird hey that video is a security camera that's looking over the front of a vendor's street i saw that video and it shows a guy and a child on a two-seater bicycle in china and they're just going by and it even shows their shadows from the sunlight it's nuts it's not yes but the bicycle was edited out there's there's just two people floating through yes i saw that video that is so like i said i cannot accept optics i can't yeah i can't accept optics as proof of a paradigm i can't do it but i can i can watch something like that it's like man that's really interesting that's that's interesting i i can agree that that's possible yeah but i can't just like the fact that i can't you already know it's a fundamental tenet of my research i will never tell you a fact that was taken from the internet if i can't show original book of sorts i'm not saying all the books are right i'm just saying that i have no faith in the internet so yeah for sure it's like what you talked about we'll we'll probably finish up soon because then i've got work uh early in the morning as well but yeah it's been really fun tonight as well we yeah one thing i need to do one thing i need to do i'm gonna change up the title to this video and release it on my channel but i'm also gonna edit in these these books that we talked about so everybody can see them but because because we went in we went all we went to four places we talked about going yeah yeah we we i was going to say we should actually tell you what because i i work 12 hours a day i've been researching like crazy the last few days on king arthur britain merlin etc um but we we should still do it more in depth um let me do some more research on britain and england and then we can come back and do another one for wanna sure gonna leave i'm gonna leave the whole king arthur and um yeah we will leave that yeah i don't know what i'm saying i'm gonna leave it alone i'm gonna let you research it and i'm gonna look at some stuff too because i believe i have some notes on all that because i believe we can fill an entire video up with just that little period because that period was 5 32 a.d from 5 32 a.d to 550 was the king arthur merlin period and i believe that we can fill that up because there's an awesome phoenix episode that happened at that time that's all that's subject matter for let's do that our next video let's just do king arthur there's not too many people through king arthur videos but i can actually tie in king arthur to a phoenix episode yeah i'm just going to share my screen just to finish it it's only a seven second clip but it's from i think i told you before if you've not watched the movie king arthur um king arthur legend of the sword i'll just play a little bit of it so we don't get copyrighted it's anything i've ever it's really good um i'll just show you now okay it's good it's um can you see the screen yes i can yeah it's like a i'll plow player here we go so it's an example of so in this movie it's fascinating because the the the amount so king arthur when he's learning after he pulls this the after he pulls excalibur from the stone um he goes into this place called the dark clans and may honestly huge serpents huge bats huge rats and he gets beaten to crap yeah it's really really interesting movie um made in 2017 so anyway thanks for watching guys thanks um give us give a chance sub as well if you can because i'm sort of trying to grow my channel but it's very very slow anyway but yeah it's been great jason thank you very much right all righty man girl it's a real pleasure have fun have a good day mate and we'll chat soon okay all right go check it out in both the description box and the comments section below you will find my personal email ask me any questions you have video ideas i'd like to hear them and if you want to donate all those buttons are accessible below playlists and everything you might need access to the gates to my website